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*Place: Western Alexandros
*Place: Western Alexandros
*Time: December 31st, 2021
*Time: December 31st, 2021
*Summary: The actions of Eustangellabledine Kikniddledern in resolving the Purple Pox problem have led to the creation of a new (small) canyon in western Alexandros. Now there are reports of caravans coming from the Mythwood being assaulted by strange, subterranean monsters in the same general area. The Guild of Explorers recruits a sextet of adventurers to escort a pair of soldiers-cum-engineers being sent to block the tunnels to Ea's underworld. The two soldiers have a rough history with the mercenaries of the city and quickly butt heads with Paenitia. Traveling out of the city is awkward and unpleasant.
The group locates the canyon and set to exploring. They find spoor of the creature they seek. Paenitia spots a relatively fresh kill from the air. Randolf finds the cavern entrance. Vaera and Rocky determine their prey is a fungal crawler. The group set off into the caves after the two soldiers lower their equipment into the canyon on a sled. Skielstregar navigates the twists and turns with aplomb, aided by handy observations from his companions.
The cave hosting the small colony of fungal-infused pests is located and battle is joined. An animated cloak-like creature nearly drags Rocky to his death but is eventually forced to flee down into a deeper recess. The group as a whole manages to vanquish the four crickets (including one overlarge beast!) and purge the cavern of nesting larvae spotted by Lysos before leaving and allowing the soldiers to board up the tunnel.
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"Monster! I am the threat!" The feathered little knight adds her challenge.
"Monster! I am the threat!" The feathered little knight adds her challenge.
<OOC> Jinks says, "Pounce on Skiel."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (17)+14: 31
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4
<OOC> Jinks says, "Acrobatics for the big fungal crawler."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (13)+13: 26
<OOC> Jinks says, "No AoOs"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Flanking against Skiel."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
<OOC> Jinks says, "Checking to confirm."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+4: (3)+4: 7
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8
The two soldiers move past Lysos dragging the sled once the way is clear. They grunt and sigh, panting as they drop the ropes. They hold the rope high, trying to pierce the darkness and see the battle engaged beyond and finding the beacon of dame Paenitia atop Ramirez in the thick of it. They exchange looks and set to work.
They find a stout rock to balance the torch on and kneel, beginning to unpack the supplies they've brought to seal the hole.
Meanwhile, the last of the overgrown crickets enters the fray. It splashes out of the water only to land back in it next to Skielstregar, tearing at the monstrous sith-makar with its four bladed forelimbs.
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+9+1-2: (16)+9+1+-2: 24
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+4+1: (4)+4+1: 9
Vaera chuffs and pulls out her thunderbelcher as she moves into position, lining up as Paenitia and Ramirez move into the fray. In between the strikes, she finds an opening, a sound like thunder cracking through the cavernas she lands a solid hit on one of the smaller insects.
"Take care!" She shouts, only to find the source of the noise getting the drop on the others. She growls and ducks back, slipping another round into the weapon.
GAME: Skielstregar casts Expeditious Retreat. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13
Skielstregar is a bit slow on getting his weapon ready and himself situated for a fight, bolts of lightning and a stonewall warrior already zipping forward. He huffs to himself, looking a bit annoyed that others are directly in front of him. The half-undead shakes his head, and dips his chin to inspect his legs. "Alright... come on... work thisss time..."
Nothing happens.
He huffs in annoyance, him snarling a bit. "Work, damn you!"
That seemed to do something. Seeping out from his scales is a foul black miasma. It incites dread to those who are around it. The ichor drips down, riding along the in-betweens of his scales like little channels before his legs are coated in it.
Skielstregar grins. "Aha!"
And he /bolts/ into the fray at breakneck speed. He sidesteps Vaera, giving her a nod before a single taloned foot splashs into the nasty waters. He's at polearm's reach for the oversized crickets.
<OOC> Lysos says, "Well, I shall move behind Vaera and use Touch of Destiny."
GAME: Lysos spends ONE use of TOUCH OF DESTINY.
<OOC> Lysos says, "+6 insight bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws for one round."
The dark. There's a reason it's feared. Especially when the people who you are relying on to keep you safe charge in beyond the limits of your light source. And then the sounds of horrible monsters and combat. "Why..." She clenches her fist again.. then grabs her skirts with one hand to avoid tripping on them as she scurries after everyone. She passes by Randolf as Vaera's sith marksman form becomes visible, reaching out as she comes close to the scaled one, laying her hand every so briefly on the sith's shoulder after Vaera fires.
GAME: Randolf casts Haste. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
Randolf trundles up to stand beside Vaera. He can -hear- thing happening, but there's rock faces in the way to shield him from the worst. At least for now. He quickly marks out the location of his comrades, then lifts his wand. "Re ex raya zos allegros! HAH!" He snaps his wand out, and there's a soft flare. All the party--apart from himself and Lysos--gain a ghostly image of a clock rotating above their heads, hands whirling speedily for a moment before vanishing. "Make it count, friends!" he calls, readying himself for what is to come.
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+2+1: (17)+10+2+1: 30
GAME: Rocky rolls damage4: aliased to 1d10+4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+2+1: (10)+10+2+1: 23
GAME: Rocky rolls damage4: aliased to 1d10+4: (2)+4: 6
Rocky is plesantly surprised by the arcane burst of speed, his large blade rising with both haste and force. Once, twice ichor flies, and a sticky mess that used to be a Fungal Crawler fall to the cavern floor.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24 (Grapple)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+16: (11)+16: 27
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19
There's a gust of wind and a deep flapping noise and the armored form of Rocky is disappeared beneath the curled mass of the leathery aberration. Like some vicious cocoon, the thing writhes and attempts to tighten its grip and pin the sith-makar. The teeth inside continue to gnash.
Outside, the little fungal cricket jumps against Ramirez, biting and scything claws but does not manage to pierce the mount's armor.
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+4+3+1: (19)+11+4+3+1: 38
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (3)+2+8: 13
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (1)+2+8: 11
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (5)+2+8: 15
'Ruaaaah!' Ramirez lurches away from crickets.
The strange leathery creature envelops Rocky. "No!" Paenitia shouts, "you are to fight me! Let the friend dragon go. Ramirez! Charge!"
The white hippogryph surges forward, the fluffy little lucht in the hard armour leans in, cinching her lance. The point stabs home, gliding easily through the creature.
Into her sith'makar ally.
Oops. She feels the resistance change as her lance moves through soft monster into hard armour then lizard hide. A point that burrows deep.
Ramirez lands, turning. The grin of her mask adds a terrible seeming to her horrified tone, "Friend Dragon, did that free you? Are you surviving?"
GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/dungeoneering +6: (5)+5+6: 16 (Touch of Destiny)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2: (6)+9+1+1+-2: 15
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2: (16)+9+1+1+-2: 25
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+4+1: (1)+4+1: 6
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+4+1: (11)+4+1: 16
Vaera growls when the creature moves to engulf Rocky now before she can react to it, and then as Paenitia strikes at it. "It is a cloaker! They are smarter than they appear, and are magical in nature. If we can get it into sunlight, it will surpress its magics!"
Vaera steps forward, looking for a target that was safer to strike. She settles on one of the insects, and readies a shot at it, boosted by the magic from before to ready a second shot abnormally quick, both impacting the giant insect soundly.
GAME: Skielstregar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 8 temporary HP
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12+1: (12)+12+1: 25
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12+1: (15)+12+1: 27
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12: aliased to 1d10+9: (6)+9: 15
Skielstregar gasps as he's struck, more scales ripping off of him as the cricket does it's work. Tapping into the affliction, his eyes gleam red and another set of fangs sprout from his maw. There's a wordless roar as the axe head of the pole arm bisects a cricket. It whirls around to impale the other one just beside him. "Kin! Are you hale?" he snaps at the cloaked Rocky. Anger in his voice, concern in his eyes. Such gaze flicks to Vaera, checking on her.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Skielstregar rolls fortitude: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Lysos rolls 1d20+7-4: (1)+7+-4: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Lysos rolls 1d20+7-4: (20)+7+-4: 23
GAME: Lysos rolls 1d20+7-4: (8)+7+-4: 11
GAME: Lysos rolls 4d6: (19): 19
Lysos promised fire. She creeps around Vaera, making sure to stay well out of the ranger's field of fire. Sighting the closest one, she raises a hand, uttering, "Flambo!" as energy coalesces.. and then releases as twin beams of white fire. They exist only for a moment, though the afterimage takes moments more to fade. One beam scorches the cricket monster cruelly, while the other.. one might wonder how it was possible for the tsuran to somehow manage to shoot that one off at a ninety degree angle. Might wonder, if it were anyone but Lysos.
GAME: Randolf rolls Ranged+1: (12)+4+1: 17
GAME: Randolf rolls 4d6: (16): 16
Randolf is a -huge- fan of killing chthonic horrors from the eternal depths with fire. Lysos is a damn inspiration. Sucking a deep breath to steel himself, he trundles out from behind the rock outcropping. His eyes get wide as he sees the cloaker--he's only ever read about these dread beasties before. But he -is- a dwarf, and they're made of plenty stern stuff. Drawing himself up to his full height, he lifts his wand. "Re ex re antu akh ascorius! HAH!" A searing beam of bright orange lances out from his wand, skating across the cloaker's bat-winged hide. "SPIT 'IM OUT, YE DOSS CUNT!" he roars.
Rocky rumbles. "Please stop helping."
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+1-2: (7)+10+1+-2: 16
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+1-2: (8)+10+1+-2: 17
Rocky struggles from within, a frim grip still upon his blade. The weapon swings, but fails to connect. He might be distracted by the burns. And stabs. And, ya know, everything else.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+19: (2)+19: 21
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+4+3+1: (3)+11+4+3+1: 22
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8+1: (14)+8+1: 23
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+1: (11)+10+1: 22
"It has slipped it's grasp! Ramirez!" Paenitia shouts, as she stabs. She misses.
Brave Ramirez, does not. A quick peck opens a hole in the leathery creature.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5
The massive creature has Rocky where it wants him. The folds of its leathery flaps close tighter and tighter around the sith-makar ready to drag the armored warrior towards the crevace... But it squeezes to tight and the adventurer is pushed forcefully from the bottom of the monster's grip. Like a sausage shooting out the bottom of a sausage-roll when a hungry Khazad bites too forcefully at the other end.
