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The Emblem of Ea makes use of a number of in house items and custom materials to help provide a certain flavor and theme to our world. The below lists those items and the house rules for them.
The Emblem of Ea makes use of a number of in house items and custom materials to help provide a certain flavor and theme to our world. The below lists those items and the house rules for them.
=General Use Items=
The following custom items may be purchased as adventuring gear. For weapons, see [[Equipment]].
'''Clockwork Chess Set:'''
Combining the intricate mechanisms of calculating engines and the torso and arms of a clockwork soldier, this device entertains kings and sharpens the wits of scholars. It is a mechanism capable of playing a single game – most commonly chess hence the name, but any game which can be played from a seated position without a need for physical speed can be programmed into one of these devices. The device can see the board (or cards or whatever) with crystalline eyes, and can manipulate the pieces with delicate metallic hands. It can synthesize a small number of important words such as ‘Check’ or ‘Call’ but no more then eight such words. It runs for one hour on a pound of coal. The mechanism is extremely delicate; while it has a hardness of 7 and 10 hit points, a single point of damage that penetrates the hardness reduces the skill of the machine by 5 and a second point renders it incapable of playing until it is repaired. The cost of the device is 1000 gp plus 150 gp per skill rank. Thus a device that plays chess at skill of 15 costs 2,250 gold.
'''Defensible Parasol'''
Created originally as a security measure for Myrrish nobility, the Defensible Parasol is an uncommon but useful device mostly seen among ladies (or sometimes gentlemen) of refinement or technological leanings. The parasol is made of handsome hardwood with reinforced iron ribs, and its canopy is constructed of dyed, weatherproofed canvas; not only can it keep up to three people from the rain and sunlight, its reinforced construction allows it to also serve as a buckler for purposes of defense when unfurled. The parasol also has a retractable spike in its shaft that projects out of the end of the shaft - it can serve as a shortspear in this case. It cannot protect and be used as a spear at the same time, however; the parasol must be furled for the spear to function, and vice versa.
Size: Medium.
Cost: 150gp.
Weight: 3lbs.
'''Dwarven Breaching Engine'''
A common tool in Khazad Duin, the Breaching Engine from Ironhold's foundries is a masterful means of clearing rock and - in some cases - laying siege. Heavy steam pressure propels this device's heavy hammer foreword with frightening strength, dealing damage to obstructions and ignoring hardness up to 8. Stone is the most commonly affected material, as the Breaching Engine was designed to batter through rock walls to get to veins of precious metals and trapped miners on occasion. It can be employed as a weapon, but requires a full round to charge and the feat Weapon Proficiency: Exotic (Breaching Engine).
Size: Large
Cost: 400gp
Damage: 3d8
Critical: 20/x3
Range Increment: -
Weight: 40lbs.
Type: Bludgeoning
''Dwarven Pullygun''
From the halls of Ironhold in Khazad Duin comes the Dwarven Pulleygun. This pulley gun makes scaling walls or moving heavy loads across chasms a breeze. A blast of steam propels a thick metal spike up to 50 feet through the air and deep into any surface up to hardness of 8. The force of impact compresses the spike causes it to dig into the surface and secure itself. An instant after the spike, a second blast of steam shoots a pulley and rope attachment from a second barrel, which locks onto the spike. Once secure, one hundred feet of spidersilk rope can be used to move up to 800 lbs of weight. Resetting the gun after it's fired takes four minutes. Using the pulley gun requires a DC 20 Use Tech Device skill. If fired at someone as a weapon, it is considered an exotic weapon with a range of fifty feet for 3d6 piercing damage.
Size: Small
Cost: 225 gp
Weight: 8 lbs
'''Gnomish Gyroparasol'''
