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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Akorinil's Request *Emitter: Whirlpool *Characters: Alexander, Nasrin, Knightmare, Paenitia, Lysos,...")
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GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d8+1: (7)+1: 8</pre>
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d8+1: (7)+1: 8</pre>
Bullet after bullet strikes Nasrin from this angle. They've got a good bead oin her with their pistols now, which they've definiitely swapped to, and seem to have staggered her, leaving her a bloody mess.
Bullet after bullet strikes Nasrin from this angle. They've got a good bead oin her with their pistols now, which they've definitely swapped to, and seem to have staggered her, leaving her a bloody mess.
This close, it's hard to miss.
This close, it's hard to miss.
Line 332: Line 332:
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (15)+1: 16</pre>
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (15)+1: 16</pre>
"As that bloody glow engulfs the firing bandits their skin begins to rupture. Their eyes turn bloodshot as they are being rent asunder by the force of Nasrin's will and Kor's power. Several of them clutch at their throats, then collapse into a bloody mess on the floor. Nasrin walks way toward the far wall then, calling out, "If you wish to live surrender. The next shot will leave nothing left of you but carrion." Amid the lambent crimson glow and wearing burnished red armor it is hard to tell how badly the Cleric is bleeding. The pile of bodies... Significantly more evident."
As that bloody glow engulfs the firing bandits their skin begins to rupture. Their eyes turn bloodshot as they are being rent asunder by the force of Nasrin's will and Kor's power. Several of them clutch at their throats, then collapse into a bloody mess on the floor. Nasrin walks way toward the far wall then, calling out, "If you wish to live surrender. The next shot will leave nothing left of you but carrion." Amid the lambent crimson glow and wearing burnished red armor it is hard to tell how badly the Cleric is bleeding. The pile of bodies... Significantly more evident.
<pre>GAME: Knightmare rolls weapon1: (17)+6: 23
<pre>GAME: Knightmare rolls weapon1: (17)+6: 23
Line 338: Line 338:
The Knightmare, now silhouetted in part by the sudden rain of chitinous vermin that inexplicably starts to rain down from the rafters, glances about then returns her sword to her proper hand, approaching a reasonably stable looking goblin, "Hold still, I will have you free. Once I do, I need your help with the others." She says in a low voice, hoping her companions are doing alright. If the enemy tries to flee through here, things might get awkward, but she has faith.
The Knightmare, now silhouetted in part by the sudden rain of chitinous vermin that inexplicably starts to rain down from the rafters, glances about then returns her sword to her proper hand, approaching a reasonably stable looking goblin, "Hold still, I will have you free. Once I do, I need your help with the others." She says in a low voice, hoping her companions are doing alright. If the enemy tries to flee through here, things might get awkward, but she has faith.
<br> :: In Vardama....
:: In Vardama....
<br> ::: But still. Faith.
::: But still. Faith.
The construct Knight 's sword rings against the chains, but doesn't bite particularly deep.
The construct Knight 's sword rings against the chains, but doesn't bite particularly deep.
Line 369: Line 371:
Her laughter continues, sounding like a dog's, behind her ever smiling mask.
Her laughter continues, sounding like a dog's, behind her ever smiling mask.
</pre>GAME: Hades rolls weapon1: (12)+2+2: 16
<pre>GAME: Hades rolls weapon1: (12)+2+2: 16
GAME: Hades rolls damage1: aliased to 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2</pre>
GAME: Hades rolls damage1: aliased to 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2</pre>

Latest revision as of 00:52, 4 February 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Akorinil's Request
  • Emitter: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Alexander, Nasrin, Knightmare, Paenitia, Lysos, Hades
  • Place: A Farm
  • Time: Tuesday, February 02, 2021, 10:49 PM
  • Summary: Akorinil Belvade got robbed. She's mildly amused by this. The thieves are at a farm. The party, reluctant to assist the High Priestess of the Goddess of Lies, still go check things out. Goblins, in manacles, working the fields. Lysos casts invisibility on the group, with Paenitia explaining why it's best to hide behind her peacock hippogryph, Ramirez, while Nasrin loudly advances towards the Farmhouse, beating drums. A second story bandit opens fire, the others sneak up. Nasrin kicks in the door and walks into a crossfire of bullets. Lysos follows. Battle ensues. An Ankheg emerges, is engaged by Paenitia and Hades, while the Knightmare goes around back, discovers a bunch more prisoners and cuts off the escape route. Nasrin demonstrates why one does not mess with a negative energy Cleric of Kor, and bandits die. The slaves are freed, Yay! The jewelry is returned to the evil priestess... yay?
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=
Alexander    6'5"     120 Lb     Human             Male      Blonde haired man with green eyes
Nasrin       5'5"     144 Lb     Human             Female    Human female, 5'5", muscular. Dark red hair, pale.
Knightmare   6'4"     294 Lb     War Golem         Female    A knightly construct on the hoof bearing heraldry of lost Dragonier.
Paenitia     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling          Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.
Lysos        5'6"     105 Lb     Human/Tsuran      Female    Completely black eyes. Kind of creepy.
Hades        6'0"     170lbs Lb  Half-Elf          Male      A simple-looking young man with a trident in hand.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Whirlpool                        Otyugh                      I am stinky!

