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*Characters: Andelena, Jay, Robert
*Characters: Andelena, Jay, Robert
*Place: Prp Room 2, Lower Gardens
*Place: Prp Room 2, Lower Gardens
*Time: March 18th, 2022
*Time: Friday, March 18, 2022, 1:02 PM
*Summary: Aluma, a bee keeper in the lower gardens, has some honey supply issues and is needing some help to inspect his hives. Jay, Andelena, and Robert show up and don some beekeeper suits to help him out. After the beekeeper smokes out the bees, the party finds that one of the hives is being overran by wasps. And the host of that was a giant wasp hiding in the garden wall. They quietly figure out how to dispatch it, then get to work. Once the wasp reveals itself, two enraged bees explode out from the opposite wall to defend their territory, but they're too far gone to know who's friend from foe. Robert makes some nasty work of them while Andelena offers supprort and gets some well placed cleaves of her own in. Jay cowers, scared and suffering from the wasp's posion as it saps his mobility. They're brought low, and aid is renderd unto Jay to help stop the posion. Once the dust settles, the corpses of the giant creatures melt away into black tar, and the party helps Jay with a nervous breakdown. After smoothing that over (as best one can), the party surmises this has something to deal with the Hellwasp outbreak.
*Summary: Aluma, a bee keeper in the lower gardens, has some honey supply issues and is needing some help to inspect his hives. Jay, Andelena, and Robert show up and don some beekeeper suits to help him out. After the beekeeper smokes out the bees, the party finds that one of the hives is being overran by wasps. And the host of that was a giant wasp hiding in the garden wall. They quietly figure out how to dispatch it, then get to work. Once the wasp reveals itself, two enraged bees explode out from the opposite wall to defend their territory, but they're too far gone to know who's friend from foe. Robert makes some nasty work of them while Andelena offers support and gets some well placed cleaves of her own in. Jay cowers, scared and suffering from the wasp's poison as it saps his mobility. They're brought low, and aid is rendered unto Jay to help stop the poison. Once the dust settles, the corpses of the giant creatures melt away into black tar, and the party helps Jay with a nervous breakdown. After smoothing that over (as best one can), the party surmises this has something to deal with the Hellwasp outbreak.
*Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=m6j7pxjp3kd
*Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=m6j7pxjp3kd</div>
<pre>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Players =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
<pre>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Players =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Andelena 6'0" 180 Lb Human Female
Andelena 6'0" 180 Lb Human Female Redhead with steel-grey eyes and powerful build.
Jay 5'9" 145 Lb Eaglefolk Male A perky male Blue Jay with a discerning eye.
Redhead with steel-grey eyes and powerful build.
Robert 6'3" 235 Lb Human Male A middle-aged Cerenzan with a friendly, fatherly vibe.
Jay 5'9" 145 Lb Eaglefolk Male
A perky male Blue Jay with a discerning eye.
Robert 6'3" 235 Lb Human Male
A middle-aged Cerenzan with a friendly, fatherly vibe.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As the GM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As the GM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Aryia 4'8" 110 Lb Shadow Elf Female
Aryia 4'8" 110 Lb Shadow Elf Female A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.
A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.
== ==
Within the Lower Gardens of Alexandria on a bright and sunny morning, there rests a humble establishment cordoned off by a tall walled garden. Honeyed Respite, ran by a positively buZzing, sun tanned wild elf. Aluma, he introduces himself as. It's hard to tell much of his features aside from the vivid green of his eyes piercing through the mesh of his bee keeper outfit (which has cloth ears stitched on just for his ears.)
"It was just the darndest thing," he sighs, speaking with the group with his hands on his hips. He jabs a thumb over his shoulder, indicating eight hives behind him that are a flurry with honey bees.
Those are some... pretty big bee hives. Almost eight feet tall with ladders around them to reach their apex.
"Normally they're all zoomin' around happy has could bee. But I noticed I'm missin' a good few handfuls of 'em. And yesterday as I was checkin' to see what they've made so far, there was just... nothing!"
Aluma shakes his head. "And they're a little too fiesty right now to get anything else done. I was wonderin' if you lot could take a look at the hives while I smoke 'em out? They don't hurt. Honest. They just buzz at ya."
The Sunguard Andelena looks around at the hive as Aluma leads her around the respite, steel-grey eyes glaring at the hives. "Alright," she concludes, "but I hope to gods they don't sting me. I like honey but recent events have soured me on insects."
"Would you like to file a lawsuit?" A squawking egalrin asks, appearing suddenly with wings akimbo. From volume and plumage he is of Blue Jay heritage, bold in blue and white, with black accents. "Integrity C. Truefeather, esquire."
He bows, with a sweep of a wing, "The 'C' stands for compensation. Compensation is my middle name! If you've been wronged, you're owed recompense."
"These hives aren't violating local agricultural regulations are they? You might be liable." Integrity suddenly accuses Aluma, then immediately switches tracks, "Are some neighbours interfering with your bees? You could sue. Sue!"
Aluma raises his hands, a bulbous device with a nozzle on it strapped over his shoulder clanks against his tool belt. "They won't sting you! Maybe they'll land on you, but that's the worst they'll do. I just ask you please resist the urge to smack them."
His vivid green eyes blink owlishly behind the mesh at the sudden appearance of the legal eagle. "I- What...?- No it's...-"
Flustered, he fidgets with the smoker strapped to him. "I've been here for ten years, Mister Truefeather. Neighbors like me 'cause the bees make their plants flourish. If someone was stealin' my honey, then maybe that might 'ave to be the thing I do..."
He's lost in thought for a moment before he perks up, jangling his smoker in hand as he pops the lid open on it. "A-Anyways, um, are you lot ready? M'gonna smoke out the bees while you take a look at the hives."
"Yeah, sure, I'm ready," Andelena says, although Integrity Truefeather gets a long stare with a slightly raised brow. The Sunguard seems to be trying to figure something out rather intently until she decides to drop the matter, looking back to Aluma and awaiting the smoke.
"Wait! Wait! There's a waiver we should sign. I have one. Just a minute." Like a fowl chasing ticks his head dives into a leather briefcase as he rifles through papers, finally pulling one out. He rapidly writes, "Here it is! So... Honeyed Respite... indemnity from legal action... Aluma... and our names."
Scratch, scratch, scratch, he holds out the paper to Andelena, "Sign here, at the X, no the other X that's Aluma's X. So you won't initiate action if you get stung. Oh right, other terms... 'will not smack the bees'... okay, sign now."
The paper is offered again, the jay points his beak at the wild elf, "Do we get beekeeper armour too?"
It's pretty clear that Aluma is one of having a slow, relaxed lifestyle. Having such a flurry of things be thrown out makes him flat footed to the situation. "I... uh. I thought the Guild handled...?"
He shudders a sigh, and steps forward, taking the paper and quietly reading it through before signing it himself with a pen from his toolbelt.
As he hands it back, he tilts his head to the side. "Erm... may... be? Had some hired hands a few years back, maybe there's something that'll fit ya both. Might have to cut some holes for your wings though..."
And he ambles off towards the green house.
Some minutes later, he returns with a few folded sets of thick leather one piece suits with a wide mesh hat that attaches to the suit. He's putting away a knife after mangling one of them. "Here, I can help put them on you both if you want," he offers, holding the attire out.
Andelena stares at Integrity Truefeather. Stares at the paper. Stares back at the egalrin. Stares at the paper. Finally, she just signs the thing. "Sure. I mean, I wasn't gonna sue over a bee sting, but whatever gets this job done quick enough."
She looks at the outfit that Aluma presents to them and she takes it, donning it relatively quickly and only needing a tiny amount of help. (Has she done this before?)
Now that she looks somewhat ridiculous, she gives a bob of her head to Aluma. "Alright. Let's do this."
"Thanks! Thanks! I'll invoice you for this consultation." Integrity assures... Aluma, Andelena, both of them. He tucks away the paper and then causes a bit of a flap getting into the modified beekeeper gear. His wings are... very large. He has impressive wings.
Finally, the gear is donned and he appears like some winged leather golem or semi-deflated football with an elongated and covered head on top of it. "Right! I'm ready. I'm ready. What are we doing? I've got your back." He slips in behind the sunguard, then turns all the way around to look at Aluma, "You're standing back, right? Are these Myrish bees or Am'shere bees?" Hop. Hop, hop.
<pre>GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (6)+6: 12
GAME: Jay rolls perception: (2)+12: 14
GAME: Robert rolls Perception: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)</pre>
<br>*rwhrClank whrClank whrClank whrClank* A lumbering titan of artifice arrives in a bit of a rush, little arcs of energy dancing between exposed crystals and disappearing under overlapping and mismatched plates. Gears click around in stop-go circuits and, occasionally, steam vents with a sudden hiss from somewhere new and exciting.
Robert's dome-shaped helmet is up and hanging back on a hinge, revealing a head that looks too-tiny for the armored frame supporting it. He's also breathing through his open mouth after hustling to get here.
"Rr, ow... since when did that cramp?" A gigantic arti-fist cups the plating over his buttox. "I'm here... I'm here... slight equipment malfunction. These sorts of things happen when you're older..!" He has to stop and rub sweat out of his eyes and hasn't even noticed the familiar faces yet!
Aluma squirms a bit on the spot. "Give the invoice to the Guild," he requests. He shakes his head gives a steadying breath as he snaps his finger, a small flame appearing on his fingertip as he lights the smoker within. Lid closed, he pumps it a few times making some grey, thick smoke pour out. "Ah, another hand. I got a suit over there if you want to wear it, we're looking for anything weird the my bee hives. And Mister Truefeather, they're from the Druid Grove from the north."
He gestures to follow, and ambles off towards the closest hive. The elf is slow and careful as he scurries over each of the hives, dousing everything in a heavy blanket of smoke.
It's a slow process, and the bees are feisty at first, but soon mellow out to lazily land on the party's keeper attire. There is clearly something off here. The honeycombs are sparse and empty.
Robert, being a bit late, didn't get the memo, and can mostly note the lack of honey.
