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(Created page with "The interior of the library is unsurprisingly quiet, but more surprisingly busy. Auranar is a frequent patron of the library, so it's not unexpected to find her here, diligently at work looking up something or another. For a while it was every cook book that she could get her hands on. Of late, it's more been tomes on the fae lands and the dark gods. Not that there's extensive material on either of those things much to her chagrin. Still, one works with what one has. Th...")
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The small makari snorts and blinks awake, shoving the book away and out from under her snout as frost began to form on the inner spine of the book.
The small makari snorts and blinks awake, shoving the book away and out from under her snout as frost began to form on the inner spine of the book.
"Yes, of course, of course I'm fine, the study is going well." Eztli mumbles, before she looks around, and sighs. "Ah, guess I was dozing off there. Yeah, I'm fine. And, Verna, unless that was a pseudonym used to preserve anonymity or something, the person to be confirmed as Verna is right. Sleep is good for the mind, and it helps you get through the dry books when its less likely to wander."
"Yes, of course, of course I'm fine, the study is going well." Eztli mumbles, before she looks around, and sighs. "Ah, guess I was dozing off there. Yeah, I'm fine. And, Verna, unless that was a pseudonym used to preserve anonymity or something, the person to be confirmed as Verna is right. Sleep is good for the mind, and it helps you get through the dry books when its less likely to wander."
Auranar is deep enough in thought, that the presence of another elf goes right over her head. Nor is she particularly concerned about the sleeping sith-makar. Instead she opens the book she chose and starts scanning the pages for the information that she hopes that it holds. "Much as spending time with you in..." She looks up at Verna and looks embarrassed for a moment. "That is to say that rest will do me little good at the moment with you in danger."
Auranar is deep enough in thought, that the presence of another elf goes right over her head. Nor is she particularly concerned about the sleeping sith-makar. Instead she opens the book she chose and starts scanning the pages for the information that she hopes that it holds. "Much as spending time with you in..." She looks up at Verna and looks embarrassed for a moment. "That is to say that rest will do me little good at the moment with you in danger."
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Lastly, she turns to Auranar to offer a smile in assurance that her comment was, in fact, a jest. "Aura, that-" Hard stop. Verna blinks as the last registers to then stare at the sylvanori a long moment... and then leans to her to impart an energetic, if brief, kiss. "-is genius, Love. We need not limit to concealing and protecting when we might be able to -empower- them!" Her voice raises, though only in an excited harsh whisper. "All the more cause to study them further."
Lastly, she turns to Auranar to offer a smile in assurance that her comment was, in fact, a jest. "Aura, that-" Hard stop. Verna blinks as the last registers to then stare at the sylvanori a long moment... and then leans to her to impart an energetic, if brief, kiss. "-is genius, Love. We need not limit to concealing and protecting when we might be able to -empower- them!" Her voice raises, though only in an excited harsh whisper. "All the more cause to study them further."
The small makari sighs, and turns away as the two share a kiss. "Well, not more to add for myself, I think. Just be careful, alright? This is all nasty business, and could be dangerous. And this is on top of all the you know, wights that are still nearby."
The small makari sighs, and turns away as the two share a kiss. "Well, not more to add for myself, I think. Just be careful, alright? This is all nasty business, and could be dangerous. And this is on top of all the you know, wights that are still nearby."
Eztli turns back to where she was sleeping, gathering up her papers and supplies, stowing them all in the many, many pockets of her robe. "Gods, I wonder if she'd still even look at me like that." She mumbles to herself, stopping and sniffing once.
Eztli turns back to where she was sleeping, gathering up her papers and supplies, stowing them all in the many, many pockets of her robe. "Gods, I wonder if she'd still even look at me like that." She mumbles to herself, stopping and sniffing once.

Revision as of 23:38, 14 June 2022

The interior of the library is unsurprisingly quiet, but more surprisingly busy. Auranar is a frequent patron of the library, so it's not unexpected to find her here, diligently at work looking up something or another. For a while it was every cook book that she could get her hands on. Of late, it's more been tomes on the fae lands and the dark gods. Not that there's extensive material on either of those things much to her chagrin. Still, one works with what one has.

There are, equally unsurprisingly, several tomes surrounding her alongside various scrolls and she is currently busily at work taking notes from one particular volume. Suddenly she puts down her quill and rotates her neck, stretching herself slightly and offering in a low undertone a complaint. "None of this seems to be useful... One would think with a good direction that I'd be able to find what I'm looking for."