Her name is Akorinil Belvade. Yes, she's from Charn. Yes, she's a diplomat. YEs, she's a shadow elf. YEs, she's a high priestess of Taara. That last part is especially concerning.

She's *also* been the victim of a crime.

Apparently, she was on her way back to Alexandria and she and her guards were stopped by a group of bandits, who robbed her of her jewelry. Needless to say, a High Priestess of Taara could have struck them down. She'd have been justified thoroiughly.

"...but I thought, perhaps," she continued as the situation was explained, "my jewelry matters so little and it would be an excellent chance to see some Alexandrians in action. Fortunately, I've located their hide out and I'd like you to go and ... retrieve my jewelry through any manner you deem necessary. It would be poor form for me to call down the wratrh of Taara on them on a foreign soil, so ... I refrained. It's just a few baubles anyway..."

...and this is how, at the government's behest, you've wound up approachign an abandoned farmhouse. It sits neatly in the ditance, where the gang is said to've been based.

To retrieve jewerly. For a Taaran priestess and noble of Charn.

But also because the pay is really good and one wants to avoid an international incident.

"Or maybe Taara did it as a test. You know gods and goddesses are tricky like that." Alexander as he keeps his arms crossed. He is dressed normally, bow on his back and dagger at his hip. He watches the shadow elf and remains silent other then that comment about the test. He then looks to the others and waits for their input.

"A test, not a test. Thieves earn smiting. If they are not capable of defending what they take and hold they are not entitled to it," Nasrin replies in her most reasonable seeming voice. The Cleric of Kor, bedecked in her crimson full plate, is squinting at the farmhouse ahead as she tilts her head slightly. Tall and slender, freckled, Nasrin wouldn't cut an imposing figure if not for that holy symbol in the shape of a battleaxe across her back and her imposing stride. "We should try to bring it back without leaving people in pieces, if they are amenable. I suppose."

Perhaps she should have gotten the details before agreeing.

Dame Betrys the Knightmare, astride her brave coal Destrier, scans about the area in pursuance of her word to 'help', with only her reaper's grin to give any indication of her mood. Well, to anyone who recognizes the subtle changes in her posture. She gently draws rein on sight of the humble den of purfidy, and the massive beast she rides comes to a halt, but gives another stomp of a hoof to let off excess energy. His partner almost always brings him out to the fun places when she travels with company, after all.

The little Lucht Knight is of a similar mindset. She rides quietly on her mount beside Dame Betrys, her thoughts unknown. The details before agreeing would have been nice.

More details would be appropriate. About her: Sister Paenitia, a hafling in heavy red armour with a wide brimmed hat, and an absurdly sized feather. If that wasn't enough, she wears a metal mask of a smiling man's face, a stylized face with a wide grin and a wider mustache. Dark curls cascade down to her shoulders and mid back. Combined with her mask, her face, all expression is hidden completely.

About her steed: It's an ivory white hippogryph, a horse sized peacock with a tail train of feathers another fifteeen feet behind. He walks with a strange cadence, two claws, two hooves.

As if that wasn't enough, she has a second tailfan made from polearms, attached to the back of her saddle.

Lysos is herself astride a rather unremarkable horse.. by the looks of it, it was probably a rescue of some sort from a farm where it had become too old to do much in the way of work. She has her hand over her eyes as if to shade them, though there's really no need. "We could always just try to steal them back... maybe bluff the thieves out, sneak in behind them, work some reappropriation, then be on our way?"