The cloak flaps back, alone, and issues a frustrating hiss of a curse in some under-language. It flaps up and then spirals down, twisting around itself to speed out of sight into the darkness below.
The battered cricket continues to lay into Skielstregar, biting and bouncing two claws off of the raging 'makar.
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+1: (20)+11+1: 32 (THREAT)
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+1: (5)+11+1: 17
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
"Ah!" Paenitia cries, as the cloaker disengages and slips down into the dark crevass. She could follow, she and Ramirez easily could follow, but that might not be wise. Instead, she looks around for immediate threats.
There's a cricket. She needs only one word, "Ramirez!" The two move as one, the massive weight of the hippogryph on the point of the little lucht's lance. The cricket is obliterated, smeared across the floor in puffy explosion of brown.
"If they huggy return, it is mine, knees down and up, if it even have the knees!"
<OOC> Vaera says, "Delay turn to fire at the cloaker if it pops out again"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12-2: (16)+12+-2: 26
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12+6: aliased to 1d10+9+6: (1)+9+6: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12+6: aliased to 1d10+9+6: (1)+9+6: 16
Skielstregar roars as he's bitten into, the makari snapping to the side as the cloaker gets away. "NO!" he barks, slathering black ichor from his maw. Prey got away! He vents his frustration on the last cricket, uppercutting it with the axe before skewering it with the tip of the halberd.
The sound of dripping in the cave returns as the sounds of battle slowly die, muffled still by the heavy breathing after furious activity. The crickets are all dead, what's left of their meals sitting in the shallow pools of murky, algae-covered water.
The cloaker is gone, down the well of inky blackness to parts unknown. Taking a light to the hole (or looking down with darkness-attuned eyes) reveals a straight drop that seems to go on forever.
From the direction you've come the hammering begins; the tell-tale whacks of heavy nails being driven by mallets.
Rocky chuffs, peering down the deep dark hole. "...that could have gone better. Could have gone worse. We live, they don't."
GAME: Jinks rolls 10d6: (30): 30
Lysos dusts off her hands. Fire has never felt so satisfying. She retrieves the pebble the accidentally dropped, then holds it aloft to peer at the... carnage. She turns a little bit green. Or maybe that's the shadows. She very much does not approach the chasm.
Randolf grunts, holstering his wand as the last of the bugs and beasties are fallen. "Everyone a'right? Did anyone get bit? We need tae get the mold cleaned out of 'em double-quick," he says, looking around at his friends.
"Ramirez, I dismount!" Paenitia declares, and slides down her hippogryph's wing to kneel in front of Rocky. She lowers her head, puts her hand to her breast, "Friend Dragon, I owe thee the great apologies. I have strike you in combat by accident. I should have take more care."
She remains in her position, with a glance to the side, "I am glad it slip the hold on you. It may have drag you down, like the bird dropping the turtle. So that is good fortune."
"It does not excuse that I stab badly."
'Ruaaaah.' Ramirez makes an agreeable noise. His mistress is speaking.
GAME: Lysos rolls perception: (13)+10: 23
GAME: Rocky rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (19)+5: 24
GAME: Randolf rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (4)+6: 10
Skielstregar's features revert to his normal, not Forgotten self as be presses a hand to his side, it bleeding somewhat. He's languid, that transformation always takes a bit out of him. Still, his legs were covered in shifting miasma, keeping his steps brisk. "Yesss... a serviceable victory. This one isss glad you didn't become a sausage snack, River Stone. Regardless, good work all."
Vaera had her thunderbelcher ready when the beast disappeared into the crevace, and kept it pointed for some time. Only for it not to return.
"It is likely smart enough to not return for now." She states to the others. "We should be wary however, are you in decent shape, Rocky? You should fall back for now."
She turns to the guards, and sighs. "The danger is past for now. So now is the time to work, if you see a good spot to block this off."
"And Skielstregar, you too. I know you are still standing, but you should rest as well." She adds to the other makari. "Thank you for your support, I am happy to see the bravery of the Alexandria guard in full force to protect those here."
Not green. But definitely pale. Pale for Lysos, anyways. In daring to root around just a little bit.. mostly poking things with the toe of her boot, she finds herself next to one of the pools. And promptly makes a gagging sound before turning away from the squrming larvae feasting upon older kills in the pool. "Oouurgh. Need more fire." The pool before he
Rocky chuffs to the little Knight. "Intentions matter. The attack was meant for monster, hit monster. Good attack." A second chuff, and he nods to Vaera. He sith falls still for a long moment, before pointing to the spore and body filled pools. "Those will grow more Crawlers if not dealt with. Best if could drain pools, but think removing bodies and drop down hole will leave no food for spawn."
Randolf tugs at his beard, studying the dead bodies and their mass of spores. "Could always light the damn things on fire, couldn't we?" he says thoughtfully. "A well-placed Fireball might just sort all o' this bullshit out, I'll warrant."
"Fucking clever." Comes the sarcastic echo from the mouth of the cavern. Charming as ever, Malapelle and Appauline are already working at the mouth of the cave.
In the span of the brief combat they've managed to secure two four-by-four posts on the outside of the rounded hole and now have begun hammering planks into place. Their forms are half-obscured by the distance and only lit by a single torch. Vaera and Randolf has the best look at them and can see they already have materials spread out across the cavern floor. Piles of wood, chains, spikes, pitons, and a padded satchel of alchemical vials.
"Should be teaching at the academy, that one," adds the other grouse of a soldier.
"Thank you." Paenitia says, rising, bowing once more to Rocky, "You are the staunch ally and the good friend. I am much grateful for the forgiveness."
She moves over to Ramirez, and mounts up. She peers at the hole, "the smart creature may make it's way out, no matter how good the wall is. If you think the fire is the best for the moldy spots, that is not my expertise."
Rocky has a hitpoint total greater than 'none', so he's ready to go. Plodding over to the closest body, the warrior grabs a limb and starts to haul it towards the hole, trying not to breathe thru his nose.
Paenitia and Ramirez also help clear the bodies. She spears them on her lance, Ramirez helps drag them to the edge, and they are pushed down. She calls into the darkness, "We are boarding you up! Have the nice darkness!"
An unfair taunt, she's got her own magic light.
Randolf does one better--he magicks up an Unseen Servant to do the heavy lifting of the carcasses, so he need not touch their moldy filth with his bare hands. He can only imagine the horror of those spores taking root in his beard. As he directs the animate force with grandiose sweeps of his wand, he looks over his shoulder towards Malapelle and Appauline, his shaggy brows furrowed. "Och, what crawled up -yer- arses an' died?" he grumbles. "An' people call -me- a grouch. Hrmph. There's nae justice in the world." He looks back towards the crevase as the last of the crickets goes flying over. "Don't think the cloaker's likely tae be a problem. They don't leave the underground, after all." With a grunt, he holsters his wand and lumbers back towards the cave entrance, carefully picking his way around the accouterments the two guards have laid out. "You lasses need an extra pair o' hands, well. Here I am. Just ask. -Politely-, if ye'd be so kind."
"Starve the larvae? That is a good idea." Vaera agrees, though she turns back for a moment to see what was going on at the entrance. "Ah. They were not cowardly, just doing their jobs. We should make this quick, in case they claim we all died in a cave in, or some other fate."
Vaera reaches into her pack, and pulls out a vial which she rubs underneath her snout, and offers to the others, smelling strongly of peppermint. With that sorted, she works on dragging out the bodies with her pole from before.
"Yeah... no." Lysos declines when the decision is made to dump them over the edge, stepping far away from the work. She has skinny arms. And she's not large. And her magic isn't what one would call precision tools. Instead, she finds herself watching the soldiers work.. though not commenting or questioning how effective their measures are to be. Last thing she wants is that snarky attitude turned on her.
Inspecting the construction as you leave the large cavern reveals the two soldiers on their shit detail came well-eqiupped to see the job done (and done properly). As miserable as they are to be around, the two take pride in their work and performing their task efficiently.
The main posts flank the hole and were attached to the stone surface with an alchemical adhesive. Following that, thick planks of darkwood were nailed securely in place horizontally. Then two larger planks are added and nailed into place vertically. That done, four pitons are hammered into the stone on either side of the opening and heavy chains are criss-crossed over the planks.
Finally, they set to work with pickaxes, carving trenches into the ground a distance away from the door. Into these trenches are heaved two massive cut logs of wood, one at a time as it takes both women together to lift them. They're levered down against the vertical planks to brace them, and then hammered down to be wedged securely in place.
There might be some creatures capable of breaking through the barricade but it likely won't be a simple task.
The soldiers have long since shed their helms and gauntlets to see the work done and their heavy winter coats are piled on the ground. Their faces drip with sweat and they gasp for breath between exertions. Still, they never bother to ask the adventurers for help.
Reilly has to pause and brace against the wall once the task is done. This leaves Halette to pack up the tools and unused materials, then stuff the emptied bags into the half-full bags and place them on the sled. A short pause for water and the two toss their jackets on the sled and re-don gauntlets and helms.
"Fucking gnomes," growls Malapelle as she shoulders the rope and begins to tow the (much lighter) sled out of the caves.
"Fucking idiot gnomes," pants Appauline, struggling with the rope at her side.
-End Scene-
== Combatty ==
map: <OOC> Jinks says, "https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mnh0tbzwkkp"
<pre> ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
28 FC3 1
26 Lysos 1
21 GFC 1
>> 19 Randolf 1 <<
18 Rocky 3 Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)
18 Breth
15 FC2
15 FC1
15 Paenitia 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)
7 Vaera 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)
4 Skielstregar 1
| Name | CHP (T) | HP |
| Lysos.........| 44 | 44 |
| Paenitia......| 75 | 75 |
| (C) Ramirez...| 52 | 52 |
| Randolf.......| 46 | 47 |
| Rocky.........| 59 | 59 |
| Skielstregar..| 43 | 43 |
| Vaera.........| 45 | 45 |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </pre>
== OOC ==
''Parts of a wagon''
<OOC> Rocky says, "'Shaft' apparently, though I know them as the tongue of the wagon: http://www.equineheritagemuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/single-harnes-with-Neck-Collar-1.jpg"
''Tribune Articles''
<OOC> Jinks says, "the Tribune tomorrw: "mercenaries antagonize noble soldiers just doing their jobs.""
<OOC> Randolf says, "Well, they're being jerks."
<OOC> Jinks says, "Not THESE two."
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "counter tribune article "soldiers are big stinkie at mines, adventurers rule, guards drool""

