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| colspan="2" style="background:#ccc;" |'''[[Khazad]]'''
| colspan="2" style="background:#ccc;" |'''[[Khazad]]'''
| [[image:dwarf01.jpg|75px|left]]
| The descendants of giants, the strongest of these are said to lift mountains.
| [[image:giantborn03.jpg|75px|left]]
| [[image:giantborn03.jpg|75px|left]]
| The descendants of giants, the strongest of these are said to lift mountains.
| [[image:dwarf01.jpg|75px|left]]
| A proud, honorable race of crafters and warriors. Since Taara's sundering of the earth, they've come forward to re-establish trade routes and rebuild roads.
| A proud, honorable race of crafters and warriors. Since Taara's sundering of the earth, they've come forward to re-establish trade routes and rebuild roads.

Revision as of 05:37, 8 January 2012

The Different Races
Race Summary Race Summary
Arvek Nar Halflings
A goblinoid race from the greatest of warrior traditions, the arvek nar now look at the world with new eyes. The new goddess Serriel is rumored to have taken an interest in them.
Known in the trade tongue as the Traveling Folk, they hail from large families, and their feet never stay in one place for long.

Egalrin Humans
A race of once-reclusive birdfolk, they follow the twin traditions of Cernan and Ceiwen.
Humans01 veyshanti.jpg
The most populous race of Ea, they wear many guises.
Giantborn Khazad
The descendants of giants, the strongest of these are said to lift mountains.
A proud, honorable race of crafters and warriors. Since Taara's sundering of the earth, they've come forward to re-establish trade routes and rebuild roads.
Gnomes Oruch
Crafters, inventors, illusionists--gnomes are masters of the arcane, and found everywhere you don't want them to be.
A proud race sprung from Chaos, itself.
Gobbers Sildanyar
Inventive goblinoids whose willingness to try most anything has led to significant, if explosive, advances in magicraft.
A race known for its talent in the arcane and ties to the fae.

Half-elves Sith'makar
Halfelf02 druid.jpg
The offspring of a human and a sildanyar, they're known for their ability to get along with others.
A savage race of dragonkin long-ago escaped from slavery.

Half-orcs War Golems
The offspring of a human and an oruch, they're known for their pride and fierce tempers.
Creatures leftover from a bygone age who have slowly gained sentience and life.