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==Recent Rumors==
==Recent Rumors==
===Variday, Callem 29, 1018===
=====Fashion and Culture=====
'''A Series of Interviews of Alexandrian Culture'''
''I, Nilou Farsens Scribbetter of the Alexandrian Tribune, have been tasked with a series of interviews about life here in Alexandria and the cultures that compose it! The City is one of the melting pots of the world, and I am attempting to capture its mixture in words. ''
'''Interviews, V -- Esmaudalein of the Gnomes'''
Today, I am interviewing Esmaudalein, an active and gnomish member of our local theatre community! Esmaudalein is noted for her interesting performances, or unique as described by some--and was able to take time our from her schedule to meet with us. In it you will find descriptions of Selentia, the land of a thousand princes!
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Thank you for coming, and helping us with this project.
<font color="blue">Esmaudalein:</font> Darling, I'm more than happy to help out. Publicity, sweetie, that's the name of the game.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Oh, of course. Now, as you know we're focusing on culture and what makes Alexandria a melting pot! We're quite unique in the world. Where is it you're from, ...Esmaudalein, is it? Am I pronouncing that right?
<font color="blue">Esmaudalein:</font> Call me /Esme/, darling. I am from /Selentia/, the Land of Princesses. Not, as according to popular rumour, Rosalia. No, mine is that beautiful land of salons, wine and luxe.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Ah! I may have heard that rumor, now that I think on it. Oh, such things float about in a city like this one. Now, Selentia...the land of a thousand princes, I've heard it called! Do tell our readers a bit about it, if you would?
<font color="blue">Esmaudalein:</font> A thousand princes, but alas, none right for me. Perhaps save the Bard....It is a pleasant land, full of great manor houses and beautiful splendour. Where the poor daughter of a woodsman may meet her prince. Salons of exquisite intellect and bohemian delights. Wonderful balls---oh! for my own debutant ball to be replayed a thousand times would not be enough.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Ooh, the manors are legendary. ...do you mind? Could you picture--oh, one of your favorites, and describe it? Let's bring it to life for our readers! And which bard?
<font color="blue">Esmaudalein:</font> <here, Esme becomes upset that I do not know who she is speaking of--and when I hear the name, I quite understand!> The Bard??! Surely a man of letters such as yourself knows of the great playwright, that muse of all thespians and poets, the great Gaudarne?
Now, the manors---oh, my! My favourite, the Durretti House, by the sea. Four fine wings surrounding a courtyard of such exquisite beauty that you would /die/ to be allowed within." Almost a visible swoon. "Fountains of liquid grace, and meticulously hand-picked pebble paths. Hundreds of cats preening and being groomed... Expansive grounds, with such fabulous formal gardens as you would not believe. Plants from all over Ea, raised from seed by skilled druids. And the towers---my, imagine ascending to the eighth or ninth floor on those fine marble steps, to be greeted with the gilded walls, the rosewood floors, the thick sheepskin rugs, the tapestries, the art of a thousand generations... and with the finest company one could hope for. Princes, princesses, assassins, diplomats, spies, dukes, barons, generals, artists, actors, writers, merchants---and me, the daughter of a simple woodcutter, invited to the salon in the west tower of Gaurdarne...
''Editor's note:'' It's since come to our desks that the description Esme gave of Selentia is not quite accurate! We assume she just became carried away.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Gaudarne! Ah! Of course. A perfect inspiration to--take inspiration from, you know. Now...But what caused you to leave all of this splendour?
<font color="blue">Esmaudalein:</font> The lure of the world-renowned, and most excellent, Bardic College of Alexandria. That fine institution, which can give such excellent training to actors such as myself. I was fortunate to be patronized by a wealthy merchant---with whom, I might add, and contrary to rumours, I did not share a bed, nor anything more licentious than lunch and polite conversation.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> I had scarce heard the rumors. Now--so you left Selentia and came to the College. What surprised you most about it?
<font color="blue">Esmaudalein:</font> The songs, dear, the songs. Oh, they'll... melt your face. Why, I know my fair share of bawdy tunes, but none quite as shocking as I heard within the walls of my dear alma mater. Yes, the songs, and the rather... <she pauses> /Loose morals./
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Oh...oh! Well...yes, I suppose some areas in the city can be known for that sort of thing. ...I'm terribly glad you've come by though, Esme! It's been a delight.
<font color="blue">Esmaudalein:</font> Marvelous, darling, the /pleasure/ was chiefly mine. I look forward to seeing my name in print again.
'''Interviews, VI -- Durrankar of the Sith-makar'''
Here, I interview Durrankar, a steward of Mictlan! Mictlan was gifted to the sith-makar through an arrangement with our local druids. Here, we talk about sith-makar greetings, caste, and how they view the treaty! Read on for more!
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Nilou Farsens Scribbetter, Alexandrian Tribune. I'm thrilled you've agreed to help me with this project! <here I offered him a hand, which proved to be a mistake...keep reading!>
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> Durrankar, steward of Mictlan. it is nice to meet you. Interesting that you've asked for an...interview...
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> I hope you think so! I imagine our readers will be so excited! You know, in the history of things, your people are so new! The sith-makar! So you are new, at least to us. I heard no one knew about you until the last...one hundred years or so?
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> That is because we did not come from the jungle of Am'Shere until then." <here, Durrankar looks at my hand> "What that....supposed to signify something? <he then tilts his head to the side, and moves his tail about>
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Oh! The crate is here because...well, we're a different height, you see. Otherwise, I might be interviewing your kneecaps, you know. <pauses> Oh! You mean to shake hands? I take it the sith-makar don't do that sort of thing, then? How do you greet one another?
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> Our normal greeting is 'Peace on your nest'. Which is like wishing no harm to take place. A nest, to the sith makar can symbolize many things. The home, the heart, your fire." Durrankar explains pointedly. "in Am'shere it is very much a battle for survival. So, protecting the 'little ones' is paramount. As they cannot defend themselves, it is up to the rest of us to defend them, teach them, how to hunt, to fight. To take, or crush an egg is not only an insult to the one who laid it, but it is an insult to the entire tribe.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> That is fascinating. You know, that reminds me. I imagine there must be a few differences in our culture, so I apologize ahead of time. Do let me know if something is offensive, or unclear. I think if we work it out, it could help our readers understand you, that is the sith-makar, better. ...Speaking of cultures, I had a question for you from one of our readers. We keep hearing the term 'cihuaa.' What is that, exactly? Could you tell me about it?
<Included here is an artist's render of a generic sith-makar demonstrating a tail-thump, with the caption: "A sith-makar greeting!">
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> First, let me explain that. <Durrankar gestures to my picture> That is a friendly greeting, before the greeting. In Am'shere, you have many stealthy predators. The 'tail thump' as you call it...is letting someone know they are there. it is loud, where there should be stealth. In essence, you are announcing your presence to someone you consider a friend. It also signifies approval of something, or that they like an idea.
Cihuaa.......it signifies 'life partner' or 'mate'. I have one myself, Un'eth. She is also of the woods. However, Life partner is more accurate, since sith'makar do 'mate' for life, the bond is much deeper, like two halves of a heart. it is not to be entered to lightly, nor is it about creating hatchlings....it is a bond like no other. You share your fire, food, warmth, and more with another.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Is that why most of the sith-makar don't ...what is the phrase? Oh! Take cihuaa? Go cihuaa? Claim...? As you can see, it's a term we often hear, but so different!
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> Politics are meaningless in Am'shere. We fight for survival. You are either hunter....or prey. You do not want to be prey. And the term is 'take' cihuaa. It is not like 'marriage'. You are either happy with your cihuaa before you take her...or him....or you do not become a cihuaa, or take one.
''Editor's note:'' Some research suggests it's as often political as it is personal. But, I cannot claim to have an insider's knowledge here.>
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> You know...I'd heard one other thing that puzzled me. What is caste, and what does that mean? And...which caste are you? Or is that a rude question?
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> It is not rude. A caste is......something you do. And the names are self explanatory. Hunter caste tracks down and gets food for others. Warrior caste are the guardians of the tribe. The shaman caste are the teachers and the spellcasters of the tribes. And the merchant caste are the traders of the tribes. The Merchant caste are the ones that bring goods from Am'shere...I am of the shaman caste.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> The shaman caste! What does that mean? Well, to you, personally?
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> They are the guides of the tribes. They teach how to use spells, or how to bring beneficial things to your tribe. Say...you are trying to get a medicinal herb for your child, but you do not know which it is. You go to a shaman to find out which herb it is...and the shaman sends the hunter to get it. A shaman is a position where all eyes look to you for...advisor. That is what it is.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> I'm given to understand, well, you just emerged in the last 100 years. Alexandria is the first...outside nation you've made a Treaty with? What did you think when you first saw it?
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> It was a great opportunity. The sith-makar would not survive without help, and it is good to learn new things from others." <here, Durrankar thumps his tail again, a movement which I am not sure I understand; in this context it seemed to be an affirmative> If we did not venture out of Am'shere....I would not have met my cihuaa, so I'm a little biased.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Oh! Well, we are down to the last question, now. Thank you for talking with me so far. For this one, I would like you to paint a picture. If a visitor came to Am'shere, from Alexandria--what would they see? What is the impression they would get?
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> It. Is. Hot. You could sit on a stove and be cooler than in Am'shere. Not only is it hot...it is humid. Those who are not prepared will find it difficult to breathe while there. It is a jungle. Also, until you are in the care of a tribe tribe's guards, you must be prepared to defend yourself. It is a fight for survival in Am'shere, as I have said before. If you are not ready to defend yourself, or must rest for the night, you might make preparations to make yourself less of a target. Minimizing your scent, not wearing brightly colored or easy to spot clothes, and more.
However, despite the battle for survival, Am'shere is a very beautiful and vibrant jungle. Many plants and animals are in Am'shere and some are particularly beautiful, if deadly. Some of the parrots there are very colorful.
<font color="blue">Nilou:</font> Thank you for taking the time. And...peace to your nest? Is there a standard goodbye?
<font color="blue">Durrankar:</font> May the Dragonfather's wings shelter you. <He thumps his tail> That is a normal goodbye. And for us, the Dragonfather is the platinum dragon. To you, he is known as Daeus.
=====Ask Great Paladin!=====
Q: Are knitting needles truly the secret superweapons we have always feared? And by this reason, should we all be afraid of Myrana and other, perhaps secret knitters?
A: In the hands of common folk, knitting needles are harmless. Well, as harmless as anything can be harmless. However, there are some few who can put knitting needles to deadly effect. Consider, perhaps, the fighter with the Improvised Weapon feat. Or consider the paladin who smites. And then, of course, if the knitting needles are made of exceptional materials, such as adamantium, they could theoretically be used to sunder even the mightiest of weapons. However, there is one circumstance which makes all others pale in regards to potential lethality.
In the hands of the grandmother, they are truly awesome and fearsome. They can craft clothing of such garity and embarrassment that one must unfortunately wear. For only the most terrible of people could refuse to do so for a grandmother. That they must present themselves in those horrid knitted monstrosities lest they upset the kindly old matron is a cross that must be borne. A scar on the emotional psyche that can never be healed. That this is all known before even taking that fatal step simply makes it all the worse. In short, knitting needles in the hands of a grandmother can utterly destroy one's sense of self respect and place in this world.
''GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.''
=====Artificer's Hall Follow-Up=====
The Artificer's Hall is now several feet in the air. The building, once sedately located on the ground, now stands on eight metal legs, taller than a human is high. Precise reports of the event have been conflicting so far, ranging from a failed experiment to routine tests of existing manatech. Other reports suggest students from the Bardic College running amok. Whatever the source, the change now appears to be permanent.
=====Stoneworks' New Menu!=====
A longtime staple in Vadran Village, Stoneworks' Calzones is pleased to announce several new items to their menu! Alongside the fresh fare from local farmers, they are offering an additional number of traditional khazadi-styled sausages, mushrooms, and breads! Stop by for some good, filling calzones, khazad-aul style!
===Gilday, Callem 24, 1018===
===Gilday, Callem 24, 1018===
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Q: But what about snakes?
Q: But what about snakes?
A: Snakes would be acceptable. The parents would surely see their ire was misplaced when they realize how industrious their child had to be in order to round up that many snakes.
A: Snakes would be acceptable. The parents wo
Q: If an Otyugh requests sanctuary am I required to give it?
A: Of course, you are required to give it sanctuary. Hobgoblins, and by extension goblins and gnomes on account of them barely qualifying as sentient, are the perfect people to give sanctuary to such creatures as Otyughs. This leaves humans free to do more important and less disgusting tasks.
Q: Great Paladin! Is the consumption of demons moral?
A: This is of great debate. On the one hand, when demons know that what they hunt and prey upon has taken to using them as a form of sustenance, it begets a kernel of fear. A kernel which can only grow when they open their eyes to how adept some mortals have become at hunting demonkind.
On the other hand, eating demons is kind of like eating heaven's poop.
So, is the consumption of demons moral? My answer is this. Morality does not come into it. It all depends on how aggressively you brush your teeth.
And if you enjoy ritual cleansing or not.
''GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism. ''
'''''Seeking Forward-Thinking, Business-minded Professionals'''''
Seeking forward-looking businessfolk. Inquire within the Warehouse District near the Docks. Look for a building with a half gold circle overhead, in reverse. We look to encourage ethics and fair trade within Alexandria's port waters. Specialists in trade negotiations and legal matters preferred, as well as those with more physical traits and of a good disposition.
=====Opinions and Personal=====
'''An Appeal to Artificers'''
''by Stirling''
It it with heavy heart that I must share the news that Old Clunk's junkyard has been savaged by a hoard of vile demons. It may even be true that he is not the only one affected by the infection of evil underneath our city. However this is not just an ordinary target, this is a pillar of the artificing community!! A master of mechanical, a collector of crafts, a teacher of the technical! What artificer, what tinkerer, what crafter in this city did not get their start with the help of Old Clunks? When we were missing that key mana capacitor, when we needed that extra mithril hyper conductor, when we needed to find those polarized surge crystals at 3 am, who was there? Old Clunk was there! Either collecting the scraps and leftover pieces of our projects to help out the budding artificer, to help complete the midnight project or to find the key component we needed in our darkest hour. We cannot let this stand!
To all the crafters, artificers, tinkerers and mechanicly minded, let us restore Old Clunk to his former glory! Come lend a hand and volunteer with orginization and cleanup! Drag that old piece of scrap in your backyard in and donate it to the cause! That project that's still in pieces your going to get to someday? You know thats not today, bring it in! Come down and share your hands, your minds and your extra artfice to restore a pillar of the community to greatness.
In support of Old Clunk's Titan Arms and Armor (Stirling) will be offering at-cost arms and armor crafting to anyone who has volunteered at the junk yard for the next month!
'''Anniversary Announcement'''
A belated congratulations to Ladies Sandiel and Myrana, who recently celebrated their first year, together. The two were originally married on Korday, Hattanan 7, 1017! Congratulations to you both!
'''Heroism: An Unrecognized Opportunity for Fall Debutantes!'''
''by Abrahil Fozzletorque Brindlegear''
Oh, as I sit here quill in had, nothing could have me more excited! How bright the future looks, with our brawny, handsomemost heroes slaying demons in the street! Why, just the other day I beheld Jareth, sweat glistening mightily as he slew devil-giant after devil-giant! Such adventure! Such heroism in Alexandria!
Such bravery!
For the prospective youth, nothing could be better. No time is more exciting! Why, with such bravery in front of us, how can we fail to find potential worthies for the upcoming fall dances, and otherwise celebrations? Such wonderment and promise for a fulfilling fall, a gorgeous and upcoming glory to the social scene in Alexandria!
It is with this in mind I wish to wish everyone here an upcoming, glorious and enjoyable fall season! As the demons tromp through and as Arendt continues his most disgraceful huff-and-puff, do not forget to stop by the Arcanists' to check out upcoming styles--oh, the wonder with cantrips these days! Or, the many noted shops in Alexandria! As well, keep an eye open for festivities--it promises to be an active, beautiful season! We must prepare!
Now, if you will excuse me--oh! It's time for tea, and to take a bit out to watch the heroisms in the streets. They're quite good, you know! Such inspiration!
=====Fashion and Culture=====
'''The Summer Butterfly'''
Fashion is a fickle creature, and this summer is no exception. From ruffles to ruffly bustles, the "Summer Butterfly" style has taken off in force. Members of the Arcanists have produced colors and animations "of the sort to accompany the most sophisticated pedestrian, with a gentle fanning motion to maintain a refreshing breeze" this fashion appears both stylish and for a rare once, practical.
The inspiration for the style is claimed by at least three local designers, though rumor has it that it originated due to an acolyte's miscast on Lady Sandiel's "most remarkable bustle." The truth as always, remains elusive. Perhaps this time, as elusive as a gentle butterfly's wings.
'''A Touch More Blood'''
By reports, the sith-makar and the local Ygdrassil Union get along well, and the sith-makar presence in the City has been "spotty, outside of festivals and the Lower Trades," according to Siaria, who works in Alexandria's Chamber of Commerce. Lately however, a few of these reptiles have been seen about the Theatre District.
Reports Vilian Flaria, of the Flightwright, "We believe it's a natural fit for them. Their culture has a large oral, and performance element to it. Theatre is just a natural part of that."
Siaria added: "Our Treaty is under two years old. Between nations, that is hardly any time at all. Really, we're just coming to know one another. It's easy to say they look different than us--okay, obviously, but there are other differences as well. I believe art is a universal language, though. Theatre may be an area where we can really connect."
Have any sith-makar attended shows so far? Flaria responded that they had. "They seem to particularly like ones where Charn is the villan. In fact, one of their ...shamans? I think it was, came back later and asked if we couldn't add a touch more blood."
'''A Series of Interviews of Alexandrian Culture'''
I, Nilou Farsens Scribbetter of the Alexandrian Tribune, have been tasked with a series of interviews about life here in Alexandria and the cultures that compose it! The City is one of the melting pots of the world, and I am attempting to capture its mixture in words.
Expect more upcoming in the coming weeks!
'''Interviews, I -- Adalhard Zaldwolf'''
''Here, I interview Adalhard Zaldwolf, formerly of Blar. He arrived in Alexandria with his family, and despite some difficulties, quickly set about creating a life here. Adalhard, what would you say to our readers about your travel here, and what you expected to find?''
:''Adalhard:'' We could think of nothing but Alexandria was a land of bravery. Blar had been freed by heroes and that was our impression of them. When we got here, this was not the case. At least, not all of the way.
:''Nilou:'' No? What was different?
:''Adalhard:'' It was very different. Heroes are extraordinary people and I think they must see many kinds of people in their life. When we arrived--we did not look like the oruch, who they were used to. There are also all these rumors--the great arvek nar nations, very strong military. And I those are true. But we came here, and we were very poor and desperate. And perhaps we did not fit those expectations. Perhaps we looked very different.
:''Nilou:'' There was some unrest in the Trades at the time.
:''Adalhard:'' Yes, there was. And among the guilds. I think they worried that we would take their jobs. But arvek--what we want to do, is build. We want to make things better. With our embrace of Serriel, we march towards the dawn.
:''Nilou:'' So that is a--what do you mean when you say 'March towards the dawn'?
:''Adalhard:'' It means we move to greater and better things. Arvek will make Alexandria strong. Stronger, I mean. Already you see it in our stables.
:''Nilou:'' Thank you.
:''Adalhard:'' Has been a pleasure.
'''Editor's note:''' The Malifre Stables may be seen outside of the Northern Gates. The Malifre is known for its cleanliness and the orderliness of its grooms. It houses hundreds of steeds of varying types for the City of Alexandria.
'''Interviews, II -- Old Clunk'''
''Here, I interview Old Clunk, a minor icon here in Alexandria. He runs Old Clunk's Junkyard, which was recently subject to demonic troubles!''
:''Nilou:'' Clunk, I know the first question our readers will have is--what happened?
:''Old Clunk:'' <click> What happens in Alexandria, every time I turn my damned back! ...
:''Nilou:'' Demons possessing your property, you mean?
:''Old Clunk:'' ...well. Not that, exactly. But you know what I mean. I keep some ...useful things in the 'yard, so I will be taking steps to ensure this doesn't happen a third time.
:''Nilou:'' So what...tell me about the Junkyard. In your own words, please.
:''Old Clunk:'' Well, it's a junkyard. If you know what you're looking for--well, collectors come there, too. War golems also, like myself. When you're made of bits and parts from some high-up artificer, there ain't always a spare. So, I provide that service.
:''Nilou:'' I had never thought of that. I suppose we uhm, non-golems just see war golems walking around and never think about needing parts. Ours--you can't replace them.
:''Old Clunk:'' Yeah, that's always been a deficiency. Come by though, and there's a guy will hook you up. <click>
:''Nilou:'' Hook me up? Oh! You mean like with an artificial limb or something. What do war golems think of that? Someone like me walking about with--an arm or hand made out of artifice?
:''Old Clunk:'' We think you finally saw sense.
I assumed he was being sarcastic, but it's hard to tell with that metal face. Nonetheless, I thanked him for the interview. He invited me, and our readers, "down for a Hot '40 sometime." I'm told that's sort of like WD-40, just heated, and that only "poncy golems" take sugar and cream.
'''Editor's Note:''' Old Clunk's Junkyard is located out in Goblintown, and is frequented by crafters, artificers, war golems, and gobbers.
=====Upcoming Events=====
Warriors of Angoron prepare for a demonstration of strength and athleticism, later this week. The Temple holds such competitions at least monthly. Replies Aka, priestess: "We invite anyone an' everyone ta come down an' test their strength! Especially tha laddies."
At her words, a few of the Warriors nodded. One named Makoro spoke up: "We'll be having a log-tossing contest, a dead lift, an' a Rescue."
Rescue? this reporter asked. Thankfully, Warrior Aka was able to shed some light on the matter: "Well, ya take yer favorite prince or princess--I like tha little laddies an' lads, m'self, they're so adorable when th' blush--and we put them on top of this great, tall wall. Ya climb up ther an' fight off their kidnapper. At tha moment, we got folks dressed up like th' Iron Tide."
When asked if the prince and princess trope was a little tired in this modern era, a third warrior shrugged before adding, "Eh, it's tired--I mean, Alexandria don't really have much nobility anymore, even--but at's what makes it great. It's like them Lunch an' Munch plays. Ya know Lunch, ya know Munch, an' what roles they play. So ya get a 'laddie' an some hero ta rescue them. Eh. Crowd loves it."
The event will take place at the end of this month at the Temple of Angoron.
Munch the TerrorMaw would like to set the record straight regarding the recent article with the Warrior of Angoron.
Though respectful of the Angorites, Munch himself is a Korrite, and will not be aiding in an offical capacity in the demonstrations. He does however intend to attend as a general participant. Despite rumors, he does not know anyone named Lunch, let alone a princess. Or a prince, for that matter.
===Kesenday, Hattanani 27, 1018===
'''Midnight Run Report at the Bardic College'''
Lyrics from "We are the Champions" blazed at 12:00 midnight exactly last Tariday, as seniors tore through the bardic campus. While technically illegal, the "Midnight Run" is a well-established tradition, dating back to the founding of the college. Morning showed the campus painted in fresh murals, with Ceinara's colors prominent.
"Although it's tradition, we encourage every senior to be safe," responded one member of the Watch, when asked about the event. The reactions of various politicians in the area is reported as "mixed."
The college has no immediate plan to paint over the murals. "They may get painted over next year, who knows? Until then, we have examples of this year's finest work," immortalized on two and three story buildings. While true, some nearby residents have objected to the giant, near cartoon-like characterizations of the heads of the Flamewright and Hope local theatres, while others have suggested that it's free advertising.
OOC: The bardic college is a visitable place ongrid! Hop on over to the Theatre District, and look for the paint splashes, upturned chairs, and that one gobber singing that one tune that time that you heard at that place on that one day.
'''New Treat at the Ox-Strength'''
Following last week's attack on the Malifre Stables, the Ox-Strength has boasted new, unprecedented quantities of its famous (or infamous) "owlbear stew with pepper." The stew boasts thick, oily segments of owlbear meat, served in a peppery sauce with what may or may not be vegetables.
'''Ralickwort Takes a Bath'''
Ralickwort the Weird would like to make it known that, despite rumours to the contrary, the impromptu bath at the hands of fellow gnomic tinkerers and their incredible bubble machine was not solicited in any way. It should also be noted that the subsequent reduction in height, presumably due to a loss of grime, is not in any way impairing his ability to scribe scrolls, brew potions or craft wondrous grubby items.
The incident involved mountains of white soap foam engulfing the unwary, including the hapless Ralickwort, in the festival grounds. It is apparent that some kind of machine failure was responsible; most are blaming a family of gnomes (not related to Ralickwort). Ralickwort himself had this to say: "'Twere raet 'orrid. Ah can 'bsolutely say Ah've nevuh 'sperienced nuffin' like it in all me seven'y years."
Customers to the labworks should note that /that/ smells as rank as ever.
'''Ask Great Paladin!'''
A. Serene says, "When did Boshter become a paladin? I am of two minds regarding this. In one respect, it is heartening to see the heathen subhumans gaining some level of decency. On the other hand, I fear the tarnishing it may bring to the exalted status of paladin."
Q. Great Paladin! During times of famine and scarcity, Boshter stole all of the soap. What sort of a sin is this?
A. Cleanliness is next to godliness. So if Boshter is being truthful about his conversion to paladinism, then this sin is only minor and can be overlooked in favour of the greater good. However, if he is lying about his conversion, then he is committing a much greater sin than soap stealing. Impersonation of such an exalted status is punishable by reincarnation. Which is probably to his benefit anyways.
GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.
'''Paladin In Jail?'''
It all started with the cell doors being closed on me leaving me in a cell with the triplets and the talking carrot. This isn't what is supposed to become of a holy champion of the people, being locked away like a common criminal.
Well, really, that's where the moment began, but there was events leading up to it. There was me, up on the statue in my breeches, singing. Reports vary, some even say it was the national anthem. So, who knows. But the whole thing started with me trying oruch ceremonies. A lot of alcohol and violence. It was the alcohol that did me in in the end.
Of course, I was just trying to expand my horizons, understand religion and culture from different views, learn ways beyond our own. I didn't expect it to go as it did, but I had to face the consequences of it, and the ringing in my head.
So, I tried to focus past the words of the talking carrot that sounded a lot like an Averk Nar about speaking with his fists, my instructors had taught me that there is more than the violence routine to life. So, maybe this was a test, something I needed to understand about myself and about my adherence to the laws and the will of the Gods?
