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== Log Info ==
== Log Info ==
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==Unrelated neat artists==
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "It's regular RP, but you are all in the same tier and I've been waiting for a chill fog to do something, so if you want it to go that way, it could, but I had no plans to hijack the RP."
<OOC> Rumbo says, "This is some Rumbo waves around a dragonspitter and someone comes to tell him off type RP :D"
<OOC> Thurid would be game :D
<OOC> Glasha says, "Cryo runs good random encounters, but tends to almost kill my characters all the time."
<OOC> Rumbo is all up for anything but there are thunderings around :)
<OOC> Thurid says, "Your friendly neighborhood cleric is here for the anti-murderings."
<OOC> Cryosanthia tries to kill all the characters all the time, she loves everyone!
<OOC> Glasha doesn't like being almost killed.
Khamsin pages: What are your thoughts about the LBGTQ groups?
You paged Khamsin with 'Oh that's a huge bag of luggage. Generally positive, I know several Trans-Woman, a couple of them close enough to be friends, and have known them for decades. Talked with them enough to know there is a dislike among some for 'Trans-Trenders'. I'm familiar with some of the 'cotton ceiling' Radical feminist / Lesbian arguments for excluding trans-woman. Know a trans man in a professional capacity. Been to one wedding of a gay couple, and one of that couple I count among my best friends. I've sent presents to a couple other couples that had weddings. I used to consider myself Bi. When I was younger went to a few bars, rrrr... and private parties that turned into orgies. I am aware that there is a splinter group saying that the LGB are really about who you want to sleep with, and T is more about identity, and they should not be all smushed together, and also that Gay Men are 'the straight white men' of the LGBT community and some feel their voice shouldn't be heard anymore. I guess, not a good opinion of some of the activist groups or the things they say, but no particuar prejudices one way or the other. I have been told that 'Bi's don't exist, you're simply not committed enough' which is why I stopped saying I was. Haven't had sex RL in 5 years so it's kind of irrelevant.'
From afar, Khamsin hugs "I ask because my co-creator is trans and many of our playtesters are trans. I want to invite you to the discord if you like, where we're making the game...er.. public face of the company?"
You paged Khamsin with 'That sounds cool! rrr... would I have to go voice? Hear you speak? I like a certain level of mystery.'
Khamsin pages: You don't have too. :)
Khamsin pages: I do like this artist. :)

Revision as of 03:13, 22 November 2020

Log Info

  • Title: The Relative Dangers of Gnomes
  • Emitter: Rumbo
  • Characters: Rumbo, Thurid, Cryosanthia, Gadget
  • Place: A14: Sage Orum's Plaza, University District
  • Time: Saturday, November 21, 2020, 6:20 PM
  • Summary: Rumbo is angry and stressed outside of the Artificer's Guild and Thurid, cleric of Angoron, is attempting to calm him down when Cryosanthia wanders out of the mist. The two larger women talk the smaller man down, and all is going well until Gadget arrives. The terrified goblin hides in Thurid's skirts, a little to her chagrin, and speaks of the dangers of gnomes. Cryosanthia reassures him in an oblique way by saying there are much things out there and one of them kept her as a pet for decades. Gadget departs, and the others do also, but not after Cryo writes some introductions for Rumbo to Asmli, Stirling and Seer Merek, who have experience with artificial limbs and may be able to help the gobber.

-=--=--=--=--=<* A14: Sage Orum's Plaza, University District *>-=--=--=--=--=-

Named after one of Alexandria's most learned (and perhaps addled) minds, the new University District of the city contains a number of entertainment spots as well as areas of culture and learning. Though many structures and sculptures can be found here, two buildings dominate the plaza with an air of friendly animosity--the grand buildings of the Society for Progressive Arcanists and the Artificer's Guild.

Poised on opposite sides of the central plaza, the two face one another like old misers, each uncertain as to what the other's up to, and pranks between students are a rule of thumb. A series of levies and fines exists should they get too far out of hand, though at times the results may be spectacular. Performers often make use of the great plaza by filling it with music, and rare is the visit without passing a performer's hat or three, five, or nine. Likewise, ramshackle shops selling every sort of magic bauble line the ways, all of varying (and often questionable) quality. A grand statue of Sage Orum overlooks it all, his expression slightly perplexed perhaps, at its mixture of grandeur, invention, glass-filled baubles, and chaos.

