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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Apparently Heir *Emitter: Aeson *Characters: Aeson, Eztli *Place: Fernwood Pub </div> The warmth of the day has yet to dissipate as patrons gather within the Fernwood Pub. The clouds that are gathering in the sky are just a small threat to beat the heat, with no rain in sight. Aeson sits at a one of the darkened tables hiding under the balcony's above, a candle's glow being what illumi...")
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"Just Eztli, please. I'm no noble or anything." They snort loudly. "And what about me? If you're asking about me, you'll have to be a bit more specific."
"Just Eztli, please. I'm no noble or anything." They snort loudly. "And what about me? If you're asking about me, you'll have to be a bit more specific."
"This is the part I am not good at. Getting to know people." Aeson admits, some ruckus in the background signaling that this awaited performance the crowd had been waiting on might be soon to start. A glance is cast lazily towards the stage, no performers yet visible. "Tell me of yourself. Where you come from, and what you feel is important to what shaped you." he coaxes in a blunt manner. "I want to know what foes on behind your eyes. The thoughts and view that you uniquely hold." he somewhat clarifies.
"This is the part I am not good at. Getting to know people." Aeson admits, some ruckus in the background signaling that this awaited performance the crowd had been waiting on might be soon to start. A glance is cast lazily towards the stage, no performers yet visible. "Tell me of yourself. Where you come from, and what you feel is important to what shaped you." he coaxes in a blunt manner. "I want to know what goes on behind your eyes. The thoughts and view that you uniquely hold." he somewhat clarifies.
"I am not too familiar with the Makari, nor their ways. I spent many years in schools and clinicals. I was not in a position to know your kind. Are you typical? Atypical? What is it you see yourself as?" Aeson's questions not specific, but seeking some answer to what rattles around in his head.
"I am not too familiar with the Makari, nor their ways. I spent many years in schools and clinicals. I was not in a position to know your kind. Are you typical? Atypical? What is it you see yourself as?" Aeson's questions not specific, but seeking some answer to what rattles around in his head.
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"You've got their support by the sounds of it then, and that goes a long way. A bit of teasing is a small price to pay if that's the case." Eztli chuckles. "You're a good person to take care of them like that. Seriously, it's a lot for anyone." The makari stops to stretch, and watch the performance that was being prepared. "I don't think anyone would fault you for taking a bit of time for yourself. You're not even taking time for yourself, but making what you do out of necessity better. More like, I don't know. Like you're only eating cake that's not your favorite flavor. It's still cake, isn't it and, I feel like my analogy is falling apart by the second."
"You've got their support by the sounds of it then, and that goes a long way. A bit of teasing is a small price to pay if that's the case." Eztli chuckles. "You're a good person to take care of them like that. Seriously, it's a lot for anyone." The makari stops to stretch, and watch the performance that was being prepared. "I don't think anyone would fault you for taking a bit of time for yourself. You're not even taking time for yourself, but making what you do out of necessity better. More like, I don't know. Like you're only eating cake that's not your favorite flavor. It's still cake, isn't it and, I feel like my analogy is falling apart by the second."
Aeson laughs, not a subdued chuckle, but a full blow laugh. It's short, but was there. "It is more accurate than you know. Thank you, Eztli. I now know you better than perhaps anyone in this city outside my family."
Aeson laughs, not a subdued chuckle, but a full blown laugh. It's short, but was there. "It is more accurate than you know. Thank you, Eztli. I now know you better than perhaps anyone in this city outside my family."
The Temperance stands, a few coins placed upon the table after being fished from his jacket. Perhaps a tip. "I have to get home, but you are welcome by me any time. If you need me, I am at the Armstrong Manor or the Illuminated Hand. If not there, someone at either location will know how to reach me. Call on me. For anything." Aeson stresses the last few words. "It was a pleasure, Eztli. Daughter of Dragonier." dipping lightly with a short display of his arm. A half bow and sweep. And with that. He seems to be on his way. The music still plays.
The Temperance stands, a few coins placed upon the table after being fished from his jacket. Perhaps a tip. "I have to get home, but you are welcome by me any time. If you need me, I am at the Armstrong Manor or the Illuminated Hand. If not there, someone at either location will know how to reach me. Call on me. For anything." Aeson stresses the last few words. "It was a pleasure, Eztli. Daughter of Dragonier." dipping lightly with a short display of his arm. A half bow and sweep. And with that. He seems to be on his way. The music still plays.

