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With the abrupt intermission Shizin turns from those at either side and in a high clear voice begins to sing. The dull murmur is nothing to the surprising soprano that breaks through it, and the elf turns this break into a chance to honor the creature that won this day.
With the abrupt intermission Shizin turns from those at either side and in a high clear voice begins to sing. The dull murmur is nothing to the surprising soprano that breaks through it, and the elf turns this break into a chance to honor the creature that won this day.
The knight, the Otyguh’s honor,
The knight, the Otyguh’s honor,
Bade him fight the men of I
Bade him fight the men of I
This skill’d beast of deeps,
This skill’d beast of deeps,
Against mortal men who lie -
Against mortal men who lie -
Now upon the floor defeated!
Now upon the floor defeated!
Not for long these men of I
Not for long these men of I
Who the creature did fight
Who the creature did fight
And try to win this day
And try to win this day
Beneath our sky so bright -
Beneath our sky so bright -
Now upon the floor defeated!
Now upon the floor defeated!
Brave knight, brave men,
Brave knight, brave men,
Have now at last have beat I,
Have now at last have beat I,
Defeated! Defeated!
Defeated! Defeated!
Munch buzzes in amusement, and applauds at the song's end.
Munch buzzes in amusement, and applauds at the song's end.

Revision as of 05:45, 31 May 2018

It may not be the Tournament Paramount but it's close enough for today.

Arranged by an enterprising gobber, the Summer Fights, so he's called them, is going to be a series of exhibition matches between trained warriors, creatures, some wizardry and even some jousts. While he assures that the outcomes of the matches are 'legitimate', one gets the distinct impression that this is more 'for fun' than the most serious declaration of martial skill.

Colorfully garbed workers are busily preparing the festival grounds, ensuring that covered cages for the 'creatures' are in position, that the crowd is properly seated and more.

Munch is really more a do-er than an observer, but having been assured several times that no, he can't join in, the metal man has settled down to watch the fights scheduled to take place.

Amythyst walks her way into the grounds and chuckles as the gobber announces the series of exhibition matches. "So glad I'm not part of them. wow. I'd get smeared on the floor."

Morgan comes walking from the north in her hands is a bag of sweets of different flavor. She only gives the cages a side glance but moves for a good seat to watch the show.

Ga'Elian glances at the main show, but seems more interested in watching the audience... or maybe he's looking for someone specific?

Like the others Shizin is somewhat eager for the festivities. There was no way of knowing who might emerge the victor or how. Or what stories might arise from this day. The din of the crowd makes music nearly impossible, but the hum of them is like a music of a sort. One that makes the heart beat faster, more so even than all of these people. Spying Ga'Elian the dawn elf lifts a hand and motions the other to join. There is some space left beside the bard after all. Scant though room in this place is.

Taking in the sights, Gull continues his tour of his new city with some bloodsport. A seagull hops alongside the strangely dressed half-elf, more interested in discarded concessions than in the fight du jour. The man eyes the cages interestedly, seemingly debating sneaking up for a closer look.

Ga'Elian notices Shizin's beckoning gesture, and disappears into the crowd... reappearing as if by magic at the Llyranesi bard's side a few moments later. He says, "Hi. Big crowd, eh?" <sildanyari>

A goblin in leather armor and bearing a two-handed sword wanders into the festival grounds, and pauses near the middle of it all to take an extended look at it all. She ends up climbing one of the bleachers, standing at the highest point and gawking for some time. Then someone walks by selling essentially meat on a stick, and Murder chases him down, yelling noisily at him. "FOUR PLEASE! NO NOT THE RAT, THE MUTTON!" Garak was greatly interested when he heard tales of jousting. He stands at first at the edge of the grounds to look about, then climbs up the first row on the bleachers, for a bit of height for a better view.

The crowd is continuing to swell as every day citizens take their places in the stands. The smell of baked, fried and other forms of food begins to hang over the grounds. Plenty of snacks are being prepared.

Astaren offers a yawn as he makes his way around, "I wonder if the wizard battles will be even on half the level as Rune." mostly to himself. Glancing to the goblin he shakes his head then goes back to wandering around.

