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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Kerry-Anne Wayward Daughter *Emitter: Jinks *Characters: Andelena, Skielstregar, Telamon, Vaera *Place: Lower Trades District *Time: Monday, March 14, 2022, 11:00 AM *Summary: Kerry-Anne is collected unconscious and scarred but things might not be quite as bad as they seem! Tait might be acting in good faith and the artist seems to lack any sort of malice as well. The hired mercenaries insist the...")
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Jinks 3'4" 39 Lb Gnome Male A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.
Jinks 3'4" 39 Lb Gnome Male A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.
Previously, the four mercenaries were hired by one Elianus Gurges and given the task of finding his rebellious daughter. While the retired military man seemed like he might not be the perfect father, he does seem to care and the scuttlebutt in the area is that he's a honest and respected. Investigations brought the quartet to the building currently hosting a Phurai Dae tribe local to the Alexandros region, the Jewelbraid.
The festivities continue inside the common room of a Braid Knot (previously a factory floor of some failed and forgotten business). It's warm and close, the air moist and smelling of busy bodies and the dissipating scent of the drug rolling up out censer bowl. The music plays, dancers dance, drinkers drink, dreamers dream, and the people inside the tents... well, that's their business.
Tait continues to stand, bent down in the tent and back from Skielstregar, one hand holding the censer while the other clutches at his loose, draping, and colorful shirt near the bandages beneath. He trembles and sways, both scared of the feral-looking creature before him and intoxicated by the drug he's been enjoying.
The artist remains seated with his hands in plain view.
<pre>GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18
<OOC> Jinks says, "Perception checks!"
GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (20)+12: 32
GAME: Vaera rolls perception+2: (17)+11+2: 30</pre>
There's movement on the periphery of the party. Everyone notices a young Dae hopping up the stairs at a little more than a casual pace, disappearing behind the band before coming back into sight on the balcony above. He pauses and looks down for the railing for a moment before walking back out of view. All but Andie will also notice an older woman slipping through the crowd and through the nearby door into the foyer.
Telamon exhales briskly. "Hmmm. That... might be an issue." His fingers move in practiced motions, and he says, "Akar irhandi," a shimmer of force wrapping itself around him as he looks at Skiel, Andie, and Vaera. "We may have to fight our way out. Hopefully not. But keep your eyes open."
<pre>GAME: Telamon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17</pre>
Skiel snarls at the artist before holding the indebriated girl close. "What..? Fight?" he rumbles to Telamon, looking up above and behind. His scaled brows pinch. "We shouldn't need to fight. We jussst leave out the front, get our weaponsss, then go. We've causssed no problems."
"We're just here to get the girl out. Loverboy and 'artist' are coming with us as a matter of getting testimony and sorting them out with the Guard," Andelena says as she looks at the people involved. "If anyone has a problem with that, then yeah, they'll get a fight. Not one I'm intending to lose. Let's go."
"We are not here to hurt or fight anyone, yes." Vaera nods. "They have managed to do that well enough themselves with ill prepared tattoo procedures. Now get a hold of yourself kid. you're coming with us, and you're going to explain how her running away escalated to gouging out his daughter's side so quickly to her father." Vaera growls.
"Hey-- w-wait... what? No. Huh?" Tait doesn't have far to go inside the tent but he does take one step back, shaking his head. He cradles the censer in one hand, still, and nearly knocks over the candles in the cramped space-- but the sitting artist has the presence of mind to reach out and steady them. The bridegroom is trying to squint his attention on the ones speaking (and doing his very best not to look Skielstregar) but his eyes unfocused. "Y-you can't..."
The artist grunts, far more in control of himself when he looks up. "... you can't fight in the dream." He's still keeping his hands in plain view but makes no move to stand. "The girl only gets what she asked for; there's no reason to bring this strife..."
<pre><OOC> Jinks says, "Sense Motives!"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls sense motive: (10)+1: 11
GAME: Andelena rolls Sense Motive: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Telamon rolls sense motive+3: (11)+7+3: 21
GAME: Vaera rolls sense motive: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)</pre>
Telamon sternly regards Tait and the tattooist for a moment, before his expression softens a little. "Boy," and the word feels so -odd- -- he's not old, is he? -- "You're not even old enough to shave. And the city is... finicky about that sort of thing." He flicks Skiel a glance, and motions for the burly makari to back up a bit. "No harm will come to you, or her, but there are questions to be answered."
Andelena looks at Tait with a long, steel-grey gaze. "I get you don't think you did any wrong, kiddo, but we have to hash this out. You're not in ''trouble'', but Kerry-Anne's not an adult. She can't consent to stuff like this. Just come with us and we'll get all this shit sorted out, okay?"