Latest revision as of 21:11, 1 January 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Gnu Ears Heave
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Lysos, Paenitia, Randolf, Rocky, Skielstregar, Vaera
  • Place: Western Alexandros
  • Time: December 31st, 2021
  • Summary: The actions of Eustangellabledine Kikniddledern in resolving the Purple Pox problem have led to the creation of a new (small) canyon in western Alexandros. Now there are reports of caravans coming from the Mythwood being assaulted by strange, subterranean monsters in the same general area. The Guild of Explorers recruits a sextet of adventurers to escort a pair of soldiers-cum-engineers being sent to block the tunnels to Ea's underworld. The two soldiers have a rough history with the mercenaries of the city and quickly butt heads with Paenitia. Traveling out of the city is awkward and unpleasant.

The group locates the canyon and set to exploring. They find spoor of the creature they seek. Paenitia spots a relatively fresh kill from the air. Randolf finds the cavern entrance. Vaera and Rocky determine their prey is a fungal crawler. The group set off into the caves after the two soldiers lower their equipment into the canyon on a sled. Skielstregar navigates the twists and turns with aplomb, aided by handy observations from his companions.

The cave hosting the small colony of fungal-infused pests is located and battle is joined. An animated cloak-like creature nearly drags Rocky to his death but is eventually forced to flee down into a deeper recess. The group as a whole manages to vanquish the four crickets (including one overlarge beast!) and purge the cavern of nesting larvae spotted by Lysos before leaving and allowing the soldiers to board up the tunnel.

Another day, another contract, and the hope of more coin.