Latest revision as of 17:37, 27 August 2024

Log Info

  • Title: Apparently Heir
  • Emitter: Aeson

The warmth of the day has yet to dissipate as patrons gather within the Fernwood Pub. The clouds that are gathering in the sky are just a small threat to beat the heat, with no rain in sight. Aeson sits at a one of the darkened tables hiding under the balcony's above, a candle's glow being what illuminates his reading. A ale with a bit of froth sits before him, untouched as his bespectacled face wrinkles. A hand rises, a finger licked, and a page turned. The title is hard to read from a distance, but the tome looks old and worn. The only feature that it has is a drawing of a flexed arm upon it's cover.

This seems to be some sort of routine for the Temperance. His hand soon reaching blindly at his drink so he can take a swig. No attention is paid to the other patrons. Some of which seem to be gathering next to the stage as if there were to be a show.

The fernwood pub was a frequently, well, frequented space by all manner of people in the city. Which meant that it was not entirely surprising to find a small mottled makari closing the door behind her and putting a few things away into her satchel in the same moment.

Scanning the room for a moment, she sees at least one somewhat familiar face, and after a brief moment to decide scaring the people below was a bad idea, elects to take the stairs upwards. "Must be a good book if it's better than a cold drink at the end of the day." They point out.

"Greetings." Aeson says, his eyes pulling up from his book to peer at her from behind the pages. "It's... complicated." he finally says of her words, setting the book down open with the the words facing the table's top. With it set aside, he motions for the Makari to join him at the table. "Forgive the rudeness. I just do not know how you wish to be addressed." speaking of his simple acknowledgment.

"This is the Codex of the Armstrong." The Temperance states, his hands soon busy with taking off and cleaning his glasses with a kerchief he'd pulled from somewhere in his vest. "I was seeking past wisdoms, but find I am in conflict with the views of my kin. It's a reference. A family way of life... despite the family being near gone."

"Complicated, huh? Well, some people say anything worth doing isn't easy which is a load of bull but, there's at least a shred of truth in there, I'd say." The makari offers, stopping to take the chair, spin it around and lean over the back. "You weren't particularly rude anyways, Eztli, not really any other way to address me anyways, outside of nicknames.

"Your family has a book of how to act?" The makari wonders out loud. "Huh. Not the first time I've seen something like that, but why are you consulting it if you're in conflict?"

"I come from a line of heroes and adventurers. Once our name was well known, but our numbers dwindled with each danger the city faced." Aeson says, replacing his glasses and taking up his mug. "It was written by knights, warriors, and the holy. I do not follow the god of our house, nor am I a warrior by any means. So much in there speaks of expectations, our personal honor, and how to have a good death." he continues.

"While I agree with some of it. Not following Lady Serriel, and being more inclined to save than kill." Aeson's words lowering. "I only became an adventurer because my family is on hard times. My mother is beyond the age of helping, and my sister was one of the many whom were forced to retire from her career. She's now chair bound and blind." he notes. "So as the last male, taking care of them falls to me." a shrug given as he sips his brew. "I am trying to live as close to it as I can without compromising my own beliefs. It's a balance. One that takes meditation and thought."

"Well, that's, certainly something. And not my place to comment or pass judgement on, knowing so little about it." The makari admits, tapping the side of her chin as it rested just over the back of the chair. "That's an awful lot on your plate, at the very least. Were you not able to find work doing something safer? Or just not enough to take care of them?"

"The Illuminated Hand is a small clinic. It affords rent and bills, but that is not enough." Aeson says, sighing as he takes up the book and closes it. "I want to see some things restored, and my home to no be in ruins." his words somber. "I run the clinic, and I work as an adventurer on the side. It's not selfless as you might think. I feel that Navos is urging me down this path. Calling me towards things even if I don't know why. At times I think I am just a witness, but at other turns I feel I am a piece in some game of chess."