She regards the tattoo artist for a moment. "No fighting, then. I get this is important to your people."
Skielstregar glances to Telamon, and he huffs once, filling the tent with a frigid waft of frozen air that dissipates before he lays off and steps back.
"Better let the softskins deal with this," he rumble mumbles to Veara. <Draconic>
"You are probably right." Vaera sighs as she looks around, and instead keeps her attention on the outside of the tent. "I understand how you may feel but the others are right. These are decisions that can not be rushed."
<pre><OOC> Jinks says, "You guys wanna try a diplomacy to get folks to tag along?"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Or a bluff if you're just lying so you can lure them outside and beat them up in the alley. ;)"
<OOC> Skielstregar defers to the softskins
<OOC> Telamon will opt for Diplomacy.
GAME: Telamon rolls diplomacy+3: (7)+15+3: 25</pre>
The young man in soggy pants still seems unsure. He stands there looking between people telling him it's going to be fine as his head swims, jumbled with the intoxicating smoke and fear. "W-we, uh... we don't..."
There's a grunt and the rustling of layers upon layers of colorful cloth as the artist stands. He braces one hand against the cushions on the floor and works hard to bring his considerable bulk to standing. The loose and colorful fabrics of his robe did wonders hiding the sheer mass of the shorter human. He wipes the newest rainbow of smeared inks on his thigh and puts a calming hand on Tait's shoulder.
"We come," he agrees, the expression on his flat face calm and reasonably accepting. "So long as you leave the dream in peace..."
"Excellent," Telamon says politely. "Why don't we move along then? I don't see any reason why we should muck up anyone else's entertainment..." He leans in to Tait, his expression congenial, "But just between you and me, lad... a relationship is a lot more than just tumbling and tattoos. Trust me, it's -work-. And you never know what kind of complications life is going to fling at you. So think before you start declaring undying love and whatnot."
"We'll leave in peace, promise. No reason to turn the dream into the nightmare," Andelena promises to the tattooist, although she makes a bit of a face as she realizes what she's said has hit just a bit too close to home as of recent events.
Then she overhears Telamon telling Tait about relationships taking work and effort. "Huh," she says quietly, a little impressed. "From the mouths of babes, I guess. Let's get going."
The Sunguard ensures that Kerry-Anne is safely transported out, carrying her if she has to.
Skiel chuffs, and turns his head away. "We want peassse. Trussst thiss one."
Once the cooperation has been secured, the massive makari leads the way out, using his massive body to gently carve a path through the dreamers so the others can follow in his wake as he carefully holds onto Kerry-Anne in his large arms.
The bulk of the party has little care for the interesting mish-mash of seven people pressing for the door. They move aside (or are gently moved aside) and you make it back into the foyer. Still, it's impossible not to feel the eyes of some people on you as you go.
Inside the foyer your gobber coatcheck seems surprised to see you back so soon, jumping up and away from his safe contraption with a wide smile and another "Hullo again!" He seems ready to fall back into his friendly ramblings when he notices the girl being carried. Immediately, his face falls into a frown and his long ears droop. "Uh..?" he wonders, scratching at his bright-blue, upward-combed, and waterdrop-shaped hair before pointing a broken fingernail at Skielstregar's load.
"I'm thinking you didn't come inside with that, amiright? Would've remembered for sure. Definitely. That's a bit of a pickle for me here, knowwhatImean...?" The gobber's dark brown skin flushes and he looks at the door behind him nervously. He's wearing patchwork leathers that are burnt, torn, fraying, and covered in all manner of hanging gizmos and spare parts and they jangle and clatter as he shifts uncomfortably.
He gives a nervous laugh and cups the back of his neck, rubbing at it. "Howabout we leave what's pres-stowed in the Gimi-Jambox and you go..?" He offers a hopeful (if doubtful) smile. "I'll say you rushed right past? 'Whoosh,' you went. 'Wow, what was that? I can't possibly be blamed for not stopping them kidnapping someone,' I said. Heh... heh?"
The gobber only looks more confused when the deflated Tait walks into the foyer along with the artist. "... huh?"
Telamon waves a hand quite dismissively. "It's a mission of mercy, not a kidnapping. The girl needs a doctor. The lad won't leave her, reasonably enough -- so he wants to come along." Like they're not just shanghai'ing him. "But I think it would be better for all involved if you pass all the nasty pointy nubbins back to us. I mean, what if the watch comes along and starts asking uncomfortable questions? Wouldn't it be best -not- to be caught with a box full of toys that aren't yours?"
"We are not kidnapping anyone, yes." Vaera sighs. "And I would much rather we have our things back while we leave. We are causing no trouble, and want no problems with this place. You are just returning our things? And it is not like the people inside do not know we are already leaving. I saw them moving about earlier."
Andelena's about to tell the gobber to piss off when Telamon suddenly starts doing his diplomacy thing. She just looks at the goblin and says, "Yeah. We're getting her medical attention and her dad wants her home. I'm with the Sunguards and I'm doing what I was sworn to do before the light of Daeus."