At the far end of the area, is the city library. From public records to research into the history of the city and the region itself, there is much one can learn at the city library. Many stories tall, the building towers up over well-lit, tightly-packed cobblestone streets.

In the distance, the Redridge Mountains rise overhead in all their glory. At their peaks, one can see the airships docking, landing, and flying off again under the banners of not only Alexandria but many great nations.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Rumbo        3'2"     35 Lb      Goblin            Male      A gun-toting gobber with a wooden peg-leg.
Thurid       7'1"     249 Lb     Giantborn         Female    Bright-eyed, muscular, blond Giantborn woman.
Cryosanthia  6'9"     291 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Gadget       3'6"     38 Lb      Gnome             Female    A striking woman with metal limbs and moonstone eyes.

Rumbo is ranting outside the Artificer's Hall and Thurid is towering over the Gobber going "Bad Gobber! No Tantrums!" when Cryosanthia appears.

Thurid's eyes follow that gun as it waves back and forth, and the goblin turns his yelling in her direction. She eventually says, "I don't speak gobspeak." to him. "But I'd prefer it if you put the gun down all the same." she says then. She doesn't reach for the hammer on her back, mind. All friendly, here. She does has her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face, though.

Cryosanthia is moving through the Sage Orum plaza. Every time she sees Thurid she has to blink, as if her eyes are playing an optical trick on her. Human scale is assumed, which makes her appear a lot closer than she is, and therefore every scene she's in is off, the particpants too far apart. Until the blink, when it resolves and everything clicks.

So, Thurid and Rumbo in some sort of argument in front of _that place_. Acquaintances, so she doesn't need to get involved. Her mission was to get a reference book for the Professor. A minor diversion would be permissable.

The white sith'makar circles in on the pair in such a way that her back is to the Artificer's Guid, as she listens and attempts to determine what's what.

Rumbo nods his head meekly, though it is still bent back so he can look up at Thurid towering over him. After his eyes scrunch up a little he speaks, with some obvious effort, "I know. Must practice the common tradespeak so I don't sound like an idiot when I speak it." Then the gobber pulls on the dragonspitter's trigger. Several times in rapid succession as the dragonspitter is pointed up into the air above his head, though perhaps close to the Giantborn's face. "It's unloaded, I've been told many times how nervous it makes people but I'm not a crazed gnome to be waving a loaded dragonspitter around wildly! It's my symbol, like the earthbreaker you wear. If you were upset and praying with that in hand I wouldn't come up and ask you to put down the weapon."

Thurid does, indeed, take a step back as the trigger is pulled, but breathes a sigh of relief when nothing comes of it. "If I were swinging it around looking irate, you might." she retorts to the goblin, then. She has not, yet, noticed the approaching Sith-makar. Blame the fog- she blends in! "Besides which, a hammer isn't like to go off or explode or... worse, if mishandled." she says. She seems to have a vague mistrust of the device.

"Peace on your Nests," the whitescale says once she is within conversational range, as an interruption. She caught some of the conversation, has nothing to add. She has no visible weapons, unlike either of the other two, which suggests a certain naivete and overconfidence, or perhaps true hidden danger. "Good to see you again Thurid, and also you..." she looks at Rumbo, "This one forgets your name, but does recall meeting you."

Rumbo offers up a brief, polite smile as he responds to the introduction. "Hello. I'm Cogz Rumbo." The Gobber speaks briefly in the language before switching back to the common tradespeak and his discussion with the Giantborn. 'A symbol can absolutely explode or worse. There are few limits on the things someone with a symbol can achieve!' <draconic>

Thurid glances about to the familiar voice, and she dips her head in greeting, a smile blooming at the familiar- and less armed- face, "And on yours. It is good to see you again." she offers. She turns back towards Rumbo, "Mayhap, but in my experience, it is much more often intentional when it comes to spells and miracles than when it comes to artifice." she says then. "However, I'll accept the point. Still, though- what has you so irritated?" she finally wonders.

