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==Magic Items==
We allow everything under the '''[http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/magicItems.html Core Magic Items section of the PRD]''' in addition to the items, below. Other items may be added over time.
'''Angorite Footie Pajamas'''
When worn, these pajamas ensure a restful sleep. If a subject completes a full night's rest while wearing the pajamas, it regains hit points as if it had undergone a full day of bed rest (regaining twice its character level in hit points). If a subject completes a full day's rest, it regains three times its character level in hit points. Any significant interruption during the rest (such as being awoken) prevents any healing that night on the awakened subject. Any healing acquired while under the effects of restful sleep is considered natural healing, and has no affect on effects requiring magical healing to cure.
The footie pajamas are typically outfitted with some sort of design. The originator, an Althean who was tired of a nephew's drunken carousing and singing, outfitted the original with images of charity and good works in hopes he would learn better habits. Legend has it that he then scribbled images of gnomes being flattened by charity shovels and stone-leveling devices.
: Price: 3,000g
'''Artificer's Goggles'''
These goggles are prized by artificers. They are activated as a standard action and allow the user to employ the cantrip Detect Magic for up to 1 minute per use. One set of goggles costs 900g.
: Faint divination; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Detect Magic; Price 900g; Weight .5 lb; Eyes
'''Lantern of Darkness'''
This item appears to be a normal hooded lantern and functions as such until the command word is spoken. When the command word is spoke, instead of emitting light the lantern acts as the centre of a Darkness spell as if cast by a 4th level wizard. The lantern can be used in this way only once a day, and doing so burns up all of the remaining oil in the lantern.
: Faint evocation; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, Darkness; Price 1440g; Weight 2 lb
This is a magic item that enables the wearer to take on an animal form one or more times a day. Shifterskin capabilities, and cost, correspond to a single use of the Beast Shape I, II, III, or IV spells as appropriate. The simplest form (Beast Shape I) is usable once per day and costs 5400 gp. Uses the same slot as a cloak.
: Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, Beast Shape I; Price Varies; Weight 2 lb; Shoulders
'''Ears of the Sildanyari'''
Also known as Ears of the Gobber, this headband grants the wearer the ability to transform their already lengthy ears into great fans, worthy of wings. On command, the wearer's ears transform, letting the wearer fly, without having to maintain concentration, as if affected by a fly spell (including a +4 bonus on Fly skill checks). He can fly three per times day for up to 5 minutes per flight.
: Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, Fly; Price 16,000g; Weight 1 lb; Head
: PS This MI exists until Whirl fixes the Nobility domain.
[[Magic Armor and Shields]]
[[Magic Armor and Shields]]

Revision as of 08:28, 21 February 2014