GAME: Nasrin rolls Perception: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Alexander rolls perception: (13)+3: 16
GAME: Knightmare rolls perception: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Lysos rolls perception: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (14)+4: 18

Nasrin looks like she's been wading through very shiny blood. Making that gangly bean pole girl thing work for her. It draws attention.

So, there's the farm, right? Everyone's seeing it. It's all looking pretty normal. Why, there's even goblins working in the field, getting ready to sow what looks like hops.

OR at least it would, right up until you notice they're all wearing manacles.

Nasrin says, "...A test from Taara then," Nasrin notes blithely, squinting as the manacles come more clearly into sight. She seems to be pretty calm about it, all thing sconsidered. Her hands have gone to her axe, however. That is never a good sign."

Lysos mutters to herself when the manacles are pointed out to her, face darkening a little bit. "Well, I suppose that narrows our options. Strange the thieves would call attention to this by robbing the acorn lady though. Might not be what it seems."

GAME: Alexander rolls knowledge/military theory: (19)+7: 26
GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/military theory: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Nasrin rolls military theory: (17)+military theory: 22

A few thigns are plainly obvious: they're a bit malnourished, are probably being watched cosely, and approacing them under the day star may be hard. It's not likely anyone can just run up to them and hand them weapons. They're also all manacled, around their ankles.

Paenitia sits up in her saddle, staring at the field. She looks to the Knightmare, "Dame Betrys, this will not stand. I am of the two minds."

Expounding to everyone else, the Red Knight says, "We can approach in stealth. You hide behind Ramirez, they will not see you. Then, they will not see Ramirez, because he hides so well."

She waits a moment for that to sink in. "Or, we issue challenge loudly. The bandits will come forth."

She pats the brace behind her, holding every version of polearm available. "I have the arsenal of the Mad Dogs, we can arm them. But. They do not look to have much fight."

"Need we point out this IS a cleric to the lady of lies?" Alexander says as he looks to nasrin and then to the goblins. "If we can provide arms, I can free the goblins and provide ranged support." He says as he theorizes outloud.

Lysos looks doubtfully at the goblins. "If we involve them, they're as like to get themselves killed if they try and fight, don't you think? Might be better for them if we deal with this ourselves. "

"Perhaps not. Best we avoid injuring the goblins in any case." Betrys replies to Lysos's observation, but she looks to Paenitia, then the others and readies her lance. Cysgodawyr, darling boy, recognizes the pattern of shifting movement, the sound of the Knightmare withdrawing that particular weapon from the saddle loops for what can only be the expectation of violence to come, and rears just a touch to smithe the earth twice with his hooves. She is not so stirred that she leaps headlong into the situation without at least getting a team concept in place, "We can afford the blaggards the chance to reconsider in challenge. I doubt they will accept such generosity meekly." She makes a low, whickering noise and the russet maned warhorse flicks then flattens his ears, but holds steady. The skullfaced knight turns her grim countenance to the archer and, "We can draw their fire and try to keep them from the prisoners."

"I would issue the challenge aloud," Nasrin replies drily. "I am not particularly stealthy but I do make a good target for arrows." So saying, she finally limbers her axe. "If they want to be free they need to be prepared to fight. We can shield them from the worst of it but they deserve to be part of their freedom. We should free and arm them as soon as possible.""

Paenitia examines the options of approach. She looks for a main gate, a path to position between the goblin workers and the house, sees there is no fence to jump. The little Lucht scans for anyone obviously watching. Chances are the goblins are being watched, and they're manacled, but no obvious eyes on them.

"Or we challenge... and they pepper us full of arrows, the same ones they're probably waiting to use on a goblin that manages to escape," Lysos points out. Perhaps a touch pessimistically. "I can magik us in there unseen, if anyone would like to try that."

Knightmare considers an arc in from the side to draw immediate fire away from the goblins and cut in between them and the house. Different angles, swinging out to come in from the 'front' side raising a ruckus.

Nasrin is willing to walk up in front and scream that they're all bastards if you need a distraction.

"Life is too short to live owned by another." Paenitia says, her shield, her lance making small clattering noises as she works them into position. "they should have arms. The chains, broke. This takes too much time. They will be shot before they are free. The shots, they should be at us."

She looks over at Nasrin, then the Knightmare, "We three, we present, the others hide with ranged..."

And then there's another suggestion, "I have faced the arrows many times, but the magic. That is the better idea."

