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== Log Info ==
== Log Info ==
*Title: Out of the Water
*Title: Out of the Water
*Emitter: Aelwyn
*Emitter: Ravenstongue
*Characters: Telamon, Tiasa, Skielstregar, Vaera
*Characters: Telamon, Tiasa, Skielstregar, Vaera
*Place: Outside Mictlan
*Place: Outside Mictlan
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== OOC ==
== OOC ==
:: ''Pregame Stuff''
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling on my pre-Disneyland ride talk. You're gonna deal with some spooky stuff because, duh, it's October 2 (the month in which I am most powerful), but shouldn't be too bad. This is also, in many regards, a love letter to my paternal heritage, so I'm thrilled to bits to share this experience with y'all."
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling on my pre-Disneyland ride talk. You're gonna deal with some spooky stuff because, duh, it's October 2 (the month in which I am most powerful), but shouldn't be too bad. This is also, in many regards, a love letter to my paternal heritage, so I'm thrilled to bits to share this experience with y'all."
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<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Final matters of housekeeping: you get one free reroll. Use it or lose it. And when we hit the timestop, please speak up within five minutes of it being your turn or you will be skipped. Thank you kindly for coming and I hope you enjoy. Set drops in 5 minutes."
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Final matters of housekeeping: you get one free reroll. Use it or lose it. And when we hit the timestop, please speak up within five minutes of it being your turn or you will be skipped. Thank you kindly for coming and I hope you enjoy. Set drops in 5 minutes."
:: ''Inspiration''
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Thank you. It is based on a folk belief that so long as the axolotls remain in the rivers around Mexico City, the people who live there will prosper."
== Combatty ==
== Combatty ==

Latest revision as of 03:19, 3 October 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Out of the Water
  • Emitter: Ravenstongue
  • Characters: Telamon, Tiasa, Skielstregar, Vaera
  • Place: Outside Mictlan
  • Time: October 2nd, 2022
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=    The Players    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=           
Skielstregar       7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      
    A brilliantly silver scale with fangs and empty eyes.                      
Telamon            5'6"     140 Lb     Half-Elf          Male      
    A platinum-blond half-sil man with dancing dark eyes                       
Tiasa              6'10"    310 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    
    Blue scaled lass in dark armor crackling with lightning                    
Vaera              7'0"     262 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    
    A tall, dark red Makari with a metallic leg.               
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ravenstongue       5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    
    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.  

Mictlan, early evening.

There's something wrong with a river near Mictlan. The guild statement for the contract is straightforward enough: mutilated corpses have turned up by the river, and local rumor states it is due to a creature, or perhaps creatures, that operate mostly at night. The report says to circle in with a local Vardaman priestess at Mictlan by the name of Miquitlani for more information.

The journey to Mictlan takes quite a while from Alexandria: almost from sunrise to sunset. The Deep Woods that surround Mictlan are cool and calm in the autumn, with some trees already beginning to sport their bright and colorful autumn foliage. The chill crisp of the air carries a melody that comes from a sith-makar dressed in simple and dark robes that loosely cover her age-worn dark-green scales as she sits in front of a bowl with some form of dough inside, molding it carefully with her fingers. She wears a symbol around her neck that is associated with the goddess known commonly as Vardama, and her good orange reptilian eye looks out at the adventurers that have come to Mictlan, up from her work with the bowl.

"Peace upon your nests," the sith-makar says. "I am Miquitlani, a devotee to the Death-Singing Dragon. Welcome, tepilhuan, to Mictlan. I am pleased to see you have come so far. Come sit and listen while I make you a meal."

She doesn't take no for an answer. The dough in the bowl is pressed out between flat surfaces and turned into flat discs and cooked on a flat pan that sits on a nearby fire pit, where a pot also bubbles away with what smells to be some form of slowly-simmered meat. "I believe I know what the creatures are," she says. "In Am'shere, they are supposed to be guardians of the waters. Some say that the Death Singing Dragon sends them to collect the souls of those who swim in the waters, but I do not believe these attacks to be the Dragon's will--if they are here, then they are being led astray by the will of another. I would handle the matter myself, but I am far too old."

Yet not old enough to recuse herself from cooking a full meal for guests, apparently. The cooked 'wraps' are filled with the meat from the pot and are garnished with a white cheese and some of the sauce from the meat that is pungently spicy and warm. "Eat," she commands as she offers all in the group a clay plate with two or three of these wraps each. "You will need your strength for what is to come, tepilhuan."

