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This page lists available feats on our MUX. If the pre-reqs listed here are different than the ones in the PRD, this means we've altered them to be inline with theme. Of course, typos may still occur. Feats without a link are generally House feats. In this case, their description is found under [[#House Feat Descriptions|House Feat Descriptions]] on this page.
This page lists available feats on our MUX. If the pre-reqs listed here are different than the ones in the PRD, this means we've altered them to be inline with theme. Of course, typos may still occur. Feats without a link are generally House feats. In this case, their description is found under [[#House Feat Descriptions|House Feat Descriptions]] on this page.
We do not allow Leadership or Improved Familiar.
We do not allow Leadership or Improved Familiar at this time.
==House Feat Descriptions==
'''The following descriptions are for house feats only. To see the descriptions of other feats, click on their name in the table above.'''
'''Abyssal Mask'''
:Although you can sometimes feel Taara's chilly grip, you've learned to make use of that tie. Your features are likely a little more twisted than most--but, when you call on your ties to the Abyss, they become truly monstrous in a way that strikes fear into others’ hearts.
:'''Prerequisites:''' Mul'niessa, Intimidate 1
:'''Benefit:''' You get a +5 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made against all creatures of the humanoid type.
'''Angoron's Defender'''
:Angoron is known as the god of strength and as a protector of those around him. You strive to embody these characteristics.
:'''Prerequisites:''' Giantborn, Intimidate 5
:'''Benefit:''' Choose an adjacent ally as a free action on your turn. Once per round, when an opponent attacks that ally, you may make an intimidate check to demoralize the opponent as an immediate action. This counts as an attack of opportunity.
'''Apex Predator'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Sith-makar
: '''Benefit:''' You are a predator among predators. You may attempt to influence animals or magical beasts as per a ranger's wild empathy, but use your strength bonus instead of Wisdom. Additionally, nonmagical beasts of equal or lower HD start out as indifferent to you and will tend to avoid contact if given the choice.
'''Awaken the Giant'''
: Your latent giant blood awakens! You resemble your ancestors more closely than most.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Giantborn
: '''Benefit:''' When you select this feat, choose a specific heritage: Cloud (Electricity), Fire (Fire), Frost (Cold), Stone (Acid), Hill (Acid), Storm (Electricity). You gain resistance 5 to the related element. Once chosen, this may not be changed. This may be taken once.
'''Blood of the Dark Fae'''
: The power of the dark and ancient fae sings in your veins. In times of emergency, you can draw on this power to heal yourself.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Oruch, 13 Con, BAB 4+
: '''Benefit:''' As a standard action, you heal 1d8 points of damage + your Constitution modifier. For every four levels you have attained above 4th, this amount of damage healed increases by 1d8, to a maximum of 5d8 at 20th level. After calling on this ability, you become temporarily disoriented, and make will saves at -1 until after your next turn. This may only be used once per day, and the penalty to your save stacks with other sources.
'''Child of the Skies'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Egalrin
: '''Benefit:''' While beneath an open sky, your natural healing rate (the amount of hit points and ability damage you heal from a full night's rest) doubles.
'''Eccentric Tinker'''
:Your obsessive, eccentric nature bleeds over into your tools.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Gnome
: '''Benefit: '''When wielding an item associated with the tools of the trade for your Obsession, you do not take the normal improvised weapon penalty. You also receive a +1 to attack with any of these items. This feat may be used with sturdy items such as shovels, picks, blacksmith hammers, and other sturdy tools — lutes and brooms make terribly fragile weapons.
'''Giant's Fists'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Giantborn, Smashing Fists, Awaken the Giant, Con 13+, BAB 7+
:'''Benefit:''' As a swift action, you may summon the power of your inheritance into your fists, encasing them in fire, cold, and so forth. The exact element is dependent upon your Awaken the Giant feat. Doing so encases your fists in that element for 1 round. On a successful hit, the attack deals damage normally plus 1d6 points of damage of the chosen type. This does not stack with other effects that add elemental damage of that type to weapons or unarmed strikes, such as the flaming special ability. You may do this a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier. This ability only affects your Smashing Fists unarmed strikes.
'''Goblin Accuracy'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Gobber
