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'''Knights of the Cockatrice:''' The Order of the Cockatrice was founded by an enterprising Rosalian Knight and veteran of the Sendor war to boost Prince Verin's chances for the throne. It was the first established and as the most 'colorful' and self aggrandizing, and rapidly captured the interest of Rosalians before spreading from there. The name, Cockatrice, is a direct slap in the face to Bludgun (as their national flag is the Cockatrice). Its founding is celebrated with a cockatrice hunt each year to capture the dangerous creatures in the most inventive and colorful way possible.
The captain, having spent much time with the oruch and arvek nar, took lessons he learned from their mounted traditions and blended them into Myrrish horseback tradition to create the first formal order of cavaliers.
It was founded six months after the disappearance of Alexandria. Many of its members tend towards the Angorite, Korite, or even Tarien faiths (though they may be of any).
'''Knights of Peace:''' After the liberation of Sendor the Knights of Peace regrouped and reformed their order under a new banner. Inspired by the tactics of the Order of the Cockatrice, if not their bravado, and drawing from the colorful outfits of the arvek nar, the new Knights of Peace were born out of the ashes and veterans of its original form. The Knights of Peace had at one time been part of an ancient tradition, a unified whole with the Templars of the Holy Sword. Kinnevack's taking of Sendor and its subsequent decimation by war (and now slow rebuilding) ended in the two orders more or less disbanding.
With the building of the cavaliers, the Knights saw a chance to forge (and prove) themselves anew. They regroup with a look towards the failures of the past, and an oath to strive forward and do better in the future.
Generally, they support Prince Gavril for the Myrrish throne--knowing all too well that Prince Verin's hot blood might cost them hard-won peace.
'''Knights of the Lost Crown:''' The Knights of the Lost Crown formed in response to the dueling orders of the Knights of Peace and the Knights of the Cockatrice. Seeking to take a stand and preserve the kingdom's stability and their loyalty to the missing king, a group of nobles banded together. They and their best men-at-arms laid the foundation for the Knights of the Lost Crown, a group dedicated to the ideals and service of the missing king. Some of them joined for other reasons--the notion of preserving Myrrish honor, and the honor of ancient traditions.
'''Knights of the Pillar:''' Formed in response to the excesses of Isobaran nobility and born out of the so-called Gilday Riot of 1010, the Knights of the Pillar are technically an outlaw band of cavaliers. Largely supported in their efforts to combat the corruption of local Isobaran nobles and protect its peoples, its name was chosen to reflect its belief in the common man as the pillar of society. A number of them follow the Althean or even Tarien faith, though not exclusively.
Due to the outlaw nature of this so-called order, it is less accepted as a formal order of Cavaliers by the others. Moreover, its members often have some kind of colorful face covering, along with the elaborate dresscode the order is known for. Knights of the Pillar are often found carrying on its tradition outside of Isobar when their identities have been compromised back home. The order also possesses a distinct lack of leadership, which is also considered a necessary safety feature.
'''Knights of the Hymn:''' Created in accordance to an edict by the Chosen Prophet of Daeus and supported by local leaders of the other Faiths (particularly the Altheans, who are said to have pushed the hardest for this). The logic behind this decision was to provide a better example for those interested in these orders than the ones out there, as well as a method of exercising the martial tradition of various faiths. They formed the Knights of the Hymn for those interested in better focusing their energies on a spiritual life, good and even heroic deeds.
Though not paladins, most of them are good-aligned and serve within one Temple or the other.
'''Knights of the Purple Rose:''' Local chapters of the Knights of the Purple Rose began springing up overnight across Selentia after the publication of the semi-autobiographical (wholly fabricated) ''Knight of the Purple Rose'', a story about a second son of a second son of a local Baron who took up arms to prove his mettle. Other prospect-less nobles (as nobles go) took this as inspiration. This fad has spread across Selentia.
Essentially, many Knights are the landless princes trying to make good and earn fame and fortune for themselves according to the strictures of chivalry. Many of them are "play-acting" it and are pseudo-cavaliers, while others are deadly serious.
'''Skyguard:''' The Skyguard predates the orders but has quickly absorbed a number of cavalier traditions. The Skyguard itself focuses in the mountainous regions of Myrddion and are known both for their honor and ferocity, as well as their griffon mounts. Common influences include the Knights of Peace (Dragon) and Lost Crown (Lion), but concepts should not be limited to these.