"The weather is foggy and chill, that can often be enough," says the sith'makar, who pays attention to such things even though she's not inconvenienced. She looks over, and down, at Rumbo. Steps back a step, to avoid towering, and nods, "this one can asssist if it's not too long, I am on a mission, but would hear it if you wish."

Rumbo holsters the dragonspitter he has been waving irately and reaches into his little jacket to pull out a battered old copy of "The Clockworks and Steamfitting Journal" which he unfolds to show Thurid and Cryosanthia. "I came to Alexandria because of this article. I've spent time learning the Tradespeak that is spoken here and I've found the funding to purchase a leg like the one the talk about in the article... but no where did it say that it was written by a gnome or that the gnome is gone!"

Thurid, Rumbo and Cryosanthia are discussing something outside the artificer's hall nods her head a bit at the explanation then, "Ah, I see." she ponders that for a moment, "Now you mention it, I did meet someone with clockwork limbs a short time ago. I could ask after where they got theirs, for you?" she suggests to Rumbo, then. "As for missing gnomish artificers... I doubt I'll be much help. I don't often have cause to get too close to Artificers, in general. If I can help it." she says then.

"Oh! This one can assist!" Cryosanthia says brightly, her posture dipping, and then she drops into a crouch so she's somewhat on Rumbo's level. She's a lot of lizard, but she curls up nicely. "This one has a friend, Asmli, a Khazadi. He lost his leg adventuring. Burned it off in a laval stream. Stirling, provided his replacement. Stirling is a golem, this one believes. I've not met him."

She pauses, her tailtip flicking thoughtfully, "Sage Merek... also. Lost his arm. He has an artifice one, we have not discussed it. He might have suggestions also." She looks warily at Rumbo, "treat his suggestions carefully."

Gadget isn't so much seen in the darkness and the fog so much as the baby buggy she pushes is heard. The glass and metal clinks and clatters together as she moves through Sage Orum's Plaza. A short stride with bare soles pitter patters along near it, unmistakably Mr. Jinglewidget.

Rumbo taps at his wooden peg-leg with the rolled up issue of "Clockworks and Steamfitting Journal" as he mutters darkly, "This was blasted off by a stupid Myrrish gnome." The prospect of an introduction levels the Gobber of however as he adds in Tradespeak, "I would welcome help. Finding an artificer to develop a suitable leg has been more difficult than I imagined."

Thurid nods her head a bit, slowly, at Rumbo then. "As I said- I wouldn't really know, myself..." she ponders. And then she hears a familiar sound, and glances about to scan the fog for where it originates. Finally spieing Gadget's buggy, she ahas. She lifts a hand, waving it back and forth to try and attach the distant gnome's attention.

"You will need to post a notice for Stirling and Asmli at the Explorer's guild." Cryosanthia says, reaching into her haversack and taking out a notebook. She writes carefully, her calligraphy is beautiful and she signs the note with a dragon-eye symbol created with the letters of her name. She holds it out for Rumbo, "This may help, it also has Sage Merek's home address. This one doesn't know where Asmli and Stirling regularly reside."

Her attention is drawn to the buggy and the monkey. She peers through the mist, "There is a gnome approaching with artifice limbs, you might ask her as well, if you can abide conversing with gnomes. You at least have something in common."

Gadget would have a hard time missing Thurid. She approaches, soon seeing other familiar faces. "Hello," she says. "I heard someone talking about artifice. Are you talking about me behind my back?" she jests.

Rumbo squeaks out suddenly, "A gnome? Where?!" and looks up to the Giantborn and Sith-Makar. The Giantborn is taller but the Sith-Makar is heftier, the briefest moment is spent by the Gobber in contemplation of these facts after he drops the battered old magazine he had been holding. Height wins out and Rumbo dives behind Thurid's legs for a place to hide while he pulls the dragonspitter from it's holster and works with amazing speed to load the thing with blasting powder and a pellet of lead. As he rams down the shot the Gobber eyes Gadget warily from behind the bulwark of Thurid's legs!

