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(Kelia starts the plot with two cure light wounds and 1 produce flame spell.)
<div>(Kelia starts the plot with two cure light wounds and 1 produce flame spell.)
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Kelia glances up at Sargon as he touches her shoulder, then blinks, turning her eyes to the incoming sounds. "Oh... O--" She covers her mouth with her hands, looks over at her spear, bites her lip, then nods rapidly. Without speaking, she sneaks off with him.
Kelia glances up at Sargon as he touches her shoulder, then blinks, turning her eyes to the incoming sounds. "Oh... O--" She covers her mouth with her hands, looks over at her spear, bites her lip, then nods rapidly. Without speaking, she sneaks off with him.
(End of Plot)
(End of Plot)</div>

Latest revision as of 10:03, 13 September 2014

Log Info

  • Title: Trip on the wild side
  • Emitter: Benthus
  • Characters: Kelia (level 2), Sargon (level 2)
  • Place: On the road towards Alexandria
  • Time: Sept 13, 2014
  • Summary: Danger lurks on the road towards Alexandria
  • APL: 2
  • Encounter 1: 3 Brigands, CR2
  • Encounter 2: 1 Ghoul, CR2

(Kelia starts the plot with two cure light wounds and 1 produce flame spell.)

So it comes to pass that the path you have chosen on the road has brought you into contact with another traveler, one whose destination is similar to yours. And as it benefits you both to go together for added protection, you allow yourself the company of this stranger. And timely it is that you came together as well, for not long in the day upon meeting each other, you find your road blocked by three men, all bearing cudgels.

"Money or life." One of them demands in a bored, oftenly repeated phrase.

GAME: Kelia rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8 GAME: Sargon rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 21 GAME: You roll initiative for Bandits: Roll: 17 + Bonus: +1 = Total: 18

    	It's very likely indeed that someone was able to catch up to Kelia, for in her thick hide outfit clearly meant for the coldest of regions, she's not exactly fast. She travels with her hood down though, her incredibly long red hair flowing down her back, almost trailing on the ground behind her.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Sargon's turn! Bandits is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Sargon ended.

<OOC> Sargon will draw weapon and tell them to back off.

GAME: Sargon rolls intimidate: (9)+6: 15

Sargon draws the exotic curved Kopesh and raises his wooden shield "Withdraw your foolish words brigands, I wield the Fury of Halaak and to test me is to test your own flesh on its blade." he says sternly in accented trade speak.

(success) The bandit who spoke earlier flees in panic.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 18.
     It is now Bandits' turn! Kelia is next!

As the bandit who declared 'money or life' drops his cudgel and runs for dear life, the other two engage in combat.

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11 (miss) GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12 (miss)

With amateurish skills, the two highwaymen swing their make-shift bats at the two travellers, hitting only air in the process...

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 8.
     It is now Kelia's turn! Sargon is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kelia ended.

GAME: Kelia rolls 1d20+1: (10)+1: 11

       	Kelia finds herself pausing in step as the bandits rather unenthusiastically make their demand. She blinks, quirks her head and glances to Sargon who appears to make his own answer known... an instant later, she shrieks and attempts to pull her two handed spear off her back, swinging it in a wild arc at the attacking bandit as soon as it's free! "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?! I could've just given them some pots I made!"


     Benthus advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Sargon's turn! Bandits is next!

<OOC> Sargon swift action Judgment of destruction a d stabulate. GAME: Sargon rolls melee+1: (1)+5+1: 7

Sargon makes a bad swing and nearly loses his blade! "The Gray lady will have you!"

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 18.
     It is now Bandits' turn! Kelia is next!

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20 (hits Kelia) GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20 (misses Sargon) GAME: Benthus rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6 GAME: You damaged Kelia for 6 points. 12 remaining.

The two scallywags are a persistent lot and continue to assault the two travellers, one of which injures the female Lucht, and the other makes a glancing blow on the inquisitor's armour. "Come on! Die already!"

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 8.
     It is now Kelia's turn! Sargon is next!

