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Organizations may also be a means of personal story development for your PC. While anyone may be a member of most any organization, characters may spend RPP points to represent an "active" status within a single organization, and begin earning a limited number of benefits related to their PC. This process is explained, below.
Organizations may also be a means of personal story development for your PC. While anyone may be a member of most any organization, characters may spend RPP points to represent an "active" status within a single organization, and begin earning a limited number of benefits related to their PC. This process is explained, below.
Note: In the near future, expect organizational expends to receive a bit of a brush-up. :)
Note: In the near future, expect organizational expends to receive a bit of a brush-up, as well as more options. :)
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|Though PCs may be members in a variety of organizations, this represents an "active" membership. That is, they are recognized ("Hey, Bob!") within their local chapter. See the full entry below for details on what can be chosen, how it works, and how to develop your own.
|Though PCs may be members in a variety of organizations, this represents an "active" membership. That is, they are recognized ("Hey, Bob!") within their local chapter. See the full entry below for details on what can be chosen, how it works, and how to develop your own.
|3 RPP
|3 RPP
|'''Gladiatorial Thug'''
|You are trained in the sport of war and the art of pleasing a crowd and when you stride into an arena, your eyes are filled with dangerous conviction. You gain +1 to performance combat checks, and +2 to damage during performance combat. This bonus does not multiply on a critical hit. This perk does not stack with Gladiatorial Performer.
|10 RPP
|'''Gladiatorial Performer'''
| Your face is known among the arenas. You rely on finesse as much as raw strength, and your performances are known for it. You gain +1 to performance combat checks, and +1 to combat maneuver checks and defenses when made as part of performance combat. This perk does not stack with Gladiatorial Thug.
| 10 RPP
|'''Hunter of Necromancers '''
|When Taara struck the world and necromancy surged, you were part of an organization that did not stand idly by. Within the area you threaten, enemies are at +2 DC to cast defensively, so long as the spell is necromatic in nature. This stacks with other feats with a similar effect, such as Disruptive.
|10 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Knight's Oath '''
|You've likely had some training as a knight, and have undertaken a personal oath of some kind. Purchase of this ability requires active membership within some organization, though it may be any. Your oath is likely tied to this organization, though it might be tied to some greater belief that the organization is associated with. For examples of the type of oath staff might expect, check out the [http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/baseClasses/cavalier.html Cavalier] orders. Your oath need not copy these orders at all; these are just examples.
So long as you follow this oath and are an active member of said organization, your belief protects you. Once a day for up to 1 round/hd, you may invoke Shield of Faith 1/day as a spell-like ability. This ability may only be used on yourself. Activating this ability is a swift action.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Adept'''
|Your training within your organization often focused on the repetition of a particular sort of task. Pick one spell representative of your role and training. Whenever you cast this spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level. If you are a specialist, this spell must be within the school of your area of specialty. If you are a cleric, this spell must be within one of your deity's domain lists. This may only be earned once.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Caster'''
|You've been honed, trained as a member of your organization.
When casting any spell that lists a number of allies (more than 1), you may choose to affect a number of additional allies up to or equal to your Intelligence modifier in addition to your current maximum, so long as they are of your faith or organization.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Crafter'''
|'''Organizational Crafter'''
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|Through work within a magic-oriented organization, you've earned a perk or two when it comes to knowledge. Through negotiation, favors exchanged, and so forth, you may purchase any 1 scroll at 75 percent cost from the organization, up to the highest level you may cast, for the purpose of scribing into your spellbook. Crafting time is normal as per PRD scroll costs. You may take this multiple times. Non-members may spend 1 RPP to gain access to this benefit.
|Through work within a magic-oriented organization, you've earned a perk or two when it comes to knowledge. Through negotiation, favors exchanged, and so forth, you may purchase any 1 scroll at 75 percent cost from the organization, up to the highest level you may cast, for the purpose of scribing into your spellbook. Crafting time is normal as per PRD scroll costs. You may take this multiple times. Non-members may spend 1 RPP to gain access to this benefit.
|5 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|5 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Organizational Training '''
|You must belong to a martial organization to receive this benefit (for example, a Chord of the Vardamite temple). This benefit represents the training you've undergone with other members of your organization. When fighting with them, so long as you are adjacent or flanking with another member of your organization, you both receive a +1 circumstance bonus to AC (note, for purposes of RPP spends, beneficiaries other than yourself do not need to be 'active', just a member). This ability does not stack with itself.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Strength of Faith '''
|Your training within the vestiges of your faith has strengthened your soul. Undead are at a +1 to the DC to resist damage from your channeling. You must be an active member of a particular temple to purchase this benefit.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Trained Blade '''
|You've been honed, trained as a member of your organization. If you are an Elunite, for example, it's possible you've trained with the Hunters to find and bring back the misshapen of Garm.
Because of your training, you receive a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls made with a melee weapon against enemies of this type.
For mechanical purposes, select the enemy from ranger's Favored Enemy list. Choices should be thematically appropriate to the org. This may be taken more than once, but applies to a different type of creature each time.
|15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
|'''Purchase an Organization's Service'''
|'''Purchase an Organization's Service'''

