Difference between revisions of "DPRP: Run, Thief, Run!"

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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 166: Line 166:
DM note: The monkey has stolen the beltpouches of the PCs’ employers! Ohnoes! I set the Perception DC at 20 – whoever manages it gets to play in the surprise round!
DM note: The monkey has stolen the beltpouches of the PCs’ employers! Ohnoes!
I set the Perception DC at 20 – whoever manages it gets to play in the surprise round!
Line 185: Line 186:
You paged (Kayla, Younger, Craft) with 'What an adorable little monkey! Look it's so cute! D'awwww.'
You paged (Kayla, Younger, Craft) with 'What an adorable little monkey! Look it's so cute! D'awwww.'
You paged (Kerbasy, Jenner) with 'What an adorable little monkey! Look it's so cute! -- Wait a second. Monkeys aren't supposed to jingle like that. Sounds like... coins?'
You paged (Kerbasy, Jenner) with 'What an adorable little monkey! Look it's so cute! -- Wait a second.
Monkeys aren't supposed to jingle like that. Sounds like... coins?'
Line 197: Line 199:
<OOC> Xander says, "Inits. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "Inits. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "As you might've figured out, there is to be a surprise round! In which, sadly, only Kerbasy and Jenner get to act. And the thief. :("
<OOC> Xander says, "As you might've figured out, there is to be a surprise round! In which, sadly, only
Kerbasy and Jenner get to act. And the thief. :("
Line 216: Line 219:
In a nutshell, it looks something like this:
In a nutshell, it looks something like this:
The chase is done on an arbitrary track consisting of the following conditions:
The chase is done on an arbitrary track consisting of the following conditions:
Close Contact: The pursued is within arm’s reach. All melee actions are possible at this range. The pursuee is subject to all obstacles the pursued
-Close Contact: The pursued is within arm’s reach. All melee actions are possible at this range.
is subject to.
The pursuee is subject to all obstacles the pursued is subject to.
Point Blank: The pursued is within 30 feet. The pursuee can take the leader’s obstacles or an alternate obstacle at DC 20.
-Point Blank: The pursued is within 30 feet. The pursuee can take the leader’s obstacles or an alternate obstacle at DC 20.
Short: -2 penalty on ranged attacks. Take pursued’s obstacles or an alternate obstacle at DC 15.
-Short: -2 penalty on ranged attacks. Take pursued’s obstacles or an alternate obstacle at DC 15.
Medium: -4 penalty on ranged attacks. Not subject to obstacles.
-Medium: -4 penalty on ranged attacks. Not subject to obstacles.
Long: -6 penalty on ranged attacks. Not subject to obstacles.
-Long: -6 penalty on ranged attacks. Not subject to obstacles.
Lost: So far back the pursued’s no longer even easy to spot. DC 25 Perception every round in addition to sufficient movement check is needed
-Lost: So far back the pursued’s no longer even easy to spot. DC 25 Perception every round in addition to sufficient
to keep in the race.
movement check is needed to keep in the race.
Everyone has a movement check assigned to them based on their speed: +2 for every 5’ of movement (so a 30’ move is +12 movement check).
Everyone has a movement check assigned to them based on their speed: +2 for every 5’ of movement
(so a 30’ move is +12 movement check).
I roll a check for the thief at +14 (due to his Fleet feat) every round. The PCs roll against him. If they are within 5 points of the thief’s result,
I roll a check for the thief at +14 (due to his Fleet feat) every round. The PCs roll against him.
nothing happens. If they are 5—9 above, they move up on the track by 1 step. If they are 10+ above, 2 steps. For 5-9 below, 1 step back on the
If they are within 5 points of the thief’s result, nothing happens.
track, and similarly 10+ below 2 steps behind.
If they are 5—9 above, they move up on the track by 1 step. If they are 10+ above, 2 steps.
For 5-9 below, 1 step back on the track, and similarly 10+ below 2 steps behind.
Kerbasy and Jenner, having made the Perception check, begin at Short range rather than Medium, where the rest start.
Kerbasy and Jenner, having made the Perception check, begin at Short range rather than Medium, where the rest start.
Line 256: Line 261:
<OOC> Xander says, "JENNER! You act first. Having figured out what's going on before everyone else save Kerbasy, you may take your action now. The man is pretty far off, in a crowd of people. You will take -2 for distance on ranged attacks, possibly another -2 for soft cover... and... I do not recommend Fireballing. :P"
<OOC> Xander says, "JENNER! You act first. Having figured out what's going on before everyone else save Kerbasy,
you may take your action now. The man is pretty far off, in a crowd of people. You will take -2 for distance on ranged
attacks, possibly another -2 for soft cover... and... I do not recommend Fireballing. :P"
<OOC> Jenner says, "Shapeshift-- Falcon. New speed-- 80'."
<OOC> Jenner says, "Shapeshift-- Falcon. New speed-- 80'."
<OOC> Xander says, "You automatically fall back one step on the chase track and are now at Medium distance (like the rest of the party), but you are now a falcon! Pose it. Kerbasy, you're next. :)"
<OOC> Xander says, "You automatically fall back one step on the chase track and are now at Medium distance
(like the rest of the party), but you are now a falcon! Pose it. Kerbasy, you're next. :)"
<OOC> Xander says, "Your new movement check, Jenner, is a massive +32, in case you're not sure. ;)"
<OOC> Xander says, "Your new movement check, Jenner, is a massive +32, in case you're not sure. ;)"
DM note: An error was made and I caught it WAY late. Jenner was not able to go 80’ – instead, he was capped at 60’ by the power he was using.
DM note: An error was made and I caught it WAY late. Jenner was not able to go 80’ – instead, he was capped at 60’
However, due to my horribad movement rolls on part of the thief, it turned out not to matter much.
by the power he was using. However, due to my horribad movement rolls on part of the thief, it turned out
not to matter much.
Line 279: Line 288:
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (3)+14: 17
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (3)+14: 17
<OOC> Xander says, "The thief and his little monkey bolt! However, you're one fast priest. You are now at Point Blank distance (within 30 feet of him)! However, this means that if he veers for obstacles... so will you."
<OOC> Xander says, "The thief and his little monkey bolt! However, you're one fast priest. You are now at
Point Blank distance (within 30 feet of him)! However, this means that if he veers for obstacles... so will you."
Line 295: Line 305:
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (5)+14: 19
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (5)+14: 19
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, you may play."
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, you may play."
<OOC> Jenner nods! "The Jade-- er, Jenner Falcon will try to stoop down on the Thief when there is a clear shot. Try to snatch the monkey from
<OOC> Jenner nods! "The Jade-- er, Jenner Falcon will try to stoop down on the Thief when there is a clear shot.
his shoulders!"
Try to snatch the monkey from his shoulders!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "...well, after catching up someday. Ahem."
<OOC> Jenner says, "...well, after catching up someday. Ahem."
GAME: Jenner rolls 1d20+32: (5)+32: 37
GAME: Jenner rolls 1d20+32: (5)+32: 37
<OOC> Xander says, "You flap your wings and flyyyy! You catch up 2 steps on the track, and are now alongside Kerbasy at Point Blank
<OOC> Xander says, "You flap your wings and flyyyy! You catch up 2 steps on the track, and are now alongside
distance. :D"
Kerbasy at Point Blank distance. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla, your go!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla, your go!"
Line 321: Line 331:
<OOC> Xander says, "Your bonus should be +12, then, for next time. Either way, you don't get any closer, but you do not fall behind, keeping up
<OOC> Xander says, "Your bonus should be +12, then, for next time. Either way, you don't get any closer,
with the thief nicely! You are still at Medium distance."
but you do not fall behind, keeping up with the thief nicely! You are still at Medium distance."
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft, my man. Whatchagonna do?"
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft, my man. Whatchagonna do?"
<OOC> Craft says, "Lay chase... very slowly I guess"
<OOC> Craft says, "Lay chase... very slowly I guess"
Line 328: Line 338:
GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
<OOC> Xander says, "You get an incredible burst of speed, and people steer VERY clear from an angry golem! You catch up and are now at Short
<OOC> Xander says, "You get an incredible burst of speed, and people steer VERY clear from an angry golem!
distance. Pose it!"
You catch up and are now at Short distance. Pose it!"
Line 350: Line 360:
<OOC> Xander says, "Sadly, it is the thief's turn. He turns around, sees Kerbasy, screeches in horror and tries to vault over a fruit cart to lose
<OOC> Xander says, "Sadly, it is the thief's turn. He turns around, sees Kerbasy, screeches in horror and tries to
vault over a fruit cart to lose you!"
Line 372: Line 382:
<OOC> Xander says, "You SLAM facefirst into the fruit cart!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You SLAM facefirst into the fruit cart!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner... you are at Point Blank distance. You too face the cart (or Kerbasy's back). You may also attempt to take another
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner... you are at Point Blank distance. You too face the cart (or Kerbasy's back).
obstacle - say, you can attempt to fly past the cobra that a snake charmer is controlling with his flute. PICK."
You may also attempt to take another obstacle - say, you can attempt to fly past the cobra that a snake charmer
is controlling with his flute. PICK."
<OOC> Jenner says, "Cobra!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "Cobra!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Bad call. :( The cobra spits at you as you fly past! Roll a Fort save. :("
<OOC> Xander says, "Bad call. :( The cobra spits at you as you fly past! Roll a Fort save. :("
Line 386: Line 397:
<OOC> Xander says, "JUST enough! The cobra spits in your eagly face, but you shake it right off!"
<OOC> Xander says, "JUST enough! The cobra spits in your eagly face, but you shake it right off!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are still at Point Blank. Kerbasy, you are now also at Point Blank, having fallen back from the obstacle."
<OOC> Xander says, "You are still at Point Blank. Kerbasy, you are now also at Point Blank,
having fallen back from the obstacle."
<OOC> Xander says, "If I am not mistaken, Craft is sadly also at Short distance?"
<OOC> Xander says, "If I am not mistaken, Craft is sadly also at Short distance?"
<OOC> Craft says, "Strength check to shove the cart out of the way!"
<OOC> Craft says, "Strength check to shove the cart out of the way!"
Line 419: Line 431:
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, your go. You are at Point Blank distance!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, your go. You are at Point Blank distance!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "Dive attack! Get in his face and slow him down."
<OOC> Jenner says, "Dive attack! Get in his face and slow him down."
<OOC> Xander says, "You have to spend your entire action outrunning him! Though with your bonus, you will do so automatically."
<OOC> Xander says, "You have to spend your entire action outrunning him! Though with your bonus,
you will do so automatically."
Line 427: Line 440:
<OOC> Xander says, "I'll say that a falcon doesn't really pose that much of a threat/he won't hesitate to run right THROUGH you, but as long as
<OOC> Xander says, "I'll say that a falcon doesn't really pose that much of a threat/he won't hesitate to run
Jenner is there distracting him, the thief is at -2 to everything!"
right THROUGH you, but as long as Jenner is there distracting him, the thief is at -2 to everything!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla, you're up."
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla, you're up."
<OOC> Kayla is gunna run joey run!
<OOC> Kayla is gunna run joey run!
Line 455: Line 468:
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "And. If there is a camel, he will try to borrow it. XD"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "And. If there is a camel, he will try to borrow it. XD"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "If there is not, he will CHASE. :D"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "If there is not, he will CHASE. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "It will take several rounds and different checks to locate a camel and get people to hand it to you (unless you plan to pilfer
<OOC> Xander says, "It will take several rounds and different checks to locate a camel and get people to
hand it to you (unless you plan to pilfer it!)."
<OOC> Xander says, "If you still wish to do so, however, you may! Just lemme know."
<OOC> Xander says, "If you still wish to do so, however, you may! Just lemme know."
<OOC> Xander says, "The relevant checks would be Perception and Diplomacy (or Bluff, or Intimidate)."
<OOC> Xander says, "The relevant checks would be Perception and Diplomacy (or Bluff, or Intimidate)."
Line 463: Line 476:
GAME: Kerbasy rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30
GAME: Kerbasy rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30
<OOC> Xander says, "You're once again at Close Contact. You're the fastest priest this side of Tashraan! You may also run ahead of him and
<OOC> Xander says, "You're once again at Close Contact. You're the fastest priest this side of Tashraan!
attempt to cut him off so Craft can get at him! CHOOSE."
You may also run ahead of him and attempt to cut him off so Craft can get at him! CHOOSE."
<OOC> Kerbasy will try to cut him off for Craft!
<OOC> Kerbasy will try to cut him off for Craft!
<OOC> Xander says, "You skid in front of the thief, who looks at you disbelievingly and changes direction, but he's lost his momentum!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You skid in front of the thief, who looks at you disbelievingly and changes direction,
but he's lost his momentum!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Everyone is one increment closer thanks to Kerbasy! Jenner, you're still in his face, Kayla you are at Short, Craft you're
<OOC> Xander says, "Everyone is one increment closer thanks to Kerbasy! Jenner, you're still in his face,
now at arm's reach (for a moment, at least), Kerbasy is at arm's reach, and Younger is at Short."
<OOC> Xander says, "The thief looks between you all and chooses to go for another obstacle! His choice this round is a wall. He's at -2 thanks to
Kayla you are at Short, Craft you're now at arm's reach (for a moment, at least), Kerbasy is at arm's reach,
and Younger is at Short."
Jenner. Let's see!"
<OOC> Xander says, "The thief looks between you all and chooses to go for another obstacle! His choice this
round is a wall. He's at -2 thanks to Jenner. Let's see!"
Line 478: Line 493:
DM note: Pinched so close by several characters, the thief has to escape and chooses an easy DC. I roll a Climb at DC 15, taking into account
DM note: Pinched so close by several characters, the thief has to escape and chooses an easy DC.
the –2 from Jenner’s distraction.
I roll a Climb at DC 15, taking into account the –2 from Jenner’s distraction.
Line 487: Line 502:
DM note: Although he is at Close Contact, it makes no sense I make Jenner roll Climb, as he is flying. Instead, in a quick fingersnap, I choose
DM note: Although he is at Close Contact, it makes no sense I make Jenner roll Climb, as he is flying.
Reflex to avoid slamming into the wall instead. I should have maybe picked Fly, in retrospect, but such is life.
Instead, in a quick fingersnap, I choose Reflex to avoid slamming into the wall instead. I should have
maybe picked Fly, in retrospect, but such is life.
<OOC> Xander says, "He barely scrambles up the wall! All people at Close Contact, roll Climb. Jenner, you get to roll Reflex instead. Everyone
<OOC> Xander says, "He barely scrambles up the wall! All people at Close Contact, roll Climb.