One would think Telamon would be out of place here, and yet... he seems undaunted. When the group assembles before Miquitlani, he makes a point to settle himself down at the table, his dark eyes darting around with interest. "Age brings wisdom, though. And I am sure we would be happy to be guided by yours." He takes his share of the wraps, munching experimentally on one -- much more piquant and flavorful than the wyvern-wraps of Alexandria. In fact, he actually flushes a bit, tugging at his collar. "Well. It's been a while since I actually felt overheated," he admits with a rueful grin.

There's something wrong near Mictlan. Warrior Castes tend to flock to such issues. So strike it as no surprise that Skielstregar was present, fully ready to go. "Peace on your nessst, Ssshaman Miquitlani," he rumbles warmly, readily taking one of the offered wraps. No stranger to taking part of a common meal. "Thank you."

There's a deep sound, perhaps some kind of happy noise, but its muted from the overarching ordeal that sombers the mood. "Ssshaman Telamon isss correct, there isss wissdom in age. What might you think isss override the Death Sssinging Dragon'sss will in thisss case?"

Tiasa makes her way along with the others. She knows the route well enough as she spends most of her time out here. The large Sith smiles and runs a hand over her predominantly blue scales. She gives a bit of a bow, "Peace upon your Neast as well, Singer." Her breastplate probably stands out a bit, since it looks like it is crafted from a dark storm, swirling dark clouds moving across its surface and an occasional bit of lightning crackles across it as well. She accepts one of the clay plates, "Many thanks for the meal which you have provided." she says and does glance a bit at the others before she settles down to sit and start to eat her own food, seeming to quite enjoy them.

"You make this too difficult, shaman." The red makari who was nearby chuffs as she takes some of the food readily. "It is not wise to hunt after eating so much, yet your cooking makes it difficult not to."

Any threats to the village or surrounding area needed to be dealt with, and swiftly. It would not do to leave more dangers after finally being free from the worst of the undead. So the hunter was there as well. "It will be our jobs to deal with it then, so do not worry, we will see it done."

Miquitlani waits for everyone to get their own plates, and there's a happiness in the elderly sith-makar's face as she sees everyone eating her food. She finally goes to make her own plate, sitting with the group, although she offers a warm and affectionate chuckle at poor Telamon. "Ay, chichinpol," she says like she's fretting over a baby. "I should have warned you, my apologies. But you are brave for eating it. Spicy food, including my tlahcos, will make you stronger."

She peers to Skielstregar's question. "Warrior, I fear it is the work of an evil spirit," she says. "They could lead the guardians astray if they appeal to the guardians' need for sustenance. Those who walk along the river at night report that they have seen floating lights like lanterns, but with no men there to hold them. Of course, almost all of them know better than to go to the water."

Miquitlani sighs. "With the exception of those too curious for their own good, and now they are with the Death Singing Dragon in her nest. I have given comfort to their families, but I do not wish for more deaths. I fear for what might happen if hatchlings get too close to the river at night."

GAME: Telamon rolls knowledge/arcana: (19)+11: 30
GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (14)+6: 20

Telamon furrows his brow, listening to the old makari shaman tell her tale as he eats. He smiles at her gentle chuckle, "I've had worse. I'm afraid that fire peppers just aren't that common in my home's kitchen, so I'm unused to them." He taps his fingers on his knee, a staccato rhythm, before pausing. "Wait... wait. I remember reading something when I was hunting the library for information on Grandfather. Water guardians... Mourner, are you speaking of the ahuizotl? That... fits. Somewhat. They are... territorial, and something may be rousing them to mischief, as you say."

Skielstregar takes another wrap, his brows knitting while his maw is full of delicious spiciness. "Hrmm..." he rumbles. "If it isss a ssspirit, then, thisss one might be able to help."

He looks to Telamon, him tilting his head to the side. "Hmmmm." Monch. Monch. "Then we musst be ssswift if we strike."

Tiasa shrugs a bit as she finishes eating. IIt really didn't last that long. She smiles and then nods, "There is a threat to the People, whether we can help or not, we much try." she says quite simply.

"Oh, your warning may be necessary for the others, but do not worry about this one." The red makari chuffs. "Even Durrankar's peppers do little, but the flavor is excellent."