The other two can note that there's not just bees here. In the far northwestern hive, there's an almost distinct lack of them.
Jay is able to spy that there's a clump of dead bees in the bottom corner of the hive, with some angry red wasps intermingled within, starting to take the hive over. And they're covered in a flecks of black ichor.
"Well, fuck, where'd the bees go," Andelena murmurs to herself as she observes the missing bees in one part. "I mean, look, I'm not exactly an expert on... bees, really. Or what they do and where they go. But they're sure fuckin' ''gone.''"
"Bob? Bob! Bob that's you! Wow, what it that? Where'd you get that?" Integrity hops a complete circle around the large Cerenzan, gawking at the titan armour. He's ready to assist with putting the beekeeper gear over it, without a liability waiver even. It's a tight fit, and prone to inflating in strange ways with the steam releases.
And deflating in humorous ways.
Once this task is complete and the smoking out starts, the Bluejay is strangely subdued. His head rattles around inside his beekeeper hood as he checks Andelena and Robert, "Um, what do we do? What should I do?"
He points at a hive, "There's some tresspassers here. Wasps. We... could serve them an eviction notice? I don't think they need a hearing. No, wasps don't need a hearing."
He creeps closer for a better look.
<pre>GAME: Jay rolls stealth: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+9-4: (8)+9+-4: 13</pre>
"I know it's hard to believe I wasn't always an old man but I did have a life before Yetta and the kids," Bob laughs. He lifts both of the titan gauntlets and wraps the mechanical fingers loose around the armor's pot-bellied middle where the plate is being held closed by a looped length of chain. "... when I was apparently a much slimmer man."
The artificer accepts the assistance in getting into the suit (squinting a bit dubiously all the while) but forgoes the funny cap in favor of closing the domed helmet.
"Be careful combing for that honey, IC."
Aluma perks up, worried. "Wasps...?"
The suited eglarin lawyer creeps forward, the thick smoke in the air helping obscure his approach. He peers in.
There's the lowest of droning. An intermittent 'zzt' 'zzt' of large wings being used to briefly move about. In between the hive and in the garden wall is...
A horse sized wasp. Covered in yellow and black stripes with flecks of this black ichor on it. It rifles through the brambles of the garden wall quietly, but it seems agitated. Angry. And the splotches of black ink on it seem to make the fine fur on it turn a crimson.
It looks right at Jay. It's antennae twitch.
Then goes back to gnawing on something in it's grasp. It's bees.
'What do I do?' Jay mouthes at Bob. This is a poor plan. He has no lips to read, and is inside a very obscuring beekeeper hood. All that's visible is his beak, opening and closing as he looks at the others. He peers into the hive, standing on tippy-talons, before crouching and looking through the slot above the landing bar.
He pulls a pen out of his briefcase, then seems to change his mind. Oh wait, there's a rapier on his belt. He has a rapier! A slight struggle follows as it's clearly stuck in its leather sheath. Clearly he trusts his pen more than his sword.
Finally it's drawn free and he mimes a poking motion while shrugging his wings. He points at the hive again.
It is around this time that he notices the horse-sized wasp. He freezes. He stares.
It's impossible to see Bob's expression with the helmet dome in place. The two eye holes are just small, shadowed slits but his body language is that of someone trying to look around/through some intervening obstacle as the semi-retired man looks through the smoke. When silent Jay gestures, the Cerenzan raises a big metal hand and waves him back to the waiting duo.
"I didn't even know he knew how to use a sword..." he marvels, his voice echoing quietly as he glances down at Andelena.
Robert has partially disconnected.
Andelena frowns deeply as she looks at Jay's reaction to the BFW--"Big fucking wasp," Andelena murmurs quietly, looking to Robert. The Sunguard seems deeply uneasy.
But then she looks over at Bob when she hears him comment about Jay's sword. "Okay, what do we do? Want me to go in there and just... I don't know, start tussling with the fucker?" she asks. "That guy over there--odd dude, but I don't want him getting hurt, you know?"
<pre>GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+9-4: (17)+9+-4: 22
GAME: Jay rolls stealth: (8)+9: 17</pre>
Aluma peers in too, him squinting before his tanned face goes pallid. "I-I... what is that...!"
He drops his smoker on the ground, and takes some shaky steps back.
The giant wasp turns towards the hive, scooping out more (subdued) bees to munch on. It's head pauses as it's barely out of the hedge now, and it snaps towards the smoke. Compound eyes reflecting the waft of the grey haze.
It watches. It stills. It listens.
The hive next to Jay is suddenly rent asunder as a sword-sized stinger cleaves it in twain to ruins as a low-tone drone of buzzing comes from the large, angry wasp.
It has found a new snack.
"AHHHHH!" The bluejay screams in terror as the hive shatters beside him, and the compound eyes of the wasp fix him in it's sights. "Uh! Ahhh! What do I do? What do I do?"
He flaps his wings as little wasps, aggravated and alive, fly upwards out of the shattered hive. He remembers he's not supposed to swat the bees. Wasps aren't bees.
Wasps are assholes.
Except he's not sure he wants to swat them with his wings either. He also drops his rapier, immediately crouches to pick it up, and ends up cowering in a small ball and whipping the blade around as if he's practicing a parry. This might work better if he was holding it by the handle, and not with a two-handed grip out near the tip. It is at least, extra whippy this way.
"Help! Help!"
<pre>GAME: Robert casts Burning Hands. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 3d4: (9): 9
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+2: (18)+2: 20</pre>
Robert is moving as soon as the hive is speared, slamming heavy footfalls into the ground as the rump of the beekeeper suit expands, steam finding its way through the sleeves and pants legs. The artificer barrels through the smoke and plants himself between the wasp and the flighty lawyer.
"Stand behind me, kiddo," echoes the voice from inside the helmet. The gegaws and gadgets around the Cerenzan's belt clatter as he selects a little box. Up it comes, held daintily between oversized gauntlet thumb and forefinger.
"INSTANT HEAT FOR INSTANT MEAT!" Announces the Ultra Crispinator before a quick gout of flame burs out towards the invading wasp colony. Charred pieces of junk fall apart and land in a scattered pile at Robert's feet. <kulthian>
Andelena saunters forward, drawing her longsword and shield with deadly intent as she locks eyes on the wasp. She raises her longsword up in the air as she cries out, "Rally with me! Daeus, Your light upon us!"
The blessing of light washes over herself, Jay, and Robert. The Sunguard may look stupid in her getup now, but one might call her radiant anyway.
Some big bees, actual bees, not wasps, join in from the southern wall! They look VERY agitated by the situation. They take some time getting out of the wall and flying over. They are ready to attack and don't care whom they do.
<pre>GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1 (1 jay for getting in its territory first, 2 robby for bringing the grill)
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9: (16)+6: 22 (AOO)
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d8+8: (1)+8: 9
GAME: Aryia damaged you for 6 points. 11 HP remaining.
GAME: Jay rolls fortitude: (2)+1: 3 (Fail)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 1 points. 1 total damage.</pre>
Aluma screams in terror and flees off towards his house, leaving the smoker where he once was, and the smoke starts to dissipate as its no longer in use.
Sensing that their domain was horribly destroyed, there's some rustling that comes from the southern wall. Tearing through the air are some massive bees, yellow and black coloring. Some black ichor sports their coat, and its turning the fur around it crimson. They look angry. They look viscous. And they look like they're headed straight for the group with no intention of choosing from friend or foe as a dagger like stinger drips venom behind them.
The BFW buzzes around as its exoskeleton is crack from the fist of a power suit, but the bladed stinger slices and into the bird lawyer, the posion on it seizing up his muscles some. Its attack is reckless and hate fueled. Hitting the vermin is easy, but it best be brought low soon, else that stinger might lance something vital.
<pre><OOC> Jay says, "okay, drop rapier, 5' step being bob, cower some more and complain. :)"
<OOC> Jay says, "maybe bluff the bees that I'm a bee"
GAME: Jay rolls bluff: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+1-2: (9)+1+-2: 8</pre>
Jay is stung.
There goes his rapier. It slips out of his hand as he flails it around and loses his grip from the shock of the sting. "I'm stung. Stung!"
He clutches at his stomach, and the gaping hole that goes through his bee-keepers gear and leather waistcoat. Blood spills out between his fingers. "Bob. Bob! I don't feel so good. Bob, I'm bleeding. It stung me. I'm bleeding."
His voice is high with panic. He lurches, staggering behind the titan armour, cowering some more. "it hurts, I.. I..."
The bees take the field. The egalrin flicks his head around. He sounds a little drunk, intoxicated by the venom, "I'm a bee. Don't attack me bees. Attack that!" He points with a wing, "bzzzz, bzzzz! I'm a bee."
The bees don't bee-lieve him.
<pre><OOC> Robert says, "Activate armor as a swift. Full attack the wasp. -1 for PA."
GAME: Robert activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (14)+8+1+-1: 22
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10</pre>
The arti-fists close with clanking slams and the scattered gems and vials mounted across the armor begin to slow, spark, and arc. Spinning gears click rapidly and tinny, staccato hisses escape as the Kulthina-inspired artifice springs to life.
"I got you, bud! Just stay low," Robert assures the cowering egalrin with a twist at hip and a glance down. There's smoke beginning to coil around the raised gorget that encircles the domed helmet but the Cerenzan doesn't seem to mind.
"Your thorax is gonna be a sore-ass come morning," he growls as the papa bear is summoned. The massive titan gauntlets come slamming in one after the other to smash and crack at the bug's exoskeleton.
<pre><OOC> Andelena says, "Power Attack, Bless, yadda yadda."
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+1-2: (20)+6+1+-2: 25 (THREAT)
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+2-2: (4)+6+2+-2: 10
<OOC> Jay says, "use the re-roll?"
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+1-2: (1)+6+1+-2: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Andelena rolls damage5+2: aliased to 1d8+4+2: (6)+4+2: 12</pre>
"You'll be fine! I'm here to protect you both!" The Sunguard woman roars as she raises her longsword--
And she brings it down with a mighty cleave on the wasp, cutting off a massive wing. But her brows furrow as she sees the thing is still alive. "Damn! Don't tell me they make wasps that act like cockroaches these days!"