I spent the evening in quiet meditation partly because it made my head feel better but also to try and understand that there is always a story behind the scenario, there is always a reason leading up to the situation. I believe this was an act of the Goddess to help me understand that, so that not every bad action is done by bad people for bad intent. I should try to see the root cause and fix that, not follow the common town guard reaction and lock people away for violating the laws. After all, it doesn't fix the underlying problem, it just sweeps it under the rug for a while.
So, moral of the story, do not judge people based on the events you see unless you truly understand the events that brought them to be. Everybody's got a story, all you need to do is listen and we could make the world a better place. I mean, just look at my story as an example.
'''Constable's Report'''
Over the past couple of weeks, the Alexandrian City Guard has seen an increase in the incidence of crimes committed within their jurisdiction. Commenting on the recent renovation of the jail, located at the westen gates of the city, one guard was heard to remark, "If you build it, they will come."
A spokesman for the Adventurer's Guild told the Tribune that they have even noticed that some of their members have had recent run-ins with the law. Just to name a couple of examples, the half-Sildanyari sorceress Telecorn was held over night for shooting off magical flames in public, and the savage Sylvanori called Ga'Elian was arrested on Tariday for assaulting a constable, who later eyewitness accounts say had been brutally beating his own horse. When the Tribune asked the constabulary for details on this alleged horse abuse, the only comment they made was to confirm that Ga'Elian was in custody.
'''Relics of Local Vardman Saint Unearthed'''
In Alexandria, heroes shine more brightly than anywhere in the world. Even in the dark. One such light shone in the graveyards years ago, and the Vardaman Temple is pleased to announce further development of Saint Rarvin's local legend. For those unaware, Saint Rarvin began life as a simple gravedigger. While he worked one night, undead came up from the earth.
An Alexandrian to his core, Rarvin grabbed his shovel and stood his ground. The details of what happened that night have been lost, but locals have not given up unearthing the legend. Mourner Kerbasi d'Bahjat reports discovering his shovel and "now a pair of rough, workman's gloves." The gloves, he tells us, are about what you would expect from a man like Rarvin. No further information has come forth, although we are assured the gloves, and the shovel, are being cared for at this time.
Faithful may request to see the items by arranging with local priests of the temple.
'''Omen in the Sky'''
In the wee hours of the morning of Variday, Hattanani 16, still long before sunrise, observers at the Shining Chalice Observatory made a discovery that caused them great commotion. They report that a comet was seen on trajectory to cross the star-sign of the Great Wolf, specifically in a region that some have referred to as the chains. Debate among scholars and others as to the meaning of this sign has swelled with many theories competing for acceptance. Official representatives of the Shining Chalice merely comment that the reported observtion is correct, but that the significance of the discovery is still being analyzed.
'''Gnomen Noodles Noodle Their Way Up!'''
Although the food originated with khazad tradesfolk hundreds of years ago, it took the gnomes to make it popular. Today, Soup-in-a-Cup comes in many different varieties and some say almost magical flavors. The basic directions however are the same: add water.
"It's marvelous!" according to one spokesgnome, when asked about the product. Cladget Butterfoods is one manufacturer of Soup-in-a-Cup, or gnomen noodles as they are called on the street. Fizkindle Butterwords represents them. "Marvellous," he says. "It's so useful to the everyday tradesperson. Marvellous in its simplicity! That's why we're wanting to up the challenge to the next level!"
His competitor Bonbargo Sparkgrinder over at Fizzy Muffintorque agreed, "Between Butterfoods and Muffintorque, we offer over thirty varieties of Soup-in-a-Coup!"
"That's cup," his competitor reminded him. "Cup, you know. And, nothing like friendly gnomish competition!"
"Oh, right," replied Bonbargo, with a gleam in his eye.
Both Butterfoods and Muffintorque are expected to launch new flavors this summer. The rest of the interview was unable to be completed.
'''Alexandrosian Town, Kiseldet Demolished: No Survivors'''
On a day fit for conflict, this last Korday Alexandros saw the devastation of one its towns and the spilling of a centuries-old war onto its grounds. With its population of 73 dead and buildings destroyed, Kiseldet remains a memory in the hearts and minds of those who knew it.
The devestation was caused by a Ko-Jodakh shaman and her accomplice, who sources believe to have been an arcane-blooded of some type. The shaman had reportedly sought to destroy a second township, when Irregulars of the local Guilds intervened. Due to the speed which these heroes responded, countless more lives were saved.
While details are still being investigated, officials are in conversation with local Sith-Makar to determine what may be learned of the shaman's motivations. While no official findings have been recorded, the latter delegation has suggested that the Ko-Jodakh have a history of violence. It is known that the races have been at war for a long time.
When asked why a Ko-Jodakh would issue an attack of this nature, Speaker-caste Noytlallel stated that: "They have alwayss been violent, in my knowing of them. I am not ssurprised if thiss was about attempting to claim territory from Alessandria."
Another suggested, "I sstress we do not know. No one will know until the boness of the dead are made to sspeak."
The action has cast a shadow over Ko-Jodakh visitors to Alexandria. A Ko-Jodakh representative, Rithrize, suggests it was an isolated event, and that his people are being unfairly stereotyped and the claims "like oil from a rock."
The names of all 73 known victims of Kiseldet are published, below.
:Ginger Cantrell
:Mildred Deirdre Vinson
:Ofelia Cheri Grimes
:Hyllis Grimes
:Geirfufran Grant
:Robyn Bryant
:Ronda Julia Bryant
:Tabatha Cobb Arargha
:Tamera Ana Carney
:Tammy Jayne Mullen
:Valeria Kellie Nolan
:Violet Reid
:Anda Romdara
:Mim Romdara
:Rhah Romdara
:Yesenia Head
:Jo Harper
:Mim Romdara
:Rorri Arargha
:...(list continues)
OOC: I am taking some legwork on this story, for those interested in learning a little more. For details of the scene, contact: Alba, Terewin, Lenore, Kogger, Virton, and Zyla!
===Ceriday, Bernlfleur 23, 1018===
'''Tenant Farmers Protest Rising Rent!'''
A FARMER'S PROTEST filed past the mansion of the Dechanti family in the Noble District yesterday. The farmers, from the frontier town of Antissa, were protesting against further increases to their tenancy charges, at a time when taxes on the sale of livestock are rising and when expectations on the countryside militia are greater than ever.
A solid, dependable backbone to the nation since its birth, the tenant farmers remain fiercely independent of their landlord neighbours in Alexandria. One spokesman described the relationship as "stretched", whilst another said: "The nobles, and their seneschals and lackies in particular, have little or no understanding of agricultural life. I've been asked to go through accounts at length when there's fields of hay to make, or pay rent in midwinter when we've barely enough to feed ourselves." Antissa's official spokeskhazad had this to say: "We are called upon not only to provide food, supplement the income of nobility and line the pockets of taxmen, but also to sacrifice our young men and women to the militia. A rise in our costs at this time of crisis is unacceptable."
The farming community came through the noble district in full colour and regalia, carrying shrines and icons to Angoron, their faith focussed on strength and stamina. Herds of donkeys, sheep and pigs left detritus and mess in the otherwise immaculate streets, and piles of turnips and potatoes were left by the trade entrances to many mansions in a demonstration to the noble houses. "This is what we eat," said one young sila. "Whilst they engorge themselves on the fruits of our labours."
The sil went on to describe her life in some detail. "I have lost many children, and my sister died in childbirth. We cannot afford to pay the stipend for a healer, so often even routine illness can be deadly. Meanwhile you expect food prices to remain low. You must see the impact this has on our communities. That's why we're here today." Her story is sadly typical amongst those heard at the protests, which aside from the blaring of hunting horns and the braying of animals, was entirely peaceful.
Despite the commotion and fuss, the rent and taxes were paid by community leaders quietly to a city official before the group left town last night.
'''Review: Ox-Strength Gorgon Chili'''
Raniq Fairhair reports: My old friend Hingvarr and I had been competing for the favor of the same lady, who shall not be named in this article, but neither would prevail, so we chose to decide the question by a gentleman's wager. If I could eat a whole bowl of the gorgon chili at the Ox-Strength Tavern in Alexandria's Warehouse district, then Hingvarr agreed he would not only abandon his overtures toward the lady, but would additionally polish my horse's saddle without magic. Perhaps 'twas not my wisest choice, but I accepted the challenge.
Accordingly, I entered the afore-said establishment. Immediately, my senses were assaulted by the nauseating aromas filling the tavern. My face must have showed it, too, for almost at once, the attendant, one Mel by name, very cordially suggested that I was in the wrong place, and might be more at my ease at the more upscale Fernwood Pub in the Lower Market district, as it regularly caters to the gentry. I replied, telling him of the challenge that I faced. This Mel, very kindly offered to prepare me a much milder chili to eat, and to send a package of the real article with me to prove to Hingvarr what I had endured. But to reneg on my word would besmirch mine honor, so I refused.
After a few moments, Mel returned from the kitchen with the horrifying stench and the concoction from which it issued, and set it before me together with a burnt roll. I paid my coin, and scooped up the largest bite that the spoon would hold and swallowed it down as quickly as possible, while holding my nose. It went down heavy, and left a coating of the nastiest slime in my mouth, but my excellent health bore me through. As I was repeating this process with the second bite, Mel remarked that he believed it possible that the chili did not, in fact have gorgon flesh, but rather that of rats. Not dissuaded, I managed to finish the bowl, never touching the charred roll, and chased it with a tankard of astringent beer before leaving.
I applaud the service of Mel, but after having the runs and stomach pain for the next four days, I caution the citizens of Alexandria that discretion is the better part of valor.
'''Recipe Book: Thithine'''
The environment of a culture usually will say a lot about its people and Alexandria is no exception. It's culture is that of hearty people, coming from all over to come together in the mixing pot that is the city. This mixing leads to a lot of different experiences being combined in new and unique ways, sometimes ending up with unexpected results.
One such example of this is Thithine, a spicy food from Veyshan that was designed to provide the energy that would be needed in an easy to transport and eat style. Modern versions are usually spiced to taste, but the original is to be spicy, bringing out the flavors.
It begins with a brine for soaking cabbage leaves in. This brine is made with water, salt, vinegar and other spices, adding in whatever spice you may have...
'''Sinfull Succulence!'''
Some Blar culture: For those familiar with Arvek Nar history are aware that for a long period a vast number of the race were servants to Thulite vampires, serving primarily as a military but also as kitchen servants. While the founding of Blar is a new chapter for the Arvek of that city they have carried on some of the old traditions in new ways. The old Thulite masters always had a taste for the most delectable and succulent desserts, which has carried over in the tastes and traditions of the Blar bakers.
One shop in Alexandria, called Sinfull Succulence, bakes and sells the old Blar recipes that have carried on. Some of their most popular items are the Blood Cupcakes, red velvet cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Other popular items include their red cherry chocolates whose inside ooze sweet red cherry syrup as well as lava cake rumored to be so rich that nobody can finish one in a single sitting. Eat at your own risk.
'''Lost and Found'''
:1 Grail: Appears to be family heirloom. Will return to owner if they can describe it.
:1 Ring, Gold. Engraved with Elven Runes. If Found, please contact S. Oran.
Lost Animal
:1 Falcon, Black: Reward Offered. Contact Mr. Cairo.
For Sale
:Pelts: 1 Moose and 1 Squirrel
:See Boris at Fernwood Pub.
:Green cat with Yellow Stripes: Free to good home. Speak with Adam Prince.
:One Prosthetic Eye: Previous Owner: Awdeen. Great discount. Lokee.
Today's Harrow Card is The Tangled Briar. It indicates an object or person from long ago will have great importance on the next events as they unfold in your life. The object or person in question is one lost or murdered in some foul way.Be on the lookout for the signs, and be forwarned.
'''Green Eggs and Ham'''
Some foods come from just one group of people, while others are more from all around the world. This is a delicacy that has quite a story, coming originally from the sailors of the Jade Islands who needed food that could travel with them. Pickling was the common source, the way they stored most of the food for travel, because they could not guarantee time to stop and catch the Red Sunfish or the Blue Snapperfish. This specific meal of picked eggs and cured ham may not sound like much, but it s unique because of its naming, so much so that it became well known among the children when famous bard wrote out a story of the Jade Islander 'Sameyaam' trying to expand the meal out of the sailing ships it was made famous on, ending up with the character liking it after refusing it becausei t seemed so weird.
The eggs were pickled in brine to make them easy to transport, but contrary to popular theory, that was not where the green name came from. When the merchants would trade with the mainland they were called Green Eggs to signify they came from the Jade islands and to differentiate them from the regular white or brown eggs the farmers were used to be seeing. The meat was originally a salt cured ham, cut into strips and kept as lean as possible to get it to last as long as possible during the travels. This was a meal that could sustain the sailors for a long time while travelling and only take up a small amount of the hold on the ships, allowing for cargo to be packed to a premium.
'''Midnight Run Preparations?'''
The Alexandrian Bardic College prepares for graduation and its annual "Midnight Run" where seniors blaze through campus at midnight, repainting it in bright colors and adding stunning murals and artsworks meant as a display of hard-won talent. Traditionally, the graduates are chased by faculty and participating members of the Watch, and the results are never fully realized until sunrise.
An up and coming artist, Corleon "Snarbull" Methian, is suggested as a favorite this year, though Snarbull's lead is far from certain. In years previous, class favorites have been upended in this chaotic showdown. What is new this year is the participation of the music school. While this branch of the college has participated in years past, they have been absent since "the tuba incident" 7 years ago.
"We may be there, we may not. I mean, it's technically illegal, right?" replied one puckish sildanyari when asked about the music department's about participation. When asked if it was tradition, she replied, "Well, yeah" before asking what I thought of "We are the Champions."
Catchy tune.
'''Artifice in the Rough'''
"...It as good as anything come out of junkyard. Sometimes it diamonds, sometimes it--eeh," No truer words were spoken. Clunk, one of the oldest golems in Alexandria, recently came under fire when one of his parts failed on a repair. Clunk's Junkyard however, operates on a "you find, you use," policy. To the in-the-know, it comprises a haven of leftover artifice parts, half-working clockwork thing-a-ma-whats, and other esotery of a mechanical-magical nature. It's also become a social spot for local war golems, and some gobbers.
Even the disaffected golem, Gearswrought, says it will be back. "I'll just be more careful what I pick out next time. You have to be more discerning with quaslit rithwrench sets." Whatever that is.
((OOC: Old Clunk's Junkyard may be found at A02. It is a new spot ongrid, one we hope will be a welcome place especially to war golems, gobbers, and artificers alike.))
'''Editorials: A Salute to Concrete'''
While my people are known for our discipline, one of our trades is often overlooked: the structuring of simple, yet durable concrete. Whoever first developed this wondrous material is up for debate. Alexandria's Exploratory Associates' own research dates its inception further than a thousand years past, to where it was made from rice as part of its mixture, to the latest designs employing volcanic and rock sand that we from Blar (and now, Alexandria) make use of, today.
To the original inventor, society owes a great deal. Some form of this material is used in bridges and docks, storm drains and aqueducts. Most famously, it is encountered by adventuring groups within the sewage system, and along Alexandria's notable walls. These walls have been called a wonder of the world, and would not be possible without the discipline of concrete.
Concrete's mixture is varied, though its formation is not. No matter its composition, concrete must be poured into a mould of some type. Historically, these have been made of brick. Today, both brick and magic may be used. Within certain structures, artifice may even be embedded in these formations, to produce light in evenings, or for a protective or defensive effect. Sometimes, offensive. Concrete structuring and setting is one area where artifice and wizardry come together in a beautiful, if contentious, whole.
Something so simple and versatile is not often remarked upon by the everyday passerby in the streets. Yet, its utility is endless and its strength endurant. In its way, it is not unlike the arvek.
Arnfred Kaulitz, Structurial Engineer
The Malifre Stables, a renowned Arvek-Run stable by Master Horseman Addicus Malifore, had his steeds spooked and break loose by the cunning might of a trio of Owlbears. Cunning is not normally a trait associated with the ferocious, monstrous predators and it is rumored that at least one of them bore signs of demonic blood in its veins, a newly worrying development considering ALexandria's recent trouble with demons in general.
Addicus Malifore, a veteran of the Sendor war who settled in Alexandria instead of returning to Blar after his service to Blar, Alexandria and Myrrdion, has run the stables ever since and was grateful when Explorers from the Guild were dispatched who handily dealt with the monsters with speed and steel! "It was good to see the guild give such a strong response," he said.
'''Final Update on the Veyshanti Delegation, and Interview'''
It is with pleasure we continue to report on Ambassador Abba and his delegation. Although the trio have denied involvement with last week's upset at the Warehouse District, others suggest it was only due to the excitement of the new goods brought by Abba's associates.. By accounts, the trio have settled into Alexandria quite well. For the moment, Abba has retreated from the spotlight in order to, he tells us, focus on the upcoming summer festivals in Alexandria. "I have always wanted to attend the Tournament Paramount at least once, in Alexandria's famous Colosseum, and this may be the year to do so," he remarked.
Merchant Tangisir also, was gracious enough to take some time for the interview promised some weeks past. His companion Jaidat was more reclusive, but it is as he said, "Well, we bronzes are just more talkative, you could say." Indeed.
''Tribune:'' How have you found your visit to Alexandria?
''Tansisir:'' Quite nice. It's a little on the cool side, but then I have spent the last few years in the desert. In truth, this is the most conversation I have had in some time.
''Tribune:'' You seem quite sociable.
''Tansisir:'' Thank you, I try to be. It's been some time, as I said. Until a few years ago, I had been a student of the Burning Sands. I still am, of course, just decided to see some of the world.
''Tribune:'' The Burning Sands?
''Tansisir:'' A monastic group. The Burning Sands believe in the purification of the body and mind through the desert's heat. So, yes, sweat lodges are a thing. You could say it is a blend of Navosian and Daeusite beliefs. A little more difficult now, though.
''Tribune:'' With the transference of Honored Navos, I could see that. Something you said intrigued me, though. Sweat lodges. ...in the desert? That must get...
''Tansisir:'' Yes, it does. It does wonders for the mind, though.
''Tribune:'' So you're a student of the Burning Sands, or had been. How did you come to be a merchant?
''Tansisir:'' Family ties. A small number of my kin work here in Alexandria, and of course, caravans in Veyshan. It seemed a time to tie the two together. Get to see the world a little, and expand what my brothers and sisters have said is a natural talent. ...tea.
''Tribune:'' I understand there's been quite some interest in the tea. Do you think you'll expand your trade into other goods, as well?
''Tansisir:'' At the moment, I am primarily interested in my leaves. They match my own interests, you could say. Perhaps we'll see some ruyth i mohdar though, you never know.
''Tribune:'' Thank you for time.
''Tansisir:'' It's been a pleasure.
The three may be seen around the various shops and merchant districts in Alexandria.
===Variday, Bernfleur 11, 1018===
Explorers recently uncovered a bat-like gobber in the hills of the Heartlands. Claiming to be the result of "just one of those experiments, dahling" the batgobber appeared articulate and at least partially coherent upon finding. She complained of a continual ringing in her ears (which seemed enlarged beyond the typical gobber's). The ringing, she said, may be from the explosions.
The batgobber suggests she was exiled to the Heartlands after her kin found her specializing in cook-wares. The area around her suggests there was some form of science! that occurred, though related to cook-ware, this reporter is uncertain. A passing-by oruch suggested cooked-brains, whereupon the batgobber leapt on him and landed in his hair.
The oruch was unavailable for comment.
Q: Great paladin! I heard that kobolds of Genrivia were going to lead an assault on Charn! What is the lawful action here?! Should we be concerned or buy popcorn?!
A: Nobody assaults Charn but me. Prepare my horse.
Q: Great Paladin, I heard that Sandy is selling clothes that are not THE most fashionable thing ever. What do I do?!
A: Normally I would not wish this fate on anyone, but in light of Sandy's recent transgressions I endorse sending Abrahil to teach Sandy about fashion.
Q: Great Paladin, what if someone has something that I want, but it doesn't technically belong to me? Can I have it if I want it more than they do??
A: That depends. In most cases, no, you cannot have it. Stealing is illegal. Also, wrong. But if it belongs to a goblin (and by extension hobgoblin) or a gnome, since they are not technically people and thus do not technically own anything, then it would be okay.
:GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.
The Vardamen temple again put forward its bounty on wights within the city. While not wishing to raise any particular alarm, one of their Mourners is quoted as saying, "You can never be too careful, and with Heth out there, it doesn't hurt, you know?"
Wights are, apparently, a virulent form of undead that creates more wights by murdering others for life force that they use as sustenance. While it is not believed any Wights are present in Alexandros territory at the moment, a dose of caution is understandable.
An upset occurred this Variday morning in the Warehouse District. Sources report that employees of Traders Montaigne and Chapelle were involved in the matter, during which several crates were overturned and damage was done to the side of one warehouse. The local Watch was called in to calm the scene and dispersed the chaos. As of print time today, no official cause has yet been determined.
Montaigne and Chapelle are both established trading families in Alexandria, dealing in teas, spices, and other fine, dry goods.
((Want your stories in the Tribune? Visit the Tribune offices in the Lower Trades District to learn more!))
'''Quality weapons and armor,''' divinely imbued. Contact Mourner Kerbasi d'Bahjat at the Vardaman Temple. Divine scrolls also offered.
'''Mithralla Merchandise''' has been serving the Alexandria area with quality magical items for years. Located upon the Mountain Road, under the giant sword, our crafters use local materials to provide a wide range of quality magical items at competitive prices. From arms and armor, to scrolls and potions, to enchanted rings and a wide assortment of wonderous items, Mithralla Merchandise is sure to have something for you.
'''Buy potions''' for health, power, and thickness of skin. Buy scrolls to lay low your enemies. All ingredients fresh -- some even still wiggle. Contact Alba.
'''To the idiot who keeps tossing their laundry out on Fiscus St.''' Stoppit. There's only so much a man's meant to see in this world, and knowing wizard socks danced the cha-cha on their own on Varidays isn't one of them.
'''Need a potion, or an ointment, or just a scroll to feed your familiar?''' Maybe you want to slight your opponents, or boost your allies. Or, just maybe, you're morbidly curious about just what exactly those potions do. Ralickwort, gnomish witch and brewmaster extraordinaire, remains open for business despite constant public health warnings. Come by Rolickwort's Arcane Labworks (misspelling intentional) for your witchey potion and scroll needs (shrink potion a specialty).
'''Fantastic and fashionable accoutrements made at quality prices.''' Contact Abrahil Fizzletorque Brindlegear in the Theatre District! Wondrous items, amazing to behold! Special rates for certain healing items; inquiries and tea welcome.
'''Pelka is a newish crafter who can enchant weapons, armor, or miscellaneous Wondrous Items''' that are worn or held. Once the item is ready he will deliver it to you - guaranteed to get there in 30 days or less, or your money back!
Leave word for him at the Society for Progressive Arcanists.
===Variday, Eatonis 28, 1018===
====Upset in the Warehouse District====
The Watch was called to the Warehouse District, after a reported altercation of some kind. Details are as yet unknown.
'''OOC:''' If you are a Watch PC, please @mail me for details. Expect more public information available in the Tribune later this or next week! You can speed the issue along by sharing your own tales, and earning RPP!
===Kirday, Eatonis 24, 1018===
'''An Update on the Veyshanti Delegation'''
As reported earlier this week, the Tribune was pleased to sit down with the Veyshanti delegation, led by Ambassador Abba. We met them at their residence in Sage Orem's, a familiar place to the Ambassador, who has roomed there almost exclusively during his years of service.
Their rooms were a mixture of Alexandrian and Veyshanti style, and many of the items that Veyshan is known for were on display. Among them were silks of pleasant quality, blades, and many other fine items those familiar would no doubt recognize. When the meal arrived, it arrived on several trays, which were shared by all. Included was a whole, stuffed chicken alongside several flavorful vegatables, spiced in a way that left the mouth watering.
The crowning achievement however, came after the meal when Merchant Tangisir had a tea service brought forward. He brought with him a sample of tlagi, a rare tea crafted from an even rarer desert flower. "My familiy had an usual crop this season. A little surplus," he said. "We thought perhaps, some in Alexandria would be interested." The tlagi is well-known in tea circles for its unique combination of flavors. It is said it carries all flavors, from the crisp sunrise of the desert morning to its heated sunset. A thousand poems have been made of its petals.
After this bombshell, we spent some time getting to know the ambassador and the merchants present. Tangisir it turns out, is from an aged, if quiet line. "We were content, and never saw the need to get out much," he admitted. Apparently it was Abba's urging that prompted the visit, and he says he intends to visit various friends and family among Alexandria's greater populace. It turns out that the young bronze has a few ties to Alexandria already. Once he gave his family name, the Tribune was able to locate at least three cousins among the populace.
Quiet during the meal was Jaidat. However, when second round of drinks came, they were served over ice--and Jaidat's enigamatic smile.
'''Ma Rosie's Celebration in Portraiture'''
Ma Rosie's, ever the <redacted> example of entertainment in Alexandria, is celebrating an anniversary of sorts. Frequent travelers and visitors will take note of its new look: streamers and silken flags cover the doorway. The flags, this reporter is told, are sewn from the pants and leggings of favorite dancers. Patrons have taken to signing them, or leaving notes for a favorite.
Ma Rosie tells me, informally, that this has become a competition among the dancers, to see who can gather the most signatures. This isn't why she brought me here, however. "It's my anniversary, you see," she tells me. Then, I am led to the center of the room. It's quiet at the moment (Ma Rosie's does most of their business in the evenings, and here it was early morning). At the center is a portrait of Ma, in her younger days.
"It was from my darling Jinks," she says. One can see the fondness from here, in the gentle sigh as she looks at her portrait. "He gave it to me this day...the scoundrel." Whether by 'scoundrel' she refers to Jinks fondly or not, it is impossible for this reporter to tell.
'''Swinging Beats'''
A young gobber was seen swing-hipping his way down the streets the other day. While this event appears to coincide with a record number of sales in bleach, he was heard singing a tune thus far unheard in Alexandria:
:Baby it's hard
:when you feel like
:You're broken and scarred
:Nothing feels right,
:but when you're with me
:I make you believe that
:I've got the key
Despite the otherwise horror this reporter experienced at the performance, he has to admit it was a catchy tune. Onlookers offer assurances that the shout at the end, "ALL PRAISE THE GREAT, SEXY LADY BOOM-BOOM!" was not in fact, part of the original song. Still, it has not precluded some oruch from including it.
'''Tomias the Terror On the Loose!'''
Members of the Alexandrian City Guard, namely one Private first class Josselyn has been seen chasing a small child-like halfling that goes by the name of Tomias. While his crimes are fairly minor, they are also numerous and extremely upsetting. These crimes include, but are not limited to:
* Stealing coins from the Temple Square Fountain
* Teaching children profanities
* Hiding under tables in busy taverns and stealing drinks
* Falsely selling cough drops as candy
