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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Cave Lurkers *GM: Riptide *Characters: Aelwyn, Harkashan, Khepri, Rune, Simony, Tlanexhuani *Place: Alexandros, close to the Felwood</div> ''Somewhere in Alexandros, close to the Felwood, mid-day...'' The rain comes down like tears from the sky. It's the sort of spring downpour that promises the blooming of flowers soon, but for the moment, all it does is make the clo...")
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GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3+2-1: (6)+9+2+-1: 16</pre>
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3+2-1: (6)+9+2+-1: 16</pre>
The Goblin nods to Rune, smiling. "Of course, it's what I do. Keep people's insides where they belong.. inside!" With the others moving in on the fey critter, Simony moves to one side, finding a place where she can swing her hammer. Her expression is sour as she ones again bounces her weapon off of the fey's hide. "These critters are annoyingly sturdy.", she grumps to everyone in particular.
The Goblin nods to Rune, smiling. "Of course, it's what I do. Keep people's insides where they belong.. inside!" With the others moving in on the fey critter, Simony moves to one side, finding a place where she can swing her hammer. Her expression is sour as she once again bounces her weapon off of the fey's hide. "These critters are annoyingly sturdy.", she grumps to everyone in particular.
It has a point. There IS still the ... whatever that terrible thing is. It is still behind them somewhere. It could be arriving even now. Tlanexhuani's head turns of its own volition to partly glance back the way they came. Even while he's swinging his hammer at the not-entirely-visible thing. This makes it even less visible and pulls his strik wide.
It has a point. There IS still the ... whatever that terrible thing is. It is still behind them somewhere. It could be arriving even now. Tlanexhuani's head turns of its own volition to partly glance back the way they came. Even while he's swinging his hammer at the not-entirely-visible thing. This makes it even less visible and pulls his strik wide.

Revision as of 14:27, 29 April 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Cave Lurkers
  • GM: Riptide
  • Place: Alexandros, close to the Felwood

Somewhere in Alexandros, close to the Felwood, mid-day...

The rain comes down like tears from the sky. It's the sort of spring downpour that promises the blooming of flowers soon, but for the moment, all it does is make the cloaks and hoods of the adventurers tasked with this mission bloom with the slick of rain. Yet the elven man that the adventurers here have been tasked with escorting takes all of this in stride, a parasol opened above his head and keeping his fine clothes dry. His glasses perched on his nose, combined with his wide smiles and sing-song way of talking, either prove to be a balm for the mood or an irritant--depending on who's listening.

"Thank you for coming all this way with me," says Frugíl. His violet eyes are quite striking and friendly as he offers the whole group a smile, and he brushes a few strands of his long black hair out of his face. "I just know that there's precious ore in that cave--but I can't go in there alone. The proximity to the Felwood makes it much too unsafe for a man of my lack of skill to go traipsing around in caves. I think we'll have a successful expedition thanks to all of you."

Khepri has marched without complaint (and almost without comment) the whole way, metal-shod feet carrying the war-golem as it strides along on lanky limbs. The plague-doctor facemask turns to regard the elven prospector, tilting quizzically in the way Khepri often does when it is puzzled. As the dozen or so scarab charms jingle softly from around its neck, the golem intones dolorously, "Is there any particular ore you are seeking, or are you merely prospecting for wealth?"

GAME: Harkashan casts Light. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14

Simony's cloak has indeed been plastered with rain, but at least it keeps her robes dry. She focuses on observing the things going on around them, so perhaps is able to ignore what might make one be irritated at their Elven patron.

"You speak as though you might know of some danger that exists in the cave, Mister Frugil. Would you perhaps impart such knowledge to us? It would help us in protecting you if we were prepared for the dangers ahead properly."

Rain is a familiar thing to Tlanexhunai, and it sheds easily off of scales and bronze splints. The mention of purpose and materials piques his interest. "Metal rocks? Ssa, what rocks do you sseek?" This Fel Wood is a strange place; though he hasn't spent much time in or near it, he knows there are dangers aplenty.

The hood that Rune wears seems to be barely able to keep off the worst of the rain. The fabric is made for travel, but that doesn't mean it is perfectly water-proof. She brushes damp strands of dyed hair out of her eyes as they walk, her boots sloshing on the wet ground. "Is there a rush to get there? I imagine a journey would be quite a bit safer in clearer weather." Rune isn't complaining, but simply curious whta would bring such a man out in conditions like this.

There is an extra layer of leather wrapped around Rune's left arm, and it's obvious that she is keeping it close to her side, likely favoring it slightly from an injury during a recent fight. Still, coin is coin and that is something that comes in woeful supply without some risks being taken.

She nods once, seeming to appreciate Simony's foresight, looking at the man expectantly.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive+1: (17)+12+1: 30

There's this subtle 'halo effect' coming from Harkashan as he steps through the rain. Though he's wearing a cloak, the rain is falling right on his scales. There's a warmth radiating from him. Not turning the rain to steam, but still enough that the difference in temperature is creating a strange warding across his body.

The glimmer of his scales intensified by the constant wetness of him, the light that lies between his horns, coming off of the lavastone, no doubt playing in interesting ways with the avian-like warforged's patterns as well.

When Frug speaks, the Sith-makar is watching him with a similar gentleness on his expression. Letting Simony lead the inquiry on what they might find within the caves. He's a bit more quiet today than usual.

Aelwyn had been wrapped himself in a cloak, the autumn-scaled sith-makar looked miserable in the rain. Then again, the water flowing along his ruddy scales seemed to bring out the most of his scales' colors. There was also a subtle reason why he was walking near the walking pile of hot rocks.

The Dragoon pulls up his glaive and rests it against his shoulder, tilting his head at the well-dressed elf, but he is content to let the others speak for now.