GAME: Lysos casts Invisibility. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Lysos casts Invisibility. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Lysos casts Invisibility. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17

Lysos nods once, then carefully climbs out of her saddle to lead her old, broken horse a small distance away.. looping her reins around the branch of a lonely tree. Then she steps back... when people are ready she says, "Might want to hold hands so we don't lose track of each other." Then she begins her casting.. which amounts to drawing an invisible eye in front of her, and then poking it as she utters the word, "Poof!" One by one she disappears everyone. When they're ready. If they agree.

GAME: Nasrin rolls Perform/Percussion+2: (15)+6+2: 23
GAME: Nasrin rolls Intimidation: (15)+Intimidation: 15

Nasrin takes a deep breath and begins to stride forward. The breeze catches her long red hair and it billows about her as she closes the distance between herself and the goblins in the fields. She's left her axe close to hand but she wields not a massive, murderous blade of Kor but a set of... Field drums?

rat t-t-tat rat-tat-t-tat tat! The snappy percussion of a field drum is almost impossible to ignore. It's designed to draw the attention of warriors on a battlefield full of screams and grinding metal, and Nasrin plays it expertly to that effect. "Come out and face me, you bastards! I'll be taking your entire farmhouse and all your little slaves too! Kor's deemed today your day to die!"

Nasrin shouts her challenge gleefully as she reaches for her weapon, raising the gleaming axe as a giant 'hit me' sign to any archers who might be watching. She does, at least, have the presence of mind to try to walk behind whatever objects might provide partial cover as she basically demands that all those watching pepper her with arrows.

"Kor is- very angry! And you're all losers! So come out and fight me! Or else I'll blow your house down! I mean... Burn your house down!"

Once everyoine's invisible, you're able to watch Nasrin approach. And approach she does. She makes her speech and the goblins stop what they're doing and drop their farming tools to stare at her in slack-jawed shock. She's kind of scary.

A moment later, a single crack leads to an explosion of dirt in front of her. A gun shot.

"Get the fuck outta here, you crazy bitch!" comes a voice from inside the house. The flash of muzzle fire indicates that the second story window from the farmhouse is where he's firing from. So there's *one*.

Cysgodawyr seems almost affronted as Betrys slips the lance back into the loops and dismounts, and he sideeyes her. Or, rather, where her hooves squish into the ground beside him, and she lightly touches him, "Steady, friend. When I call." There then comes the sound of her longsword sliding free.

Let's see how the 'sneaky' works....

Paenitia and Ramirez decline the invisibilty spell. The little Lucht trusts in her mount's ability to hide, and also doesn't want to walk across the farm in heavy armour. Too muddy, too slowy, she ends up dragging a small marsh behind, matted into her fetlocks.

Instead, the Red Knight and her Ivory steed simply, lurk. Giant horse-sized white peacock with crimson eyespots and a crimson rider - nothing to see here. They will advance when the hue and cry of battle starts.

The shouting and the shooting, well, that's getting close ...

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Stealth at +12 if you are invisible, +2 if not"
<OOC> Paenitia says, "okay, did we get to do the stealth synergy?"
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "No reason it shouldn't function"
GAME: Knightmare rolls stealth+12: (5)+-5+12: 12
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+3+2: (12)+3+2: 17 (Ramirez Stealth)
GAME: Paenitia rolls stealth+2: (16)+6+2: 24
GAME: Alexander rolls stealth+12: (18)+4+12: 34
GAME: Lysos rolls stealth+12: (3)+3+12: 18
<OOC> Paenitia says, "okay, then looks like highest roll is 18, so everyone adds their bonus to that"
<OOC> Paenitia says, "Ramirez 23, KM 25, Paenitia 26, Lysos 33, Alexander 34"

Alexander sneaks along, arrow ready in his bow as he remains invisible and very sneaky. Sneaky sneaky.

Lysos can only hope, with the others going at a similar pace, that she keeps close as to them as she creeps, best she might, towards the house. Not able to see the others, of course, has other drawbacks... like feeling like she's creeping up on a house full of thugs all by herself. Not an image to conjure up a great amount of confidence, to be sure. But she keeps telling herself the others are close... and resolves to reveal herself only once the others have dones so already.

Betrys continues to creep along with the others, tail lashing lightly as she takes to the sneaking more than she would previously have given herself credit for. She trusts her companions are close at hand as the gunfire begins. Alllllmost therrrrrreee....