<pre>GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2 (1 wasp, 2 andie)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12 (fort save for the bee)
<OOC> Aryia says, "it is it cannot attack, as it drunkedly flies about from it being nauseated"
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4+2: (18)+4+2: 24
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1 (1 for robby, 2 for andie)
<OOC> Aryia goes for robby, takes 1 damage in the process
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d8+8: (1)+8: 9
GAME: Robert rolls Fort: (14)+4: 18</pre>
Aluma has ran into his house for safety. He's just a humble bee keeper. He's not suited for this!
The angry angry big bees buzz about, one going straight for Andie and jabbing her in her flank. The stinger pulls away... and it didn't pierce the suit!
The other bee goes around as it can't get to the group with it's friend in the way, but it passes over the smoker. The bee hits the ground and stumbles a bit, it hacking and coughing drunkenly as it staggers about.
Fueled by nothing more than sheer hatred, the splotches of black on the wasp grow more as the rest of it turns crimson and black, it falling to the ground as its wing is severed. But that doesn't stop it. Bleeding out, it staggers towards Robert, and jabs its sword-like stinger into his leg, but the poison doesn't take hold.
<pre>GAME: Jay rolls fortitude+1: (15)+1+1: 17
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 1 points. 2 total damage.</pre>
"Cockaroaches aren't bad when they're battered and fried and served with a nice chianti." Jay opines drunkenly. He stays low, Bob told him to stay low. He's listening. Without his rapier he's largely defenseless, and resorts to using his briefcase as a two handed shield. He squawks and thrusts it randomly about, unsure of where attacks will come from, attempting to anticipate any serrated thrusts sent his way.
He has to spread his wings to keep his balance; that seems to be fading. He follows up with another chirp of panic, not helping in any way at all. "I... I... thank you." He tells the sunguard and artificer, who are being body shields for him.
<pre><OOC> Robert says, "Same as last round but if the first shot puts the wasp down I'll 5' to 5,2"
<OOC> Robert says, "and attack the 6,3 bee with my second."
<OOC> Robert says, "If the wasp is still up after both attacks I'll 5' to 5,2, regardless."
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (5)+5+2: 12
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (1)+5+2: 8</pre>
"Anytime, kiddo," Robert responds between panted breaths. He still needs work on his conditioning. And he could stand to lose a few pounds... but who couldn't? The beekeeper's suit is starting to suffer from all the violent movements with more and more of the titan armor showing through.
A left-hook catches the gigantic wasp in the flank, crumpling two legs and conjuring oozing ichor. The creature is still up, though! A jab with the right pulps the monster's head and it finally falls down, bouncing and twitching on the ground. "Situation's getting antennable," he grunts.
Another look to check on Jay and Bob steps to square up against the two bees. "... untenable," he corrects.
<pre><OOC> Andelena says, "Bless, Power attack, etc"
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+1-2: (18)+6+1+-2: 23
GAME: Andelena rolls damage5+2: aliased to 1d8+4+2: (6)+4+2: 12</pre>
Andelena turns her eyes onto one of the two big bees, steel-grey eyes still hard with the determination of battle. She cleaves down into the big insect, her longsword biting into the thing's exoskeleton hard.
"How many of those do you even have?" Andelena manages to ask over the furor of large insect wings beating and angry buzzing noises, her eyes very briefly darting over to Robert.
<pre>GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1 (1 andie 2 robby)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Andelena rolls Fortitude: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2
<OOC> Aryia rereads stat block. "Wait nevermind, ignore that roll. It's still nauseated."
<OOC> Aryia says, "it will provoke from robby as it flies away from the smoker to get around to a new place"
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4: (1): 1
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (4)+8+1+-1: 12 (AOO)
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10</pre>
The massive, angry, wingless wasp crunches once under Robert's empowered fist. It screeches, but is silenced with one more crushing blow.
The bee on Andelena finally manages to pierce the suit, just barely scratching her, but that's all it needs as the Sunguard feels a blooming pulse of numbness ache from her side. A creeping feeling of weakness as her sword arm wobbles.
The other bee, unlucky sod, buzzes about and out to get out of the smoke, but is only met with the passing by fist of the older adventurer.
<pre>GAME: Jay rolls fortitude: (11)+1: 12
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 2 points. 4 total damage.</pre>
Integrity has lost some. He's still bleeding. He's a red, white and blue jay now, with the blood running down the inside of the keeper's suit and out the ankle. He has leaked all over the outside too. The l-egalrin continues to cower behind Robert and Andelena, more chicken than hawk, keeping his briefcase handy.
"Bob... Bob... you didn't sign the waiver. You can sue for endangerment... I'll..." He stumbles and drops to a knee, using his wings to hold himself steady. Without them, he sways. "... the kids are all right...?"
He's not sounding good.
<pre>GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (20)+8+1+-1: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (17)+8+1+-1: 25
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (20)+8+1+-1: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (6)+8+1+-1: 14
GAME: Robert rolls 2d8+10+4: (4)+10+4: 18
GAME: Robert rolls 2d8+10+4: (3)+10+4: 17</pre>
"Kids are great," Robert answers, batting back the bee with a quick open-handed swat. He leans back and cocks an arm for a punch. Something clicks and steam bursts out violently from the vambraces' vents and the gigantic bee is knocked from the air. The second hit is a fist-and-forearm slam that smears the bee across the ground. "Bumbled into the wrong fight, friend," he grunts.
With a mighty groan and the clattering heave of armor, Bob manages to stand back upright and stagger back in front of the other combatant. "... back in my day aggressors had considerations. Lined up neat in a row... none of this... back and forth," he pants.
<pre><OOC> Andelena says, "I'm reach around (don't be dirty) and heal Integrity with a Cure Light Wounds."
GAME: Andelena casts Cure Light Wounds: CL: 3
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Aryia damaged you for -4 points. 15 HP remaining.</pre>
Andelena looks over her shoulder and sees how much Jay's bleeding out. "Ahh, shit--hold on, fella," she says, turning around and clasping the egalrin's suit, murmuring a prayer to Daeus.
A little bit of the Knight's light passes from her hands into Jay, staunching the blood flow. "I'll get you patched up real damn good after this; just hold on. Promised I'd protect you," the Sunguard says, a warmth in her voice.
<pre>GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2 (1 andie 2 robby)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Andelena rolls Fortitude: (14)+5: 19</pre>
The other bee falls to the ground in a smear, what legs were left twitching its last few times. That doesn't stop the other bee from climbing atop the carapace of the wasp and getting a handle on itself from the smoke. It's dagger-like stinger lashes out and hits Robert square in the chest-
But it doesn't get through the bee keeper suit.
But it's looking bad. And it overall, it should bee over soon.
<pre>GAME: Jay rolls fortitude: (9)+1: 10
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 2 points. 6 total damage.
GAME: Jay rolls stealth: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+1: (10)+1: 11</pre>
The warmth of Daeus washes over the bluejay, his wound improving. He's still injured, but the bleeding has stopped. The toxin in his veins remains, his condition worsening in that regard. "That's good, that's good Bob, that's good." He repeats woozily.
"Thank you," he tells the Sunguard, sounding relieved and hopeful. "You're... you're excellent."
His thoughts are as unsteady as his feat. He sinks lower against the ground, pulling in his wings, becoming a small ball and trying to hide. Somehow he's successful.
The bee can't bee-lieve he's vanished, but he has.
<pre><OOC> Robert says, "Now it'll have to play hive and seek"
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (6)+8+1+-1: 14
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (8)+5+2: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10</pre>
"It is. My oldest got it in his thick head to raise a family in a city that has giant insect attacks at local farms," Robert chats, Jay taking advantage of his greatest weakness: idle conversation. It's easier now to relax and catch up as the field clears.
In something of a rhythm, the artificer swings again. Both arms come in together to slam through the monstrous pollinator and meet somewhere in the middle. The fists come free with a grunt and he starts shaking the smushed goo off. "G'night, honey."
<pre><OOC> Andelena says, "I'm gonna convert my prepped Divine Favor into Cure Light Wounds to continue to help Jay."
<OOC> Andelena is not sure how to go about that syntax-wise--should I just cast Divine Favor and we'll fix in post?
GAME: Andelena casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Aryia damaged you for -4 points. 17 HP remaining.</pre>
Andelena continues healing up the bluejay, murmuring prayers under her breath. "Fella, I'm just doing what I swore to do: protect the people. Comfort them. Compassion is one of the Knight's virtues."
She finishes up and pats Integrity on the shoulder. "How you feelin' now?" she asks, steel-grey eyes searching over him. "Better? I'm not as good as it as one of our sister-clerics under Althea, but my man has had a nasty habit of late of going and getting fucked up by werewolves, so I've had to exercise the magic fingers lately."
<pre><OOC> Robert says, "Does he need a Heal check to treat the poison, Aryia?"
GAME: Robert used a Healer's Kit.
GAME: Robert rolls Heal+2: (11)+7+2: 20
GAME: Jay rolls fortitude+4: (16)+1+4: 21 (+4 from Successful Heal Check)
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for -6 points. 0 total damage.
GAME: Aryia damaged you for -100 points. 17 HP remaining.
GAME: Robert deactivates his Titan Armor.</pre>
With the last bee felled and crushed, there's still one issue remaining.
Jay is still suffering from poison. It is waning now, but still its wrecking havoc on his body.
Combatants dead, the titan of artifice turns and releases the latches on his bowl helmet, pushing it up and back. Robert looks pale and soaked with sweat that drips from his nose, lips, and chin. "Alright, just..." he stares at the middle distance and pushes his eyebrow together, mouth open. Noises echo from the arms of the suit and a massive pair of *clacks* end with the gauntlets falling free and slamming heavily onto the ground.
Too-small hands at the end of artifice arms reach around to his hip pack and he pulls out a small, battered tin case. The blue paint is all but chipped away but the Dragonieri crest is still embossed on the dull, dark grey lid. He kneels down to have a look at the wounded egalrin.