Skielstregar is towering. Lumbering. Cradling the girl like a babe in his arms.
His eyes narrow, and he nods towards Telamon. "A mission of merccccy. He speaksss true. Though, it would be a ssshame if we were getting thisss girl to a doctor and sssomeone accosted usss on the way since we're disssarmed?"
He squints some. "... you wouldn't want your dreamersss hurt sssince we can't protect them. Right? We need our thingsss and we'll be on our way."
<pre>GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+1: (7)+1: 8</pre>
"Hey, buddies, I just work here. These horse-riding--" the gobber stops and cranes his head to one side, the blue teadrop hair tilting along like a tower on a bad foundation. "-- fantastically nice people..." he grins full to show his jagged teeth, pushing his ears to point upwards, "are the 'dreamers.'" He brackets the last word with his fingers.
Then there's talk of mercy, people needing medical attention, and Tait looks as lost and stoned as he does put-out... Maybe the fat one in the back is here to indicate things are OK? The gears are turning as the gobber tries to decide what the appropriate course of action is here; what means he still gets paid for doing his job.
His thought process is interrupted by Kerry-Anne chiming in with an unceremonious "bupp" and a half-processed, bright red tea-and-bile cocktail upchucks out of the girl's mouth to splash all over the floor.
The gobber pales and covers his mouth, repulsed and burping. "Oh, gods... I can't-- hkk-- why would you... ack..." He turns around and pulls up his shirt to cover his nose and mouth. "That's so disgusting...." he adds with another little burp, trying to keep his own lunch down. He jams a key into the Gimi-Jambox and it whirrs, clatters, and clinks as the heavy doors swing open. "Keep it together Gimi..." he's breathing through his mouth as he half-hides behind the tech-armoire.
"... is she OK?" Tait asks from the back.
Telamon pulls a kerchief out of his pocket to cover his nose and mouth. "Ugh," he mumbles, though he supposes it could be worse. Glancing at Tait, he gives him another one of those stern looks. "What did she have to drink? The healers may need to give her something." He carefully steps around the splatter on the floor, looking to Skiel. "Make sure you hold her head so she gets it all out, Skiel. We don't want her inhaling any of that crap."
"Like I ''said''," Andelena says to the gobber, "we're here for medical attention. Give us our shit and we get out of here."
She looks back at Tait and gives him a little smile. "Hey, kiddo. She's gonna be fine; she just isn't used to drinking booze and whatever else you little rascals got into. Kids can't really handle their liquor. I did something like that when I had the real shit for the first time--we just gotta get her to a healer and make sure she's fine."
Skielstregar just glances down as Kerry-Anne sullies his shiny silver arm. He closes his eyes, takes a slow breath...-
The makari shudders and follows Telamon's directions, shifting her about to hold her sideways aloft in the recovery position.
<pre><OOC> Jinks nods. "Does anyone have Heal?"
GAME: Vaera rolls heal: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Skielstregar rolls heal: (20)+1: 21
GAME: Andelena rolls Heal: (16)+3: 19</pre>
"She should be alright, but it's hard to tell. You were the ones organizing this, so you should be the one who has the best idea of how she is doing." Vaera grumbles. "Regardless, yeah, probably best to get whatever that is out of her. Only problem is that means she won't have anything left to process for the pain. So please, just give us back our things so we can be on our way, before things actually become serious."
Andelena gives the girl another look-over and nods with her assessment. "Yeah. Kid's just partied too hard."
Once she notices the locker's open, she marches in and starts collecting stuff for the group, distributing things to the group. She looks far more comfortable with her longsword. "Okay, folks. Let's get this little pony show on the road."
Skiel holds the girl carefully with one arm as he slings his overloaded bandolier over a shoulder. "Yesss, too much thingsss at once. Come."
Shifting his things around, he makes his way out.
Vaera takes all her things, and begins the process of loading it all into her jacket again. Finished, she takes a moment to adjust everything, before heading for the door. "The less time we spend waiting, the better. Lets get her sorted."
"Ugh... feel free to clean up after yourself before you go!" The gobber complains, half turning to look back over his shoulder as the group re-arms. A good deal of the color remains drained from his features (those not tucked into his shirt). He catches sight of Kerry-Anne with the sick still smeared on her chin and chokes, turning away once more. "... next time you don't take a job-- hk-- with a bunch of homeless drunks and wasters looking to have some visionquest party... gah, ew."
The artist untangles one of his hanging clothes and snaps it out, stepping around folks to drop it over the worst of the puddle at Skiel's feet. Tait hangs by at the back of the group trying to get a look at the girl's face. He still sways unsteadily on his feet and the sweat around his face gives him a sheen in the brighter light; he's not doing much better than the unconscious girl.
Skiel just grunts to the gobbo and nods to the artist as he cleans up the mess. He mentions to Andelena, "Carry the boy, he is about to collapse."
Getting his things together now and belted back on, he cradles the girl as he shoulders the door open.
Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mbvxzfvc5su