Thurid looks down towards the goblin as he dives between her legs. She should probably be more concerned, given her attire and the fact that it is not trousers. But she bends over to peer down between her legs at the goblin, "See, now it /is/ loaded. Put it away." she admonishes him. She glances up distractedly at Gadget to offer her a small, apologetic smile, but her attention returns to the scrambling goblin. "Unless you want to eat it." she adds, sporting a cheerful grin.

Cryosanthia watches as Rumbo hides in Thurid's skirts. That is a risk of them. She stands, smiles at the approaching gnome, "Only your wonderful creations."

Gadget smiles. "What, little men in bottles and luck clanks?" Gadget asks. "Hardly anything too amazing, but I will agree with wonderful," she concludes, offering Cryo a wink.

Long distance to Khamsin: Cryosanthia has helped run a furry convention, an furry APA and does furry art, "Not a Big Name Fur, but mildly known and some might not like me or something, but that's ok."

Rumbo frowns under Thurid's admonitions and steps out to bravely face the danger. His dragonspitter is held firmly, not pointing at anyone with the barrel tilted up and definitely not waving about, but it is kept in hand as he responds in the common tradespeak, 'You're worried about a little dragonspitter when a much bigger danger presents themselves?'

"sandy bleh sandy" Rumbo addresses this to Gadget directly, one eye twitching as he speaks. <unknown>

Thurid peers down at the goblin. She peers back over towards the gnome. She even peers at the monkey. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." she says to the goblin. "But if you try to shoot anyone, I /will/ kick you." she says. One of her feet twitching a bit, to demonstrate. They are big feet, like the rest of her.

"This one made a purchase, she is talking about that." Cryo informs. She moves, her tail washing back and forth. It would be a protective barrier if she was more in the way between Gadget and Rumbo. Perhaps she's protecting herself from the Artificer's Guild. She still has her back to it. "Lily is greatly occupied with it. She's at Master Mithrallas' right now."

The whitescale addresses Rumbo, "Please, Peace on your mind. She is out where you can see her and not hostile. Worry about the ones behind me working unseen in the giant spider."

Gadget looks at Rumbo, raising an eyebrow, then says, "beagle blrgl bleh bleep sandy blrgl" she replies in gnomish. 'My name is Gadget,' she tells whomever doesn't know. 'I've seen you around, but I don't think we've spoken. Hey, I'm closer to your size than the other ladies here. Why are you so scared of me?' <unknown>

Rumbo frowns a little, his eyes looking back and forth nervously, and he tries again. "sandy blrgl bleep beagle bleh bleh beagle blah" The gobber speaks sternly before he brings the Dragonspitter to his chest and clutches it in both hands.

Rumbo looks from the Gnome to the other two before he speaks in the common Tradespeak, 'You are a giant gnome though, how did you get to be so tall?!' He fidgets a little with the dragonspitter he clutches before he offers a name. 'I'm Cogz Rumbo... you're not going to blow off my other leg?' <unknown>

"No," Gadget says. "Why would I do that? My beloved is a gobber. I wouldn't hurt you except in self defense." She looks up at the other women. "Hey, I know I just got here, but I have to keep moving." She turns back to Rumbo. "It was nice meeting you!" She then moves along, Mr. Jinglewidget moving beside her, taking time as he walked backwards to wave at them as the two walked away.

Thurid watches the interaction a bit warily, but she eventually sighs. She nods towards Gadget, "Good to see you again." she offers the gnome. Though she does pause to think a moment, "Was she particularly tall?" she wonders, as Gadget beings heading off. She glances to Cryo for confirmation. Perhaps it's a perspective thing? Of course, the Sith almost matches her in height so might not be so much use. Back to the Goblin, she says, "There you have it." simply. "Wherever you might have come from, that sort of thinking won't get you far in this city." she says.

Cryo waves as the pair depart, "She's a few inches above average." Of course, her estimation is based on her lucht friends, and her foundling. She's often twice the height of everyone in her social circle. Having to look up at Thurid is a bit of an unusual sensation. She looks at Rumbo, "Did you lose your leg to a gnome? Is that why?"