"The Oldest One does not speak directly to me. Aloof and quiet, but ever listening. I only am given hint and nudges to what he calls me to do. It's why I say I am not a proper Temperance. Often his calling of me can be interpreted in several ways. None of which makes my decisions easier. My life is full of tough choices. Always has been. But somewhere because of it. I exist now as I am. So I think I do well enough." his sigh reverberating as the book is tucked away. "What of you, Lady Eztli?" he asks, seeming to be done of talking of himself. There is clearly more, but now doesn't seem to be the time he wishes to speak of it.

Eztli did not have anything to drink for the time being, so she decides to wave down one of the servers. Otherwise, she was content to listen quietly for the time being. The makari pauses a moment, and sighs quietly. "Yeah, I can understand that. You've got a chance to fix thinngs, and if you don't do something about it, there might not be another chance to do so." They muse. "I suppose it might help to have some sort of guidance telling you you're going about it the right way."

"Just Eztli, please. I'm no noble or anything." They snort loudly. "And what about me? If you're asking about me, you'll have to be a bit more specific."

"This is the part I am not good at. Getting to know people." Aeson admits, some ruckus in the background signaling that this awaited performance the crowd had been waiting on might be soon to start. A glance is cast lazily towards the stage, no performers yet visible. "Tell me of yourself. Where you come from, and what you feel is important to what shaped you." he coaxes in a blunt manner. "I want to know what goes on behind your eyes. The thoughts and view that you uniquely hold." he somewhat clarifies.

"I am not too familiar with the Makari, nor their ways. I spent many years in schools and clinicals. I was not in a position to know your kind. Are you typical? Atypical? What is it you see yourself as?" Aeson's questions not specific, but seeking some answer to what rattles around in his head.

"Well, you're doing a decent job of it so far, since you've been pretty open with things about yourself." The makari reassures with a bit of a chuckle, and a rather abrupt leaving of her chair as she goes to meet one of the servers halfway to grab a large tankard that she carries back to her seat. A good excuse to leave and stretch for certain, with more than a modicum of awkwardness.

"I'm going to be honest, I appreciate it, but I'm really not certain how much I'm comfortable talking about, and it's on no fault of your own, just making that clear." Eztli sighs loudly. "I come from Dragonier if that means anything to you, and if it does, that should make sense as something that shaped me.

She pauses to take another drink, and perk up substantially. "Talking about makari though, that's a lot easier to answer. I would say I see myself as incredibly, horribly atypical." They laugh loudly. "Only person on par is Aelwyn and they're probably even more typical than me. I guess things aren't really in most of the medical books yet, are they? One of the obvious things is probably most being almost fifty percent taller than me. And most don't have wings, either."

"The lands are only known to me in text. Beautiful, and with masses of land in the sky. A fantasy in life." Aeson admits, grinning a Eztli laughs. "I know some of the biology, and can treat minor wounds, but as a surgeon? I would only be guessing." he admits.

"I will not ask you to share what you can, or will not." Aeson assures, having listened to Eztli's words. "I see no need to lie to you, nor conceal what it is I do. I see you know yourself enough to answer with honesty, even if it makes you uncomfortable. I award you a great amount of my respect." he muses. "As much as that might mean? Who's to say." a fondness in his tone as the business and blunt nature begins to finally show signs of cracking. "I enjoy listening to your views on yourself and your people. Tell me, what is your passion other than writing scripts, and inspecting dead bodies?"

"They were beautiful, fantastical, and while they could be flawed, I never would have wished what happened there on anyone." Eztli admits. "Not great to talk about, though, too depressing to talk about at a tavern on most occasions."

The makari stops, and takes another swig of her drink that was already concerningly empty. "Well, shit, you're going to make me feel bad saying things like that. So in the spirit of clearing that lie, yes, Lady is appropriate but I'd still rather just be called Eztli. Suppose I wasn't expecting that." She continues. "I'm not much of a scriptwriter, but I haven't really tried my hand at that. But a passion? I'd say that while I'm horribly out of practice, I still love dancing, ballet in particular."