Revision as of 21:24, 16 March 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Kerry-Anne Wayward Daughter
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Andelena, Skielstregar, Telamon, Vaera
  • Place: Lower Trades District
  • Time: Monday, March 14, 2022, 11:00 AM
  • Summary: Kerry-Anne is collected unconscious and scarred but things might not be quite as bad as they seem! Tait might be acting in good faith and the artist seems to lack any sort of malice as well. The hired mercenaries insist the pair join them in involving the constabulary and the artist agrees to avoid conflict interfering with their ritual festivities.

Gimi-Jam the Gobber is reluctant to return weapons as the quartet drag a trio of the Dae out from the goings-on but loses his appetite for the argument when Kerry-Anne is sick in Skielstregar's arms. Accoutrement collected, the group rallies to head outside...

  • Encounter(s): Social
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-    
Andelena             6'0"     180 Lb     Human             Female    Redhead with steel-grey eyes and powerful build.   
Skielstregar         7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A silver/bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.           
Telamon              5'6"     140 Lb     Half-Elf          Male      A platinum-blond half-sil man with dancing dark eyes
Vaera                7'0"     262 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A tall, dark red Makari with a metallic leg.     

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Jinks               3'4"     39 Lb      Gnome             Male      A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.                                

Previously, the four mercenaries were hired by one Elianus Gurges and given the task of finding his rebellious daughter. While the retired military man seemed like he might not be the perfect father, he does seem to care and the scuttlebutt in the area is that he's a honest and respected. Investigations brought the quartet to the building currently hosting a Phurai Dae tribe local to the Alexandros region, the Jewelbraid.

The festivities continue inside the common room of a Braid Knot (previously a factory floor of some failed and forgotten business). It's warm and close, the air moist and smelling of busy bodies and the dissipating scent of the drug rolling up out censer bowl. The music plays, dancers dance, drinkers drink, dreamers dream, and the people inside the tents... well, that's their business.

Tait continues to stand, bent down in the tent and back from Skielstregar, one hand holding the censer while the other clutches at his loose, draping, and colorful shirt near the bandages beneath. He trembles and sways, both scared of the feral-looking creature before him and intoxicated by the drug he's been enjoying.