else, Climb or Perception (Perception's harder)."
Jenner, you get to roll Reflex instead. Everyone else, Climb or Perception (Perception's harder)."
GAME: Kerbasy rolls climb: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Kerbasy rolls climb: (19)+1: 20
Line 500: Line 516:
GAME: Kayla rolls climb: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Kayla rolls climb: (6)+2: 8
<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy, you scramble up the wall after him and he weeps at seeing this feat of priestly adroitness. Kayla, Craft, the wall
<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy, you scramble up the wall after him and he weeps at seeing this feat
foils you and you scramble ineffectually! You fall back one step each (Craft to Point Blank, Kayla to Medium) as you have to stop and carefully
of priestly adroitness. Kayla, Craft, the wall foils you and you scramble ineffectually! You fall back
one step each (Craft to Point Blank, Kayla to Medium) as you have to stop and carefully look for handholds
look for handholds or an alternate path. Younger, you remain at Short distance after what's pretty much a Spiderman act."
or an alternate path. Younger, you remain at Short distance after what's pretty much a Spiderman act."
<OOC> Xander says, "Hold for emit, and then you may pose your successes or failures..."
<OOC> Xander says, "Hold for emit, and then you may pose your successes or failures..."
Line 539: Line 556:
DM note: Realizing they pretty much got him at this point, I skip my list of 20 or so obstacles to the most iconic one with a sadface.
DM note: Realizing they pretty much got him at this point, I skip my list of 20 or so obstacles to the
most iconic one with a sadface.
Line 565: Line 583:
<OOC> Xander says, "You catch up to him fully (if you want to!). You are now at Close Contact alongside Kerbasy and Jennerfalcon! Pose it."
<OOC> Xander says, "You catch up to him fully (if you want to!). You are now at Close Contact
alongside Kerbasy and Jennerfalcon! Pose it."
<OOC> Xander says, "TOP OF THE ROUND."
<OOC> Xander says, "TOP OF THE ROUND."
Line 577: Line 596:
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, your go. You are at Close Contact and a falcon!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, your go. You are at Close Contact and a falcon!"
<OOC> Jenner reminds himself not to drool, even as a bird. And dive-attack into the thief's skull, sink talons in. "STAY."
<OOC> Jenner reminds himself not to drool, even as a bird. And dive-attack into the thief's skull,
sink talons in. "STAY."
<OOC> Xander says, "You are... trying to grapple him? Or damage him?"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are... trying to grapple him? Or damage him?"
<OOC> Jenner HMMMM!
<OOC> Jenner HMMMM!
Line 593: Line 613:
<OOC> Xander says, "Miraculously, you somehow tangle in his hair and successfully grapple him. Pose it!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Miraculously, you somehow tangle in his hair and successfully grapple him. Pose it!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla! You find an alternate way around the wall, but you are now quite some distance behind, at medium range."
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla! You find an alternate way around the wall, but you are now quite
some distance behind, at medium range."
Line 617: Line 638:
<OOC> Kayla says, ".. so how far am I from Aladdin?"
<OOC> Kayla says, ".. so how far am I from Aladdin?"
<OOC> Xander says, "Oof! Well. Scratch that. You get a bit confused and spend some time wandering. You fall back a square!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Oof! Well. Scratch that. You get a bit confused and spend some time wandering.
You fall back a square!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are at Short range, Kayla! You were QUITE behind."
<OOC> Xander says, "You are at Short range, Kayla! You were QUITE behind."
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft is now also at Short range, as his dice have abandoned him. :("
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft is now also at Short range, as his dice have abandoned him. :("
Line 627: Line 649:
<OOC> Xander says, "They growl and advance on you."
<OOC> Xander says, "They growl and advance on you."
<OOC> Xander says, "THE THIEF... chooses the same tactic in reverse. "I'M INNOCENT! GET THEM OFF ME!", with a Bluff check."
<OOC> Xander says, "THE THIEF... chooses the same tactic in reverse. "I'M INNOCENT! GET THEM OFF ME!",
with a Bluff check."
Line 635: Line 658:
DM note: I give the harem guards a generous +3 on their Sense Motive… and roll this hilarity as the Bluff vs Sense Motive:
DM note: I give the harem guards a generous +3 on their Sense Motive… and roll this hilarity as the Bluff vs
Sense Motive:
Line 642: Line 666:
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21 to Xander
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21 to Xander
<OOC> Xander says, "He makes a pretty good lie. They... don't quite buy it, but they buy it enough to leap at you all and try restrain you. Him
<OOC> Xander says, "He makes a pretty good lie. They... don't quite buy it, but they buy it enough to leap
at you all and try restrain you. Him included."
<OOC> Xander says, "CMDs on Jenner, Kerbasy, please!"
<OOC> Xander says, "CMDs on Jenner, Kerbasy, please!"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "23!"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "23!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "22!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "22!"
You paged Xander with 'I hadn't statted the eunuch guards out. I say they're level 5 human Warriors with Str 18. Big, BIG buff dudes. Also,
You paged Xander with 'I hadn't statted the eunuch guards out. I say they're level 5 human Warriors with Str 18.
Big, BIG buff dudes. Also,
Improved Grapple.'
Improved Grapple.'
Line 655: Line 680:
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22
<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy, you weasel out of the guard's grasp. Jenner, you're not so lucky. The thief ALSO gets grappled. Last guard goes
<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy, you weasel out of the guard's grasp. Jenner, you're not so lucky.
for... 1 is Basy, 2 is Jenner, 3 is Thief."
The thief ALSO gets grappled. Last guard goes for... 1 is Basy, 2 is Jenner, 3 is Thief."
GAME: Xander rolls 1d3: (3): 3
GAME: Xander rolls 1d3: (3): 3
Line 669: Line 694:
<OOC> Xander says, "Younger, you are now at Point Blank range. There's a pile of people and a bunch of screaming a gossiping girls."
<OOC> Xander says, "Younger, you are now at Point Blank range. There's a pile of people and a bunch of
screaming a gossiping girls."
<OOC> Younger says, "Tackle him!"
<OOC> Younger says, "Tackle him!"
<OOC> Younger says, "Any bonuses?"
<OOC> Younger says, "Any bonuses?"
Line 683: Line 709:
<OOC> Xander says, "You may tackle. He's already grappled, so he's comple-- You tackle him."
<OOC> Xander says, "You may tackle. He's already grappled, so he's comple-- You tackle him."
<OOC> Xander says, "As the two eunuchs grab him by the shoulders, you Terry Tate all of them."
<OOC> Xander says, "As the two eunuchs grab him by the shoulders, you Terry Tate all of them."
<OOC> Xander says, "Top of the round! The thief's movement check is 0, as he cannot move right now for the two that still need to catch up!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Top of the round! The thief's movement check is 0, as he cannot move right now for
the two that still need to catch up!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner. You are held by a burly guard. WHAT DO YOU DO?"
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner. You are held by a burly guard. WHAT DO YOU DO?"
Line 695: Line 722:
<OOC> Xander says, "Done and done. Pose it. Kayla!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Done and done. Pose it. Kayla!"
<OOC> Kayla says, "Still need to roll to catch up, right?"
<OOC> Kayla says, "Still need to roll to catch up, right?"
<OOC> Xander says, "You may automatically catch up on the bunch, but you can take no other action in that case. You can also keep away if you
<OOC> Xander says, "You may automatically catch up on the bunch, but you can take no other action
want, seeing all this mess, or try shout at people from afar!"
in that case. You can also keep away if you want, seeing all this mess, or try shout at people from afar!"
<OOC> Kayla wants to Diplomacy D: Can I do that from afar?
<OOC> Kayla wants to Diplomacy D: Can I do that from afar?
<OOC> Xander says, "Absolutely!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Absolutely!"
Line 725: Line 752:
<OOC> Xander says, "Pose the lie, please. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "Pose the lie, please. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft, if you wish to catch up, you must roll at least a 2 on your d20 die. You slow lug. :P"
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft, if you wish to catch up, you must roll at least a 2 on your d20 die.
You slow lug. :P"
<OOC> Xander says, "(I must see the actual lie before I can tell you any results, Kayla, s'why I'm not telling you results yet)"
<OOC> Xander says, "If you do NOT wish to end up adjacent to the crazy pile of crazy in the harem yard, you may do something else instead!"
<OOC> Xander says, "(I must see the actual lie before I can tell you any results, Kayla,
s'why I'm not telling you results yet)"
<OOC> Xander says, "If you do NOT wish to end up adjacent to the crazy pile of crazy in the harem yard,
you may do something else instead!"
GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (7)+8: 15
GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (7)+8: 15
Line 749: Line 779:
DM note: At this point, I believe they’re done. I roll a Sense Motive for the guards in public at a +8, knowing they’ll only succeed on a 20, and...
DM note: At this point, I believe they’re done. I roll a Sense Motive for the guards in public at a +8,
knowing they’ll only succeed on a 20, and...
Line 755: Line 786:
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20: (20): 20
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20: (20): 20
<OOC> Xander says, "The good news is, the thief is still held. The bad news, you're now the subject of some scrutiny."
<OOC> Xander says, "The good news is, the thief is still held. The bad news, you're now the
subject of some scrutiny."
<OOC> Xander says, "Basically, due to the roll matching, rather than BEATING... this means not that they don't buy it, just that they're not sure."
<OOC> Xander says, "KERBASY! It's your turn. You are not held, though one of the eunuchs is eyeing you. Warily!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Basically, due to the roll matching, rather than BEATING... this means
not that they don't buy it, just that they're not sure."
<OOC> Xander says, "KERBASY! It's your turn. You are not held, though one of the eunuchs is eyeing you.
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "I WILL ROLL A ONE."
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "I WILL ROLL A ONE."
Line 769: Line 803:
<OOC> Xander says, "25. YOU FINALLY GET TO THEM."
<OOC> Xander says, "25. YOU FINALLY GET TO THEM."
<OOC> Xander says, "Pose whatcha gonna say."
<OOC> Xander says, "Pose whatcha gonna say."
<OOC> Xander says, "The chase is now over. The eunuchs hold the man tight and we are dropping out of inits. He stops struggling, but does begin
<OOC> Xander says, "The chase is now over. The eunuchs hold the man tight and we are dropping out of inits.
weeping and begging you for mercy."
He stops struggling, but does begin weeping and begging you for mercy."
Line 785: Line 819:
<OOC> Xander says, "You are out of inits and may pose freely! The scene is technically over - but we can RP a little longer over the thief's fate!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are out of inits and may pose freely! The scene is technically over -
but we can RP a little longer over the thief's fate!"
<OOC> Xander says, "He does speak the truth - the penalty for stealing in Veyshan would be his hand."
<OOC> Xander says, "He does speak the truth - the penalty for stealing in Veyshan would be his hand."
<OOC> Kayla says, "Is there any reward for turning him in?"
<OOC> Kayla says, "Is there any reward for turning him in?"
Line 856: Line 891:
GAME: Jenner rolls Sense Motive: (18)+11: 29
GAME: Jenner rolls Sense Motive: (18)+11: 29
You paged Jenner with 'He's not. He's telling the truth. The monkey will be killed outright on his capture, and his hand will be removed as punishment for stealing.'
You paged Jenner with 'He's not. He's telling the truth. The monkey will be killed outright on his capture,
and his hand will be removed as punishment for stealing.'
<OOC> Xander says, "They're not terribly fat coinpouches, and you have no clue which ones belong to your employers, if any."
<OOC> Xander says, "They're not terribly fat coinpouches, and you have no clue which ones belong to your
employers, if any."
<OOC> Xander says, "Though if you wish to inspect them and make a guess at which may belong to them, you may roll Appraise!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Though if you wish to inspect them and make a guess at which may belong to them,
you may roll Appraise!"
GAME: Jenner rolls Appraise: (14)+4: 18
GAME: Jenner rolls Appraise: (14)+4: 18
Line 870: Line 908:
DM note: Jenner scores a partial success, identifying that three of four pouches are indeed ones from their employers... however, the fourth is as
DM note: Jenner scores a partial success, identifying that three of four pouches are indeed ones from their employers...
well, and he does not come to this conclusion!
however, the fourth is as well, and he does not come to this conclusion!
You paged Younger with 'You're not sure. They're coinpouches. Very unexciting! They have coins in them! Probably best not to take any of those.'
You paged Younger with 'You're not sure. They're coinpouches. Very unexciting! They have coins in them!
Probably best not to take any of those.'
You paged Jenner with 'You make an educated guess that at least three of them are indeed from the archeologists. The last one you have no idea. It might be. You're not sure.'
You paged Jenner with 'You make an educated guess that at least three of them are indeed from the archeologists.
The last one you have no idea. It might be. You're not sure.'
From afar, Jenner nods. Will give that one back to the thief then, and.. *ahem*... teleport him back to the market. Somewhere remotely safe,
From afar, Jenner nods. Will give that one back to the thief then, and.. *ahem*... teleport him back to the market.
hopefully. >.>;
Somewhere remotely safe, hopefully. >.>;
Line 890: Line 930:
<OOC> Jenner uses his Bonded Amulet to throw a teleport on the thief, and send him back to the marketplace. "No killing over a simple bag of
<OOC> Jenner uses his Bonded Amulet to throw a teleport on the thief, and send him back to the marketplace.
coins. Yeesh."
"No killing over a simple bag of coins. Yeesh."
DM note: For cinematic effect, I allow Jenner to teleport just the thief and his monkey rather than having to also teleport himself, as normal.
DM note: For cinematic effect, I allow Jenner to teleport just the thief and his monkey rather than having to also
teleport himself, as normal.
Line 920: Line 961:
<OOC> Xander says, "Sadly, due to Jenner's decision, there's one small detail to handle. Pose freely until the moment you return to your
<OOC> Xander says, "Sadly, due to Jenner's decision, there's one small detail to handle. Pose freely until the
employers - I'll intersperse with emits as needed!"
moment you return to your employers - I'll intersperse with emits as needed!"
DM note: Lucky for them, the small detail is not a bad one for them! The thief was to return the last coinpouch. 'Course, they don't know this. ;)
DM note: Lucky for them, the small detail is not a bad one for them! The thief was to return the last coinpouch.
'Course, they don't know this. ;)
Line 979: Line 1,021:
<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy... something just hit you in the head. It's not enough to injure you or make you fall or anything, but it does sting a
<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy... something just hit you in the head. It's not enough to injure you or
make you fall or anything, but it does sting a bitsie. :D"
bitsie. :D"

