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===Typhoon Breath===
===Typhoon Breath===
You can turn your breathweapon into a powerful storm.
You can turn your breathweapon into a powerful storm.
: '''Prerequesites:''' Str 13, breath weapon, Power Attack, sith-makar
: '''Prerequesites:''' Str 13, Power Attack, sith-makar
: '''Benefit:''' When you use your breath weapon, in addition to its normal effects, creatures in the area are affected as though struck by wind effects. The force of the wind depends on your size, as indicated below. Because the breathweapon has an instantantaneous duration, creatures ignore the checked effect unless they are airborn (in which case, they're blown back 1d6x5 feet).
: '''Benefit:''' When you use your breath weapon, in addition to its normal effects, creatures in the area are affected as though struck by wind effects. The force of the wind depends on your size, as indicated below. Because the breathweapon has an instantantaneous duration, creatures ignore the checked effect unless they are airborn (in which case, they're blown back 1d6x5 feet).
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===Unarmored Body (Armored Body)===
===Unarmored Body (Armored Body)===

Revision as of 21:15, 27 July 2010

House Feats

Adamantine Body (Armored Body)

Description: At the cost of mobility, A War Golem’s body can be layered with adamantine to provide formidable protection and some degree of damage reduction.
Prerequisite: War-Golem, 1st Level Only
Benefit: Your armor bonus increases to +8 and you gain DR 2/Adamantine. Your base land speed is decreased to 20’ and you are considered to be wearing heavy armor. You have a +1 maximum dexterity bonus to AC and a –5 armor check penalty whenever it is applicable. Your arcane spell failure chance is at 35%.
Special: War golems who take this feat may not utilize druidic supernatural class abilities or spell like abilities. War-Golems who take this feat may not access special abilities forbidden to those wearing heavy armor.


Prerequisites: membership in a Faction or Organization, or an established Associate
As a member of a given organization or faction, you have some degree of influence and access to resources. Alternately, you know someone well who is willing to aid you in useful ways, perhaps to repay a debt or due to friendship ... or fear. Whatever the source of your connections, the feat permits you to use your relationship to derive assistance on a reliable basis.
Note that this feat makes no determination of the nature of the relationship or regard, and that lacking this feat is not evidence of lack of status. A noble may have no Connections feats, while the noble's stable-hand may have learned to use his proximity to the noble to his constant benefit.
Benefit: Each time you select this feat, pick two skills related to your connections. You receive a +2 connections bonus to both skills (+4 at level 10) when organization/guy can reasonably help you. Reasonably generally means you are nearby (in the city) and have time to spare (an afternoon, a day, generally not rushed for time).
In addition, one of the two skills is chosen to be your Reputation skill. This skill can be used as Gather Information or Diplomacy for topics and folks related to the skill, somewhat flavored by the type of connection you have.
Special: You may take this feat additional times, either selecting new skills from the same connection, or additional connections. It's possible to take the same skill from two different sources, particularly as different Reputation skills, but probably not advisable.

Lightning Reload (Combat Feat)

Your hand are a blur as you load your weapons.
Prerequisite: BAB +6
Benefit: Choose Pistol or Rifle; it takes you less time to reload the chosen type of weapon. Pistols, heavy pistols, and rifles are improved from move action to free action. Heavy rifles are improved from full round actions to move actions.
Special: You may take lightning reload a second time, applying the benefits to both types of weapon.

Mithril Body (Armored Body)

Description: A War Golem’s body can be crafted with a layer of mithril that provides some protection without sacrificing gracefulness or speed.
Prerequisites: War Golem, 1st level only
Benefits: Your armor is increased to +5 and you are considered to be wearing light armor. Younow have a +5 maximum dexterity bonus to AC, a-2 penalty on skill checks that require an armor check and an arcane spell failure of 15%.
Normal: Without this feat, War Golem characters have a natural armor bonus of +2 and may not wear armor.
Special: War Golems must take this feat at 1st level. War-Golem Druids who take this feat cannot cast druid spells or use their druid supernatural class abilities. War Golems with this feat do not gain access to any class feature prohibited to characters who wear light armor.

Mithril Fluidity (Armored Body)

Description: Your movements are fluid and smoother then most other War Golems.
Prerequisites: War-Golem, Mithril Body
Benefit: The maximum dexterity bonus applied to War-Golems with the Mithril Body feat is increased by 1. In addition, the armor check penalties are decreased by 1.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. However, penalties cannot be reduced below 0.

Steady Shot

You pick off targets with great precision.
Prerequisite: BAB +1, Weapon focus in the chosen weapon
Benefit: When firing two-handed, +1/2 Dex modifier to damage and max sneak attack range is 60'.
Special: Fighters may select this as a bonus feat.
Note: This is crossbow sniper, but for guns.

Typhoon Breath

You can turn your breathweapon into a powerful storm.

Prerequesites: Str 13, Power Attack, sith-makar
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon, in addition to its normal effects, creatures in the area are affected as though struck by wind effects. The force of the wind depends on your size, as indicated below. Because the breathweapon has an instantantaneous duration, creatures ignore the checked effect unless they are airborn (in which case, they're blown back 1d6x5 feet).
Size Wind Severity
Medium Strong
Large Severe

Unarmored Body (Armored Body)

Description: A War Golem’s body can be created without the usual armor plating.
Prerequisite: War-Golem, 1st Level Only
Benefit: You have no armor bonus and do not gain the war golem's usual light fortification. But you don't gain ASF either, and you may wear armor or robes like other races do.

Feats from Other Sources

Emblem of Ea allows a limited selection of feats from other sources.

Danger sense, Lightning Reload, Monkeygrip, Practiced Spellcaster, Ranged Disarm, Ranged Spell Specialization, Ranged Sunder, Short Haft, Steady Shot, Touch Spell Specialization, Dive for Cover, Double Wand Wielder, Wandstrike, Nature's Bond

Wild feats: Boar's Ferocity, Cheetah's Speed, Eagle's Wings, Elephant's Hide, Extra Wild Shape, Fast Wild Shape, Grizzly's Claws, Lion's Pounce, Oaken Resilience, Serpent's Venom, Swim like a Fish, Wolverine's Rage