* Surfing on a runaway hotdog cart
* Extreme jaywalking
* Throwing hand-files through the windows of the city prison
* Other general disturbances of the peace.
If you see any suspicious activity please report it to the city guard and do not be fooled. While the perpetrator appears to be a human child, he is in fact a full grown halfling.
===Tariday, Eatonis 22, 1018===
====Traders Arrive!====
Heads stirred this evening when a number of diplomats from Veyshan arrived late yesterday evening. They arrived in the classic Veyshanti style, atop lean horses kissed by the desert sun. Ambassador Abbas rode to the fore, in his traditional thobe, topped with a sleeveless mantle for warmth. The arvek's face is familiar to many in Alexandria. His two companions, however, are not.
The Ambassador was pleased to introduce two new faces he said, he hopes will become regulars among Alexandrian trade discussions. The first was introduced as Merchant Tangisir, a bronze dragon of younger years. Merchant Tangisir seemed to delight in questions given to him, and though he was not seen astride the Veyshanti breed, he assured us it wasn ot due to the horses' strength, but more that "Well, I am a bit large, you know."
The third member of the delegation is Jaidat, whose thobe suggested an elemental bloodline. Of all three, Jaidat seemed the most reflective. According to Ambassador Abbas, the delegation is making its home in the Upper City for the time being, near Alexandria's noted library. It has been suggested they are here to address further trade, just in time for spring. Fortunately, they have opened the door to further interviews by the Tribune later on in the week.
===Kesenday, Eatonis 18, 1018===
'''Charges Pressed in Wake of Demonic Activity'''
In the wake of recent demonic activity in Alexandros, local merchant Jan'ros Teolwren faces prosecution on charges of collusion with the possessed.
Miss Teolwren, a half-sil merchant specialising in the import of magical items into the city, was arrested by the city watch as part of Operation Duskwall, the remit of which is to investigate possible entry points of illegal magic objects into Alexandria. Her clerk, Miss Inden, has issued no statement, instead answering 'no comment' to all questions about her employer.
A docksman, Mr 'Honourable' Georg, answered several questions from journalists outside Teolwren's office this morning. "She's innocent," claims Georg. "I don't doubt that for a minute. She's kind-hearted, and sweet. I'd trust her with my life." But the hysteria surrounding the demon possessions has reached even the courts, and bail was denied at a hearing yesterday.
Miss Teolwren, an aspiring city councillor despite her common background, faces trial in the city courthouse two weeks from today. Reserve your court seat today to be a part of this landmark trial.
'''((Have a story for the Tribune? If you have a delicious RP-generated rumor for the forces of JOURNALISM to spread all over town, send it in! Preface the +request title with Tribune: and put in the RPP bucket, and see your story in print! Also get an RPP for it!))'''
'''A Theory Half-Baked?'''
A new study out of the School of Bakery-Wizardry suggests that children who eat red velvet cupcakes versus other flavors, such as banana sprinkles, may have the edge when it comes to athletics. The comprehensive study took place over a few weeks, and was led by local nutritional expert Gorebaw Ngaio, who worked closely with the local Baker's Guild.
When quizzed about the results of the study, Gorebaw shrugged and said, "Everyone knew red ones make ya go faster. It was just a matter of puttin it ta tha test."
Gorebaw's well-known rival, Maa Rei, decried the study, suggesting his research may have been compromised through his ties to the guild, and that in regards to scientific accuracy, it has led him downwards the tart of darkness. To which he replied, "It's time for tha taming of tha strudel, is it?" and drew an axe. She drew a bigger one.
The two are set to duel next Variday.
'''Lady Sandiel Swings the Night Away at Ma Rosie's'''
The dancing troupe continued its tradition of performance excellence before an honored guest the other night, Lady Sandiel Arwenieniallwehn! Lady Sandiel's shop, the Lusty Moon, supplied the Veyshanti-style outfits for the evening. The dancers performed several numbers, including "Come and Get Your Love," which was sung to the guest of the evening.
In celebration, drinks were then given on the house, and a speech was asked for. Reports suggest the owner of the Moon declined, whereupon she was given the title of Lady Sandiel the Modest, and another toast held. She was reportedly accompanied by a human friend, known as 'Nobody.' Rumors suggest that 'Nobody' was female, which has only fueled the scandal and speculation which has followed Sandiel's matrimonial bliss with the Lady Myrana Jn'Rajh Arwenieniallwehn.
'''((Have a story for the Tribune? If you have a delicious RP-generated rumor for the forces of JOURNALISM to spread all over town, send it in! Preface the +request title with Tribune: and put in the RPP bucket, and see your story in print! Also get an RPP for it!))'''
===Variday, Pryntar 15, 1018===
Rumors flit about town that a gnome tried to set up several notable adventurers with a bugbear, a troll, and an otyugh.
Needless to say, this did not work out.
Gnomes. Who needs 'em, right?
(Thanks toUneth, Durankar, Mila, Te'andra, Terewin, Wilros, and Serra for palying along! Feel free to ask them about their experience.)
===Eliday, Pryntar 14, 1018===
====The Mountain Moves====
An earth elemental has recently erupted from the ground on the mountain road.
Yes, really. Stranger things have happened. It appears to have gone back to sleep, though it is blocking significant amounts of traffic and peole are leerily making their way around it.
Needless to say, you can't really move the mountain unless it wants to be moved, given that it really is /huge/. The City Council has issued a declaration that people are to avoid it and not throw anything at it.
Because a few gnomes did.
===Ceriday, Vhast 30, 1018===
====Alexandrian Tribune!====
'''New Art Installation'''
:by Featherwheel Grumblespring
Just recovered from supposed bombing, the Adventurers' Guild is back on its feet! What this reporter heard suggests its walls will not be bare for long.
Through sources, the Tribune uncovered news of a new art installation to be hungk. Whatever this installation will be, adventurers have reported spotting a number of gnomes were seen outside. One of them, a roundish, elderly fellow is said to have held a sketchbook in his hand. Passers-by report a sort of dazed look, but were unable to quite describe it, save, "It felt kinda...unsettling, ya know. And don't ya as hell quote me on that," is quoted one unquotable oruch, when quizzed about the situation.
'''Threads Threadbare'''
:by Grummin Norebasher
Why tha hell I gotta write this. It's just about some dumb merchant bein' out of threads an' crap an' some "run on gold thread dat look sommat like an angel." Look, merchants run out of stuff all tha time. I'd rather hit stuff with sticks. Grummin out!
PS Stupid gnomes write stupid titles. Grummin write dis, he'd name it: Can't hit things with thread. Don't care! Send letter to editors. Tell them gnome dumb, Grummin write all titles!
'''Implosion at Progressive Arcanists' Dinner'''
:by -- *
: * Article redracted, and crossed out with multiple layers of black ink.
===Eliday, Vhast 24, 1018===
====Strangeness at the Concert====
A concert scheduled for today to celebrate the city's return to normalcy was marred by Alexandria's usual strangeness.
With members of the new Bardic College on stage and the crowd in the thrall of their performance, a great many people suddenly collapsed, falling into seizures shortly after airships that were part of the celebration laid down a fine dusting of some kind of glitter (really!) to add to the ambience said to be directed by bard Aldean, Abrahil, and Artificer Stirling.
With a great many clerics on hand from the Myrrish kingdoms, the stricken were taken and escorted back to the temples, where they are undergoing treatment and evaluation, though it is believed that it was a reaction to something in the air that befell many.
Meanwhile, several fires were said to've started across the city, though all were quickly dealt with.
Still, though, many believe that there was a darker undercurrent to all of this and whispers about demonic possession are filtering out from those said to be in the know, with sightings of demons in the shadows keeping many citizens on edge.
===Ceriday, Vhast 23, 1018===
====Invitations go Out!====
In Alexandria, a smallish fellow has stopped at a woman's doorstep. He's handed her a piece of stock paper, decorated in swooshes and flourishes--and at its centerpiece, a set of dashing performers! "Don't forget! Every invitation is COLLECTIBLE, you know! So if you missed out on one, do come to the concert! I hear there's a prize if you collect them all--but that's just a rumor..." says the little street deliveryman, who looks suspiciously round. His features are delighted, his whisper conspiratorial.
"Oh, how lovely! Why, they look so *brooding*," says the woman. "Oh, if I were seventeen again," she says. "...but I'm not seventeen am I, anymore? What are these little symbols on the side? They look...magical--"
"Oh! Oh my...why, that must be a printing error...oh! Oh, my dear! I hope to see you there! It will be a *MAGICKYL EVENING!*" he says, and dashes off, this little deliveryperson, before bopping off to her neighbor's.
The woman pauses at her doorstep, frowning. "...these eyes just seem to follow you wherever you go," she says, and as she closes the door.
===Ceriday, Vhast 23, 1018===
====Oddness at the Temple of Angoron====
Strangeness has occurred at the Angorite Temple. Despite secrecy, people have noticed that armed guards have been posted near a room in the temple, which has been heavily warded. Clearly, they have a guest they don't want disturbed.
===Ceriday, Khael 12, 1017===
====Darkness on the Edge of Alexandria====
Regular sightings of 'creatures with dark red eyes watching from the shadows' or 'foul smells' any number of other rumors are becoming common throughout much of Alexandria and its outlying districts. People are claiming to see any number of 'horrible monsters' just on the edge of their vision,... but so far, nothing has actually *come* of it. No attacks, no wounds, no nothing.
It's unsettling, to say the least.
===Variday, Quintoos 07, 1017===
====Art Solicited====
The Guild of Explorer's is preparing for its return to the world of the living! Construction is ongoing, but word is out that the Guild is looking for appropriate art, and will pay a small comission for any arts directed their way, as well as relics from adventures.
(Submit +views for the new Guild and get a bonus!)
===Eliday, Khael 06, 1017===
====Asumit Log!====
Log of the event last night!
Also shared to +myjob 18!
===Eliday, Quintoos 29, 1017===
====A new Observatory!====
A few local doorfs are chatting it up in the market rather loudly, as miners are wont to!
"Oy, what's that big thing they just finished outside the camp? Tired of hearin' 'boot it from the gobbers all braggin' 'bout some such to do wit' it!"
"Ye ain't heard? Them star gazers got they act together an' hired off half our hands to build a ridiculous telescope buildin' out near our mines! Some such about the skies are cleaner out here then in the big city."
"Well, true enough ye kin see more after dark up there where we be then here behind the walls. Great, now we've robed kooks fer neighbors out there too!"
<The Shining Chalice Observatory is on the grid! H05, then through the Deluge Mines exit to find it!>
===Korday, Quintoos 26, 1017===
====The Summit of Nations====
What was supposed to've been a peaceful summit between the nations of Stormgard and Rune to discuss the future of interactions between their people became something almost cataclysmic.
As the dust settles over Dun Mordren, more about what's transpired becomes clear.
A merchant company known as the Secure Panacea served as the primary force behind the initial coup attempt, with supprot from ambitious nobles in Stormgard and, it is speculated though not said aloud, with tacit support from the forces of the Iron Tide in Dran. Arend would have no doubt benefitted in his plans to remake the north with suport from sympatheti goverments in Stormgard and Dun Mordren.
The Panaeca, lead by one Narvin Forgehome, spent years unearthing treasures and using them in charitable endeavours and building a network of support, though no one was sure where Narvin got his initial wealth to do this. Narvin assaulted the Khazadi Council, and with the help of Stormgardian allies, subdued them and declared himself regent, believing initially the Queen to be dead.
Stormgard's ruler was captured as well, though why he wasn't immediately put to death is unclear. Alvik Vepps, one of the members of the Vepps family of Stormgardian nobles, trid to seize the throne with the backing of the bodyguard of the King Hammergodst. Apparently, some members of the Vepps family were amongst those, and no doubt that they had allies amongst ther Stormgardian nobles back home to have even been willing to try such a thing.
All of these efforts were for naught, though, both because of the combined nations seeking to put an end to the madness in Dun Mordren, but also because Narvin's silent backers turned out to be none other than the Exiled Khazadi known as the Clan of Dark Iron. Largely unseen since the War of Three Anvils centuries ago, it is said by dwarven sources that they used the coup to undermine Dun Mordren's stability in an attempt to raze the whole city. These attempts were thwarted, and in the final battle, Narvin and Alvik were both captured and turned over to their respective governments for 'dealing with'. No dobut more figures will be mopped up by the authorities soon, but the cataclysm battle has left Dun Mordren badly scarred.
While victory was had, the price was high. Many dwarves lost their lives, and while the forces of various nations stood unified for a moment, from Myrrdion to Charn, this is only a fleeting alliance made of necessity.
Even now, Arednt's forces begin their march anew towards Rune, and the fear of Heth in Dragonier grows uncheckd at rumors of his own involvement. Witnesses claim that the Chosen of Thul declared Heth's proximity. Could he be making Dun Mordren his next target? At this point, it's anyone's guess, but Dun Mordren is being lockd down all the same as the dwarves seek to rebuild. While this will have an effect on trade, the Khazadi merchant houses insist business will soon return to its original state.
===Gilday, Quintoos 25, 1017===
====Themebits: Tarien the Trickster!====
This is a tradition we haven't done in a while! For the next few weeks, we'll be taking a piece of theme and hilighting it! Send in your suggestions to staff via @mail or page!
Tarien the Trickster!
One of the most loved, or hated gods (depending on your perspective), Tarien is a complex figure. His entry reads:
While he encourages the worth and value of laughter he seeks to mainly inspire devotion, courage, art and generosity while teaching the children of the world to keep their eyes heavenward and to stand strong in the face of danger and opposition. Tarien delights in the bringing of joy to the world in all forms and all manners. His pranks bring joy as well as wisdom. Unlike Deimos, his are generally not intended to harm, which makes Deimos all the more twisted a shadow of that Tarien's light is intended to be.
...of course, some just read him as a troublmaker! Nevertheless, he's one of the most cheerful, and kind-hearted of the gods, aside from his propensity to get into trouble. He's also a favorite subject of stories in taverns, and among the Temples of Angoron, and at giantborn lodges. Possibly because his pranks trip him up as much as anyone else. One of the more famous stories is how his brother Gilead, tired of the red-headed, middle-child's pranks, put weasels in Tarien's bed, just when he was about to come home with a really hot date.
====Themebits: Navos the Timekeeper!====
A post from the Heavens wouldn't be good unless paired with one from the Twilight! Navos the Timekeeper is one of the more self-sacrificing gods. That is, at one time he made a great sacrifice. Today, he'd have no idea what you're talking about.
His entry reads: The great god of time, meditation, civilization and self perfection, Navos alone is said to have a clear prophetic vision of the winding course of the world, as well as the strength of purpose and self discipline to guide it. He stands as its sage and historian, documenting storied history for the sake of knowledge and the furtherment of wisdom. The great Counseler of the gods, it is Navos' wisdom that encourages the soul to grow and the mind to expand beyond its limited horizons. Navos is the estate of awareness, insight and introspection and mental fortitude as well as the physical discipline that can come from such dedicated mindsets.
Navos is a very old deity. While more readily known today, Navos also used to number among the Heavens. However, when Animus was murdered (indirectly, through Taara's hand) he stepped down to fill the gap. In doing so, he forgot what it meant to possess Compassion.
It adds a nostalgic, romantic side to his story--of the tears of Daeus falling like diamonds for his once-close friend. However, Navos does not understand. Today, he stands as Time's impartial keeper, a god of insight and awereness--except perhaps, areas of himself.
If you've something you'd like to see, just send us a page or @mail! Of course, anything is doable. This week it just happened to be deities, but groups, spellblights, wars, and any theme "bits" are all fodder.
===Eliday, Quintoos 09, 1017===
====Gambit: THE QUEEN'S SPEECH====
Captain Evelyn Stonehammer, and all of Dun Mordren, are grateful for the help of the forcecs traped within it.
With the Command and Control now safely established for the Royalists within the King's Plaza, she began dispatching adventurers of all stripes, along with her own forces where she could, to accomplish a variety of missions. The water reservoirs were startingly empty, which is a big concern, and power needed to be restored for any further efforts at retaking Dun Mordren to be succesful.
Groups were dispatched to take back a Geothermal Power Station and to seize control of it so that power could be redirected to necessary functions throughout the city, like the steam and mana lifts and more. This was successful, as many of the mana lamps came back on. A short time later, magma elementals of some kind were sighted swarming the plaza's bridge to the keep, doing further damage and reducing the chances of a successful crossing over the magma-lake to reach the central castle. PAnacean guards were, to the horror of many witnesses, standing by and watching as centuries of work and dwarven craftsmanship were undone. None of them are said to have been happy about it, but it's clear that they've made their own choices as to where their loyalties lay. Shortly thereafter, earthquakes began to rock Dun Mordren, building up one stronger after another before abruptly ceasing. Whispers that a creature of the Exiled, Unspoken clan of dwarves had been behind them begin flowing through the city, but that it had been stopped before it could do much harm. If this is true, if the Dark Dwarves were involved here, perhaps they may also have a hand in the attempt on the king's life?
These doubts were swiftly put to rest when a speech by the Queen herself played over the public announcement system of the city, accusing Narvin Forgehome, the would-be-regent, of conspiring to overthrow the kingdom for his own personal gain. She commands all of Dun Mordren to rise up and overthrow the Panaceans.
And with a roar, the Khazad square their shoulders and begin to gather.
A final battle, and an end to the chaos in Dun Mordren, is near.
===Eliday, Quintoos 02, 1017===
====The Pastel Scourge of Charn!====
In the grim news brought on by Dun Morden and Arendt's advance, there's a bit of levity. At least if you're not from Charn. Witnesses report seeing hordes of colorfully-haired, semi-naked gnomes tumbling towards Charn, with paints in their hand. They appeared to chant, "Jareth, our hero! Jareth, our hero!" as they headed towards Maugrim's City!
In their wake, the landscape is dotted in pastel paint--horses, buggies, and more, a bright and cheery trail marking their determined march.
Can they be stopped? Sources suggest these 'sparklegnomes' proliferate like bunnies. Chaos is sure to be had if they reach the Charnese landscape.
In other, perhaps unrelated news, stories of a 'Jareth' are being heard--about how he defeated a sparkley vampire by using his mighty blade!
Also rumored, the sparklegnomes are leaving painted images of 'Jareth' on trees and roadsigns as they pass by, along with little heart symbols.
===Tariday, Rhaltaas 27, 1017===
====Gambit, Stage 2====
The battle in Dun Mordren rages on.
The city center has been secured with many civilians having been evacuated to it. Safe passage has been provided through the help of Alexandrian and other national forces present in the city who are moving in support of the Kingsguard actions, but wild reports and rumors are common.
Rumors, for example, of a giant talking spider lurking in the darkness, one which has begun webbin up Secure Panacea employees and leaving them there.
Reports indicate that foreign mercenaries in town for the Summit have begun looting and pillaging dwarven wealth and taking captives to sell into slavery. There is a great amount of fingerpointing ongoing as to in whose employ they are actually in.
Recently, a series of tremors have begun to rock the city. Many are taking this as a sign of Reos' displeasure with Forgehome's coup, but others are indicating that they believe it is a sign that Reos' is displeased with those not backing the transfer of authority to the self proclaimed regent. Either way, an uneasy city has grown even more uneasy in their wake.
Worse still, the water supply has dried up. Not a single tap for the indoor plumbing system is working -- meaning that fighting the fires has grown increasingly difficult.
Captain Evelyn Stonehammer is still working hard to keep a lid on the chaos, and the help of ALexandria's famed heroes has proved vital to her efforts and already eyes are turning to the shattered bridge and the great keep that lays in the center of Dun Mordren.
===Kirday, Rhaltaas 22, 1017===
"Come here children, and I'll tell you a tale that'll shiver the beard in your souls on this Halloween night!" The old Dwarf motions the clan children to cluster around his chair before the fire. "I saw it myself with my own eyes, and in some ways I can never stop seeing the terror of that night." He shudders and rubs arms suddenly caught chill with memory. "But it wasn't all a night of terror there was some good too, still more terror then you can imagine! Now let me get my ale and begin."
:It was a on a night like this one, the Secure Panacea was up too no good as usual. Lurking in the darkness, trying to wreck the city and bring down all that we know. But there was a band of terrible monsters that had taken to the darkness in the shapes of people, humans, elves, even dwarves! Well those Panacea lackeys had grabbed a family and were going to kill them, but they didn't realize they'd angered the monsters with their choice of layer.
:So the monsters watched while the Panacea tormented the family and got ready to kill them. But just when it was looking so dire, it got even more dire when the monsters decided they wanted to have fun too! Down from the rafters they swung in big balls of light! Diving into the murderous Panacea like a flash-fire in a deep mine. Filling the warehouse with the cries of terror and pain that I'll never forget. That haunt that place still!
:There was one that was half woman, and half axe! Named Arnora the Ravager, she yelled terrible curses and ate dwarven hearts after cutting them in half! A giant living spider woman, Alba the Nightmare, that cackled from the shadows, spraying webs and eating the very souls of people. Then came the Goblin, Chach the Dancer, some think was the most fearsome of all, a devilish monster of lust and terror it could make a man's mind break with a single shake! But the true terror was the Dorf Puntress Miruan! She was almost a a giant pair of legs, that had feet with wings on them and toes like tiny dragon heads!
:Everywhere they struck these monsters left the dead or the dying, flying Dwarfs screaming into the night or gibbering in fear after a single dance. Twelve stout warriors rent asunder in less time then it takes to tell the tale!
:Finally at the end of it they stood over the poor family and let them go. Having kept them safe from the Secure Panacea and their own monstrous natures. So while we fear those terrible monsters, we also thank them for keeping us all safe this time before All Hallows Eve.
The old Dwarf leans back in his chair and nods to each child in turn. "That's the story of the four monsters of Halloween. Now be good or they'll come for you too!"
((This is a reference to the 10/20/2015 event 'Tuesday Terror, those participating were Alba, Arnora, Chach, Durrankar, Jacob, Ketala, Miruan, Sark overseen by Whirlpool, but mainly references the four who went above and beyond with Halloween-ish things. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!))
===Variday, Rhaltaas 12, 1017===
====Private Elunan Consults====
Have you heard about the latest from the Temple of Eluna? The priests have been welcoming people into the backrooms who've had night terrors. Something about the demons and possessions. I bet if I saw a demon I'd have nightmares about it for a while myself, but why would the temple care to hear about every dream about them? Weird.
===Eliday, Rhaltaas 11, 1017===
====Gambit: Stage 1====
In the immediate aftermath of the explosiond, Captain Evelyn Stonehammer of the Dun Mordren Guard set to work securing the city center. Marshalling what forces were available, she was able to create a safe area within the city center to begin evacuating civilians away from the fighting in the outlying districts. During this time, the city center was mobbed by civilians who supported the regent and violence nearly won out, were it not for the attack of Umber Hulks that left many dead. They were swifrly defeated with the assistance of Alexandrian monster-slayers. Reports of monster activity throughout Dun Mordren continue to circulate. (Schneider, Craft, Duncan, Lothos, Stirling, Stjepan, Yngvild, ZAlara, Uneth)
With this completed, adventures were swiftly sent out to work with the Dun Mordren Guard in securing outlying columns so that more endagered civilains could make their way to the safety of the city center. Forces loyal to Regent Forgeholm were encountered and swiftly defeated in both cases. With contact gained with other guard units, then ext step will be to push out from the city center to take back critical infrastructure and to prepare for the march on the Keep -- though with the bridge as damaged as it is, it's hard to say how anyone plans to get there.
((Sigrid, Kalkorth, Elrika, Grrk, Miruan, Ezriya, Tim, Arnora, Smythly, Niara, Terewin.)
===Variday, Rhaltaas 05, 1017===
Explosions ripped through the city of Dun Mordren, detonating at numerous critical pieces of city infrastructure. Much of the mana lighting in the outlying districts is out and chaos is reigning. The following announcement was out over the city's broadcast system.
"We have reason to believe that Charn has hired mercenaries and our agents tell us that they are behind this activity. We assure you all, ALL, thay we will do everything in our power to apprehend those responsible."
After a near riot at the Charn embassy was averted, rumors began to swirl that this was actually a coup attempt, and that Dran, Stormgard, and the Secure Panacea trading company were behind it. Order in Dun Mordren has broken down and the city has been plunged into civil strife as people take up arms on the side of the newly-proclaimed regent and those who believe this is a coup.
Hard times ar ein store of the Great City.
===Tariday, Daeshen 29, 1017===
====Goings on at the Temple of Eluna====
It was so late at night it was early morning when a small group arrived at the Temple of Eluna. They were quickly ushered inside and no-one is really talking about what happened or who this group was. Soon after however the long absent Acquisitioner and Inquisitor Master Fiadalis was reported to be resting and recovering in the infirmary.
For a few days anyway. As soon as he was able he left with a small group of volunteers, leaving behind his one-time apprentice and amanuensis Rakim. Not before formally releasing the Tsuran from his service and appointing him to the full office of Inquisitor and formally welcoming into the ranks of the Acquisitioners.
((Anyone want to know more, feel free to poke at me :) ))
===Kesenday, Daeshen 25, 1017===
====Party for the Light!====
Priests of Angoron and Tarien, as well as others of the gods of Light, make their way to the Redridge Mountains. They bring with them massive drums and firewood. And most importantly: booze.
Lots and lots of booze.
Rumor has it it's preparation for an upcoming celebration, a calling of Heroes to stand against dark times ahead!
OOC: This is an invite to you to the Party for the Light! (See +events) Aside from the ale and food a big part of the event will be people sharing stories of heroism to honor the gods of light and those heroes who in times of dire need stepped forward to stand against the Dark. These can either be their own stories, legends from the past or even apocryphal tales. There is no requirement for your character to have something to share but if you want to just a bit of advanced notice so you can write up a legend from your characters culture, or even dramatise one of your character's past exploits.
((Not at all looking at Jiboom there! :) ))
===Ceriday, Daeshen 12, 1017===
====Spies! Spies! Spies!====
Word is going round that artifice listening deviced have been found underneath all the embassies in Dun Morden. Every one save Charn. A clue or a set up?
Contact Stirling for more information.
===Variday, Daeshen 07, 1017===
A standing bounty with the full support of the Vardaman church has been posted for information on the presence, suspected or otherwise, of any wights in any of the lands of Alexandros.
Wights are, apparently, a virulent form of undead that creates more wights by murdering others for life force that they use as sustenance. While it is not believed any Wights are present in Alexandros territory at the moment, a dose of caution is understandable.
===Variday, Daeshen 07, 1017===
====Alexandrian Volunteers Wanted!====
The Alexandrian Government is looking for volunteers -- no, not Irregulars. The city's mercenary population, extensive as it is, is already been used in Rune and Dun Mordren. Now, stretched thin as t hey are, they're activating citizen militia to serve. They're engaging in 'training' exercises. 'In case of outbreaks', they say. Apparently, there is some concern that wights from Dragonier could find their way into the territory and could provoke and outbreak.
The Vardaman church is heavily involved in the training.
===Kesenday, Callem 28, 1017===
====Protests Continue in Dun Mordren====
With the assault on the Friendly Brothers still hanging over the Summit, protests are still striking outside the embassy of [[Charn]] against the presence of [[Thul]]'s [[Nonplayer_Characters#B|Chosen]]. There are many amongst the [[khazad]] who hold him responsible for the supposed 'vampire attack' on the Embassy. So far, they've been lead by a [[Vardama|Vardaman cleric]] by the name of Rutger Mistiron. The presence of the Chosen of Thul in Dun Mordren, he says, is an affront to every Khazadi soul.
So far, King Steamhammer has remained silent on the matter and the Guards have continued to keep the area around the 'embassy' peaceable while the summit continues.
===Tariday, Callem 25, 1017===