Revision as of 23:00, 18 February 2014

Tradition Origins: The Order of the Cockatrice was originally founded by an enterprising Rosalian Knight and veteran of the Sendor war to boost Prince Verin's chances for the throne. They see in him an opportunity for greater personal glory than under the 'milquetoast', so far are they're concerned, Prince Gavril. The order was the first established and as the most 'colorful' and self aggrandizing, and rapidly captured the interest of Rosalians before spreading from there. The name, Cockatrice, is a direct slap in the face to Bludgun (as their national flag is the Cockatrice). Its founding is celebrated with a cockatrice hunt each year to capture the dangerous creatures in the most inventive and colorful way possible.

Tradition Edicts: The cavalier of this tradition must keep his own interests and aims above those of all others. He must always accept payment when it is due, and rewards when earned. The cavalier must take every opportunity to increase his own stature, prestige, and power. Note: this is not an excuse to be a jackass during play.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the cockatrice cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all melee damage rolls made against the target of his challenge as long as he is the only creature threatening the target (not counting his mount). This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the cockatrice cavalier adds Appraise (Int) and Perform (Cha) to his list of class skills. In addition, an order of the cockatrice cavalier adds his Charisma modifier to the DC on another creature's attempt to demoralize him through Intimidate (in addition to his Wisdom modifier, as normal).
Order Abilities: A cavalier that belongs to the order of the cockatrice gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Braggart (Ex): At 2nd level, the cavalier can spend a standard action to extol his own accomplishments and battle prowess. He receives Dazzling Display as a bonus feat. He does not need a weapon in hand to use this ability. The cavalier receives a +2 morale bonus on melee attack rolls made against demoralized targets.
Steal Glory (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier can steal the glory from another creature's successful strike. Whenever a creature other than the cavalier scores a critical hit against a target that the cavalier is threatening, he can make an attack of opportunity against the same target.
Moment of Triumph (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can, as a free action, declare a moment of triumph. For 1 round, the cavalier receives a competence bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on all ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This bonus is also added to his AC. In addition, any critical threats he makes are automatically confirmed. The cavalier can use this ability once per day.

Tradition Origins: After the liberation of Sendor, a group of knights reformed their order under a new banner. Originally a branch of the Daeusite Temples in Myrddion, the Knights saw a chance to forge (and prove) themselves anew. They regroup with a look towards the failures of the past, and an oath to strive forward and do better in the future. For its modernday followers, this gives the tradition a more reflective, and heroic outlook than many of its peers.

Tradition Edicts: The cavalier must remain loyal to his allies and must always work to further the aims of the group. He must protect his allies from harm and defend their honor when called into doubt.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the dragon cavalier issues a challenge, his allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls against the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the dragon cavalier adds Perception (Wis) and Survival (Wis) to his list of class skills. In addition, whenever an order of the dragon cavalier uses Survival to provide food and water for his allies or to protect his allies from harsh weather, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).
Order Abilities: A cavalier that belongs to the order of the dragon gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Aid Allies (Ex): At 2nd level, whenever an order of the dragon cavalier uses the aid another action to assist one of his allies, the ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. At 8th level, and every six levels thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1.
Strategy (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier can spend a standard action to grant one of a number of bonuses to all allies within 30 feet (including himself). The allies must be able to see or hear the cavalier to receive this bonus. The cavalier can grant a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round, a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls for 1 round, or the ability to move up to their speed as an immediate action once. The cavalier can grant a different bonus to each ally within range, but allies can only benefit from this ability once per combat.
Act as One (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can spend a standard action to move up to his speed and make a melee attack. All allies within 30 feet can also move up to their speed and make a melee attack as an immediate action. This movement and attack can be made as a charge if the movement qualifies. All attacks are made at a +2 bonus (this stacks with the bonus from a charge) and all participants receive a +2 dodge bonus to their AC for 1 round. A cavalier can use this ability once per combat.

Tradition Origins: The Knights of the Lost Crown formed in response to the dueling orders of the Knights of Peace and the Knights of the Cockatrice. Seeking to take a stand and preserve the kingdom's stability and their loyalty to the missing king, a group of nobles banded together. They and their best men-at-arms laid the foundation for the Knights of the Lost Crown, a group dedicated to the ideals and service of the missing king. Since then, this tradition has inspired others, looking to uphold the notion of preserving Myrrish honor, the honor of ancient traditions, and so on.