"It's not always that easy," Telamon's voice precedes him as he comes around the corner, toting a couple more books. "I've found that you have to scavenge the lore -- a bit from this book, a dollop from that -- and then try to assemble it. It's a colossal pain, and it's why the library's been trying to build compendiums on certain subjects for a while now. It's so they don't have to deal with scholars dragging half a shelf over to their table."

He offers Auranar a smile. "It could be worse, though. I once made the mistake of trying to reference Costin Meadows's book on herbology and horticulture." He reaches up to exaggeratedly rub the bridge of his nose. "And I wasn't familiar with the book."

Verna emerges from nearby shelves, several tomes in hand, and proceeds the few steps to Auranar's table to add her contribution to the materials. "I am supremely confident that you will find what you seek, Love." She looks to Telamon with, "Greetings," and then looks to the table. Then to a nearby shelf, and back to the table. "It appears that there are more compendiums yet to be compiled."

Eztli was an incredibly studious student at the library, this was a fact known to many. Or it had been, but most of them were dead or turned into wights, so perhaps that knowledge had vanished with so much more that was in Dragonier and Rune. So, perhaps it was time for a refresher.

Nearby, a small makari had mastered the art of sleeping quietly enough to not aggravate the librarian, or disturb the studies of those present. Eztli was dozing with her snout tucked into the spine of the large tome she had been reading, a rather dry piece on the physiology and behavioral patterns of chromatic dragons.

Auranar smiles gratefully at Telamon, and then slightly more brightly at Verna when the other woman comes bearing more books. She carefully sorts the selection of various offerings and puts the books in the general region that she thinks they belong. Once they're settled in, she closes the offending book that does - not - hold the information she seeks and picks up one of the new books in order to get a good look at it. "The problem is that most of these books on the fae are more fiction than fact..." She mutters to herself. Well not exactly to herself as the others are listening. "And the planar books are more scientific studies than religiously based."

Telamon nods to Auranar sympathetically. "I've tried to bring the ones that we found useful back when we were trying to call the Feathered One. But... as you say, there's not a lot of natural philosophy when it comes to the fae. One theory I've heard is that part of their existence revolves around stories, and so any lore about the fae will resemble a tale rather than a treatise."

He glances over, does a double take, then grins a bit... carefully padding over towards where Eztli is peacefully sleeping. Lightly, he touches the makari's shoulder. "Are you well, little one?" he murmurs in Draconic.

"Unfortunately, there is always a great deal of opinion and conjecture in any resource," Verna commiserates with Auranar, taking a seat near her, though not so adjacent as to impeded upon her work. "Bias of individual, organization, religion, and so forth. You are fortunate to find such empirical studies of the planes..." her surge of encouragement waffles, given that it happens to be on the one subject she was seeking more subjective information "... though not so helpful in this instance. It is as Telamon says, and some of what you seek may not be in any library."

She leaves that last note as is, gesturing to Telamon as perhaps a better resource on fae than many tomes may be. Verna then follows his movement to the dozing makari. A lean towards Auranar is made. "Perhaps some rest or respite will aid you to find some overlooked information?"

Another figure wanders into the stacks, this one apparently a dark-haired llyranesi in plain, dark blue robes and openly wearing the crescent-and-sphere of Eluna around his neck. The dark hair is neat, long, and straight, and is held out of his face with a simple silver-toned headband. Little other adornment sets him apart, and he moves quietly among the stacks a little distance away, into the history of Ea sections.

The small makari snorts and blinks awake, shoving the book away and out from under her snout as frost began to form on the inner spine of the book.

"Yes, of course, of course I'm fine, the study is going well." Eztli mumbles, before she looks around, and sighs. "Ah, guess I was dozing off there. Yeah, I'm fine. And, Verna, unless that was a pseudonym used to preserve anonymity or something, the person to be confirmed as Verna is right. Sleep is good for the mind, and it helps you get through the dry books when its less likely to wander."

Auranar is deep enough in thought, that the presence of another elf goes right over her head. Nor is she particularly concerned about the sleeping sith-makar. Instead she opens the book she chose and starts scanning the pages for the information that she hopes that it holds. "Much as spending time with you in..." She looks up at Verna and looks embarrassed for a moment. "That is to say that rest will do me little good at the moment with you in danger."