It seems in the process of resolving one problem, another has been created, and Alexandria's love/hate (hate/hate?) relationship with Eustangellabledine Kikniddledern continues.

The background: not more than a month ago the Purple Pox was making semi-frequent appearances among those trying to enter the city from western Alexandros. The mad gnome mycologist's solution upon finding the source of the plague was to (naturally) detonate a large bomb and collapse the cave hosting the myceloid colony.

And-- to her credit-- the Purple Pox has been thwarted.

Unforunately, there are now reports of a subterranean abomination roaming the region in the dark of night; it seems she may've opened a route down into the deeper caverns of Ea where truly monstrous things dwell. So, that's where you come in (and in the interest of NOT making things worse the fast-talking fungal farmer, mushroom expert, self-proclaimed Rival of Dana, and explosive enthusiast is getting the day off).

The good news is that the crater should be easy to find (a few mercenaries helped on the mission that led to its creation (but are not being held culpable seeing as a gnome was involved)). So, assuming the impromptu demolition and new monsters are related, getting there won't be any kind of problem. There should even be signs warning people back from the area because of the spore.

The contract called for all to gather inside the western gates just after the morning mealtime. Mounts were recommended (it's quite the schlep) but not required.

And so the time has come. There's a short (probably) human (probably) man, the specifics of his (her?) form almost entirely lost in the layering of heavy coldweather clothing. You're almost certain she (he?) is bipedal; you only see two boots, at least. The ushanka, dark goggles, and wrapped scarf leave much to the imagination.

Rocky keeps to his feet. Rare is the mount able to lift the heavy sith, and even less common is one willing to do so all day. Easier to just walk. Though the winter chill does slow the armored lizard a bit. Stiff joints.

Skielstregar comes to this calling with his own rented steed. A heavy horse to be able to carry him. A bit of monster killing didn't sound to bad. Straightforward as it was. The background on the mission was lost on him, but that mattered not in this circumstance.

His horse titters about as he holds the reins at the western gate, the tarnished scale/silverscale makari scratching at the side of his face, a few of those former scales flaking off as he grunts in annoyance, empty patches lining his arms. At least that aura of dread that surrounded him was gone.

Randolf once again finds himself in the position of acting as underground guide. Because of course one wants a dwarf with them when adventuring underground. He's taken the effort to tank up with a full breakfast (and an entire pot of coffee) so he's in relatively good spirits, even despite the early morning hour. He leads his horse out to the western gate, having added a heavy fur-mantled cloak to his robe and kilt ensemble. "Mor--" He cuts off with a mighty jaw-cracking yawn, blinking owlishly. "Oh! Mornin', friends. Guess we're huntin' us some nasty beastie from the depths o' the earth?" He gives himself a mighty stretch, lifting his fists above his head as he goes on tip-tiptoes. "Well," he grunts as he settles back down onto the flats of his feet. "Beats goin' over the Intermediary Enchantments syllabus. I could use me a little action." He glances up and around at the sith'makar gathered, then at Paenitia. "I'll keep a Light spell handy fer ye, Dame, in case ye need it. Think yer the only one here who cannae see in the dark."

Vaera was set up and ready to go with a swiftclaw from mictlan, much more used to the beasts when possible. She spends some time looking over her gear. "It is important to keep the forests safe. I do not want anyone wandering them getting injured if it can be helped." She replies to Randolf.

The guild functionary stands near the Watch Constable's building wrapped in their heavy, layered clothing, next to a crackling brazier. Close enough to the brazier, in fact, that soot has begun to stain the long leather coat and the curled wool lining the jacket pocket is going dark and smoldering. The contract was delivered at the guild offices but they're here to answer any questions and confirm arrivals-- so long as you're willing to walk to them as they're not capable of dragging the warming brazier out into the open street.

The world out west beyond the Phoenix Gate is covered in a glittering, soft blanket of white under a bright blue sky. The road splitting the land to either side is dark and wet, full of trenches and shallow rents that have turned to murky puddles in the snowmelt.

The usual traffic comes and goes and the watch maintains their heightened alert concerning new arrivals; locking down dimensional invasions does little good when you pay no mind to who enters the city on foot.

A small group of western locals stand off the road a ways to the north, supervising a laughing and energetic group of children enjoying snowplay and games. Their air snowball fights, sculptures of varying complexity made from the powder, and sleds pulled and pushed.

Rocky finds 'go to place, seek monster' easy enough, but may be best to confirm a few things. Stepping dangerously close to the warmth of the braizer himself, the greyscale asks. "The monster we are being sent after, is there a description? Would not want to call success having fought the wrong threat by accident. Where exactly have the encounters been?"

Skielstregar raises a hand in greeting to the grey makari, "Peace on your nessst," he rumbles warmly. "Thisss one is Skielssstregar, warrior caste."

His horse trots closer to Vaera, him repeating the greeting to her sans introductions as he reaches out to pat a bundled shoulder. He himself was not dressed for the weather in the slightest, for he was unfazed by the chill.

Seeins as their contact wished to be near heat, a slight tug of the reins gets his steed to clop closer. Taking a moment to watch the children play and smile, he's about to speak to their contact, but the grey mountain speaks for him. "... good morning!" he greets, following up after the plated makari throws questions out.

Paenitia is present, one presumes, at the gate. Ramirez is there, and his back looks extra fluffy with feathers one wouldn't normally find mid peacock-andalusian hippogryph. The little Red Knight is buried in a downy fluff to keep herself warm. Adamantine full plate it execellent protection and a good head conductor. "The light spell will be of much use, great thanks, Randolf."

She also gets to reunite with Rocky, "Friend Dragon! Meet the other friend dragons I know! The smelly and the angry one. Ha!" She sounds cheerful enough, buried in fluff.

'Ruaaaah.' Ramirez is worried about snowballs. Yes.

"I bet Tawyse would have fun, if she was not bruised from last time. Or she would still have fun, and aggravate her bruises further." Vaera chuckles as she glances over to the children playing. Then her attention is on the job and those by the fire.

"There is only one makari I can think of who would match the appearance, and Cryosanthia mentioned you before. Good day, River Stone." She greets, strangely unreadable in scent and demeanor. Though she does stop to look at the small knight. "I am not that angry. Usually. Or are you referring to me as the smelly one?"

Randolf can't help but grin a bit at the kids and their snowgames. His niece and nephew are probably doing the exact same thing right now. But he's here on a job, and so he harrumphs gruffly to clear his throat. Puffing up his burly chest, he lumbers over to the brazier as well. "It's my understanding that the tunnels in question were collapsed. So where exactly is this beastie bein' spotted?" he asks. "Has it actually attacked anyone?"

Paenitia laughs, "You are coloured red in scales, red is the angry colour, so you seem red even when you are not." She is of course in crimson armour, so it's a case of the Knight calling the Dragon angry, rrr... red.

"We are not normal sent to fight the things that have not attack people." She responds to Randolf, then thinks about it. A little thought and she easily can find some contradictions. "Usually, we are not."

The guild representative gets her attention now, "is there more, than find the hole and go in it? What the thing is, yes?"

Rocky nods to Skielstregar, his regular scent of calm acceptance mixing with the harsh soot of the braizer. "This One is 'River Stone', called 'Rocky' in Trade, also of warrior caste."

There's a buzzing series of muffled vowel-sounds spilling out from behind the thick scarf. A pause. A few more. When there's no response to indicate understanding two mittened hands reach up and force down the cloth to reveal pale, thin lips.