Tradition Edicts: The cavalier of this tradition must protect the life and lands of his sovereign at all costs. He must obey the commands of his sovereign without question. He must strive to expand the power and prestige of his realm.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the lost crown cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 dodge bonus to his AC against attacks made by the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the Lost Crown cavalier adds Knowledge (local) (Int) and Knowledge (nobility) (Int) to his list of class skills. An order of the Lost Crown cavalier can make Knowledge (nobility) skill checks untrained. If he has ranks in the skill, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1) as long as the check involves his sovereign.
Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of the Lost Crown gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Lion's Call (Ex): At 2nd level, an order of the Lost Crown cavalier gains the ability to rally his allies. As a standard action, he can give an encouraging speech which grants all allies within 60 feet a competence bonus on their saving throws against fear equal to his Charisma modifier and a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to his cavalier level. If an ally within range is under the effect of a spell or ability that causes him to be frightened or panicked, he can immediately make another saving throw to resist the effect (if allowed).
For the King (Ex): At 8th level, an order of the Lost Crown cavalier can call out to his allies, inspiring them to greatness. As a swift action, the cavalier can grant a competence bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on all attack and damage rolls to all allies within 30 feet. This bonus lasts for 1 round. This ability can be used once per combat.
Shield of the Liege (Ex): At 15th level, an order of the Lost Crown cavalier can protect those around him. Allies that are adjacent to the cavalier receive a +2 shield bonus to their AC. In addition, as an immediate action, the cavalier can redirect an attack made at a creature adjacent to himself, as long as the creature making the attack is within the cavalier's reach. This ability must be declared before the attack roll is made. The attack is made against the cavalier's AC and defenses, even if the creature could not normally reach or attack the cavalier. The cavalier loses any cover or concealment bonuses when subject to the redirected attack.

Tradition Origins: Formed in response to the excesses of Isobaran nobility and born out of the so-called Gilday Riot of 1010, tradition of the Knights of the Pillar were technically an outlaw band of cavaliers. Largely supported in their efforts to combat the corruption of local Isobaran nobles and protect its peoples, its name was chosen to reflect its belief in the common man as the pillar of society.

Due to the outlaw nature of this so-called tradition, it is less accepted as a formal order of Cavaliers by the others. Moreover, its members often have some kind of colorful face covering, along with the elaborate dresscode the order is known for. Knights of the Pillar are often found carrying on its tradition outside of Isobar when their identities have been compromised back home. The order also possesses a distinct lack of leadership, which is also considered a necessary safety feature.

Tradition Edicts: The cavalier must protect the lives and prosperity of the common folk, shielding them from the deprivations of those who would seek to cause them harm or exploit them. He must give charity when it is warranted and aid when needed. He must take no action that would cause harm or hardship to those who cannot defend themselves.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the pillar cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made against the target of his challenge if the target makes an attack against a target other than the cavalier. This bonus lasts for 1 minute. The bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the pillar cavalier adds Heal (Wis) and Knowledge (local) (Int) to his list of class skills. Whenever an order of the pillar cavalier uses the Heal skill on a creature other than himself, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).
Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of the pillar gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Resolute (Ex): At 2nd level, whenever the cavalier takes damage from a melee or ranged attack while wearing heavy armor, the cavalier can convert 1 point of lethal damage to 1 point of nonlethal damage. He can use this ability once each time he takes damage. This ability cannot be used to convert ability damage, ability drain, or energy damage to nonlethal damage. At 6th level, and every four levels thereafter, the amount of damage the cavalier can convert increases by 1.
Stem the Tide (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier receives Stand Still as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. Instead of making a combat maneuver check to stop the creature from moving, a cavalier with this ability can elect to make a normal attack instead. If the attack hits and deals damage, the target must stop moving, just as if the cavalier had made a successful combat maneuver check.
Protect the Meek (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can move to intercept foes. As an immediate action, he can move up to his speed (or his mount's speed, if mounted) and make a single melee attack. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. The cavalier must end his movement adjacent to an enemy. On his next turn, the cavalier is staggered and cannot use this ability again for 1 round.