Latest revision as of 02:37, 16 May 2011

Basic Information

DM: Xander


Younger, Human Barbarian/Rogue (level 5)

Jenner, Human Wizard (level 9)

Kerbasy, Human Cleric (level 9)

Kayla, Half-Elf Bard (level 2)

Craft, War Golem Artificer/Fighter (level 5)

Run on: Sunday, May 15th

Part of Veyshan Month.

Plot Synopsys

A thief and his monkey rob the PCs’ employers blind at a Tashraan marketplace. Noticing the theft, the PCs have to chase the thief through the busy market and beyond!

Introductory DM notes

I used a modified version of some PF chase rules I found online, as the official rules’ complexity and rigidness did not sit well with me. I had hoped the dice would work out a bit more in my favor and prolong the chase, and had prepared material accordingly, but c’est la vie.

I broke the PrP rule that all rolls must be public (though I was not aware the rule is in place before the fact, sorry!) to evade the problem of the chase being immensely short – rolling the thief’s skill checks for obstacles to myself so as to allow myself to artificially prolong the chase as needed and keep a dramatic chase scene from becoming into a boring ‘PC tackles thief, scene over’ or 'thief bolts, game over' scene within a round. I ended up not doing so in the end anyway.

The thief in question was a Human (Veyshanti) Rogue 7. Initially, I had a higher level player interested and the guy was to be 9th level, and with their dropout I had to quickly re-do the guy for level 7 instead, so some things may be wrong. His relevant statistics are as thus, though most of them did not figure into the plot:

Ability scores: 12, 18, 12, 10, 10, 14

HP 49

AC 15 (he was unarmored), CMD 22, CMB +7

Saves +7/+12/+6


Acrobatics +14, Climb +13, Bluff +12, Perception +10, Escape Artist +14, Stealth +14, Sleight of Hand +14, Disguise +12, Survival +7.

Rogue Talents: Ledge Walker, Resiliency, Stand Up

Feats: Fleet, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Endurance, Athletic

Possessions: I mostly abstracted this. Gave him a +2 to his pitiful saves so the two spellcasters wouldn’t just bowl him over with a single debilitating spell (as Cloak of Resistance +2) and a +1 Deflection to AC (as Ring of Protection +1) to boost his sorry unarmored AC and CMD.

I have sprinkled my own thoughts, notes and other relevant info into the following log. I hope you enjoy it!

Plot log

Tashraan. You've never seen a bigger hive of scum and villainy!

Well. Maybe Alexandria. On a good day.

The capital of Veyshan is a truly massive seaside settlement, but this does not mean it is not terribly hot, terribly colorful, and terribly bizarre to a foreigner. The climate change probably did not sit very well with everyone - the humid heat truly bears down on a man.