====More Grat!====
As the tale of Grat has caught fire, it's morphed in various ways as different singers take up the tale, some better than others. REcently, though, someone's added a verse or two to the end of the sad tale of the man's death at the hands of evil. A few bards have taken to singing the extra verse, most notably the dockside rake and voice named Aldean. It goes like this:
For conquest's glory be not gained by one man alone
By the work of those who serve have conquerors ever shone
But those who shall for others' sake face dangers untold
To their strength and valor shall mankind's hope ever hold*
Sometimes the piece is prefaced with a comment to the effect of: "Ever wonder who the real heroes are that make a conqueror's work possible? They don't do it by themselves, you know. Here's the tale of a man whose glory belongs only to him, because he earned it all himself."
OOC: Aldean's looking to get in touch with those who got the Grat story started. If you want to RP, ping me!
===Variday, Callem 24, 1017===
====Demonic Circle Found====
Rumor circulates that a demonic summoning circle of some magnitude was destroyed by a group of heroes last night. The circle was strong enough that apparently, there were visions after. The circle was said to be very old.
For anyone curious, snag one of the folks from last night for RP! Including: Rakim, Silmeria, Aurora, Karelin, Svarshan, Myrana, Stirling, Arynel, Ketala! (PS If I left a name off, please ping me. It was late, and this is a different comp.)
: Svarshan
===Variday, Callem 24, 1017===
====Poor Murdered Tail====
A huge slice of chocolate marble cake with green frosting turns up on the step of where Svarshan is staying. It has written on it in pink frosting: 'Sorry about your broke butt bwa ha ha ha' M&S <3 <3'
===Ceriday, Callem 15, 1017===
====Justice for Friendly Brothers====
A lone figure has been sighted attempting to enter the Friendly Brothers building, which has been closed off for quite some time now due to the attacks. Whoever it is has given up for the time being, but it's clear someone does not believe the rumors and wants to set things to rights.
OOC: Contact Godwyn for details.
===Gilday, Callem 12, 1017===
====A call to artificers!====
Stirling is going around and recruiting any artificers he can find for help with a project of utmost importance. Artificers of all skill levels welcome!
Contact Stirling through page or @mail if your interested.
===Variday, Callem 03, 1017===
====Rumors from Dran====
Rumors of a fallen hero known as Grat continue to spread. The ballad of Grat is being sung in various tarverns. It serves as a counterpoint narrative to Arendt's of Dran honor. Interestingly, it's doing well.
===Ceriday, Callem 01, 1017===
====Vicious Attack or Sordid Love Triangle?====
The talk flies through the city, superseding even that of the khazadi bundle of joy to be and the talks. At least for five minutes, anyway. It appears that Myrana, wife was out for a mere walk when she was viciously attacked by a demon. It's said that only due to the intervention of some adventurers coming back to town, that it was fought off, but there were fatalities.
It's been speculated that this was an attempt by Barntos, the high priest of Thul, to kidnap Myrana, stealing her away from Lady Sandiel, to return to Charn where he would make her his bride.
When will the next attempt happen?
===Ceriday, Callem 01, 1017===
====Vampire Attack in Dun Mordren?!====
Fingers are already pointing at the CHosen of Thul.
Last night, by the reckoning of Dun Mordren's towering clocks, the Mercantile Corporation of Friendly Brothers was attacked! The rumors say many of the workers on shift in their office were murdered by a pair of dwarves. The whole office has been sealed up all day, and word is already leaking that 'vampires' are being claimed responsible. The coincidence of this, and the presence of the Chosen of Thul in the city (himself said to be an undead monster of some sort) is too much for many, and already-rankled clergy and citizenship none too happy to be playing host to such a creature is growing restless.
===Tariday, Aestry 28, 1017===
====More strange things afoot...====
In other happenings, the giantborn thief, Tatyannah, was seen running from the Mercantile district with an unconscious woman in a rather elaborate dress, as if she'd been caught stealing, possibly the woman in her arms. She headed straight for one of the houses set aside for the Myrrish delegation.
The real question is, though, whether there will be war between the thief and Lady Sandiel over Lady Sandiel's wife, the Lady Myrana and unconscious woman in question.
===Tariday, Aestry 28, 1017===
====Disaster Averted at the Summit!====
Sooner or later, it was abound to happen.
Several adventurers were able to stop what nearly turned into a diplomatic disaster when Princes Verin and Gavril, along with Princess Nysia, came face to face with the Chosen of Thul in Dun Mordren. Verin charged at the infamous Chosen, intent on ending the creature's life, but was stopped by magic at the last moment. Had he succeeded, the summit would've been most dearly disrupted and who knows what position King Steamhammer would've been placed in to assure the safety of his guests.
Whispers indicate that the King is already thinking of sending many away, declaring negotiations with Stormgard to be at a 'crucial moment'.
Meanwhile, jubilation over the Queen's pregnancy continues to spread.
===Kesenday, Aestry 24, 1017===
====Angorites on the march?!====
From the monastaries outside of Alexandria, a great many Angorites have returned to the city proper. They all seem rather sober, for a change. What could be causing so many of them to all turn up at once? They all seem to be qutie busy preparing for *something*. Perhaps a big party?
===Gilday, Aestry 8, 1017===
====Meanwhile, at Arendt's Camp...====
In all seriousness, the war camp of Arendt has been building up. Seems they're getting read for something. No doubt they'll be making a pivotal move once they see how the summit shakes out.
===Kesenday, Aestry 3, 1017===
Several dwarven guards have turned up outside the residence of the Charnese ambassador, seriously tightening security.
Stranger still, /several/ stone sarcophagi were delivered to it during the evening.
The rumor mill is already swirling and the dwarven guard are looking even more sternly unhappy than before.
===Korday, Aestry 2, 1017===
====Royal Pregnancy====
...but the King of Dun Mordren then announced that his wife was with child. Spontaneous celebrations have erupted throughout the city, with tankards of ale for all, and are expected to continue for the duration of the summit.
====At the Charn Ambassador's Residence====
It was very quiet for some time before he exited. A rush of activity then began, with a very worried look Charnish ambassador being seen in a few different places in town, collecting various expensive items from Dun Mordren's merchant's. /Very/ expensive items, in the range of many thousands of gold pieces spent.
He has not been seen since.
===Tariday, Firetide 30, 1017===
====Thieves in Dun Morden Followup!====
Duncan is trying to talk to others from the explorer's guild - he claims that the adventurers who helped foil the thieves from Alvik's party have some sensitive information.
OOC This is regarding the 'Thieves in Dun Mordren' post on bboard 7 - the PCs in that plot got some info about Charn but Duncan doesn't have the skills to do legwork to follow up. Look for me online if you'd like to RP and possibly get involved with the investigation!
===Gilday, Firetide 24, 1017===
====Thieves Arrested in Dun Morden====
There are a great many parties in Dun Mordren right now. This is, after all, a once in a generation sort of affair.
One of those parties was run by a man named Alvik Veps, from Stormgarde. It was there that he was struck by a group of thieves pretending to be musical entertainment, and there that those same musical entertainers compelled them to dance until they could force them to give up their goods. When, believe it or not, a GIANT WOLF arrived on the scene and startled them, the magical instruments ceased their playing and the spell broken. One of the thieves was killed on the spot by the offended Stormgardian host. The others were tracked down and arrested by the Dun Mordren guard, heroes all.
The stolen property is being sorted and returned.
===Tariday, Firetide 23, 1017===
====Mass Gnomery====
There was quite a commotion on the Path of Kings today. A pair of gnomish artificers attempted to stealth their way to the King of the Dwarves to petition him for assistance with a problem at a power station for Dun Mordren by transforming everyone ELSE into a gnomes. So they'd blend in better.
This did not work.
The two gnome have been arrested and the power station has been said to be secured. What's unusual, though, is that the power station was ever in jeopardy in the first place.
Dun Mordren's Geothermal stations are usually heavily guarded.
===Ceriday, Firetide 20, 1017===
====Confrontation on the Iron Plaza====
Rumors are swirling amongst the foreigners and locals alike about an odd confrontation between several foreigners and one of Dun Mordren's local merchant house representatives.
Apparently, the Secure Panacea trading company approachd Ambassador Harshstone, one of the sons of the missing Bludguni' ruler noted for having overthrown the former leadership at the tail end of the Sendor war, who is now missing and presumed dead alongside the Myrrish King when the mists that consumed Alexandria overtook them.
Offering help to Harshstone to try to locate his feather, the representative was assailed by at least one Giantborn who declared through personal experience that the Secure Panacea is a snake in the grass and is behind a great many nefarious things.
Speaker Aliv, the Panacea representative, was unable to make headway with his offer to the Ambassador, and has been, according to a Panacea statement, reassigned.
===Gilday, Firetide 17, 1017===
====The Legend of Grat====
"Grat, you say? Never 'eard of 'im."
"You woulda to hear it, I says, lad. Them crazyfolks came in here last night. Says they were up in the haunted hills, inside the old tombs," The elder Dran says. A crook prods the sheep onward.
"Horse dung," the younger replies. A cloth comes out of his pocket, wiping a sweaty forehead.
"Aye, that's what Thagraan says too. That blue lizard comes in with outlandish tales, fighting the walkin dead. Talks of ancient ruins north a da plains. Thagraan didn't believe a word of it, even after that large Dranei with 'em said so. He was there! Fought! Saw it with his own eyes."
"And how much did they drink before they started you. Nay, how much did you drink till you beleived em?" The one rider begins. His eyes still scanning the road.
"You can't believe anything they told you. They had one of them Rune wizards with 'em," a second one interrupts.
"Aye, the fat one! Once Thagraan had enough of the whole thing, him en the boys hoisted him up. Tossed him right into that blue lizard. The third finishes."
"And then the walls came crashing in! My da says, that they says that the walls, they were big and grey, covered in bones. The walls, they started to crush them all," the little girl happily follows her sister.
"Mmmhmm," the older girl says, putting eggs from underneath the chickens into a basket. "Not like they had any proof."
"At's just it. the older dran saysm "They brought back a hammer, 'ell of an earthbreaker."
The bartender pours the old man another drink, wilently.
"Couldn't get much of a look from underneath your bar, eh? You shoulda seen the look on Thagraan's face when that hammer shocked 'im good. Or the look on his face when that woman put 'im in an arm lock that nearly made im cry. Made im apologize to the other mountain lookin Dranei."
"But this Grat guy. He went through the whole place where these foreigners were? All by himself?" the young man says to another.
"All on his own, met his death there, fightin. Goin down against his enemies like a Dran should. the other man nods. "Heard it with my own ears."
"Hmm," the other replies, thoughtfully looking to the plains, and his horse.
===Ceriday, Hattanan 30, 1017===
The wreckage of the Guild of Explorers is still smolderijng, but already things have begun to disappear from the site as they're reovered, passed into the wrong hands, no doubt. The Guild's leadership, what survived, is already working to establish a temporary location and the guards at hte site have been doubled, but it seems likely that a number of things that nobody wants loose in the city will, in fact, wind up loose in the city.
:''OOC:'' Feel free to throw PRPs or random grid bits down with this!''
===Kesenday, Hattanan 29, 1017===
====Adventurer's Guild Destroyed====
The Warehouse District was rocked by an explosion recently, destroying the Adventurer's Guild and killing many. However, were it not for the adventurers milling about nearby waiting for jobs to be posted, the death toll would have been vastly higher than it is. Search and rescue among the wreckage continues, and rebuilding efforts are likely to be underway soon. Still, this does leave the city's staunchest Guilds might without a home, and the loss of whatever was inside its storages is probably incalculable. Since it has yet to be determined who set off the explosion, and why, rumor and speculation is rampant.
====And That's Not All...====
It becomes apparent over the course of the day that the Guild of Explorers has been under siege. Numerous groups of adventures were sent out and many returned with heavy casualties, and some did not return at all. War has been waged on the Guild of Explorers this night and the results speak for themselves.
The city Council is in meeting with the Guild hierarchy who survived the detonation, and more is sure to come.
With the summit nearly here, the timing can not be a coincidence.
===Gilday, Hattanan 27, 1017===
====Bomb Detonated in Ox-Strength====
A bomb recently went off in the Ox-Strenght tavern, injuring several patrons, but killing none. Perhaps an Oxley's debt finally caught up with him, or someone doesn't like Myrana Jn'rajh?
====Noted Performance Troop Visits Alexandria====
A troop of gnomish performers have taken the Flightwright by storm lately. With a flashy performance, strong vocals and coordinated acrobatics, in trench coats no less, the shows are nearly sold out.
A Flightwright spokesperson confirms the exclusive contract.
Just outside the reknowned theatre, the following lyrics can be heard evenings:
:Sparklepires are alive
:The legends have to survive!
:We'll never come undone!
:And we will be forever young!
Reportedly, the act is "pulling out all the stops"!
===Tariday, Hattanan 17, 1017===
====Recalled from the Countryside====
The perceptive may notice that the Temple of Daeus seems quietly busier than usual over the next couple of days, heading into weeks, with a great many priests quietly arriving and then departing back out into the countryside. Whatever's going on, it seems to be something specific to the Daeusite church.
===Tariday, Hattanan 12, 1017===
====Earthquakes in Rune====
Over the next few days, several minor tremors hit Rune. While there are concerns about Dran and sapping efforts again, or armies of Earth Elementals, Parliament acknowledges it's own responsibility, saying that the tremors are part of a new project that will serve to strengthen Rune's defenses.
===Korday, Hattanan 7, 1017===
====Trouble and Terror====
"What? She WHAT?"
From sailors to laundryworkers to bricklayers, Lower Alexandria is awash with gossip.
"Married? Are you--"
"I saw that lizard paladin and some others escort them off. They're out in a cottage somewhere, in the country."
"The owner of the Ox--Myrana? And Lady Sandiel! Married! To eachother!"
"Trouble and Terror!" roars the sailor, laughing. "Well, I'll be!"
: Posted by Svarshan
===Tariday, Hattanan 5, 1017===
====Overheard at Arendt's Headquarters====
"...why exactly are these cookies shaped like coffins, anyways?"
"No idea."
''(Blame Kerbasy)''
===Korday, Bernfleur 30, 1017===
====Sith-makar Through the Gate====
The Sith Makar have arrived in force through the rift that is shared with Alexandria. Hundreds of them have rather suddenly appeared on this side and are now marching, en masse, through the countryside towards the Spell Cannon. They too set up an encampment there. It's a rather shocking sight, but it would appear that the site of the cannon is now /extremely/ fortified. Given that the a treaty was signed between Alexandria and the Empress of the Tribes of the Sith-Makar in Am'shere, it is taken as a clear sign that the Sith nation itnends honor its obligations. How long they'll remain, or why they've been called to the cannon so suddenly, remains tob e seen.
===Tariday, Bernfleur 28, 1017===
====Doubled Guard on the Spellcannon====
A large number of soldiers have been dispatched to he Planar Disjuntion Cannon. While the Council assures everyone it's just a 'training exercise', there can be little doubt that the Council believes some kind of threat to it is imminent and is taking precautions.
===Korday, Bernfleur 23, 1017===
====Demons Attack Dran!====
Rune has stooped to a new low in desperation against the mighty armies of the Iron Tide, unleashing horrific demons to strike at a peaceful encampment of civilians deep within Dran territory! The demons slew a great many civilians, emerging from a cleverly concealed tunnel dug by Runish forces with the aid of their magic.
Dran condemnes these foul, dishonorable tactics with all it's might and has put down the demonic soldiers with great haste.
Rune swiftly denies these allegations, claiming that Dran unleashed the demons on itself while fooling with powers they did not understand, much as Dran always has and always will.
"The Iron Tide is made up of fools following a fool," they say.
'''Note: We'd fallen behind on postings due to some overhead, so about 2 months' of rumors are missing.'''
===Gilday, Vhast 28, 1017===
====Another assassination attempt!====
Word from the Iron Tide comes swiftly: there has been an assassination attempt on Arendt himself! The assassins appeared with a flash of fire and magic, lunging at him in the middle of his nightly tea. He was able to fend them off, bravely, until the Raven Guard could get into place.
These assassins now have a similar bounty on them to the one posted for the alleged assassination attempt on the Grey Gore. While casualties were high, Arendt has emerged wounded and suffering from the effects of poisoned blades, but alive.
Descriptions floating about sound an awful lot like [[Jareth]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Kerbasy]], and [[Cesran]].
In a statement, Arendt suggests that the assassins have since fled with Rune's assistance to lick their wounds in Alexandria, 'a home to vile cowards who aid and abet the enemy without daring to engage on their own'. He's begun calling for a trade embargo against the city-state 'until these criminals are handed over to the proper authorities' for trial and judgement.
:Posted by Whirlpool
====Surrenders in Rune====
No, Rune is not surrendering, but several contingents of Dran warriors have, as of lately, surrendered to their outmatched Runic Parliamentary Guard. Why? No one is exactly sure, but some point to the new banners that several units have been equipped with that have been persuading Dran soldiers to drop their weapons, flee, or otherwise get in the way of their lines. Some sort of compulsion magic is suspected. It's only a matter of time before Dran figures out how to respond. Rune in no way can hold onto a large number of prisoners and many have already escaped, while others were simply released aftter swearing an oath to Angoron and Kor that they would not rejoin the fighting. A few high value targets have already been taken for interrogation and no doubt that will pay dividends.
((This is the result of an action began by [[Selerik]]. A big thanks to him and everyone who helped it along, as well as Inferno!))
:Posted by Whirlpool
===Tariday, Vhast 27, 1017===
====Elessa's Willy-Nilly Stabbings====
"Have you seen the young lady?" The phrase is repeated discreetly throughout the city, by a wizened-looking Vardamen. Old, with a beard to his chest, he wobbles down the street, a traditionalist on a mission.
"Yes, we'd heard about her new profession...it has everyone concerned...this sort of loose canon...you know, spreading death willy-nilly. There are forms to be filled out, paperwork. Prayers. ...rites to observe, and purification rituals. ...Is she notifying the next of kin?"
"...do you know where I could find her? We need to have a talk about procedures."
The Vardamen are on the lookout for [[Elessa]], it seems, "in light of the young woman's new career choice, and new, cavalier attitude towards death."
They wish to make sure she knows how to pray properly, within her new line of work. And is aware of laws. Which she should be following. And apparently needs to hear about. There may also be purification rituals involved, and the memorization of long prayer-forms.
Also, they haven't seen her in Temple, lately. What's up with that?
:Posted by Lahar
===Variday, Vhast 26, 1017===
====Attempted Assassination!====
Rumors from Dran come streaming to the ALexandrian community of adventurers. There has been an attempt on the life of the Grey Gore, one of the leaders of the Iron Tide, and a central figure in maintaing healthy relationships between the Tide and the giants of Dran's mountains. Rumors indicate a young Tsuran woman murdered the Grey Gore's body guards and that only the leader's 'stnregth in the might of Kor and studious attention to omens' warned him of her approach. He was able to drive her off.
Fingers are already pointing at Rune and Alexandria for such an underhanded effort, and what's worse, the description (and large bounty attached for her apprehension) will remind all who know her of [[Elessa]].
:Posted by Whirlpool
===Korday, Vhast 16, 1017===
====Temple Quarantine!====
The Vardaman Temple went into lockdown recently. Contacts with the temple report quarntine, through 'some wizard gone mad, again.' Some adventurers were reported heading into the Temple before the doors closed. Reports give it anywhere from one to three days before things re-open.
:Posted by Kerbasy
===Gilday, Vhast 14, 1017===
====Felwood Expedition====
An expedition to the felwoods was made by a group of adventurers the other day. They were tasked in retrieving the body of a lesser noble. It is said that he died due to foul demons.
When the adventurers return, they didn't bring along a body. There was no body to retrieve anymore. A signet ring was offered, and this was enough for the noble family to find closure.
(For more information, talk to: [[Lothos]], [[Rhar]], [[Sentry H-U]], [[Flicker]], [[Cesran]], and [[Godwyn]])
:Posted by Benthus
===Gilday, Vhast 7, 1017===
====Fang and Ice====
A farming village near the Eldwyn was menaced by a small pack of wargs, driven by a large, winter wolf alpha. Some livestock had been lost, but a call for help placed with the Adventurer's Guild seems to have come just in time. While the village is safe for the moment, news of the winter wolf's unnamed 'master' leaves the village wary of future reprisals. For the moment, however, peace has settled in time for the planting season to begin. (For more information, or just a good story, speak to [[Dain]], [[Belladona]], or [[Alba]])
:Posted by Alba
===Ceriday, Khael 27, 1016===
====Escaped Animals====
An event in Am'shere results in the arrival of several members of the explorers guild of Alexandria into the area. The explorers who were called forth were tasked in capturing six large creatures and one colossal insect that have escaped their perimeter.
Of the six large creatures that have escaped, one was accidentally killed. The rest, including the colossal insect, were incapacitated and returned to where they came from.
For more information, please look for [[Corra]], [[Kravar]] and [[Benthus]].
:Posted by Benthus
===Korday, Khael 25, 1016===
====Sandy Claws and Brutolph====
"It was like any other adventure, till that brute of a red nosed reindeer rose up with eight other reindeer... There was Basher and Cancer, Dander and Pigskin... Foppet and Lupid, Boner and Ritlin. But do you recall, the biggest reindeer of all... Brutolph the red nosed reindeer..." Or so that is how the war golem artificer known as Vroole was singing it around town for the little kiddies. Yes, yes he did give them all names even as nearby in the market they were roasting them up for all to share. On and on he went talking of Frosty the snow demon and Sandy claws and how he will never come to town again.
:Posted by Vroole
===Kesenday, Khael 5, 1016===
====Weather Incoming?====
It's a crystal clear, chill evening in the Temple of Eluna, and an elderly Seer sits before the crystal-clear pool that never fails to show the stars above, no matter the weather. Her iron-grey hair flutters around long, pointed ears as she sprinkles a powder around the edge of the pool, then chants several lines in the sibilant Sildanyari tongue, spreading a hand over the pool. After a moment, it begins to glow softly, the powder vanishing from around it; it appears to be ... waiting.
Satisfied, the woman lowers her hand, tucking up her heels next to her, and asks the pool, "What will the weather for this coming sevenday bring?"
In answer, the pool pauses, then flashes a bright, clear, pristine white, with nothing else visible. The image holds a moment, then fades away, leaving two or three others who had come to watch startled and the elderly Seer chuckling. "Well, then. I hope the acolytes know where the shovels are." With an effort, she gets to her feet, dusts herself off, and takes herself off into the recesses of the temple, leaving chatter of younger Seers and acolytes behind her.
===Gilday, Khael 3, 1016===
====Damage Assessment====
Concerns about the recent rumors on the deserters-turned-raiders at the war front have risen from the Temple of Althea. Sentinel Godwyn Sylvan has stated interest to find out if these rumors have any truth to them, and is thus looking to form a reconnaissance team to find answers. Make for the Temple District for more information.
===Tariday, Khael 2, 1016===
====Another Celestial Appearance====
Rumors about 'Paladin Training Sessions' apparently were not unfounded. A man was said to've created an obstacle course and claimed that he could help those present 'prove themselves' paladins. When actual paladins objected to this and began explaining the nature of the calling, he questioned them. Several people tried the obstacle course and failed, but the paladins, working together, were able to cross it succesfully. When they did, the host of the event revealed himself to be some kind of Celestial being of light and wings and soon vanished thereafter, according to rumor. Some speculate that this may have been the same Celestial being that was behind the Braggart's Tavern contest before it was taken over and renamed Steel Von Ironbrew's.
===Eliday, Quintoos 30, 1016===
====Rumors from the War Front====
Word starts to spread about one of Arendt's generals, Grey Gore. It seems he's been spotting a lot of omens that promise his defeat to Rune. An owl with the corpse of a raven in its claws. Grey Gore's personal weapon, rusted found in a bloodied personal banner of Grey Gore's. There has also been mentioned a spectre of death that seems to be haunting the man, wherever he goes. More than a few of his troops are starting to lose heart, and it's said that some of his troops have begun to desert. Even more damning, he's been unable to stop raiding in the countryside, unable to protect the people, and it's even being said that his troops are the ones doing the raiding. Grey Gore is losing control of himself, of his troops and Arendt is beginning to lose confidence and quietly starting to look for a replacement.
===Variday, Quintoos 17, 1016===
====Justice or Vengeance?====
Over the last week, several people - mostly those who are known for being minor magical shysters of the nastier sorts - have reported being stalked, attacked, and forcibly branded by a woman tattooed with the symbol of Eluna. Their brands are seared into their foreheads, and their wounds otherwise are just enough to subdue them for the branding. Complaints about subverting proper justice procedures have been made to the Temple of Eluna, which has promised to take the situation under contemplation.
(OOC: Want to know more, get involved in the cleansing of the streets, or chastize someone for taking the law into their own hands? Contact Meihui!)
===Eliday, Quintoos 16, 1016===
====Caldor Methis Found Alive!====
Rumors of the Councilman's death have been greatly exagerated.
In a brief statement issued by the Council of Alexandria, Caldor Methis has been located alive and returned to the city o f Alexandria by brave heroes who faced the fearsome Obsidian Syndicate, that had attempted to kidnap the councilman while he was attending to diplomatic business within Bludgun. Swift conemnations of the criminal organization by both governments followed. Caldor has been seen about town, sporting a very bad limp, but moving under his own power. No doubt these public appearances are to put to ease any who might doubt the story.
Of course, that's just the official story.
<<Questions can be ICly directed to Solace, Verna, Corra, Moonshadow, Rhodes, Godwyn, Kiroth and Constantin, as they all mysteriously returned to town around the same time for the keen observer! >>
====Adamantine Found!====
The coffers of Rune have received a much needed inflation of gold, as well as their war supplies having been bolstered. Indeed, an unknown quantity of Adamantine has been located by the city-state and is alrady beeing forged into the instruments of war to use against the so-scalled Iron Tide. One Runish Blacksmith can be heard to say, "Iron beats copper, Steel beats iron, and Adamantine carves them all to pieces."
He thinks he's clever.
At any rate, Rune has received a much needed boost from this.
<<For a look behind the official story, talk to Jareth, Kerbasy, Verna, Ssylrath, Benthus, Aurala and Azog. >>
====The Secure Panacea Wants You!====
The Secure Panacea, Khazadi trading company, is looking for adventurers who might be interested in helping them delvier a caravan of much needed supplies onto the frontier!
They are looking for several, reputable individuals. If you're interested, please contact the Guild of Explorers with your qualifications.
<@Mail Whirlpool>
===Variday, Quintoos 10, 1016===
====A Door in Rune====
Earlier today, a door opened in Rune. No one knew what it was for, or where it went, and that's why adventurers were sent through it. The door lead to some sort of extraplanar location, where an obelisk dedicated to a Kulthian stood. Being brave adnveturers, it was said that they toppled the obelisk. Worse still, apparently, the bones of those who built were immured within. The door is said to be destabilizing, much like the pocket plane it leads to, but not before the Vardamans were summoned and the bones of many ancient individuals were retrieved for proper burial.
<<For information, seek out Aevarr, Korrani, Belladona, Aldean, Fa'lere and Dragomir! >>
===Korday, Quintoos 6, 1016===
====Harvest Festival Announcement====
Talk of this year's Harvest Festival is beginning to spread around the Lower Markets. A general invitation to the Temple of Althea for a grand feast, for example. Soon enough, word should begin to reach the rest of the city.
(OOC: Visit the Temple of Althea and speak to Godwyn for more details.)
===Tariday, Quintoos 4, 1016===
====Volcano Calms in Dran====
The volcano that had erupted recently in Dran just as suddenly stops it's huffing and puffing. The rains of ash that plagued the land and more have ceased and things have calmed down. A little. The Dranei force are still busy, thankfully for Rune, and it seems to've bought the beleagured city state time that it has needed to bolster its defenses and resupply.