: '''Benefit:''' This is Elven Accuracy, but for goblins with guns. See the [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/advancedFeats.html#elven-accuracy-(combat) Elven Accuracy] entry.
'''Gunpowder Rune'''
: You've grafted gunpowder into your skin. Why would you think this is a good idea?
:'''Requirements:''' Gobber, Int 13, BAB 6+
: '''Benefit:''' By spending ten minutes, you can bind a touch of gunpowder and artifice into an old scar. The next time you're hit in combat, it explodes. You take 1d6 points of damage, which may not be prevented by damage reduction (gods, boy, it's your SKIN!) and may make a free Dirty Trick roll versus your opponent as though you possessed the Greater Dirty Trick feat, though you receive no feat bonus to this roll (unless you actually possess these feats). Once used, you cannot prepare another until the damage is healed or you've rested for 8 hours, whichever comes last.
'''Draconic Breath'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Sith-makar, 3+ hd
: '''Benefit:''' You gain a draconic breathweapon based on the energy resistance you chose at level 1. This breathweapon does 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice, and may be used up to a number times per day equal to your constitution modifier (min 1). This is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
:The breathweapon is a line or cone as appropriate (reference the sorcerer draconic bloodline).
'''Far Traveler'''
:'''Prerequisites:''' Lucht, Linguistics 1
:'''Benefit:''' Upon taking this feat, you immediately gain a bonus language. You then gain an additional bonus language for every 4 hit dice you possess.
'''Fiendish Darkness'''
:You can use your darkness spell-like ability more often.
:'''Prerequisites:''' Mul'niessa
:'''Benefit:''' You can use darkness three times per day as a spell-like ability.
:'''Normal:''' Mul'niessa can use darkness once per day as a spell-like ability.
''' Firearm Mastery'''
: You reload your firearm with lightning swiftness.
: '''Prerequisites:''' Dex 15, EWP (Firearms), Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload (Firearms)
: '''Benefit:''' You may reload one or two-handed firearms as a free action. In addition, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when firing or reloading with your firearm.
'''Flight of Serenity'''
: '''Prerequisites:''' Egalrin, Fly 8+, Wis 15
:'''Benefit:''' Long has your race strived for inner peace. By focusing upon the teachings of the shamans and the serenity of the skies, you may distract others from their rage.
:As a full-round action, you seek to distract your opponent from their anger, be it via a peaceful display of aerial acrobatics, inspiring words, or some other means. Despite the name of this feat, you do not need to be aloft to use its benefits.
:Use of this feat counts as a mind-effecting effect directed against a singular opponent within 30 feet. The opponent must make a will save versus 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Cha modifier. Failure suppresses their anger for one round, until just before your next action. This temporarily suppresses effects such as rage, and the opponent may neither attack nor cast offensive spells for the duration. You may attempt this maneuver once per day per four hit dice you have attained. Creatures immune to mind-effecting spells or conditions are immune to this ability.
'''Guardian of the Skies'''
: '''Prerequisites:''' Egalrin
:'''Benefit:''' When beneath an open sky and flying, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. If you are in an area that qualifies as more than one kind of terrain, these bonuses do not stack; you receive the bonus for only one of the terrain types.
'''Human Improvisation'''
:You can figure out how to do almost anything.
:'''Prerequisites:''' Int 13, human
:'''Benefit:''' You gain a +2 bonus on all skill checks for skills you have no ranks in. You may also roll these skills untrained.
'''Horse Lord'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Arvek Nar, Handle Animal 1
: '''Benefit:''' A trait considered desirable by the arvek nar, this trait, should it develop or be born within an individual, is highly prized among their armies, and you receive a +2 to all diplomacy checks with others of your kind. An individual with this trait possesses a unique connection with the horse, and receives a +2 to Handle Animal and Wild Empathy checks with this creature. In addition, they may Speak with Animals (horse only) at will.
'''Horse Lord, Improved'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Arvek Nar, Horse Lord, Cha 13, Handle Animal 5, Ride 5
: '''Benefit:''' You and your mount move as one.
: Should you have an equine as a mount, treat its intelligence as 3 higher for the purpose of the number of tricks it may learn. In addition, whenever you use Mounted Combat to avoid damage, roll twice, and take the better of the two results.
'''Intimidating Size'''
: *flex*
: '''Prerequisite:''' Giantborn, Intimidate 5, 7' or higher in height
: '''Benefit:''' When using intimidate, roll twice and take the higher of the two results.
'''Maddened Tinker'''