"Cow-sized cricket." The voice is vaguely masculine and joined by only the thinnest of fog this close to the fire's warmth. "Wagon train coming from the Mythwood said it jumped over them right near the Plaguehole. Tried to make off with a pony but couldn't get it off the... you know, the wooden bit that the horses pulling wagons go on. The whatsis."

"H-hello." Nods the functionary in response to the sith's greeting, teeth starting to chatter. "Uh," the scarf pops back over thin lips as the guild employee reaches down to explore pockets. Upon finding one smoldering and smoking there's a muffled, high-pitched sound of exclamation and both hands set to patting at the wool lining. It wasn't quite 'on fire' yet but it was definitely closer than most would enjoy. When composure is found once-again the search continues before a folded map is produced after awkward mitten-pawing and dragging to get it out of the pocket.

"Plaguehole was a cave. Cave collapsed. Must be tunnels that didn't get blocked." The mittens are back to holding the scarf down. There's a shrug. "I'm no tunnelologist." There's a clearing of the throat, "City is sending a couple with tools and supplies to seal up whatever you find."

And, as if on cue, two women in coldweather clothing, Alexandrian livery, and armor near atop heavy horses with military saddles and multiple bulging bags. They have visored sallets that leave their annoyed frowns in plain view.

Skiel nods in affirmative with Vaera. "Yess, she would. And pleasure to meet you River Stone."

Though, his introduction from the Red Knight makes him, somehow, pout. "... thisss one isssn't smelly..." It's true, he wasn't. His scent of a subdued happiness was pleasant.

He bobs his head at the directions and the overall outline of the job. "Very well. We ssshall take care of thisss."

The white fluff atop Ramirez twists in her saddle to examine the two in Alexandrian livery. She laughs, sounding quite amused as she greets them, "Malapelle! Appauline! You are out from the Soldiers' Defense to do the cold work of adventurers! You must have done the atrocious thing, you know how much bad it is to be the adventurer."

She giggles some more, a sound made unsettling by the stylized grin on her mask, "it is the black mark even to be seen with us, yes? Come, we have the holes to block up."

The little knight looks around, then points at Randolf, "He is show us where."

"You know these two? very well, then introductions are not necessary, I shall trust the knight's judgement on them. Even if assuming I am angry is wrong." Vaera chuffs. "So we are to fight off what may come while it is destroyed properly. Do we need any more supplies for this job?"

"Laugh it up, featherball." Sneers the gap-toothed soldier, she raises a gauntlet to push up her visor. Halette Malapelle's skin is darker than her partner's and her brown hair barely hangs past the bottom of her helmet. She has a flat face and small nose. "We might have to eat a little shit today because someone went crying to the guv'ner but you'll--"

"Hallee," comes the firm warning from the other. She's fair-skinned with a long, dirty-blonde braid and a slender jaw. Even if she's cut off the other woman, her expression makes it clear she's just as upset to be here; if not moreso. "We have picks, shovels, hammers, stakes, lumber, powder, burntwigs. Rope, too. And climbing gear for us." Her tone makes it clear they're unlikely to share the last bit.

Both women sit forward in the saddle, rolling their gaze over the assembled mercenaries speculatively. Malapelle has her wrist resting casually on the crossguard of her sword.

"Oh," goes the guild employee, entirely unsure of what to make of this development. He stands back a little ways so the brazier is half-between him and the larger group.

Skielstregar looks between everyone and the list of supplies that was rattled off. He clears his throat, pats his saddle bag, then jabs a finger over his shoulder. "Sssoundsss like we have everything that isss needed. Let'sss get going!" he chirps.

Skielstregar grabs the map.

The little featherball laughs it up some more, "Oh it will not be the little shit today, it will be the great pile of shit." She's truly amused, "you will see."

Turning, she faces forward, "Yes, lets go. I have the innocent to seek out later, one name Hotoru. You will tell me if he end up in your jail, yes? I am sure he is not down the monster hole."

She clucks and Ramirez takes off in a trot, then up into the air. She circles over the group, making sure to pass directly over Malapell and Appauline, "Touch your sword again when you speak to me out here and Ramirez will poop on you. That will be the start of the meal. Many here have been betray by party member in the middle of the fight."

"It does not go well for the betrayer."

GAME: Paenitia rolls intimidate: (10)+13: 23

"It is good that you are ready for battle, but there is no need to be on guard here. Save that for when there are actual threats around." Vaera chuffs, before she saddles up properly. "We may have some travel to do, so the sooner we are on our way, the better."

Armor? Check. Sword? Check. Shield? Check? More armor? Check. Rocky is good to go.

Skiel watches the exchange before shaking his head and passing the map off to Vaera. "Of course, let'sss get that started."

GAME: Vaera rolls survival+5+2: (18)+10+5+2: 35 (37 with Pae auto-aid)

Following the road is easy and with the help of the paladina and Vaera's ability to read the well-drawn map, picking the right fork to take is a simple matter. It's a fair distance to cross but the roads are well-used and free of debris. A break for the midday meal passes uneventfully; the two soldiers keep their own 'camp' more than a stone's throw from the adventurers during the break. They've been cowed by dame Paenitia but can't be made to act friendly.

Eventually-- the sun descending but still well above the horizon-- there's a sign warning travelers to stay on the road and take care in passing; "PURPLE POX SPORE OFF ROAD" and a crude skull emphasizes the point. There should be a second (and third) somewhere but they appear to have been taken-- or fallen and lost to the harsh elements of the season.

The road is flanked by shrubs and trees wasting in the cold. Leaving it and stepping into the untamed wilderness has the group weaving through the light winter woods before finding a good-sized clearing. There are collections of scraggly vegetation here and there but there's a good fifty-feet before the next copse. Round those trees takes you to the crater.

A low hill had sported a cave entrance almost parallel with the ground and now that-- and a large, semi-circular region beyond it-- sags down into something of a canyon. Snow has been settling in the depression; it's difficult to tell how deep the canyon is at its deepest. Maybe thirty-feet down, maybe more.

Rocky chuffs softly and follows along. Steamy jungles are his natural turf, not frozen scrub forests. Still, the greyscale does better with the cold than the average lizard, plodding along at an even pace, quiet, but alert and attentive.

This Purple Pox. Skielstregar had never heard of it. He doesn't bother to ask, him too busy keeping an eye out as they approached for this horse-sized cricket. Which would he rather fight? One horse-sized cricket? Or a hundred cricket-sized horses.

He quietly laughs to himself, patting the side of the horse and tying it off to a tree once they arrive. "Good work, redscale," he hums, grabbing a coil of rope out of the saddle bag and looping it over a shoulder.

"Ah, this the place. It look the very much different in the light of day after the exploding." Paenitia says, pulling back some feathers so she's a little less of a fluffball on Ramirez's back.

"I think the good idea is to fly over the canyon, Ramirez makes the challenge calls. If there the big aggressive thing, that pull it out, we lead it to you with ready bows and spells, Yes?"

'Ruaah!' Ramirez likes this idea.

"If there the nothing come running, then we do the creeping underground?" She gives a quick glance around, checking expressions. Hers, is the Smiling Man's, it never changes. She adjusts a few things on the saddle, then clucks at Ramirez and they are off on a reconnaisance taunt.

Vaera was able to read the map, but it was not overly needed, as the disuse of people avoiding the potentially disease ridden was enough of a guide at parts. Still, it did not hurt to be double sure.

"I picked up some tricks from the local hunters for the lay of the land." Vaera offers for a means of explanation. "We can not close it up with the threats still active. They either need to be chased further in, or dispatched before we work. How long do you think is needed to collapse it fully?"

