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| style="background:#ccc;"|'''Influencial Faiths'''
| style="background:#ccc;"|'''Influencial Faiths'''
| [[Eluna]] (Ni'essa the Silver Huntress), [[Gilead]] (Mahal the White Stag), [[Dana]] (Paulreian the Giver of Fruits), [[Faiths_and_Pantheons#The_Green_Word|The Green Word]]
| [[Eluna]] (Ni'essa the Silver Huntress), [[Gilead]] (Mahal the White Stag), [[Dana]] (Paulreian the Giver of Fruits), [[Faiths_and_Pantheons#The_Green_Word|The Green Word]] (faith that places Dana and Gilead at its center)
| style="background:#ccc;"| '''Most Frequently Found In'''
| style="background:#ccc;"| '''Most Frequently Found In'''

Revision as of 01:56, 4 February 2014

Common Alignments Tendency towards good and neutral alignments
Common Classes Ranger, Druid, Sorcerer (fey, elemental)
Influencial Faiths Eluna (Ni'essa the Silver Huntress), Gilead (Mahal the White Stag), Dana (Paulreian the Giver of Fruits), The Green Word (faith that places Dana and Gilead at its center)
Most Frequently Found In Llyranost, Alexandros (Mythwood)

The Wild Elves, also known as Sylvanori and the Deep Elves, are the least studied and encountered branch of elven kind. The Wild Elves prefer to dwell deep in the hearts of their forest realms or to wander in isolated nomadic companies amongst the wood and wild of the world. Their ancient traditions and reverence of the world has transformed them into a warrior race with deep mystical and spiritual ties to shamanism and the animistic elements of the world. They are accounted the least wise in terms of arcane magic and glamour associated with the other elves, but by no means should they be considered of lesser power or potency. Instead, versus a connection to the arcane, Wild Elves have cultivated a unique communion with the natural living world as reflected by their habits, nature and reverence of the spirits and divine powers of the earth. In ancient days when superstition was much more rampant, the Wild Elves contributed greatly to the tales of spirits of wood and wild that would ravage mankind when they tread in the wrong places. Today, Wild Elves continue to be very territorial and some fringe civilizations struggle with them.

Wild Elves journeyed from the Fae Realm before the rest of their kind and bonded themselves to the world. Eventually other elves came or were forced to flee due to the destruction of their home but the Wild Elves had been here first and wandered the great primeval forests of the world, which in those days spanned entire continents in length. The eventual coming of their enemy, Gunahkar the Destroyer, brought about an end to these halcyon days as the mad gad waged ruin and war and drove the animals of the wild into a killing frenzy with the aid of the gargantuan monster-god, Caracoroth. The burning and cursing of their woods caused the Wild Elves to scatter to various parts of the world and in the wake of the end of the war of the gods they found themselves settling in lands and realms alongside their cousins. As the difference between the elven clans became clear, the Wild Elves began to withdraw more and more into the depths of their woods while using fey and perilous magic to keep unwanted visitors at bay.

Physical Description

Though diminished in potency compared to the Dawn Elves, Wild Elves still exude a potent fae glamour that is further accented by their embracing of the strengths of the natural world. They are shorter then Dawn Elves though almost as tall as men and though they have the tapering long ears of their cousins their bodies are coiled with visible strength and sturdy, being deceptively strong for their slenderness. Their hair color tends to vary more dramatically then the Dawn Elves with colors of red, brown and blonde being more common and black and grey being rare.

Society and Lands

Wild Elves are free spirited wanderers who have a habit of being emotionally fickle at times and somewhat volatile as a result. They are often wary and suspicious of strangers, even other elves, but can mask this suspicion with friendliness and openness but they deal harshly with those who end up being deemed unworthy of their trust. Wild Elves have no solid realm to call their own but they gather in large numbers in the forested region that encompasses Llyranost. They dwell outside of The Veil in their own enclaves and villages that are built as sweeping structures that embrace the forest and the nature of it. The Wild Elves of The Vast have a strong nomadic tradition and rarely remain in place for overly long.