"Gods below... you're covered in feathers!" Bob jokes, poorly feigning surprise. He selects a tincture tosses it to Jay. "Drink that," he offers, already pulling out a waterskin from his pack and setting that next to the lawyer. "And you'll probably want to wash it down."
A little canvas of balm is selected next, "and this'll sting a bit..."
Jay bobs his head, as if he's hearing what Andelena is saying although he still seems shakey. As the last bee goes down, he pulls back his hood so he can breathe and see without restriction. He blinks, staring at the Dragonieri crest as if seeing it for the first time. It is the first time he has, on Robert's armour, much like it's the first time he's seen the armour.
Unsteady, he holds onto the older man's forearm with both hands to maintain his balance. "I am." He replies, still sounding weak. "I make a good pillow." A pillow and a punching bag, he drinks the tincture as directed. He nods at the warning that the balm will sting. He's been stung before, just now in fact.
His eyes are glassy, despite the rapid blinking they don't clear, and the feathers beneath darken as tears seep into them. A quiet moan escapes, followed by another and he pulls himself against Robert's arm. His body shakes, his breath short, coming in gasps. "I'm crying, why am I crying. I... I... I..."
He let his friend down. His bravado burns in his lingering fear and the overwhelming emotions as he fights the sobs, and fails, just as he did in combat.
Once Jay's stinging poison has been halted and flushed out, the door from Aluma's abode timidly opens up, the wood elf beekeeper holding up an electrified fly swatter in both hands peeking out. "I-Is... is it over?" he calls out, shaken.
The corpses of the flying insects slowly turn into a shade of crimson, before melting away into a pile of black tar that causes the grass nearby to wither away into brown, lifeless stalks.
<pre><OOC> Aryia says, "ppl may roll k/religion, k/arcana, or k/the planes"
GAME: Andelena rolls Knowledge/Religion: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Robert rolls Knowledge/Arcana: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Jay rolls knowledge/local: (3)+7: 10</pre>
Strange wasps... strange wasps... there was something in the news.
More importantly, Integrity knows exactly what bar to go to after this.
Andelena pulls off the stupid hood portion of the beekeeper's outfit, sheathing her longsword and shield. She puts her arm quietly on the egalrin's shoulder again, a firm but gentle grasp. "Hey, hey hey hey," she says, gently and calmly--a side of the tall Sunguard that doesn't often come out. "You're okay. You're fine. You just went through some fucking /scary/ shit. Breathe in with me, then out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. You're doing great..."
She just focuses on trying to get Integrity to breathe with her, to help him get to a place where things aren't so overwhelming.
"Your body is a machine that makes fuel," Robert explains, his expression soft and compassionate as he steadies the younger egalrin. He taps two fingers on the bird's chest, gently. "In situations like that your body can make a special kind of fuel. You're not used to it so you feel all out of whack. That's all."
Up comes the tapping hand and he wipes away some tears, nodding at Andelena and cupping Jay's face. "You did OK, kiddo. I'm proud of you."
Breathe in. Breathe out. In. Out. Integrity listens, and the bluejay's breathing becomes deeper, steadier. As it does, with the toxins in his bloodstream slowly neutralizing, some semblance of his usual self returns.
But not his best self. "We could have been killed!" He lashes out verbally at Aluma, "those bees are a menace! And the wasp! I should sue! Sue! Why didn't you help? You should have helped! You were useless!"
An accusation that could be leveled against Integrity. One that should be leveled against him. The bird puffs up, feathers bristling. In the beekeepers uniform, the net effect is he looks even more like a ball. A bawling ball. His head whipping between Robert and Andelena.
Andelena and Robert's words sink in a little deeper. He let them down. They are his protectors. They stood in the way, and they are handling the aftermath with grace and aplomb.
While he is simply being loud. Anger switches to guilt and drags him in another direction. Breathe in. Breathe out. His head hangs. He stares at his feet.
"I'm sorry." He says quietly. "I know a good bar. And... the wasps aren't anyone's fault. They've been in the papers."
Aluma reels as dagger words are thrown at him. "I-I... I didn't know- I was just-"
He steps back once towards his house, dropping the electro-swatter as it zaps the ground before fizzling out. "P-Please don't I... this place is... I'm sorry!"
The wild elf, too, was overwhelmed, and he runs back inside the Honeyed Respite with tears in his eyes.
"They were almost hellwasps," Andelena says, bridging off of Integrity's words. Any disappointment that might have been in her eyes from seeing the bluejay lash out is mended by the apology that Integrity gives. "We stopped them before they could get to that point--"
And then the poor wild elf is also overwhelmed. She sighs a little. "Ahhh, damn it. Integrity, right? Stay put. I'll go talk to him."
Andelena goes to follow the wild elf to console him, too. The Daeusite is having to play counselor in addition to warrior today.
==OOC & Combatty==
<pre> ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
21 Jay 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)
8 Robert 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)
7 Andelena 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)
| Name | CHP (T) | HP |
| Andelena......| 2 | 25 |
| Jay...........| 17 | 17 |
| Robert........| 6 | 19 |
| Name | CHP (T) | HP |
| Andelena......| 24 | 25 |
| Jay...........| 11 | 17 |
| Robert........| 13 | 19 |
''Inspiring Video''
<br><OOC> Robert says, "We'll get you a gym membership, Jay. A few chest workouts and you can strut around like this fella:
''Char Convo''
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "lol"
<br><OOC> Jay beak-grins
<br><OOC> Andelena squints. Birdman, is that you?
<br><OOC> Aryia dying laughing
<br><OOC> Jay says, "Thanks. Trying to make sure he has an interesting and different personality from my main and alts"
<br><OOC> Aryia does a google. "Lady luck has turned, as jay is not seen"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "I mean, the dice are coopereating, but I wasn't planning on Jay being all that effective in scenes."
<br><OOC> Jay says, "okay, soooo... I want a bit of a character arc and development, which includes Jay learning how to fight and enter combat. So to serve that he's going to be kind of useless at it. Essentially, Total Defense and make some noise, but otherwise stay put"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "being untactically sound"
<br><OOC> Aryia thumbs up and noted!
<br><OOC> Robert says, "screaming in terror is an untactically sound."
<br><OOC> Jay says, "okay, drop rapier, 5' step being bob, cower some more and complain. :)"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "maybe bluff the bees that I'm a bee"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "honestly, this is great"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "they dont bee-lieve it"
<br><OOC> Jay nods! "Waiting on the being stung emit, and posing. that's turn."
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "im dying"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "a 16 doesnt pass, unfortunately, this guy is rough"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "it's fine"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "I would like Jay to continue to be panicked and in a total defense way."
<br><OOC> Jay says, "quick note"
<br><OOC> Aryia tilt head?
<br><OOC> Jay says, "my intention isn't to make the combat worse by not participating, but I want Jay to be very not-great at combat. So if you're cool with handling it duo and without him, that's fine, but if you want help, you can give him directions he'll follow (unwisely) like say 'get the smoker'."
<br><OOC> Jay says, "more total defense and staying put. also, very nice"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "Integrity gonna need a drink after this"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "okay, Jay will continue to TD and thank Andelena and hide and such."
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "it can't bee-lieve you vanished"
<OOC> Jay says, "heehee"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "and that'll take it over its con score so it can't use diehard. Nice! That's all the bees!"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "pose it!"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "now there's... another problem! Jay is not doing hot still!"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "can birds cry?"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "I heard doves can, but I'm not sure it's just a song"
<br><OOC> Andelena says, "Hee. They can."
<br><OOC> Jay is going to have a nervous breakdown then. :)
<br><OOC> Andelena says, "Poor guy! D:"
<br><OOC> Aryia gives him a hug
<br><OOC> Aryia wrangles slix to give jay a hug
<br><OOC> Jay hugs, "Thanks."
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "poor guy"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "is good pose :)"
<br><OOC> Jay can think of a bar
<br><OOC> Jay says, "A legal bar. :)"
<br><OOC> Jay also hugs Slix
<br><OOC> Jay thinks thinks. "I'm torn. I kind of want Jay to lash out at Aluma because I think it would make sense, as an emotional overreaction, since he's young and not used to dealing with high stress, but it would make him seem unlikeable. Andelena and Robert are really reassuring, which might mean he wouldn't, or that he might to feel he's contributing.
<br><OOC> Jay says, "verbally, obviously"
<br><OOC> Andelena says, "Go with whatever feels right for you and the character. :)"
<br><OOC> Jay doesn't want to be unlikeable though
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "you're totally fine and upfront with jay"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "i mean, could even do both"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "I think both might work... working on a pose..."
<br><OOC> Aryia thinks that might be a good endpose for us?
<br><OOC> Andelena says, "I think so, too. :)"
<br><OOC> Jay nods "I agree."
<br><OOC> Aryia cheer! "Thanks for playing guys :)"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "I had fun!"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "that is a good pose. and it's okay, it will give Rob & Jay an excuse to talk to each other about things later in a separate scene"
<br><OOC> Jay says, "I really enjoyed, and I this helped lock down Jay's personality a lot I think."
<br><OOC> Aryia nod! "yeah! and jay is great :)"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "I went ahead and put the header in for the prp on the wiki"
<br><OOC> Aryia says, "it has the summary too"
<br><OOC> Andelena says, "Jay is indeed great. He should meet RT--but then again, I say that about all bird and bird-adjacent people"
<br><OOC> Aryia laughs
<br><OOC> Jay says, "Awesome! I'll have it uploaded in a little bit."
<br><OOC> Jay says, "oh yes, meeting RT would be very fun."
<br><OOC> Andelena says, "Alright, I'm gonna skedaddle. Thanks all <3"