The dawn elf smiles gently, soft and it takes a moment for Shizin to finally reply. "It is /loud/." The soft stress of the words makes the blue-haired elf flush lightly, as do the words themselves. The large crowd has made this normally shy individual more so. <sildanyari>

Morgan looks to a young man sitting next to her and she asks "I will save your seat and I will give you enough to buy us some of that lamb chunks in the... oh its called a Gyro will buy me one and buy what ever you want for your self." she hands him some coins and happily he runs off... will he return who knows.

Gull, hearing a mention of Rune, turns towards Astaren, considering a moment before approaching. "Ah, nice day out, hmm?" He extends a hand. "I hope you don't mind my rudely introducing myself. I am new to the city, and don't yet know many people. My name is Gull, of Seagarden."

"Two rat-sticks, over here!" Munch calls to the vendor, offering coin for the tidbits. The meat is consumed swiftly enough, but the golem takes his time in devouring the marinated and roasted wood.

Astaren glances to Gull and nods, offering a half bow, "Astaren, from Rune. Nice to meet you, Gull of Seagarden." then glances to the games, "Here for the entertainment?"

Ga'Elian laughs and says to Shizin, "You're a performer, my friend. How can you be shy?" Just then, one of the show combattants scores an impressive blow, and the audience collectively gasps, then "Ooh!"s.

The crowds part as a large human walks into the festival grounds. He carries a large satchel upon his back and his cloak is coated in road-dust. The sounds of the crowd ebb and flow but the human's pace is implacable, if weary. He all-but-marches to a set of stands and lays his satchel down on the ground. Twisting his arm in a broad circle, the meaty pop of the shoulder joint causes a loud sigh of released tension. Urso sits himself in a seat lower in the stands and props his feet up on the seat in front of him. He reaches into the satchel and grabs something out, relooping the flap of the satchel before leaning back and taking a bite from whatever he took from his pack.

Shizin laughs in surprise at the question surprised but pleased. The sound is soft, but not lost as the crowd eases back down. "Were I performing..." The bard trails off meaningfully. It is one thing to perform while lost amid the pull of music, but another to be among so many people like this. Blue eyes watch the combat and finally; boldly Shizin admits. "Finding my own words is harder."

Gull gently lowers his extended hand, affecting a need to brush some dirt from his thigh. "Ah, well. When in a new place, it's good to find the lay of the land." He glances around at the diverse crowd. "I've really come to discover the world, but also...from Rune? A wizard, then? Or...spellcaster?" The shaman coughs lightly, as a seagull hops closer to him.

Amythyst says, "This'll be interesting. Especially if it's a exhibition like he said." She says as she sits in the stands....."

The pitter-patter-click-clack of little clawed feet give Urso some advanced knowledge of Murder's impending arrival. The loud voice calling out, "URSO!", is another hint, done from only a few steps away. Then she steps over his leg and settles herself down upon it, holding up three large wooden spears bearing well cooked chunks of mutton. A fourth spear is empty, bearing some sauce and marks that look suspiciously like teeth marks. "Would you like some mutton?", the Gobber asks sweetly, her smile wide and full of many teeth. The telltale smear of sauce around her lips is proof of the fourth chunk of mutton's final moments.

A tournament! How new and exciting for a cleric who has only recently arrived in the city. Vaalyun lingers on the edge of the crowd for a few moments to get his bearings, then plasters on a smile and advances into the maelstrom. Now, which way to the fighting.

Ga'Elian just shakes his head, smirking and rolling his eyes. After a brief pause he asks Shizin, "Do you have a wager on either of them?"

The weary smile that comes to Urso's face when Murder arrives on scene and promptly offers him food is almost heartbreaking to see. This man has put in some miles, and his face shows it. He takes one of the proffered spears of mutton from Murder and his soft deep voice is difficult to hear over the jack-daw chatter of the crowds, "Thank you for the food miss Murder, your generosity is a blessing to me." he looks around and silently watches the crowds as the tournament begins to wind up. "It looks as if I came at a good time."

Astaren glances go Gull, and offers a knowing smile, "Take your pick, often one is not wrong when guessing of somebody from Rune." glancing to the latest display thoughtfully. "You, are a bit harder to pin down, but I have a few guesses. Lay of the land, going to be around for a bit?