The gnomish entry into the Steamtech race comes straight from Clockwork Point. This umbrella can protect up to 3 medium sized characters from rain and harsh sunlight. Its cunningly shaped panels also spin when a strong wind rushes through them while a gyroscopic stabilizer keeps the umbrella steady in its users hand. This improvement keeps the parasol from being blown away but also can slow the fall of 600 lbs of weight, preventing the first 3d6 points of damage suffered from falling.
Size: Medium
Cost: 150 gp
Weight: 2 lbs
'''Goblin Army Knife'''
It's not stylish but it gets the job done. The Goblin Army Knife is a tool of all trades. I saws, digs trenches, lights fires, hammers nails, polishes and oils armor, makes duck calls, sews clothing and even has
twenty five feet of spidersilk rope in it with a test weight of 100 lbs. It's a fishing rod, a 1 person canvas tent and it only weighs four pounds. Operating each function due to the system of levers, takes three rounds
but no skill check is required.
Size: Small
Cost: 50 gp
Weight: 4 lbs
'''Goblin Catapult'''
Developed originally for specific elements of the Grimdiddle goblin clan by the Kurba brothers of Arngrun, this catapult is a weird, effective, but sometimes very dangerous foray into the realm of portable bombardment. The catapult is a device that is worn on the back, with a powerful spring-loaded arm that is drawn back by a crank on its side; one simply need load a or small-sized grenade weapon (a flask of acid, alchemist's fire, holy water, or the like) into the arm's basket, range to target, and release! Accuracy is somewhat spotty, however - a user takes an automatic -1 penalty to hit when using the device, but the ability to strike at long range generally offsets this. On a natural 1, however, the DM must roll 1d8 to determine if a serious malfunction has occured; a roll of 1 or 2 indicates the launched missile is woefully short and hits the catapult's wearer instead!
Size: Medium
Cost: 200gp
Damage: as per missile
Critical: -
Range Increment: 125 ft.
Weight: 20lbs.
Type: as per missile
'''Spider Silk Rope'''
This rope is even sturdier and more lightweight then silk rope. It has 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 strength check. Its tacky but supple texture adds a +4 circumstance bonus to Use Rope checks.
Size: -
Cost: 25gp/50 ft
Weight: 3 lbs
'''Splundar's Patented Portentious Pyrotechnics (signal rockets)'''
Another interesting gnomish invention, Splunder's Patented Portentious Pyrotechnics combine dwarven gunpowder with exquisite elven dyes to produce a brilliant means of making signals at night. Each of the Pyrotechnics comes in the form of a small rocket, about the size of a torch; one need only place the rocket on the ground under open sky, light its fuse, and stand back; the rocket will launch, and explode (three rounds later, once its propellant has cooked) into a brilliant burst of colored light visible for up to ten miles. It is possible to use the Pyrotechnics as an impromptu dazzling device; one needs to hold the rocket by its launch peg and light it, pointing it toward a target - the resulting fire and smoke deals 1d4 fire damage to the wielder. On a direct hit from a ranged attack the rocket strikes the target, and explodes in a brilliant shower of colored light; this deals 1d6 fire damage to the target and fills a 30' area with a light - all within the area of effect must make a Will save (DC 18) or be blinded for 1d6 rounds. Splundar's Patented Portentious Pyrotechnics come in a variety of colors.
Size: Small
Cost: 100gp
Damage: 1d6 (1d4 to wielder if used as a weapon)
Critical: -
Range Increment: 100ft.
Weight: 2lbs.
Type: Fire
A product of artifice, the Thanatopticon is a hand-held device which is a sort of portable 'autopsy engine'. Used properly, the rays produced by the Thanatopticon can determine the state of a person (live, dead, or cataleptic) and their state of health as if using the Deathwatch spell. The Thanatopticon can assist in determining the appropriate course of treating an injury, giving the user a +3 bonus to Heal checks - this bonus also applies to Heal checks geared toward determining cause of death in a subject as well.
Size: Small
Cost: 300gp

Revision as of 01:06, 16 February 2010

The Emblem of Ea makes use of a number of in house items and custom materials to help provide a certain flavor and theme to our world. The below lists those items and the house rules for them.


Custom spells will go here.