Latest revision as of 18:20, 19 March 2022

Log Info

  • Title: From Hive to Honey - VP
  • Emitter: Aryia
  • Characters: Andelena, Jay, Robert
  • Place: Prp Room 2, Lower Gardens
  • Time: Friday, March 18, 2022, 1:02 PM
  • Summary: Aluma, a bee keeper in the lower gardens, has some honey supply issues and is needing some help to inspect his hives. Jay, Andelena, and Robert show up and don some beekeeper suits to help him out. After the beekeeper smokes out the bees, the party finds that one of the hives is being overran by wasps. And the host of that was a giant wasp hiding in the garden wall. They quietly figure out how to dispatch it, then get to work. Once the wasp reveals itself, two enraged bees explode out from the opposite wall to defend their territory, but they're too far gone to know who's friend from foe. Robert makes some nasty work of them while Andelena offers support and gets some well placed cleaves of her own in. Jay cowers, scared and suffering from the wasp's poison as it saps his mobility. They're brought low, and aid is rendered unto Jay to help stop the poison. Once the dust settles, the corpses of the giant creatures melt away into black tar, and the party helps Jay with a nervous breakdown. After smoothing that over (as best one can), the party surmises this has something to deal with the Hellwasp outbreak.
  • Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=m6j7pxjp3kd
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=    The Players    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Andelena           6'0"     180 Lb     Human             Female    Redhead with steel-grey eyes and powerful build.        
Jay                5'9"     145 Lb     Eaglefolk         Male      A perky male Blue Jay with a discerning eye.                               
Robert             6'3"     235 Lb     Human             Male      A middle-aged Cerenzan with a friendly, fatherly vibe.            

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Aryia              4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.      

Within the Lower Gardens of Alexandria on a bright and sunny morning, there rests a humble establishment cordoned off by a tall walled garden. Honeyed Respite, ran by a positively buZzing, sun tanned wild elf. Aluma, he introduces himself as. It's hard to tell much of his features aside from the vivid green of his eyes piercing through the mesh of his bee keeper outfit (which has cloth ears stitched on just for his ears.)

"It was just the darndest thing," he sighs, speaking with the group with his hands on his hips. He jabs a thumb over his shoulder, indicating eight hives behind him that are a flurry with honey bees.

Those are some... pretty big bee hives. Almost eight feet tall with ladders around them to reach their apex.

"Normally they're all zoomin' around happy has could bee. But I noticed I'm missin' a good few handfuls of 'em. And yesterday as I was checkin' to see what they've made so far, there was just... nothing!"

Aluma shakes his head. "And they're a little too fiesty right now to get anything else done. I was wonderin' if you lot could take a look at the hives while I smoke 'em out? They don't hurt. Honest. They just buzz at ya."

The Sunguard Andelena looks around at the hive as Aluma leads her around the respite, steel-grey eyes glaring at the hives. "Alright," she concludes, "but I hope to gods they don't sting me. I like honey but recent events have soured me on insects."

"Would you like to file a lawsuit?" A squawking egalrin asks, appearing suddenly with wings akimbo. From volume and plumage he is of Blue Jay heritage, bold in blue and white, with black accents. "Integrity C. Truefeather, esquire."

He bows, with a sweep of a wing, "The 'C' stands for compensation. Compensation is my middle name! If you've been wronged, you're owed recompense."

"These hives aren't violating local agricultural regulations are they? You might be liable." Integrity suddenly accuses Aluma, then immediately switches tracks, "Are some neighbours interfering with your bees? You could sue. Sue!"

Aluma raises his hands, a bulbous device with a nozzle on it strapped over his shoulder clanks against his tool belt. "They won't sting you! Maybe they'll land on you, but that's the worst they'll do. I just ask you please resist the urge to smack them."

His vivid green eyes blink owlishly behind the mesh at the sudden appearance of the legal eagle. "I- What...?- No it's...-"

Flustered, he fidgets with the smoker strapped to him. "I've been here for ten years, Mister Truefeather. Neighbors like me 'cause the bees make their plants flourish. If someone was stealin' my honey, then maybe that might 'ave to be the thing I do..."

He's lost in thought for a moment before he perks up, jangling his smoker in hand as he pops the lid open on it. "A-Anyways, um, are you lot ready? M'gonna smoke out the bees while you take a look at the hives."

"Yeah, sure, I'm ready," Andelena says, although Integrity Truefeather gets a long stare with a slightly raised brow. The Sunguard seems to be trying to figure something out rather intently until she decides to drop the matter, looking back to Aluma and awaiting the smoke.

"Wait! Wait! There's a waiver we should sign. I have one. Just a minute." Like a fowl chasing ticks his head dives into a leather briefcase as he rifles through papers, finally pulling one out. He rapidly writes, "Here it is! So... Honeyed Respite... indemnity from legal action... Aluma... and our names."

Scratch, scratch, scratch, he holds out the paper to Andelena, "Sign here, at the X, no the other X that's Aluma's X. So you won't initiate action if you get stung. Oh right, other terms... 'will not smack the bees'... okay, sign now."

The paper is offered again, the jay points his beak at the wild elf, "Do we get beekeeper armour too?"

It's pretty clear that Aluma is one of having a slow, relaxed lifestyle. Having such a flurry of things be thrown out makes him flat footed to the situation. "I... uh. I thought the Guild handled...?"

He shudders a sigh, and steps forward, taking the paper and quietly reading it through before signing it himself with a pen from his toolbelt.

As he hands it back, he tilts his head to the side. "Erm... may... be? Had some hired hands a few years back, maybe there's something that'll fit ya both. Might have to cut some holes for your wings though..."

And he ambles off towards the green house.

Some minutes later, he returns with a few folded sets of thick leather one piece suits with a wide mesh hat that attaches to the suit. He's putting away a knife after mangling one of them. "Here, I can help put them on you both if you want," he offers, holding the attire out.

Andelena stares at Integrity Truefeather. Stares at the paper. Stares back at the egalrin. Stares at the paper. Finally, she just signs the thing. "Sure. I mean, I wasn't gonna sue over a bee sting, but whatever gets this job done quick enough."

She looks at the outfit that Aluma presents to them and she takes it, donning it relatively quickly and only needing a tiny amount of help. (Has she done this before?)

Now that she looks somewhat ridiculous, she gives a bob of her head to Aluma. "Alright. Let's do this."

"Thanks! Thanks! I'll invoice you for this consultation." Integrity assures... Aluma, Andelena, both of them. He tucks away the paper and then causes a bit of a flap getting into the modified beekeeper gear. His wings are... very large. He has impressive wings.

Finally, the gear is donned and he appears like some winged leather golem or semi-deflated football with an elongated and covered head on top of it. "Right! I'm ready. I'm ready. What are we doing? I've got your back." He slips in behind the sunguard, then turns all the way around to look at Aluma, "You're standing back, right? Are these Myrish bees or Am'shere bees?" Hop. Hop, hop.

GAME: Andelena rolls Perception: (6)+6: 12
GAME: Jay rolls perception: (2)+12: 14
GAME: Robert rolls Perception: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

*rwhrClank whrClank whrClank whrClank* A lumbering titan of artifice arrives in a bit of a rush, little arcs of energy dancing between exposed crystals and disappearing under overlapping and mismatched plates. Gears click around in stop-go circuits and, occasionally, steam vents with a sudden hiss from somewhere new and exciting.

Robert's dome-shaped helmet is up and hanging back on a hinge, revealing a head that looks too-tiny for the armored frame supporting it. He's also breathing through his open mouth after hustling to get here.

"Rr, ow... since when did that cramp?" A gigantic arti-fist cups the plating over his buttox. "I'm here... I'm here... slight equipment malfunction. These sorts of things happen when you're older..!" He has to stop and rub sweat out of his eyes and hasn't even noticed the familiar faces yet!

Aluma squirms a bit on the spot. "Give the invoice to the Guild," he requests. He shakes his head gives a steadying breath as he snaps his finger, a small flame appearing on his fingertip as he lights the smoker within. Lid closed, he pumps it a few times making some grey, thick smoke pour out. "Ah, another hand. I got a suit over there if you want to wear it, we're looking for anything weird the my bee hives. And Mister Truefeather, they're from the Druid Grove from the north."

He gestures to follow, and ambles off towards the closest hive. The elf is slow and careful as he scurries over each of the hives, dousing everything in a heavy blanket of smoke.

It's a slow process, and the bees are feisty at first, but soon mellow out to lazily land on the party's keeper attire. There is clearly something off here. The honeycombs are sparse and empty.

Robert, being a bit late, didn't get the memo, and can mostly note the lack of honey.

The other two can note that there's not just bees here. In the far northwestern hive, there's an almost distinct lack of them.

Jay is able to spy that there's a clump of dead bees in the bottom corner of the hive, with some angry red wasps intermingled within, starting to take the hive over. And they're covered in a flecks of black ichor.

"Well, fuck, where'd the bees go," Andelena murmurs to herself as she observes the missing bees in one part. "I mean, look, I'm not exactly an expert on... bees, really. Or what they do and where they go. But they're sure fuckin' gone."

"Bob? Bob! Bob that's you! Wow, what it that? Where'd you get that?" Integrity hops a complete circle around the large Cerenzan, gawking at the titan armour. He's ready to assist with putting the beekeeper gear over it, without a liability waiver even. It's a tight fit, and prone to inflating in strange ways with the steam releases.