The Piarliament of Rune continues to deny any involvement in the eruption while the so-called 'Iron Tide' continues to point fingers in their direction, claiming the timing was the work of wizardry and a clear indication that the wizards of Rune must be brought to heel.
In other news, preparations for the summit between Khazadi and Stormgaard's leaders are proceeding apace, with the final details in the process of being worked out.
===Variday, Rhaltaas 20, 1016===
====Hunter's Call====
The High Hunt honors [[Gilead]]...and its celebrations explode into a world of culture and variety. The [[Egalrin|egalrin]] in their elder days celebrated it under the auspices of [[Caracoroth]], as scourges of the skies. Today it may take the form of spiritual hunts and sky dances, guided by their eldest shamans. Or for the warhawks among them, a confrontation against old blood--old traditions versus new in the darkest hunt of blood and talon and kin against kin.
The [[Sildanyar|sildanyari]] have always celebrated it; their rituals go back to their race's birth, to the time when Gods walked upon Ea and the sildanyari's fae blood ran strong. [[Cosmology|Quelynos]]' unending forests opened before them and their blades of light stood against the blood hordes. For a night, legend says, they touch upon this ancient power and honor their histories. (Though, for [[Mul'niessa|mul'niessa]], it may be a time of mourning or mockery...through Taara's curse, no such light comes to them). The [[Sith-makar|sith-makar]] celebrate it with tribe-wide hunts against [[Am'shere]]'s terrors, eradicating threats to their tribal lands, and the [[Oruch|oruch]] with the beat of hunting drums in the Hound's honor, the air filled with their full-throated hunter's cries.
Among the druids, legend says that the Hunt lessens the barriers between the [[Faiths_and_Pantheons#The_Green_Word|Green]] and the every day. Tales circulate (how true they are, no one can swear to) of pathways glimpsed to wilderness unknown, where forests run forever and great beasts thunder beneath the skies...for some among them, a pale and ghostly stag leads the way, and the hunters may do naught but follow.
Among the [[Myrddion|Myrrish]], the holiday is more well-organized, with honorable targets chosen for the greater good. Among the [[Stormgarde]], endurance and survival are achievements of the greatest hunters, in contests and hunt-gatherings that take place in the mountains' coldest depths.
Though celebrated worldwide, there has never been one way to do so. The High Hunt honors Gilead, it honors the Wild...with traditions both new, and those which trace their lineage to beginning times.
Against them all stands is Caracoroth, a force who would end with blooded claw everything the Hunt embodies. His forces stand ready to slake the divine fields with hunters' own blood, to turn the tide against Gilead and turn its power towards His own means.
OOC: This month, we invite you to run your own High Hunt, as well to bring RP to the grid. Explore and invent traditions, tales, and stories, sing the Wild Song, and ready your bow. The High Hunt officially occurs on the 31st, but feel free to celebrate it any day this month, via the power of Dramatic Time.
===Gilday, Rhaltaas 15, 1016===
====Spiders Found Outside Temples, Gnomes Charged with Reckless Artificing====
Brundle and Fythe company was pleased to announce their new shrinking ray!
And enlarging ray.
Naturally, the two gnomes invention was a complete disaster and enlarged a pair of spiders to gigantic proportions. While there were no casualties and the spiders were swiftly squashed, Brundle and Fythe were still taken into custody on charges of Reckless Artificing.
===Eliday, Rhaltaas 12, 1016===
====A Poster Appears!====
Just having recovered from the Sendor War and the Time of Troubles, Alexandria faces a new foe in the form of Heth, in the form of Arendt. Its economy struggles to react and its populace waits on a precipice.
That is why the gnomes have decided to help out.
Known for their cheerfulness (as well as unfor--*delete delete delete* fortunate fortunes in local silver mining), the community of Happy Valley has come together with the Alexandrian Council to sponsor an unofficial Week of Heroism! Celebrations are encouraged, tales will be old, and dancing and drinking will be had and done, all in celebration of Alexandria's accomplishments, the heroism of its denizens and their brave deeds!
Posters have magically appeared--as though by gnomish famous illusionary magic! all over the City announcing this. Some of them are animated; all of them are colorful and festive.
So celebrate with us this week, raise a mug to Angoron, and a toast to what makes Alexandria great and good! Or at least what makes it fun!
===Eliday, Rhaltaas 05, 1016===
====Demon Loosed!====
It was a tpyical day at the Soldier's Defense, with people streaming in and out to conduct their business, when a group of adventurrs fresh from some sort of exploit lost control of a demonic creature they'd captured. Rumor states it was quickly recaptured by several more adventurers who hapepned to be on scene, resulting in a scene like out of a greased pig contest with people trying to dive and grab it. Magic was evnetually used to bring it under control. But what could people want with such a creature, and why keep such a monstrosity alive?
===Tariday, Daeshen 30, 1016===
====Adventure Scout Troop====
Overheard by the washwomen of the city gathered to do laundry:
"Did you hear that Lady Sandy has agreed to be the Den Mother of the local troop of Adventure Scouts?"
"No I didn't...who are the Adventure Scouts?"
"Well I heard that they are a newly formed children's group that teaches children how to become adventurers one day."
"And Lady Sandy is leading them?"
"Yes, she has agreed to be the Den Mother."
"Did she start this group?"
"Oh no...supposedly the children themselves did it after finding a Handbook in the library by the Most Famous Adventurer in all the World, Baron Alfonso Escabardo Gallient, esquire."
"I've heard of him; he's more famous than Steel Von Ironblood!"
"When does this group meet?"
"Three times a week at Lady Sandy's store, Prestigious Moon, now called "The Den" by the Adventure Scouts."
===Eliday, Daeshen 28, 1016===
As everyone knows, the Khazadi nations have become a seat of powerful, mercantile interests. It should be of no surprise to anyone that negotiations between nations continue, even in these dark times. Hailed as a break-through, Lord Ygfried Hamergostd, the high ruler of Stormgard itself, is said to be travelling to the Khazad capital of Khazad Duin itself to meet with the High King of the United Dawrven peoples. Stormgaard has a great bounty of goods to trade, they say, and the economic development that the Khazad could help bring to the frozen north with their caravans could benefit both realms extensively. Some whisper that the Jarl is facing restlessness amongst the councils that constitute Stormgard's lower bodies of government and that has helped to prompt this move.
No official date has been yet set for the summit, but it will be the first time in this generation that such a meeting has taken place.
===Gilday, Daeshen 24, 1016 ===
====Disaster in Dran====
Dark smoke fills the Dranei horizon and whispers of newly erupted volcano and a river of magma bursting from the earth and tearing through the countryside are rampant. The destruction of a nearby Dranei foundry and the evacuation of surrounding villages are causing some to point and whisper that the mages of Rune were behind it.
Statements from Parliament deny such accusations and point out that Dran has always been a vocanicly unstable region, and offers of assistance to the civilians of Dran are open ended to those who wish the aid of the Parliament in easing the suffering caused by this eruption.
This has greatly eased, for a time, the pressure on Rune's front lines as large number of forces have pulled back in the wake of the disaster, but all indications are that this is only temporary.
===Tariday, Daeshen 23, 1016===
====Touch of War====
Rumors come swirling from the port city of Tashraan, across the sea from Alexandrai in the deserts of Veyshan. An entire family of merchants and their household came under attack and many members murdered in a brutal attack. Such warfare is often common in Tashraan, but it's the rumors of why that draw Alexandrian ears. They say that the merchant house, the HighHold Trading Company, were in negotiations to deliver supplies to Rune with representatives from that beleagured city-state. It is thought likely that the attack o nthem was a deliberate effort by forces acting on the payroll of the Iron Tide to intimidate those who might deal with Rune as well as to remove a potential player from the board.
Bloody reprisals are now on-going and bodies are being left in the streets and alleys of Tashraan. Again, not an uncommon thing, as Tashraan is said to be a hive of scum and villainy of all manner on the same level as Vandalheim, but this time it seems to be all about the war in Rune.
===Tariday, Daeshen 16, 1016===
====Minor Arrest====
Several lucht were seen this last eve involved in a theft from a costume shop. Though apprehended by the guards, the theft appeared to be mostly in drunken, though good, spirits and an attempt to, "Show old Garsten some!"
They were apprehended by a pair of guards, one of them a sith-makar who was, according to quotes taken at the time, "Sstudying the lawsss of Alessandria."
The lucht are currently being held at local cells.
===Variday, Daeshen 15, 1016===
====Battle Indecisive====
In what some are calling a victory for Rune, a recent battle was fought to standstill against the Dran forces in the abandoned village of Ortha. Dran forces are said to've pursued the Parilamentary Guard into the abandoned village and attempted to smoke out the defending force before being engaged and driven to retreat. Several prisoners were taken, and many more Dran were killed in this defeat. The Runish Parliamentary Guard is often though to be little more than an untrained militia, and thus, this victory is thought to be signfiant, if small, in proving that they can be an effective fighting force.
Rune has recently asked for more of its mercenary forces to take an active role in training the milita.
That said, the battle itself did have high casualties for the Guard, and thus, some others are sauing it's simply a sign of a contiuing lack of a decisive victory for either side.
===Gilday, Daeshen 03, 1016===
====Rumors on the Streets====
Two interesting rumours today. Firstly there was something of an incident at the infamous Goblin house of ill-repute, Ma Rosey's. Apparently local Goblinoid Criminal Two Toes was confronted by several large and well armed people about some kind of debt. After some destruction of property they seemed to reach some kind of agreement without any further violence.
Secondly the temple of Althea seems to have had a small influx of orphans, brought in by Sentinel Godwyn. Grubby and malnourished they are being looked after by the clergy there.
====Call for Stories!====
Lelian continues her quest to document the War and the effect it has had on people. She is willing to pay a small amount to hear your stories and record them for the future.
OOC: I'm almost always available for RP M/W/F during the day, T/Th and weekends are kinda iffy. I may be on, but doing other things. So, if you want to do an interview, just ping me. Or send me a @mail with a story.
===Ceriday, Callem 30, 1016 ===
====They Call Him, "The Skipper"====
They call him 'The Skipper' now. A child, can't be any more than ten years of age, is now regularly skipping and prancing his way through the lower trade district. It seems he can't move in any way/ but/ a skip. One moment he was moving along nicely through the district and the next... he was skipping to and fro while screaming about how he couldn't stop. He's been spotted a few times since then, still skipping along with a not-so-merry look on his face.
It's the third such unusual malady to strike a child in recent days.
===Korday, Callem 28, 1016===
====Disaster Averted in Rune!====
It was towards the end of another long day in the bleagured City State of Rune when the top floor of the tower of the School of Enchanting was engulfed in what appeared to be green hellflame. While this event quickly ended, reports of some sort of demonic attack on the school went far and wide.
The Parliamnet quickly issued the following statement:
"Treachery most foul nearly befell Rune tonight when a traitor to our ranks, a minor wizard by the name of Arnus Shagan, unleashed demons in an effort to decapitate the school of enchanting through clever manipulations. Shagan is now to be formerly tried for his crimes punished appropriately as per the rules of Rune. He had hoped, as all traitors do, to gain some monetary reward for his actions from Arendt. It would appear that no base treachery, no vile plan, and no scheme is too low for the enemy confronting Rune. Where has the fabled honor of the Dran gone when they back those would ply the trade of demon-summoning?"
Shan is being held in an 'undisclosed location'... which probably means he's not even on this plane anymore.
<RP with Orion, Cressida, Alice, Zlegvog, Laefwyn and Alakton for more details!)
: Whirlpool
===Tariday, Callem 26, 1016===
====Strange Malady====
A child has been taken to the temple of Althea for a strange malady that's afflicted him. His voice has gone from the normal voice of a child to a rather... high pitched squeaky voice. It's very unsuual and most everyone seems to find it amusing, but the clerics of ALthea seem rather stumped as to how to treat it.
====Unusual Smell====
Rumors emanate from the Orphanage that a particular child has developed a most unusual smell. None of the othr children can stand to be around him. Any number of baths appear to be doing nothing to wash the stink off. "It's almost as bad as that rodent vendor," one is quoted as saying, "but not quite that bad."
===Kesenday, Callem 22, 1016===
====Evil Plot Broken in Goblintown====
Though the exact situation is unclear, apparent agents of the treacherous Hobgoblin clan known as 'The Garnaks' were located in Goblintown and their treacherous plan foiled! The Alexandrian Intelligence Operations are taking credit for the deed, declaring success in the effort against the minions odf Thul, and dismiss all reports to the contrary that a group of adventurers stumbled into them by sheer dumb luck investigating a phony kidnapping.
===Korday, Callem 21, 1016===
====A Call for Stories====
Fliers and a bit of news around Alexandria bring the following:
''Lelian, librarian and scribe, wishes to record the stories of those affected by the Dran-Rune War. She would like to hear from soldiers, refugees, prisoners, diplomats, and even regular civilians. These stories will be collected and recorded as a reminder of what transpired in this time.''
OOC: I am not sure how I will RP out any interview scenes, but I'll think of something. In addition, you can also @mail me your stories. I am planning on editting them and putting them on Lelian's wiki page.
IC: (because I am lame and forgot this until after I had put a bunch of stuff in) Lelian is offering a small amount of compensation for peoples' time.
===Tariday, Callem 19, 1016===
====News from the Front====
Word of new magics comes down from the northern front. It seems that Rune's magi, armed with new and terrible incantations, have managed to hold firm against Dran's advances in the north. Even though the flow of casualties back to the capital seems unabated, they no longer talk about pulling back.
In other unrelated news, an airship heading southeast from Volstengrad claims to have seen a great white winged shape venting it's anger against the upper slopes of the Sky Curtains. Naturally, it didn't approach closer.
(If you're curious, Alice, Orion, Cressida, Duncan, Renfrey and Rhar may know more ICly -- go find them on the grid)
===Variday, Callem 18, 1016===
====Vandals strike Tarien's temple!====
Vandals struck the Temple of Tarien, according to some reports. Well, reports might be giving the tales a little too much credit. More like tavern rumors and jokes told over campfires by followers of Coyote. Nothing was taken and no permanent damage was done, mostly just a mess and some graffiti. It seems rather than getting upset over the incident, Tarienites are split between taking it as a poorly thought prank - though still a prank and therefore something the Laughing One would approve of - and an excuse to spruce up the 'old and already stale' furnishings that haven't been replaced since the last celebration.
An impromptu investigation by Rhar, Jibbom, Tatyannah, Aenyn and Nicolai soon discovered the culprits. A band of young orphans who are no doubt headed for lives of poverty or banditry. Their punishment is...to be taken in and taught how to pull pranks and to rob people more effectively.
===Tariday, Callem 12, 1016===
====Plant Pirate Pizzaz====
A group of adventurer's were contracted by an../honest/ captain to seek out something that his former /honest/ captain had left behind. It seems the captain had hidden something on an isle and while it was discovered where, they were not having much luck getting onto the isle. THe adventurer's undertook the job and set to the isle. There they were beset upon by plant pygmies, but those were narrowly able to be defeated and from there they entered a deep dark dank cave. Well things did not go too well, as it was slippery. There was a fall, a fight, and a nasty belching plant monster. They made it out but there are plans to return eventually and try again.
(For info seek, Lothos, Lyrana, Dur'ankar, Autumn, Grumpins, Selerik, and Smythly. Brought to you by Zlegvog plot)
===Tariday, Callem 12, 1016===
====Goblin on a Bear====
Smyhtly, the so-called Goblin Paladin of Reos, was seen reutrning to town on a...bear. Those who spoke to him say he claimed to want to be like his hero, 'Lady Cinnamon', and that his new friend, 'Muddy', was quite the smart (and apparently harmless, or so the goblin'd have you believe), bear. They were soon seen at the fish market. Buying a lot of fish, of course.
===Kesenday, Callem 08, 1016===
====Infernal Fire?====
Last night, a fire broke out near the Lower Market. Details are unclear, but at least one local was seriously burned, and several members of the Guild of Explorers were burned in fighting the blaze. There are unconfirmed reports of a demon involved, and word has begun to circulate of another demon cult in the city.
<<Cesran, Jenner, Klythos, Mikilos, MoonMoonVuk, Svarshan, and Talazia may provide additional details.>>
===Kesenday, Callem 08, 1016===
====Pet Engineer====
It seems that there was an emergency. An airship went down and its engineer hadn't been heard from. A group of adventurers were called upon to seek out what had happened and return the engineer if at all possible. The group gathered together, led by the tracking skills of Rhar, they eventually made it to where the ship went down and then tracked to the location of the engineer. Once there they discovered what no one expected. The engineer appeared to be the pet of a grey render. Through libral use of stew laced with prunes, the grey render was rendered out of the picture and the Engineer escorted home. He got lucky though cause for a moment it looked like the render might follow the poor engineer home.
(OOC: this was from Totally Tuesday Spontanaity plot, any questions seekout Rhar, Benthus, Lyrana, Selerik, Grumpins, or Silverwing.)
===Korday, Aestry 31, 1016===
====Murder in Rune!====
In the middle of the night, a large group of guards were summoned to a home near to the wall in the city of Rune. There, they quickly surrounded the small, unassuming looking cottage and far more of them, according to rumor, went inside than could possibly fit. This is not exactly out of the question in a city like Rune.
Immediately thereafter, the word spreads the Transmuter Korgan was found murdered in his home last night. As a member of the Parliament of Rune, he was apparently on the Subcomitte for Internal Security. His murder raises serious concerns, and has set the city to a restless edge.
...well... more of one, anyways.
===Gilday, Aestry 30, 1016===
====Refugees declare: Ogres, Worgs...====
It seems that a group of adventurers recently were contracted to help evacuate a village before Dran forces could get too close. The group arrived and the evacuation was started. Just before they got into the clear a group of bugbears and worgs attacked. They were led by an ogre. It was close, the worgs kept tripping folks but eventually they took them down. The Sling is truly a mighty weapon. Only a couple refugees were killed most made to safety.
(For Information talk to Corra, Lothos, Alakton, Laefwyn, or Lelian)
: Corra
===Variday, Aestry 21, 1016===
====Renewed Trade with Veyshan====
With food prices spiking, trade with the Veyshanti has become more important, which is why it was a relief for many merchants to hear that the trade routes across the sea have resumed with no further loss of ships. Recently, a few had dissapeared along the usual route from Tashraan, but it would appear whatever was causing that has ended.
While Alexandria does not buy food from Veyshan, obviously, and is in fact considered the 'breadbasket' of much of it's immediate area with it's strength of agriculture, the resumption of obstructed trade should help offset the increase in price.
: Whirlpool
===Eliday, Aestry 20, 1016===
====Attempted Kidnapping in Rune!====
The famed(???) Professor Fizzulefuse was the victim of an attempted kidnapping by constructs. Some speculate that they were, of course, of his own devise and that the project went awry, but such things could never happen to the famed Professor Fizzlefuse, right?
At any rate, they were defeated, and the Professor moved to another inn.
No one is blaming Dran for the attack.
: Posted by Whirlpool
===Eliday, Aestry 20, 1016===
====Denouncement of Rune====
An angry letter from Arendt is making the rounds, loudly accusing Rune of murdering it's own civilians and trying to cast the blame on Dran's forces. He openly blames Rune for the event and swears that any and all civilians who wish to surrender to the Dran will be treated with mercy and honor, as well as given a chance to start a new under Dran's rule.
Naturally, this fine bit of propaganda is earning many scoffs within the walls of Rune, and raucous laughter in Alexandria, but for those caught between the warring powers, it might just make letting Dran roll over them seem a bit more tempting.
: Posted by Whirlpool
===Eliday, Firetide 1, 1016===
====A Successful Hunt====
The tracking party that set out after the disruption at Mictlan returns with a trussed up Lucht. Seems they caught whoever it is they were after.
OOC: Questions to Sslyrath, Solace, Azog, Lorien, and Radek.
====Something's Brewing!====
"Mead? You call that a mead?"
"Better'n yours!"
"MY MEAD IS MADE ONLY WITH THE FINEST HONEY. I feed me bees no less than 10 proof," says the second brewer more modestly, as she pushes back a mane of khazad-true hair.
"Oh! And I feed mine 15!" goes her opponent, obviously lying, but the debate is thick now, and the stories soon grander.
Such are the debates on the streets... /something/ is (haha) brewing. With the coming of summer, the khazad are breaking out the summer ales and even whiskeys, topping the latter off with mixes flavored by bloodstone and deepcrystal and newfangled...they whisper...
...ice. Soon more easily obtainable, for cold, chilled drinks under summer's heat. The rumors hint, in a few overly-vocal, khazad debates.
It's a /rumor/. But the heat already over the Alexandrian metropolis has more than a few excited...and more than a few local merchants looking over their shoulders, at more evidence of the growing power of the khazad empire.
===Kesenday, Hattanan 30, 1016===
====The Sith-makar Empress to Mictlan====
Today, the Sith-Makar Empress took a trip to the holy site, a land of Dragon Bones, known as Mictlan. It was there that she spoke to those present to learn the history of the place and to bless the union between Alexandria and the people of Am'shere. It is also said that the Dragon Knight, Anise, was in attendance and that a Dran spy may well have been captured in the vicinity. No one in authority has confirmed or denied this, but a group of riders set off on an effort to track additional friends that might've been with this rumored spy.
===Korday, Hattanan 29, 1016===
====Sewer Work====
There seems to be an unusual amount of work going on in the swwers lately. A whole lot more people than usual dressed in sewer worker's suits going in and out of it. Someone in the government is clearly up to something.
====Brain Drain====
While the Conclave has been broken for years now, there are a great many wizards who still feel some loyalty to the nation and city that birthed it.
A great many sorcerers, wizards, and other dabblers in the magical arts are flocking to volunteer their service in Rune's protection, much to the chagrin of their former patron states.
===Variday, Hattanan 23, 1016===
====The Madness of Angorites and Dinosaurs====
Angorites are mad.
Hiring Wizards to summon giant lizards from Am'shere /just/ so they could practice wrestling on them? /Mad/.
Apparently, no one died. This is probably because there were clerics nearby.
====Well, Sir...It had Wings. Sort of.====
Late--or rather, early this Variday saw a group of oruch were seen going from tavern to tavern. The oruch themselves were unremarkable...but the large, long-beaked bird-creature trailing along through the streets and behind them, well.
THAT was a sight to see!
The 'pterodactyl' was apparently (it turns out) a prank by some Tarienites, wanting to have some fun with the recent dinosaur wrestling event.
In light of this, the drunken rampage that occured an hour later (apparently those same oruch, but reports also blame it on gnomes; everyone blames it on gnomes) was almost overlooked.
Supposedly, though, it had something to do about baths.
===Gilday, Hattanan 21, 1016===
====Merchant Ties Cross Cultures====
"'Ey. Yeah, business has been busy, praise Truehammer. What with the war...I mean, it's not a war. But you know how it goes." The khazad-aul rubs at his beard. He watches one of the Am'sherians explore the shop. The sith-makar picks up an axe, then a blade.
"You like that one? Black ash-forged. Passed down son to son, to daughter. Hah! Then to me! Legend has it--we forged Caracoroth's chains, you know."
The sith looks up, eyes narrowing. "Sarasorothh?"
There's an awkward pause.
"Think I heard one of you 'scales refer to him as the Hunger Dragon." At that, the sith-makar's eyes widen, then narrow in speculation.
He purchases the axe with a thanks to the 'ssoftskin', before making his way out again.
Tales like this are becoming while not uncommon, at least less rare, with the visit of the Empress. The khazad, rightly famous for their goods and wares, have found business booming among local adventurers, and it's said the clans may be sending in another skilled craftsman or...three, to help spread the load.
The khazad have never been shy about spotting a business opportunity.
===Eliday, Hattanan 18, 1016===
====Reports from Rune====
No one ever said conquering Rune would be easy.
The so-called 'Iron Tide' of the warlord Arendt and the Adomari Oruch are engaged in a brutal slugfest with the defensive forces of Rune. Early reports are that the cost in blood is high on both sides, though Rune's magical prowess has so far limited its losses -- but those losses it does suffer are far more grievous. And as news of high toll spreads, pradoxically, more warriors of Dran rush to join the fighting to be part of it's 'glory'.
===Ceriday, Hattanan 17, 1016===
====Wealthy Youth?====
Recently, several merchants involved in the trade of arms and armor report attemots to purchsae weaposn by a large number of children, perhaps a dozen of them, who seemed incredibly rich for their age and street-clothes. This has resulted in several arched eyebrows. The few merchants talking about it indicate that they did not sell to them, themselves, but that no doubt someone did.
====Light Show====
Alexandrian military maneuvers and war drills, involving their airship fleet, were sighted around the Red Ridge Mountains rencently. Witnesses reports many strange lights and flashes coming from the mountains that night, but the government assures all citizens of Alexandria that this was nothing more than a routine military exercise.
====Arendt Speaks====
The following missive is found nailed in several key points all over the city. It is apparently a missive from Warlord Arendt, commander of the forces that are marching on and are engaged in mighty battle with the nation of Rune.
Citizens of Alexandria.
Know first that I am Arendt. It is upon my shoulders that the Gods have, in their infinite wisdom and through the course of destiny, bestowed upon me the privledge and obligation to lead our mighty armies into battle with with Rune under the leadership of the so-called Parliament of the Magi.
Due to a lack of faith in the leadership of Alexandria, who cowers behind the walls of their Castellum and meddles in the affairs of nations which have no recourse against them, I have directly reached out to the people of Alexandria in the hopes their wisdom will allow them to see the proper course.
My grievances with the government of Alexandria are not grievances with it's people, for whom those of Dran and Alexandria have a great deal more in common with than they may realize. We have both persevered in the face of treachery, both stood against the darkness, and both sought freedom from those who would control us. Both have stood with honor and determinaion in the face of overwhelming odds and roared defiance against destiny itself when fate conspired to destroy it.
There are, however, grievances against the government and ruling council of the Alexandros region. I shall list them and ask the people to consider them.
1) The Ruling Council of Alexandria recently reactivated, during a period of great madness, the so-called 'Planar Disjunction Cannon'. Since it's reactivation, the Council has fired this destructive weapon not once, but twice.
2) The so-called Azure Queen, a spirit of madness, was inhabiting the city at that time. Only the mad would think the reactivation of such a Kulthian weapon would be wise, let alone to use it. It is a sign of a lack of belief in the people of the city's strength to defend themselves from all comers that they would claim this is for defense. And we both know Alexandrians are stronger than that.
3) We ask you, then, to question why Alexandria has the Planar Disjunction Cannon in action and to fear for what damage it might cause. I am told that elementals appear in its vicinity in alarming regularity. The Council's mad grab for power puts the innocent at risk, where as in Dran, one can walk from one of the Khanate to another with nary a danger. Our strength sees to it. Your's would as well, if you were to embrace it.
4) Alexandria has taken a dragon knight onto it's lands, despite knowing that these so-called knights are honorless curs in the thrall of their dragon overlords. Man is not meant to be subject to monster or beast. Dragonier paid for this with the life of most of it's citizens. Do not allow the Council to fall under the sway of such a creature, nor to hide criminals from Dran's hand of justice. We ask you, civilians of Alexandria, to pressure your council. Turn over the Dragon Knight to us so that we may verify that she is the one we seek. If she is not, you have my word that no harm will come to her by my hand or order. We have reason to believe that the Dragon Knight, this /criminal/ has been allowed in with the full knowledge of the Alexandrian government. They hide a fugitive from justice, and why? What /reason/ could your Council have to do this thing? Ask them. See how they respond.