Paenitia and Ramirez trail the group. Of course, she can't see them. A route was planned using her insights from sneaking around Isobar, and she has an idea of their speed. So she gave them a few moments to get far enough ahead Ramirez wouldn't accidentally step on someone. Then they began their creeping forward.

Somehow, perhaps the peacock-andalusian's feathers blend well with the white snow, perhaps he seems like an optical illusion from the corner of the eye, but he is both quiet and difficult to see. She lies close to his neck, her red armour blending with the crimson splash there.

Perhaps there is some truth in his mistress' statements about how he hides so well. He seems hidden now, she is too.

Cysgodawyr, meanwhile, stomps a little petulently, awaiting the call to action. Whicker.

GAME: Nasrin casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 6 DC: 14

The sheer cacophony that follows in Nasrin's footsteps nows is almost like a battle in itself. She can no longer use her drums with the axe in hand so instead she uses it and her armor like another drum, a rattling, clanking sound that permeates the air around her as she shouts. "KOR! Show them your fury! Cowards who hide behind flimsy walls will receive no mercy from us!"

As Nasrin calls out her armor is illuminated in lambent crimson, like flames had begun to well out from her form and envelope the cleric, still fearless in the face of enemy fire.

A bullet whizzes towards Nasrin and hits her with a shower of sparks, deflect by her illumating magic.

"Aw, shit. That's not good. Boys, wake up the Beast. We're gonna need 'is help. It's a crazy witch shouting about Kor!"

And so there's some crashing sounds from inside as 'the boys' get to work at something.

The goblins have dropped to the ground to avoid being part of this, one and all. They're sort of scared. This is a mess just yet and they aren't going to risk pissing off their captors until they've seen more.

Hades was with the group! He just didn't talk much, so there wasn't a whole lot to notice from him!

Though he still did not speak, he was ready for any possible outcome, including that of combat.

GAME: Lysos casts Shield. Caster Level: 6 DC: 16

Lysos still isn't sure where anyone is and not having been fond of being the party pin cushion she resolves to wait. While protecting herself. And stepping out of the way of anyone who might want to charge inside. Or out. So she extends an invisible hand forward, palm out, fingers splayed.. chanting, "Defendarios!" Yeah, speaking out loud while invisible kind of defeats the purpose, but maybe the thieves are distracted.

"My great beast, they will see what you can do." Paenitia coos to Ramirez, lying pressed against his neck, petting with her hand. She cluck-clucks quietly at him, "over, over."

Ramirez adjusts, a slight side-step, sinking, hooves braced to leap him forward, talons ready to pull. The Red Knight's lance-tip raises up, aimed at the door. Delaying to charge.

The enemy must only appear.

GAME: Alexander casts True Strike. Caster Level: 1 DC: 14

Alexander lowers his bow and begins to speak in a weird languages as his eyes glow as he seems to be seeing something. He then readies his bow to strike at whatever comes out.

GAME: Nasrin rolls Strength: (12)+3: 15

Nasrin lets out a howl of fury, like a spirit of battle or some kind of wild animal delirious with a lust for blood. A second later, the sound of wood shattering is evident as the door explodes inward, thrown off of its hinges, splinters flying in all directions as a steel clad boot smashes through. For those allies who wish it, the howl inspires a murderous fury to overtake them, strengthening their arms and steeling their resolve. It is time for battle!

With their ally kicking the front door in, and the voice upstairs hollaring to ready some 'Beast', the Knightmare's hollow voice intones, "I'll cover the back door if there is one." Then, with some weighty squishing, hoofprints in the seasonal ground, the golem hustles off to cover the other side of the building in case there is one they wish to avail themselves of.

GAME: Hades casts Shield. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

Hades, perhaps realizing that he might, well, get beat up in this upcoming combat, whispers an incantation in the eldritch tongue, summoning abarrier of magic to protect himself against the enemy and any onslought they might bring against him.


Then again, he may also be thinking of clever ways in honestly to maybe avoid combat altogether or talk people out of it.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

ANother shower of sparks after a reload leads Nasrin's armor holding. The door open reveals a darkened passageway. Seems like they blew out the lights. The goblins are still staring.

Then there's a ... rumble.

A very low rumble. The ground starts churning out from beneath the house. A furrow developing.

Lysos isn't a coward. Honest. But she also has no armour. And no weapons. What is she even doing here? The young tsuran sighs softly to herself, then starts padding after the much louder Nasrin.

