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==Legwork: What if I'm a Martial PC?==
==Legwork: But I'm Just Here to Hit Things!==
Martial PCs are made to do legwork! Consider these classic stories:
Martial PCs are made to do legwork! Consider these classic stories:

Revision as of 00:10, 10 January 2018


Legwork is similar to sitting down with your GM at tabletop and saying, "Those goblins were really suspicious. Can I find out more about that?" It is primarily a conversation with your GM. Maybe you'd like to...

  • Look into the bad guy's organization!
  • Follow-up on a rumor!
  • Gather information about that villain!
  • Let staff know what you’ll be doing in response to a situation and/or plot?

How do I do it?

Just type: +request/leg <title>=<stuff> where <stuff> includes:

1. What are you wanting to accomplish? This helps staff understand your goals, so open with this.
2. How is the PC trying to accomplish these goals? For example:
Example: Going to a tavern to encourage anti-Dranei sentiment
Example: Speaking with your contacts about the things they know about (see the influence and organization RPP spends!)
Example: Speaking with the tavern owner whose house was recently burned down.

Can I have an example?

===============================| View Job 63 |===============================
   Bucket: LEG                              Due On: Sat Aug 15 06:51:02 2015
    Title: Investigating the woods     Assigned To: OtyughHugger
Opened On: Tue Aug 11 06:51:02 2015         Status: Yellow 
Opened By: Grubbar
Grubbar added on Tue Aug 11 06:51:02 2015: 

Grubbar overheard some of the Dranei threatening to start a riot at the 
Dragon's Den. Not wanting to see violence break out (that he didn't start), 
Grubbar would like to inform the owners ahead of time. After, he'd like to 
find out what he can about them, and if they were hired. To do this, he'd 
like to confer with other local guides and see if any of them were hired 
lately, to show the Dranei local hunting spots, and so on. If they had, 
what can they tell him about the visitors? Did they say anything while 
drunk? What coinage did they pay in?

He has Influence among the local druid's union, and would like to use this 
to contact local guides.



  1. Tenebrae is a team game! Bring your friends!
  2. GMs can get busy; don't demand scenes!
  3. State your goals!
  4. Skills diplomacy and intimidate are useful, but not cure-alls! Someone threatened with intimidate is likely to report it, and diplomacy is more limited than under 3.5. This actually means that legwork can shift the advantage towards creativity and connections! In other words, involve your friends!

The final battle is epic, but never forget the journey across Mordor!

Don't be left out of adventure!

Legwork: But I'm Just Here to Hit Things!

Martial PCs are made to do legwork! Consider these classic stories:

The battered soldier lowers his rifle...then fingers the woodcutter's tool in his pocket, reminding him of happier times. Its cut surfaces he begun years ago, before dad had come in. Before he'd heard about his brother. A guard serves with blade and armor, yet in her spare time is a champion chess player, and student of war strategies. A barbarian lost her younger sister to a flash flood. Afterwards, there was no trace. Since then, she's determined no one will get lost. She possesses ranks in survival and k/geography, and RPP spends in profession/guide. She follows Gilead and is known among the wild for the ability to find the hardest cases, even in a rainstorm. She possess the scent rage power, though that leaves plenty of room for hitting things and a good HP soak. Profession/guide helps her reputation among others with similar interests, and scent and survival let her find anyone. So long as she's involved in the wilds, she doesn't need diplomacy. She gets by on raw, rugged talent and determination brought on by a lost sibling.

These fields of expertise are added in by authors, animators, and storytellers to define a PC. By delving into our characters, we add depth as well as give them a means to explore the world. It's done by fantasy authors all the time, and it's just one tool in a character's arsenal. In addition, all of these concepts are possible without sacrificing combat utility. The third example begins to show you how.

How can you make these concepts sing? Check out our Legwork Workshop, that talks about exactly these issues. ...and how to rock at legwork...even with "only 2 skill points per level."