5) The diplomatic mission of Alexandria to Dran was nothing more than a pretext. They sought us out in the name of Peace, and gracious and honored as we are, we allow them to parley, without fear of a repeat of history. They attempted to assassinate us and, when that failed on account of our wisdom and preperation, attempted to flee, as honorless dogs always shall, into the hands of those who might shelter them in Rune. We immediately launched our invasion and laid low your 'diplomatic mission' that was not. Such an affront can not be allowed to pass without punishment. Your government meddles and then hides behind others who will need to shed blood for their crimes, scuttling our ongoinbg negotations with Rune for recompense over the death done in their name and Dran does not forget. This war is on the hands of the government's of Rune and Alenxandria.
6) We do not declare war on you, people of Alexandria, as we've no wish to shed the blood of a strong and honorable people for whom we have more in common than they may realize. The strength of Dran will stand with it's people should they wish to take action and replace their leadership. Should, however, the people of Alexandria choose hostility and belligerance in defense of Rune, we will act. All who oppose our justice shall drown in a tide of blood and iron. We will have justice.
7) Heth. Know that we have another reason for striking Rune. In it's vaults, Rune has a great many magical artifacts and powers which it has witheld out of 'wisdom'. Cowardice, I say. The power of Rune could've been turned to save many Dragonieri lives, but they were deadlocked in pathetic debates over 'procedure'. How many /more/ Dragonieri lives could've been saved had the wizards of Rune been willing to risk their use? We will take this power of Rune, and it's might, and turn it towards Dragonier and do battle with Heth. This I promise. No more will the mighty hide in their towers and declare it wisdom when they do nothing. The elves would have you believe we have squandered an age of man. I say nay! The age of MIGHT will begin with our hands! I call on all who seek justice and to defeat the darkness of this world to stand with me.
: For victory and honor.
=====Responses to Arendt=====
Any who frequent the gambling dens, bars or training arena will have a hard time not overhearing a boisterous giantborn in finery named Jeor. Comments include the following:
"Ardent is a coward! He openly admits his fear of the spell cannon and the good peoples of the city. He would try and compliment us and insult us all in the same sentence. Hes a small dog with a very loud bark who simply wants to add more problems to the ones we have." r r Anyone who wishes to delve further into these opinions or wager some gold on cards can speak with Jeor.
You dare invoke the name of Angoron, when you restrict the freedom of another country? Invoke the name of the strongest of the gods, to strike down people clearly incapable of defending themselves, not once...but twice. You say we are a strong and honorable people when, before that, you accuse the ruling coucil, as well as the rest of Alexandria by proxy, of cowering behind it's walls!
Who are the real cowards here?
It is clearly not Alexandria. They have clearly more strength that Arendt to even seek peaceful negotiations in the first place. Alexandria opened their hand to Dran, and Arendt for peace. Instead it was met with a closed fist. Only a TRUE coward attacks when someone offers peace.
A rebuttal to Arendt's posting is placed by several of them. The first is nailed deeply, a few of the rest are stuck with glue, possibly by hired poster hangars. The text is almost certainly that of a hired scribe.
"The words of Arendt of Dran have some lies to them, and that calls the truth of the other words into question. But some things may be true, and we of Alexandria are owed answers.
It is said that the Dragon Knight slew the Warlord of Dran, Arendt's predecessor, under a flag of parley. This action is contrary to honor and has not been disavowed by the Dragon Knight. This story has been told by many sources, and none have denied it. The truth of this matter is of importance because many of Arendt's actions would be justified by revenge for that treachery, if it is true.
I do know that the diplomatic mission to Dran was not pretext. It was foolish, shortsighted, ignorant of Dranei honor, and effectively meaningless even beyond the events that transpired, but it was not a pretext for treachery. And I know this because I was there. The Alexandrian diplomat was killed in lieu of the Dragon Knight, who would not allow justice to be done where all can see. However, the airship was taken by Arendt's order; his troops were not sent to stop it but were aboard as passengers, flying under an Alexandrian flag to catch Rune at unawares. Arendt's accusation that the government meddles in foreign affairs and hides behind adventurers who shed blood for them is true, though it is not relevant to the issue.
The statement that the war is on the hands of Alexandria is of course propaganda as much as the peace attempt was, and just as meaningless. Dran's war is a war of conquest and honor, but Arendt does not believe Alexandria understand Dranei honor, and I think he is right in that. So these words may be his way of offering peace with the rest of the city once the Dragon Knight is brought to justice.
So, if the Dragon Knight will stand up rather than hide behind Alexandria, who suffers for her alleged actions, then the truth of matters may be seen and judged by those of honor. Only when that is settled may Arent be dealt with justly."
Underneath some of these fliers, a second one is posted. The writing is shaking but carefully done. The style looks slightly Myrrish though only nominally. It reads:
The mouth of Arendt speaks, and says that Dran wishes to punish Dragonier.
They say Dragonier dishonored them.
Yet, Dragonier is dead. We see with our own eyes this truth. Its people starve. Its children cry out in blood and terror. They walk our streets as skeletons without names or homes.
Dran has had its retribution. It has won utter destruction of its enemy, its enemies' children. It has won utter destruction now and for the future. The children of these children shall have no home and no people.
Yet perversely, it still hungers. Arendt -craves-.
Caracoroth must speak from the maw of Arendt. For when he speaks, Arendt's hunger knows no bounds and its truth lies before us in its baldfaced starkness.
Arendt, we name you the Hungry Maw, who seeks the blood of children. You bear the fire of the Blood Wolf in your gaze and you seek to devour the world around you. You wear the lust of Kor and the guidance of Hunger.
Beneath it is signed, in reddened ink: 'And all shall belong to the jaws of Caracoroth, the eternal hunger. His ache knows no bounds; may all the nations of man be crushed beneath his jaw and digested unto his stomach. Red oblivion awaits them.' - The Book of Hunger, year 014, writ during the Years of the Sword
(Posted in a few public places, written on simple paper without decoration)
Citizens of Alexandria,
You probably don't know me. To some, I'm a familiar face. To most, I'm a stranger in your city who follows strange ways many consider outdated or mere superstition. That's fine. All I ask of you is your time, and simple consideration.
Many words have been said by Arendt and others in regards to the actions taking place outside of Alexandria. I won't take the time to repeat them here. You already know what's said.
What you might not have considered is this: War is ugly. This is a fact of life that many are familiar with. Some of you have probably even served in a conflict of some nature, and have a firsthand understanding of exactly what is meant. The fact that we are on the precipice of engaging a foe that is intelligent, determined, and powerful only adds to the potential for ruin, should we engage this hastily.
Alexandria was not involved in this in the beginning, from what I've come to understand. It was brought into this by the actions of others. We were not given a choice in the matter then. But we have a choice to make now.
Alexandria already suffers greatly. As a caretaker of the land, my first duty is to -the land-. Not to those of a political affiliation, or those of a particular religious ideology. And I ask you now to consider the consequences for -the land- should Alexandria engage this man.
The Felwood is a growing threat, a place of chaos and disorder that seeks to spread and continue twisting the existence of the land around it. It's been kept in check by the diligent efforts of those like myself, those who take an interest in making sure that this affliction doesn't spread. The strength of the natural world around it seems to be one of the things that keep it from growing.
But that world is now being threatened with war. With smoke and fire, sword and blood, chaos and madness. These are the things that feed the wounds created in nature. These are the things that could cause its growth to become unchecked. And that's only one of the many slings and arrows that could befall this land if we go to war.
I'm not saying that those who believe we should go to war are wrong. I'm not saying that those who don't support war are right. What I'm asking of you is this: consider, for a moment, if the problems of strangers are worth the risk to your land. This land. Your -children's land-. The Warlord is described as a monster, but the man is clearly not mad. He's cunning, and ruthless, and determined. He's raised points that should be considered before a decision is made, answers that must be found before you can, in good concience, decide if the risk is worth the reward.
I implore you not to act rashly in this. Weigh this decision carefully. The future of many generations could be at stake, and in the years to come, they will ask the most important question: Why is the world we've been given in the state that it's in?
How do you want to be able to answer?
With All Respect,
:Druid Crow
Posted in response to one of the Warlord's messages:
Which is it? Is Heth the prime threat that Rune should have been fighting to save Dragonier from, or is he a just punishment for Dragonier's sins? How is invading Rune, the prime target of Heth's depredations outside Dragonier, just retribution for an act taken by an agent of the former Dragonier government?
If Heth is such a threat then ally with Rune against him. Bring your combined arms to bear and Heth will be defeated. No, instead you strengthen Heth by trying to destroy his enemy.
Ssylrath of Am'shere
It seems that someone has taken to scrawling graffiti on Arendt's posters, circling point five: ARENDT, YOU TRY TO USE BIG WORDS BUT FAIL. THE APOSTROPHE DOES NOT PLURALIZE. ANGORON DEMANDS RIGOUR AND PROPER PUNCTUATION.
It's not hard to figure out who is doing this, really, since the artiste is a very large giant born who writes in big block letters.
Alexandrians, Arendt talks to us as if we were children who know nothing of what we face, but we know all too well.
It was only decades ago that we lived under the tyranny of an invader, the hated Witch Queen Altima. She conquered our land and for years we suffered under her brutal rule. A generation of Alexandrians was born in servitude, forced to watch the public executions of their loved ones, until our struggle eventually regained our freedom at great cost.
Not long after breaking free of our chains we witnessed Sendor fall prey to the desires of another conqueror. Having felt the lash of the whip on our backs, we stood up and marched to war so that our friends would never have to endure what we did. Our triumph ensured Sendor's peace and prosperity.
Now Arendt sets his eyes upon Rune, claiming his war is just, but we know the truth. We have first-hand experience with conquerors. We know what he is, we know what he intends to do, and we will not stand idly by. We have already shouted out our denial twice and raised our weapons against his kind, it is time to do it again.
There's various graffiti from the same hand that says either 'Shut up, Arendt, you jackass. You know, if you'd stopped before the bit about the diplomatic mission, you'd have gained more support, but you're a moron who overreaches', 'Masterly, I'm going to find you and kill you' and there might be the occasional 'I am coming for your gold'.
Overheard at the Wayfarer's while dining and drinking with friends, someone asks Jareth for his opinion on the Dranei invasion of Rune and Arendt's claims.
Downing his ale, Jareth wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and leans forward a little in his chair to say,
"I have an easy solution. One that can save a lot of bloodshed and lies. Arendt should come meet me on the battlefield. No Dragon Riders. No Spell Cannon. No shambling undead. No wizards of Rune. Just him, me and our steel. Save the war chests from being diminished in any way."
This is followed by a call for another pitcher and more of whatever is being roasted over the fire.
Overheard in conversation amongst the citizens that traverse the Temple District is talk a scene that happened earlier today. Bor, one of the rare Giantborn Chosen of Daeus, was seen reading one of the missives posted for Arendt. The few brave souls willing to speak to the Giantborn, a race known to have helped the Dran in the past, asked him what he thought of the War Lords proclamation.
"The gods provide guidance to everyone. It's not often they speak with us directly. Angoron uses his Strength to protect the people. Not to make people do what he thinks is right. This isn't Angoron's way. The Iron Behemoth won't be pleased. Someone will need to speak to the followers of Angoron to remind them. Know that there are those that will stand to protect instead of make War. I will stand to protect those that can't protect themselves."
In after thought, the folks that were actually nearby during the conversation will add that he said something like, "The Words of Man rarely are what the gods tell him, but what he wanted to hear for himself."
It takes a little time, and more than a little effort, but a new song starts to make the rounds, first in the taverns and inns where Alexandria's Adventurers spend much of their time. Then it spreads, often as not by a certain adventuring bard, then by others. Not her usual style, not up to her usual polish, but then - consider the subject matter.
:'Now Smackwater Arendt, he had an dran army....
:Cause he... was in the mood for little confrontation
:He just let it all hang loose
:He didn't care about the truth
:He wanted to give all the abuse
:So he started a war with the wizards' Rune.
:You can't talk to a man
:With an army in his hand
:Army in his hand.
:Now Big Jareth the hero stood for law and order
:He called for the blackguard to come and meet at the border
:Now from his bulldog mouth
:As he met the man up south
:Came the cry, we got to ride
:Clean up the 'side for our friends and neighbours
:You can't talk to a man
:When he already understands
:No, no, no, no, no, no
:The battle was in all the papers
:Cause you know, he beat ole Arendt right then instead of later
:You know the countries were quite pleased
:'Cause the tyrant had been seized
:And on a whole, it was a very good year
:For the Adventurers Guild
:You know, you know, you can't talk to a man
:With an army in his hand
:Army in his hand.
:Smackwater Arendt, yeah
:Smackwater Arendt bought an army
:Yeah, Smackwater Arendt bought an army
:Smackwater Arendt, yeah
:Smackwater Arendt, yeah
:Talkin' about Smackwater Arendt, yeah
:Talkin' about Smackwater Arendt, oh
:Talkin' about Arendt and his army
:Talkin' about Smack, talkin' about Arendt
:Smackwater Arendt, yeah.'
Posted next to several posts made by Arendt. Where room can be found amoung other replies.
The previous message uses a great many words, many of them big words, in order to confuse the issue. Allow me, humble readers, to translate for you:
'Me Arendt. Me Big Guy. You pay attention to me. Me not like Alexandria leaders. Alexandira people okay. Me prove:
1) Spell Cannon bad.
2) Blue Bitch bad.
3) Spell cannon still bad.
4) Dragon Knight bad.
5) Talking bad, when not say what me want to hear.
6) Me think you okay, but you not do what me want, me hit you.
7) Wizards dumb. Me smart. Me take wizard power, use like smart.
Blah blah, me big man.
Another response to Arendt's posters appears at the Arena, both in handbills and as an insert to program guides as well. Eventually, they're used to wrap finger foods, too.
Another lick-spittle all-conquering warlord is waving his three-inch quill all over Alexandria's wall. He's not the first and he's certainly not the most creative. The logic in his argument is weak and flaccid, puffed up by big words that have more place in an arena for entertainment's sake than out of the mouth of someone sending people off to fight and die.
I should I know, I do it for real.
He implied that we're crazy for using the weapons at our disposal to defend ourselves. It's not crazy; as any true worshipper of Kor would know -- it's only good sense. He claims to be saving us from Heth by striking down those who know how to use the tools at their disposal. This? This is crazy. Maybe the Azure Queen snuck into his tent when he was fantasizing about being a real warrior and planted this fantasy in his head. Leave the fighting to the soldiers and the wizarding to the wizards, especially against an enemy as strong as Heth. He conveniently ignores the threat of Skald to his left flank. He is going to need all of Angoron's protection, because Kor is going to toss him in the gutters for his abject ignorance of the arts of war.
Arendt is an embarrassment to The Warlord and by Kor Makar's holy names, not deserving of the hand he used to blaspheme their names.
Karelin Andarin, Warbringer of Solmnus, Hero of Blar and Arendt's Mother
===Tariday, Hattanan 13, 1016===
====Treaty Signing====
It would appear that negotiations between the Council of Alexandria and the Empress of the Sith-Makar has gone well. There are rumors circulating that an official treaty of some kind will be signed any day now and it will no doubt be accompanied by spectacle and celebration. No doubt that Alexandria is in a unique position to gain access to such an alliance, given that the lone permanent gateway to the land of Am'shere lays within their territory.
Still, one must wonder what the terms are, and what exactly the treaty will entail. No doubt a public announcement will be due soon, and one can not ignore the political signifance of such a treaty being concluded within days of Alexandria's announcement of support for Rune.
===Eliday, Hattanan 11, 1016===
Rumors are coming down from those with an ear on the council, which has spent the better part of the last few days in meetings to discuss the situation between Dran and Rune, that the ambassador to Dran was /personally executed/ by the warlord, a fellow by the name of Arendt, in charge of the invasion of Rune. This shocking news is leaving many Alexadrians enraged, and anti-Dran sentiment is beginning to form.
A statement from the Council on the matter is due any day.
====Shev: Wanted Dead or Alive====
The merchant known as 'Shev' has had a bounty issued for him. He is wanted dead or alive, and is responsible for the murder of several contractees to the Guild of Explorers and members of the City Watch. Formerly a merchant specializing in the acquisition of rare goods of a legitimate stripe in Alexandria, a reliable source indicated his involvement in at least one murder and possibly others, as well as tax evasion. An attempt to arrest him was made and several guardsmen and a few assisting contractors from the Guild of Explorers met their untimely end at the hands of his clockwork defenses in his manor home in upscale Upper Alexandria, as well as others wounded and killed by a bomb he left to destroy evidence in his study. It is believed he is at large within the city and security has been tightened at all enrances and exits in an effort to locate him, not that that wouldn't be happening any ways with talk of war.
A poster bearing his likeness has been posted in numerous public spaces. The City Watch reccomends all civilians avoid contact with, or offering any assistance to, this fugitive and that if sighted you are to contact the City Watch immediately.
====A Statement from the Council of Alexandria====
A Statement by the Council of Alexandria:
The news from Rune is grave and true: Our diplomatic envoy was mercilessly slain by the Warlord Arendt under flag of truce in a misguided effort at vengeance over the death of their own previous Emperor at the hands of a Dragon Knight some years prior. It is our belief that, due to the presence of Dragon Knight Anise and her Silver in Alexandria and the refuge we have offered her, that some memebrs of the Dran Khanate have taken to the mistaken belief we have share some culpability for what happened in our absence. Had Dran a legitimate grievance with us, rather than naked ploys to give it's actions a veil of legitimacy, it could have approached us to discuss the matter of the Dragon Knight and challenged her asylum or asked to have her face Dranei justice. Of course, to do that would require evidence and materials which Arendt does not possess, nor has a true interest in.
It has not does this and will not do this since these claims are nothing but an attempt to grant himself legitimacy in the eyes of his followers. It is the actions of a murderer, a thug, and a coward with no honor to speak of. We condemn his actions in the strongest possible words and hope to see this criminal brought to face the justice he so richly deserves.
Thusly, the ruling Council has offered to Rune our assistance.
Rune has said that they will not be invoking our treaty of mutual defense, a decision which we respectfully acknowledge even as we wish for justice, even in the face of relentlessly provocation from Dran in the murder of Ambassador Vril and the loss of his entire diplomatic mission. The Wisdom of Animus is still present in this time, as Parliament spoke eloquently of the need, even in the face of potential destruction, to continue the effort to contain Heth.
Even so, we will continue to offer and all material support which they request from us, even as Alexandros remains neutral in this conflict between the forces under the leadership of Arendt and the nation of Rune.
But the Wisdom of Animus spoke truly and now we must turn towards the other who are watching: Know that the Murderer of Dragonier waits for no one. As Dran weakens Rune and washes itself in an ocean of blood, it leaves a greater threat, and a greater honor, unchallenged. Dragonier must be contained and the threat which Heth poses to life must be checked. It has brought together those who were once enemies in a combined purpose.
Know now that Bludgun and Aleaxndria have signed a treaty of mutual support in the effort to contain the threat of Dragonier, a treaty which Rune has also joined in. We would extend an offer to all right-thinking Dranei who recognize what the true threat is, rather than chase the ghosts of years past, to join us in a quest that will surely be blessed by the Gods.
May the Hymn fill every heart with wisdom and courage.
(the rest of the council's names, including Rawyn Telenils, are signed beneath.)
===Kesenday, Hattanan 9, 1016===
====Strange Rumors and Airships====
Strange rumors are filtering down to Alexandria that the Alexandrian diplomatic airship that crashed inside the borders of Rune was actually carrying a large number of soldiers from Dran Empire. Was Alexandira involved in some form of double dealing with Rune and the Dran Empire? What sort of game was the ruling council playing? Even more disturbing is the rumor that the Dran warriors aboard the airship were armed with blades of Alexandrian origin.
The ruling council has not yet issued a statement on the matter of Rune or Dran, but one is no doubt coming soon.
===Gilday, Hattanan 7, 1016===
====Initial Reports====
Rumor is filtering down from Rune that fierce fighting has broken out along the northern and eastern borders of Rune. While badly outnumbered by the invading forces and weakened by Heth's minions, Rune is still a powerful center of magical learning and seems to be holding it's own for the moment.
Alexandria has issued a statement of support for Rune. High level negotiations are said to be occurring, though it seems unlikely that any other power will enter the war on Rune's behalf. It is widely supposed in some quarters that the wizards, being wizards, should be able to take care of this on their own with their fireballs and what have you. More quietly, there are few that want to risk drawing Dran's attention, and it's military juggernaut, to themselves.
Rumors also indicate that the airship that was sent to Dran in the early days before the war began has crashed inside Rune's border.
====Vardamen Responses====
The agents of Vardama have been heavily involved in investigations into Dragonier so far. However, with Heth still unbreathing, the rumored ties between Vardama the Gray Lady and Serriel the Shining Dawn seem to have tightened. More Lancers may be seen among the crypt entrances, and it's suggested that Vanguards and laymen have been seen in increased comings and goings among the temples.
A number of the additional guards and workmen are also arvek. This number is not exclusive, though it is biased. These are sturdy men and women pulled from the renmants and memory of recent wars. Ever since their freedom from the tyrrany of Thul (who even now ravages Dragonier), many arvek have borne the colors of the Gray Lady and the Shining Dawn proudly, and these temples have offered them homes.
Heth's threat, though, have caused some to have taken to capping a single tusk in brilliant and shining gold.
OOC: This is primarily a call-out to illustrate the growing ties between the two faiths and as opportunity for RP. Please make of it how you like, and according to your own tales and stories.
===Eliday, Hattanan 4, 1016===
====No Surprise====
With war between Dran and Rune on the horizon, or so it would seem, it should be no surprise that Charn's military continues it's mobilization alongs its borders on the northern frontier of the empire. Reports from Veyshan and from airships that travel near that border say that the Stygian Empire is putting on quite the display. There can be little doubt that this is directed towards Myrrdion and Alexandria in a calculated move to encourage them to sit out the war to the north.
===Eliday, Bernfleur 27, 1016===
====Not Secret Enough====
Despite the best efforts of the government in trying to keep it secret, rumors circulate that several Alexandrian airships were sighted heading in the direction of Dragonier recently. Most of them were filled, not with weapons and armor, but supplies for construction of some kind. It's hard to say what's going on, but it's clear that, even with Rune and Dran on the brink of war, that issue of Dragonier is one that is not to be ignored.
: Posted by Whirlpool
====Alexandrian Council Meets with Sith-Makar Empress====
It would appear that negotiations between the Sith-Maker Empress from beyond the portal to Am'shere and the ruling council of the city of ALexandria are continuing. Representatives from other local powers, such as the Mythwood and the gnomish town of Happy Valley, have been witnessed coming to the Castellum as well, no doubt to greet the apparent leader of the Sith-Makr tribal confederation.
It is said that the talks will soon be pasued for the Empress to make a trip to a site called 'Mictlan'. There's no clear indication /when/ that will happen, but the city guard does appear to be on high alert and with more boots on the ground than usual.
: Posted by Whirlpool
===Eliday, Bernfleur 20, 1016===
====Farmer, Dead====
"Y'hear about old man Woodridge?"
"What, that skirt-chasing coot with the farm?"
"Yep. Hear tell he got th'crotch rot and it killed him."
"Well, hell. Poor old bastard. Guess his son'll inherit th'land now, if he ever gets back."
: Posted by Fishbelly
===Korday, Bernfleur 10, 1016===
====The Sewers, Glue, and Professor Fizzlefuse====
A party of adventurers from the Explorer's Guild emerged from the sewers late last night. They brought with them a human and what looked at first to be a battered door. The man was partially bound with glue and alternated ranting and mumbling something about 'Fizzlefuze's Doom'. The 'door' seemed to have tiny limbs and face and also talked. Many onlookers took one look before uttering 'mimic', often in weary tones. Both door and man are now thought to be residing in the city jails for 'interfering with vital city services'.
The adventurers were covered in an assortment of acid burns, bruises and dried glue. The Khazad had no boots. And all were accompanied by the distinctive scent of Otyugh.
OOC: see Bennett, Djelka, Brianna, Zoob or Duncan if you want to hear more. For some reason. :)
: Posted by Duncan
===Gilday, Bernfleur 9, 2016===
====The Sith-Makar Delegation====
Since her arrival last week, the so-called Empress of the Sith remains in the security of the Castellum for high level negotiations of some kind. Much of her retinue remains encamped beyond the city walls. Rumors emanating from the Castellum are indicating that, once the negotiations are concluded, she will be heading to a holy site called 'Mictlan', as well as paying a visit to the Dragon Knight.
: Posted by Whirlpool
===Eliday, Eatonis 30, 1016===
====Dranei "Diplomacy"====
It would appear Alexandria is not the only country using diplomacy to their advantage.
Dran and the Oruch city-state of Adomar have a long history of conflict, but also a mutual warrior culture and belief in 'strength' and 'honor'.
Rumor has it that several emissaries from the Dran warlords assembling along Rune's border were sighted in the city-state of Adomar, meeting with its leaders, no doubt trying to sway the Oruch to their side. If they are able to do so, the nation of Rune will be in great danger.
: Posted by Whirlpool
====Sith-Makar Empress====
It starts as a mere whisper. A dignary from the tribes of the Sith-Makar in Am'shere is on their way towards Alexandria from the deep jungle, across the portal that exists outside Alexandria.
From there, the rumors escalates. Not a dignary. Not a mere ambassador.
No, it is now being said, across the city, that the so-called 'Empress' of the Sith-Makar of Am'shere is on her way to Alexandria for the first visit between the city's leadership and the tribes of the Sith-Makar that reside on the other side of the Am'shere portal in the Alexandrian countryside.
: Posted by Whirlpool
===Eliday Eatonis 30, 1016===
====Freed Slaves====
Rumor has it that a pair of new-model War Golems(K-8 and Protectron) were freed from slavery imposed by their creators. Altar, Zoob, Kiroth, Verna, Duncan and Hassan were spotted escorting them to Alexandria, where they were deemed free and their creators, Fizzlefuse and Forgefire are being sued for back pay. Apparently they had been making the War Golems work without wages for far too long, and the precise cost will be determined by the Alexandrian legal system, but it is sure to be expensive.
: Posted by Altar
===Ceriday Eatonis 29, 1016===
====The Journey of the Enigmatic Magical T====
Word has finally reached Alexandria that 6 brave adventurers escorted a Quad of Bards out of the city. These bards known as Rodrick, Raven, Thomas and Wanderer, and were known for their snarky witty sarcasm comedy. The adventurers guarded the bards on their trip to their next gig. On the way they were attacked by dire boars, huge owl bears, and a tricky green hag. Or so the rumors have been saying. Interested in the full story contact: Zippo, Duncan, Lorien, Altar, Mogrinaar or Rhar.
: Posted by Cesran
===Gilday Eatonis 26, 1016===
====Time Lost and Canon Fodder====
I still don't know what happened for sure. We were sent for help to give some aid and relief to a group of soldiers, but nothing could have prepared us for what we found. It had been less than a week since aid was requested but when we got there, the soldiers were claiming it had been a month. And they all looked like they had been through that much without aid. Something having to do with magic more than likely.