GAME: Kelia rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20 GAME: Kelia rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6

Kelia gives a pained squeak as she's hit by the club, having to skip sideways with the blow to avoid falling over. She grits her teeth, rolls her now bruised shoulder, then screams as she swings her spear back at him, stabbing him in the arm!


     Benthus advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Sargon's turn! Bandits is next!

<OOC> Sargon says, "Focus the one she hit." GAME: Sargon rolls melee+1: (11)+5+1: 17 GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+4+1: (8)+4+1: 13 (Kills one of the bandits)

Sargon recovers and follows up on the halfling's strike with a well placed strike "It is you, not I which is called by Vardama. Can you not hear her?"

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 18.
     It is now Bandits' turn! Kelia is next!

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 <OOC> Benthus says, "He was demoralized by the lose of his ally." The last remaining bandit looks in fear and loss as his only companion succumbs to the fatal blow delivered by Sargon. It looks at Kelia and screams loud, trying to psyche himself up to do the impossible. But if anything, his scream only made his attack worse. His wild swing causes him to throw his weapon away.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 8.
     It is now Kelia's turn! Sargon is next!

<OOC> Kelia tries to flank the other guy, though will likely only get next to him!@ GAME: Kelia rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13 GAME: Kelia rolls 1d6+1: (4)+1: 5


     Benthus advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 21.
     It is now Sargon's turn! Bandits is next!

<OOC> Sargon says, "Move to flank and stab"

GAME: Sargon rolls melee+1+2: (15)+5+1+2: 23 GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+4+1: (8)+4+1: 13 (kills the last bandit)

Sargon takes a step around and strike for the mans neck with the razor sharp curved blade, slicing him cleanly across the throat. "They were being called by the Gray Lady. A pitty to be sure." he comments wryly.

       	Kelia almost bounces forwards, hampered by her own thick clothing and armour. She swings her spear before realizing he's disarmed himself, stabbing him in the leg, then her green eyes look up to see a club flying through the air. "Wha... Oh! Your money or you--" This is about when Sargon is likely to finish him off, an act that certainly surprises the young druidess and leaves her for a moment speachless.

With the last of the bandits slain or dying, the road is made clear again. Silence resumes in the area where you are standing. But only for a little while. Soon enough, the painful screams of a man can be heard up ahead. It would appear that the sound came from the person who ran away. In any case, the noise is cut short. Silence returns to the forest.

<OOC> Kelia shall heal herself in that time. :) GAME: Kelia rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10 GAME: You damaged Kelia for -10 points. 18 remaining.

Sargon sighs and begins to pull both bodies off of the road, "We should bury them appropriately. Don you see any holy symbols on them?" he asks rather calmly for a man who just killed two people.

        	"Err... what?" Kelia asks after several seconds of silence. She shakes her head, murmers to herself, then touches her shoulder almost absently, healing the painful bruise left by the now dead man. "I don't think you want to do that just yet. The guy you scared off? I think he just, well, died. And I doubt it was you who did it..."

There appears to be nothing of value on the two poor highwaymen. It looks like hunger or some other primal needs have caused these people to try their luck with the travelers on the road. A decision that has cost them their lives. But their problems are done for this world. Not so for those left behind, because as soon as the two dead bodies have been dragged off the road, another person steps into view...

Sargon redraws his blade "We are not such easy targets if you seek to try where these two failed. The lucht is a fearsome warrior." he calls out to the approaching figure.

       	Kelia gives a quick nod and hits the ground with the butt of her spear, though refrains from adding anything, as she spends a moment basking in pride!

It is haunched up with its arms dangling close to the ground. It has an emaciated frame and the skin, when you observe more closely, is deathly pale. When the creature raises its head and looks at you, it looks at you with blood-shot eyes. It looks human yet... not. It doesn't appear to be deterred by the proclaimation made by Sargon, or it simply does not understand. Without a word or a hint, the creature bears down on the two travelers. On all four limbs...