She lies a hand over Verna's and returns to her reading. "Fae gates are known to crop up in circles, leading from this world to the next. These circles may be made up of trees, other plants, and even simple stone and require only that the person wishing to travel from one location to the other holds whatever simple item is the key. Or can traverse the planes with the spell of planar shifting." Aurarnar sighs and starts to close the book. "Interesting, but not the information I'm looking for I don't think."

Telamon nods and gives Eztli another smile. "Alright. Gods know, I've fallen asleep over a book a time or two. I managed to put myself to sleep with Stefanson's 'Traveling at Night' once." He looks over at Auranar again. "Well... it's not like they'd leave that kind of information lying around, Auranar." He pauses, thinking. "Maybe... hm. We might be going at this in the wrong way. Consult with the temples, or maybe find a primary source."

Verna is uncertain whether to smile or blush at Auranar's shortened comment, thus ends up doing both. She nods at the latter part, though, and pats the hand atop hers. "I understand." She then turns her focus to the reading as well. "I do not recall anything conspicuous of that sort when we were present, though we were already in Quelynos. Nor was I especially attentive at the time..." Her lips purse; in part as she is not providing much aid at present.

Telamon's thoughts draw her attention to him. "Perhaps Eluna's temple would be a better source. I do not suggest mine own in this matter at this time. To what primary source do you refer?"

The sildanyar over in the history stacks, having been quiet while he searched for whatever it is he was searching for, raises his head and looks over as the topic of discussion reaches his ears. Certainly not a topic that one hears about from ordinary folk - and one that sounds all too familiar. Curious, he drifts over, listening carefully from the next stack over.

The small makari blinks, and huffs. "Load of bull, that book. Time has very little meaning on most spellcasting, It's usually only very esoteric and specialized rituals for which such situations even matter."

"Faerie circles are like the fey, they're just as fickle and capricious. Sometimes no matter what you do they just refuse to work, sometimes they only work on the seventh lunar phase during a rainstorm. They're not reliable, at least that's what I was always told."

"Well, when you've got reasons like that too, rest is even better." The tiny makari snickers to herself, picking up the book and trying to brush the frost away before it all melted.

"Well. I figure that they had to have started in a library like this one Telamon. Something they were reading must have sparked their imagination. Made them _think_. If I could find that spark maybe I could figure out where they ended up." Auranar hesitates with her hand on the pile and goes back to reading the book on fae gates. "I would ask an Elunite a few pertaniant questions for sure, but they're all so busy and... I feel badly for taking them away from their other duties at a time like this."

The wild elf mutters under her breath the next few lines of the book. "Thes keys can be nearly anything. From something very specific like a rare flower, or more common like the beard-hair from a dwarf. Maybe _that_ is why they seem unreliable?" Auranar blinks at the book and scribbles something down before eyeing Verna. "What if the chains are... also a key? Or rather... What if pushing the chains through to the... other side of the veil between worlds means that they could weaken the bindings enough to get what they wanted?"

Telamon smirks at Eztli. "Ah, you disagree with Stefanson's analyses on the subject? But, that will have to wait for another time." He glances back to Verna and Auranar.

"Well, I do know a -few- fey. Maybe I can make some inquiries. Not going to make any promises here, but it can't hurt to ask." He mulls over Auranar's worry. "That... is actually a good point. We don't want those statues anywhere near the prison. It's always a mistake to leave the keys too close to the prison cell." He rubs his chin. "We should start with the Elunites, though. I think they'll be less persnickety, especially considering what we did of late."

Verna's lips purse anew; initially in thought of Auranar's words, though they dip deeper into a frown during the course of that thought. "The chains are not of this realm. They are only vulnerable in the realm of dreams. If they could be pushed there-" utilizing Auranar's term has her pause to somewhat reflexively lower a hand to rub at her abdomen, "They could be destroyed. I can only presume that each binding broken would free more chaos to affect our realm, and others."

"We are never too busy to come to the aid of those in need, my lady." Seldan's voice is kept most thoroughly down, but he appears from the direction of the history stacks, clad in that same plain dark blue robe, a red velvet hat with arcane stitching along the brim in his hand. He quickly balls it up, as much out of sight as possible, but looks among the group.

Auranar is so deep in thought, that at first the fact that Seldan has arrived doesn't register, and then when it does she smiles broadly at the man, offering him a little wave. "Seldan, it is good to see you. How have you been?" In spite of her professed many questions, the first one she can think of is to ask how the paladin before her has been during his long absence from Alexandria. Though the small Sith makes her smile fade quickly and the wild elf gives the other a short look. "If I knew how it worked I wouldn't be in a library trying to _learn_ how it works."