"I've heard tell that there's veins of precious metals in this cave," Frugíl explains with a broad smile. "Rumors of gold and silver. Imagine the beautiful things that could be made with it. Of course, they're only rumors--which is why I had to go and investigate for myself, you know. With all of you, that is."

The other questions get answered with a similar lacksadaisical manner, Frugíl's violet eyes glittering with excitement. "A little rain never bothered anyone. What was your name again? Rune? Your tattoos are quite splendid; I've only seen one of their kind before. But that was some time ago. And as for what dangers there are--could be all manner of things, really. I'm simply hoping for the best and all we find is a bear and her cubs."

He points to the lip of a cave off in the distance. It's a little hidden by the fact there's a thick field of wildflowers by the entrance, drawing the eyes away from it and towards the splendor of rain-laden color. "See! There it is."

GAME: Simony rolls perception: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (10)+5: 15

The war-golem has exchanged some minor shop-talk with Harkashan -- such is the life of one dedicated to the Gray Harpist -- but for the most part, Khepri has been all business. When Frugil points out the cave, and comments on the veins of precious metals, the Executor tilts its head again. "Earthly rewards are fleeting. And I might wonder why you did not have an assay done -- but perhaps the question is the answer. An assay would cost money, and require you to stake the claim."

A pause. "Still, the proximity to the Felwood would make more conventional services hesitate... which is where we come in."

GAME: Khepri rolls perception: (12)+11: 23

There's this slow subtle tilt of Harkashan's head as Frug speaks on the matter of coming with them to find the veins of precious metals. This close to the Felwoods, one would expect at least some measure or consideration of the fact of being this close to that awful place...

Yet, this one seems happy. He can't a read on this person. A fool? Obsession? They seem too 'aware' of things to just be a fool. He looks to Rune as her tattoos are mentioned, before he begins to shift a bit more forward, taking a measure of slight lead as they start approaching the thick field of wildflowers.

Reaching out to a butterfly, hoping it'll land on its horns or something.

One might expect Rune to simply shrug off the random, lackadaisical comments from their patron as little more than enthusiasm, but there is actually a hitch in her step. It obviously catches her off-guard. "Wait, you've seen tattoos like this before?" The look that she gives Frugil an intense look. She can feel her heartbeat kick up a notch or two.

"When was it? Can you tell me anything about the person?" The normally keen-eyed scout seems completely oblivious to how strange it is to have a hidden cave near a field of wildflowers. Rune seems completely distracted, absorbed in the possibility of information that the man might be able to offer.

Tlanexhuani looks to the cave when pointed out, peering through the drizzling rain. "More metals good for the people. More metal, more things made from metal." While the softskin may think of profits, his thoughts are of the practical results. Word of tattoos then bring his attention back to Rune and the prospector.

Aelwyn had been listening to the conversation, but to be fair, he has been very distracted by something. Eventually, the reason becomes evident, as he opens up his maw and peels out a slice of ginger from between his sharp teeth. Subtly, he flicks it off. The Dragoon looks curiously towards Rune when she gets passionate about the tattoos - but that was a puzzlement not on this rainy field.

"This finds the skies are unhappy today, and the woods are always unhappy." The Dragoon rumbles as he picks up the step after Harkashan, pulling his cloak further over himself.

GAME: Simony rolls sense motive: (11)+3: 14

The Goblin frowns ever so slightly, giving Frugil a bit of stink-eye. "A bear and her cubs is not what we should be finding. Momma bear would be upset at our appearance." She blinks a few times, and squints at the man. Her pince-nes is removed, and cleaned on the hem of her sleeve, before being replaced on her nose.

As they reach the cave in question, Simony reaches into the bag on her hip, and pulls out a small handful of peanuts. With a casual flick of her wrist, she scatters the legumes into the flowers and grass near the entrance.

"Who here is able to see in the dark?", the Gobbo wonders as she slowly approaches the maw leading into the cave. "If you need light, you should get it ready now."

"The last I saw markings such as those--they were on a human woman. A lovely and vivacious creature, I must add. Yet I had no interest in her; she was already spoken for by another. The tattoos declared as much." Frugíl smiles. "I had to admire the beauty, though. Such a mark is relatively rare, you know--especially on one whose lifespan is so fleeting compared to my people."

The butterfly that Harkashan spots is perched on a bluebell. When he holds his claws out, it takes a moment... but the butterfly takes flight and lands on Harkashan's claw, its wings gently opening and closing. Its wings are a lovely iridescent shift between black and dark blue, and it doesn't seem to mind the rain much.

"The Temperance is correct; those of you who can't see in the dark ought to prepare." Frugíl smiles. "How would you like to proceed? Given this is my expedition, I could go ahead if you all would wish." This perhaps cements him as a fool, given that he's not wearing armor and appears to have nothing in the way of a weapon besides his parasol. If you could consider one such, that is.

Khepri turns its head slowly, and stares at Frugil. Looking him up and down, before the golem replies. "No. I do not think that is necessary." Khepri turns to examine the rest of the group. "I will go first. I can see in darkness and light in equal measure." Then the golem unslings a shield, attaching it to its left arm, before reaching down and drawing a heavy, elaborate khopesh from a sheath. "The Harpist will guide me as she has always done."

Harkashan gains a Butterfly on his finger, and as such, he has already won the most arduous and challenging encounter today. He seems rather pleased with himself to have such a fine small critter on his finger, and just stands there for a while enjoying a moment with nature.

Ever since leaving Am'shere, moments like these are far more rare than they used to be after all.

"I can see in the dark, but..." He motions at the Light already radiating from the lava-stone between his horns. It allows other to spot him as needed.

He should be focused on getting into the cave, but he is instead listening far more carefully to the Elfin man's tale of Rune's markings.

