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(Created page with "{{CPHEADER-START}} My Character Name Goes Here {{CPHEADER-END}} {{CPSUBHEAD-START}}About My Character{{CPSUBHEAD-END}} TYPE STUFF ABOUT CHARACTER HERE. {{CPSUBHEAD-START}}Roleplay Hooks{{CPSUBHEAD-END}} * Roleplay hook * Roleplay hook {{CPFOOTER}} ")
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My Character Name Goes Here
<p style="color: black; font-size: 220%; padding-left: 20px; font-weight: light; font-family: Constantia;">
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Jezzara of Morlith
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<p style="color: #957d9b; font-size: 180%; font-weight: bold; font-family: Constantia;">''Physical Description''</p>
* Roleplay hook
* Roleplay hook
<!-- INFOBOX -->
{| width="300px" class="infobox" align="right" style="padding-left:20px; padding-bottom:5px;"
| colspan="3" | [[file:]]
| class="left" | '''Race:'''
| Human: Mul'niessa
| class="left" | '''Homeland:'''
| Stormgarde: Jarldom of Steinhólar(Stonehills), Town of Hrafnhildur(Ravenhold)
| class="left" | '''Age:'''
| Quintoos 9, 1006 (19)
| class="left" | '''Occupation:'''
| Mercenary
| class="left" | '''Class:'''
| Rogue
| class="left" | '''Faith:'''
| Worshipper of Taara
Long white hair cascades freely like waves past her shoulders, one side usually swept to her back, the other over her chest. The snow-colored locks contrast with her grey skin, skin that is almost ap perfect silvered hue. Icy blue eyes are surrounded by a black colored ring above and below. Light red colored lips and even more contrast to her light hair and skin, the only color upon her face.
The young Mul’niessa is but a few inches shy of the five foot mark, a body from first glance that leads one to easily believe she is lithe and athletic. She is clothed in black leather with brown straps and metal fasteners, the outfit encasing her up to her neck, but a triangle showing off her skin and cleavage. Upon her wrists are black leather arm guards, with brown riveted straps woven throughout. Completing the outfit is a well-crafted gray cloak, the hood often up over her head. High black leather boots blend in with the leather pants of the same color.
<!-- ROLEPLAY HOOKS HEADING TEXT, replace #957d9b with the color of your choice -->
<p style="color: #957d9b; font-size: 180%; font-weight: bold; font-family: Constantia;">''Background Summary''</p>
Jezzara. If she has a last name nobody knows it and she is not about to let that be known to anyone. Much like the young Mul’niessa her background is shrouded in shadows, but what is known paints a picture of a survivor and woman doing what needs to be done to see it her family had what they needed, which was very little. Jezzara was born in a coastal town of Morlith what the humans translated as Darksands due to the color of the beaches, on the south western border of Charn. It was a town of Mul’niessa, a section that had broken off from the elven city of Lathail. However, the town was run by a cruel and slave driving Baron of the region named William Covington. Baron Covington ruled the region from his seat within the city of Porthaven a way down the coast. Darksands(Morlith) had a substantial guard presence, making sure that the citizens stayed within their lines and saw to it that much of what the people caught was sent back to Porthaven, leaving Darksands little more than a slave town for the Baron. Her parents, much like most of the town were fisherman and net weavers, a mundane life of hard work and bare existence. She would be raised with very little, but knowing nothing else, simply assumed this was how life was. When she was 7 years of age, her mother would pass away from what she only assumed was illness as she was kept away from her in the remaining days. This left her with her father, who was seen in the town as a silent leader of the repressed Mul’niessa. When she was 11, her life would change forever and set her on the path her life would inevitably take.
It was known as the Darksands Uprising, an event where the citizens of Darksands rose up in rebellion against their occupying guards in open defiance of their living conditions and meager rations. In the darkness of the night the women and children snuck out of town and the men began their assault on the guards with makeshift weapons and eventual the weapons of those slain. When the fighting had stopped, the citizens had reclaimed Darksands, but such was short-lived. It would only be a few days later that a force rode in from Porthaven with the aged Baron Covington at its head. The women and children were spared, as they were a valuable workforce, but all the men were rounded up and taken, including her father. It would be later in life that she would come to discover that they were taken on a tour of Baron Covington’s