The artist remains seated with his hands in plain view.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18
<OOC> Jinks says, "Perception checks!"
GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (20)+12: 32
GAME: Vaera rolls perception+2: (17)+11+2: 30

There's movement on the periphery of the party. Everyone notices a young Dae hopping up the stairs at a little more than a casual pace, disappearing behind the band before coming back into sight on the balcony above. He pauses and looks down for the railing for a moment before walking back out of view. All but Andie will also notice an older woman slipping through the crowd and through the nearby door into the foyer.

Telamon exhales briskly. "Hmmm. That... might be an issue." His fingers move in practiced motions, and he says, "Akar irhandi," a shimmer of force wrapping itself around him as he looks at Skiel, Andie, and Vaera. "We may have to fight our way out. Hopefully not. But keep your eyes open."

GAME: Telamon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17

Skiel snarls at the artist before holding the indebriated girl close. "What..? Fight?" he rumbles to Telamon, looking up above and behind. His scaled brows pinch. "We shouldn't need to fight. We jussst leave out the front, get our weaponsss, then go. We've causssed no problems."

"We're just here to get the girl out. Loverboy and 'artist' are coming with us as a matter of getting testimony and sorting them out with the Guard," Andelena says as she looks at the people involved. "If anyone has a problem with that, then yeah, they'll get a fight. Not one I'm intending to lose. Let's go."

"We are not here to hurt or fight anyone, yes." Vaera nods. "They have managed to do that well enough themselves with ill prepared tattoo procedures. Now get a hold of yourself kid. you're coming with us, and you're going to explain how her running away escalated to gouging out his daughter's side so quickly to her father." Vaera growls.

"Hey-- w-wait... what? No. Huh?" Tait doesn't have far to go inside the tent but he does take one step back, shaking his head. He cradles the censer in one hand, still, and nearly knocks over the candles in the cramped space-- but the sitting artist has the presence of mind to reach out and steady them. The bridegroom is trying to squint his attention on the ones speaking (and doing his very best not to look Skielstregar) but his eyes unfocused. "Y-you can't..."

The artist grunts, far more in control of himself when he looks up. "... you can't fight in the dream." He's still keeping his hands in plain view but makes no move to stand. "The girl only gets what she asked for; there's no reason to bring this strife..."

<OOC> Jinks says, "Sense Motives!"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls sense motive: (10)+1: 11
GAME: Andelena rolls Sense Motive: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Telamon rolls sense motive+3: (11)+7+3: 21
GAME: Vaera rolls sense motive: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

Telamon sternly regards Tait and the tattooist for a moment, before his expression softens a little. "Boy," and the word feels so -odd- -- he's not old, is he? -- "You're not even old enough to shave. And the city is... finicky about that sort of thing." He flicks Skiel a glance, and motions for the burly makari to back up a bit. "No harm will come to you, or her, but there are questions to be answered."

Andelena looks at Tait with a long, steel-grey gaze. "I get you don't think you did any wrong, kiddo, but we have to hash this out. You're not in trouble, but Kerry-Anne's not an adult. She can't consent to stuff like this. Just come with us and we'll get all this shit sorted out, okay?"

She regards the tattoo artist for a moment. "No fighting, then. I get this is important to your people."

Skielstregar glances to Telamon, and he huffs once, filling the tent with a frigid waft of frozen air that dissipates before he lays off and steps back.

"Better let the softskins deal with this," he rumble mumbles to Veara. <Draconic>

"You are probably right." Vaera sighs as she looks around, and instead keeps her attention on the outside of the tent. "I understand how you may feel but the others are right. These are decisions that can not be rushed."

<OOC> Jinks says, "You guys wanna try a diplomacy to get folks to tag along?"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Or a bluff if you're just lying so you can lure them outside and beat them up in the alley. ;)"
<OOC> Skielstregar defers to the softskins
<OOC> Telamon will opt for Diplomacy.
GAME: Telamon rolls diplomacy+3: (7)+15+3: 25

The young man in soggy pants still seems unsure. He stands there looking between people telling him it's going to be fine as his head swims, jumbled with the intoxicating smoke and fear. "W-we, uh... we don't..."

There's a grunt and the rustling of layers upon layers of colorful cloth as the artist stands. He braces one hand against the cushions on the floor and works hard to bring his considerable bulk to standing. The loose and colorful fabrics of his robe did wonders hiding the sheer mass of the shorter human. He wipes the newest rainbow of smeared inks on his thigh and puts a calming hand on Tait's shoulder.