Paenitia waits for something to attack. She sees nothing inside. There's the obvious something burrowing through the earth from under building but it hasn't revaled itself yet.

The rage flows into the little Red Knight. She feels it fill her, strength to her arms, a firm pounding in her breast. Memories of battle, suffering, moments of high emotion come to mind. When she heard her father was imprisoned, when her revolutionary brothers fell. Her grin grows nearly as wide as her mask's. She will show them what a Mad Dog of Isobar can do.

Ramirez likewise is bathed in the emotion, hot as his home land, his vision as bloody red as his crimson eyespots. The anger he feels when his mistress is wounded, or his feathers ruined by weapons. He must issue his challenge!

Yet, he must wait. How his mistress holds back her passions, he does not know. Yet, she tamed him. She is magnificent. He holds the rage for her; they wait for a visible enemy.

As Nasrin and Lysos move into the hallway, there's a pause. That's when they hear the clicks of numerous guns and an openijng of musket fire on their position from within. Seems they like their guns here.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d10+1: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d10+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d10+1: (2)+1: 3
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d10+1: (2)+1: 3

A tremendous amount of gunfire follows. Smoke and artifice flashes fill the room. Bullets fly, sparks fly, splinters fly. Holes appear everywhere as a lead hail converges on the Cleric of Kor. She's thin, well armoured, covered in a slick redness, but still some penetrate. Her blood adds to her armour's coat.

GAME: Alexander rolls weapon4+20-1: (14)+6+20+-1: 39
GAME: Alexander rolls damage4+2: aliased to 1d8+1+2: (4)+1+2: 7

His trueshot spell complete, Alexander takes aim on the upper window. An arrow is loosed. It strikes the belcherman.

<OOC> Nasrin says, "Right, so. If I walk up into the middle of these bandits will I tag any of my friends if I channel energy?"
GAME: Nasrin rolls 3d6: (11): 11 DC 16 Will for half.
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (18)+1: 19

Nasrin walks into the middle of the enemies. She grins widely, "Kor, suck 'em dry!" A wave of negative energy spreads in a burst around her. Darkness crawls up her opponents' bodies. Skin cracks, pallor drains. They scream.

They scream a lot.

The Knightmare comes accross the bulkhead doors in the back of the building, giving them a quick lookover before she passes the sword to her shield hand and siezes one of the door handles, drawing it upen.

As it opens, apparantly on it's own, the light streams into the basement, casting dust motes alight in the air and exposing more victims of these perfidious louts. A comparatively soft hoofbeat follows another, descending the stair as Betrys's hollow voice intones, "Be not afeared, I am a Knight of Dragonier, and we will see you free, but you must be calm and quiet." trying to assure the gasping, frightened Goblins. Just as well, perhaps, they cannot see her. Her appearance, she understands, while grand, is rather unsettling.

GAME: Hades rolls Knowledge/arcana: (20)+10: 30
GAME: Knightmare rolls knowledge/arcana: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Lysos rolls knowledge/arcana: (15)+7: 22

So, there's a horrible beast.

It bursts from the ground in the field, apparently insectoid. It's definitely some kind of multi-legged, green carapaced beast with massive mandibles and a long, long and hulking body. Acidic venom drips from its maw. You know acivid because the ground smokes when it touches.

Not good.

<OOC> Paenitia says, "cool! So swift to challenge and charge. 
                      I've got spirited charge, so use that, gives me +4 (instead of +2 to hit) no AC penalty,
                      same for Ramirez? both of us get to attack in the charge? 
                      Nasrin's spell, +2 Str gives anoher +1 hit/damage for both of us? and the -2 AC"
<OOC> Paenitia says, "Ramirez's attacks, ATTACKS: Bite +4 1d6+3 and 2 claws +4 1d4+3
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+2+1: (6)+4+2+1: 13 (Bite)
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon8+4+1: (15)+5+4+1: 25
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage8+3+1: aliased to 1d6+1+3+1: (4)+1+3+1: 9

As the drooling insect emerges, the Red Knight and her Ivory Steed leap into action. Ramirez surges forward in a gallop that is also a glide. Paenitia howls with happy laughter, barking her head off, "Mad Dogs! Friends! To Me! We slay this!"

To the insect herself, Paenitia barks even more. It's not like it would understand tradespeach any better, "Ha ha! You and I, we shall do the dance of death! Ignore me at your peril!" <Gnoll>

Her challenge is issued as the charge ends. Ramirez snaps. Insects are a favourite food of his too, but not this kind of stinkbeetle, not at this size. Despite the rage, he hesitate his snap, catching emptiness. Paenitia stabs, and her lance finds its mark, piercing the carapace. The first hit!