towns and one by one publicly executed to deter future uprisings. She was now an orphan and knew she would have to do something to change her path. It would be a few months after her father’s taking that she herself would make her way to Porthaven, becoming a child of the streets, but there was more there for her, it was ripe for the taking. She stole what she could to get by, and eventually her actions became noted by a leader of an underground thieves’ network. Jezzara was nimble and spry, a young Mul’niessa who showed great promise and thus she was offered shelter and protection from the Erenion(Hidden Ones), a group of Mul’niessa who acted in the shadows. She became quite adept within the faction at lockpicking and pickpocketing, stealing as much as she could from those who had more than her and supported the new Baron Tarquin Covington. Yet, stealing was not enough for her. For years she had thought of revenge against the family who worked her mother to death and took her father. That opportunity would finally come a few months ago.
Every three months, the Lords and Ladies of the Barony would come to Portside to be entertained and hosted by the Baron. It was to reward them for their servitude and enforcing the Baron’s will upon their respected areas, as well as to speak of expectations and new laws. She had scouted the Baron’s large Manor for quite some time. She knew every possible entrance and guard schedule and this event was going to be where she finally satiated her desire for revenge. They always had a “feast” of what could be provided(sometimes the meat was questionable) the night of the Lord and Ladies arrival. Thus, earlier in the evening on the night of the feast, Jezzara had snuck in and through some picked locks and careful movement found herself in the cellar of the Manor and before the wine casks. She was not an accomplished apothecary but knew of a certain root that when ground and ingested in enough quantity could cause respiratory failure. Locating the small serving casks, she uncorked and saw to it that an ample amount of the root was poured within. She then snuck her way to a small balcony overlooking the banquet hall. What happened next would go down in history as Covington’s Feast. When glasses were raised in a toast to the Baron, the sips taken Jezzara watched from above as the attendees began to gasp for air and clutched at their throats. As the Lord and Ladies began to fall upon the table and the floor, Jezzara leapt from the balcony amongst the chaos and approached the Baron as he lay on the floor, a dagger pointed at his throat to keep the guards back. She made sure he saw her face clearly. That the last thing he saw were her icy blue eyes. It is said at the Baron’s own words himself that she leaned down into his ear as he struggled to breathe and whispered softly. “Darksands.” , before making a dash for an open window and disappearing into the night. Baron Covington would survive after days of lying ill. Word of this would reach Jezzara and she knew she was no longer safe in the Baron’s lands. She stole a horse and made her way Northwest. Traversing Charn and eventually arriving in Hextus, she secured passage on a small boat to travel across the Inmost Sea and landed in Alexandria. Where better to hide out than the bustling city of Alexandria. She could never go home again, but truthfully, where was home?
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<p style="color: #957d9b; font-size: 180%; font-weight: bold; font-family: Constantia;">''Personality/Quirks''</p>
* '''Screw Your Feelings:''' Jezzara is blunt. She tells it like it is and if you cannot handle it, well that's your problem.
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<p style="color: #957d9b; font-size: 180%; font-weight: bold; font-family: Constantia;">''NPC'S''</p>
* '''Baron Tarquin Covington:''' The Baron of Portside in Charn. It was Tarquin's father who retaliated against Morlith. It was Tarquin who Jezzara sought to kill. Somehow he managed to survive her assassination attempt and has put Jezzara on the top of his list. She is hunted and Baron Tarquin will not rest until she is paraded through his streets to her place of execution.
<!-- BADGES go here if you want them -->
<div style="width: 775px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding-top: 20px;">
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<div style="position:relative; top:0px; height: 50px; width: 875px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-image: linear-gradient(to left, #957d9b, transparent);">
<p style="color: black; font-size: 220%; text-align: center; padding-right: 20px; font-weight: light; font-family: Constantia;">
<!-- FOOTER TEXT, replace with a character quote or something snazzy -->
"It is within the shadows that justice waits." ~ Jezzara of Morlith''