Shizin arches one dark-dyed eyebrow and shakes midnight blue hair no. Then leans closer to Ga'Elian. "You?" The crowd is getting louder again, clearly excited and it is almost difficult to hear Shizin's soft replies.

Gull nods to Astaren. "Plan to. Looking for some company, though. In Seagarden, I came from a coven. I'm used to working with like minds. Just looking for somewhere to belong, hmm?" He winces as a fighter lands a blow. "Signed up for the Adventurer's Guild, but that's a far cry from a group of scholars."

Murder is distracted by the crowds a moment, but looks back to the large man and smiles, her green cheeks tinging the slightest of pinks. She pulls in her legs to sit cross-legged on the man's knee. "It is a thank you for the generosity you have given me, Sir Knight. And truth be told I worry at times you are not eating enough to keep up your bulk." The little green woman leans forward to pat the man's epic expanse of a chest.

"You need someone to look after you, and in the absence of a Mrs. Urso in your life, it falls upon me. So eat up! We can get some ale later, yes?" Murder grins toothily once more and nods to Urso. "People are going to beat on each other in the name of brotherhood and fun! Who isn't excited by that?" The slightly odd look on her face speaks of a little .. distaste in such an idea. But her grin returns and she BITES eagerily into the next mutton chunk.

Ga'Elian nods and says, "No. I have no wagers." A concession vendor walks past calling out to offer Golden Cookies, soft gooey and freshly baked. The same vendor also has a rope hanging from her shoulder on which a variety of plushie heroes are clipped. Ga'Elian whistles to get her attention, then hands over some coins for a particular plushie that has long waggly ears and says "Pew, pew, pew!" when you pull the cord.

That could be a plushie of anyone, really.

Astaren glances back to Gull his expression turning thoughtful as he raises his eyebrows, "Is that so? Try the arcanist guild, if you are scholarly and perhaps magically inclined." then looks back towards the entertainment still thinking.

Urso nods to Murder's words as he nibbles at the mutton on the spear. He chews thoughtfully for a time as if savoring the meat. Finally he takes a bite of what turns out to be hard-tack that has been softened in a damp cloth. After a while he says, "I suppose it might be so. I have been away from the city for a time. Word came from my uncle's farm and they needed me." his face hardens slightly as he looks out over the arena and thinks whatever long thoughts are haunting him. His profile does indeed look leaner, as if he's gone for some time on short rations. He finally shakes himself out of it and looks to Murder and says, "So miss, what have you been keeping yourself up to?" he shifts a bit to a more comfortable position so that his knee isn't under too much pressure. As she answers, he takes another bite of the mutton, savoring the fatty juices and heady aromatics of the rosemary and sage rubbed into the meat.

Morgan eats her food enjoying it as she looks around to see if she spots any one she knows.

Among the crowds wonders a cloaked figure. One that keeps to the edges of things for the most part. Lorik still isn't sure of all these /crowds/. There are just so many places for someone to sneak up behind you and do something horribly untoward in a crowd. It’s not a great place! Well not when you're not used to it.

But he is also curious. He's never really seen a festival like this. Its different than the rustic one that he participated in earlier. Different that the most structured things that are back in his homeland. So he wonders, though he /also/ hungers.

...and the mutton smells good.

So he wonders in that direction. Of a expansive knight and a cheerful goblin and their food.

There are several long moments of silence while Shizin observes the toy. The dawn elf begins to comment, or perhaps question the purchase with interest several times. Each time failing to come up with the proper words. During this time the vendor wanders off again with nothing else sold. Finally Shizin pokes the stuffed toy. "What is it?"

The food, in all its variety, actually isn't all that bad. There's a lot of it floating around the crowds and people delivering it and more.

The colorfully dressed Goblin, in bright reds and purples, steps up to the middle of the Festival Grounds.

His voice enhanced with magic, he begins to speak.

"Welcome, everyone, to our Summer Games! Tonight, you'll be faced with people who want nothing more than to provide enjoyment and relaxation! We'll be starting with an impressive display of martial prowess! Tonight, two great warriors will throw their hats into our rings! Malmin the DESTROYER versus Shornar Heavy Hands!"