GAME: Hades casts Burning Hands. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15
GAME: Hades rolls 2d4: (6): 6
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5

Hades -immediately- recognizes that monster. "Ankheg! Beware its mandibles!" Hades calls out to his companions, even as he uses his freehand and casts a spell, Eldritch energy converting matter around his fingertips into seering flames. From there, he stretches out his palm and heat dashes forward, burning the beast!

He then twirls his trident in his hand. "Tarien, grant us your wits." he murmurs a prayer to his god.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11

A bullet zips past the revealed form of Hades thereafter.

Seems that the crack shot isn't so cracked.

"Shit, there's a lot more of them!"

GAME: Lysos rolls stealth: (15)+3+10: 28

Lysos can't stiffle her yelp as bullets start to fly... she's not sure if she got grazed, or if it's wooden shrapnel from being too close to the wall which they struck.. either way, she doesn't want to still be here and a quick glance shows she's still invisible. Instead, she does her best to step quickly and quietly to the stairs to head up to the second floor.

Alexander heads around the back of the house to provide backup for the Knightmare.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d8+1: (7)+1: 8

Bullet after bullet strikes Nasrin from this angle. They've got a good bead oin her with their pistols now, which they've definitely swapped to, and seem to have staggered her, leaving her a bloody mess.

This close, it's hard to miss.

GAME: Nasrin rolls 3d6: (15): 15 DC16 Will Save Negative Channeling
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (7)+1: 8
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (15)+1: 16

As that bloody glow engulfs the firing bandits their skin begins to rupture. Their eyes turn bloodshot as they are being rent asunder by the force of Nasrin's will and Kor's power. Several of them clutch at their throats, then collapse into a bloody mess on the floor. Nasrin walks way toward the far wall then, calling out, "If you wish to live surrender. The next shot will leave nothing left of you but carrion." Amid the lambent crimson glow and wearing burnished red armor it is hard to tell how badly the Cleric is bleeding. The pile of bodies... Significantly more evident.

GAME: Knightmare rolls weapon1: (17)+6: 23
GAME: Knightmare rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4

The Knightmare, now silhouetted in part by the sudden rain of chitinous vermin that inexplicably starts to rain down from the rafters, glances about then returns her sword to her proper hand, approaching a reasonably stable looking goblin, "Hold still, I will have you free. Once I do, I need your help with the others." She says in a low voice, hoping her companions are doing alright. If the enemy tries to flee through here, things might get awkward, but she has faith.

In Vardama....
But still. Faith.

The construct Knight 's sword rings against the chains, but doesn't bite particularly deep.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+5: (7)+5: 12

Now wounded by Paenitia and Hades, the Ankheg immediately turns its attention on them. It's mandibles snatch at the fire-spewing one instead, clearly more concerned with *fire* than the cavalry, so to speak.

Such is how a primal creature might operate, right?

The mandibles snap snut inches from his face.

GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+1: (18)+4+1: 23 (Ramirez Bite)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+1: (15)+4+1: 20 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+1: (18)+4+1: 23 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon8+1: (9)+5+1: 15
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d6+3+1: (4)+3+1: 8
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3+1: (4)+3+1: 8
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3+1: (3)+3+1: 7

It. Bites. His MISTRESS!

'RUUAAAHHH!' Ramirez's challenge is the screech of a loud bird, filled with horsepower and rage. The Ankheg snaps mandibles at the Red Knight; this drives her peacock-andalusian into a flurry.

He pecks with the force of a pickaxe at the crack in its carapace, further fractures snowflaking from the impace. One! Two! His claws swipe, catching the chitin and ripping it away.

Paenitia gleefully whoops and hollars, "Ole!" She stabs at the stinking beast. Her lance deflects, this time. She does not mind, she is in fine spirits.

Her laughter continues, sounding like a dog's, behind her ever smiling mask.

GAME: Hades rolls weapon1: (12)+2+2: 16
GAME: Hades rolls damage1: aliased to 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2

Hades sharply leans back when the massive insectoid snaps its mandibles right in front of his face, but manages not to quite catch him by his flesh. In a sudden motion, he swings his trident into a well-timed stab!