Aeson laughs, a fist rising to cover his mouth. "Dancing? I thought... I clearly misunderstood." his amusement clear at his own mistake. "Eztli is what I will call you. Only if you call me either Aeson or Doc. I don't do titles myself."

"I don't feel you lied, it is more what others may perceive of you. You being called what wish is your perogative, and I will respect it." The Temperance notes with a nod as his hand drops to rest on the table. "I am glad you came by me this night. Usually I'd still be at the clinic, but today was remarkably light for work." his drink finished, a small elvish figure taking the stage with a lute and stool. It seems it's about time for the performance to start. A chord struck as the instrument's tune is checked. "I would like to see you dance sometime. Not now, that seems impolite. But, someday. Yes."

"Understood what?" The makari asks with one brow raised. "Thanks for understanding though, I appreciate it. I'll call you Aeson, until I actually need any wounds patched up. Makes more sense to me, after all."

"It's complicated, though, and I feel like it's a lie for various reasons. But thank you for understanding that, still." Eztli admits, smiling a bit again. "A light day at a clinic is a good thing, though I imagine it is a bit rough on the coin purse. I'm always happy to dance, though, but like I said, out of practice. That and, I wouldn't want to upstage the bard here, it's not what people came here to watch anyways, and it's good for their business and reputation. It's not easy being a professional performer. But what about you, Aeson? I've prattled on about myself, but what things are you up to outside of treating people and adventuring work?"

"It's all I have. My pursuit of healing is a vain attempt to heal my older sister, Eztli. If I can restore her, and she return to her trade, I could return to what it is I am after." Aeson states, his brow slightly furrowing. "I don't want to be the lead heir. I want to study, heal, and roam the world. I want to take in anything and everything. I want to learn... and never stop." he admits, his tone growing sheepish. He shifts uncomfortably, looking away towards the bard that begins to play, but his eyes go past her. "I'm extremely childish I think. I was seen as the one lacking. I was the slackjawed runt of my family"

"Well, if you ask me, and I don't know if you did, I'd say there are worse things to be vain about." The makari points out, returning to tapping one finger against her chin. "After all, if you didn't care, you would just, leave. Leave them behind and do what you wanted to do. But obviously you care about them, so that isn't an option."

"And sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to, but all you can do is make the best of it. Seems like you're doing a bang up job, even if it's not how you intended it to, huh? Most of those desires seem ticked off, outside of any heir or heiress things." She continues.

"My family may not of seen me as they do the rest of themselves, but walking my path wasn't against their wishes either. I was accepted, but it doesn't mean they didn't tease." A pointed look, but a smile is flashed as he does it. "I take care of many. Not just my own, but I would not abandon them. Like how I have sworn to never abandon this city."

"You are right. While my duty keeps me caring for them, it does not mean I can not read and learn. Adventuring lets me travel. In a way, I know I chose this path to be able to balance my duty, and indulge my wants. That is why I am childish. I want my cake, and to eat it too."

"You've got their support by the sounds of it then, and that goes a long way. A bit of teasing is a small price to pay if that's the case." Eztli chuckles. "You're a good person to take care of them like that. Seriously, it's a lot for anyone." The makari stops to stretch, and watch the performance that was being prepared. "I don't think anyone would fault you for taking a bit of time for yourself. You're not even taking time for yourself, but making what you do out of necessity better. More like, I don't know. Like you're only eating cake that's not your favorite flavor. It's still cake, isn't it and, I feel like my analogy is falling apart by the second."

Aeson laughs, not a subdued chuckle, but a full blown laugh. It's short, but was there. "It is more accurate than you know. Thank you, Eztli. I now know you better than perhaps anyone in this city outside my family."

The Temperance stands, a few coins placed upon the table after being fished from his jacket. Perhaps a tip. "I have to get home, but you are welcome by me any time. If you need me, I am at the Armstrong Manor or the Illuminated Hand. If not there, someone at either location will know how to reach me. Call on me. For anything." Aeson stresses the last few words. "It was a pleasure, Eztli. Daughter of Dragonier." dipping lightly with a short display of his arm. A half bow and sweep. And with that. He seems to be on his way. The music still plays.