Two men emerge onto the festival grounds. And, well...

One is a giant born dressed in next to nothing so he can show off how overly muscled he is. The other is a human and though thickly muscled is nowhere near as impressive to look at as the giant-blood.

In either case, they're heading for the arranged exhibition match area and, after a handshake, immediately launch into a hand to hand sparring match.

Gull shrugs, and grins. The seagull that's been following him flaps its way up to his shoulder. "Yes, Agewe. Very full," he says quietly and happily to the bird. Turning back to Astaren "Sounds exactly like what I need, hmm? Give a newcomer directions to the guildhall, maybe?" He turns to the match now beginning.

Munch watches with idle interest. Sparring and fist fights are okay, and all, but it's hard to really focus if there's no real chance of decapitation.

Murder waves that food around, too. One spear of mutton she gnaws at in between sentences and words, the other is just ... gesticulating. "Is your family alright, Urso?", she wonders, her facial expression now one of deep concern. "I mean, I don't think you'd return if they were still in imminent danger, but your expression tells me that there is still work to be done. Do you need another pair of hands?" The gobbers expression turns wistful, "Even if they are a really tiny pair of hands?" Murder's head turns suddenly as the announcements are made. "Malmin the DESTROYER!!!", she calls out, "More like Malmin the SNORER! Go HANDS!"

Astaren glances to the Seagull, "A familiar, wizard then? Witch perhaps, a few options there." reaching into his haver sack, "Let me see here..." pausing as he looks towards the match, and smirks a moment, "Of course, something like that." Then clearly not having any interest he goes back to writing, "What is your area of study?"

Amythyst says, "SLAP 'IM!" She says with a laugh. She can't help but chuckle at the pair of contenders. "Clearly this is meant for entertainment rather than an actual fight....""

For what it's worth, they do seem to be actually fighting! It's not as much a mismatch as it appears. While both of them are talented warriors engaged in an exhibition match that they're not going all out in, it's not like they aren't /trying/. They just don't want to kill each other.

Heavy Hands is actually doing pretty well for facing someone with such a reach advantage!

Briefly pumping his fist at the match, Gull shakes his head. "A witch, yet. Or so my coven names me. There were wizards among them, too, but I draw my powers from communion with the spirits, though I study as hard as any of the wizards." His seagull takes wing, Gull sparing a slightly bemused glance. "I haven't specialized much, though my elders in Seagarden felt my enchantment is my strongest hand. And you? What do you study?"

The big man shakes his head and says, "No, my cousin's daughter died a-bed. The sleeping death that happens betimes to infants. She's been driven mad by the thing. She swore there was some sort of evil spirits involved and my uncle sent for me." he shakes his head, "Madness is not something the church can cure, with all its power and might. My cousin still raves to this day." he glances at Murder and says, "I did not find anything in my investigations, though I went over every inch of the farm at least a dozen times. There is nothing to find," he shrugs a shoulder. Taking a bite of the mutton, Urso chews, the muscles and tendons in his jaw flexing and working cause ripples in his now matted and dusty beard. He shakes his head, "I couldn't leave her like that, so I stayed a while until the family could adjust to the new routine." he leaves unsaid the worries and fears that the 'new' routine may become permanent. He only glances at the combatants a couple of times, knowing that the promoter will be holding his best events for later in the festival. For now the warm up act serves to stir the crowds to drown out many of his words, though the basic gist likely gets through.

"Is it you?" Bemused Shizin touches the little toy more reverently, and then lets out another twinkling laugh. It is clear that the dawn elf has not seen many toys, much less those made to look like people.

Ga'Elian scrunches up his face. "Yeah. That's what it's supposed to be." He looks down at the fight and says, "I wonder how I'd do against that big one."

Astaren scowls for a moment, "Blast, but as well." glancing back to the fight, "Some monk training I suspect, maybe devot level." shaking his head and continues writing, "The guild directions are here, along with directions to a spider farm run by Alba. She is a skilled witch, and can probably give you better direction on things here then I can. She is... eccentric." he offers with a mischievous smile, "Watch out for hair." handing over the letter he then goes back to watching the fight.

