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'''Ithquent Vethlexri:''' An Am’sherian box fashioned in heavy wood, with the larger ones treated with spells to preserve them from jungle rot. The surface is often scribed, by claw, with symbols of a god, demi-god, or important hero. The box acts as a container for prayer/blessing scrolls dedicated to this figure (though prayers to others may be added by guests or extended family, as appropriate). It has a lid and opening to hold a prayer scroll. These are usually placed near the entrance to sith’makar huts to ask for blessing/well-being for its inhabitants.
'''Ithquent Vethlexri:''' An Am’sherian box fashioned in heavy wood, with the larger ones treated with spells to preserve them from jungle rot. The surface is often scribed, by claw, with symbols of a god, demi-god, or important hero. The box acts as a container for prayer/blessings dedicated to this figure (though prayers to others may be added by guests or extended family, as appropriate). It has a lid and opening to hold offerings--usually things found in the natural world. These are usually placed near the entrance to sith’makar huts to ask for blessing/well-being for its inhabitants.

Revision as of 10:29, 6 December 2010

Alexandrian Roundleaf: The local name for a commonly-used tea leaf that produces tea with a mild taste. It’s found in the hills to the southwest of the city, where it grows in patches like clover. Alexandrian Roundleaf is ncommonly small for a tea-leaf, and round—the source of its name.

Banesight: A name for paladin-like “detect evil” senses.

Chainbreaker: A sith-makar name for freedom fighters/warriors against slavery, which originated from a legend from a warrior named Koresh. According to legend, Koresh stood along against an onslaught of Charn slavers, and famously “broke their chains” in his last battle (which also led to his death).

Circle (in reference to spells): A term used almost exclusively by wizards, it refers to a spell’s power and complexity, e.g. “A First Circle spell” or “Spell of the First Circle.” There are nine circles into which spells are classed. Each Circle corresponds to the nine levels of spells the D&D 3.5/PFRPG systems have; level 0 spells are refered to as Cantrips in case of arcane spellcasters and Orisons in case of divine.

Corpse-botherers: A name for a necromancer, or raiser of the dead. Often referenced by someone who doesn’t believe in reincarnation, raise dead, or similar effects. This does not mean that these are associated with necromancy: instead, it references and describes the belief of the speaker.

Deathclaw: The Am’sheran term for a megaraptor (which they view as essentially a bigger swiftclaw).

Egglayer/Eggtender: Care-takers of eggs and small sith-makar children. The second can refer to a male or female, but is generally a position held by a specially ordained “nest guard” or an older female, who goes around the area, turning the eggs in the evenings, and so on. The sith-makar have a high infant mortality rate due to their environment, so this originated as a way to give the caregivers some sort of title/prestige. The originals in draconic are: “vrantvrak daskic” and “vrantvrak aridoege.”

Glowcap: A type of small mushroom found in deep forests. Glowcaps are found most easily at night, because they glow in the absence of light (it’s bioluminescent). Used for the creation of a sweet-smelling, soothing incense when purified and processed. It can also be used raw—the stem’s cut up, the cap crushed into a sticky paste, and both are put on a heat source such as a piece of coal or firewood—but it’s much less potent that way.

Green Hornet: A popular drink primarily among mages and artists for its vibrant green hue, a Green Hornet is a generous amount of Vihrea liqueur poured over honey and garnished with candied lemon peel (Myrana Tarris is rumored to be the inventor).

Hornface: The Am’sheran term for a triceratops. Employed as mounts and beasts of burden by some Am’sheran clans.

Ithquent Vethlexri: An Am’sherian box fashioned in heavy wood, with the larger ones treated with spells to preserve them from jungle rot. The surface is often scribed, by claw, with symbols of a god, demi-god, or important hero. The box acts as a container for prayer/blessings dedicated to this figure (though prayers to others may be added by guests or extended family, as appropriate). It has a lid and opening to hold offerings--usually things found in the natural world. These are usually placed near the entrance to sith’makar huts to ask for blessing/well-being for its inhabitants.

Kalanakin: Another name for the sith-makar and their related tribes, meaning “children of the dragon.” Name given by some human tribes of Am’shere.