"Please permit the armored ones to lead - or miss Rune here." He bids to the man. "Who is rather keen of eye and sense, in case of traps and beast." Khepri goes ahead, which is perfect in his eyes. A motion of his hand, as Harkashan joins behind him.

Some measure of confusion is written across Rune's features. "Spoken for?" She looks down at the markings and then back to Frugil. There are obviously things that Rune doesn't understand about the markings that adorn her own body. "Do you mean a Curuchuil?" The word may be unfamiliar to some, especially those who don't know much about the Llyranesi and some of their ritual customs. "Mine... aren't anything of that sort. They're just a copy of ones I'd seen once before."

She seems to want to ask more about it, but then people are discussing matters of entering the cave and that seems to snap her back to attention. "My vision isn't the best in the dark, but so long as Harkashan is giving off that glow of his, I should be fine." She explains, "I think we should keep our gest in the middle of the party, that way he's protected on both sides."

It seems very hard for her to focus when there are so many questions that she wants to ask the man. Her eyes flick from the cave, to Frugil and back again, even as she draws out her weapons, ready for anything that might show itself.

"This one's eyes are ssharp, alsso." Tlanexhuani moves to join the others in approaching the cave. He is also armored, and armed, though his spear is used as a walking aid and carried as such." His tail thumps lightly with Harkashan's note and he looks to Frugil. "Ssa, should not go first, if dangers unknown. Maybe not go at all until safe."

"It would not do for you to enter first, Mister Frugil. However capable you are, you have hired us to help and protect you. Allow us to perform our duties, and you may, of course, lend a hand as you see fit." The little Temperance will follow in behind Harkashan, gesturing for Frugil to follow in behind her.

"So, do you have any suggestions where to start looking, Mister Frugil?"

Aelwyn flicks his head, trying to send those rain plastered ribbons flying off those straight pointing growths. "This one can see in the dark. Following Khepri is something this one is used to do." The Dragoon looks towards Harkashan having his moment, but he turns his head towards Tlanex in the end. "Perhaps we shall then lead the way, Thunder?" A flash of his teeth, a flick of his tail, before he picks up his glaive and moves on after Khepri.

"I'll take our fine adherent of Vardama's advice and stick behind the group," Frugíl admits, almost bashfully. "It wouldn't do to end up on the wrong end of a weapon. I almost let my excitement get ahead of me. Although..."

He remains close to Rune as the group enters the cave. It is a dark tunnel that winds into the earth, but the light that Harkashan has is enough for the group to get their bearings. "Not a curuchuil, no," Frugíl elaborates to Rune. "It is something of a more private... tradition. A thing that I can only speculate on--but such would be a disservice to the one who made the mark. It is not wise to gossip about such things; they have a way of getting back to the people involved. I apologize I cannot offer more." That sounds sincere, at least.

The journey into the earth takes some time. There are no glittering indications of precious metal in the walls. Merely earth on earth, stalactites and stalagmites that look like they'd been shaped by the gods' fingers. Frugíl lags behind for one moment, however, and he stops in place, admiring something in the ceiling.

"Rune! Come look. I think I found something. A stone that matches the color of your hair--at least in one shade."

GAME: Khepri rolls Will: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Simony rolls will: (16)+7: 23
GAME: Harkashan rolls Will: (4)+8: 12
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls will: (20)+3: 23 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Rune rolls will: (14)+3: 17
GAME: Aelwyn rolls will: (18)+2: 20

However, the truth is: there is no stone. Those who turn to look at Frugíl see his form... change. He is taller now, about six feet tall, his skin unnaturally pale. The long dark hair is matted to his face now, the stains of dark-colored viscera coating his mouth and lower face as he smiles in a wicked way, sharp teeth glinting in the light from Harkashan's spell. The violet eyes burn through all, inspiring a deep feeling of dread and fear. For this is not a jovial man looking for precious metals.

This is a predator looking for his next meal.

"Come now, won't you look, everyone?" he croons, in a voice that promises delight, but only for him. Just the words inspire sheer terror, inspire all save for the old artificer Tlanexhuani to scramble down the cave in a mad dash. Away from this horror.

There's something almost comical in what happens next. Khepri's eyes glow, and suddenly it begins scrabbling backwards, trying to get away from the gaunt creature that has replaced Frugil. However, its sword is still clenched in its fist, and the khopesh seems almost possessed, trying to yank Khepri's arm around and drag it back towards the fight even as the golem flees into the cave.

Simony shrieks in fear, and begins running. Somewhere along the way, she slips and falls onto her behind. Pausing only for a moment, she groans as she stands, and then carries on moving way from ol' Viscera Face.

Time and again, Frugil seems to throw Rune off of her game. The man is an endless source of distraction. Not only that, but the fact that he isn't offering a clear explanation has her brows furrowing. "That's the thing that's confusing me." She admits, "The woman with this mark, her mate didn't have anything of the sort. He certainly wasn't any sort of artisan, either."

This sort of distraction while going into a dangerous place is likely a very bad thing. However, sometimes it cannot be avoided. She seems about to try to convince the man to elaborate further, but instead, her attention is drawn by the comment about finding a stone.

A stone that does not exist. However, it does bring her face very, very close to Frugil's, enough so that she can see it as it changes. The pale features, the dark, stained teeth, it is something out of a nightmare. Rune's eyes widen and her first instinct is to freeze like prey caught in the eyes of a hunter. Something about this creature feels a little too familiar, like something she can't quite place.

Then, she gives a very unlady-like sound and scrambles back, moving as quick as she can manage, tripping over stones, barreling away from the creature that stands before her. "What the fuck, what the fuck what the fuuuuck." It's not a question, but an exclamation of sheer panic.

Harkashan has no hackles to raise. But when he looks back because Frug has gone quiet for a moment, his heart practically skips a beat. The teeth, the dread. Even his armor, radiating with magic, isn't enough to help bolster his allies or his own mind.