Vaera finishes off her food, but does not go for seconds. Likely because she is missing a leg to store the extra in. "I do not know what the beast is, but those sound like will-o-wisps, swamp lights. They are not dangerous on their own, but they have a habit of drawing things to creatures or environments that are much more dangerous. Finding a beast to lure people to, does not sound far-fetched."

Miquitlani nods as Telamon recalls his knowledge. "That is their name," she says. "I had so much trouble to find the words to translate it into your tongue--the closest I could think of was 'spiked water beast', but that felt wrong to say. But I am impressed you know!"

The mention of the will-o-wisps gets a displeased huff from Miquitlani. "I knew it," she says. "Evil spirits. I know what to do."

She turns to Skielstregar. She takes a coin from her pocket and holds it out to him, an intricate set of runes set into it. "Take this," she says, "and place it in the river once you are done with your work. It is my blessing. I hope that it will bring peace to the river. Our People remain so long as the rivers do, Warrior."

... And so the tlahco dinner ends. Miquitlani sends you all on your way and promises a breakfast for you in the morning (and she teases Telamon a little by promising it won't be too spicy) when you return. The river is not too hard to find--the sound of rushing water is the obvious tell that draws you in, although the guards that patrol the area give all of you worried looks before turning away. It is peaceful so far this night, with the warmth of Miquitlani's food warming your bellies and your souls.


GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (10)+12: 22
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (18)+12: 30
GAME: Tiasa rolls perception: (16)+13: 29

Tiasa glances around and then cocks her head to the side, "WEll, We are probably in the right place." she says as she glances around a little more trying to get a better glimpse of what she saw out of the corner of her eye, "Lights"

GAME: Telamon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17

Skielstregar blinks, him tilting his head to the side at the token. He takes it with both hands, and bows his head. "Thank you, Sssinger," he rumbles warmly. "Thisss one will do ssso once the deed issss done."

Full of delicious food, having a party of his Chiuaa, a friend, and a fellow kin, Skiel is quite alert with his halberd in hand. Totally ready for anything and in high spirits. Rea- Wait, what? "Mrrh?"

Wrapped in the arcane planes of force that form magical armor around him, Telamon peers around as well. Not seeing anything yet, but he doesn't waste time when Tiasa calls out 'lights'. "Do we need some as well?" he says evenly. He's certainly not going to ask her if she's sure -- he's pretty sure she saw something. He flexes his fingers, dark eyes reflecting the starry skies overhead. "Come on out, little spiky water guardians, let's talk about your bad habits of late..."

Vaera, out with the others on their patrol with her thunderbelcher ready, seeming relaxed, but still wary of her surroundings. She holds one hand up for a moment. "Yes, they are here, but not making themselves obvious. They may in time, when we reach their destination, or they may deem us a threat to them, and not. Still, knowing we are in the right area is good, at the very least."

Then there's a sound that comes from further down the river. The sound of a child crying. "Mama," comes the whimpering. "Mama, mama!" Followed by the sound of waves breaking on the river.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls sense motive: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Telamon rolls sense motive+3: (19)+13+3: 35
GAME: Tiasa rolls sense motive: (13)+1: 14
GAME: Vaera rolls sense motive: (10)+8: 18

Telamon raises his head suddenly, cocking his head. Then he snaps in Draconic, "Hold!" his voice taking on a startling command tone. "That is not a hatchling, my friends. It's a good mimic... but it's not a child!"

Skielstregar freezes, him about to turn into a sprint before almost stumbling to a stop. "What?!" he looks back to Tiasa, blinking. "Not a... it sssounds just like it!" <Draconic>

Vaera stops on the spot, stock still, and turns to the sound of the voice, and to Telamon.

"Are you certain of what you hear? Truly? Because if you are wrong, you are condemning a child to death." The red makari growls. "I do not know if that is a wager I would like to make."

Tiasa shakes her head too and nods and looks at Telamon but trusts his word on the matter, 'Well should we go see what is going on, but be prepared for it?" she asks.

The waves go still. The whimpers and cries from the child stop rather abruptly.

But over the surface of the water, the light blinks in and out, rapidly--

And the waves break. Out of the water come three strange creatures with spined fur, the size of dogs. Their tails have clawed hands at the end. They glare at all of you with bright yellow eyes.