The party gathered today arrived earlier in the day on a relatively pleasant airship ride, accompanying a group of somewhat obnoxious dwarven and gnomish archeologists enroute to one of the ruins recently uncovered. For all their loud-mouthedness, the employers have heavy purses and reputation, or mayhaps can be persuaded to share information about where they are headed. Plus, free field trip to Veyshan!

At this precise moment, they - and thus the party, their bodyguards - are in a very busy Tashraan market in the low-middle class part of the city, working out a business deal for supplies they will need for their foray out of the city. While the archeologists and their Veyshanti guide stand under a tarp chatting with the merchant, the adventurers are told to simply keep an eye on things and hover about. Being midday, the market is rife with activity - the crowd, the hollering merchants, the colorful banners above.

"You uh--" Kerbasy glances back from one of the merchant stalls. He rubs at the back of his neck, and a nervous grin has settled on his features. "It's been a while since I've been here. Hasn't gotten any cooler, though. Uh. You know." Goes the attempt to make conversation. He squints at the golden sun overhead, and the oppressive heat. His normal grays are in paler hues, with triangles embedded along the edgings and sides. A cloth-band around his forehead drips with water, and dries just as quickly. Every now and then he's seen to brush it with his fingers.

Craft is unbothered by such things as weather, having spent the trip fascinated by the engines of the airship, he didn't even break them! Now that they've arrived, he's keeping an eye out, and there's quite a bit to look at. Particular attention is paid to the Veyshan approach to metalworking, perhaps there's something to learn. A golem's gotta have hobbies, right?

GAME: Kerbasy used a Wand of Endure Elements.

Jenner all but thrums with warmth, as though the air quivered around him as he drinks in the sunlight. "Indeed. It is a wonder we have lizardkin at all within Alexandria, with this place so nearby." Gold glitters at his breast as he stares upward, basking in the sharp fire of the solar radiance. The occasional glimmer of moisture beads from his brow, sliding down; if the temperature bothers him, the mage does not express it. "Hmm. I wonder if we will have a sandstorm flow in.... Those are always interesting to experience."

GAME: Jenner casts Mage Armor.
GAME: Jenner casts Endure Elements.
GAME: Jenner casts False Life.
GAME: Jenner rolls 3d10+27: (12)+27: 39

<OOC> Jenner says, "My dice are horrid. Luckily, I've a few Pearls to be able to recast."
<OOC> Jenner thus uses it three times instead of one. *sage*
<OOC> Xander says, "Alrighty. :)"

"You ah--had to mention that, didn't y'? Heh." Kerbasy rubs the sweat away again, and it doesn't help. His smile twitches, and he mentally reaches out and pulls the two threads tied to either side and yoinks it up higher, higher! "...you find anythin' to help us out, Craft?" he asks. And he takes a step towards one of the stalls, himself. His look brightens at the sight of the exotic merchandise--he glances over at the scarves at one booth--and then lingers on one addressed to, concerned with, scents. Incense.

Adventure! Squee! Kayla has never been to Veyshan. The half-elven Aesir's blue-green eyes are bright. She'd left her furs back in her inn room, but still. The athletic blonde is sweating in the hot climate. She has spent most of her time off on her own, friendly but still distant.

"DATES! WOULD MISS LIKE SOME DATES?! DELICIOUS, HONEYED DATES!" a merchant bellows with the practised, ear-piercing lungs of someone who has done this for a while, shoving handfuls of dates in Kayla's direction and grinning the sharkish grin of someone greedy AND good at their job. He can tell foreigners a mile away.

A pair of Veyshanti younglings with wooden swords run past, stopping beside Jenner to use him as a shield in their duel, giggling. No sandstorm happens. Alas.

"Incense. The scent of myrrh, the scent of sandalwood. Kerbasy's hands dive in his pockets when they begin to twitch at the sights and smells. "Ah...heh. Hope we're not needin' that." And smile a bit bright, he steps back and turns back around on his heel to face the others. "Camels would probab'ly be a better idea. Camels an' some sun gogg...ah. Hello. You uh. ...aaaaaah!" and as the youngsters dodge past, he starts to lose his footing, arms windmilling wildly.

It is worth mentioning the honeyed dates are, while delicious indeed, -sticky as all hell-. One may just require a couple of drops of alchemical solvent to remove them from the gums.

The younglings aren't paying any attention to the adventurers at all. They giggle in their play, flailing their tiny weapons wildly at each other while peeking around Jenner's legs. They might hit Jenner! But he's tough, he can take it!

Craft comes to a stop, the only movement his magicite eyes tracking the youngsters as they move through the group. "I was not aware I was meant to be looking for anything in particular," he remarks. "My survival skills are... somewhat different than your own," he says, a tridactyl hand moving to his blacksmith's apron.

A smile twitches on Jenner's lips as he spares a glance down at the swordwaving children. "Careful," he cautions the children, shaking his head.... And keeping one hand beneath his wizard's robe, secured on top of his coin pouch. He keeps himself still, his coin secured, and at least one ear open for the surrounding merchants.

"Well, I for one think it is a good experience to enjoy," he says, glancing back towards the others. "A new city, new lands, the roar and tumoult of people.... And no lack of sun to keep from freezing to death, for once. And you, Greypriest, *need* the sunlight!"

Kayla is, alas, quite naive-looking. The sharkish smile is returned with a grin of her own, but she shakes her head. "Sorry, I spent all my money three stalls down on dried dates." She tells him with wide-eyed innocence. "He assured me that they would keep my skin from burning." Indeed, when one is so white they glow on their own almost, sunburn is a problem. She laughs at the children attacking each other, beaming at them.

"Aaaaaagh!" Kerbasy eats dust. He lands on his ass there in the middle of the Veyshanti streets. Desert sand puffs up around him and sticks to the sweat along his hands and face. It sort of cakes there, like an inconvenient second skin, and as he's brushing it off, he squints up at Jenner through the dust and the sun. "What, allus heard I had a nice tan. You're not thinkin' so?" he asks. And then, spits out more of the sand and the grime, and sand-covered now, gets back to his feet again.

Providing the children don't knock him over.


SUDDENLY! ... a monkey? Yes, a small monkey wearing a tiny vest, belt and turban hops onto Craft's metal head. It hops from there adroitly, onto the tarp above the stall where your employers are loudly arguing with the presiding merchant. They aren't a very strange sight around here at all.


The children move along on their activity, chasing each other. One of them hops over Kerbasy while he's down in their retreat, stepping on his robe and leaving a small, dusty print of a sandal's sole there.

"Too bad missus. Perhaps one of you gentlemen would try some, hmmmmmm?" the dates merchant says, thrusting the dates at the others. The honey drips lazily around his outstretched hands. He gives them all his best, kindest smile. Like the smile of a tiger, sans the fangs.

Craft looks up at the monkey, the glow of his eyes dimming. "I do not use your head as a launching pad," he remarks. And good thing for the monkey, it'd totally go squish.

"No," the wizard retorts to Kerbasy, snorting at the rising dust from the steps of fleeing children. "Sailors get enough sun," he says, striding forward to offer the priest a hand up. "So do warriors and children and merchants and fools. Wizards and clerics rarely." He grins, single eye sharp. "Rogues, never. So count your blessings and make sure your coins stay where they belong-- In the hands of merchants." He nods towards the merchant, making a gesture. "Some, but wrapped in paper to keep the dust off."

Kayla offers Kerbasy a hand up, even as her green-blue eyes squint at the sun. "Bright out here, isn't it?" She comments, and wrinkles her nose. "I think I'm going to be as red as a lit coal by the time this is over."

"You uh...blessed children," says the graypriest with Just an Edge to his voice and the smile quickly returns in place as he glances after them. The small print covers one of the triangles, and...a bit of mud sticks to it. too. Sand sticks to his hand, and falls onto Kayla's as he's helped up. "Thank y'...they caught me by surprise--" there's mud on his cassock. He gives a quick brush at it. "--there. Ah-heh."

There is the smell of cigar smoke, interminging with the smell of mhyrr and the more exotic smells. Then the sounds of upset Veyshanti, along with the gruff voice of Younger, "Out da way, aye move't'r'lose'r, pal." "Hey! Watch where you are going, sir!" "Nah, y'watch where'm goin', ye fuggin' Veyshanter." Etc, etc. Finally, Younger comes into view, red faced and angry, "Oi told'e Oi'd be out quick! But no, y'didn' wait! If'n ye didn' want me tah come'long, ye shoulda lef' me in Al'zandria, ye fuggin numbskulls!" He pauses, to breath/puff on his cigar. The heat doesn't seem to have any effect on the little man, aside from making him more angry than usual. Sweat pours down his face, but he just doesn't seem to mind it.

"The small ones are... strange," Craft remarks, not really getting the entire 'growing as you age' thing. "Energetic, though." He looks to the merchant. "I do not eat," he says in his hollow, metallic voice.

The date seller's smile gets bigger at Jenner's words. It's taking nearly half his face now. You'd not think it physically possible, but it does. REAL big. He gets a bit of paper to wrap the dates in.

The monkey reappears! It hops from the stall where the archeologists are, climbs up to the tarp strung above the date merchant's stall in several quick motions. It stops there and eyes the nearby adventurers, chittering and giving them all a monkeyish grin, taking a moment to strike a pose in its stylish miniaturized clothing. That done, it moves on its way, leaping and bounding across windowsills and stalls away from the group.

DM note: The monkey has stolen the beltpouches of the PCs’ employers! Ohnoes! 
I set the Perception DC at 20 – whoever manages it gets to play in the surprise round!
<OOC> Xander says, "Hey guys? It's dice time. Perception checks. :)"
GAME: Kerbasy rolls perception: (19)+8: 27
GAME: Younger rolls perception: (2)+10: 12
GAME: Jenner rolls Perception: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Craft rolls perception: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Kayla rolls perception: (2)+6: 8
DM note: Only Kerbasy and Jenner make the check.

You paged (Kayla, Younger, Craft) with 'What an adorable little monkey! Look it's so cute! D'awwww.'
You paged (Kerbasy, Jenner) with 'What an adorable little monkey! Look it's so cute! -- Wait a second. 
Monkeys aren't supposed to jingle like that. Sounds like... coins?'

Younger growls, "Fuggin' monkeys. Ain' trust 'em, the stealin' li'l monsters." He keeps one narrowed eye upon it. He's still angry from being left at the port.

"Fine, ya thief of a merchant." one of your employers concedes, reaching for his coinpouch. "..." Pat pat pat. PATPATPATPAT. "MY GOLD!" He turns on you all with a furious expression. "WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR?! I'VE BEEN ROBBED!!"

<OOC> Xander says, "Inits. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "As you might've figured out, there is to be a surprise round! In which, sadly, only 
Kerbasy and Jenner get to act. And the thief. :("

"You ah--ah..." Kerbasy stops mid-sentence, and his gaze drops to follow the monkey. His gaze pins on it, almost feverishly--call it a hunch, that tickling feeling between your shoulderblades when the acolytes are salting Priestess Carnigee's food again. He's getting that...