"Indeed," Verna confirms to the Makari, "that is the purpose of our research." Her head then turns towards Seldan. "It is good to see you again, Silverguard. I believe that my lady would welcome any aid you might offer, as would I. There is a growing risk and urgency to matters of the Caracorothians."

Seldan glances out in the direction of the main halls, then emerges from the stacks, and seats himself at a table nearby, folding his hands composedly before him. "So I am given to understand," he remarks. "I have in my possession one of the chains of which you spoke, entirely unintentionally, and encountered while addressing unrelated business. All the same, I am aware of its nature, and am committed to its safety." He smiles, a very small but nonetheless genuine thing. "What would you know?"

Telamon returns from the stacks, toting a few more tomes -- just in case -- and catches sight of the disguised Seldan greeting them. He peers at the 'elf' for a moment, before grinning, "Moving incognito, I see." He sets the books down on Auranar's table, before leaning on it a bit. "We could -definitely- use your counsel, sir."

His eyes flick to Verna, and he nods in agreement with her. "There's... a lot to go over, too."

"You're missing the point of what I'm saying. All I'm saying, is that you can make theories all you want, but you need to back them up with something." The small makari shrugs, returning a look back. "And you have to make sure that the theory is not flawed to begin with. Do you have a reason to believe these chains function as a key? And if so, how?"

"Verna there has something to go off of. The gates could not matter to begin with, if the only thing that matters is this metaphorical chain being in the realm of dreams. So you figure out why being in the realm of dreams is relevant to the destruction, which could lead into further understanding the nature of the realm, something I am sure the priests of Eluna are particularly knowledgeable to help with."

GAME: Seldan rolls knowledge/the planes : (5)+12: 17

Auranar takes note that Seldan doesn't directly answer her question, but instead reoffers aid in her particular mission. She frowns, not at that, but rather at the question of which question to answer first. "My biggest curiosity at the moment, is... What relationship does Eluna bear to Caracoroth? Little I've found even suggests a relationship between the two, but they certainly seem to see one."

"Lycanthropes are tied to the moon," Verna offers a general, even obvious, fact. "There is some relationship..." she begins, then exhales and looks to Auranar apologetically. "which does not provide you with any specifics, I regret. You shall discover it, Love, I am certain." She simply nods deeply to Telamon before considering Etzli's words. "Eluna is mistress of dreams, is she not?" This asked as she pans to Seldan. "The Red Maw to nightmares. Further ties, if antipodean. I know of another such chain, as well, Seldan. At present, the most I can suggest to you, for its protection, is to keep it and myself separated. For reasons I do not fully understand, the servants of the Red Maw believe that -I- can aid them in shattering the chains, and have already attempted to do so."

"It's a weird, love-hate relationship, to be honest. And yes... Eluna is the mistress of dreams and dreaming, as well. Although as you get further away from what would be considered 'normal' persons, the Red Maw starts holding more and more influence."

Telamon taps his fingers together. "Ideally, the chains should be isolated here, on Ea. Unfortunately, that puts the bearers at perpetual risk. Where do you put something that you don't want found?"

"The Hound has pursued Her since he was born from the Source," Seldan replies. "It is even as the Mourner and Master Telamon says, that She is the Mistress of Dreams, and he is the Master of Nightmares." He turns towards Verna, and nods slowly. "It is not here. Fear me not. That they view you as such - I know not why."

"These chains may be destroyed only upon the Plane of Dreams. That speaks of their being native to the Plane of Dreams itself, much as one might only truly slay a demon by venturing to the Iron Hells, finding it, and destroying it. It is said that all of the gods wished Caracoroth chained."

"Could be made there, could be made with materials from that place, or they could not be, and were simply blessed by Eluna, which establishes such a link." The small makari muses. "Many possibilities. I'm not even sure why I'm here, but it's a curious thing to think about. More interesting than dragon politics, at least."

The small makari closes the large tome she had, and blinks. "God binding artifacts sound pretty legendary to me. You should find a wizard you trust, and see if he can cast one of those spells that trace back the lineage of an object. It might tell you how it was made, how it came about, or maybe rituals or events it was part of that might be relevant, if you have something like you say."