: You've learned to infuse your tools with some of your race's innate magic...to devastating effect. It's true. You're probably getting a little crazy, but no one should tell you that. Ever.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Gnome, Eccentric Tinker, BAB 4
: '''Benefit: '''When wielding a tool of the trade associated with your Obsession, treat it as Magic for the purposes of overcoming DR. This feat may be used with sturdy items such as shovels, picks, blacksmith hammers, and other sturdy tools — lutes and brooms make terribly fragile weapons.
'''National Fervor'''
:See National feats description.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Human, Any other National feat
: '''Benefit: '''Your pride in your cause provides you strength under the most dire of circumstances. Once per day, when acting on behalf of, or defending, your nation or chosen faith, as an immediate action, you may choose to reroll a failed save. Examples would be, an Althean acting in defense of the homeless or a Myrrish woman fighting against Charn, her nation's well-known enemy. A Daeusite defending against a spell cast by a Maugrimite cleric. The example must be obvious in nature; if it needs to be argued for extensively with the DM, it likely does not count.
'''National Knowledge'''
:See National feats description.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Human, K/Local 1 OR K/Religion 1
: '''Benefit: ''' You receive a +3 feat bonus to all knowledge/local rolls, or if your focus is a faith, all knowledge/religion rolls. If you have 10 ranks, this increases to +6. In addition, once a day you may choose to roll this skill twice and take the higher of the two rolls.
'''National Pride'''
:See National feats description.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Human, K/Religion 1 OR K/local 1
: '''Benefit: '''A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), you may spend a move action extolling the virtues of your chosen focus. This has one of two effects:
::Inspire Allies: A human may choose to inspire all allies within 30' with a +1 to-hit morale bonus on their next attack, so long as the attack is made as part of a charge. Allies must be able to hear and understand the speaker to be affected.
::Irritate Enemies: Alternately, they may choose to irritate or enrage a single enemy. The enemy makes a Will save versus 10 + 1/2 the human's hd + Cha mod or suffers a -2 to attack rolls for one round. Once affected, an enemy cannot be affected by the same ability for 24 hours.
:This is a supernatural ability. You may use this ability no more than once per turn.
'''National Spirit'''
: See National feats description.
:'''Prerequisite:''' Prerequisite: Human, K/Religion 1 OR K/local 1
: '''Benefit:''' When acting in defense of your cause, you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to will saves. For purposes of this feat, the action must be within a particular deity's dogma, a mission on behalf of a specific nation, or so on. Examples would be, an Althean acting in defense of the homeless or a Myrrish woman fighting against Charn, her nation's well-known enemy. A Daeusite defending against a spell cast by a Maugrimite cleric. The example must be obvious in nature; if it needs to be argued for extensively with the DM, it likely does not count.
'''Never Stand Down'''
: Never one to back down, the strength of your ancient blood and rage bolsters you against the effects of fear.
: '''Prerequisites:''' Oruch
: '''Benefit:''' +4 to saves against fear and fear-based effects.
'''Obscuring Wings'''
: '''Prerequisites:''' Egalrin
: '''Benefit:''' By standing in one place and flapping your wings as a standard action, you may summon up a cloud of dust, creating the effect of a personalized obscuring mist for 1 round, centered on you. You must be touching a surface conducive to this effect, such as powdery snow, earth or dust, etc. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
'''Pistol Whip'''
: '''Prerequisites:''' EWP (Firearms), Int 13, BAB: 3+
: '''Benefit:''' You may perform an attack with the butt or handle of your firearm as a standard action. When you do, you are considered to be proficient with the firearm as a melee weapon and gain a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to the enhancement bonus of the firearm. The damage dealt by the pistol-whip is of the bludgeoning type, and is determined by the size of the firearm. One-handed firearms deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if wielded by Small creatures) and two-handed firearms deal 1d10 points of damage (1d8 if wielded by Small creatures). Regardless of size, the critical multiplier of this attack is 20/×2. If the attack hits, make a combat maneuver check to knock the target prone as a free action. If your check fails by 10 or more, you are knocked prone instead. If the target has more than two legs, add +2 to the DC of the combat maneuver attack roll for each additional leg it has. Some creatures—such as oozes, creatures without legs, and flying creatures—cannot be tripped.
'''Rebuke the Horde'''
: A far-off ancestor was a leader among some oruch clan. You possess some of this ability.