He reaches back to scratch his shoulderblades.

"You uh...you know. I think that monkey might've just run off with some little old lady's purse. Or uh...ours. Everyone, check yer pock--oh."

"I think it's adorable." Kayla laughs, before she glances at Kerbasy, brow furrowing. She then gives herself a pat down to see if everything's in place. "Bwuah?" Behold! The eloquence of a bard.

DM note: 
At this point, I explain the chase rules.
In a nutshell, it looks something like this:
The chase is done on an arbitrary track consisting of the following conditions:
-Close Contact: The pursued is within arm’s reach. All melee actions are possible at this range. 
The pursuee is subject to all obstacles the pursued is subject to.
-Point Blank: The pursued is within 30 feet. The pursuee can take the leader’s obstacles or an alternate obstacle at DC 20.
-Short: -2 penalty on ranged attacks. Take pursued’s obstacles or an alternate obstacle at DC 15.
-Medium: -4 penalty on ranged attacks. Not subject to obstacles.
-Long: -6 penalty on ranged attacks. Not subject to obstacles.
-Lost: So far back the pursued’s no longer even easy to spot. DC 25 Perception every round in addition to sufficient 
movement check is needed to keep in the race.

Everyone has a movement check assigned to them based on their speed: +2 for every 5’ of movement 
(so a 30’ move is +12 movement check). 
I roll a check for the thief at +14 (due to his Fleet feat) every round. The PCs roll against him. 
If they are within 5 points of the thief’s result, nothing happens. 
If they are 5—9 above, they move up on the track by 1 step. If they are 10+ above, 2 steps. 
For 5-9 below, 1 step back on the track, and similarly 10+ below 2 steps behind.

Kerbasy and Jenner, having made the Perception check, begin at Short range rather than Medium, where the rest start.

Some distance away, the monkey hops onto a man's shoulder! "Good work, my little friend. Now..." the veyshanti man goes. He turns about. And sees a group of angry-looking adventurers. "... ah shit." And he goes runnin'!

===== Current Initiative Order =========
 24                  Jenner
 21                  Kayla
 19                  Craft
 15                  Kerbasy
 9                   Thief
 8                   Younger
<OOC> Xander says, "JENNER! You act first. Having figured out what's going on before everyone else save Kerbasy, 
you may take your action now. The man is pretty far off, in a crowd of people. You will take -2 for distance on ranged 
attacks, possibly another -2 for soft cover... and... I do not recommend Fireballing. :P"
<OOC> Jenner says, "Shapeshift-- Falcon. New speed-- 80'."
<OOC> Xander says, "You automatically fall back one step on the chase track and are now at Medium distance 
(like the rest of the party), but you are now a falcon! Pose it. Kerbasy, you're next. :)"
<OOC> Xander says, "Your new movement check, Jenner, is a massive +32, in case you're not sure. ;)"
DM note: An error was made and I caught it WAY late. Jenner was not able to go 80’ – instead, he was capped at 60’
by the power he was using. However, due to my horribad movement rolls on part of the thief, it turned out 
not to matter much.

Jenner's good eye traces the tiny monkey, no small amusement alive in his gaze. "Any second now..." he murmurs, until the merchant's hoarse howl raises the hue and cry. "It wouldn't be Veyshan without a robbery," he says, laughing as he unfurls his arms, raising them to either side. The bright green of his eye ignites, a jewel of fire; around him, a swirling wind kicks up the sand, a duststorm suddenly erupting in wild, hot, rainbow flame. Swirling and weaving and suddenly gone, where the flames once burned is little else than a small pool of glass, sand burned and fused by the heat of mage's fire; above it, wings outspread, a falcon hovers, emerald-green eyes blazing like tiny stars.

With a hunting shriek, Jenner-the-Falcon cries out across the street, taking to the air as he launches off in search of the thief!

<OOC> Kerbasy would like to throw some sticky dates at them! Or smelly perfume! ...and then start running. XD

GAME: Kerbasy rolls 1d20+12: (10)+12: 22
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (3)+14: 17

<OOC> Xander says, "The thief and his little monkey bolt! However, you're one fast priest. You are now at 
Point Blank distance (within 30 feet of him)! However, this means that if he veers for obstacles... so will you."

As the cry goes out, Kerbasy glances over--and grabs hold of a small basket of dates. He grins quick-fire at the tiger-mouthed merchant who'd been selling them, and launches the basket over his shoulder at the thief. "Eat dates, y' screwballs!" The dates implode from the basket, tumbling end over end in a messy, gooey, sticky substance, and hurtle towards the thief. And, grinning, bouncing on the balls of his feet, the young priest takes off after them with a whoop!

"MY DATES!" wails the merchant, but Kerbasy is GONE. GONE.

The thief's eyes widen and he runs. In his panic, he bumps into a TON of people, though, slowing him, and Kerbasy, well... people step out of the date-throwing looney's way as he rapid-fires them into the crowd, allowing him to catch up a bit.

<OOC> Xander says, "Top of the round! The pursued's movement check:"
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (5)+14: 19
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, you may play."
<OOC> Jenner nods! "The Jade-- er, Jenner Falcon will try to stoop down on the Thief when there is a clear shot. 
Try to snatch the monkey from his shoulders!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "...well, after catching up someday. Ahem."

GAME: Jenner rolls 1d20+32: (5)+32: 37

<OOC> Xander says, "You flap your wings and flyyyy! You catch up 2 steps on the track, and are now alongside 
Kerbasy at Point Blank distance. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla, your go!"

Jenner does not leave the priest alone in his pursuit of devious, sticky conflict for long! On falcon's wings, the mage flashes up and out, using the fiery thermals of the city to carry him towards the prey and the priest, in quick pursuit. Sharp eyes focused intently, he glides down, talons twitching. Just a few feet over the Greypriest's head, preparing to strike at the diabolical monkey!

<OOC> Kayla is totally unprepared for a chase! no ranged weppers or spells. Le sigh! Chasing

GAME: Kayla rolls 1d20+14: (9)+14: 23
DM note: Her bonus is +12 rather than +14 – the result is 21.
<OOC> Xander says, "Your bonus should be +12, then, for next time. Either way, you don't get any closer, 
but you do not fall behind, keeping up with the thief nicely! You are still at Medium distance."
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft, my man. Whatchagonna do?"
<OOC> Craft says, "Lay chase... very slowly I guess"

GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25

<OOC> Xander says, "You get an incredible burst of speed, and people steer VERY clear from an angry golem! 
You catch up and are now at Short distance. Pose it!"

"Well, shit fire and save matches." Kayla sighs, and joins the chase at a run.

<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy, back to you!"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "RUN. :D"

GAME: Kerbasy rolls 1d20+12: (13)+12: 25

<OOC> Xander says, "You nearly got him! He's right there! Like a foot from you!"

"Y'can't keep this up forever! Death catches everyone, y'know!" Kerbasy cups a hand to either side of his face as he runs. Sweat pours down his skin and his hair, his horrible hair, plasters to his face. And somehow he closes near the thief--he can smell the stench of unlawful, stolen money!

<OOC> Xander says, "Sadly, it is the thief's turn. He turns around, sees Kerbasy, screeches in horror and tries to 
vault over a fruit cart to lose you!"
DM note: I roll Acrobatics for the thief’s parkour fruit-cart leap at DC 20!
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (15)+14: 29 to Xander

Craft is not known for speed, but damn if he can't compensate. Like a clanking juggernaut, he tears through the market, following in the wake of those who took off, widening the gap through the crowd even more as people dive out of the way of the angry (?) golem. He makes good time, for one so heavy, magicite eyes burning brightly.

<OOC> Xander says, "He succeeds. Please roll an Acrobatics check. The DC is 20."

GAME: Kerbasy rolls acrobatics: (2)+3: 5

<OOC> Xander says, "You SLAM facefirst into the fruit cart!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner... you are at Point Blank distance. You too face the cart (or Kerbasy's back). 
You may also attempt to take another obstacle - say, you can attempt to fly past the cobra that a snake charmer 
is controlling with his flute. PICK."
<OOC> Jenner says, "Cobra!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Bad call. :( The cobra spits at you as you fly past! Roll a Fort save. :("
DM note: The DC is 20. Jenner’s dice foil me!
GAME: Jenner rolls Fortitude: (9)+11: 20

<OOC> Xander says, "JUST enough! The cobra spits in your eagly face, but you shake it right off!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are still at Point Blank. Kerbasy, you are now also at Point Blank, 
having fallen back from the obstacle."
<OOC> Xander says, "If I am not mistaken, Craft is sadly also at Short distance?"
<OOC> Craft says, "Strength check to shove the cart out of the way!"
<OOC> Xander says, "I'll accept that. The DC is 15. Roll it."

GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20

<OOC> Xander says, "The merchant vails as you near damn well crush the cart and continue unimpeded!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You may all pose this out of turn if you wish. YOUNGER!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are at Medium distance. WHAT DO YOU DO?"
<OOC> Younger says, "I give chase, I suppose."

GAME: Younger rolls 1d20+16: (5)+16: 21

<OOC> Xander says, "You keep up, but you get no closer!"

The thief turns, screaming when he sees Kerbasy at arm's reach. With a parkour-like leap, he vaults over a fruit cart, continuing his run. The monkey hides in his clothing, a shivering bundle of cloth.

Craft knows better than to attempt to jump, lowering his shoulder to slam into the cart, sending it spinning out of his path, and doing a bit of damage, besides, but the path is clear for those behind him. Some poor old man is left to scream "My cabbages!" in sorrow.

Cursing under his breath, Younger runs after the rest of the group. Sweat pouring down his reddened face, smoke pouring out of his mouth, he looks more like his insiders are on fire than anything. Huffing, he pounds sand.

<OOC> Xander says, "TOP OF THE ROUND."

GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (2)+14: 16

<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, your go. You are at Point Blank distance!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "Dive attack! Get in his face and slow him down."
<OOC> Xander says, "You have to spend your entire action outrunning him! Though with your bonus, 
you will do so automatically."
DM note: At this point, I’m worried Jenner’s going to steamroll the encounter. I make an ad-hoc ruling.
<OOC> Xander says, "I'll say that a falcon doesn't really pose that much of a threat/he won't hesitate to run 
right THROUGH you, but as long as Jenner is there distracting him, the thief is at -2 to everything!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla, you're up."
<OOC> Kayla is gunna run joey run!