Randolf is, fortunately, quite comfortable in the snow. Finally, some -proper- weather! As the morning wears on and he shakes off the early-hour brain fog, his mood perks quite considerably. Lunch is a pleasant affair (as mealtimes always are), even despite it being trail rations rather than a properly cooked meal. He still packs away three helpings of jerkey and two winter apples, washing it all down with a couple pulls off his whiskey flask. Being the generous sort he is, he even offers it around for his comrades to have a swallow. "Just the thing tae keep ye warm in the winter!" he booms cheerfully. Once back in the saddle, he's whistling cheerfully as they ride along, until they finally come to that warning sign. He swings out of the saddle and leads his horse through the wintery wood, finally stopping when they reach that canyon. "Beards o' me fathers," he says with a low whistle. "One bomb did all -this-?" He leans over to peer down into the canyon, giving his beard a thoughtful tug. "If I could get a closer look, I might be able tae see if there's still some way in," he says. He looks up to Skiel as the sith grabs that rope. "Think ye could lower me down wi' that, laddie?"

Skielstregar looks to Randolf and chuffs, giving a nod and unraveling the coil of rope. "Cccertainly. Come hither," he beckons.

"Dawn's Light what did that madwoman do..?" Reilly still sits atop her pack-laden horse, gawping stunned at the hole in the ground. Her lips are chapped and the skin of her face has gone red in the cold. She blinks and nods mute agreement to Randolf's exclamation-- only to catch herself and sneer, shaking her head. She kicks her mount over towards a leaning tree near the edge of the fresh canyon. Dismounting, she gives the tree a kick to make sure it's not ready to tumble over before tethering her horse.

The other woman makes no remark, busy staring daggers up at Paenitia's back when the Lucht takes flight. She joins the other and pairs their horses at the tree anchor before both set to taking down their supplies. Halette has a sled they begin stacking the packs and pouches on.

GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (4)+5: 9
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5: (3)+5: 8
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Rocky rolls perception: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (10)+5: 15
GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (11)+10: 21
GAME: Rocky rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (19)+5: 24
GAME: Randolf rolls Perception+2: (20)+7+2: 29

Rocky circles 'upstairs', less intrested in the hole than what supposedly came out of it, and what tracks may have been left.

Paenitia and Ramirez circle in the air. Snow, they see snow.

'Ruaaah!' Ramirez calls.

Only snow.

GAME: Randolf rolls Survival: (10)+2: 12
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6: (1): 1

Rocky chuffs. "Is cricket, yes? Big, but cricket. Known to hide in dark, sneak out when light is gone. But maybe big one come out in light anyway?"

GAME: Randolf rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (3)+6: 9

"I see the carcass in the canyon. It is dead before the last snow, but the snow dark around it." Paenitia calls down. "There is no movement I see from up here."

Randolf briskly rappels down on the rope Skiel so kindly provides, touching down onto the canyon bottom below. He thumps his booted foot firmly on the snow, finding a nice crust of ice has formed. Nodding his head, he takes two steps--and the crust gives way under his hefty weight with a CRUNCH. "GWAAAH!" He vanishes into the snowpack with a flailing of limbs. Fortunately, it can't be very deep, as furious dwarven bellowing can still be easily heard. "GAAH! PISS AN' BLOOD AN' FLAMIN' -SHIT-!! KISS ME FAT HAIRY ARSE YE RAT -BASTARD-! OWWWCH!" There's a moment of silence, then his head and shoulders perk back above the snow. "Oy! There's an openin' down here!" he hollers. "Goes back pretty far! Think this might be what we're lookin' fer!" He flexes his fingers, wincing a bit. Looks like he skinned his knuckles on his way down into the depression. But that doesn't hurt nearly so much as the wound to his pride.

Skielstregar is busy combing through the snow without disturbing what is there. He scratches his neck, tarnished flakes peppering the ground around him. "Hmmm... thisss one thinksss cricket isss rather large... see these here? Large legs, powerful pounce," he points to some depressions in the snow before looking up at the one who called him stinky. Thumbs up sent her way. "This one thinks we should-"

He whirls around at hearing the yelling dwarf. Jogging over, he peers in. And sighs in relief as all was hale. A rope snakes its way down to help lift him out, Skiel on the other end.

"Something was moving through here recently. Imprints in the snow, with a fresh snowfall covering them. Like sword stabs, may be the limbs of our giant insect." Vaera points out as she carefully moves through the snow. She turns to see randolf disappear, but thankfully he does not fall too far. The sith-makar backs off to find a long limb of a tree and cut it off, which she brings back with her to probe the snow in front of her as she moves forward. She did not wish to test how her new leg reacted to a sudden fall.

Rocky eyes the dwarf at the shouting, but relaxes as the situation becomes clear, circling back to where a rope is already secure. Climbing down seems easy enough, but no reason to risk injury at this point.

GAME: Paenitia rolls survival: (16)+2: 18

As if guided by Tarien's hand... no scratch that, he'd dump them in both in the deepest drift, as if guided by providence, Paenitia guides Ramirez to a place where the snow does not in fact, gobble them up.

The white hippogryph and red knight in a white feather cloak immediately blend into the background, visible mostly as red eyes.

So many eyes.

GAME: Vaera rolls survival +4: (2)+10+4: 16

On the ground the paladina calls, "I need the expert in the animal deaths. The carcass I find, is the wolf. He is killed, and he is eaten. All the soft, choice bits have been take. That clear to me. Not clear, is the strange colour. The fur is dark and there is the something mix into the bloody snow. It look like a thick, beige dust."

"As we deal with the fungus, this the spoors? Friend Dragon, the red one, do you know the mushrooms?"

The two guardswomen have the sled loaded and are taking time to wrap rope around the bundles to secure them in place. Training makes them react by standing and putting hands to their blades when they hear Randolf cry out but they return to the task at hand when nothing hostile comes spilling out of the gnome-made canyon. They leave the horses behind and each take a length of rope over the shoulder before pulling the sled behind them towards the lip of the depression.

"Nnnf... should've just doubled the flogging," complains Halette through gritted teeth as she strains against the weight of the equipment. "Fucking... adventurers..."

"... right bastards," agrees Reilly. "Hrn... aaaalmost through with it, though." Her chapped lips have split and warm blood runs down her chin. She licks her lips and spits in between heaves.

Rocky can speculate on beige dust, but knowing stuff isn't his forte. He's firmly in the 'break things, hurt people' department of adventuring.

Skielstregar glances up to the soldiers complaining, but he shrugs and stays astride Vaera. "That isss odd, Warrior Paenitia. Sssounds like our cricket's doing. Mayhap it infected with thisss pox. Better to find the deeper end of thiss cave then."

Lysos stamps a few times, being sure to follow in trails already broken by other people ahead of her. With a thick, fur lined cloak and heavy mittens, she is still managing to feel the bite of the cold so she's often putting her covered hands up to her face in an attempt to warm her nose and cheeks. "We need to kill it. QUickly. With fire. Lots of fire." If she's starting to sound like a goblin, well.. her last encounter with the spores was an unkind one.

Vaera plods along slowly down the canyon, and stops near the area pointed out. A ways away. She looks back to some of the marks she saw before, and waves to the rest of the group. "The strange stab marks in the snow make sense now, coupled with the mold around the body. The bite wounds are caused by an insect, and the mold came from it. I have heard of these beasts before, the fungal crawlers. They are large insects, but not entirely, as the mold is produced by them. And quite insatiable. They poison prey with their bites, and finish them off with their sword like limbs when they are weakened." She explains to the group.

