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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Blar-ly Made It *Emitter: Slixvah *Characters: Slixvah, Zofija *Place: Outside Blar *Time: March 7th, 2022 *Summary: After a botched teleport, Zofija and Slixvah, along with some others in the background, are chatting idly about their past experinces, capabilities, and what to anticcipate in Blar. </div> == == :: ''Just leaving the tower, waaaay outside Blar, Daytime.'' After a harrowing time...")
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*Place: Outside Blar
*Place: Outside Blar
*Time: March 7th, 2022
*Time: March 7th, 2022
*Summary: After a botched teleport, Zofija and Slixvah, along with some others in the background, are chatting idly about their past experinces, capabilities, and what to anticcipate in Blar.
*Summary: After a botched teleport, Zofija and Slixvah, along with some others in the background, are chatting idly about their past experiences, capabilities, and what to anticipate in Blar.
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Latest revision as of 22:27, 9 March 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Blar-ly Made It
  • Emitter: Slixvah
  • Characters: Slixvah, Zofija
  • Place: Outside Blar
  • Time: March 7th, 2022
  • Summary: After a botched teleport, Zofija and Slixvah, along with some others in the background, are chatting idly about their past experiences, capabilities, and what to anticipate in Blar.

Just leaving the tower, waaaay outside Blar, Daytime.

After a harrowing time in the tower of pain, the group is trekking onwards towards Blar. The Elagrin woman, Slixvah, is spreading her wings wide, letting the gentle breeze rustle them and make all the ribbons attached to them flutter and twirl.

"Lieutenant Zofija?" she calls out, turning to walk backwards and face the similar heighted but far muscular hobgoblin. "I must say, you do some mighty fine work with that hammer, sweetie."

Zofijah, the rather bedraggled looking Arvek-nar, was marching with the others, with the large griffon padding nearby through the underbrush. When she was addressed, she stopped, regarded the Egalrin, and shook her head. "Ex lieutenant Zofija. If you need an honorific to address me with, which you should not, Skyguard is more apt and will suffice." The arvek-nar grunts. "I merely did what I would be expected to do. That no one died in that colossal fuck up of a teleport is nothing short of a miracle, to be perfectly honest."

That title makes the eaglefolk perk up, wings flicking once in approval. "Skyguard? How prestigious..!" she coos. A sigh does leave her, and her once-rent wing curls in some. "It was a miracle, or good luck!" she says to lighten the mood before she sobers some. "I will say, handsome, that thought you had at the end certainly helped make it way easier to finish it all quick-like."

"I would not be surprised if there was at least some amount of luck. There always is." Zofija shrugs. "Suppose it is a bit prestigious, all things considered, so don't bother with it. Better to be treated like everyone else here to be held on some pedestal, especially after that showing."

"Besides, you took care of nearly as many as I did with those feathers. And you're making excellent pace for someone walking backwards. It wasn't a thought at the end anyways, I was just looking for an opportunity to move like that, but weren't many with those plant monsters gnawing at my legs as they were."

Slix gives a wink. "Perhaps some luck," she hums. "Oh, don't worry about it sweetie. Everyone's got an off day. And good heavens, were those little mages certainly off."

She gives a little shrug, which her wings do the same, making all the ribbons flutter about. "I was just lucky that it worked, was trying to keep my wing from falling off. Again!"

She has been walking backwards the entire way, but at the attention to it, it turns to more of a side shuffle. "It was a bit rough, but you know what? It all worked out in the end, and I'm glad we're all okay."

A pause. "Though, I have /no/ idea how you carry that thing around, muscles. It looks almost as heavy as me!"

"Training, lots of it. Helps when you carry a fifty pound hammer around all the time, too." The Arvek-nar chuckles. "And I have no clue how you moved your feathers the way you did. That's more impressive than being well exercised."

"It was more than a little off. I don't want to even think of the odds, of everywhere possible to be sent accidently, as a basement filled with hostile zombies. And we're not even close to any places to eat or drink, even." Zofi grumbles.

Slix gives a little chirp, and her eyes close like she's smiling. They open, and one winks. "Lil' ol' Slix has a couple tricks up her sleeve," she coos, shaking arms to make her sleeves swish about.

Or the... two sets of sleeves. Three? Four? It's hard to tell.

"And with all that bad luck, it swung around to be good fortune!" She puffs up her feathers, and stands taller. "Well, hon, how about this? We get there, we get cleaned off, and we get something to drink. How's that sound, muscles?"

"I don't think luck works that way. Just because you are unlucky today does not mean you won't be unlucky tomorrow." Zofija shrugs. "Good to have tricks up your sleeve to catch people unawares though. Certainly caught those things unaware."

"Warm bath, warm food, cold drinks, sounds good. Like I said, I know a few places we can stop, if we have the time. Still have to deliver whatever that package is though. Not sure why they won't say what it is."

"If you say so," Slix sing-songs, a pep in her step. Though, at that, she sighs and rubs her beak. "Yes, that does need to get checked off the list, don't it, shug? Guess we can get that done real fast-like, then get into some pints. Heavens know I could use a few."

"Not sure what is so important it needs to not be opened. Might not trust adventurers with whatever information or object is being transported." The Arvek-nar muses, with a shrug that makes them readjust the hammer on their back. "If you've never been to Blar before, I'm not going to sugar coat it, it's rough. Been through a lot, accomplished a lot. And the polite way people put it, is that the 'less obviously civilized' races of Ea tend to congregate there. The ones who need their jaw shattered will say it's a haven for the monstrous folk. Neither is entirely wrong, I'd keep your wits about you, and an eye on where your weapons and coin purse are at all times."

Slix listens close to what Zofi has to say about they place they're going, her staying quiet and nodding along as ribbons trail on behind her. "Thanks for the heads up, hon," she hums, rolling her shoulders. "Though, I don't think I'll have much of a problem blending in: us Eglarin don't have the cleanest past either, you know?" she points out, tapping the side of her beak.

"Ah, right. Nasty business, didn't mean to bring that up." Zofijah responds awkwardly. "So maybe you'll be fine. Don't know much about egalrin to be honest, but if you're repentant of actions of the past and willing to look forward to improvement, you'll fit right in."

"Blar isn't perfect by any means, but you can do a lot worse."

"Give it some more years, and I think it'll keep getting better, as long as things don't get dragged back down." The arvek-nar grunts.

Slix waves a wing in time with her hand, double brushing it off. "Don't worry about it, muscles. Just us birds had a bit of a raiding history, but that's behind us."

She watches Zofi for a few moments before a smile twinkles across her eyes, and she elbows her gently in the side. "Sounds like a right place to be, talking so fond of it. I look forward to you showing me around, sugar."

She stretches her wings, and softly sighs. "But, got to get there in once piece, and what a thread we're hanging on right now!"

"It's a place to be. Right one or not, hard to say. But it's where I'm from, so it'd be great to see it do well." Zofi shrugs again. "I'm fine, the others are doing alright for the most part. Wilderness isn't too dangerous out here, I'm sure we'll be fine."

The arvek-nar takes a look around, then hops onto the back of the Griffon that was wandering nearby. "I'll go take a look ahead, see if I can find any patrol paths, they'll make our trip faster and easier on the injured." She states, before the cavalier is bounding off into the forest, not waiting for an answer.

-End Scene-