Rumbo watches cautiously as the gnome departs and sets the dragonspitter away in it's holster. First he nods agreeably to Thurid in answer to her question, "Yes, she is." He then nods again to Cryosanthia as he answers, "Yes. I lost an entire airship to a Gnome in addition to my leg. They're very dangerous, I believe one of the leading causes of Gobber deaths, and they have a habit of blowing things "Not any more than any other Artificer." Thurid says then, and eyes the gun with mild suspicion once more. "At least, not until given cause to." she says then and offers a shrug of her hefty shoulders. However, she does offer a Sympathetic smile to the Goblin on the topic of losing the airship. "But, I am sorry to hear that." she offers him, then. "Even so, not every gnome is the one who harmed you. Bear that in mind." she says.

Rumbo watches cautiously as the gnome departs and sets the dragonspitter away in it's holster. First he nods agreeably to Thurid in answer to her question, "Yes, she is." He then nods again to Cryosanthia as he answers, "Yes. I lost an entire airship to a Gnome in addition to my leg. They're very dangerous, I believe one of the leading causes of Gobber deaths, and they have a habit of blowing things up with spells or artifice! You're not worried when a gnome is nearby?"

"This one has spent very little time with gnomes. She is the first this one has talked to at length." The whitescale pauses. The Artificer's Guild remains direclty behind her, "This one used to be afraid of wizards, and vampires, and demons. This one found the strongest wizard around, a minor god, and voluntarily became her prisoner and pet for many, many years."

"This one still runs from the demon dukes of the Iron Hells, but only for practicality, as this one can't kill them. There is no fear." Cryo looks directly at Rumbo. Her reptilian features don't lend themselves to expressiveness, her eyes likewise, resembled cold sapphires. Sparkling, but without feeling. When her gestures become minimal, as they have now, her thoughts are a cypher. "This one hopes you overcome your fears with less drastic measures, but it is important to still your mind and remain in control of your instinctive responses."

Which is an interesting way to phrase things, "What's done is done, and no amount of magic can undo tragedy. You must do your best to move on. Meet with Stirling, Sage Merek, perhaps they can help you." You paged Khamsin with 'oh wow, those are amazing.'

Rumbo frowns suddenly and did his pickle-green complexion darken? His wooden peg-leg twists a little as Rumbo coughs and attempts to straighten himself to his full height of three feet, two AND a half inches.

"Fear? Who was afraid.. no, no. Uh, just alert cautious wariness. You know.. eyes open, be prepared, know your enemy and such.. Uhm." The Gobber speaks hastily as he tries to explain, his grasp on the common Tradespeak becoming more tenuous and he coughs gently again. "Stirling and Sage Merek you say? Thank you! I'll seek them out directly."

Thurid glances over towards Cryo with a strange emotion on her features as she mentions being a pet. It's hard to say exactly what it is, but it's alien on her usually cheerful face. She remains silent for the rest of the story, and then nods her head absently at Cryo's final piece of advice. "Indeed." she says, a bit quietly. "Anyway, I'd been hoping to meet someone here and I don't see them. I should be getting back to the temple." she says then, mildly distractedly, and then she offers the two of them a dip of her head, as she moves to begin heading out as well.

The whitescale seems oblivious to Thurid's strange expression. She continues to speak to Rumbo, "Yes. My Cihuaa has an arm and a leg made of gemstones, and this one would send you his way, but we are not together anymore and it would be a painful reminder." For her, for him, for both. Now that she's spoken, she regrets doing so.

Cryo changes topics, "There are solutions, that will make you even more handsome and capable. Do not despair. You are not the first. If that gnome's article and ideas were any good, others will have improved on them. You have more choices now."

She looks at the sky, which has grown darker, and the fog which has gotten worse. "This one needs to complete her errand now, also. Peace on your Nests." She waves and departs.

The whitescale heads into the City Library. The others go their separate ways.

Ghoulish cp line.png

Unrelated neat artists