That spike of fear isn't one he's that familiar with. That dread overcoming his heart. Nothing like what he even felt when ambushed that fateful day...

So, in that moment, he runs! He runs as fast as he can. Mind reeling, unable to think straight. Trying to stumble and rush along with Rune as best as he can - blind to any and all others. Fearing for his life.

For a moment, the old bluescale thinks there is something wrong with the Death-Singer's light. Or his own eyes. He blinks slowly as Frugil becomes Freaky. Maybe it is ignorance of softskin lands, elderly stubbornness, or just slow lizard brain that has him staring at... that thing with others rushing past. Finding metal rocks is no longer a priority as he withdraws his hammer from his belt, still standing where he is, exclaiming, "What slag is this?!" <kulthian>

Aelwyn was completely content at walking forward into yet another dark cave, sliding a hand into his pouch to retrieve another piece of ginger. The motion is halted when he notices Khepri - the golem! - turn and stumble around. "Wha-"

There's a moment as the small runtlike sith-makar looks towards the visage - but then he lashes out a draconic word. Not a curse word - just 'RUN'. His body feels like it was running on slow motion, as his glaive, usually so well balanced and cared for, bangs against the sides of the cave and the floo. The clanging blade betrayed his thin veneer of professionalism, as his more basic instincts kick in.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls will: (11)+3: 14

The man whose name was Frugíl stares down at Tlanexhuani, and he runs a black tongue across his blood-caked lips and teeth. "You--an intriguing meal indeed, perhaps even moreso than the fool copying pact marks she has no clue about," he murmurs in wonder. "But you aren't ready to consume just yet. I suggest you run and join the rest of your allies."

That's enough for the artificer to rejoin the group, a magic weight to those words that compels the old bluescale to do so. For the rest: fear is a powerful motivator. It doesn't help that, for those affected by the deep feeling of dread coming from the violet-eyed monster, one can swear they hear his voice echoing off the walls of the cavern, coming from every which way--laughter like the cutting of a knife.

But eventually--in a way that feels like eternity and yet like a flash, in the way that fear operates--the fear abates. The laughter is gone. For Tlanexhuani, the magic weight of the violet-eyed monster's words is lifted.

What remains is an open chamber in a cavern... light filtering in through gaps in the rocks up above. The ceiling is a good hundred feet off the ground, so it'll be a climbing effort, but there is hope.

On Harkashan's hand, the butterfly gently flaps its wings.

Khepri only comes to a halt when its khopesh twists in its grasp and slams its flat against the side of its head. A garbled, angry sound comes from the golem, but then it pauses, looking around, then at its sword again. "You are continuing to worry me," the golem intones, before looking at the others. "It appears we are the 'bounty' and precious things our 'employer' wishes to collect. We should deny him." The golem stoically advances, holding its blade at the ready.

GAME: Harkashan casts Bless. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15

The fear abates, as the group arrives within the lit cavern. There is no further place to run. Only a chance to go up.

His hand touches to the armor protecting his chest, unable to touch near his heart. But he's still panting. His tongue hanging out, drooling a bit from the fear. He's honestly surprised the butterfly is still with him.

He look sat the insect for a bit, considering it for a moment, before looking up at the light above.

"You should probably find safety, little one." He remarks to the little insect, stepping forward and lifting his hand a bit so it has a chance going up there ahead of time. Exposed at the edge of the light, Harkashan takes a deeper breath, and lets some of his magic roll off of him, aiming to try and wash away some of that fear that the being emanated.

"I loathe to admit, but it might be prudent to escape through the ceiling here." Harkashan notes.

And so the old bluescale is just late to the re-gathering, having hustled down the tunnel barely using his spear for aid. With the last echoes of the strange and horrifying laughter fading, he blinks and looks to the others, then the cavern. Then upwards after Harkashan's words. "This one does not have wingss..." Though his tone suggests he wouldn't mind growing some at this moment.

GAME: Rune rolls perception: (7)+14: 21

Simony pants heavily, tears, saliva and snot dribbling onto the ground from her face. After a little while, she removes her pince-nes, and wipes at her face with her sleeve. She coughs and hacks and spits, before straightening and looking around. "Is... is everyone here?", she wonders quietly.

At Harkashan's suggestion of escaping upwards, the Goblin steps forwards on shaky legs. "What was that thing?" She comes to a stop near Khepri, peering up at where the light filters in on the roof of the cave.

Sometimes, in moments of fear, you completely miss important tidbits of information. In her fear and panic, Rune is too busy hearing the thunder of her own heartbeat and the heavy footfalls of her companions to focus on the creature's words.

As they reach the opening of the cavern and the fear starts to lift, Rune ends up leaned forward slightly over her knees, gasping for breath. She isn't even able to process what the creature's words might mean, given the fact that he most clearly was not a normal person.

No, Rune has to focus on the moment at hand. "We need to find a way out of here before that thing comes back." Goosebumps still linger on her exposed skin, but for now, the rogue tries to force that feeling down. Instead, she starts to walk the perimeter of the room, looking for anywhere that might have good hand-holds in order to climb.

When Aelwyn appears through to the cavern with the rest, but he keeps on running forward, only stopping his advance after he realizes where he is. "Caves... caverns... ha!" He breathes in his native tongue, letting out an exasperated rattle. "Not a hunt like in the city..."

Straightening up with a long sinuous twist of his body, he hefts up his glaive onto his shoulder. He stretches - and then after a moment, seems to find the sort of balance he naturally carried. "This one has tools for climbing." He states, slapping the pouch around his backside. With a twist on his step, he looks towards Khepri, Harkashan - and finally Tlanexhuani. "... but this one was not expecting to carry precious loot through a hole in the ceiling today." A flash of his teeth.

Still, his hand seeks one of those ginger roots - and he bites down on it particularly sharply - and with less steady hand.