"We come," he agrees, the expression on his flat face calm and reasonably accepting. "So long as you leave the dream in peace..."

"Excellent," Telamon says politely. "Why don't we move along then? I don't see any reason why we should muck up anyone else's entertainment..." He leans in to Tait, his expression congenial, "But just between you and me, lad... a relationship is a lot more than just tumbling and tattoos. Trust me, it's -work-. And you never know what kind of complications life is going to fling at you. So think before you start declaring undying love and whatnot."

"We'll leave in peace, promise. No reason to turn the dream into the nightmare," Andelena promises to the tattooist, although she makes a bit of a face as she realizes what she's said has hit just a bit too close to home as of recent events.

Then she overhears Telamon telling Tait about relationships taking work and effort. "Huh," she says quietly, a little impressed. "From the mouths of babes, I guess. Let's get going."

The Sunguard ensures that Kerry-Anne is safely transported out, carrying her if she has to.

Skiel chuffs, and turns his head away. "We want peassse. Trussst thiss one."

Once the cooperation has been secured, the massive makari leads the way out, using his massive body to gently carve a path through the dreamers so the others can follow in his wake as he carefully holds onto Kerry-Anne in his large arms.

The bulk of the party has little care for the interesting mish-mash of seven people pressing for the door. They move aside (or are gently moved aside) and you make it back into the foyer. Still, it's impossible not to feel the eyes of some people on you as you go.

Inside the foyer your gobber coatcheck seems surprised to see you back so soon, jumping up and away from his safe contraption with a wide smile and another "Hullo again!" He seems ready to fall back into his friendly ramblings when he notices the girl being carried. Immediately, his face falls into a frown and his long ears droop. "Uh..?" he wonders, scratching at his bright-blue, upward-combed, and waterdrop-shaped hair before pointing a broken fingernail at Skielstregar's load.

"I'm thinking you didn't come inside with that, amiright? Would've remembered for sure. Definitely. That's a bit of a pickle for me here, knowwhatImean...?" The gobber's dark brown skin flushes and he looks at the door behind him nervously. He's wearing patchwork leathers that are burnt, torn, fraying, and covered in all manner of hanging gizmos and spare parts and they jangle and clatter as he shifts uncomfortably.

He gives a nervous laugh and cups the back of his neck, rubbing at it. "Howabout we leave what's pres-stowed in the Gimi-Jambox and you go..?" He offers a hopeful (if doubtful) smile. "I'll say you rushed right past? 'Whoosh,' you went. 'Wow, what was that? I can't possibly be blamed for not stopping them kidnapping someone,' I said. Heh... heh?"

The gobber only looks more confused when the deflated Tait walks into the foyer along with the artist. "... huh?"

Telamon waves a hand quite dismissively. "It's a mission of mercy, not a kidnapping. The girl needs a doctor. The lad won't leave her, reasonably enough -- so he wants to come along." Like they're not just shanghai'ing him. "But I think it would be better for all involved if you pass all the nasty pointy nubbins back to us. I mean, what if the watch comes along and starts asking uncomfortable questions? Wouldn't it be best -not- to be caught with a box full of toys that aren't yours?"

"We are not kidnapping anyone, yes." Vaera sighs. "And I would much rather we have our things back while we leave. We are causing no trouble, and want no problems with this place. You are just returning our things? And it is not like the people inside do not know we are already leaving. I saw them moving about earlier."

Andelena's about to tell the gobber to piss off when Telamon suddenly starts doing his diplomacy thing. She just looks at the goblin and says, "Yeah. We're getting her medical attention and her dad wants her home. I'm with the Sunguards and I'm doing what I was sworn to do before the light of Daeus."

Skielstregar is towering. Lumbering. Cradling the girl like a babe in his arms.

His eyes narrow, and he nods towards Telamon. "A mission of merccccy. He speaksss true. Though, it would be a ssshame if we were getting thisss girl to a doctor and sssomeone accosted usss on the way since we're disssarmed?"

He squints some. "... you wouldn't want your dreamersss hurt sssince we can't protect them. Right? We need our thingsss and we'll be on our way."

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+1: (7)+1: 8

"Hey, buddies, I just work here. These horse-riding--" the gobber stops and cranes his head to one side, the blue teadrop hair tilting along like a tower on a bad foundation. "-- fantastically nice people..." he grins full to show his jagged teeth, pushing his ears to point upwards, "are the 'dreamers.'" He brackets the last word with his fingers.