Stjepan heard there were exhibition matches -- so naturally, he's here! He towers over the crowd, using his height to his advantage, plotting a course through the people with a minimum of disruption. He buys a couple of meat skewers -- goat, slathered with some spicy sauce that tinges his fingers yellow. He watches the fighting with a trained eye, edging ever closer to the action.

The elf with midnight-blue hair turns back toward the fight. It has become quite a contest, even if they clearly are not putting forth their best efforts. Shizin lets out a soft sigh that sounds like regret and disappointment. "Well." There is no doubt in the soft statement. "Against anyone that cares so little." It is the longest statement which Shizin has spoken to Ga'Elian in the time they have known one another.

The little Gobber leans in, her ears perked up to listen to the big man. "Perhaps I might help with a different perspective? See something that tall folks might miss?" Her face grows sorrowful as the man continues, and she shakes her head. "That is sad news indeed, Urso. Please offer my sympathies to her, if you cannot bring me there personally? The sleeping death is ... well known amongst the goblins." The wee woman pauses in speaking to look over her shoulder at how the match is progressing, and takes another huge bite from the mutton chunk. She shifts on the man's leg, turning to rest her feet on his otner knee, spreading her small mass out a bit more evenly. "Yes, bring me along, Urso. I'll sniff out the evil if it's there to be sniffed out."

Morgan tired of the fight as she seen great fighters while on adventures do great thing. As she wanders she hears Astaren talk about witches and magic, she stops close to listen.

Gull takes the page from Astareth with a light bow. "Ah, thank you kindly. I knew another witch whose hair...posed some problems, if he wasn't careful, so I suspect I know what you mean. Does a spider farm sell spidersilk?" He glances at the woman moving closer to the conversation, but makes no comment on her presence. "I suppose such would be useful." He laughs at a moderately acrobatic dodge, showing more life than any of the offensives have shown.

Garak glances back at various conversations going on in the bleachers, especially at bits that pique his interest like 'spider farm' and 'known amongst the goblins'. But most of his attention is on the fight, which he watches with professional interest.

Astaren nods slowly, "Perhaps, most like watch out so you don't get tossed around with it." grinning a moment and then glances to Morgan, "Hello there, this fight not your style I take it?" Motioning over, "Join us, more the merrier."

Morgan smiles as she is called on "I dont care for stuff like this, I see enough of it when I go on guild stuff. But I did hear magic talk and that is something I can spend all day on."

Gull cocks his head slightly. "Well, I was more looking for a place to have magic talk, and a festival seems a slightly odd place for it, but who am I to ignore an opportunity for what I was seeking? I am Gull, of Seagarden. This is Astareth, of Rune. And you are?" He smiles and extends a hand.

Astaren holds up a hand, "Astaren, not Astraewhatever." shaking his head, "Magic is always a topic of passion for me, but understand the martial ways and other ways of combat and life can be insightful. When you have seen a monk bash open a door with nothing but his head, or a rogue step through shadows to stab an enemy in the back, you understand that you know little." watching the fight thoughtfully.

Murder immediately offers up her last spear of mutton. "Have another.", she says cheerfully, but soon frowns. "It really isn't fair that Daeus wears you down like this, Urso. I've a mind to go and tell him so, too." She taps one of her feet upon his knee. "Tell me where they live and I can go and see, hmm?" The Gobber nods then at the mention of ale. Bouncing off of his knee, she grins and speaks excitedly. "OkaycomeandfindmeattheOXlateryes? I've gotta go!" She leaves the mutton in his care and runs off into the crowd.

Morgan gives a polite nod "Morgan Ulbel, I am a second circle caster of the universal school. I am also a enchanter of wonders items." she motions to her cloak and headband.

Gull nods at Astaren. "It's good to be part of a community. Working alone, not being able to draw on each other's strengths, well. There's often an easier way to do something than magic, if you're careful." He glances at Morgan's cloak and headband. "Well, a pleasure to be acquainted, Morgan Ulbel. Unfortunately, I must head on, now. I wanted to look in on the festival, but I have another appointment I need to attend to."