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17

It's quiet here in this light-scattered chamber, but serenity isn't to be found here in the quiet. It's that manner of quiet that feels like a tightrope, precarious and liable to snap underneath some unlucky acrobat's foot at any moment.

Something hard like metal comes for both Harkashan and Khepri as the two adherents of Vardama come close to pools of light. These assailants are invisible, and while they don't find purchase in both Vardamans' armor... The ringing of metal on metal loudly announces they are here.

The tightrope, it appears, has broken.

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Khepri rolls knowledge/nature+3: (18)+8+3: 29
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Khepri rolls fortitude+4: (12)+6+4: 22
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d3+1: (2)+1: 3

Another blade goes for Harkashan from the direction of the light. This one misses again. Strangely, the butterfly only moves up to Harkashan's snout, fluttering a little in a way that suggests the butterfly insists on staying with the Vardaman.

Khepri is not so fortunate. This one pierces through Khepri's defenses, but the golem is made of stern stuff and shrugs off the worst of what's on the invisible blade coming from the light.

GAME: Khepri casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14
GAME: Khepri rolls perception: (12)+11: 23

The screech of metal on metal draws sparks, and a startled sound from Khepri. Instinctively, the golem steps back, raising its hand. "Gray Harpist, guide my blows and watch my footsteps so that I may serve you properly." A shimmer of light washes over the Executor, as the yellow eyes glitter. "It is in the light." Its blade is pointed at a specific spot. "There!"

GAME: Simony casts Burst of Radiance. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Simony rolls 5d4: (14): 14
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d4: (3): 3

The Goblin squints, looking about curiously. The noises are what gives away the fact that something else is here with them. Hearing the sound of metal on metal, and then where Khepri points, Simony puts a hand to her holy symbol. A prayer is uttered, quick and low. Lifting her now-glowing hand, she thrusts her palm outwards, sending a small mote of light towards the creature's location. A moment later, a burst of light winks in and out of existence in a bedazzling flash.

"Thanks, Khepri! I hope I hurt it. How are you faring, just a ding, yes?"

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged: (17)+4: 21
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls 1d100: (49): 49

Tlanexhuani follows Khepri's pointing and moves closer, but not too close. "There?" He peers at the light and thinks he can see... something. His crystal-tipped spear is pointed at it. A spark from his claw leaps to the copper windings on the haft to spiral into the tip, causing it to glow a moment as it amplifies the spark and then unleashes it as a, well, larger spark that leaps through the light to impact on the far wall of the cavern. Maybe not there.

GAME: Rune rolls perception: (4)+14: 18
GAME: Rune rolls perception: (3)+14: 17

As she starts to scout the cavern walls, she doesn't get too close. Perhaps her recent encounter with a carnivorous table has taught her not to take anything at face value. "It looks like we should be able to climb up here." She reports to the others, turning to look back and keep the rest of the party in her vision.

However, there are some things very much not in her vision. The ringing of metal has her hands tightening on her weapons. She closes back in on the rest of the party, trying to make sure they aren't too spread out, her eyes sweep the area, looking for signs of the invisible intruders but... it's obvious that Rune is still very distracted.

The sight of the horrific creature and his words ringing in her ears. "I'll watch your back." The half-sil may not be that effective at it, given that she can't see anything, but it's something.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls perception: (15)+1: 16
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon10: (2)+10: 12

Hearing their invisible attackers Aelwyn spins in place. Squinting his eyes at the dark and light, he tries to see... something, but all he can go with is Khepri's instructions. Muttering under his breath, the short sith quietly speaks, "Remember in the city of the lost sand? How their blades moved with eyes blinded?"

Suddenly, the glaive tip thrusts in the air... to be slowly withdrawn as the Dragoon looks on in with frustrated ire. "Tch." He lets the end of his polearm touch the ground briefly. <Draconic>

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (17)+9: 26
GAME: Harkashan rolls Fortitude: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Harkashan rolls Fortitude: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d3+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Harkashan rolls Concentration: (9)+9: 18
GAME: Harkashan rolls CLERIC+WISDOM: (5)+5+4: 14
GAME: Harkashan casts Prayer. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2: (20)+9+2: 31 (THREAT)
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2: (8)+9+2: 19
GAME: Rune rolls 1d100: (76): 76
GAME: Rune rolls 1d6+1+1d6+1: (5)+1+(4)+1: 11

Invisible assailants! Harkashan instinctively moves towards the light coming from above, warding the Butterfly as the creatures make purchase on metal, but fail to get past his heavily armed defenses.

"We are under assault!" Harkashan calls out, preparing to defend himself. But making sure everyone is aware.

The butterfly moves to his snout, wishing to remain with him. "Okay little one, just stay safe. Maybe get on top of my horns, okay?" Harkashan notes, as he readies another spell and begins to move, noticing Rune approaching him.

There's a glance there. Just something shared between the two of them. Intentional movement from Harkashan. A warm light begins to burn from his Lavastones within his armor, warping the air around him, before it suddenly pulses it.

In that moment, a glint. Something comes his way, stabbing into his armor.

And in that moment, Harkashan grabs the assaulter with both his hands; "RUNE!" Letting her get her attack in while the enemy's fetid effects take effects on his muscles. But he doesn't let go until Rune has her blades coming forwards.

Harkashan and Rune have worked together long enough that there are certain subtle signs that exist between them. So, the moment that he moves, drawing that attack, she knows to be ready. Though she can't see the enemy, there are only so many places it could be.

One of her two blades strikes home, sinking into something unseen. "Got it!" She calls out, since it might be hard to tell, otherwise. She pulls her blade back, eyes still darting around.

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
GAME: Aelwyn rolls fortitude: (12)+6: 18
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d3+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Khepri rolls fortitude+5: (19)+6+5: 30
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d3+1-1: (1)+1+-1: 1

One blade in the light goes for Aelwyn and finds its mark, but the dancer dragoon is lucky in that he shrugs off the most noxious part of the blade.