And deflating in humorous ways.

Once this task is complete and the smoking out starts, the Bluejay is strangely subdued. His head rattles around inside his beekeeper hood as he checks Andelena and Robert, "Um, what do we do? What should I do?"

He points at a hive, "There's some tresspassers here. Wasps. We... could serve them an eviction notice? I don't think they need a hearing. No, wasps don't need a hearing."

He creeps closer for a better look.

GAME: Jay rolls stealth: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+9-4: (8)+9+-4: 13

"I know it's hard to believe I wasn't always an old man but I did have a life before Yetta and the kids," Bob laughs. He lifts both of the titan gauntlets and wraps the mechanical fingers loose around the armor's pot-bellied middle where the plate is being held closed by a looped length of chain. "... when I was apparently a much slimmer man."

The artificer accepts the assistance in getting into the suit (squinting a bit dubiously all the while) but forgoes the funny cap in favor of closing the domed helmet.

"Be careful combing for that honey, IC."

Aluma perks up, worried. "Wasps...?"

The suited eglarin lawyer creeps forward, the thick smoke in the air helping obscure his approach. He peers in.

There's the lowest of droning. An intermittent 'zzt' 'zzt' of large wings being used to briefly move about. In between the hive and in the garden wall is...

A horse sized wasp. Covered in yellow and black stripes with flecks of this black ichor on it. It rifles through the brambles of the garden wall quietly, but it seems agitated. Angry. And the splotches of black ink on it seem to make the fine fur on it turn a crimson.

It looks right at Jay. It's antennae twitch.

Then goes back to gnawing on something in it's grasp. It's bees.

'What do I do?' Jay mouthes at Bob. This is a poor plan. He has no lips to read, and is inside a very obscuring beekeeper hood. All that's visible is his beak, opening and closing as he looks at the others. He peers into the hive, standing on tippy-talons, before crouching and looking through the slot above the landing bar.

He pulls a pen out of his briefcase, then seems to change his mind. Oh wait, there's a rapier on his belt. He has a rapier! A slight struggle follows as it's clearly stuck in its leather sheath. Clearly he trusts his pen more than his sword.

Finally it's drawn free and he mimes a poking motion while shrugging his wings. He points at the hive again.

It is around this time that he notices the horse-sized wasp. He freezes. He stares.

It's impossible to see Bob's expression with the helmet dome in place. The two eye holes are just small, shadowed slits but his body language is that of someone trying to look around/through some intervening obstacle as the semi-retired man looks through the smoke. When silent Jay gestures, the Cerenzan raises a big metal hand and waves him back to the waiting duo.

"I didn't even know he knew how to use a sword..." he marvels, his voice echoing quietly as he glances down at Andelena. Robert has partially disconnected.

Andelena frowns deeply as she looks at Jay's reaction to the BFW--"Big fucking wasp," Andelena murmurs quietly, looking to Robert. The Sunguard seems deeply uneasy.

But then she looks over at Bob when she hears him comment about Jay's sword. "Okay, what do we do? Want me to go in there and just... I don't know, start tussling with the fucker?" she asks. "That guy over there--odd dude, but I don't want him getting hurt, you know?"

GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+9-4: (17)+9+-4: 22
GAME: Jay rolls stealth: (8)+9: 17

Aluma peers in too, him squinting before his tanned face goes pallid. "I-I... what is that...!"

He drops his smoker on the ground, and takes some shaky steps back.

The giant wasp turns towards the hive, scooping out more (subdued) bees to munch on. It's head pauses as it's barely out of the hedge now, and it snaps towards the smoke. Compound eyes reflecting the waft of the grey haze.

It watches. It stills. It listens.

The hive next to Jay is suddenly rent asunder as a sword-sized stinger cleaves it in twain to ruins as a low-tone drone of buzzing comes from the large, angry wasp.

It has found a new snack.

"AHHHHH!" The bluejay screams in terror as the hive shatters beside him, and the compound eyes of the wasp fix him in it's sights. "Uh! Ahhh! What do I do? What do I do?"

He flaps his wings as little wasps, aggravated and alive, fly upwards out of the shattered hive. He remembers he's not supposed to swat the bees. Wasps aren't bees.

Wasps are assholes.

Except he's not sure he wants to swat them with his wings either. He also drops his rapier, immediately crouches to pick it up, and ends up cowering in a small ball and whipping the blade around as if he's practicing a parry. This might work better if he was holding it by the handle, and not with a two-handed grip out near the tip. It is at least, extra whippy this way.

"Help! Help!"

GAME: Robert casts Burning Hands. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 3d4: (9): 9
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+2: (18)+2: 20

Robert is moving as soon as the hive is speared, slamming heavy footfalls into the ground as the rump of the beekeeper suit expands, steam finding its way through the sleeves and pants legs. The artificer barrels through the smoke and plants himself between the wasp and the flighty lawyer.

"Stand behind me, kiddo," echoes the voice from inside the helmet. The gegaws and gadgets around the Cerenzan's belt clatter as he selects a little box. Up it comes, held daintily between oversized gauntlet thumb and forefinger.

  • hsCLICK*

"INSTANT HEAT FOR INSTANT MEAT!" Announces the Ultra Crispinator before a quick gout of flame burs out towards the invading wasp colony. Charred pieces of junk fall apart and land in a scattered pile at Robert's feet. <kulthian>

Andelena saunters forward, drawing her longsword and shield with deadly intent as she locks eyes on the wasp. She raises her longsword up in the air as she cries out, "Rally with me! Daeus, Your light upon us!"

The blessing of light washes over herself, Jay, and Robert. The Sunguard may look stupid in her getup now, but one might call her radiant anyway.

Some big bees, actual bees, not wasps, join in from the southern wall! They look VERY agitated by the situation. They take some time getting out of the wall and flying over. They are ready to attack and don't care whom they do.

GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1 (1 jay for getting in its territory first, 2 robby for bringing the grill)
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9: (16)+6: 22 (AOO)
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d8+8: (1)+8: 9
GAME: Aryia damaged you for 6 points. 11 HP remaining.
GAME: Jay rolls fortitude: (2)+1: 3 (Fail)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 1 points. 1 total damage.

Aluma screams in terror and flees off towards his house, leaving the smoker where he once was, and the smoke starts to dissipate as its no longer in use.

Sensing that their domain was horribly destroyed, there's some rustling that comes from the southern wall. Tearing through the air are some massive bees, yellow and black coloring. Some black ichor sports their coat, and its turning the fur around it crimson. They look angry. They look viscous. And they look like they're headed straight for the group with no intention of choosing from friend or foe as a dagger like stinger drips venom behind them.

The BFW buzzes around as its exoskeleton is crack from the fist of a power suit, but the bladed stinger slices and into the bird lawyer, the posion on it seizing up his muscles some. Its attack is reckless and hate fueled. Hitting the vermin is easy, but it best be brought low soon, else that stinger might lance something vital.

<OOC> Jay says, "okay, drop rapier, 5' step being bob, cower some more and complain. :)"
<OOC> Jay says, "maybe bluff the bees that I'm a bee"
GAME: Jay rolls bluff: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+1-2: (9)+1+-2: 8

Jay is stung.


There goes his rapier. It slips out of his hand as he flails it around and loses his grip from the shock of the sting. "I'm stung. Stung!"

He clutches at his stomach, and the gaping hole that goes through his bee-keepers gear and leather waistcoat. Blood spills out between his fingers. "Bob. Bob! I don't feel so good. Bob, I'm bleeding. It stung me. I'm bleeding."

His voice is high with panic. He lurches, staggering behind the titan armour, cowering some more. "it hurts, I.. I..."

The bees take the field. The egalrin flicks his head around. He sounds a little drunk, intoxicated by the venom, "I'm a bee. Don't attack me bees. Attack that!" He points with a wing, "bzzzz, bzzzz! I'm a bee."

The bees don't bee-lieve him.

<OOC> Robert says, "Activate armor as a swift. Full attack the wasp. -1 for PA."
GAME: Robert activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (14)+8+1+-1: 22
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10

The arti-fists close with clanking slams and the scattered gems and vials mounted across the armor begin to slow, spark, and arc. Spinning gears click rapidly and tinny, staccato hisses escape as the Kulthina-inspired artifice springs to life.

"I got you, bud! Just stay low," Robert assures the cowering egalrin with a twist at hip and a glance down. There's smoke beginning to coil around the raised gorget that encircles the domed helmet but the Cerenzan doesn't seem to mind.

"Your thorax is gonna be a sore-ass come morning," he growls as the papa bear is summoned. The massive titan gauntlets come slamming in one after the other to smash and crack at the bug's exoskeleton.

<OOC> Andelena says, "Power Attack, Bless, yadda yadda."
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+1-2: (20)+6+1+-2: 25 (THREAT)
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+2-2: (4)+6+2+-2: 10
<OOC> Jay says, "use the re-roll?"
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+1-2: (1)+6+1+-2: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Andelena rolls damage5+2: aliased to 1d8+4+2: (6)+4+2: 12

"You'll be fine! I'm here to protect you both!" The Sunguard woman roars as she raises her longsword--

And she brings it down with a mighty cleave on the wasp, cutting off a massive wing. But her brows furrow as she sees the thing is still alive. "Damn! Don't tell me they make wasps that act like cockroaches these days!"

GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2 (1 wasp, 2 andie)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12 (fort save for the bee)
<OOC> Aryia says, "it is it cannot attack, as it drunkedly flies about from it being nauseated"
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4+2: (18)+4+2: 24
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1 (1 for robby, 2 for andie)
<OOC> Aryia goes for robby, takes 1 damage in the process
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d8+8: (1)+8: 9
GAME: Robert rolls Fort: (14)+4: 18

Aluma has ran into his house for safety. He's just a humble bee keeper. He's not suited for this!