GAME: Kayla rolls 1d20+12: (6)+12: 18

<OOC> Xander says, "You're still keeping up, but you ain't gettin' no closer!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft the Cartbane. You're up!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are at Short range still, as the obstacle did nothing to slow your metal ass."
<OOC> Craft says, "Keep charging!"

GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25

<OOC> Xander says, "You eat up the ground and close another increment. You are now at Point Blank!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Priestyboy. You are at Point Blank and have fruitstains on your pretty gray robes. :("

Kayla is left behind the golem. Sigh. Kayla doesn't seem terribly upset about it. In fact.. She almost seems to be enjoying the chase for the sake of the chase. Perhaps that's why she's doing so badly.

The way cleared, Craft continues, allowing momentum to keep him going at his not inconsiderable speed. Between his own metal body, his fullplate, and the various gadgets and tools in his apron, he makes enough noise to give folks plenty of warning to get out of the way, which they do, allowing him to close in on the thief.

<OOC> Kerbasy says, "And. If there is a camel, he will try to borrow it. XD"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "If there is not, he will CHASE. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "It will take several rounds and different checks to locate a camel and get people to 
hand it to you (unless you plan to pilfer it!)."
<OOC> Xander says, "If you still wish to do so, however, you may! Just lemme know."
<OOC> Xander says, "The relevant checks would be Perception and Diplomacy (or Bluff, or Intimidate)."
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "He will run. :D"

GAME: Kerbasy rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

<OOC> Xander says, "You're once again at Close Contact. You're the fastest priest this side of Tashraan! 
You may also run ahead of him and attempt to cut him off so Craft can get at him! CHOOSE."
<OOC> Kerbasy will try to cut him off for Craft!
<OOC> Xander says, "You skid in front of the thief, who looks at you disbelievingly and changes direction,
but he's lost his momentum!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Everyone is one increment closer thanks to Kerbasy! Jenner, you're still in his face, 
Kayla you are at Short, Craft you're now at arm's reach (for a moment, at least), Kerbasy is at arm's reach, 
and Younger is at Short."
<OOC> Xander says, "The thief looks between you all and chooses to go for another obstacle! His choice this 
round is a wall. He's at -2 thanks to Jenner. Let's see!"

"You uh--oh, hey! Watch--" and Kerbasy nearly runs into a little old lady, and then another little old lady as he takes off after the thief. There will be wanted posters up after him in the rest home's little parlor and he will be sentenced to chores forever. And, the thief's just an arm's reach away, and the young priest's face is flushed, and sweat pours down his face and into his robes.

DM note: Pinched so close by several characters, the thief has to escape and chooses an easy DC. 
I roll a Climb at DC 15, taking into account the –2 from Jenner’s distraction.
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16 to Xander
DM note: Although he is at Close Contact, it makes no sense I make Jenner roll Climb, as he is flying. 
Instead, in a quick fingersnap, I choose Reflex to avoid slamming into the wall instead. I should have 
maybe picked Fly, in retrospect, but such is life.
<OOC> Xander says, "He barely scrambles up the wall! All people at Close Contact, roll Climb. 
Jenner, you get to roll Reflex instead. Everyone else, Climb or Perception (Perception's harder)."

GAME: Kerbasy rolls climb: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Younger rolls climb: (20)+12: 32
GAME: Craft rolls climb: (7)+-3: 4
GAME: Kayla rolls climb: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy, you scramble up the wall after him and he weeps at seeing this feat 
of priestly adroitness. Kayla, Craft, the wall foils you and you scramble ineffectually! You fall back 
one step each (Craft to Point Blank, Kayla to Medium) as you have to stop and carefully look for handholds 
or an alternate path. Younger, you remain at Short distance after what's pretty much a Spiderman act."
<OOC> Xander says, "Hold for emit, and then you may pose your successes or failures..."

The thief glances in absolute panic between the party as they surround him. He gives Kerbasy an especially pitiful 'come on, man' look, and changes direction, leaping up towards a wall at the street's side. He climbs up it with difficulty, scrambling and nearly falling a couple times, raining dust on Kerbasy and the other adventurers, and leaps into the yard beyond. There's an "oof" of a not too glorious landing.

<OOC> Craft says, "What's the wall made of?"
<OOC> Xander says, "It's a rough stone wall."

The thief went over the--wall. He went over the wall. Dismay flashes through the young priest as he swiftly follows suit. He grasps the top of the wall with quick hands, his feet kicking and scrambling himself over it. Just like a kid, just like he used to do, just...larger, and alot less adroit than being nine years old. He lands on the other side with scraped palms and a thump into the dirt. And brushes at his cassock, then, and takes off after the guy.

<OOC> Jenner says, "Reflex from me still?"
<OOC> Xander says, "Please."

GAME: Jenner rolls Reflex+2: (8)+10+2: 20

<OOC> Xander says, "You adroitly avoid smacking into the wall, Jenner! You may pose it."

When Kayla launches herself at the wall.. She just sort of flails at it and sort of falls to the ground, her expression hurt and a little bemused.

Younger huffs after everyone, smoke still pouring from his mouth. Sweat pouring from his face. He grow increasingly more reddened, cigar smoke not providing much in the way of breathable air. As the coming wall approaches, Younger seems to gain hope, pushing himself harder. The wall comes closer, closer, closer, and then Younger does something absolutely marvelous. Leaping forward toward the wall, he lands on his hands, hand-springing and twisting his body up over the wall, the bottoms of his feet landing just long enough for him to spring foward, looking back at Kerbasy with a grin as he lands in a sprint, all without losing his cigar. Gods damned, the little man is a hulluva acrobat.

Jenner dives and sweep and shrikeks in the thief's face. Chaos reins as the Falcon Mage intrudes, wings slapping, beak snapping, claws raking at cheek and face! Doing his best to momentarily halt his flight, just enough for the other party members to arrive.

DM note: Realizing they pretty much got him at this point, I skip my list of 20 or so obstacles to the 
most iconic one with a sadface.

Beyond the wall... paradise.

Palm trees, a giant pool, grass... it's like you stepped into another world! Dozens of girls in very colorful, somewhat revealing silks and veils. The giggling and talk stops as you all crash into the scene, and is replaced with awkward silence, a couple of screams and many, many curious looks your way.

The quartet of burly men with gigantic, curved swords that stand guard eyeball all of you, the thief included, in very menacing fashion.

Yes. You just landed in a harem.

<OOC> Xander says, "Younger! It's your go."
<OOC> Younger says, "I am going after the thief."
<OOC> Xander says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Younger rolls 1d20+16: (11)+16: 27

Craft comes to a complete stop at the wall, his body far too heavy to climb it, though he makes a not-so-valiant attempt. He quickly looks at the wall, hand on his hammer. Thinking better of it, he begins looking for some way around.

<OOC> Xander says, "You catch up to him fully (if you want to!). You are now at Close Contact 
alongside Kerbasy and Jennerfalcon! Pose it."
<OOC> Xander says, "TOP OF THE ROUND."

GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
DM note: I forgot to apply –2 from still being Jenner’d. The true result is 25 and taken into account later.
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner, your go. You are at Close Contact and a falcon!"
<OOC> Jenner reminds himself not to drool, even as a bird. And dive-attack into the thief's skull, 
sink talons in. "STAY."
<OOC> Xander says, "You are... trying to grapple him? Or damage him?"
<OOC> Jenner HMMMM!
<OOC> Jenner says, "Why not? GRAPPLE."

Younger doesn't know what a harem is, and is too fucking busy to care. Narrowing his eyes, he locates his target. The little acrobatic barbarian doesn't seem to even notice the fellows with swords... Swords have never been much of a threat to him. He does, after all, have a job to do. And so, he charges directly toward the thief, having caught up with Kerbasi and JennerFalcon.

<OOC> Xander snickers. "Feel free to make the attempt. Roll your CMB!"

GAME: Jenner rolls 1d20+3+4-1: (18)+3+4+-1: 24

<OOC> Xander says, "Miraculously, you somehow tangle in his hair and successfully grapple him. Pose it!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Kayla! You find an alternate way around the wall, but you are now quite 
some distance behind, at medium range."

Lovely ladies? Paradise in the desert? Things to enjoy later-- right now, Jenner-the-Falcon has a rogue to halt! And halt him he does, broad wings slapping in the thief's face, a shriek of avian fury sending the man flailing. The falcon pursues, swift fury to keep him off balance and afraid!

Ah, and large men with swords. Yes.

<OOC> Kayla says, "Do I still have to roll movement? Since he's kinda sorta pinned in the same place?"
<OOC> Xander says, "You do, Kayla, since you're behind a bit."
<OOC> Kayla le sighs x.x

GAME: Kayla rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

<OOC> Xander says, "You catch up one increment! Cause I forgot to apply his penalty (you may catch up more on his turn)."
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft, steamroller, you're at 30 feet and the dude has a falcon in his hair."
<OOC> Craft says, "Try to find a way around the wall, and resume chase."
<OOC> Xander says, "You find a way automatically! You may roll your movement check."

GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

<OOC> Kayla says, ".. so how far am I from Aladdin?"
<OOC> Xander says, "Oof! Well. Scratch that. You get a bit confused and spend some time wandering. 
You fall back a square!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You are at Short range, Kayla! You were QUITE behind."
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft is now also at Short range, as his dice have abandoned him. :("
<OOC> Xander says, "KERBASY. You are at arm's reach. WHAT DO YOU DO?"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "Diplomance to keep the guys with swords off them!"
<OOC> Xander says, "You may clobber him, join the grapple dogpile, or-- Yes, good choice. DO IT."

GAME: Kerbasy rolls diplomacy: (2)+10: 12

<OOC> Xander says, "They growl and advance on you."
<OOC> Xander says, "THE THIEF... chooses the same tactic in reverse. "I'M INNOCENT! GET THEM OFF ME!", 
with a Bluff check."

"Oh, uh--hey there. There's--I mean, I know this *looks* bad, but if you could just uh, put yourself in our shoes a minute? I mean, there's this thief, and we're--uh, yeah. We're in your harem. Got that." Kerbasy runs a hand through his hair and takes a step back as the guards ADVANCE.

DM note: I give the harem guards a generous +3 on their Sense Motive… and roll this hilarity as the Bluff vs 
Sense Motive:
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+12: (9)+12: 21 to Xander
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21 to Xander

<OOC> Xander says, "He makes a pretty good lie. They... don't quite buy it, but they buy it enough to leap 
at you all and try restrain you. Him included."
<OOC> Xander says, "CMDs on Jenner, Kerbasy, please!"
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "23!"
<OOC> Jenner says, "22!"

You paged Xander with 'I hadn't statted the eunuch guards out. I say they're level 5 human Warriors with Str 18. 
Big, BIG buff dudes. Also,
 Improved Grapple.'

GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+11: (14)+11: 25
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy, you weasel out of the guard's grasp. Jenner, you're not so lucky. 
The thief ALSO gets grappled. Last guard goes for... 1 is Basy, 2 is Jenner, 3 is Thief."

GAME: Xander rolls 1d3: (3): 3
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29

<OOC> Xander says, "And piles in to hold him down. Everyone moves 1 up the track. It's a HUGE mess now!"

"Please help! I'm innocent, these foreigners have been chasing me to steal my money!" the thief wails, and the eunuchs leap into action! Sadly, it doesn't work entirely in his favor, because they also grab HIM in addition to one clamping his hands on Jenner's birdy wings, and another trying to grab Kerbasy, who neatly sidesteps the attempt. Two of them take hold of the thief himself, glowering. All they know is you lot ain't supposed to be there!

<OOC> Xander says, "Younger, you are now at Point Blank range. There's a pile of people and a bunch of 
screaming a gossiping girls."
<OOC> Younger says, "Tackle him!"
<OOC> Younger says, "Any bonuses?"
<OOC> Xander says, "If you get a roll of 35 or more on your movement, you may!"
<OOC> Xander says, "So roll it, please!"

GAME: Younger rolls 1d20+16: (20)+16: 36

<OOC> Xander says, "... Well, he just PWNed me."

GAME: Younger rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25

<OOC> Xander says, "You may tackle. He's already grappled, so he's comple-- You tackle him."
<OOC> Xander says, "As the two eunuchs grab him by the shoulders, you Terry Tate all of them."
<OOC> Xander says, "Top of the round! The thief's movement check is 0, as he cannot move right now for 
the two that still need to catch up!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner. You are held by a burly guard. WHAT DO YOU DO?"

Younger doesn't give up on this Thief, even as his comrades tackle him, and then are tackled by the eunuchs. He can deal with the big knuckleheads after he's done his job he came to do. Darting forward, leaping around gossiping wenches, whom he hardly notices on his way by, he ducks under the legs of one of the Guards, rolls a monent, leaps to his feet and dives forward once more to land on his quarry. Just as two more eunuchs put their hands on the thief, Younger tackles him out from under them both. "Oi'm Bruce da Younger!" He shouts!

<OOC> Jenner will stop fighting, and shift back to normal.
<OOC> Xander says, "Done and done. Pose it. Kayla!"
<OOC> Kayla says, "Still need to roll to catch up, right?"
<OOC> Xander says, "You may automatically catch up on the bunch, but you can take no other action
 in that case. You can also keep away if you want, seeing all this mess, or try shout at people from afar!"
<OOC> Kayla wants to Diplomacy D: Can I do that from afar?
<OOC> Xander says, "Absolutely!"

When it comes to close combat, wings and hollow bones are far more a hindrance than a help. When the guard seizes the Falcon Mage from behind, Jenner releases one last sharp shriek of anger, but relents in the fight....

At least, until the fire hisses out along his frame once again.

Feathers melt and the sharp eyes blaze as rainbow fire turns golden, swirling along the falcon's avian frame. It flows along the eunuch's hands like water, lapping like bizzare waves before coellescing back, reforming with a brief flash of heat, the snapping of bones, a molten sizzle... Back into the form of the entirely human mage.

"He is a thief," he says simply, reaching one hand up awkwardly to adjust his eyepatch back down. "Be careful of him."

<OOC> Xander says, "So, Kayla!"
<OOC> Xander says, "Whatcha doin', lovely?"
<OOC> Kayla is going to use her innocent face, big blue eyes, and lie like a dog x.x

GAME: Kayla rolls perform/sing: (16)+12: 28
DM note: Kayla uses her Versatile Performance to substitute Perform/Sing for Bluff.
<OOC> Xander says, "Pose the lie, please. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "Craft, if you wish to catch up, you must roll at least a 2 on your d20 die. 
You slow lug. :P"
<OOC> Xander says, "(I must see the actual lie before I can tell you any results, Kayla, 
s'why I'm not telling you results yet)"
<OOC> Xander says, "If you do NOT wish to end up adjacent to the crazy pile of crazy in the harem yard, 
you may do something else instead!"

GAME: Craft rolls 1d20+8: (7)+8: 15

<OOC> Xander says, "You catch up fully. You are now anywhere you wish to be (as long as it's closer to your allies)."

GAME: Craft rolls sense motive: (13)+3: 16

<OOC> Craft says, "That good enough to to get a sense of what's going on?"
<OOC> Xander says, "The eununchs seem to be trying to get EVERYONE under control - the thief and party both."
<OOC> Xander says, "The thief is wailing in absolute horror - your friends are calmer."
<OOC> Xander says, "Oh, and if you didn't know better, you'd think Kayla was telling the complete truth."

Oh my..! The Aesir bardling is caught up short by the dogpile and the chaos. There's a distinctive brightness to her big blue-green eyes, a sort of disturbing happiness. Oh happy day! Think of the /songs/! She quickly puts her most innocent, hurt expression on her face. "Thank you!" She calls out, makign her way over. "Good sirs, thank you so much! You have helped us catch the criminal." She beams at the guards. "He is a wanted man by the government, and we are to take him for official punishment for Crimes Most Foul."

Craft catches up to the others, the metal man looking at the tangle of people, coming to a stop, with a moment's glance, he sees what's happening, and comes close to the others, nice and slow. "He stole from our employeers," he remarks, pointing at the thief.

DM note: At this point, I believe they’re done. I roll a Sense Motive for the guards in public at a +8, 
knowing they’ll only succeed on a 20, and...
GAME: Xander rolls 1d20: (20): 20

<OOC> Xander says, "The good news is, the thief is still held. The bad news, you're now the 
subject of some scrutiny."
<OOC> Xander says, "Basically, due to the roll matching, rather than BEATING... this means 
not that they don't buy it, just that they're not sure."
<OOC> Xander says, "KERBASY! It's your turn. You are not held, though one of the eunuchs is eyeing you. 
<OOC> Kerbasy says, "I WILL ROLL A ONE."

GAME: Kerbasy rolls diplomancy: (15)+diplomancy: 15

<OOC> Kerbasy facepalms. XD
<OOC> Xander says, "I'll let you keep the roll. :P"

GAME: Kerbasy rolls diplomacy: (14)+10: 24

<OOC> Xander says, "25. YOU FINALLY GET TO THEM."
<OOC> Xander says, "Pose whatcha gonna say."
<OOC> Xander says, "The chase is now over. The eunuchs hold the man tight and we are dropping out of inits. 
He stops struggling, but does begin weeping and begging you for mercy."

"You uh...uh...hey, look guys. We really don't want to uh, be here, you know?" Kerbasy eyes one of the harem women from the corner of his eyes, and his ears turn a bit red. He zips his gaze right back. "I mean, well. This guy stole some money, and we're just tryin' to chase him down. I'm a priest of th' Gray Lady. Here, look." And he digs around in his tired, sand-covered robes and produces a holy symbol that's kept in better shape than he is.

"Why didn't you SAY so?" rumbles one of the eunuchs, his voice like thunder at Kerbasy. They shake the poor thief, who shivers and sobs in absolute horror. "Just... get out of here. You're scaring the girls."

The girls giggle. Wave playfully at some of you. Wink suggestively.

The eunuchs leave you with the thief to return to their posts. The small man seems to have given up the struggles, but does look up at you. "Please, please good masters... I am poor... I cannot... -they'll cut my hand off-! You know that, right?! RIGHT?!" he pleads with the party pitifully.

<OOC> Xander says, "You are out of inits and may pose freely! The scene is technically over - 
but we can RP a little longer over the thief's fate!"
<OOC> Xander says, "He does speak the truth - the penalty for stealing in Veyshan would be his hand."
<OOC> Kayla says, "Is there any reward for turning him in?"
<OOC> Xander says, "Prooooobably not. Nothing major, anyway. A bit of good rep with the guards."
<OOC> Jenner says, "And a front side seat at the handchopping? ;)"
<OOC> Xander says, "That yes."
<OOC> Xander says, "Because such sentences are public!"
<OOC> Kayla says, "Ohnos! Did the monkey escape?"
<OOC> Xander says, "The monkey is hiding in his clothes."
<OOC> Xander says, "It's not a TINY monkey, so you can see it under his vest, cowering. :D"
<OOC> Xander says, "The monkey will probably be killed. :("
<OOC> Xander says, "Veyshan sucks. :("

Craft looks in bemusement at the flirty harem girls. At the thief's complaints. "Perhaps you should be a better thief, then," he remarks, evenly. "And I was under the impression that the loss of body parts typically killed humans."

Jenner shakes his head, bright eye gleaming with a silent harshness. "Not always," the mage replies to Craft, stepping forward to lean down towards the unfortunate thief. "Though there are fates worse than losing a limb..." He draws a hand from beneath his robe, holding it forawrd in front of the thief's face. Gently, carefully he stares at the unfortunate rogue in turn, grim as the fingers of the mage's hand.... the flesh surrounding them... the fist as a whole...

Slowly begins to turn grey, slatey. Stone, from tip on down towards the wrist.

"One might anger a mage, for example," he says matter-of-factly, voice grim.

The Aesir Bardling just sort of shifts her weight foot to foot, watching with amusement as the menfolk react to the flirtatious girls. She's humming slightly to herself, as if already composing the song in her head. Her eyes widen at the stone-hand, whistling softly. "Make sure we get our stuff before you turn too much into stone." She cautions.

Younger finds his feet again, having left the Thief to the bigger Guards. Eyeing the Thief, "Yer in luck, they gotcha now," Younger explains, "An' not me 'n my boys'ere. Oi'd loik tah have ah couple minutes alone wittcha, for makin' me run affer yer sorry thieven' arse." He grins, showing his gold tooth. Younger doesn't seem to be impressed with the womenfolk, casting a glance that way, but they seem to hardly take up much of his headspace. He puffs on his cigar, leaving the rest to his party.

"...if they go further than that, we've got a good retirement plan," says the young priest of Death, warmly. He glances down at Jenner's hand, and gives the mage a second look before giving a quick shake of his head and turning back to the thief. "Well, if Younger goes...hell. Guess I should've picked up some of that incense."

The thief takes one look at Jenner with wide, terror-filled eyes, then covers his head with both arms and whimpers. He looks like he's pretty much ready to be killed then and there - he expects it. He's Veyshanti. The monkey clings to him, confused, borderline panicked with the man's fear. The stolen beltpouches are no longer in its possession - the man apparently took them. But he's certainly not thinking about them right now.

A couple of girls have gathered the courage to come poke at Craft. War golems aren't exactly terribly common in harems. Poke, poke. Poke. Whisper whisper. Giggle.