Auranar falls silent in the wake of her question, listening to the others discuss the relationship between Caracoroth and Eluna. Finally she nods. "It's the only reason I can think of that they needed someone... between worlds as it was put. That they were trying to break the chains somehow." She glances at the small sith-makar that she is unfamiliar with and looks at Verna. "Perhaps that is a good idea? You did do some research into the items before... Could you do so again with a more direct process? Get more specific information?”

Telamon hmms. "Well, there's the easy one: Verna is a half-elf, a child of two worlds." He grins impishly. "I -do- know something of that... duality." He considers the question. "Verna is also now ...influenced by the fae. That could be it too. Then, of course, Verna's devotion and faith. Standing with a foot on the dividing line between here, and hereafter."

He arches an eyebrow at Eztli, before turning his eyes to Verna. "...Don't tell me we haven't tried that." he says a bit dourly.

"Indeed. All of them, working in concert to form these chains, it is alleged; a most concerning notion," Verna turns from Seldan to the other three. "The chains, individually, can be attuned to a bearer; some aspects of its power utilized for light or darkness, as willed. They are a risk to the bearer, but potentially a weapon against those who would break them." She hmms at Etzli's suggestion followed with Auranar's seconding. "I performed something similar on the other, but that does not mean the chains are identical, or that my findings were as complete as they could be. It would be best to know all that we can of it..."

Her voice lowers further as she asides to Auranar. "...especially if we are to have an artifact in our lounge. Again."

"A risk to the bearer, attuning to those carrying them, oh!" The small makari blinks, then sighs. "Sounds like that statue Dirk ended up taking, glad I didn't grab the thing. I don't want to deal with a risk like that, but, that's me. Could be worth a try, especially if they're all working together. Could be they act the same, or serve different functions in order to compliment each other."

Lysos has gotten her exercise today. First to the temple. Then, a few of the right questions asked with a liberal dose of half-truths, to a cottage. Which was a dead end. A return to the temple. And then a suggestion to check the library. She's not exactly winded; Strikes exercise regimen is paying off in tens. But Lysos is still muttering to herself as she enters the library. "Should have hired one of those carriages.." This, of course, gets her a glare from one of the librarians. Because if there's one universal truth about the guardians of the grimoires, the templars of the tomes, the protectors of the publications, the keepers of the chronicles.....

Lysos gives her head a shake as she gets her mind back from wandering, and -quietly- asks one of the librarians for directions, which is what brings her finally to the section where Auranar and the others are doing their current research.

"If that be so, perhaps it is well to examine more than one." Seldan is sitting at a nearby table, wearing plain, dark-blue robes. Footsteps from the main area towards the stacks, he looks up at once, and stands quickly. "Forgive me." With swift steps, he vanishes back in the direction of the history stacks, and is gone from view. Mere seconds later, the dark-haired llyranesi some stacks away quietly returns to his studies.

The wild elf looks at Verna guiltily. "I don't know where else to put it really." She looks around as if for prying ears and lowers her voice still lower. "I think Telamon is right though. You are a bridge to many between-places, and that makes you a... place where breaking the chains is possible." She thumps the book that she holds gently and then places it on the table. "But if they can be weakened, perhaps they can be strengthened?"

She looks up in surprise as Seldan abruptly leaves or rather 'leaves'. The woman frowns and then looks at Verna worriedly. Are they being overheard?

Verna is not swift enough to bid Seldan farewell before he moves away, and would not call out to threaten his inconspicuousness. To say nothing of risking Lady Octagna's wrath. A nod to Telamon. "That I hold one hand to the arcane and the other divine could be considered another parallel, though I am not unique in any of those aspects, certainly." Then a nod with the Makari in affirmation of the suggestion of study brought forth. "Yes, there is rarely an issue of too much study."

Lastly, she turns to Auranar to offer a smile in assurance that her comment was, in fact, a jest. "Aura, that-" Hard stop. Verna blinks as the last registers to then stare at the sylvanori a long moment... and then leans to her to impart an energetic, if brief, kiss. "-is genius, Love. We need not limit to concealing and protecting when we might be able to -empower- them!" Her voice raises, though only in an excited harsh whisper. "All the more cause to study them further."

The small makari sighs, and turns away as the two share a kiss. "Well, not more to add for myself, I think. Just be careful, alright? This is all nasty business, and could be dangerous. And this is on top of all the you know, wights that are still nearby."

Eztli turns back to where she was sleeping, gathering up her papers and supplies, stowing them all in the many, many pockets of her robe. "Gods, I wonder if she'd still even look at me like that." She mumbles to herself, stopping and sniffing once.