Then these soldiers attacked, they had guns, now I know why I hate guns. We fought them off, but then they brought in this ship, though it wasn't no normal ship. It had wagon wheels and barding like a horse on it. It had these huge guns on top, maybe even a cannon. Of course being the foolish ones we are, we charged the ship, cannon wagon...tank? It was close but I fell to the firepower of the vessel. I remember waking up some time after. What happened exactly? Was it all a dream?
: Posted by Aurala
===Tariday Eatonis 25, 1016===
====Tides of War====
Some probably saw it coming.
With Rune weakened by the most recent attack on it, rumors are spreading far and wide from the land of Dran that warleaders and their warbands are converging upon Dran's border with Rune.
Many years ago, during ALexandria's time in the Mists, the armies of Dran marched upon Rune. Hopelessly out numbered, the wizard nation was still reeling from the loss of the protection of their patron God in Animus, they never the less put up a valiant, if ultimately losing defense against the aggressive, conquest-minded Dran.
It was only the intervention of a Dragon Knight, who attempted to negotiate a settlement between the nations to preserve the peace, that saved Rune.
The nameless Dragon Knight and her dragon, some say it was a silver, some say it was a gold, approached the war leader of Dran's armies under the flag of truce and made the case for peace.
When the belligerant Dran warlord would not listen, it is said, the dragon struck him down in a great blast of fire. It was an act of treachery that enraged many but it was one that ended the conflict, as the Dranei lapsed into fighting amongst themselves to claim the role of Warleader. Ever since then, the warbands of Dran have hungered for revenge and to find a leader capable of uniting enough of them to finsih what they started that many years ago and to exact the pound of flesh from Rune that they can no longer exact from Dragonier.
If a true leader should emerge from this convergence, a war with Dran that Alexandria may be pulled into could be on the horizon.
: Posted by Whirlpool
===Variday Eatonis 24, 1016===
====Charnese Military Maneuvers====
It comes as no surprise to anyone invested in geopolitics that Charn has begun amassing its forces on its own borders for latge scale war games and military maneuvers. It's a show of strength in the wake of Alexandria's firing of the spell cannon. These large scale maneuvers are expected to last through the next month.
: Posted by Whirlpool
After a recent excursion to deal with creatures of Fey Origins, an orphanage was given a Dolly and told it must never leave. Shortly after mischief was afoot, but the children seem to enjoy their new..Leperchaun protectors? Well, lets hope they do! Rumors accuse Vuk of being the one to sneak the dolly to the Orphanage and being convinced the Leperchauns would never let the children come to harm!
: Posted by Vuk
====Metal Trees====
Watch out! There's traps in the forest. Moving traps! At least that's what Rhar warns anybody out in the northern wilds around Wilderness Pointe. Metal traps with spears on ropes. Other ones with giant claws.
It looks like they came out of a giant metal tree that fell down. A tree with a giant squirrel hole in the side. Instead of giant squirrels, there were more traps sleeping inside.
Rhar and Gurr, her wolf friend, were bloodied and broken, so it's apparent she didn't imagine it. Who knows? Giant squirrels could be out there, too!
: Posted by Vuk
===Korday, Eatonis 20, 1016===
====Locker Room Rumor====
A story circulates though certain circles, apparently first told in the Arena locker room by a well known golem.
"So the hole into the place was actually part of a stabilized planar rift to an as yet unknown dimension. ...don't look at me like that, I can use big words. Anyway, started with the regular sort of weird stuff you see in Kulthian ruins. Gears and bones and lots of dust. Old holding cells, one with some weird mutant blob thing.
Then came the Void guys. Like, flesh and artifice and magic and smokey shadows all meshed into one. Creepy. Yes, -I- called them creepy. Guess the first two were workers or something, they went down pretty easy.
Then the guards showed up. I can hold my own in a fight, but these guys were pretty badass. Some sorta gun thing, shot like these weird little energy eels or something, crawled inside you and swam around, trying to lay eggs or whatever. I mean, my insides are a pretty nasty place, so you know the little things were hardcore.
We got out of there. I don't like running from a fight, but I like dying even less. They didn't follow. Maybe they couldn't go though the planar rift. We didn't have a good way to seal it, so just piled a bunch of stuff on top to slow them down.
Really weird part? When we came back out, it was actually -before- we went in. Sorta hoped to meet myself on the way back, but since I didn't meet myself on the way in, maybe I couldn't.
So the Upper Ups at the Guild didn't find anything when they took a look. I don't know, time shifted; I guess that's a really good way to hide your stuff. But I'm telling you guys, if ever you meet one of those Void Soldier things, take it seriously, they're Bad News."
: Posted by Munch
===Variday, Eatonis 17, 1016===
====New Food====
From within the halls where the ever-hungry adventurers congregate. Someone ordered a late night snack that looked tasty. Another saw it and asked for the same. A third made a suggestion to avoid confusion. Now that snack spreads like wildfire through Alexandria. It is a triple bacon lettuce onion (gherkins optional) sandwich, called the "Sandywich". No "t" to avoid confusion, insult and en-mazement. Hence the onions.
===Variday, Eatonis 17, 1016===
====Anklar Sighting====
Once again, Anklar Vanche, that horrible wastrel, has been seen touring Alexadria's pubs. Most recently he was seen at the Wayfarer's Inn, getting utterly sloshed. The /scandal/. Such behavior from the heir to a Myrrish countship is considered humiliating to his father.
===Variday, Eatonis 17, 1016===
====Dragonieri Reactions====
While word that the City of Alexandria is taking point on addressing the matter of the fallen nation of Dragonier is welcomed by the Dragonieri refugees living in the city, many of them seems to view it with a little outright cynicism. A sort of 'we'll believe it when we see things actually happening' point of view. There is also concern that this will beget the wholesale looting of Dragonier's 'unique cultural history'. Some speculate and whisper that this is an excuse for the other nations to shamelessly loot the lost treasures of the nation... the ones that haven't been destroyed by Heth, anyways.
===Eliday, Eatonis 16, 1016===
====Spell Cannon After Effects====
The Spell Cannon's firing is accompanied by the now traditional warning that one should watch for disturbances in the elemental forces in the countryside around Alexandria. The planar disjunction affect may have let some loose. The Council has issued a warning that if you see one, you are to contact the Guild of Explorers.
===Eliday, Eatonis 16, 1016===
====The Spell Cannon Fires====
With word of strange events in the Vast conspiring, the massive Planar Disjunction Cannon swivels in its housing in the great fortification that holds it in the Red Ridge Mountains. With a blazing, blinding white light, the cannon /fires/ upon a location in the direction of the Vast.
The City Council offers no other comment at this time.
===Eliday, Eatonis 16, 1016===
A gathering numbering hundreds in The Vast was nearly wiped out to the last soul when the supposed coming of the gods was instead a Cult Legion. They came with out warning, demanding the Gods surrender to their will, and any who joined them would share enlightenment. But..why did one of their Aetheric Warships have the mark of Kulthus, and how did they travel safely through The Void and spill into this world? Several vessels entered our reality, and who knows what else could truly glimpsed on the other side of the rift they tore open!
===Ceriday, Eatonis 15, 1016===
Though it is in the early planning stages, several of the wealhtier Dragonieri are planning a march with the refugee populace through Alexandria to show their support for claiming back their lost homeland and to demand aggressive action against the blight infesting the fallen country.
With tensions rising, many are concerned that violence could erupt.
===Ceriday, Eatonis 15, 1016===
====Half Dragons Aplenty====
The Half-Dragon symbols have begun to slow in their appearance. Whatever point was being made with them has now clearly been made.
Many of them are now being washed away, either through magic or through scrunch brush.
Whispers in the underworld, however, indicate that a new presence is definitely continuing to make itself felt in the seedier portions of Alexandria, primarily operating in locales populated by Dragonieri refugees.
===Korday, Eatonis 6, 1016===
====Anklar Vanche, Trouble Magnet====
Just a day after turning up alive in Alexandira, when he was feared missing, Anklar Vanche was the subject of a kidnapping attempt by unknown individuals. A fight broke out outside a dockside tavern and he was nearly whisked away! Some speculate it has something to do with internal Myrrish politics, others wonder at ransom, and still more suggest that it was Anklar's unpaid debts catching up with him. No matter what, the Count's son does appear to be quite the trouble magnet.
It was only the timely arrival of several adventurers -- some suggest too fortuious an arrival for them -- that spared the Count's son this indignity.
===Tariday, Eatonis 4, 1016===
====Missing Wastrel Son turns Up Alive====
The son of Counce Vanhce of Rosalia, a Myrrish noble with familial ties to Alexandria, has turned up alive and well back in the city. Rumor was brief that Anklar, the Count's heir, had gone missing but it would appear that these rumors were unfounded, as Anklar was soon seen hitting up the taverns of Alexandria and making a nuisance of himself all over the city. Some speculate that he was deliberately making himself seen, but most of that is dismissed as silly -- everyone knows that Anklar is a no-good indulgent wastrel who fritters away his money almost constantly wherever he goes.
===Variday, Eatonis 3, 1016===
====Public Meeting====
The ruling council of Alexandria is announcing that there will be a series of public meetings conducted with various interest groups within the city relating to recent moves about the issues of Dragonier. One such meeting will be directed to the city's mercenary population, as they will no doubt have much a role to play in the coming days as the nation's attention pivots to dealing with the threat to civilization itself posed by Heth.
===Variday, Eatonis 3, 1016===
====Dranei Ambassador?!====
Today, an unusual figure was sighted leaving the chambers of the Alexandrian ruling council. A slender, cloaked figure apparently addressed the council and then departed, being seen on his way to the Arena accompanied by a much large figure. Apparently, the man in the scholar's robe was said to be an emissary from one of the more powerful Warlords of Dran and his business with the council had something to do with Dragonier.
===Kesenday, Pryntar 28, 1016===
====Home Exorcised====
Gathering together, a group of Vardamites, Clerics, Paladins and Monks, went into the home where undead have been known to plague it in the past few weeks. With guards outside to keep anyone from sneaking in and disrupting it, they performed a ritual to undo what was said to be a circle made for necromantic rituals. They all returned out, a few hours later, tired, but unscathed. Word is the family owning the home are free to return and ideally return to their daily lives.
===Korday, Pryntar 27, 1016===
====Alexandrian Diplomats====
It would appear that several diplomatic missions have been sent by Alexandria to the far corners of the world. To Veyshan, to Rune, to Dran, and on and on. No doubt adventurers will be called on to help guard some of these vital missions. It's likely that this has something to do with Dragonier.
===Tariday, Pryntar 25, 1016===
====A Bright Spot in the Darkness====
Until recently, few dared to set foot in Dragonier.
That seems to have changed.
The government of Alexandria took the lead on an initiative to strike into the borders of Dragonier and land a blow on the hordes of undead that roam the fallen kingdom. There once was a forest called the Groves of the Twin Hearts. Those hearts had been destroyed by the corruption of Heth. Now, it is said, that those hearts beat once more and the grove has been purified. The forest will once again be giving its gifts, solace, and security to those who seek it and will no doubt provide a useful refuge for those moving on the border of Dragonier.
It's not much, but it's a start in what will be the long battle to reclaim what Heth has taken.
(A big thanks to Hurricane for splitting running duties with me, and a thanks to [[Kerbasy]], [[Jareth]], [[Jibbom]], [[Myrana]], [[Oates]], [[Halani]], [[Cesran]], [[Ceres]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Fishbelly]], [[Elessa]], [[Munch]], [[Aurala]], [[Thyrson]], [[Aenyn]] and [[Ssylrath]]!)
===Korday, Pyrntar 20, 1016===
====Cultist Changelings in our Midst!====
Rumors come in about a cult of doppelgangers who worship a long-forgotten deity of the Void.
Two were found in a town northeast of Alexandria, having killed two apprentice blacksmiths and taken their places.
===Korday, Pryntar 13, 1016===
====Lady Sandiel Pregnant?====
Recently at a Gala, a well to do party and silent auction of some means, Jibbom was hearding carousing with guests and explaining to them on a recent trip with his beloved Lady Sandiel to the plane of 'Breathless Nights' and 'Sweet Tender Embraces' she found her self, as one may guess after such planar jaunts for wholesome recreations.. pregnant with twins.
Oh Jibbom what ever will you do?
===Korday, Pryntar 13, 1016===
====Kegger Fest!====
Today, Kegger Fest has started!
That means that all over the city, new types of booze are being introduced from far and wide. ALexandria, as a very cosmopolitan city, benefits greatly from it... as does the local economy, of course.
Farmers, Khazadi merchants, and more are all bringing their best brews to the table.
The city guard (all wincing, of course) is knuckling down in preparation for the inevitable trouble a town full of rowdy mercenaries and merchants is going to bring.
===Gilday, Pryntar 12, 1016===
====Undead Rumors====
Seems there has been a rash of undead in the city, all centered around one old house in the Lower District. Two calls have gone out to the Guild of Explorers and the Temple of Vardama for help, and it seems to be getting worse. The family is no longer living at the house, but haven't moved out, and the house appears to be on complete lock down after this second visit, and with a guard. The Temple of Vardama is scrambling a bit to deal with whatever problem has been discovered inside the house.
===Variday, Pryntar 10, 1016===
====Althean Cloister====
Several ALtheans have retreated into the church. Apparently, they are engaged in some kind of meditation or rite over the next several days. Something to do with the 'Foundation Stone' recovered from Dragonier to assist in the ritual exorcism of the Azure Queen, at least that's what the rumors are saying.
===Ceriday, Pryntar 01, 1016===
====Black Markets Buzz...====
Underground markets buzz with the word of a Dragoneri trinket, reportedly deeply historical and perhaps magical in nature. The specifics change from story-to-story but the basic message remains the same; Someone out there has an important piece of history.
Word seems to radiate from Goblintown.
Contact [[Younger]] for more information!
===Kesenday, Vhast 31, 1016===
====Show of Force====
The City Guard and militia -- and even adventurers -- have been brought out to patrol the city in the wake of the Feast of Darkness. This being a holy day dedicated to Maugrim, many people will not be conducting business or going about other affairs for fear of offending the Tyrant God, while others will carry on. Either way, the city government is taking no chances and intends to make it clear that no disruption or threat to the security of the city will be tolerated. It is oddly appropriate.
===Kesenday, Vhast 31, 1016===
====Dragonieri Business Defaced====
A dragonieri owned business, the Smiling Gnome General Store in the Lower Trade District, was defaced with crude slogans against the Dragonieri this morning. While efforts have been made to clean it up since then, the vandalized business is now shuttered.
This clearly points to some anti-dragonieri sentiment being stirred up in the wake of the 'half-dragons' being left in various locales about the city.
===Variday, Vhast 27, 1016===
====Sewer Catastrophe Averted!====
A strange rumbling sound was eminating from the sewers beneath the lower trade district of Alexandria. Brave adventurers were called in and sent beneath the sewers, where they apparently did battle with some kind of creature that was gumming up the works quite deliberately down there. Where it came from remains unclear, but the city of Alexandria owes a debt to these brave (and dirty) souls.
(Feel free to hassle [[Oates]], [[Kravar]], [[Jibbom]], [[Leisel]], [[Uarala]] and [[Tatyannah]].)
===Ceriday, Vhast 25, 1016===
====Shadow Boxing====
In advance of his headbutting challenge Boshter was training some young warriors on the art of headbutting at the Festival Grounds. Fellow martial weapons aficionado, Azog was on hand to witness this lesson as was local wizard, Cesran. As the trio began to discuss the technique that Boshter was using, Azog doubtful of the prowess of the headbeat and Cesran, spewing confusing wizard terminology, they were suddenly attacked by three shadows. Azog and Boshter bravely stood their grounds as cowardly Cesran disappeared from sight. Demonstrating the superiority of the headbutt Boshter destroyed two of the shadow fiends while Azog with some very minor assistance from Cesran was able to banish the last fiend.
This is the story that's going around the Arena, Temple of Kor local taverns and anywhere that manly men gather to discuss the new of the day. (OOC: Talk to [[Boshter]], [[Azog]] and/or [[Cesran]] for the full story)
===Kesenday, Vhast 24, 1016===
====Dragon Knight Seen Again====
The Dragon Knight and it's great, majestic silver dragon have once again been sighted. This time it would appear that both Dragon and Knight paid a visit to the Temple of Eluna. The Knight descended into the courtyard of the Temple, then left, flying back to the ruined fort that they have since made their home.
===Gilday, Vhast 22, 1016===
Details remain vague, but reports confirm there to now be -two- Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of Night's running around. Or something. While tensions are high in certain areas, the Watch has yet to be mobilized on this spreading madness.
===Tariday, Vhast 21, 1016===
====Hauntings in the City====
A number of hauntings were reported across the city in recent days, with spooky activity becoming the latest topic of gossip. One family, as the story goes, had their house terrorized by the not-so-imaginary playmates of their son... flying books and phantom children made their lives miserable until a group of local adventurers reportedly drove the malevolent spirits out.
In possibly related ghost-chatter, the mansion which was the home for the auction some weeks back also seems to have fallen upon more haunted times. Furniture is said to move of its own accord, creaks and groans emanate throughout the hallways, and curtains blow and billow even in the absence of a breeze.
The local temples have gone on record to say that there is, in fact, not a widespread spectral outbreak in the city, and these are likely isolated incidents.
===Gilday, Vhast 15, 1016===
====Dragonieri Images====
Throughout the city, and especially in the lower parts where there are more refugees from Dragonier, various duplicated images of a dragon have been turning up on walls, streets, and more. The image is of a coppery dragon's front half, like half the image is missing.
How they are appearing is a mystery, but they appear to be cropping up quite frequently.
===Tariday, Vhast 14, 1016===
====Prestigious Moon Under New Ownership====
Apparently, Lady Sandiel has come into the possession of a Llyranessi clothing shop.
Needless to say, this is contributing to a great deal of curiosity, given her usual disdain for fashion.
===Variday, Vhast 13, 1016===
====A Song of Headbutting====
From the town criers': "Let it be known that Zaxx of the Adventurer's Guild sponsors a detailed song of the upcoming Headbutting Contest with no less than fifty gold coins to be paid when the song is in circulation and to be performed at midsummer and the temple of Angoron for no less than once a month until midsummer."
===Ceriday, Vhast 11, 1016===
====Boshter Headbutt Challenge====
The Arvek Nar, Boshter, has issued a standing challenge.
Apparently, the challenge is to break an object with your head that Boshter can not also break.
No. Really. The Boshter headbutt challenge is now a 'thing'.
===Kesenday, Vhast 10, 1016===
====Dragon Knight Sighted====
During the blizzard that took place over the last couple of days, the Dragon Knight and her silver Dragon have been sighted in flight near Alexandria. Apparently, they were recently seen travelling towards the Vast before returning to the crumbling fort they've been operating out of since their arrival in Alexandria last fall.
===Kesenday, Vhast 10, 1016===
====Guardsman Slain in Sting Gone Wrong====
Two groups of mercenaries from the Guild of Explorers and the City Guard set out together and were working in concert to trap bandits which are said to've been hassling merchants on the roads recently. They returned later that same day with several wounded guardsman and a few deceased ones as well being carried back to Alexandria for proper internment in the city's crypts.
The local rumor mill is indicating that both groups ran into unrelated (or was it?) trouble and were forced to give up their efforts to lure out the bandits in question.
===Korday, Vhast 09, 1016===
====Snow Tapers Off====
The sudden snowstorm which rocked Alexandria and environs has slowed down and finally stopped. It will take a few days to dig out from under it and the snow will be around for a while with the weather generally being a good bit colder than it usually is this time of year.
===Tariday, Vhast 07, 1016===
====Illothan Cult Broken Up====
The City Watch today is pleased to announce that a ring of Illothan Cultists, worshipers of the goddess of murder, have been either killed or apprehended. The Guard claims that these cultists were responsible for the troubles in Goblintown during the exorcism and more recently along the wall with the release of their so-called 'Blood Golems'.
The City Watch offers a special thank to you all the Guild of Explorer Members who assisted and took great risks for the safety of the city. [[Eligar]], [[Findrago]], [[Bennet]], [[Zippo]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]], [[Katyana]], [[Dragomir]], [[Millicent]], [[Zippo]], [[Jonan]], [[Vuk]], and [[Fazahd]] have all received a commendation from the city and are publically thanked at the end of the announcement.
===Variday, Vhast 06, 1016===
====Sudden Blizzard====
A sudden snow storm struck Alexandria tonight. It began snowing at around midnight and didn't stop until eight hours later. The city will begin digging itself out, but the storm blew in from over the Redridge mountains. It's thought likely an odd weather pattern from the Desolation is to blame.
For the next day or two, the city and surrounding countryside will be struck with additional flurries.
===Gilday, Vhast 01, 1016===
====Estate Sale Successful====
The estate sale of Renthis Banhold went quite well, according to rumor, and many miscellaneous souvenirs of a career in adventuring were purchased by those with interests in such thing. The house now lays abandoned and will soon go up for sale, no doubt, itself.
===Gilday, Vhast 01, 1016===
====The Phoenix====
As part of the turning of the year, the Progressive Arcanist's put on quite a show! The highlight of it was the fireworks display, which began with a illusory phoenix of great size flying over Alexandria before taking off high into the sky and exploding into a brilliant display of fireworks. The phoenix, being the symbol of ALexandria's flag and its many rebirths, was a welcome sight to close out the year for many and cheers were heard throughout the city at the display.
===Ceriday, Khael 28, 1015===
====Daemon Trouble====
It seems that it is all over, the rash of demon sightings and attacks over in the Redridge Mountains. Seems the miners of the platinum mine released a daemon (that's with an A) that used demons to cause trouble while it was gaining a base of power. It attacked and took over a local monastery, but thankfully even with some relatively minor damage, they have been freed from the daemon's control.
There was also a rash of demons that were about just causing mischief and mayhem, but it seems other groups have already gone through and swept them up quite handedly. Though it might be wise to be cautious of the mystery meat at the Ox-Strength Tavern for a while.
===Kesenday, Khael 27, 1015===
====Bandits Strike?====
A merchant was seen stumbling into town by the north gate today, telling a tale of masked man who came out of nowhere to strike him down and burn his wagon after pillaging it. He claims they left him a single half-copper, which some say was from the fallen kingdom of Dragonier. As this tale spreads, wary eyes are turned towards those from the fallen kingdom who've made Alexandria their home.
===Eliday, Khael 22, 1015===
====Fighting Crime====
In response to the rising crime some adventurers have been recruited to help track down and catch those that break the law. One such group was in action recently, following a break in at a local jewelry store. One of the perpetrators was caught turned informant. Using that information the adventurers broke up the gang and recovered the jewelry. However on a darker note, the informant was found dead a couple of nights later, his body drained of all its blood...
(Feel free to speak to [[Bennet]], [[Vuk]], [[Kade]], [[Zippo]], [[Ulharilti Wiivai]] and [[Takiyah]] about what happened.)
===Ceriday, Khael 21, 1015===
====Rising Crime====
With the guard depleted after the fall of the Blue Lady, the cost having been so high, shadier elements in Alexandria are returning to business as usual as well. Reports of extortion, smuggling and all other manner of larceny seem to be on the rise. More rumors indicate the growth of new underground organizations born out of the refugees are quite common, with many fingers pointed at the Dragonieri most especially.
===Korday, Khael 19, 1015===
====Trade Begins Again====
With the Azure Queen no longer present and things slowly returning to normal in Alexandria, trade is once again beginning to flourish in the city.
More specifically, a number of Khazadi merchant airships seem to be heading northwards. Their destination is rumored to be Bludgun, oddly enough. Despite the ancient animosity between Khazad, Oruch and Giant, the delivery of tools, foodstuffs, and other sorts of things for the development of Bludugn's norther, Dragonier facing fortifications is continuing apace.
===Tariday, Khael 17, 1015===
====More in the Mountains====
Things are getting weirder out by the mountains. Now a monk has been brought from a nearby village talking about how his monastery has been run over by some sort of evil that infected him and all of his Brothers, even the Abbot. He is now in the care of the faithful of Navros in the city but being questioned by priests of Daeus.
===Korday, Khael 12, 1015===
====More from the Redridge====
Seems a lot have been going on over in the Redridge Mountains as of late. Among everything else, it seems that a recently rediscovered platinum mine was overrun by demons, killing everyone working there. A party sent by the owner found a few stragglers, but also reported oddities evil inside the mine. It is currently sealed off, and with one small artifact recovered, there are still questions.
Also, in a nearby ranching village, they were experiencing disappearances as well as cattle mutilation. These too were investigated and discovered to be caused by various demons causing mayhem. What has gotten everything stirred up?
OOC: Anyone wishing to do any investigations on these events, please @mail or page [[Elessa]].
===Variday, Khael 09, 1015===
====Rumblings roused from Redridge====
For the past few nights there have been tales of wolf howls from the trails in the Redridge Mountains leading up to the mining settlements there. More disturbing though are rumours that ancient burial sites have been violated, releasing numbers of the unliving. Something up there in the bleak of winter must have been roused and it seems to be drawing closer to the city. Finally, an older miner comes into town, refusing to explain where his wounds came from until he gets a good stiff shot of whiskey into him. Even then he seems reticent:
:"It were a.. a big dog."
:"A stray you mean?"
:"Not 'sactly. Like someone 'ad tried to blend a dog and a man. It was tellin' those normal sized wolves and the shamblin' ones wot ta do."
:"Commanding them?"
:"Yeah. Barely 'scaped wiv me life. Barkeep: fill 'er up!"
:Nothing coherent comes from the man the rest of the night, save to indicate that he has lost a companion on the trail in a horrific attack.
OOC: For more information, please contact [[Benthus]], [[Kiroth]], [[Zaxx]], [[Bennet]] or [[Larron]].
===Korday, Khael 05, 1015===
====Snow Statues====
Outside of the Ox-Strength Tavern one might see a strange sight. Dozens of Statues have been constructed out of snow in honor of one of the city's most famous elves, the Noble Lady Sandiel or Sandy as she is known by. Come marvel at the artistic majesty of these masterpieces before they melt into nothing. Be careful though, one of they could be the persnickety Lady Sandy.
===Gilday, Khael 04, 1015===
====An Exhortation in the Market====
"We must not forget th'horrors to our north, my brothers an' sisters!"
An exhortation was roared forth from the top of a wagon in the market today by an orcish Current of Rada that goes by the name of Brother Fishbelly, apparently having something to do with Dragonier.
"I know that th'wounds of our war with Bludgun are fresh... but we must bandage them an' set our differences aside, for what lies beyond threatens not just th'Bludgunni but us as well! Th'Great Dead Dragon will not stop at th'borders of goblinoid lands, no -- he will turn his blackened eyes to us as well, an' his wights an' worse will ravage our lands if he is not stopped. We must send adventurers north, send military aid north as well! HEAR MY WORDS! THERE IS SOMETHING COMING--"
At this point, the town guard dragged him off the wagon and threw him in jail for public drunkenness for the evening.
===Variday, Khael 02, 1015===
====Dragon in the Hills====
In the aftermath of recent chaos, a fishing town ran into crossroads with a wandering dragon. Whether over fishing rights, territory, or just malice, the town lost a number of workers to the creature. With help from the local sheriff, adventurers tracked it into the hills. When challenged with axe and spear, the dragon lost and fell to earth.
The threat to the town is ended, and local sith were called upon to dispose of the dragon's body, according to tribal custom. One adventurer was heard to comment that the creature could have been a needed ally against Heth, if he'd only listened. Heth is the massive beast who singlehandedly runs what was once the mighty nation of Dragonier, controlling an army of undeath and destruction. He first took Dragonier sometime between 1008 and 1013, but with things as they were, word was understandably slow to filter out...and uncertain.
OOC: A big, big thanks to Hurricane for running this! You rock, especially doing this on the fly. :3
OOC2: For rumors about the scene, contact [[Fishbelly]], [[Kravar]], [[Tatyannah]], [[Zarr]], or [[Ormarr]].
==News Archives for Previous Arcs==
==News Archives for Previous Arcs==