Jenner glances from stone fist to the cowering thief, as though measuring angles, weighing options. Thoughtful, before he snorts softly, shaking his head. "Enough," he growls, standing up before extending the grey-stone hand. "I'll not kill you over a few stolen coins and a good chase throught he alleys. Most fun I've had all week."

Stone flakes from his hand as the spell scatters, the mage raising an eyebrow "But I will ask for that pouch back. And that you... keep an eye out for me. As a favour. A good hand in the city, if you will."

And he'd better.

Kerbasy glances back towards the terrified man, and back to Jenner. "That's not your choice t'make, Jenner," he says gently. "I think this all might be gettin' to your head a bit...I'm thinkin' we ask these men here for an escort." A nod over that way with his chin. "If they're willin'. Quick as we can get to th' Magistrate, less chance he escapes. An' I'm sure they know th' way better than we do."

Craft looks at the harem girls, his eyes dimming. "Hello," he greets, awkwardly. "You are not wearing much," he points out, master of the obvious. Of course, he's just in an apron, practically a nudist.

Kayla goes back to her mental song-writing, lingering in the background. The girls don't interest her much, although she does giggle at Craft.

The thief opens one eye when the darkness of death fails to come over him. Shaking all over still, he lets out a strangled grunt as Kerbasy speaks and dashes his hopes. "Sir, please... please let Marud go, at least? He's been my friend my whole life. They'll kill him outright." The monkey chirps, sadly. Adorable sadmonkey. Another strangled sob as he grasps the wrist of his right hand, as if picturing what things will be like with it gone.

He does, however, take a moment to produce the stolen coinpouches. There's... four of them, rather than one, as the group may have been expecting. The thief spills them all at Jenner's feet.

On the brighter, less pitiful side of the yard, Craft is now surrounded by girls. They leap back at his words. "IT TALKS!" they chirp to each other, then move closer, swarming him - eyeing him, poking and pulling at his plating, looking under his apron. And giggling. So much giggling.

"You uh..." Kerbasy looks at the monkey. Eyes the monkey. He gives the monkey his best grin, but it's also one in which defeat hovers around its edges. And all the sudden, the young priest's shoulders slump, and he gives a sort of laugh. "Never let it b'said Death isn't merciful." And he looks at the thief. "He'll b'locked up until your sentence is carried out, y'realize."

<OOC> Jenner dunno.... "Is he trying to weasel his way out? Motive?"
<OOC> Xander says, "You may roll it if you wish to."

GAME: Jenner rolls Sense Motive: (18)+11: 29

You paged Jenner with 'He's not. He's telling the truth. The monkey will be killed outright on his capture, 
and his hand will be removed as punishment for stealing.'

<OOC> Xander says, "They're not terribly fat coinpouches, and you have no clue which ones belong to your 
employers, if any."
<OOC> Xander says, "Though if you wish to inspect them and make a guess at which may belong to them, 
you may roll Appraise!"

GAME: Jenner rolls Appraise: (14)+4: 18
GAME: Younger rolls appraise: (12)+2: 14

Craft looks at the woman, turning his attention to the thief, and his monkey. He reaches out a tridactyl hand for the monkey. Craft, friend of all small, defenseless fleshlings. The looking under his apron, causes him to turn his attention back to the harem girls. His expression unreadable.

DM note: Jenner scores a partial success, identifying that three of four pouches are indeed ones from their employers... 
however, the fourth is as well, and he does not come to this conclusion!

You paged Younger with 'You're not sure. They're coinpouches. Very unexciting! They have coins in them! 
Probably best not to take any of those.'

You paged Jenner with 'You make an educated guess that at least three of them are indeed from the archeologists. 
The last one you have no idea. It might be. You're not sure.'

From afar, Jenner nods. Will give that one back to the thief then, and.. *ahem*... teleport him back to the market. 
Somewhere remotely safe, hopefully. >.>;

The mage snorts again, more softly. "Death may not be merciful," Jenner murmurs, bending down to the ground as he examines the pouches."But I certainly well can be." Selecting one from among them, Jenner hands it back to the pleading thief, eye quiet. "Sharpen your eye," he continues, raising his hand again with a low, murmuring intonation as he reaches beneath his robe, a touch upon the amulet buried within.

Fire flashes, a sudden, swift and molten burst-- where the thief once stood, nothing remains.. Not even ash to mark that last brief place.

"And Althea watch over you," he adds, exhaling heavily. "Gods."

<OOC> Jenner uses his Bonded Amulet to throw a teleport on the thief, and send him back to the marketplace. 
"No killing over a simple bag of coins. Yeesh."
DM note: For cinematic effect, I allow Jenner to teleport just the thief and his monkey rather than having to also
 teleport himself, as normal.
<OOC> Xander says, "Jenner pulled a fast one on you all! The thief is GONE. Jenner. Does your spell affect the monkey?"
<OOC> Jenner says, "Yep!"
<OOC> Xander says, "The thief and monkey are gone! You are left with three of four pouches. Jenner is a nice guy. :("
<OOC> Xander says, "You may pose your aghast reactions to Jenner being a Jenner. :D"

"What are you?" one of the girls asks Craft. "Do you have a name?" says another. A third one puts a wreath of desert flowers on Craft's head. Poor, poor golem. They are momentarily distracted at the show of magic behind them. There's more chirping, whispering, giggles like tiny bells sounding.

The eunuchs eye you. Pointedly. OUT, that says.

GAME: Craft rolls spellcraft: (6)+9: 15

Younger growls a little at their quarry is apparently disintigrated before their eyes. He looks to Jenner, contemplating as he pulls smoke from his cigar. "Aye, Oi jus' wanted tah have a lil fun wif 'em, aye? Knuckledown a bit, gimm'em ah chance tah foight'is way outta trouble." He shrugs, "These Veshanters ain' been known to take kindly tah his sort, anyhow, aye?" He shrugs once more, looking to their 'hosts' as they indicate they should leave.

<OOC> Xander says, "Sadly, due to Jenner's decision, there's one small detail to handle. Pose freely until the 
moment you return to your employers - I'll intersperse with emits as needed!"
DM note: Lucky for them, the small detail is not a bad one for them! The thief was to return the last coinpouch. 
'Course, they don't know this. ;)

"I am a golem, my name is Craft," Craft responds, friendly enough, for a tin man, momentarily distracted as the man vanishes, eyes dimming now at Jenner before he catches the look of the eunuchs. "I believe your guards wish me to leave," he remarks in his hollow, metallic voice, trying to extradite himself from the crowd of half-naked women without injuring anyone.

"You uh..." Kerbasy breaks off, and takes a step away from Jenner. The young priest's expression twitches somewhat, a hint of suspicion growing at his features. And, "I guess we'd better get goin'," he says, uneasily.

Kayla takes pity on the golem, and moves to help him chase the girls off. "Shoo." She tells them, waving a hand at them, "Go play with your other toys." She grins, "We have to go and let you ladies get back to.. er.. whatever you do."

"Did what was necessary to send him to a better place," the mage states evenly, drawing another breath, exhaling with slow, slow care. "And it cost me more than I care to admit," he adds, murmuring softly. He turns towards the women of the harem, sketching a brief bow of courtesy. "Meanwhile, let us return the coins to our... employers." He graimces on the word sourly. "And be back to our business. With any luck, they'll almost be ready to leave."

Younger stands a ways away, arms crossed, being Younger.

"Sleep, mostly," Craft muses. "There are quite a lot of beds," he observes to Kayla.

DM note: I offer a fast forward. The players accept.

The women move out of Craft's way as he moves, but they shadow him all the way to the entrance and wave at everyone. "Come back sometime!" they call after the group as they depart, blowing kisses and waving silken kerchiefs.

The trek through the market is uneventful. There is no sign of the thief or his monkey on the way back, nor of other trouble.

As the party returns to the stall where their adventure today began, they find their VERY DISGRUNTLED employers. "Well?! Did ya get him?!" the leader of the expedition, a gruff, bushy-bearded, gold-and-beer-loving dwarf, demands, his beefy hands on his hips. What's probably his hips. The beer belly covers some of it.

Jenner says nothing, simply tossing the pouches forward onto the ground. "He escaped," the mage replies, "But we managed to recover these from him before he vanished. Fortunately, without bloodshed."

Kayla opens her mouth, that rather maniacal gleam in her eyes that suggests storytime. When Jenner speaks up, however, the Aesir Bardling simply closes her mouth and lets him explain.

Craft remains a large, forboding, and silent presence, though the poor cabbage cart he overturned earlier's owner is less than pleased.

"Could be he did," Kerbasy agrees, as he eyes the round-bellied man. "Regardless, he's gone now. Probably best not t'worry about it."

The dwarf looks down at the pouches, scooping them up in one hand and narrowing his eyes at Jenner. "Yer all DAFT, you are. Look 'ere." he says, lifting his big, free hand, big meaty fingers. Begins to count on them. "Tolley, Gearwrench, Urdak an' me. That's FOUR." he waves four fingers at you all. "FOUR! This is three! Where's Urdak's pouch?!"

... Aw balls.

There's an awkward pause of realizations and much glaring. And then... something small falls on Kerbasy's head, not terribly heavy, but not light either, with a jingling.

<OOC> Xander says, "Kerbasy... something just hit you in the head. It's not enough to injure you or 
make you fall or anything, but it does sting a bitsie. :D"

Kerbasy blinks, starting as something drops onto his head. And then blinks at it, as he grabs it and holds it up. It glitters sadly there in the sunlight, as a coin pouch might, and--he makes the Sign, not of Triangles, but of the Laughing Man. "Gift from Tarien," he says, lightly, and tosses it their way. "Given th' way of such gods, I wouldn't look t'closely there, either."

<OOC> Kerbasy says, "Sorry, Xander. I ah, made an assumption and kind of ran with it there. :3"
<OOC> Xander says, "You made the correct assumption!"
<OOC> Xander says, "So it's fine. :D"

Jenner's eye narrows. Words hover there in that tight-lipped mouth, restrained for Kerbasy's reply. And a glance to the heavens as well. "They work in strange ways," he finally manages, exhaling slowly. Very slowly.

"She'd be angry if I fireballed the lot..." he mutter to himself, turning away from the dwarves with a black expression.

Indeed. It's the fourth coinpouch. For those who may look up, they see the thief and the monkey on the roof above. The thief gives a friendly salute to Jenner, and the monkey gives a monkeyish grin and dips its little turban like a gentleman may tip a hat. And then they're gone. Away!

Closing Impressions

I would have liked the chase to last a bit longer than it did, but it went alright anyway. I can just hope the players enjoyed it and that it makes a good read. Thank you for getting this far, and much thanks to the players for attending! :D