The angry angry big bees buzz about, one going straight for Andie and jabbing her in her flank. The stinger pulls away... and it didn't pierce the suit!

The other bee goes around as it can't get to the group with it's friend in the way, but it passes over the smoker. The bee hits the ground and stumbles a bit, it hacking and coughing drunkenly as it staggers about.

Fueled by nothing more than sheer hatred, the splotches of black on the wasp grow more as the rest of it turns crimson and black, it falling to the ground as its wing is severed. But that doesn't stop it. Bleeding out, it staggers towards Robert, and jabs its sword-like stinger into his leg, but the poison doesn't take hold.

GAME: Jay rolls fortitude+1: (15)+1+1: 17
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 1 points. 2 total damage.

"Cockaroaches aren't bad when they're battered and fried and served with a nice chianti." Jay opines drunkenly. He stays low, Bob told him to stay low. He's listening. Without his rapier he's largely defenseless, and resorts to using his briefcase as a two handed shield. He squawks and thrusts it randomly about, unsure of where attacks will come from, attempting to anticipate any serrated thrusts sent his way.

He has to spread his wings to keep his balance; that seems to be fading. He follows up with another chirp of panic, not helping in any way at all. "I... I... thank you." He tells the sunguard and artificer, who are being body shields for him.

<OOC> Robert says, "Same as last round but if the first shot puts the wasp down I'll 5' to 5,2"
<OOC> Robert says, "and attack the 6,3 bee with my second."
<OOC> Robert says, "If the wasp is still up after both attacks I'll 5' to 5,2, regardless."
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (5)+5+2: 12
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (1)+5+2: 8

"Anytime, kiddo," Robert responds between panted breaths. He still needs work on his conditioning. And he could stand to lose a few pounds... but who couldn't? The beekeeper's suit is starting to suffer from all the violent movements with more and more of the titan armor showing through.

A left-hook catches the gigantic wasp in the flank, crumpling two legs and conjuring oozing ichor. The creature is still up, though! A jab with the right pulps the monster's head and it finally falls down, bouncing and twitching on the ground. "Situation's getting antennable," he grunts.

Another look to check on Jay and Bob steps to square up against the two bees. "... untenable," he corrects.

<OOC> Andelena says, "Bless, Power attack, etc"
GAME: Andelena rolls weapon5+1-2: (18)+6+1+-2: 23
GAME: Andelena rolls damage5+2: aliased to 1d8+4+2: (6)+4+2: 12

Andelena turns her eyes onto one of the two big bees, steel-grey eyes still hard with the determination of battle. She cleaves down into the big insect, her longsword biting into the thing's exoskeleton hard.

"How many of those do you even have?" Andelena manages to ask over the furor of large insect wings beating and angry buzzing noises, her eyes very briefly darting over to Robert.

GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (1): 1 (1 andie 2 robby)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Andelena rolls Fortitude: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2
<OOC> Aryia rereads stat block. "Wait nevermind, ignore that roll. It's still nauseated."
<OOC> Aryia says, "it will provoke from robby as it flies away from the smoker to get around to a new place"
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4: (1): 1
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (4)+8+1+-1: 12 (AOO)
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10

The massive, angry, wingless wasp crunches once under Robert's empowered fist. It screeches, but is silenced with one more crushing blow.

The bee on Andelena finally manages to pierce the suit, just barely scratching her, but that's all it needs as the Sunguard feels a blooming pulse of numbness ache from her side. A creeping feeling of weakness as her sword arm wobbles.

The other bee, unlucky sod, buzzes about and out to get out of the smoke, but is only met with the passing by fist of the older adventurer.

GAME: Jay rolls fortitude: (11)+1: 12
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 2 points. 4 total damage.

Integrity has lost some. He's still bleeding. He's a red, white and blue jay now, with the blood running down the inside of the keeper's suit and out the ankle. He has leaked all over the outside too. The l-egalrin continues to cower behind Robert and Andelena, more chicken than hawk, keeping his briefcase handy.

"Bob... Bob... you didn't sign the waiver. You can sue for endangerment... I'll..." He stumbles and drops to a knee, using his wings to hold himself steady. Without them, he sways. "... the kids are all right...?"

He's not sounding good.

GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (20)+8+1+-1: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (17)+8+1+-1: 25
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (20)+8+1+-1: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (6)+8+1+-1: 14
GAME: Robert rolls 2d8+10+4: (4)+10+4: 18
GAME: Robert rolls 2d8+10+4: (3)+10+4: 17

"Kids are great," Robert answers, batting back the bee with a quick open-handed swat. He leans back and cocks an arm for a punch. Something clicks and steam bursts out violently from the vambraces' vents and the gigantic bee is knocked from the air. The second hit is a fist-and-forearm slam that smears the bee across the ground. "Bumbled into the wrong fight, friend," he grunts.

With a mighty groan and the clattering heave of armor, Bob manages to stand back upright and stagger back in front of the other combatant. "... back in my day aggressors had considerations. Lined up neat in a row... none of this... back and forth," he pants.

<OOC> Andelena says, "I'm reach around (don't be dirty) and heal Integrity with a Cure Light Wounds."
GAME: Andelena casts Cure Light Wounds: CL: 3
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Aryia damaged you for -4 points. 15 HP remaining.

Andelena looks over her shoulder and sees how much Jay's bleeding out. "Ahh, shit--hold on, fella," she says, turning around and clasping the egalrin's suit, murmuring a prayer to Daeus.

A little bit of the Knight's light passes from her hands into Jay, staunching the blood flow. "I'll get you patched up real damn good after this; just hold on. Promised I'd protect you," the Sunguard says, a warmth in her voice.

GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2 (1 andie 2 robby)
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Andelena rolls Fortitude: (14)+5: 19

The other bee falls to the ground in a smear, what legs were left twitching its last few times. That doesn't stop the other bee from climbing atop the carapace of the wasp and getting a handle on itself from the smoke. It's dagger-like stinger lashes out and hits Robert square in the chest-

But it doesn't get through the bee keeper suit.

But it's looking bad. And it overall, it should bee over soon.

GAME: Jay rolls fortitude: (9)+1: 10
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d2: (2): 2
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for 2 points. 6 total damage.
GAME: Jay rolls stealth: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Aryia rolls 1d20+1: (10)+1: 11

The warmth of Daeus washes over the bluejay, his wound improving. He's still injured, but the bleeding has stopped. The toxin in his veins remains, his condition worsening in that regard. "That's good, that's good Bob, that's good." He repeats woozily.

"Thank you," he tells the Sunguard, sounding relieved and hopeful. "You're... you're excellent."

His thoughts are as unsteady as his feat. He sinks lower against the ground, pulling in his wings, becoming a small ball and trying to hide. Somehow he's successful.

The bee can't bee-lieve he's vanished, but he has.

<OOC> Robert says, "Now it'll have to play hive and seek"
GAME: Robert rolls weapon9+1-1: (7)+8+1+-1: 15
GAME: Robert rolls weapon10+1-1: (6)+8+1+-1: 14
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (8)+5+2: 15
GAME: Robert rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10

"It is. My oldest got it in his thick head to raise a family in a city that has giant insect attacks at local farms," Robert chats, Jay taking advantage of his greatest weakness: idle conversation. It's easier now to relax and catch up as the field clears.

In something of a rhythm, the artificer swings again. Both arms come in together to slam through the monstrous pollinator and meet somewhere in the middle. The fists come free with a grunt and he starts shaking the smushed goo off. "G'night, honey."

<OOC> Andelena says, "I'm gonna convert my prepped Divine Favor into Cure Light Wounds to continue to help Jay."
<OOC> Andelena is not sure how to go about that syntax-wise--should I just cast Divine Favor and we'll fix in post?
GAME: Andelena casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Andelena rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Aryia damaged you for -4 points. 17 HP remaining.

Andelena continues healing up the bluejay, murmuring prayers under her breath. "Fella, I'm just doing what I swore to do: protect the people. Comfort them. Compassion is one of the Knight's virtues."

She finishes up and pats Integrity on the shoulder. "How you feelin' now?" she asks, steel-grey eyes searching over him. "Better? I'm not as good as it as one of our sister-clerics under Althea, but my man has had a nasty habit of late of going and getting fucked up by werewolves, so I've had to exercise the magic fingers lately."

<OOC> Robert says, "Does he need a Heal check to treat the poison, Aryia?"
GAME: Robert used a Healer's Kit.
GAME: Robert rolls Heal+2: (11)+7+2: 20
GAME: Jay rolls fortitude+4: (16)+1+4: 21 (+4 from Successful Heal Check)
GAME: Aryia damaged your Dexterity for -6 points. 0 total damage.
GAME: Aryia damaged you for -100 points. 17 HP remaining.
GAME: Robert deactivates his Titan Armor.

With the last bee felled and crushed, there's still one issue remaining.

Jay is still suffering from poison. It is waning now, but still its wrecking havoc on his body.

Combatants dead, the titan of artifice turns and releases the latches on his bowl helmet, pushing it up and back. Robert looks pale and soaked with sweat that drips from his nose, lips, and chin. "Alright, just..." he stares at the middle distance and pushes his eyebrow together, mouth open. Noises echo from the arms of the suit and a massive pair of *clacks* end with the gauntlets falling free and slamming heavily onto the ground.

Too-small hands at the end of artifice arms reach around to his hip pack and he pulls out a small, battered tin case. The blue paint is all but chipped away but the Dragonieri crest is still embossed on the dull, dark grey lid. He kneels down to have a look at the wounded egalrin.

"Gods below... you're covered in feathers!" Bob jokes, poorly feigning surprise. He selects a tincture tosses it to Jay. "Drink that," he offers, already pulling out a waterskin from his pack and setting that next to the lawyer. "And you'll probably want to wash it down."

A little canvas of balm is selected next, "and this'll sting a bit..."