Telamon nods sternly. "We go in with eyes open, -not- rushing. As a group. If you dive in blindly, you're going to get eaten, and then I'll have to explain it to Miquitlani, and she will be -very displeased-. Probably hit me with a sandal or something." He gestures. "Skiel, you're on point. Tiasa and Vaera on the flanks, I'll take the rear."

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)

The light over the water blinks out. This sends one of the ahuizotl out of the water and up to Skielstregar, lunging at the Warrior with its strange jaw wide-open and full of teeth. But it appears that the Singer's blessed token may be giving the Warrior some luck, as it misses entirely.

GAME: Tiasa RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 18 temporary HP

Tiasa growls out and roars slightly as she channels forth her rage and is makes her stronger and more durable. At the same time her body starts to shift and change. She starts to move and ends up off to the side of the one that bit at her teammate. She is a massive monitor lizard, large sized with wicked looking claws. Her breastplate seems to have changed with her as the monitor lizard's chest looks like a storm cloud is dancing over darkened scales. Wings emerge from her back and fold up against her back.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 2d6+5: (8)+5: 13

Another ahuizotl bursts out of the water and stalks up to Tiasa, biting at the shapechanger and finding unfortunate purchase in her defenses. First blood is had this night.

GAME: Telamon casts Haste. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

Telamon hisses, "Knew it. Figures. At least we're not surprised!" He steps back, his hands moving in practiced motions. "Let's speed this along a bit! Lukas sa i'iz!" A silvery flash of light limns his form, then jumps to Vaera, then Skiel, and then Tiasa... quickening their movements and actions as Tel's eyes flash. "This'll be fun to watch."

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "i will make myself a spicy target and five foot step to 11,16. Swift action arcane strike, rage, ready action to brace against charge"
GAME: Skielstregar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 16 temporary HP

Skielstregar gasps as he creatures leap out at him, he shudders as things break out fast and violently, blood in the air. Fresh, makari blood. He focuses himself, gripping his halberd with a purpose. "Thiss one will hold the line," he says to his friends before stepping forward, keeping his weapon pointed towards the duo that's make themselves known. His eyes flutter red. Teeth elongate. Ichor drips from his blade and arms. A glance to the side to the river.

"Come at thiss one.." he snarls lowly. Despite the sulliness of the blade, it gleams.

GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+11+1+1+5-2: (4)+11+1+1+5+-2: 20
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+11+1+1+5-2: (8)+11+1+1+5+-2: 24
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+6+1+1+5-2: (11)+6+1+1+5+-2: 22
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+4: (5)+1+4: 10
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+4: (11)+1+4: 16
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+4: (5)+1+4: 10

There wasn't enough time to dwell on any matters, as the beasts instead made themselves known. The hunter ducks back behind Skielstregar and the others, and unloads a salvo of projectiles into one of the beasts, causing several serious looking wounds. "There are many, so focus on one at a time, bring them down and trust each other to hold them off."

GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon26+1+5: (9)+16+1+5: 31
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage26+9+2+damage26+9+2: aliased to 1d10+10+9+2+1d10+10+9+2: (3)+10+9+2+(4)+10+9+2: 49
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d8+5+1d8+5: (2)+5+(6)+5: 18

The remaining ahuizotl in the water takes the bait. It charges forth at Skielstregar... and is rewarded for its efforts with a severe, severe blow, crimson blooming from the water creature. Its yellow eyes flash with hatred as it follows up the deadly strike it received with a severe bite of its own for its size and stature.

The light returns over the water, blinking in and lingering there for a moment--before it begins to blink in and out rapidly.

And a much larger ahuizotl emerges from the water, snarling. The spines on its back pulse as it looks out at the combatants, but its eyes are red with rage.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (2)+11: 13
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (16)+11: 27
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (2)+11: 13
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (19)+11: 30

The second ahuizotl lashes out at Tiasa, tearing at the shapechanger with teeth and wicked tail. The strange clawed hand on the tail finds its mark and strikes true, grappling with the monitor lizard!