The heavy handed and the giantborn continue their extravagant display of physical prowess! Eventually, heavy hands manages to hop onto the back of the giant and get him in a sleeper hold. This will totally work!

Right until he simply drops onto his back, crushing poor heavy hands beneath him.

There is some slapping on the side to let him know, yep, he's totally done.

They both stand up, exchanging hearty laughs before moving. The goblin returns, "WHAT A DISPLAY!"

It was actually not terrible!

"Next up, we'll have Sir BLARGHUN versus THE MIGHTY EYES!"

The mighty eyes are actually 'Mighty Is', a pair of twins who emerge with their fancy looking (padded) spears to face someone who emerges from one of the cages, the cloth being removed to reveal a... armed and armored, sword and shield wielding...



Munch sits up a little. This might actaully be interesting.

Amythyst blinks and sits up. "Really? I wonder where they managed to bring this one up from." She says as she leans forward a little bit to look at the Otyguh. "Just hope it isn't there against it's will."

Though the previous match had been expectedly uninteresting, this one at least looked to be more so. Shizin sits forward, eyes on the unusual creature which did not usually wield such weapons. A soft hum emits from the dawn elf's lips in consideration of casting a small spell which might tell if there is magic going on here. Yet for now does not cast it.

Garak squints at the contestants. He adjusts his monocle and looks again. Then he puts a hand over his eyes. "The advancement of the goblinoid races...two paces ahead followed by one back."

Stjepan claps politely for the first display, then straightens up. "Oh, what could go wrong now?" He leans forwards, curious, casting a craning shadow. "I might learn something."

Astaren glances with sudden and much keener interest in Morgan, "Is that so?" tiling his head as he considers thoroughly, "You aware of the Progressive Arcanist Guild?" and pulling out another piece of paper, "Wonder items, good crafting to start with, oh spears and shields." Looking with only faint interest at the fight, "Where is the magic..." then looking back to Morgan.

Morgan nods "I know of them, and I have not had time to really check them out." But she seems lost on where the magic question but she says "Good day to you mister Gull." she also address the bird like its a normal person. She does note the new fight and really does not want to watch something like that.

"Sir Blarghun, the famed Otyugh Knight versus the I's!

And then it's on! The otyugh waves its 'swords' back and florth.


The twins have a look on their face that just screams 'how did we let ourselves get talked into this'. One can imagine the answer is simply 'gold' and they remember it quickly enough before they charge in.

"Kill kill we want blood!" "Kill kill we want blood!" "Kill kill we want blood!" Munch stops his chanting when he notices no one else is joining in.

Stjepan might be clapping along in a rhythm that's suspiciously like Munch's chanting, but he doesn't sing along.

Astaren sighs, "Was hoping for some magic fights or shows or something, oh well I suppose this isn't Rune after all." then glances back to Morgan, "If you are interested in the Arcanist Guild I can give you a letter of introduction. I wonder if Madam Gelfure would like you, might help me pay off my de... err I wonder if she will like you." coughing a moment and looking back to the fight.

At Stjepan's side Shizin is smiling a little, watching the Jotun clap in time to the chanting started by the golem not far from them. Idly tapping the rhythm with slender fingers touched with metal. It is a catchy rhythm if nothing else.

So many people eying Munch.

Hey, it's not true that he's the only, though! Some of the oruch are chanting along approvingly! Not enough blood!

Morgan shrugs "my girl friend says I am adoberal but I think she means that sarcastically, I never been good at picking up on things like that.'

Amythyst says, "Did you mean aborable?" She says to Morgan, but she looks back to the fight....and bonks Munch. "Not these fights."

Garak makes his way down the bleachers and begins to work his way around the edge of the grounds, soon disappearing among the crowds of people.

The two twins are desperately trying to evade the many tentacles of the otyugh because who wants to be grabbed by a stinkmonster? In any case, it's an ongoing effort right up until one of them gets smacked to the ground and whacked with a sword.

"I FINISH YOU," yells 'Sir Blarghun'. He may not be the real Sir Blarghun. Who knows?