: '''Prerequisites:''' Oruch, 13 Cha
: '''Benefit:''' You make Intimidate and Diplomacy rolls at a +2 bonus when dealing with other oruch or half-oruch (+4 at 10 ranks), though not the mogareg. In addition, you may make an Intimidation or Diplomacy roll against other oruch or half-oruch as a swift action as part of combat.
'''Resonant Tubing'''
: Your body is fitted with a set of horns and an artificial lung capable of blowing air through them, together capable of being used as a strangely harmonious instrument.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Perform (wind instruments) 1 ranks, War Golem
: '''Benefit:''' You are capable of using your very body as a musical wind instrument, for any task that requires one. You need not hold on in either hand because the noise is created internally and emanated from tubes sticking out of the war golem body. You have a natural control over these pipes, and gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Perform (wind instrument) checks used with these internal pipes. If you have 10 or more ranks in Perform (wind instrument) the bonus to checks made with the same skill increases to +4, which overlaps but does not stack with the previous bonus. (source unknown)
'''Serenity of the Sky'''
:The sky brings you a strength of self and an inner peace. You are probably somewhat claustrophobic.
:'''Prerequisite:''' Egalrin, Child of the Skies
:'''Benefit:''' When beneath an open sky, you receive a +2 to will saves, and may choose to reroll a failed will save once per day.
'''Short Circuit'''
:'''Prerequisite:''' War Golem, War Golem Slam, BAB 7+, Con 13+
: '''Benefit:''' When using your slam attack, as a swift action you may energize your circuits, delivering 1d6 of additional electricity damage to your slam attack. You may do this a number of times a day based on your Con modifier.
'''Smashing Fists'''
: The size of your fists and forearms reflects your giant heritage.
:'''Prerequisite:''' Giantborn, BAB 4+
: '''Benefit:''' When using an unarmed strike, your massive fists deal 1d6 instead of 1d3. If you are a monk, improve your damage dice by one step, instead (use the sizing rules for INA). These benefits are considered a size bonus, and do not stack with other size bonuses.
'''Spirit of the Skies'''
:'''Prerequisite:''' Egalrin, Guardian of the Skies, Child of the Skies
: '''Benefit:''' When you are beneath an open sky, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks made to act in the surprise round of combat. If you act in the surprise round, you gain blindsense out to a range of 30 feet during the surprise round. If you are in an area that qualifies as more than one kind of terrain, these bonuses do not stack; you receive the bonus for only one terrain type.
'''Steady Shot'''
: '''Description:''' You pick off targets with great precision.
: '''Prerequisite:''' BAB +1, Weapon focus in the chosen weapon
: '''Benefit:''' Choose dragonspitter or thunderbelcher. +1/2 Dex modifier to damage and max sneak attack range is 60'. This feat cannot benefit repeating rifles, if these are ever implemented.
: '''Special:''' Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.
: '''Note: '''This is crossbow sniper, but for guns.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Strength 13, Improved Bull Rush, War Golem Slam, War Golem
: '''Benefit:''' When you hit an opponent with a slam attack as part of a charge, you might also initiate a bull rush as a free action. This does not require you to move into your opponent’s square and does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you successfully push your opponent 15 feet or more, he is also knocked prone.
'''Strengthened Wings '''
:'''Prerequisite:''' Egalrin, HD 5+, Str 13
:'''Benefit:''' You may fly in medium or heavy armor, and with up to a medium load. Your speed is still reduced by encumbrance or total weight.
:This also improves your glide ability.
'''Taara's Own'''
:Taara has a tight grip on your soul. You likely bear some mark from it, something monstrous.
:'''Prerequisite:''' Mul'niessa
: '''Benefit:''' Taara has a tight grip on your soul, tighter than most. Because of this hold, you receive a +2 versus any death spells and magical drain effects.
'''Taleteller's Kin'''
:You always seem to know a story or two whenever you travel, likely from a relative or fireside tale.
:'''Prerequisite:''' Lucht, K/Local 1
:'''Benefit:'''You receive a +3 to all knowledge/local rolls. If you have 10 ranks, this increases to +6. In addition, once a day you may choose to roll knowledge/local twice and take the higher of the two rolls.
'''Territorial Defender''' (combat)
: You know how to defend your territory.
: '''Prerequisites:''' combat reflexes, sith'makar, base attack bonus +5.
: '''Benefit:''' As a full-round action, you may set up a combat patrol, increasing your threatened area by 5 feet. At 10 BAB, this is increased to 10 feet. Until the beginning of your next turn, you may make attacks of opportunity against any opponent in this threatened area that provokes attacks of opportunity. You may move as part of these attacks, provided your total movement before your next turn does not exceed your speed. Any movement you make provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. This does not stack with Combat Patrol.