Revision as of 05:11, 25 October 2013

Organizations in Tenebrae

Organizations within Tenebrae exist for roleplay purposes, and may occasionally show up in a DM'd plot. They're meant to provide background, plot devices, and roleplay flavor. NPCs too, are well-established leaders of factions: we've seen the drama created in other games with PC led factions, and that is a part of our decision to avoid it.

Organizations may also be a means of personal story development for your PC. While anyone may be a member of most any organization, characters may spend RPP points to represent an "active" status within a single organization, and begin earning a limited number of benefits related to their PC. This process is explained, below.

Note: In the near future, expect organizational expends to receive a bit of a brush-up, as well as more options. :)

Organization Spends
Reward Benefit Cost
Active Organization Membership Though PCs may be members in a variety of organizations, this represents an "active" membership. That is, they are recognized ("Hey, Bob!") within their local chapter. See the full entry below for details on what can be chosen, how it works, and how to develop your own. 3 RPP
Organizational Crafter Through your efforts, you've obtained access to an organizational crafter, or a crafter with whom your organization has ties with. You may request that 1 magic item be crafted for you at 75 percent market (this does not include material costs). Alternately, you may request 1 magic rod be crafted for you at 85 percent. The benefit from this spend stacks with Ancestral Weapon, though it still takes time to craft the item. You may take this multiple times. Non-members may spend 1 RPP to gain access to this benefit. 5 RPP, Active Organization Membership
Organizational Knowledge You've studied extensively within your organization. As a bonus, you receive a +2 to any specific skill check related to their area of study. This may include any knowledge, craft, or profession skill. This may be taken multiple times, but applies to a different skill each time. The choice of skill should be thematic to the group. For example, knowledge/dungeoneering would likely not fit the Hearthguards, but knowledge/nature for the understanding of herbs might. In contrast, knowledge/nature might not fit the Progressive Arcanists, but profession/scribe might. 15 RPP, Active Organization Membership
Organizational Scribe Through work within a magic-oriented organization, you've earned a perk or two when it comes to knowledge. Through negotiation, favors exchanged, and so forth, you may purchase any 1 scroll at 75 percent cost from the organization, up to the highest level you may cast, for the purpose of scribing into your spellbook. Crafting time is normal as per PRD scroll costs. You may take this multiple times. Non-members may spend 1 RPP to gain access to this benefit. 5 RPP, Active Organization Membership
Purchase an Organization's Service Earn a restricted material, item, from an open organization. If the material or knowledge is org-specific and may be earned in this way, it will be noted in its description. This is just a nominal fee that represents getting together with a member of that org and doing some roleplay. You only pay this once per "visit," so it may be more advantageous to purchase a bulk of items or services at one time. This is only for purchases or services, not training or abilities. ...so, you could gain access to a unique material, purchase a scroll (for later scribing), but it would not allow Trained Blade, for example. 1 RPP + Cost of Service