GAME: Tiasa rolls powerclaw-2-1+1+2+5: aliased to bab+strength+1+1-3-2-1+1+2+5: (7)+8+6+1+1+-3+-2+-1+1+2+5: 25
GAME: Tiasa rolls powerclaw-2-1+1+2+5: aliased to bab+strength+1+1-3-2-1+1+2+5: (19)+8+6+1+1+-3+-2+-1+1+2+5: 37
GAME: Tiasa rolls powerclaw-2-1+1+2+5: aliased to bab+strength+1+1-3-2-1+1+2+5: (10)+8+6+1+1+-3+-2+-1+1+2+5: 28
GAME: Tiasa rolls powerbite-2-1+1+2+5: aliased to bab+stength+1-3-2-1+1+2+5: (2)+8+stength+1+-3+-2+-1+1+2+5: 13
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6+2: (5)+6+1+6+2: 20
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6+2: (9)+6+1+6+2: 24
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+1d6+2: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6+1d6+2: (2)+6+1+6+(1)+2: 18

Tiasa doesn't like being grappled and while she really didn't take that much damage from the attack, given that she is much larger, she treats it like an advantage. "You aren't grappling me, you are holding still for me to maul you," come the words from the large monitor lizards mouth as she then slashes with a claw, then another, and then a third, all three rending deeply into the creature and rending its life from its body, which does make her miss as she tries to bite at it.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d6+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+11: (7)+11: 18

The fallen ahuizotl's companion tries to avenge its death. It snarls and lashes out at Tiasa, two of its attacks finding purchase in the monitor lizard's hide, but it doesn't have the (momentary) success that its friend had in locking the big reptile down.

<OOC> Telamon cracks his knuckles. OK, I will use my Aurora Borealis spell like ability. Draw a line along the Y12 row, right in front of big guy. He will need to make a DC 21 Will save or be fascinated (the wisp is unaffected). The wall is opaque (per wall of fire), but if he tries to pile through it, he'll take cold damage.
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22

Telamon stiffens as he sees the bigger, meaner brother of the three ahuizotls come out of the water. "Are you kidding?" he sputters. A sigh. "Stay out of this, big boy. That means you." He raises his hand, and his eyes flash iridescent with light. No word is spoken. None is needed.

Just before the water, there's a shimmer, and suddenly a wall of cascading, almost filmy colors leaps up. Blue and green, banishing shadows and shimmering across the darkness, a ribbon of northern lights drawn down and across, a line daring the creature to not approach further.

GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+11+1+1+5-2: (13)+11+1+1+5+-2: 29
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+11+1+1+5-2: (11)+11+1+1+5+-2: 27
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+6+1+1+5-2: (1)+6+1+1+5+-2: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Vaera says, "reroll"
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+6+1+1+5-2: (9)+6+1+1+5+-2: 20
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+1+4: (6)+1+1+4: 12
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+1+4: (7)+1+1+4: 13
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+1+4: (3)+1+1+4: 9

Vaera loads another round into the side of her thunderbelcher, and stepping to the side to give herself enough space around Skielstregar to loose another series of shots into the ahuizotl, this time causing it to buckle and fall to the ground. "Be wary, the wisp shows up again, it may cause further problems." The hunter warns.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon26+1+5+2: (11)+16+1+5+2: 35 GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage26+9+2: aliased to 1d10+10+9+2: (2)+10+9+2: 23

Skiel suddenly side swings at the charging beast, their momentum plus the half-dead makari's makes a devastating cleave into their body. He snarls as he's bit hard, a wild kick knocking them back as they're riddled from bullets. He looks over his shoulder towards Vaera. "... goooood...." he rumbles with a snarling grin before he leaps around to flank. The halberd swings forth and stabs savagely, rending through before vanishing into a spray of ink. Magical alacrity assists in throwing his arms back, and the halberd reforms, already cocked back for the backswing. "Thisss one can get the wisssp!"

GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+10: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+12: (8)+12: 20
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 2d6+5: (7)+5: 12

The large ahuizotl that has emerged from the water seems hesitant at first. The wall of northern lights before it are an excellent deterrent, that's for certain, but the wisp blinks a few more times, which seems to urge the ahuizotl forward. It snarls in anger as it is torn at by the cold of the northern lights, but it is undeterred in its mission, and it strikes at Skielstregar, managing to find a weak spot in the Warrior's defenses.