Other Races

The least understood and known about of all the elven kindreds, on the fringes of civilization, Wild Elves contribute greatly to humanities lack of understanding of the fae world and the nature of elven kind. When their borders are threatened by human encroachment, they tend to respond with passionate defenses of elvish trickery, magic and bow and steel. In more civilized lands they work hard to stay out of the affairs of the greater kingdoms of the world, preferring to attend to their own caretaking of the natural world.

Alignment and Religion

Where Dawn Elves worship the sun, Wild Elves are very nocturnal and have a strong connection to the wood and wild. Eluna is heavily reverenced by them in her aspect of the Ni'essa the Silver Huntress and they likewise reverence Gilead whom they know as Mahal the White Stag. Similarly they have great love for Paulrien the Giver of Fruits, known as Dana in other lands


The Wild Elves are more likely to produce explorers and wanderers then the Dawn Elves. Sylvanori who leave homes are often those trained as Rangers who are seeking out threats to their way of life. The Wild Elves call their druids The Green Word, and they are tasked with the balance of nature and maintaining the circle of life that the Wild Elves have established. Wild Elves developed the art of the Deep Forest Sniper and are renowned archers. Those wild elves who take the path of the sorcerer often find themselves leaning towards their fae heritage more than others.

Sylvanori Racial Traits

Elves normally stand around 4 and a half feet to 5 and a half feet tall, and tend towards unusually thin or slender when compared to humans. They mature at roughly 100 years, and may live to be over 1000.

The below numbers below assume an "average" person. That is, they probably have a strength and constitution within the 9-11 range. Higher physical stats will make these numbers go up. In other words, a character with 18 strength will weigh much more than one with 9.

Sylvanori Average Height and Weight
Name Base Height Base Weight Modifier Weight Multiplier
Sylvanori, male 4ft 2in 100 lbs +2d8 x3 lbs
Sylvanori, female 4ft 2in 90 lbs +2d6 x3 lbs

Sylvanori Starting Age
Adulthood Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard
110 years +4d6 +6d6 +10d6

  • Classification: humanoid (elf)
  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence: Wild Elves lack the cerebral training of their cousins but are just as dexterous and not quite as frail or slender. Furthermore they have cultivated a strong tie to the natural world.
  • Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • Ageless: Elves do not suffer the ravages of age upon reaching adult hood and cannot be magically aged. However they still die when their time is up.
  • Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
  • Child of the Forests: A sylvan elf gains a +2 bonus to saving throws from any spell cast from the druid or ranger spell list. This includes spells cast by non-druidic casters that would happen to be on those lists. This stacks with their bonuses against enchantment spells and effects.
  • The Voice of the Wood (Sp): Wild Elves hear the whisper of the world and can at times call upon it to yield them potent magical effects. At character creation, he may choose two 0-level spells from the druid's spell list which he may now cast as a spell like ability once per day. The Wild Elf casts these spells as a druid and his caster level is equal to his character level for the purpose of these spells.
  • Fae Insight: Wild Elves can perceive the truths and intentions of those around them better then most others. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks.
  • Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
  • Weapon Familiarity: Wild Elves are proficient with all polearms, longbows (including composite longbows), and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word elven in its name as a martial weapon.
  • Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and Sildanyari. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Gnoll, Halfling, Sylvan, Yrch-Speak.

Sylvanori Racial Feats

The below are racial feats for this race. All races receive a bonus racial feat at 6th level (when you level, send in a +request to staff). House feats and feat summaries may be found on the Feats page. Items with a * have had their pre-reqs altered to fit the setting (see Feats page). You must meet the pre-reqs for any racial feat you select.

Elven Accuracy, Leaf Singer, Attuned to the Wild, Elven Battle Training, Guardian of the Wild, Mage of the Wild, Spirit of the Wild