GAME: You clear initiatives. GAME: Benthus has cleared initiatives. GAME: Kelia rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 11 GAME: You roll initiative for Starving man?: Roll: 5 + Bonus: +4 = Total: 9 GAME: Sargon rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 12

<OOC> Benthus says, "If you got k/religion, roll it. DC7."

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now Sargon's turn! Kelia is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Sargon ended. GAME: Sargon rolls melee+1: (11)+5+1: 17 (Attacking a flat-footed foe) GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+4: (2)+4: 6

Sargon steps up with shield raised and brings the blade down on the creature. "It seems today we are tasked with dealing with such thing, the burden of service." he comments wryly as he strikes with his blade.

GAME: Benthus advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 11.
     It is now Kelia's turn! Starving Man? is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kelia ended.

GAME: Kelia rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23 (Threat) GAME: Kelia rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18 (Crit) GAME: Kelia rolls 3d6+3: (16)+3: 19

       	"Burden of service? I just want to get away from that army!" Kelia bounds forwards, swinging her spear in wild arc that surprises even her! "Woah!" She yells, putting her foot and twisting accidently, which sends the spear with even more power right into the pale thing's gut. It rips through him, hits his spine and cracks it just so, ending his life. Kelia squeaks and follows the thing down, ending up catapulted over the dead body and facefirst onto the ground, the spear remaining lodged firmly in the man.

Sargon laughs and helps Kelia back onto her feet "It is hard to know where our paths may go. Can you please help me perform burial service for these poor souls so that the Gray Lady may keep them safe."he says with a grin.

The creature's spine got skewered by Kalia's spear, severing the nerve connections that allows it to make use of its arms and legs. The creature lies on the ground supine, spear still embedded in it. The head moves and snaps its jaws several times, snapping with razor sharp teeth. The creature continues to twist its head for a little while longer. But like a fish out of water, pale person's movements gradually lessens. It seems that whatever dark energies that had enervated it is fading, and ultimately renders the creature inanimate.

Realization strikes the group. It is almost evening.

GAME: You clear initiatives. GAME: Benthus has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Perception checks?"

      	Kelia blinks, shaking her head even as Sargon assists her to her feet, "Uuuh, sure, I guess. What /was/ that thing though, and WHY IS IT STILL ALIVE!" She screams, jumping away from the snapping man, letting him keep the spear. After a moment, she sighs, watching it die... "Uuuh... yeah. Yeah that's an idea."

GAME: Sargon rolls perception: (12)+10: 22 GAME: Kelia rolls perception: (7)+5: 12

It takes a little while longer for Kelia to realize something, but for Sargon, he can hear the shuffling of hands and feet heading their way. A sound which closely resembles that of the one made by the dead creature you both took down earlier. But this time is sounds like it is coming from more than just one creature...

<OOC> Benthus says, "Dexterity check, please." GAME: Sargon rolls dexterity: (16)+2: 18 GAME: Kelia rolls Dexterity: (18)+3: 21 <OOC> Benthus says, "Cool. You guys are one step ahead of whatever is coming."

<OOC> Sargon has hide from undead <OOC> Sargon will cast it on both of us.

GAME: Sargon casts Hide From Undead. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14 GAME: Sargon casts Hide From Undead. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

Sargon grimaces at the sound and murmers a quick incantation, gently touching Kelia on the shoulder as well as himself. "Let us be on our way, I have protected us against this sickness. They shall not notice."

Just over the horizon... or more like the edge of the road by which you came through, a pack of hungry, pale-skinned humanoids come into view. As they run towards your position, they halt sniff around. They ignore the dead creature that is similar in appearance to them and wander off towards the bushes where Sargon had deposited the two dead bodies. Upon finding it, they feast...

Kelia glances up at Sargon as he touches her shoulder, then blinks, turning her eyes to the incoming sounds. "Oh... O--" She covers her mouth with her hands, looks over at her spear, bites her lip, then nods rapidly. Without speaking, she sneaks off with him.

(End of Plot)