GAME: Tiasa rolls powerclaw-1+5+2+1: aliased to bab+strength+1+1-3-1+5+2+1: (15)+8+6+1+1+-3+-1+5+2+1: 35
GAME: Tiasa rolls powerclaw-1+5+2+1: aliased to bab+strength+1+1-3-1+5+2+1: (8)+8+6+1+1+-3+-1+5+2+1: 28
GAME: Tiasa rolls powerclaw-1+5+2+1: aliased to bab+strength+1+1-3-1+5+2+1: (12)+8+6+1+1+-3+-1+5+2+1: 32
GAME: Tiasa rolls powerbite-1+5+2+1: aliased to bab+stength+1-3-1+5+2+1: (7)+8+stength+1+-3+-1+5+2+1: 20
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6+2: (9)+6+1+6+2: 24
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6+2: (10)+6+1+6+2: 25
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2+1d6: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6+2+1d6: (8)+6+1+6+2+(6): 29
GAME: Tiasa rolls pbdam+2: aliased to 1d8+strength+1+6+2: (1)+6+1+6+2: 16
GAME: Ravenstongue advances the initiative order.

Tiasa didn't like the other one trying to grapple with her, "Get you out of way, then we go after the big one." she growls and slashes with a claw, then another, and a third, rending deep into the creature even as she since her teeth in and rips a chunk from its now lifeless body. She roars as she spits the chunk to the side, "Your next." she growls as she looks at the big one.

GAME: Telamon casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 10 DC: 18
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+4: (5)+4: 9

"Oh damn it," Telamon groans as the huge ahuizotl piles through the shimmering wall of light, frost forming on its hide. "I honestly thought that would warn him off. Alright... how about an old friend?" He traces a pattern in the air. "Mulan ukum." A shower of blue and silver sparkling dust pours down on the beast, not only making it shine (especially in the light cast from the northern lights) but blinding it as well.

GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+11+1+1+5-2: (11)+11+1+1+5+-2: 27
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+11+1+1+5-2: (8)+11+1+1+5+-2: 24
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+6+1+1+5-2: (19)+6+1+1+5+-2: 30
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+1+4: (6)+1+1+4: 12
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+1+4: (8)+1+1+4: 14
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+1+4: (4)+1+1+4: 10

The large beast was lit up light a tree that had a lot of lights on it for no particular reason, and an even easier target for the hunter to send more shots into it, each tearing through a small chunk of it. All while keeping a watch on the others in case anything happened.

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "High or low, Skiel?"
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "high!"
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d100: (29): 29
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+12: (11)+12: 23
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 2d6+5: (11)+5: 16
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d100: (59): 59
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d100: (27): 27
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+12: (2)+12: 14
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+4: (4)+4: 8

The large ahuizotl struggles with its loss of vision, thrashing about madly due to the glitter in its eyes. Its teeth manage to catch Skielstregar and scrape uncomfortably against the sith-makar's defenses, finding another weak point.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+16: (3)+16: 19
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 2d8: (10): 10

The wisp reappears next to the large ahuizotl. It angrily fires an electric shock at the warrior, seeming to make a beeline for Skielstregar.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon26+1+5: (11)+16+1+5: 33
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon26+1+5-3: (4)+16+1+5+-3: 23
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon26+1+5-3-5: (20)+16+1+5+-3+-5: 34 (THREAT)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon26+1+5-3-5: (17)+16+1+5+-3+-5: 31
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage26+9+2: aliased to 1d10+10+9+2: (1)+10+9+2: 22
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage26+9+2+damage26+9+2+damage26+9+2: aliased to 1d10+10+9+2+1d10+10+9+2+1d10+10+9+2: (2)+10+9+2+(1)+10+9+2+(6)+10+9+2: 72

Skielstregar snarls as he's bitten into once more, undeath fueling his resolve to stay up. He hesitates, but not from second guessing his choice. The half-undead makari was waiting.... waiting... waiting..

>Zzzap!< "GRRRAH- FOUND YOU!" he bellows, grinning wickedly with his halberd raising on high.

The first slash strikes hard, the black, necromantic ichor lending aid to reach beyond the veil to strike something not of this world.

The other whiffs, the little mote hard to hit. Then. His weapon rises up on high. For a moment, the ichor vanishes. The blade gleams silver. And there's a vibration in the metal that sounds like a bell being rung. No, sung. "DEATH SINGER TAKE YOU!"

The sheer force of the strike felling down in a cleave splits the wisp in two, a small crater impacting the ground as the axe head buries into the earth.