But finally, faced with the fact that its enemies have stepped out of the light--one of the invisible assailants move forward to continue pressing its attacks onto Khepri. It's a small thing, only three feet tall, buzzing on small golden wings as golden as its skin and eyes, wielding a dagger in one hand and claws outstretched with the other. The dagger finds purchase in Khepri again, but the war golem shrugs off the worst that comes from the dagger.

GAME: Khepri rolls knowledge/nature+3: (6)+8+3: 17
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+5: (3)+7+5: 15
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+5: (17)+7+5: 29
GAME: Khepri rolls damage6+2+2d6+2: aliased to 1d8+1+2+2d6+2: (2)+1+2+(5)+2: 12

The golem's backstep draws the creature out of the light into the shadows... where it appears. The stab of its dagger is barely even noticed. "Foolish," Khepri intones, and it raises its blade. "Harpist, guide my weapon. Give me the power to rebuke this fey monster." Suddenly the khopesh thrums in Khepri's hand, a sheen glittering along its blade. Then the sword falls like an axe, cleaving into the creature, savaging it.

GAME: Simony rolls weapon2+1+1: (17)+5+1+1: 24
GAME: Simony rolls 1d6+1+1: (4)+1+1: 6

Simony blinks at the creature which reveals itself, peering curious at it as Khepri attacks it. "What a fascinating creature." She shrugs then, hefting her warhammer and bringing it down upon the head of the fey. It does not make as satisfying a sound as the Gobbo expects, and she pulls back the weapon to inspect it curiously. "Did I break it?", she wonders.

GAME: Tlanexhuani activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3+2-1: (5)+9+2+-1: 15
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3+2-1: (19)+9+2+-1: 29
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3+2: aliased to 1d8+6+2: (5)+6+2: 13

Tlanexhuani sees the creature appear before him as it attacks Khepri. There. NOW he knows where it is. The hammer clipped at his waist is grabbed up and then brought down at the thing. Upon it, in the end, though it is obviously far more sturdy than it looks.

GAME: Rune rolls perception: (2)+14: 16
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (16)+9: 25
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude +1: (18)+2+1: 21
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d3+1-1: (3)+1+-1: 3
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+1+1+2: (11)+8+1+1+2: 23
GAME: Rune rolls 1d6+1+2d6: (5)+1+(4): 10

Despite her best efforts, Rune just isn't able to spot the creatures when they are hiding in the pools of light. Trying to strike out blind seems like a poor use of her skills so she moves to aid the others attacking the very visible fey creature. "I got this."

Her existing weapon is dropped in favor of drawing out a cold iron blade. It looks a but more mundane than her other weapons, not as finely crafted, but it seems to strike the creature easily enough, causing it to cry out in pain. "Cold iron if you've got it!" She calls out to the others, then in a quieter voice, "I owe Cor'lana a drink after this."

GAME: Aelwyn rolls perception: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon10: (17)+10: 27
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage10: aliased to 1d10+4: (7)+4: 11

Aelwyn keeps squinting at the dark slash light cavern - but his eyes never seemed to get used to the shifting lighting, pupils dilating and contracting in turn. It was not only that, but the draconian seemed to be still distracted after their run in here.

After Rune strikes, the sharp end of his glaive falls down from above, cleaving into the creature and crushing it to the ground. "Tch - where is the other?" He taps his tail against the floor.

GAME: Harkashan casts Archon's Aura. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21

Seeing that their foes are resisting some of the blows, Harkashan keeps on his toes. Clearly it's possible to draw them from the light in order to get them to show themselves; "Move towards the cave halls." He rumbles to his allies fighting alongside him. "Draw it out." He doesn't know if they are intelligent or not.

He could aid in making some of his allies' weapons magical, but he wants to ensure he can protect them properly first. Such is his focus. "Keep up the assault." He cannot tell if the new wave of magic that starts to leak from him is effective or not, but he hopes it is.

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21

Aelwyn asks the question and is answered immediately by two tiny swipes of claws--neither of which connect with the dragoon.

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+5: (7)+7+5: 19
GAME: Khepri rolls 1d100: (9): 9

Khepri focuses, invoking Vardama's judgement... the dents and gouges in its frame starting to flatten out and fill in again. Yellow eyes sweep the room, and then the golem is moving again, pointing with its shield. "There! It hides there, the lurker in light!" And with that it sweeps its khopesh through the space, the blade hissing but finding no purchase. The creature is lucky... this time.

GAME: Simony rolls 3d6: (8): 8

As Aelwyn finishes off the little creature, the Gobbo pumps her fist. "Yes, well done! Let's get the other one." As Khepri is a few steps ahead, spotting the other lurker in the light, Simony pulls up her holy symbol. "Navos, please lend me your power, and heal my companion's wounds." A brief flash of light is seen, and her companions feel their wounds begin to close, the pain fading.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3+2-1: (2)+9+2+-1: 12

One down and one (hopefully?) to go. Tlanexhuani turns and steps to the other to swing his hammer at it, though between moving, avoiding others, and that it is only a few feet tall, he misjugdes the height of his swing.

GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+2-2: (3)+8+2+-2: 11
GAME: Rune rolls weapon3+2-2: (6)+9+2+-2: 15

As Khepri points out the location of the other enemy, Rune shifts herself into position, wielding both weapons. Both slashes seem to hit nothing but thin air. "Damnit, where are you?" She mutters.

There's a momentary glance towards Simony, offering as the smaller injury from earlier seals up. "Thank you, my friend." Then, her attention turns back to... nothing. Just that beam of light. Stupid invisible enemies.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon10: (6)+10: 16

"They hide in the light?" The Dragoon tchs, "No wonder the rain stopped." The short sith-makar steps around the light beam still, to get into a better angle with his blade. The glaive is drawn and swung, but it hits nothing. "At least it is corralled."