'''Terror of the Wild'''
:Creatures of the wild see you as a predator.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Sith-makar
: '''Benefit:''' You may posture or put on a display of prowess as a full-round action. Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all animals or magical beasts within 30 feet who can see your display.
'''Tiny Pest'''
:You move like a tiny, obnoxious monkey.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Lucht, BAB 1, Improved Trip
: '''Benefit:''' You can trip opponents of up to two sizes larger than you.
'''Traveler's Step'''
:Your feet are light despite the number of miles you travel.
: '''Prerequisite:''' Lucht, 3+ hd
:'''Benefit:''' When walking within natural settings, you may choose to leave no trail. This otherwise functions as the druid's ability, Trackless Step.
'''Traveler's Burden'''
: Your backpack is probably bigger than you are.
:'''Prerequesite:''' Lucht
: '''Benefit:''' You are treated as though benefiting from a continuous Ant Haul spell. This is a supernatural ability.
'''Unhinged Rage'''
:'''Prerequesite:''' Rage class feature, Charisma 13+, Gobber
: '''Benefit:''' When raging, you forgo your bonus to Will saves. Instead, you radiate an aura of unhinged menace. All opponents within 30' of you when you initiate your rage must make Will saves (DC 10 + one-half your level of barbarian + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for the duration of the encounter. While raging, if you drop an opponent below 0 hp, you may force another save.
'''Unit Tactics'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Arvek Nar, K/military theory 5+
: '''Benefit:''' Even for an arvek nar, you are trained in the arts of organized warfare and the organization and movement of troops across the field is almost innate. Allies who begin their position within 30' of you at the beginning of combat receive a +1 to their initiatitve.
'''Unsettled Tinker'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' Gnome, Eccentric Tinker, BAB 4
: '''Benefit: ''' You receive a +2 to damage rolls for tools of the trade associated with your Obsession. This feat may be used with sturdy items such as shovels, picks, blacksmith hammers, and other sturdy tools — lutes and brooms make terribly fragile weapons.
'''Up Shields'''
: '''Prerequesite:''' Arvek Nar, proficiency with heavy or tower shield, BAB 1
: '''Benefit:''' When using a heavy or tower shield, as a move action the Arvek Nar may provide partial cover to himself and an adjacent ally until the beginning of his next turn (+2 ac, +1 ref saves). This feat does not stack with itself.
'''War Golem Slam'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' War Golem
: '''Benefit:''' You can make a slam attack for 1d6 points of damage, plus your Strength modifier. You’re considered proficient in this attack and can apply feats or effects appropriate to natural attacks to it. If used as part of a full attack action, the slam is considered a secondary attack and is made at your full base attack bonus –5, and adds half your Strength modifier to damage.
'''Warden of the Woods'''
: '''Prerequisite:''' llyranesi, sylvanori, spellcaster level 1+
: '''Benefit:''' When facing an abberation, that abberation suffers a -2 penalty to saves versus your spells.
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===Human National Feats===
===Human National Feats===

Revision as of 02:36, 21 October 2014


This page lists available feats on our MUX. If the pre-reqs listed here are different than the ones in the PRD, this means we've altered them to be inline with theme. Of course, typos may still occur. Feats without a link are generally House feats. In this case, their description is found under House Feat Descriptions on this page.

We do not allow Leadership or Improved Familiar at this time.

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MI weapons.png
MI weapons.png

Human National Feats

National feats are a special type of General feat intended for humans.

Though a flexible race, humans may also be creatures of both dedication and passion. Individually, humans may tend to align themselves closely with a nation, or deity, or similar strong influence as part of their identity. Humans who possess a National feat choose a particular nationality, organization, or faith (for example, your PC may want to identify himself with Angoron, and seek to emulate Angoron's strength and generosity; or, the PC might be a strong-minded Alexandrian, who refuses to let it be subjugated...again). If you possess any of the other National feats, it must be the same choice for each.

Feats from 3.5

We also allow some feats from 3.5. Many of these are from the Complete books. WotC doesn't allow us to post information regarding these feats, so you will need to find it on your own. These feats are: Practiced Spellcaster, Short Haft, Steady Shot, Natural Bond