Revision as of 00:48, 25 September 2024

Jezzara of Morlith

Physical Description

Race: Human: Mul'niessa
Homeland: Stormgarde: Jarldom of Steinhólar(Stonehills), Town of Hrafnhildur(Ravenhold)
Age: Quintoos 9, 1006 (19)
Occupation: Mercenary
Class: Rogue
Faith: Worshipper of Taara

Long white hair cascades freely like waves past her shoulders, one side usually swept to her back, the other over her chest. The snow-colored locks contrast with her grey skin, skin that is almost ap perfect silvered hue. Icy blue eyes are surrounded by a black colored ring above and below. Light red colored lips and even more contrast to her light hair and skin, the only color upon her face.

The young Mul’niessa is but a few inches shy of the five foot mark, a body from first glance that leads one to easily believe she is lithe and athletic. She is clothed in black leather with brown straps and metal fasteners, the outfit encasing her up to her neck, but a triangle showing off her skin and cleavage. Upon her wrists are black leather arm guards, with brown riveted straps woven throughout. Completing the outfit is a well-crafted gray cloak, the hood often up over her head. High black leather boots blend in with the leather pants of the same color.

Background Summary

Jezzara. If she has a last name nobody knows it and she is not about to let that be known to anyone. Much like the young Mul’niessa her background is shrouded in shadows, but what is known paints a picture of a survivor and woman doing what needs to be done to see it her family had what they needed, which was very little. Jezzara was born in a coastal town of Morlith what the humans translated as Darksands due to the color of the beaches, on the south western border of Charn. It was a town of Mul’niessa, a section that had broken off from the elven city of Lathail. However, the town was run by a cruel and slave driving Baron of the region named William Covington. Baron Covington ruled the region from his seat within the city of Porthaven a way down the coast. Darksands(Morlith) had a substantial guard presence, making sure that the citizens stayed within their lines and saw to it that much of what the people caught was sent back to Porthaven, leaving Darksands little more than a slave town for the Baron. Her parents, much like most of the town were fisherman and net weavers, a mundane life of hard work and bare existence. She would be raised with very little, but knowing nothing else, simply assumed this was how life was. When she was 7 years of age, her mother would pass away from what she only assumed was illness as she was kept away from her in the remaining days. This left her with her father, who was seen in the town as a silent leader of the repressed Mul’niessa. When she was 11, her life would change forever and set her on the path her life would inevitably take.

It was known as the Darksands Uprising, an event where the citizens of Darksands rose up in rebellion against their occupying guards in open defiance of their living conditions and meager rations. In the darkness of the night the women and children snuck out of town and the men began their assault on the guards with makeshift weapons and eventual the weapons of those slain. When the fighting had stopped, the citizens had reclaimed Darksands, but such was short-lived. It would only be a few days later that a force rode in from Porthaven with the aged Baron Covington at its head. The women and children were spared, as they were a valuable workforce, but all the men were rounded up and taken, including her father. It would be later in life that she would come to discover that they were taken on a tour of Baron Covington’s towns and one by one publicly executed to deter future uprisings. She was now an orphan and knew she would have to do something to change her path. It would be a few months after her father’s taking that she herself would make her way to Porthaven, becoming a child of the streets, but there was more there for her, it was ripe for the taking. She stole what she could to get by, and eventually her actions became noted by a leader of an underground thieves’ network. Jezzara was nimble and spry, a young Mul’niessa who showed great promise and thus she was offered shelter and protection from the Erenion(Hidden Ones), a group of Mul’niessa who acted in the shadows. She became quite adept within the faction at lockpicking and pickpocketing, stealing as much as she could from those who had more than her and supported the new Baron Tarquin Covington. Yet, stealing was not enough for her. For years she had thought of revenge against the family who worked her mother to death and took her father. That opportunity would finally come a few months ago.

Every three months, the Lords and Ladies of the Barony would come to Portside to be entertained and hosted by the Baron. It was to reward them for their servitude and enforcing the Baron’s will upon their respected areas, as well as to speak of expectations and new laws. She had scouted the Baron’s large Manor for quite some time. She knew every possible entrance and guard schedule and this event was going to be where she finally satiated her desire for revenge. They always had a “feast” of what could be provided(sometimes the meat was questionable) the night of the Lord and Ladies arrival. Thus, earlier in the evening on the night of the feast, Jezzara had snuck in and through some picked locks and careful movement found herself in the cellar of the Manor and before the wine casks. She was not an accomplished apothecary but knew of a certain root that when ground and ingested in enough quantity could cause respiratory failure. Locating the small serving casks, she uncorked and saw to it that an ample amount of the root was poured within. She then snuck her way to a small balcony overlooking the banquet hall. What happened next would go down in history as Covington’s Feast. When glasses were raised in a toast to the Baron, the sips taken Jezzara watched from above as the attendees began to gasp for air and clutched at their throats. As the Lord and Ladies began to fall upon the table and the floor, Jezzara leapt from the balcony amongst the chaos and approached the Baron as he lay on the floor, a dagger pointed at his throat to keep the guards back. She made sure he saw her face clearly. That the last thing he saw were her icy blue eyes. It is said at the Baron’s own words himself that she leaned down into his ear as he struggled to breathe and whispered softly. “Darksands.” , before making a dash for an open window and disappearing into the night. Baron Covington would survive after days of lying ill. Word of this would reach Jezzara and she knew she was no longer safe in the Baron’s lands. She stole a horse and made her way Northwest. Traversing Charn and eventually arriving in Hextus, she secured passage on a small boat to travel across the Inmost Sea and landed in Alexandria. Where better to hide out than the bustling city of Alexandria. She could never go home again, but truthfully, where was home?


  • Screw Your Feelings: Jezzara is blunt. She tells it like it is and if you cannot handle it, well that's your problem.


  • Baron Tarquin Covington: The Baron of Portside in Charn. It was Tarquin's father who retaliated against Morlith. It was Tarquin who Jezzara sought to kill. Somehow he managed to survive her assassination attempt and has put Jezzara on the top of his list. She is hunted and Baron Tarquin will not rest until she is paraded through his streets to her place of execution.

"It is within the shadows that justice waits." ~ Jezzara of Morlith