Rocky blinks, and falls still, remaining motionless for several moments before rousing himself again. "This One knows this creature! Is... Mushroom Crawling? Not know words in trade. Both bug and plant. Hybrid." The sith considers. "But in tales they are small. Size of cat, not cow. Maybe is hive queen?" He nods as Vaera gives a better explination.

"Well. That sounds terrible," Lysos admits upon hearing Vaera's description of the 'cricket' as she follows towards the discovered cave entrance. "Definitely fire."

Skielstregar glances to their newcomer, him raising a hand in greeting before listening to the explanation with a slightly scowl. It sounded nast, which makes him tighten the straps on his breastplate as he moves to join Randolf at the entrance.

"They sound the very terrible." Paenitia confirms, and nudges Ramirez. The hippogryph makes a short hop and glide across the snow to land on a solid looking part of the cavern entrance.

She looks into the depths, "the poison, that good to know. Are we attack up close, or from the range?" Her grinning mask turns towards Lysos and Randolf, "You, are the spells at range, and Vaera, using the thunderbelcher? I know friend dragon Rocky and Skielstregar like the up close fight."

"This is how I like the fight too, if there is room for Ramirez." There was in the cavern before, but that was also prior to bomb-remodelling. Finally she glances over at Malapelle and Appauline, and shrugs a little. "The light spell is need now, Randolf, for the humans and the halfling that don't look so good."

Soldiers Malapelle and Appauline still hold the high ground. The pause and drop the tow-lines, stepping closer to the edge of the canyon to look down and see where the Khazad has found an entrance. There's quiet discussion, sighing, and spitting. Finally, the disappear again and there's sound of shovel work, then some light hammering.

Snow tumbles over the endge and into the canyon along with some scree without so much as a 'look out below.' Grunting and groaning and the creaking of a tree ensues as the sled is lowered down with its heavy payload. They've manufactured (or at least assembled) some manner of pulley system and work together with some effort to get the goods down the drop and into the canyon.

Meanwhile, beneath a hanging lip of the rocky crags is the tunnel Randolf has discovered. It looks to have been an offshoot from a larger cavern and it's dotted with stalagtites and -mites, shallow, bulbous columns of minerals and stone where they've joined, and shallow, frozen puddles. It's large enough to fit a wagon through and would prove difficult to block off without a great deal of raw materials. It wounds down and around, into the dark spaces beneath the ground and out of sight.

Skielstregar bobs his head at paenitia's martial assessment, and he moves up to be next to Rocky. Dead silverscale eyes peer into the entrance, him grunting in annoyance as rocks clatter against his legs from the rude soldiers. "Take care, it could burrow," he mentions before hefting his halberd and looking ready to advance.

Randolf grunts, puffing and red-faced as he struggles his way out of the snow and back onto firm rock. Waiting for his comrades to join him once again before they prepare to explore the cave. Vaera's description of the beastie in question has him turning a little paler. "Reos' flamin' beard. That sounds dreadful, dunnit? So... aye. We're killin' it when we find it. Gotcha." He looks back over to Rocky and shakes his head. "I wouldn't think so. I mean, look at ants or bees. -Their- queens dinnae leave the hive. They're only there tae be pampered an' lay eggs. I've never heard of an insect queen that goes out huntin'." He looks back over at Vaera. "But then, I'm nae much of a naturalist." He turns his gaze back towards the cave, furrowing his brow. He pulls his wand, giving it a couple swings to limber up. But before he can engage in any spellcasting, there's that ruckus from above. A shower of snow tumbles down on him, making him gack and splutter. "Oy, leave off!" he growls, scowling up at the two soldiers. His beard bristles as he puffs up his chest. "Ye know, if ye'd asked -nicely- I -could- have just floated yer gear down here," he grumbles. He looks back towards the cave with a harrumph. Lifting his wand, he makes a quick flick. "Re ex re anos lumina!" A soft blue-tinged glow starts emitting from the tip of his wand, which he holds high like a torch. "Right. I'm ready."

"It might not like being out in the light, but it might react to commotion outside." Vaera warns as she steps away from the body. "It seems there are two entrances to close, yes? The question is if we do it now, or do it after clearing the beast away."

She stops to look to Skielstregar. "Can it burrow? If that is the case, there is no option but to slay it first."

"Find the beast and slay it." Paenitia suggests, "We seal it in, it maybe dig another way out, and we will be ask, 'did you kill it?' and the bad answers is 'nooooo...'"

Skielstregar just shrugs at Vaera. "It isss a circumstance that must be considered is all."

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

Rocky shrugs. "Kill it. Drop poison bait for any other inside, seal up the tunnels for anything immune to poison. Bury the seal deep."

Randolf looks up and around the front chamber of the cave, sweeping his light around with a dour frown. "I'm nae exactly sure how we'd seal up summat like -this-," he says, his voice echoing through the cavern. "It's a pretty big cave, innit? Maybe if we had a couple more bombs like the one what made that canyon out front, but... that'd probably just make an even -bigger- hole, come tae think."

The sled finds the ground and rests after a jerking, swaying descent. The rope stays taught and in short order the two soldiers are sliding down and landing with a clatter one after the other.

Halette's sabatons sink into a soft section of one sack and it sends her stumbling. She catches herself after a three-step hopping stumble against the cavern wall. Her panted growl of frustration is audible.

Reilly comes down harder, landing with a crash, but bends her knees and hops off the pile with all the grace of a sailor dismounting rigging. She fixes her helm and looks after her partner.

They free the sled from the rope used to lower it and ready themselves. Reilly lights a torch, Halette draws her longsword, and then both take up the tow lines and ready to pull the sled into the cave at the back of the group.

"You're going in to find where the thing came from. We'll find a spot narrow enough to barricade. If it takes more than we have here the city will send more supplies." Reilly states after catching her breath. Her torch pops and spits off a brief shower of sparks.

Skielstregar looks back to the soldiers (and half tumbling down). He has an urge to check on them, but they've been inadvertently chucking rocks at him that could dent his new scales, so he doesn't move. "Right. Be back. Let'ssss go."

Paenitia, riding on Ramirez, follws the leaders as they venture below.

"So, we need to go further in? Well, if we find it, we find it, otherwise, we close the exit." Vaera chuffs. "Let us be off, while we are still full of energy. We do not know how long it will take to close off where we find."

Lysos carfeully picks her way down with the rope's assistance... faring much better than the last time she tried her hand at it. Once in the entrance of the cave, she ignores the slight tremor in her knees as she nods smartly. "Alright. This will be fine. What could possibly go wrong? Hunting a cave creature in a cave. It's not like it's its natural environment or anything." She kneels down, snatching up a loose stone and uttering 'luminos', giving light to the pebble to add to whatever other light the group has.

GAME: Lysos casts Light. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17
GAME: Lysos rolls survival: (8)+2: 10 Assist
GAME: Rocky rolls survival: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Vaera rolls Survival+2: (12)+10+2: 24 Assist
GAME: Paenitia rolls survival: (12)+2: 14 Assist
GAME: Skielstregar rolls survival: (19)+8: 27 (33 total)

The caverns beneath this portion of Alexandros appear to be complex. It's not a simple, single tunnel leading into the den of the monster or the dark, underworld reaches beneath Ea's surface. Many places of the paths start off larger and narrow quickly, making it difficult even for an unarmored Lucht or gobber to pass through. Others stretch oddly, narrowing and growing taller, or become obstructed by dripped deposits over millenia.