Tradition Origins: As the surge towards knight-traditions grew, the Chosen Prophet of Daeus became concerned at their methods. Thus, the Order of the Hymn was born. The Altheans were said to have also pushed hard for the order, and the newly-formed Serrielites found it a natural fit. Other temples followed suit.

Though not paladins, most cavaliers of this tradition are good-aligned and serve within one Temple or the other.

Tradition Edicts: The cavalier must strive to protect the faith and all those who follow its teachings, from priest to common man. He must adhere to the strictures of the faith, promote its cause whenever possible, and serve the agents of the divine.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the hymn cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all his saving throws as long as he is threatening the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the hymn cavalier adds Heal (Wis) and Knowledge (religion) (Int) to his list of class skills. An order of the hymn cavalier can make Knowledge (religion) skill checks untrained. If he has ranks in the skill, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1) as long as the check involves his chosen faith.
Order Abilities: An order of the hymn cavalier gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Calling (Ex): At 2nd level, the cavalier can make a short prayer as a standard action, filling him with confidence in his abilities. At any point in the next minute, he can receive a competence bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check equal to his Charisma modifier. He must declare that he is using this bonus before the roll is made. He can use this ability up to four times per day, once for each type of check or roll. In addition, the cavalier adds 1/2 his cavalier level to any levels of paladin or cleric he might possess for the purposes of determining the effects of channel energy or lay on hands.
For the Faith (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier can call upon his faith to bolster himself in combat. As a free action, the cavalier can call out the name of his deity, granting him a morale bonus on attack rolls equal to his Charisma modifier for 1 round. In addition, any allies within 30 feet that share his faith also receive half this bonus (minimum +1). The cavalier can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 12th level and every four levels thereafter.
Retribution (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can take retribution on those who dare to strike an agent of his faith. Whenever an enemy makes a successful melee attack against the cavalier or an adjacent ally devoted to the same faith as the cavalier, the enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from the cavalier. The cavalier receives a +2 morale bonus on the attack of opportunity. If the attack made by the enemy was a critical hit, the cavalier may treat the enemy as the target of his challenge for the attack of opportunity. The cavalier can use this ability once per round.

Tradition Origins: Local chapters of the Knights of the Purple Rose began springing up overnight across Selentia after the publication of the semi-autobiographical (wholly fabricated) Knight of the Purple Rose, a story about a second son of a second son of a local Baron who took up arms to prove his mettle. Other prospect-less nobles (as nobles go) took this as inspiration. This fad has spread across Selentia.

Essentially, many Knights are the landless princes trying to make good and earn fame and fortune for themselves according to the strictures of chivalry. Many of them are "play-acting" it and are pseudo-cavaliers, while others are deadly serious.

Tradition Edicts: The cavalier must show courage in the face of danger, mercy to those who have wronged him, and charity to the poor and the meek. He must be just and honorable at all times and in all things. He must defend his honor and, above all else, the honor of those he serves.
Challenge: Whenever an order of the purple rose cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against the target of his challenge so long as he is astride his mount. The bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Skills: An order of the purple rose cavalier adds Knowledge (nobility) (Int) and Knowledge (religion) (Int) to his list of class skills. Whenever the cavalier uses Sense Motive to oppose a Bluff check, he receives a competence bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).
Order Abilities: An order of the purple rose cavalier receives the following abilities as he increases in level.
By My Honor (Ex): At 2nd level, the cavalier must select one alignment. As long as he maintains the selected alignment, he receives a +2 morale bonus to one saving throw of his choice.
Mounted Mastery (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier ignores the armor check penalty when using the Ride skill, regardless of whether or not the creature he is riding is his mount. Whenever he makes a charge attack while mounted, he receives a +4 dodge bonus to his AC to avoid attacks set against his charge. When making such an attack, he can add his mount's Strength modifier to the damage roll, in addition to his own. He also receives a bonus feat, chosen from the following list: Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Skill Focus (Ride), Spirited Charge, Trample, or Unseat. He must qualify for the feat selected.
Knight's Challenge (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier can make a knight's challenge once per day. This functions like a normal challenge, but the cavalier adds his Charisma bonus on all attack rolls and damage rolls made against the target of his challenge. In addition, he receives a +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the target of his knight's challenge.