Kobold Trotters: (Since: 839) Manufactured near the edge of dwarven mining towns, the Trotters got their name from a dwarf chasing a kobold out of his distillery, and "trotting" was the sound the kobolds made...right before he flung them against the wall.

In a twist of tradition, the Trotters come with a small lizard foot at the bottom. Supposedly this is a "kobold trotter," but actually belongs to a specific type of lizard found near the caves. The Kobold Trotter is an expensive, somewhat rare, ale although knockoffs may be found in shadier locales.

Lionheart Hound: Also known as the Myrrish Shepherd, a breed of large dog originally developed for herding and protecting sheep, but their intelligence, strength and loyalty has made them prevalent in many other fields. The player probably knows them better as the German Shepherd Dog.

McGree’s: A dwarven-run restaurant near the river in Alexandria, known for its ability to transform otherwise healthy riverfish and seafood into greasy, deep-fried chow.

Moonya Binda: “The Green Home,” a name for the jungles of Am’shere by some human tribes who live there.

Myr: A slightly perjorative form of “Myrrish” used by Stormgarders (and ornery Korites).

Patience: Another name for Vardama, and refers to Her patient, vigilant, and watchful nature.

Runish Firewine: A type of high-quality red wine only produced in Rune and very, very rarely exported. Recognizable by its vibrant color and rich taste enhanced by a tiny tingle of magic present in the liquid.

Sunblade: A paladin in the service of Daeus.

Sunguard: A cleric or priest in the service of Daeus.

Sunset Children: The name some hobgoblins use when referring to themselves. It stems from one of their myths of creation, which cites the gods created them from the last rays of the setting sun, resulting in their distinctive skin hue (orange, which they also consider a mark of the gods to display their strength) and their ability to see in the dark.

Softskin: A sith-makar name for a nonscaled, sentient species. Usually a human, elf, or so on. Its use need not be discriminatory.

Sopor Venenum: A carefully measured mixture of beetleroot, jade seaweed, drakedust, glowcap, and other substances. The concoction is overall a mixture of sleeping charms, muscle relaxants, and alchemy that ensures a deep, dreamless slumber. Invented for use for nighmare suffers, it looks like the very thing it banishes: a nightmare in a bottle, a black viscous liquid. It puts the imbiber in a dreamless sleep that resembles a temporary coma. Dangerous in large quantities, or for extended use. Sopor is nicknamed “Draught of Liquid Death,” because of the coma-like state it induces.

Terror Lizard: The Am’sheran term for any large, bipedal, carnivorous dinosaur. Most commonly used in reference to a Tyrannosaurus Rex (and technically only correct if used so), but can encompass any other species closely resembling it as well.

Theki: A game invented by goblins that plays similarly to “Battleship.” It comes in 2D and 3D variants, and the “battleships” are replaced with airships. The 3D variant is played with a specialized, mage or artificer-crafted board that sometimes includes pyrotechnics for when an airship is destroyed through the opponent’s guesswork.

Vihrea: Made with natural plant sugars and herbs which give it its deep emerald hue, this anise- and juniper-infused liquor is nonetheless very much an aqquired taste. Can also (though less accurately) be used to refer to a Rum made with the same plants, though it is of course more diffused in colour.

Watcher: A cleric or priest of Eluna. It refers to their frequent positions as “watchers” of dangerous and arcane matters.

Whack-a-Mage: A game whereupon two people--preferably a bard and a sorceress--confront a wizard of dubious morals. The bard uses a wand of silence to keep the wizard from being able to utilize his or her spells, while the sorceress blasts the wizard with magic missiles and other painful spells. The object of the game is to watch the wizard run and fail to get away.

Winterwhite: Alcohol made by freeze distillation. In its simplest form, leave a cask of hard cider out in the snow overnight (thus the name “winter white”), then pour out what hasn’t frozen into another container; water freezes out, causing the remaining liquid to be more alcoholic. Hard cider becomes applejack (“jacking” being another term for freeze distillation).

With magic, of course, distillers can make applejack and other liquors at any time of year. Apprentice mages are hired to maintain chill temperatures (combination of Prestidigitation and Ray of Frost cantrips) in insulated rooms, the casks further insulated with straw and wool.

“Witness”: A warcry of Korite warriors, asking that Kor witness a specific deed of high valor on the battlefield. To be used for spectacular endings, not during a charge.