GAME: Harkashan casts Bull's Strength. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16

"Keep leading it out." Harkashan remarks, moving further away from the light and touching Rune for a moment. Not moments later, she'll feel a sudden wave of ember-like strength boil within her. The strength of a Sith-makar Warrior filling her veins as Harkashan whispers; "Try to draw it back if you can."

He then glances southwards. After all... they were moved here by that hideous fiend. Why is it not coming for them? Is it hoping they will be weakened by these enemies?

He then looks at the butterfly on his snout.

Butterfly will protect them from the creepy monster!

GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14
GAME: Riptide rolls 1d20+9-1: (4)+9+-1: 12

The invisible fey growls in frustration as it's the only one left behind. "I don't fear you! Not when the Rook is coming to eat all of you!" it hisses, which makes it all the easier for the group to locate it--but its claw attacks go wide of the half-sil woman.

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+5: (11)+7+5: 23
GAME: Khepri rolls 1d100: (34): 34

Suddenly all the heroes are swinging, and Khepri knows it's only a matter of time before someone connects. "There is no escape for you," the golem intones, and the khopesh rises and falls again, narrowly missing due to the lurker's invisibility. "You cannot evade the blades of your prey forever. You will be destroyed. The words will be spoken."

GAME: Simony rolls weapon2+1+1: (10)+5+1+1: 17
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3+2-1: (6)+9+2+-1: 16

The Goblin nods to Rune, smiling. "Of course, it's what I do. Keep people's insides where they belong.. inside!" With the others moving in on the fey critter, Simony moves to one side, finding a place where she can swing her hammer. Her expression is sour as she once again bounces her weapon off of the fey's hide. "These critters are annoyingly sturdy.", she grumps to everyone in particular.

It has a point. There IS still the ... whatever that terrible thing is. It is still behind them somewhere. It could be arriving even now. Tlanexhuani's head turns of its own volition to partly glance back the way they came. Even while he's swinging his hammer at the not-entirely-visible thing. This makes it even less visible and pulls his strik wide.

GAME: Rune rolls intimidate + 1: (6)+6+1: 13
GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+2+2: (1)+8+2+2: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

The fact that the creature continues to elude them is enough to spark one potential idea. "I'll see if I can flush it out. No idea if this is going to do anything at all but.. here goes." Rune brandishes the cold iron weapon in front of her, sweeping it forward into the space she knows the Fey creature might be.

"Back. Get back!" She calls out. However, when the creature refuses to step out of the light. Instead, she moves to try to create a better opportunity for the others, swiping her sword again through the space to little avail.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon10: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d100: (61): 61
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage10: aliased to 1d10+4: (3)+4: 7

Aelwyn creeps around Rune to stand in between the looming lights; trying to prevent the creature from at least easily flying past him. "This one is not sure if those creatures have sense to flee their death," The ruddy sith-makar comments to Rune. "But this one appreciates her sentiment."

The Dragoon's grip tightens around the heft of his weapon and his body relaxes, until he thrusts the tip of his glaive, hurting the creature.

GAME: Harkashan casts Magic Weapon. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15

"May this help." Harkashan is quick to continue maneuvering around the combat field, reaching out to Tlanex's blade for a moment - and not a moment later, it begins to slightly... glow. Not 'glow' as in cast light, but embers of orange begin to eminate off of the weapon, making it feel more powerful. Feeling heavier, finer within his Kin's hands.

The butterfly on Harkashan's snout still remains, even in the wake of all of this combat. Even stranger... Harkashan hears a humming coming from it, like the sound of a woman's humming.

Followed by their invisible assailant being covered in glitter.

"WAGH!?" The lurker is aghast at its form being so visibly covered. "Corpse-Eater! FINISH THIS! I tire of your game!"

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon6+7: (6)+7+7: 20
GAME: Khepri rolls damage6+1+1+2d6+2: aliased to 1d8+1+1+1+2d6+2: (3)+1+1+1+(6)+2: 14

Khepri doesn't know who the Corpse-Eater is (although with that fey monster's look, it can tell the name isn't for show). But suddenly the lurker is visible, outlined in sparkles, and that's all that Khepri needs. The heavy blade chops down, dealing a vicious wound to the evil fey, as the golem relentlessly slams into it.

GAME: Simony rolls weapon2+1+1: (10)+5+1+1: 17
GAME: Simony rolls weapon2+1+1: (12)+5+1+1: 19
GAME: Simony rolls 3d6+3: (8)+3: 11

"Got you!", the Goblin hollers as the fey being is suddenly made visible by a nearly illegal amount of glitter. Grunting in an unladylike fashion, Simony brings the hammer up, her free hand grasping the handle as she pulls her weapon down. A noisy CRUNCH indicates the most solid hit the little Temperance has managed the whole fight. "The Corpse-Eater is only going to find your corpse to eat!"

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls weapon3+2+2-1: (14)+9+2+2+-1: 26
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls damage3+2+1: aliased to 1d8+6+2+1: (5)+6+2+1: 14

Tlanexhuani follows up right behind Simony with a hammer strike of his own. He also manages to hit solidly... though once again this Eater of Corpses is mentioned. The idea of this just makes him uneasy, to sayy nothing of what it looked like. "Doess it come for uss?" He is glancing that way, even with the foe in front of him. Again.

GAME: Rune rolls weapon4+2+2-2: (4)+8+2+2+-2: 14
GAME: Rune rolls weapon3+2+2-2: (7)+9+2+2+-2: 18
GAME: Rune rolls 1d6+3+2d6: (6)+3+(7): 16

Rune laughs softly, though there is still an edge of stress to it as she looks over to Aelwyn, "It was worth a shot." Her lip quirks, though it's impossible for her normal humor to break through. Things were just a little too strange and unsettling...