...which doesn't really do much probably besides upset it. Equivalent of getting stabbed with a fork at a dinner table and Hades knows it.

Clearly he's not much of a frontline fighter, at least not right now. But he pokes it!

There's a silence from the upstairs gunner. Seems he's decide that discretion might be the better part of valor.

GAME: Lysos casts Force Punch. Caster Level: 6 DC: 18
GAME: Lysos rolls 6d4: (15): 15
GAME: Lysos rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

Lysos nearly stumbles right on to the gun toting bandit upstairs as he was just on his way down. She has little time to think... which may or may not be a good thing. In a not-quite-panic she thrusts her hand against his chest and yelps, "Fozari!" Magic is unleashed, and though she barely touches him its as though he was struck by a battering ram. He goes flying backwards, straight out the window he'd use to fire at Narsin earlier.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (19)+1: 20

There are bandits still inside, or at least there were. Two of them have decided that, having watched their friends fall before the wrath of Nasrin's magic, that now is a good time to go. They can be heard running back and tramping down some stairs.

The living ones in the room have fled. Nasrin takes out a potion, drinks it, stomps upstairs to investigate. Her drums, ra-tatata-ra-tatata-tat as she stups up, singing, "I'm cooooommmm... mmmminnng!"

To Knightmare's eyes, two wounded bandits -- wounded and bleeding from their ears and from open wounds on their body -- come stumbling down the steps in time to see the goblins being slowly freed by Knightmare's attempt.


GAME: Knightmare rolls intimidate: (10)+8: 18

As the pitter patter of naughty footfalls make their way down the other stairs, the golem turns, with a gentle, "Be still, madame, I'll protect you." A humanoid hole in the air, still partially dusted with dead arthropods, her hooves scrape unpleasantly against the floor as she roars in a grim, hollow voice, "You have one chance-surrender or die!" as she starts stomping their way.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 4d4: (11): 11
GAME: Paenitia rolls reflex: (18)+5: 23 (Half Acid Damage)
GAME: Ankheg damaged Paenitia for 5 points. 23 HP remaining.

A blast of acid from the thing is expelled onto the cavalier, seemingly slicing over them and leaving them burning. They're qable to avoid the worst of it, but the thin g has reared back and presented it's vulnerable underbelly in the process. There's that, at least.

<OOC> Paenitia says, "okay as before Ramirez, full attack. Pae attack"
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+1: (18)+4+1+2: 25 (Ramirez Bite)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+1: (3)+4+1+2: 10 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+4+1: (15)+4+1+2: 22 (Ramirez Claw)
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon8+2: (10)+5+2+2: 19
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d6+3+1: (6)+3+1: 10
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+3+1: (3)+3+1: 7
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage8+4: aliased to 1d6+1+4: (1)+1+4: 6

The Ankheg turns its head. There is an acrid scent. Quickly, the Red Knight pulls her steed to the side. Paenitia's reflexes are swift, Ramirez, just as fast. The spray of acid hits. Sizzling, smoke, holes in her clothes and her peacock-andalusian's feathers.

They dodged the direct stream.

They retaliate. Ramirez slams his beak into the insect, tearing free a chunk of its shell, revealing the soft flesh inside. One claw slides, he does not raise it high enough. The other plunges into the hole and rips a balloon like organ free.

Her beloved's weapons free, Paenitia takes her turn, stabbing her lance into the beast. An imperfect thrust, still one that wounds it deeply. Fluids splurt out everywhere.

It collapses. It is dead. "Ha! That is what you get for the spray at dear Ramirez."

The goblins are freed, at least. That's a good start. All in all, ther were a dozen of them, in total, doing work on the farm for the bandits. They were taken from a local village as 'taxes' with intent to work on the bandits hops. Seems between that and the Ankheg, they had plans to go into the brewing business.

The bandits, those that did not die at your hands outright, are able to be captured. That's good news, as they can tell you where their stash is, which does include a substantial amount of stolen loot. Some of it is probably Akorinil's, but it's hard to say just what. When questioned, they point out an expensive looking braclet and a couple of rings. They're worth a fair bit.

Ghoulish cp line.png

Combatty Stuff

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 4 =====================
     24   Second Story Ba  1  
     16   Lysos            1  
     15   Te Bandits       1  
     10   Alexander        1  
     8    Nasrin           1  
  >> 7    Knightmare       1   <<
     7    The Beast        1  
     6    Paenitia         1  
     5    Hades            1  