GAME: Tiasa rolls powerclaw-1+2+1+5+2: aliased to bab+strength+1+1-3-1+2+1+5+2: (12)+8+6+1+1+-3+-1+2+1+5+2: 34
GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam+2: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6+2: (9)+6+1+6+2: 24

Tiasa growls a bit but sees that there is only the big one left. Not sure how much it has left to give she makes her way around and attacks from behind so it will be easier for Skielstregar and her to fight it. She reaches out and slashes across it with one of her claws. She seems almost suprised as it falls from the wound, it having been the final blow.

Telamon looks about to sling another spell, when the wisp is pulverized and the massive ahuizotl falls. "Gods!... well, that was energetic." He makes a gesture of dismissal, and the shimmering wall of light fades away into ghostly blue and green flickers that dissipate. "I think that little glowing bastard was spurring them on. Most creatures aren't particularly keen on piling through magical barricades." He pauses. "Shame about the ahuizotls, though."

Tiasa looks around as her rage fades. She has not chosen to change forms yet though. She wipes her claws on the ground and then gives a big toothy lizard smile at the others, "So do you think that was all of it?"

"The others did not need the wisp to attack us, though." The red makari notes. "At least, it only showed itself with the large one, and if it was using magics, it would have likely been exposed."

"But it could have angered them beforehand, too. Do not worry about that, however. They could have been dangers to others even without any magic."

"There is no way to know for certain if that was all of it." She adds, taking a look around the bodies and the river's edge. "We will have to sweep the area to make certain."

Skielstregar snarls a moment longer, him reaching for the halberd, but it melts away again. This time reforming and standing upright in the ground, just out of reach of the man. He's about to snap at it, but it seems to remind him of something, and he shakes his head, forcing himself to calm.

He slumps a bit, the Forgotten features melting away. "... phew. Thisss one iss glad it went asss well asss it did, but Vaera is right, we will have to check the ressst of the area. It isss ssad though, about the ahuizotlsss. At leassst they are free now." He pulls out the blessed coin. "... Thank you Miquitlani," he murmurs, clutching his fist around the sanctified object before walking up to the waters edge.

"Death Ssssinger, pleassse cleanssse thessse waterssss of the blight from your Sssshaman Sssinger'sss will," he respectfully murmurs in prayer to the sky before underhand tossing the coin into the waters. <Draconic>

As Skielstregar tosses the coin that Miquitlani gave him into the water, a curious thing happens. It floats on the surface, rather than floating down into the now-gentle waves that have forgotten the commotion of the ahuizotls and the 'evil spirit' that was spurring them on.

Then a small creature--an axolotl, to be exact--comes up to just below the surface of the waters, visible now that all is still. It prods the blessing coin by booping it with its nose, and then the little feather crowns that just out from the sides of its head swish and flicker in the water. It leans back and takes the coin in its mouth. The axolotl swallows it--

And then the corpses of the ahuizotls begin to glow, as does the axolotl that has consumed the coin. The corpses rapidly decay and leave nothing behind, turning into green energy that flows into the axolotl... which grows much larger, almost ten times its size. It offers all of you a look that you can somehow, some way, interpret as happiness. And... /gratitude/.

It swims off into the waters of the river and disappears, becoming the water itself--no, the river itself, full of life and full of love. Somehow you know that everything will be all right now.

After all... So long as the river lives, so do the People: and the People has just brought the river its peace.

-End Scene-


Pregame Stuff

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling on my pre-Disneyland ride talk. You're gonna deal with some spooky stuff because, duh, it's October 2 (the month in which I am most powerful), but shouldn't be too bad. This is also, in many regards, a love letter to my paternal heritage, so I'm thrilled to bits to share this experience with y'all."

<OOC> Skielstregar ready for spook!

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "We're going to be using my heroic leeway bonuses system again. I think y'all have played with me before as a GM, but in case you need a refresher: http://www.tenebraemush.net/index.php/User:Ravenstongue#Heroic_Leeway_System"

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Final matters of housekeeping: you get one free reroll. Use it or lose it. And when we hit the timestop, please speak up within five minutes of it being your turn or you will be skipped. Thank you kindly for coming and I hope you enjoy. Set drops in 5 minutes."


<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Thank you. It is based on a folk belief that so long as the axolotls remain in the rivers around Mexico City, the people who live there will prosper."


Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mgqleu4uelr