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==The Cavalier Orders==
==The Cavalier Orders==
The below orders were the original, founding orders. Since then, the tradition has spread across Ea. PCs are not restricted to the ones below, though all modern orders may trace their roots to these.
The below orders were the original, founding orders. Since then, the tradition has spread across Ea. PCs are not restricted to the ones below, though all modern orders may trace their roots to these. When you select an order in chargen, it will either reflect current membership in that order, or an ancestry (spinoff).

Revision as of 01:49, 16 November 2011

The Cavalier
Common Roles Adventurer, mercenary, military scholar, temple guard, displaced or roving minor nobility
Common Races Arvek Nar, Gobbers, Half-orcs, Humans (especially the Myrrish), Khazad, Oruch
Influencial Faiths Angoron, Daeus, Althea, Serriel, Kor
Common Organizations The cavalier was crafted from ancient Myrrish traditions, and soon spread world-wide. Many cavalier orders can trace their ancestry to the orders of the Kingdom.
PRD Entry PRD Entry

The cavalier tradition stems originally from the Myrrish, and has since spread all over the world. The arvek took it swiftly into their own ranks, favoring flavors of the Knights of Peace or the Lost Crown, and the oruch the Cockatrice, among others. Cavalier orders are not exclusive to cavaliers alone. An established order features a number of members, from bards to record deeds of heroism to priests of appropriate faiths to tend wounds and offer guidance and wisdom. Cavaliers will also strike out on their own frequently, particularly some orders, in an effort to spread good deeds and heroism. Others are in service to various, minor nobility, and the "roving sons" of places such as Selentia are near infamous.

Below are founding orders of the Cavalier. All of these are available for play. If your character is not from Myrddion, likely he or she is from a smaller, spinoff tradition, which is left for you to define its details. The only things we require is that the the edicts must remain the same, and not to use the PRD names. This is because we want to avoid roleplay confusion from: the oruch Glaive-Reaver clan's Order of the Lion, and the arvek nar's Blar-based Order of the Lion, etc.

The Cavalier Orders

The below orders were the original, founding orders. Since then, the tradition has spread across Ea. PCs are not restricted to the ones below, though all modern orders may trace their roots to these. When you select an order in chargen, it will either reflect current membership in that order, or an ancestry (spinoff).

The Cavalier Orders
Order PRD Name Founded
Knights of the Cockatrice Cockatrice Rosalia
Knights of Peace Dragon Sendor
Knights of the Lost Crown Lion High-Kingdom
Knights of the Pillar Shield Isobar
Knights of the Hymn Star Ecclesia
Knights of the Purple Rose Sword Selentia
Special Note: The portion of the Cockatrice edict regarding treasure does not apply within the Emblem of Ea. In addition, use of this order is not a permission to be an asshole during play.

Knights of the Cockatrice

The Order of the Cockatrice was founded by an enterprising Rosalian Knight and veteran of the Sendor war to boost Prince Verin's chances for the throne. It was the first established and as the most 'colorful' and self aggrandizing, and rapidly captured the interest of Rosalians before spreading from there. The name, Cockatrice, is a direct slap in the face to Bludgun (as their national flag is the Cockatrice). Its founding is celebrated with a cockatrice hunt each year to capture the dangerous creatures in the most inventive and colorful way possible.

The captain, having spent much time with the oruch and arvek nar, took lessons he learned from their mounted traditions and blended them into Myrrish horseback tradition to create the first formal order of cavaliers.

It was founded six months after the disappearance of Alexandria. Many of its members tend towards the Angorite, Korite, or even Tarien faiths (though they may be of any).

Knights of Peace

After the liberation of Sendor the Knights of Peace regrouped and reformed their order under a new banner. Inspired by the tactics of the Order of the Cockatrice, if not their bravado, and drawing from the colorful outfits of the arvek nar, the new Knights of Peace were born out of the ashes and veterans of its original form. The Knights of Peace had at one time been part of an ancient tradition, a unified whole with the Templars of the Holy Sword. Kinnevack's taking of Sendor and its subsequent decimation by war (and now slow rebuilding) ended in the two orders more or less disbanding.

With the building of the cavaliers, the Knights saw a chance to forge (and prove) themselves anew. They regroup with a look towards the failures of the past, and an oath to strive forward and do better in the future.

Generally, they support Prince Gavril for the Myrrish throne--knowing all too well that Prince Verin's hot blood might cost them hard-won peace.

Knights of the Lost Crown

The Knights of the Lost Crown formed in response to the dueling orders of the Knights of Peace and the Knights of the Cockatrice. Seeking to take a stand and preserve the kingdom's stability and their loyalty to the missing king, a group of nobles banded together. They and their best men-at-arms laid the foundation for the Knights of the Lost Crown, a group dedicated to the ideals and service of the missing king. Some of them joined for other reasons--the notion of preserving Myrrish honor, and the honor of ancient traditions.

Knights of the Pillar

Formed in response to the excesses of Isobaran nobility and born out of the so-called Gilday Riot of 1010, the Knights of the Pillar are technically an outlaw band of cavaliers. Largely supported in their efforts to combat the corruption of local Isobaran nobles and protect its peoples, its name was chosen to reflect its belief in the common man as the pillar of society. A number of them follow the Althean or even Tarien faith, though not exclusively.

Due to the outlaw nature of this so-called order, it is less accepted as a formal order of Cavaliers by the others. Moreover, its members are often have some kind of colorful face covering, along with the elaborate dresscode the order is known for. Knights of the Pillar are often found carrying on its tradition outside of Isobar when their identities have been compromised back home. The order also possesses a distinct lack of leadership, which is also considered a necessary safety feature.

Knights of the Hymn

Created in accordance to an edict by the Chosen Prophet of Daeus and supported by local leaders of the other Faiths (particularly the Altheans, who are said to have pushed the hardest for this). The logic behind this decision was to provide a better example for those interested in these orders than the ones out there, an extension of the martial tradition of various faiths. They formed the Knights of the Hymn for those interested in better focusing their energies on a spiritual life, good and even heroic deeds.

Though not paladins, most of them are good-aligned and serve within one Temple or the other.

Knights of the Purple Rose

Local chapters of the Knights of the Purple Rose began springing up overnight across Selentia after the publication of the semi-autobiographical (wholly fabricated) Knight of the Purple Rose, a story about a second son of a second son of a local Baron who took up arms to prove his mettle. Other prospect-less nobles (as nobles go) took this as inspiration. This fad has spread across Selentia.

Essentially, many Knights are the landless princes trying to make good and earn fame and fortune for themselves according to the strictures of chivalry. Many of them are "play-acting" it and are pseudo-cavaliers, while others are deadly serious.

Additional Options

The standard mounts are available as per the cavalier class. In addition, Tenebrae races may select a racial mount, if available.

Starting Kits