Revision as of 03:54, 30 January 2017

Most recent rumors are on the top.

Recent Rumors

Variday, Callem 29, 1018


Fashion and Culture

A Series of Interviews of Alexandrian Culture

I, Nilou Farsens Scribbetter of the Alexandrian Tribune, have been tasked with a series of interviews about life here in Alexandria and the cultures that compose it! The City is one of the melting pots of the world, and I am attempting to capture its mixture in words.

Interviews, V -- Esmaudalein of the Gnomes Today, I am interviewing Esmaudalein, an active and gnomish member of our local theatre community! Esmaudalein is noted for her interesting performances, or unique as described by some--and was able to take time our from her schedule to meet with us. In it you will find descriptions of Selentia, the land of a thousand princes!

Nilou: Thank you for coming, and helping us with this project.

Esmaudalein: Darling, I'm more than happy to help out. Publicity, sweetie, that's the name of the game.

Nilou: Oh, of course. Now, as you know we're focusing on culture and what makes Alexandria a melting pot! We're quite unique in the world. Where is it you're from, ...Esmaudalein, is it? Am I pronouncing that right?

Esmaudalein: Call me /Esme/, darling. I am from /Selentia/, the Land of Princesses. Not, as according to popular rumour, Rosalia. No, mine is that beautiful land of salons, wine and luxe.

Nilou: Ah! I may have heard that rumor, now that I think on it. Oh, such things float about in a city like this one. Now, Selentia...the land of a thousand princes, I've heard it called! Do tell our readers a bit about it, if you would?

Esmaudalein: A thousand princes, but alas, none right for me. Perhaps save the Bard....It is a pleasant land, full of great manor houses and beautiful splendour. Where the poor daughter of a woodsman may meet her prince. Salons of exquisite intellect and bohemian delights. Wonderful balls---oh! for my own debutant ball to be replayed a thousand times would not be enough.

Nilou: Ooh, the manors are legendary. ...do you mind? Could you picture--oh, one of your favorites, and describe it? Let's bring it to life for our readers! And which bard?

Esmaudalein: <here, Esme becomes upset that I do not know who she is speaking of--and when I hear the name, I quite understand!> The Bard??! Surely a man of letters such as yourself knows of the great playwright, that muse of all thespians and poets, the great Gaudarne?

Now, the manors---oh, my! My favourite, the Durretti House, by the sea. Four fine wings surrounding a courtyard of such exquisite beauty that you would /die/ to be allowed within." Almost a visible swoon. "Fountains of liquid grace, and meticulously hand-picked pebble paths. Hundreds of cats preening and being groomed... Expansive grounds, with such fabulous formal gardens as you would not believe. Plants from all over Ea, raised from seed by skilled druids. And the towers---my, imagine ascending to the eighth or ninth floor on those fine marble steps, to be greeted with the gilded walls, the rosewood floors, the thick sheepskin rugs, the tapestries, the art of a thousand generations... and with the finest company one could hope for. Princes, princesses, assassins, diplomats, spies, dukes, barons, generals, artists, actors, writers, merchants---and me, the daughter of a simple woodcutter, invited to the salon in the west tower of Gaurdarne...

Editor's note: It's since come to our desks that the description Esme gave of Selentia is not quite accurate! We assume she just became carried away.

Nilou: Gaudarne! Ah! Of course. A perfect inspiration to--take inspiration from, you know. Now...But what caused you to leave all of this splendour?

Esmaudalein: The lure of the world-renowned, and most excellent, Bardic College of Alexandria. That fine institution, which can give such excellent training to actors such as myself. I was fortunate to be patronized by a wealthy merchant---with whom, I might add, and contrary to rumours, I did not share a bed, nor anything more licentious than lunch and polite conversation.

Nilou: I had scarce heard the rumors. Now--so you left Selentia and came to the College. What surprised you most about it?

Esmaudalein: The songs, dear, the songs. Oh, they'll... melt your face. Why, I know my fair share of bawdy tunes, but none quite as shocking as I heard within the walls of my dear alma mater. Yes, the songs, and the rather... <she pauses> /Loose morals./

Nilou: Oh...oh! Well...yes, I suppose some areas in the city can be known for that sort of thing. ...I'm terribly glad you've come by though, Esme! It's been a delight.

Esmaudalein: Marvelous, darling, the /pleasure/ was chiefly mine. I look forward to seeing my name in print again.

Interviews, VI -- Durrankar of the Sith-makar Here, I interview Durrankar, a steward of Mictlan! Mictlan was gifted to the sith-makar through an arrangement with our local druids. Here, we talk about sith-makar greetings, caste, and how they view the treaty! Read on for more!

Nilou: Nilou Farsens Scribbetter, Alexandrian Tribune. I'm thrilled you've agreed to help me with this project! <here I offered him a hand, which proved to be a mistake...keep reading!>

Durrankar: Durrankar, steward of Mictlan. it is nice to meet you. Interesting that you've asked for an...interview...

Nilou: I hope you think so! I imagine our readers will be so excited! You know, in the history of things, your people are so new! The sith-makar! So you are new, at least to us. I heard no one knew about you until the last...one hundred years or so?

Durrankar: That is because we did not come from the jungle of Am'Shere until then." <here, Durrankar looks at my hand> "What that....supposed to signify something? <he then tilts his head to the side, and moves his tail about>

Nilou: Oh! The crate is here because...well, we're a different height, you see. Otherwise, I might be interviewing your kneecaps, you know. <pauses> Oh! You mean to shake hands? I take it the sith-makar don't do that sort of thing, then? How do you greet one another?

Durrankar: Our normal greeting is 'Peace on your nest'. Which is like wishing no harm to take place. A nest, to the sith makar can symbolize many things. The home, the heart, your fire." Durrankar explains pointedly. "in Am'shere it is very much a battle for survival. So, protecting the 'little ones' is paramount. As they cannot defend themselves, it is up to the rest of us to defend them, teach them, how to hunt, to fight. To take, or crush an egg is not only an insult to the one who laid it, but it is an insult to the entire tribe.

Nilou: That is fascinating. You know, that reminds me. I imagine there must be a few differences in our culture, so I apologize ahead of time. Do let me know if something is offensive, or unclear. I think if we work it out, it could help our readers understand you, that is the sith-makar, better. ...Speaking of cultures, I had a question for you from one of our readers. We keep hearing the term 'cihuaa.' What is that, exactly? Could you tell me about it?

<Included here is an artist's render of a generic sith-makar demonstrating a tail-thump, with the caption: "A sith-makar greeting!">

Durrankar: First, let me explain that. <Durrankar gestures to my picture> That is a friendly greeting, before the greeting. In Am'shere, you have many stealthy predators. The 'tail thump' as you call it...is letting someone know they are there. it is loud, where there should be stealth. In essence, you are announcing your presence to someone you consider a friend. It also signifies approval of something, or that they like an idea.

Cihuaa.......it signifies 'life partner' or 'mate'. I have one myself, Un'eth. She is also of the woods. However, Life partner is more accurate, since sith'makar do 'mate' for life, the bond is much deeper, like two halves of a heart. it is not to be entered to lightly, nor is it about creating hatchlings....it is a bond like no other. You share your fire, food, warmth, and more with another.

Nilou: Is that why most of the sith-makar don't ...what is the phrase? Oh! Take cihuaa? Go cihuaa? Claim...? As you can see, it's a term we often hear, but so different!

Durrankar: Politics are meaningless in Am'shere. We fight for survival. You are either hunter....or prey. You do not want to be prey. And the term is 'take' cihuaa. It is not like 'marriage'. You are either happy with your cihuaa before you take her...or him....or you do not become a cihuaa, or take one.

Editor's note: Some research suggests it's as often political as it is personal. But, I cannot claim to have an insider's knowledge here.>

Nilou: You know...I'd heard one other thing that puzzled me. What is caste, and what does that mean? And...which caste are you? Or is that a rude question?

Durrankar: It is not rude. A caste is......something you do. And the names are self explanatory. Hunter caste tracks down and gets food for others. Warrior caste are the guardians of the tribe. The shaman caste are the teachers and the spellcasters of the tribes. And the merchant caste are the traders of the tribes. The Merchant caste are the ones that bring goods from Am'shere...I am of the shaman caste.

Nilou: The shaman caste! What does that mean? Well, to you, personally?

Durrankar: They are the guides of the tribes. They teach how to use spells, or how to bring beneficial things to your tribe. Say...you are trying to get a medicinal herb for your child, but you do not know which it is. You go to a shaman to find out which herb it is...and the shaman sends the hunter to get it. A shaman is a position where all eyes look to you for...advisor. That is what it is.

Nilou: I'm given to understand, well, you just emerged in the last 100 years. Alexandria is the first...outside nation you've made a Treaty with? What did you think when you first saw it?

Durrankar: It was a great opportunity. The sith-makar would not survive without help, and it is good to learn new things from others." <here, Durrankar thumps his tail again, a movement which I am not sure I understand; in this context it seemed to be an affirmative> If we did not venture out of Am'shere....I would not have met my cihuaa, so I'm a little biased.

Nilou: Oh! Well, we are down to the last question, now. Thank you for talking with me so far. For this one, I would like you to paint a picture. If a visitor came to Am'shere, from Alexandria--what would they see? What is the impression they would get?

Durrankar: It. Is. Hot. You could sit on a stove and be cooler than in Am'shere. Not only is it hot...it is humid. Those who are not prepared will find it difficult to breathe while there. It is a jungle. Also, until you are in the care of a tribe tribe's guards, you must be prepared to defend yourself. It is a fight for survival in Am'shere, as I have said before. If you are not ready to defend yourself, or must rest for the night, you might make preparations to make yourself less of a target. Minimizing your scent, not wearing brightly colored or easy to spot clothes, and more.

However, despite the battle for survival, Am'shere is a very beautiful and vibrant jungle. Many plants and animals are in Am'shere and some are particularly beautiful, if deadly. Some of the parrots there are very colorful.

Nilou: Thank you for taking the time. And...peace to your nest? Is there a standard goodbye?

Durrankar: May the Dragonfather's wings shelter you. <He thumps his tail> That is a normal goodbye. And for us, the Dragonfather is the platinum dragon. To you, he is known as Daeus.

Ask Great Paladin!

Q: Are knitting needles truly the secret superweapons we have always feared? And by this reason, should we all be afraid of Myrana and other, perhaps secret knitters?

A: In the hands of common folk, knitting needles are harmless. Well, as harmless as anything can be harmless. However, there are some few who can put knitting needles to deadly effect. Consider, perhaps, the fighter with the Improvised Weapon feat. Or consider the paladin who smites. And then, of course, if the knitting needles are made of exceptional materials, such as adamantium, they could theoretically be used to sunder even the mightiest of weapons. However, there is one circumstance which makes all others pale in regards to potential lethality.

In the hands of the grandmother, they are truly awesome and fearsome. They can craft clothing of such garity and embarrassment that one must unfortunately wear. For only the most terrible of people could refuse to do so for a grandmother. That they must present themselves in those horrid knitted monstrosities lest they upset the kindly old matron is a cross that must be borne. A scar on the emotional psyche that can never be healed. That this is all known before even taking that fatal step simply makes it all the worse. In short, knitting needles in the hands of a grandmother can utterly destroy one's sense of self respect and place in this world.

GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.

Artificer's Hall Follow-Up

The Artificer's Hall is now several feet in the air. The building, once sedately located on the ground, now stands on eight metal legs, taller than a human is high. Precise reports of the event have been conflicting so far, ranging from a failed experiment to routine tests of existing manatech. Other reports suggest students from the Bardic College running amok. Whatever the source, the change now appears to be permanent.

Stoneworks' New Menu!

A longtime staple in Vadran Village, Stoneworks' Calzones is pleased to announce several new items to their menu! Alongside the fresh fare from local farmers, they are offering an additional number of traditional khazadi-styled sausages, mushrooms, and breads! Stop by for some good, filling calzones, khazad-aul style!

Gilday, Callem 24, 1018


A bizarre swarm of giant spiders were sighted on the high bridge earlier today.

Apparently, some merchants accidentally enlarged a group of them with a carelessly disposed of potion. They are now paying serious fines for their recklessness. Thankfully, Alexandria being Alexandria meant that there were numerous warriors in the immediate vicinity. Rumors indicate Myrana Jn'rajh was present (leading some to speculate that this was an elaborate divorce attempt), Alba, Jokul, Fazahd, Jacob, Ylerona and Shaoqing. For those that would recognize their descriptions, anyway.

Kesenday, Callem 19, 1018

Warfare in Skald

Rumors of inter-demon warfare in Skald have reached the ears of Alexandrians. It would appear that the Binder, Asumit, is having difficulty controlling his forces recently. It's more like an ongoing skirmish betweeen various power-hungry demons. Khazadi scouts are expressing concerns over the renewed warfare spreading out of Skald, but it's not like demons have been confined to those areas lately.

Eliday, Callem 14, 1018


Fashion and Culture

A Series of Interviews of Alexandrian Culture

I, Nilou Farsens Scribbetter of the Alexandrian Tribune, have been tasked with a series of interviews about life here in Alexandria and the cultures that compose it! The City is one of the melting pots of the world, and I am attempting to capture its mixture in words.

Interviews, III -- Yelrona of the Llyranesi

Today, I am interviewing Yelrona, of the llyranesi. She makes her living within the city proper, and comes from she explains, a small town among the llyranesi. What does a llyranesi small town look like? Let's find out!

Nilou: You know, Yelrona, until recently, we never saw much of your people! I was telling someone earlier--I'm not sure we in Alexandria have a good picture of just what your homeland is like. I'm glad you came to talk with me. Could you tell me a little about it?

Yelrona: Certainly. I guess the first thing I should explain is that I'm not from Llyranost, like most of the llyranesi you see here. I'm from a small elven settlement in the Mythwood, a few weeks travel from here... well, a few weeks travel for me, anyway. Yles Namvadin -- in Trade that would be 'Sweet Water', I suppose, it was named after a nearby spring. There's not really much to tell... it's a small settlement, maybe 30 families. The biggest institution is the Temple of Eluna, where my mother was priestess. We... well, I suppose it's like any small town, right? We were mostly concerned with our own private matters, with centuries-old family feuds and whether the apple orchard out next to the river belonged to the Diemetri family or their neighbors, the Nalion." <laughs> "It was rather dull, really."

Nilou: Oh, but it's fascinating! You know, I suspect many of us have have a few misconceptions of the llyranesi. To us--well, look at the storybooks! Great forests, huge, sweeping castles that reach into the clouds...But it isn't all like that, is it? At least, not where you grew up?

Yelrona: No, not at all. I know what you mean, of course, we tell the same stories ourselves! They are part of our history. But... well, nobody tells great epic tales about bakers and tailors and <here Yelrona laughs, indicating the two of us in the room> reporters and street performers. But if you look around, there's a lot more of us than there are heroes. Most of us don't live in castles in the sky, any more than anyone else does. <pauses> There are differences, of course. There was a lot more magic in... everything... back home. Everyone had some sort of arcane connection. And... other things.

Nilou: Oh, yes! The ties of the llyranesi to the arcane are...well, legendary, I think. Do you mind a small demonstration?

Here, Yelrona looked a bit startled, but was game.

Yelrona: Mm? Sure, I suppose. I mean, I'm not a mage or anything, but... well, for example...

<...a nearby basket of pastries rustles, and an apple tart floats through the air. Throughout the rest of the interview, Yelronw takes occasional bites from it while it hovers there.>

Nilou: Hah! Wonderful! Marvellous! So...well, that's entirely fascinating. Well...that reminds me. In the stories, I heard you have a queen, Her Majesty Aeslyn Son'Doriel, and she is part of ...house Son'Doriel? But, you came from a smaller village. Were houses a thing where you're from, and--are you part of one?

Yelrona: No. Or, well, I mean, sure, we had households and family lineages, of course, but not like the Royal Houses... that was for royalty and such. Anyway, to be honest, I probably know less about the Royal Houses of the Llyranesi than you do... it just never interested me that much.

Nilou: Was it that disinterest that...brought you to Alexandria? Or what was it, exactly? Alexandria sounds a very different place than what you were describing.

Yelrona: In part, maybe. Mostly...Well, my mother was the ranking priestess of Eluna in Yles Namvadin, as I said, and everyone just assumed that one of these centuries I would take her place. Except I... well, let's just say it wasn't for me. Eventually it just became easier to follow my own path somewhere _other_ than home. And besides, look at everything that's going on! You can't just hide out in the Mythwood and wait until it passes. And also... well, can I put in a bit of a personal pitch here?

Nilou: Oh, of course.

Yelrona: So, one reason I came to Alexandros was in the hopes of finding my father, Avourel. He, er... well, he travelled a lot, but he's been gone for over thirty years by now, which is a lot even for him, and... well, I'm hoping I can find out where he is, or, you know, what happened to him. I know he was here twenty years ago or so, and I thought maybe your readers... you know, one of them might have met him?

Nilou: We can publish a picture, to be sure. Oh! Oh. If you don't have one, why. I'll take you to one of our sketch artists, once we're done. They can reconstruct him from your memories, I imagine. I don't mind at all, and am happy to help.

Yelrona: That would be wonderful. Thank you so much!

<Two images of Yelrona's father are included here, as imagined by the Tribune's sketch artist.>

Nilou: Well, I for one am glad you came to Alexandria, you know. Perhaps we can help eachother--as Alexandrians should! Though...there is something the llyranesi have done that has a lot of us wondering. I wondered if you can shed some light on it?

Yelrona: You mean the gift of magic, I assume?

Nilou: Of course! Why give something like that up? I mean--the secrets, perhaps hundreds of spells?" the reporter says, waving a small hand. "No one knows what to think, you know. Do you have a guess?"

Yelrona: Of course! You came to the right person... I remember those strategy discussions intimately. You see... <pauses> ...I have absolutely no idea. But if I had to guess, I'd guess that it was related to, well, everything that's been going on. The demons, and Heth, and, well, everything. My people, especially those who rule, magic is in our blood. If humans knew an ally was going to be attacked, they might offer weapons or soldiers to help defend them. Dwarves might offer to build secure bulwarks. Elves? Elves offer magic. <shrugs> Either that, or we actually meant to send those secrets to our cousins in the East, and put the wrong mailing label on them. One or the other.

Nilou: Well, thank you for taking the time. It's been nice to be able to talk with one of the llyranesi, aside from the storybooks, I mean. Now, let me take you to that sketch artist.

Yelrona: Thank you!

Editor's note: Alexandrians searching for a missing person are welcome to stop by the Tribune's offices, and ask an image be published, along with pertinent information. Artists and assistance may also be found through the local Watch.

Marcus' Doors!

Marcus Morden's Door Emporium is here to serve all your door and gateway needs! Was your door kicked in by frightful adventurers? Worry not! Marcus' Door Emporium is here to solve your problems! We offer a full range of doors from your standard wooden door to steel gateways and portcullis! Whatever your needs, Marcus Morden's Door Emporium will serve it! We offer a full range of insurance services and warranties on your products in the event of door destruction in the face of hostile mercenaries. We guarantee you'll get your money's worth!

Fashion and Culture (Cont'd)

Interviews, IV -- Ga'Elian of the Sylvanori

Today, I am interviewing Ga'Elian, of the sylvanori. He resides in Alexandros and he says, makes a living protecting travellers. We also talk about some of the questions most puzzling to Alexandros, such as--what does the home of the sylvanori look like? And, of course, recent politics--at least from the sildanyari side of things!

Nilou: Ga'Elian, I understand you're a follower of Gilead?

Ga'Elian: Well mightest thou think so, but while the White Stag hath favored me greatly, 'tis His sister Niessa that I, and my tribe generally, revere first.

Nilou: You know, I recall he's the god of travel. I don't think I've heard of...Niessa, is it? Could you tell me a little bit about her?

Ga'Elian: Among humans, She is called 'Eluna'. She hath held sway among the Sildanyar since antiquity and the revels of the fae are normally celebrated in Her silver light. More recently, the eldritch dominions have looked to Her for the grace of inspiration.

Nilou: Oh! You know, that's fascinating. Do all sildanyari call Her that, or is it more locak, from your tribe?

Ga'Elian: Llyranesi also know Her by this name. As for the Mul'niessa, I know but little of their ways.

Nilou: Fascinating! Until recently, the llyranesi and sylvanori kept to themselves. I think the image we all have of them is from storybooks. The mysterious forest, or a shining castle surrounded by vines. Do you mind telling me a little what your home was like? I think our readers would be interested. What do you think is the first thing a visitor would be struck by?

Ga'Elian: Methinks most civilized folk might suppose we were camping. But the Faravanilas tribe moveth from place to place as the game wandereth. The Perianath is wide enough that we never go more that a hundred leagues from one place to another. The rocks and streams are our friends, and we have frequent contact with the fae and other creatures of the wild. Overall, I would guess that city-folk would be aroused by the abundant greenery and clean air, although I suppose some might be frightened by the native sounds of the wilderness.

<Image of Ga'Elian's homeland, as described to one of the Tribune's sketch artists: http://bit.ly/29rnFo6 >

Nilou: Fascinating. What brought you to Alexandria, then? It is very different.

Ga'Elian: Good question. Thou speakest aright concerning my people--that until recently, but few ventured from Llyranost. Why, even now 'tis mostly those of my generation who feel the call to reach out to the greater world. See, over the centuries, there hath been a marked decline in the rate of Sildanyari birth. In recent decades, this decline hath accelerated to alarming depths. Many believe that interacting or even interbreeding with outsiders is the only or best way to stem that decline, but 'tis fraught with controversy among the elders who geat that the cost of such actions would be to lose the very nature of what it is to be Sildanyari. I personally feel more inclined to take the elders' view on the matter but...

My own personal decision to come hither is motivated by a combination of things. Partly, beautiful as my home is, I long to see the wonders of Ea beyond the Perianath. Partly, 'tis due to the calling I received from Niessa and Mahal (or Gilead as He is called among humans). In the Faravanilas tribe, each youngling departeth upon a month-long dreamquest on the night of the first full moon following their 100th birthday. In it, one traveleth alone into the wild going withersoever the Silver Huntress shall guide, and in the process learneth Her will for his adulthood. In mine, I was inspired to range the wide lands of Ea. More recently, tidings of the daemonic infestation, breaking forth upon Ea through the gateway of Alexandria came even into the forests, so I came for to help.

Editor's note: The decline of the sildanyari is a hotly debated topic. What is known is that they began to age and die, and lost much of their power. Scholars attribute this to their loss of ties to the fae realms, while others go so far as to blame the dark gods.

Nilou: Given that we're talking about the sylvanori coming out--and your own reasons for coming here--there is a question I'm sure many have wondered about. What about the magic? Quite recently, as you know, the llyranesi gifted the city--and the world--with new spells, magic, and ideas. They did this shortly after they re-emerged. What do you think prompted it? I don't mind saying, everyone here is stumped.

Ga'Elian: I may not be the best person to ask about the Llyranesi and their gifts of magic. While my tribal elders acknowledge the Llyranesi royals as overlords, quite frankly they bear but little direct influence among the tribes of the Sylvanori. I know that anciently the druids learned some of our ancestral rituals, but the recent sharing of magics by the Llyranesi is as much a mystery to me.

Nilou: Thank you for coming by, Mr. Ga'Elian. It's been a pleasure.

Ga'Elian: Good luck, master Scribbetter.

Great Paladin Advice Column
Q: Great Paladin! Is it true that you once caused the sky to rain demons?
A: The story has changed over time. The truth of it was that it rained demon pieces.
Q: Great Paladin! What do I do if someone is eating cookies in my bed?
A: If someone eats cookies in your bed, then you lay in wait for the next time and when they start eating cookies in your bed again you burn it.
Q: Great Paladin, how many gobs could a hobgob chuck if a hobgob could chuck gobs?"
A: This is an answer I do not have. But I would pay good money to see. We would also have to define precisely what counted as a chuck. Is it more or less than a lob? How does it compare to a pitch? Or a punt? All of this should be thoroughly researched through demonstration.
Q: Great Paladin! ...are paladins also throwing weapons?
A: ...they are not. :(

GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.

Tariday, Aestry 26, 1018


Death of Chef Plot Cooks Up

Reporting by Arnold Benson, Alexandria Tribune

Dillen StoneSpike of the IronHammer clan past away this Eliday. A local craftsman and active member of the community, StoneSpike was perhaps best known for his participation in the anual Chili Cookoff. His son Tillbard told the Tribune "Dad loved the Cookoff. He'd spend all year working on his chili, trying to get it just right to wow the judges."

Dro'bac Irontusk, a long time rival in the cookoff, spoke at a brief memorial outside the StoneSpike home. "Dillen and I argued often, but always with respect and freindship. The world has lost a great man, and a great chef. So I will not be entering this years cookoff, but will instead be working with Tillbard to recreate his father's signature chili, that everyone can enjoy one last bowl in memory of Dillen Stonespike."

Adventurer's Guild Pranked

A DISTURBANCE AT THE ADVENTURER'S GUILD two nights hence has been widely reported throughout the city, and has been the subject of intense speculation. What is apparent is that some kind of fracas took place, with guildsmen caught in the middle.

A spokesman for the Guild stated today that the clean-up operation has been a complete success, and that the business of the Guild has returned to normal. Damping down wild rumour, the spokesman reported that, contrary to popular belief, the events were unrelated to recent demonic activities in the city.

A watchman stated later that the incident is likely to have been a prank involving students at the Bardic College and members of the Society of Progressive Arcanists. Both organisations declined to comment, with the College stating only that it was not responsible for the actions of the student body.

The city watch are appealing for further witnesses to come forward.

A New Kind of Gardening

Lower Alexandria was the site of yet another demonic eruption Tariday evening as an infernal creature caused havoc. Witnesses report the creature's appearance in the Market District, destroying seven stalls before heading south towards the city hospital.

"It was a right monster, it was!" said Louis Cooper, owner of one of the destroyed stalls. "Just came out of nowhere, belching fire, smashing things to pieces with that blade of 'is!" Several witnesses reported a black-glowing blade and leathery wings on the creature, though reports conflict. Exact casualty counts are still unknown, but are estimated at a dozen or more. A guard official speaking off the record suggested that the number would have been far higher had the populace not fled sensibly.

The demon was dispatched shortly after its arrival in the Garden District by several hospital guards and clerics. Although no further information about the demon's origins was available, several witnesses did report seeing two elves fleeing the Garden just before the battle broke out... one of whom was described as a Dark Elf wearing a large feathered hat.

OOC: See Demon in the Garden for details.
The Ballad of Ga'Elian

The staff here at the Tribune has been informed of a new song making the rounds at the Bardic College entitled "The Ballad of Ga'Elian, Ettin-Slayer." We reproduce it here without further editorial comment.

Now a farmer needs assistance,
So approaching from the distance
Three elves and a child of giants near the farm.
Sunblade Sorscha, sword of morn,
Mighty Kailin, giant-born,
Quick Yelrona and Ga'Elian the wild.
Though the day is bright and clear
They see no sign as they draw near
Of any threat that has this farmer's crops defiled,
And yet the crops are disappearing
As the four of them are nearing.
Soon enough they see what means to do them harm.
Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes,
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses,
And what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
Bunnies, they're giant bunnies!
The buck-toothed beasts soon face defeat,
And, having saved the farmer's wheat,
Our heroes pause to heal and offer thankful prayer,
But they soon have cause to learn
A giant hare's owner, in turn,
May be itself a giant: in this case an ettin.
For this fight they're unprepared,
And perhaps a little scared,
Holding firm but still they're nervously a-sweatin'
When a pair of arrows' flight
Ends the unexpected fight,
And the wild elf earns the title Ettin-Slayer!
Bunnies, they're giant bunnies!
Or maybe ettins?

For more info, see http://tenebraemush.net/index.php/PRP:_Hare_We_Go

Great Paladin Advice Column

Q: GREAT PALADIN! If a parent yells at a child, is it good to leave spiders in the parent's pillows, every night for a week?

A: Spiders are unacceptable. They serve a great purpose in controlling the bug population. To sacrifice them to head squishing on the pillows of parents would lead to an uncontrolled population boom for other gross and disgusting creatures. I suggest, instead, lining the inside of their pillow cases with honey.

Q: But what about snakes?

A: Snakes would be acceptable. The parents wo

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