Then there's talk of mercy, people needing medical attention, and Tait looks as lost and stoned as he does put-out... Maybe the fat one in the back is here to indicate things are OK? The gears are turning as the gobber tries to decide what the appropriate course of action is here; what means he still gets paid for doing his job.

His thought process is interrupted by Kerry-Anne chiming in with an unceremonious "bupp" and a half-processed, bright red tea-and-bile cocktail upchucks out of the girl's mouth to splash all over the floor.

The gobber pales and covers his mouth, repulsed and burping. "Oh, gods... I can't-- hkk-- why would you... ack..." He turns around and pulls up his shirt to cover his nose and mouth. "That's so disgusting...." he adds with another little burp, trying to keep his own lunch down. He jams a key into the Gimi-Jambox and it whirrs, clatters, and clinks as the heavy doors swing open. "Keep it together Gimi..." he's breathing through his mouth as he half-hides behind the tech-armoire.

"... is she OK?" Tait asks from the back.

Telamon pulls a kerchief out of his pocket to cover his nose and mouth. "Ugh," he mumbles, though he supposes it could be worse. Glancing at Tait, he gives him another one of those stern looks. "What did she have to drink? The healers may need to give her something." He carefully steps around the splatter on the floor, looking to Skiel. "Make sure you hold her head so she gets it all out, Skiel. We don't want her inhaling any of that crap."

"Like I said," Andelena says to the gobber, "we're here for medical attention. Give us our shit and we get out of here."

She looks back at Tait and gives him a little smile. "Hey, kiddo. She's gonna be fine; she just isn't used to drinking booze and whatever else you little rascals got into. Kids can't really handle their liquor. I did something like that when I had the real shit for the first time--we just gotta get her to a healer and make sure she's fine."

Skielstregar just glances down as Kerry-Anne sullies his shiny silver arm. He closes his eyes, takes a slow breath...-


The makari shudders and follows Telamon's directions, shifting her about to hold her sideways aloft in the recovery position.

<OOC> Jinks nods. "Does anyone have Heal?"
GAME: Vaera rolls heal: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Skielstregar rolls heal: (20)+1: 21
GAME: Andelena rolls Heal: (16)+3: 19

"She should be alright, but it's hard to tell. You were the ones organizing this, so you should be the one who has the best idea of how she is doing." Vaera grumbles. "Regardless, yeah, probably best to get whatever that is out of her. Only problem is that means she won't have anything left to process for the pain. So please, just give us back our things so we can be on our way, before things actually become serious."

Andelena gives the girl another look-over and nods with her assessment. "Yeah. Kid's just partied too hard."

Once she notices the locker's open, she marches in and starts collecting stuff for the group, distributing things to the group. She looks far more comfortable with her longsword. "Okay, folks. Let's get this little pony show on the road."

Skiel holds the girl carefully with one arm as he slings his overloaded bandolier over a shoulder. "Yesss, too much thingsss at once. Come."

Shifting his things around, he makes his way out.

Vaera takes all her things, and begins the process of loading it all into her jacket again. Finished, she takes a moment to adjust everything, before heading for the door. "The less time we spend waiting, the better. Lets get her sorted."

"Ugh... feel free to clean up after yourself before you go!" The gobber complains, half turning to look back over his shoulder as the group re-arms. A good deal of the color remains drained from his features (those not tucked into his shirt). He catches sight of Kerry-Anne with the sick still smeared on her chin and chokes, turning away once more. "... next time you don't take a job-- hk-- with a bunch of homeless drunks and wasters looking to have some visionquest party... gah, ew."

The artist untangles one of his hanging clothes and snaps it out, stepping around folks to drop it over the worst of the puddle at Skiel's feet. Tait hangs by at the back of the group trying to get a look at the girl's face. He still sways unsteadily on his feet and the sweat around his face gives him a sheen in the brighter light; he's not doing much better than the unconscious girl.

Skiel just grunts to the gobbo and nods to the artist as he cleans up the mess. He mentions to Andelena, "Carry the boy, he is about to collapse."

Getting his things together now and belted back on, he cradles the girl as he shoulders the door open.


Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mbvxzfvc5su