Stjepan glances down, down towards Shizin. He murmurs, "I shouldn't clap along -- I don't want to scare people." He gestures towards the fight. "This is pretty educational, though."

Astaren raises his eyebrows at that, "Adorable, and probably sarcastically if you do not know for certain. My question is if you are talented, you see I am looking for an apprentice... for reasons." looking a bit pale at that. "Which is better than this shit fighting show." grinning at his own bad pun.

Shizin looks embarrassed as well, but is still tapping idly. It really was quite catchy. The dawn elf offers Stjepan a smile, and the look of one who is in cahoots with another. They were both doing it after all. "It is!" He sighs and looks a little embarrassed, tucking dark hair behind one pointed ear. "Who knew?" It was almost a whisper, but surprisingly easy to hear none the less. Shizin has a voice for singing, for carrying far distances even when quiet.

Morgan nods "Well what kind of talent are you looking for. But as for my drive I put in about 10 hours a day for my studies when I do not have to do odd jobs for day to day money."

Stjepan gestures, nodding. A broad grin stretches across his face - his broad face. "The tentacles are a technical challenge." A pause. "Worse if they're worried about getting dirty." His rumble is low, sonorous. Don't let a choir hear him.

Astaren hmmms a moment, then shrugs, "You said universalist, so wizard studies then. Just focus and determination. I have been tasked with training an apprentice, part of my punishment." grumbling as he rubs his head, "Though I suspect you will be far less annoying then Chip, if you are interested."

Morgan nods "sure and if you want a item enchanted or a book made I will only charge for cost for you."

Blue eyes meet Stjepan's. Shizin knows little practically speaking about the combat arts in truth. "Can they win?" The creature seems to have a clear advantage with its many limbs, but it is not two people.

Astaren blinks a moment, and lets out a laugh, "oh dear, no no there will be no need for that. Be sure to market your skills properly and all, but I can craft my own things. I am a crafter, of everything. Well except potions, I don't do potions."

Shizin's words are true enough, of course. Which is why even after the Otyugh declared one finished, he's getting tackled from the side and battered with the spear effectively.

Very effectively, actually.

"Ow, ow ow," whines the otyugh. Much of the audience finds this amusing

Morgan nods "that offer was for you, any one else will pay more then cost, but I am also a book binder, I made my own spell book."

Amythyst laughs at the Otyguh. "At least it's not being hurt that much."

Astaren pauses at that, then grins, "Most interesting, I am also a book keeper and binder. My father runs a book store in Rune, grew up around such things." then glances back to the fight and shaking his head, "I hope the poor creature is ok. Most Otyugh's are neutral creatures. City has a deal with a group, lets them live in the sewers and all, good arrangement really."

Morgan nods "I met some in the sewers a few times, they seem like a ok lot... but damn they smell."

"Swwep with the spear! Sweep! You've got reach and strength! You can do it!" Munch isn't cheering for the humans. It really shouldn't surprise anyone he's rooting for the other monster that eats almost anything.

Stjepan gestures. "Of course they can still win." A nod. "But nothing is certain, even still." He considers, then indicates Munch. "He's right, though, if the tentacles grab the spear, this will be an obsolete conversation pretty quickly."

The battle has clearly caught the dawn elf's imagination, and there are stanzas forming in the humming breaths between each moment. A song! It is being born in the tapping of fingers and this soft sound. Whichever way the battle goes, there is a song here and Shizin is making it. The moment that it breaks it will be done!

Astaren pulls out a book from his bag as he flips through a few pages, "Meh, this is so boring about ready to leave. Do come by the guild, and we can talk further and see how much interest you have. Get to know the place first, let us not be hasty now."

Morgan nods "please lead on." she fixes her normal haversack and waits for Astaren.

"Ow ow ow," yells Sir Blarghun the otyugh, flailing his many many limbs wildly as he is battered fiercely with the padded spear!

"Ow, ow," he yells more. "Ow!"

Then the 'I' is sent hurtling away with a flick of a tentacle, nose broken in a shower of blood. "Augh, my fuckin' nose," he manages to yell as he lays there.

Stjepan hides a chuckle behind one splayed hand. It's half politeness, half barely-hidden facepalm. "Imagine."