The voice and the sudden explosion of glitter-like particles a twitch in one of Rune's pointed ears. "Corpse-eater?" She can only assume that must be the creature that brought them here.

Focusing her eyes on the Fey creature, one by one, her allies start to chip it down. In the end, Rune brandishes both blades and swipes in sequence. Perhaps out of fear, the Fey avoids the cold iron blade, but it runs right into the sweep of the other short sword, neatly tearing across its form.

"Where did all that sparkly dust come from?" She asks.

"It came from me." This is said by a feminine voice coming from the... butterfly? Yes, the butterfly.

Who takes flight from Harkashan's snout and reforms into a small elvish-looking woman, only a few inches shorter than Rune. Her rainbow-colored eyes are hard to look at, and the black-blue iridescence of her former butterfly wings are mirrored in the color of her hair. She offers all a small smile.

"You will not be taken by the Corpse-Eater this day," she says. "But next we meet--you will owe me a favor. For that is the way of our Land and our People."

She holds out her hands. "All of you. Take my hands and form a circle. The Rook is fast-approaching--"

Even as she says that, all can hear his words bouncing around off the walls of the cavern, coming from the long passageway that the adventuring party tumbled down in a fit of fear. But rather than the self-satisfied croon of a man anticipating his meal, it's a hateful, rage-filled voice. "Interloper! How dare you intervene?!"

"Quickly," the woman requests. "Time is of the essence."

Khepri glances down the tunnel. Looks at the little fey woman. Decides to take its chances with the butterfly fey rather than the psychopath whose moniker suggests he might opt to try wargolem-kebabs next. The golem places its hand in the woman's, and reaches for the others. "This is a terrible idea," it intones, "but the alternative is worse. Take us from this place."

Simony stares at the butterfly-turned-woman, but gives her head a shake, moving to take one of the fey's hands in hers. "You don't have ask me twice."

"Thank you, little butterfly." Harkashan remarks, as the glitter suddenly appears. "I should learn your name." As he grins at the creature exposed to all.

However, he is concerned at what it just said. Corpse-eater?

"Do not let up your guard. We may still have our fearsome assailant approaching us. And no way out. These things were clearly waiting for it to aid them."

Only for the butterfly to make herself known, shifting, changing into a small elfin little thing.

Indeed, a trade has been made here. Aid for aid.

He nods his head. Better to take his chance with this, than to take his chances with the 'Rook', as she and their foes referred to him asl. Stepping up towards her proper and bowing his head, hand to his chest.

A favor for a favor sounds like a common trade. The key definition of trade, really. Tlanexhuani has no issues with this. The one thing he does have issue with... is rapidly closing upon them, so he moves to reach for a hand or three and help form something resembling a circle. "Any place not this place is a better place."

Turning, Rune stares at the source of the voice for a moment, her experssion one of surprise when an elven woman transforms before them. Questions form on her lips, but in that same instant, she can hear the rage-filled voice of the 'Corpse-Eater' echoing in the passageway.

Rune sheaths her cold-iron sword and grabs for the fallen blade she abandoned earlier, not wanting to leave equipment behind. Then, she approaches, with some measure of hesitance. "A deal then." She'd been warned about bargains, but in this case, there seemed little other option.

"Alright, let's go, then." She reaches out to take the butterfly-woman's hand, giving a single nod.

Aelwyn was watching the butterfly from the sidelines - but then he was not happy. He was not happy at all. "Debt of life-" The sith-makar hisses as he steps forward. "Tends to be far deadlier than death itself." The dull end of his glaive is scraped along the cave floor.

"I-" And then the word is stuck hanging in the air, as he looks around the others, and remembers what it was that was chasing them. Claws coil against the floor and then flick his eyes back towards the butterfly-woman. "She chose her time well." He rumbles, letting out a click of his tongue, and he reaches out for the hand in the end.

The circle is formed. The woman nods, and words of indescribable power fall from her lips--

The world shifts in a sickening way. Teleportation is often like this, but that doesn't make it any easier for many. Either way, the group comes to in a field of flowers, Alexandria off in the distance by only half an hour's brisk journey.

The woman offers all a small smile. "Do not despair," she says. "When next we meet, it will not be in circumstances like this, and it will not be an unkind favor I ask."

But she regards Rune at last, rainbow eyes scanning the portion of the tattoos that are visible. "You should take care with those," she says. "They are not the real thing that is binding--but the one who made them will surely find interest in you and seek to make them such. Find allies among my kin and you may withstand."

Before Rune can even ask, however--the iridescent-haired woman transforms back into a butterfly and flies off into the sunlight, until she cannot be seen any longer. For the rains have gone and it is the domain of all with wings to revel in the warmth and clear sky of a spring day.

Simony nods and offers the butterfly Woman a bow. "A favour for a favour.", she says softly. As the butterfly floats off into the distance, the Gobbo sighs. "Why'd it have to be teleport?" She turns away suddenly, and promptly gets to see her last meal. There is silence after the yarf, and the... "How is there glitter in there?"

There is a lurching feeling in Rune's stomach as the group is teleported. One that is echoed again by the words of the strange woman as hands are released and reassurances offered.

Her hand moves up to touch the tattoo markings on her right side. Her mouth opens, but no questions come to her lips. Instead, Rune is just left watching as the butterfly flits off into the sunlight.

She has... a lot of questions.


<OOC> Riptide says, "Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=msuxswyjfcs"

<OOC> Riptide says, "The white squares are the spots of light coming down from the gaps in the ceiling."

<OOC> Riptide says, "Plague doctor=Khepri, lizard face=Aelwyn, sword=Rune, wrench=Tlanexhuani, ankh=Harkashan, and book=Simony."