Jay bobs his head, as if he's hearing what Andelena is saying although he still seems shakey. As the last bee goes down, he pulls back his hood so he can breathe and see without restriction. He blinks, staring at the Dragonieri crest as if seeing it for the first time. It is the first time he has, on Robert's armour, much like it's the first time he's seen the armour.

Unsteady, he holds onto the older man's forearm with both hands to maintain his balance. "I am." He replies, still sounding weak. "I make a good pillow." A pillow and a punching bag, he drinks the tincture as directed. He nods at the warning that the balm will sting. He's been stung before, just now in fact.

His eyes are glassy, despite the rapid blinking they don't clear, and the feathers beneath darken as tears seep into them. A quiet moan escapes, followed by another and he pulls himself against Robert's arm. His body shakes, his breath short, coming in gasps. "I'm crying, why am I crying. I... I... I..."

He let his friend down. His bravado burns in his lingering fear and the overwhelming emotions as he fights the sobs, and fails, just as he did in combat.

Once Jay's stinging poison has been halted and flushed out, the door from Aluma's abode timidly opens up, the wood elf beekeeper holding up an electrified fly swatter in both hands peeking out. "I-Is... is it over?" he calls out, shaken.

The corpses of the flying insects slowly turn into a shade of crimson, before melting away into a pile of black tar that causes the grass nearby to wither away into brown, lifeless stalks.

<OOC> Aryia says, "ppl may roll k/religion, k/arcana, or k/the planes"
GAME: Andelena rolls Knowledge/Religion: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Robert rolls Knowledge/Arcana: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Jay rolls knowledge/local: (3)+7: 10

Strange wasps... strange wasps... there was something in the news.

More importantly, Integrity knows exactly what bar to go to after this.

Andelena pulls off the stupid hood portion of the beekeeper's outfit, sheathing her longsword and shield. She puts her arm quietly on the egalrin's shoulder again, a firm but gentle grasp. "Hey, hey hey hey," she says, gently and calmly--a side of the tall Sunguard that doesn't often come out. "You're okay. You're fine. You just went through some fucking /scary/ shit. Breathe in with me, then out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. You're doing great..."

She just focuses on trying to get Integrity to breathe with her, to help him get to a place where things aren't so overwhelming.

"Your body is a machine that makes fuel," Robert explains, his expression soft and compassionate as he steadies the younger egalrin. He taps two fingers on the bird's chest, gently. "In situations like that your body can make a special kind of fuel. You're not used to it so you feel all out of whack. That's all."

Up comes the tapping hand and he wipes away some tears, nodding at Andelena and cupping Jay's face. "You did OK, kiddo. I'm proud of you."

Breathe in. Breathe out. In. Out. Integrity listens, and the bluejay's breathing becomes deeper, steadier. As it does, with the toxins in his bloodstream slowly neutralizing, some semblance of his usual self returns.

But not his best self. "We could have been killed!" He lashes out verbally at Aluma, "those bees are a menace! And the wasp! I should sue! Sue! Why didn't you help? You should have helped! You were useless!"

An accusation that could be leveled against Integrity. One that should be leveled against him. The bird puffs up, feathers bristling. In the beekeepers uniform, the net effect is he looks even more like a ball. A bawling ball. His head whipping between Robert and Andelena.

Andelena and Robert's words sink in a little deeper. He let them down. They are his protectors. They stood in the way, and they are handling the aftermath with grace and aplomb.

While he is simply being loud. Anger switches to guilt and drags him in another direction. Breathe in. Breathe out. His head hangs. He stares at his feet.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly. "I know a good bar. And... the wasps aren't anyone's fault. They've been in the papers."

Aluma reels as dagger words are thrown at him. "I-I... I didn't know- I was just-"

He steps back once towards his house, dropping the electro-swatter as it zaps the ground before fizzling out. "P-Please don't I... this place is... I'm sorry!"

The wild elf, too, was overwhelmed, and he runs back inside the Honeyed Respite with tears in his eyes.

"They were almost hellwasps," Andelena says, bridging off of Integrity's words. Any disappointment that might have been in her eyes from seeing the bluejay lash out is mended by the apology that Integrity gives. "We stopped them before they could get to that point--"

And then the poor wild elf is also overwhelmed. She sighs a little. "Ahhh, damn it. Integrity, right? Stay put. I'll go talk to him."

Andelena goes to follow the wild elf to console him, too. The Daeusite is having to play counselor in addition to warrior today.

Ghoulish cp line.png

OOC & Combatty

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     21   Jay              1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     8    Robert           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     7    Andelena         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     2    BFW                 
 |     Name      |  CHP (T) |  HP  |
 | Andelena......|    2     |  25  |
 | Jay...........|   17     |  17  |
 | Robert........|    6     |  19  |
 |     Name      |  CHP (T) |  HP  |
 | Andelena......|   24     |  25  |
 | Jay...........|   11     |  17  |
 | Robert........|   13     |  19  |


Inspiring Video
<OOC> Robert says, "We'll get you a gym membership, Jay. A few chest workouts and you can strut around like this fella:

Char Convo
<OOC> Aryia says, "lol"
<OOC> Jay beak-grins
<OOC> Andelena squints. Birdman, is that you?
<OOC> Aryia dying laughing
<OOC> Jay says, "Thanks. Trying to make sure he has an interesting and different personality from my main and alts"
<OOC> Aryia does a google. "Lady luck has turned, as jay is not seen"
<OOC> Jay says, "I mean, the dice are coopereating, but I wasn't planning on Jay being all that effective in scenes."
<OOC> Jay says, "okay, soooo... I want a bit of a character arc and development, which includes Jay learning how to fight and enter combat. So to serve that he's going to be kind of useless at it. Essentially, Total Defense and make some noise, but otherwise stay put"
<OOC> Jay says, "being untactically sound"
<OOC> Aryia thumbs up and noted!
<OOC> Robert says, "screaming in terror is an untactically sound."
<OOC> Jay says, "okay, drop rapier, 5' step being bob, cower some more and complain. :)"
<OOC> Jay says, "maybe bluff the bees that I'm a bee"
<OOC> Jay says, "honestly, this is great"
<OOC> Aryia says, "they dont bee-lieve it"
<OOC> Jay nods! "Waiting on the being stung emit, and posing. that's turn."
<OOC> Aryia says, "im dying"
<OOC> Aryia says, "a 16 doesnt pass, unfortunately, this guy is rough"
<OOC> Jay says, "it's fine"
<OOC> Jay says, "I would like Jay to continue to be panicked and in a total defense way."
<OOC> Jay says, "quick note"
<OOC> Aryia tilt head?
<OOC> Jay says, "my intention isn't to make the combat worse by not participating, but I want Jay to be very not-great at combat. So if you're cool with handling it duo and without him, that's fine, but if you want help, you can give him directions he'll follow (unwisely) like say 'get the smoker'."
<OOC> Jay says, "more total defense and staying put. also, very nice"
<OOC> Aryia says, "Integrity gonna need a drink after this"
<OOC> Jay says, "okay, Jay will continue to TD and thank Andelena and hide and such."
<OOC> Aryia says, "it can't bee-lieve you vanished" <OOC> Jay says, "heehee"
<OOC> Aryia says, "and that'll take it over its con score so it can't use diehard. Nice! That's all the bees!"
<OOC> Aryia says, "pose it!"
<OOC> Aryia says, "now there's... another problem! Jay is not doing hot still!"
<OOC> Jay says, "can birds cry?"
<OOC> Jay says, "I heard doves can, but I'm not sure it's just a song"
<OOC> Andelena says, "Hee. They can."
<OOC> Jay is going to have a nervous breakdown then. :)
<OOC> Andelena says, "Poor guy! D:"
<OOC> Aryia gives him a hug
<OOC> Aryia wrangles slix to give jay a hug
<OOC> Jay hugs, "Thanks."
<OOC> Aryia says, "poor guy"
<OOC> Aryia says, "is good pose :)"
<OOC> Jay can think of a bar
<OOC> Jay says, "A legal bar. :)"
<OOC> Jay also hugs Slix
<OOC> Jay thinks thinks. "I'm torn. I kind of want Jay to lash out at Aluma because I think it would make sense, as an emotional overreaction, since he's young and not used to dealing with high stress, but it would make him seem unlikeable. Andelena and Robert are really reassuring, which might mean he wouldn't, or that he might to feel he's contributing.
<OOC> Jay says, "verbally, obviously"
<OOC> Andelena says, "Go with whatever feels right for you and the character. :)"
<OOC> Jay doesn't want to be unlikeable though
<OOC> Aryia says, "you're totally fine and upfront with jay"
<OOC> Aryia says, "i mean, could even do both"
<OOC> Jay says, "I think both might work... working on a pose..."
<OOC> Aryia thinks that might be a good endpose for us?
<OOC> Andelena says, "I think so, too. :)"
<OOC> Jay nods "I agree."
<OOC> Aryia cheer! "Thanks for playing guys :)"
<OOC> Aryia says, "I had fun!"
<OOC> Jay says, "that is a good pose. and it's okay, it will give Rob & Jay an excuse to talk to each other about things later in a separate scene"
<OOC> Jay says, "I really enjoyed, and I this helped lock down Jay's personality a lot I think."
<OOC> Aryia nod! "yeah! and jay is great :)"
<OOC> Aryia says, "I went ahead and put the header in for the prp on the wiki"
<OOC> Aryia says, "it has the summary too"
<OOC> Andelena says, "Jay is indeed great. He should meet RT--but then again, I say that about all bird and bird-adjacent people"
<OOC> Aryia laughs
<OOC> Jay says, "Awesome! I'll have it uploaded in a little bit."
<OOC> Jay says, "oh yes, meeting RT would be very fun."
<OOC> Andelena says, "Alright, I'm gonna skedaddle. Thanks all <3"