Stjepan hides a chuckle behind one splayed hand. It's half politeness, half barely-hidden facepalm. "Imagine."

Garak emerges from the other onlookers and returns to the bleachers, looking to see the progress of the fight. He hesitates at the sight. "I don't think either of these contenders will ever make it to the Colloseum," he mutters darkly.

The hum of another stanza is broken by the sight of the poor I with a broken nose. "Ahhh." It's a soft exhalation of commiseration. It looked painful. Shizin winces in sympathy.

In wanders Kaelyn! Ok so less wandering and more riding on the back of a small hand pulled wagon that's being pushed along by some rather steamy-tech looking rockets. She's got a big grin on her face, has rigged a steering wheel on the front and is wearing goggles as she zips down the street at some definitely unsafe speeds... Soon enough the rockets peter out and she slowly comes to a stop, before then kind of scooching in her seat to try and get the wagon to go faster...

She emits a disappointed huff and looks back at the rockets curiously, before she hops off the wagon... "You were supposed to go much longer..." She mutters, and fiddles with one of the rockets before suddenly being shrouded in smoke and steam from the rockets as they ignite again and the wagon goes blasting off at a 40 launch angle, going some where off over the horizon at rapid speed, leaving a long contrail behind it...

Kae blinkblinks and tugs her goggles off, her face covered in light soot save for where the goggles were as he puts her hands on her hips and huffs again "That wasn't supposed to happen..."

"...I believe Sir Blarghun, the Otyugh Knight, is the victor," yells the goblin with the bright clothes.


'Sir Blarghun' is lead away and the two twins are helped to their feet to take a bow.

Munch observes the fight with a content nod. "And that's why i never bothered to construct myself a nose. They break way too easy. Never saw a point to them anyway."

"I suppose that's true," Garak admits, even as he cranes his neck. Now that the fight is over he tries to locate the source of the commotion - caused by Kaelynn's wayward rockets.

Stjepan claps loudly for the competitors, "Bravo, Sir Blarghun!" A fist in the air. "Good job," to the twins. He's all in, cheering for the contestants.

Amythyst says, "Never had a doubt in my mind that the knight would win.""

Shizin is on foot with much of the crowd, clapping the winner. It was a totally unexpected victory. It seems wrong that the I's should take a bow when they had lost while the knight is led away from the cheers duly won. Later though... There would be a song about this victory, and Shizin means to sing it for all to hear so that they would know who had truly won this day. Perhaps in fact someone can be spoken to about it? The dawn elf looks around and then looks at Stjepan. "Pardon." There is a brief moment for the other to take note then, "The announcer is where?"

Around. Goblin's are sneaky like that.


There's a lot of sighs from the crowd. Otyughs might be a fact of city life but that doesn't mean anybody wants to see one. It's sort of like adventurers that way!

"Brief intermission, ladies and gentlemen, and then we'll be back with our next exhibition bout!"

Garak stands up and takes the opportunity to stretch his arms and back, even though he's only been seated for a short while. "What were the odds in that fight?" he glances around for betters.

Munch considers and shrugs. "I'd call it about even. Blargun was bigger and stronger, but outnumbered. Could have gone either way."

With the abrupt intermission Shizin turns from those at either side and in a high clear voice begins to sing. The dull murmur is nothing to the surprising soprano that breaks through it, and the elf turns this break into a chance to honor the creature that won this day.

The knight, the Otyguh’s honor,
Bade him fight the men of I
This skill’d beast of deeps, 
Against mortal men who lie -
Now upon the floor defeated!
Not for long these men of I
Who the creature did fight
And try to win this day
Beneath our sky so bright -
Now upon the floor defeated!
Brave knight, brave men,
Have now at last have beat I,
Defeated! Defeated!

Munch buzzes in amusement, and applauds at the song's end.

Kae blinks at all the goings on and peers curiously at it before making her way toward the whole shebang. Then she hears singing? She tilts her head and now picks up her pace, forgetting about the flying and probably now descending wagon that will probably end up smashed on someone's ceiling some where....

Kae glances around curiously and smiles a bit before hooking thumbs in her hip pockets.

-To be continued-