Thankfully, the large, fungus-infused insect seemed content to leave some minor spoor and that trail proved to be sufficient for Skielstregar to follow. Puddles that had frozen over were cracked when it landed after a hop, its beige dust coats the side of a stalagtite, or dropped chunks of offal and processed waste are left in its wake. Most manage to assist, either able to see due to magical means, a crackling torch, or eyes made to work without the sun's illumination. They point out singular instances of the creature's tracks as they go.

The going isn't quiet, either. Several combatants are heavily armored and the heavy sled scrapes and bumps along the cave floor as the two soldiers pant and growl with the effort to drag it along.

It might be almost an hour later and you've found an oddly-perfect rounded entrance to a larger cavern. It would appear to be a lava tube if its placement wasn't so pecular in an otherwise solid wall and the tube itself so short. The unmistakable sound of a buzzing chirp echoes from the next room. An entire chorus of them in fact.

GAME: Randolf rolls Perception: (17)+7: 24
GAME: Rocky rolls perception: (17)+6: 23
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (18)+8: 26
GAME: Lysos rolls perception: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (17)+5: 22
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (3)+10: 13

The cavern is large and split by a massive crack that dives deep down into a midnight abyss. Pillars dot the room, many thicker that the trunks of oak trees. There's the echoing sound of dripping water and light splashing. The room is warm; something that might be pleasant if the air wasn't so thick with the smell of mold.

GAME: Lysos casts Shield. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18

Lysos briefly makes a fist, then holds it out in front of her, fingers splayed as she recites, "Defendarus." Power is released in the form of a briefly visible, translucent blue disc before her. Then she's holding her glowing stone up, trying to pierce the darkness with her weak, human eyes.

GAME: Randolf casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Randolf rolls 6d6: (14): 14
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

Randolf scowls as he hears the chirping and buzzing. He steps forward into the gloom, peering forward. He sucks in a breath as he spies the crickets on the water. "Gah! There's -many- of 'em!" He steps forward, gripping a handful of his beard and rubbing it briskly over his wand before snapping it out. "Re ex re incardo levintas!" ZRRRAKKKT! The stroke of lightning booms as it arcs from his wand out across the cavern. The crickets, however, prove agile, and are able to avoid the worst of the electricity with a well-timed bound. "Aww -shit-!"

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Rocky rolls perception: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+12: (6)+12: 18

Rocky chuffs, his large blade held before him. "Many drone, one queen." Shield before him, the greyscale runs foreward with a roar, headed towards the largest cricket. A hint of motion brings his shield overhead at the last moment.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (6)+14: 20
<OOC> Jinks says, "Makes its Acrobatics"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

A shadow moves across one of the thicker rocky columns on the other side of the chasm. It makes a leathery flapping noise and sweeps through the air like a cloak caught in high winds. It snaps open, revealing a light blue underside with malevolent, beady eyes and a massive maw of teeth. It slaps across the armored sith's flank but only manages to bite down on his shield.

Two of the hound-sized crickets leap from the pools where they were eating... something that used to be a far less-bloody creature of meat and dark fur. They sail gracefully through the air and land on thicker hindlegs. There's an unsettling wheeze as air pouches deflate through gossamer flaps and then a rapidfire percussive battering of the lizardman.

Still unscathed, Rocky can feel the dust from their corrupted insectoid bodies suffusing the air around him and might it close.

Lightning! The friend dragon Rocky charges ahead.

"Excuse. Pardon. Excuse. Ramirez do not step on." Paenitia guides her hippogryph through the tight cavern, around Skielstregar and Randolf. Once past the cavern opens up, the black chasm is on her left. Light, fortunately, comes with the little lucht so she is able to see the tactical layout.

She heard there was a larger cricket, but as Rocky runs up on it, something bigger drops from the ceiling. That! That is an adequate challenge. She hugs her mount with her knees.

'Ruaaah!' Ramirez caws loudly. Notice me!

"Monster! I am the threat!" The feathered little knight adds her challenge.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Pounce on Skiel."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (17)+14: 31
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

<OOC> Jinks says, "Acrobatics for the big fungal crawler."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (13)+13: 26
<OOC> Jinks says, "No AoOs"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Flanking against Skiel."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
<OOC> Jinks says, "Checking to confirm."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+4: (3)+4: 7
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8

The two soldiers move past Lysos dragging the sled once the way is clear. They grunt and sigh, panting as they drop the ropes. They hold the rope high, trying to pierce the darkness and see the battle engaged beyond and finding the beacon of dame Paenitia atop Ramirez in the thick of it. They exchange looks and set to work.

They find a stout rock to balance the torch on and kneel, beginning to unpack the supplies they've brought to seal the hole.

Meanwhile, the last of the overgrown crickets enters the fray. It splashes out of the water only to land back in it next to Skielstregar, tearing at the monstrous sith-makar with its four bladed forelimbs.

GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+9+1-2: (16)+9+1+-2: 24
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+4+1: (4)+4+1: 9

Vaera chuffs and pulls out her thunderbelcher as she moves into position, lining up as Paenitia and Ramirez move into the fray. In between the strikes, she finds an opening, a sound like thunder cracking through the cavernas she lands a solid hit on one of the smaller insects.

"Take care!" She shouts, only to find the source of the noise getting the drop on the others. She growls and ducks back, slipping another round into the weapon.

GAME: Skielstregar casts Expeditious Retreat. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

Skielstregar is a bit slow on getting his weapon ready and himself situated for a fight, bolts of lightning and a stonewall warrior already zipping forward. He huffs to himself, looking a bit annoyed that others are directly in front of him. The half-undead shakes his head, and dips his chin to inspect his legs. "Alright... come on... work thisss time..."

Nothing happens.

He huffs in annoyance, him snarling a bit. "Work, damn you!"

That seemed to do something. Seeping out from his scales is a foul black miasma. It incites dread to those who are around it. The ichor drips down, riding along the in-betweens of his scales like little channels before his legs are coated in it.

Skielstregar grins. "Aha!"

And he /bolts/ into the fray at breakneck speed. He sidesteps Vaera, giving her a nod before a single taloned foot splashs into the nasty waters. He's at polearm's reach for the oversized crickets.

<OOC> Lysos says, "Well, I shall move behind Vaera and use Touch of Destiny."
GAME: Lysos spends ONE use of TOUCH OF DESTINY.
<OOC> Lysos says, "+6 insight bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws for one round."

The dark. There's a reason it's feared. Especially when the people who you are relying on to keep you safe charge in beyond the limits of your light source. And then the sounds of horrible monsters and combat. "Why..." She clenches her fist again.. then grabs her skirts with one hand to avoid tripping on them as she scurries after everyone. She passes by Randolf as Vaera's sith marksman form becomes visible, reaching out as she comes close to the scaled one, laying her hand every so briefly on the sith's shoulder after Vaera fires.

GAME: Randolf casts Haste. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17

Randolf trundles up to stand beside Vaera. He can -hear- thing happening, but there's rock faces in the way to shield him from the worst. At least for now. He quickly marks out the location of his comrades, then lifts his wand. "Re ex raya zos allegros! HAH!" He snaps his wand out, and there's a soft flare. All the party--apart from himself and Lysos--gain a ghostly image of a clock rotating above their heads, hands whirling speedily for a moment before vanishing. "Make it count, friends!" he calls, readying himself for what is to come.

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+2+1: (17)+10+2+1: 30
GAME: Rocky rolls damage4: aliased to 1d10+4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+2+1: (10)+10+2+1: 23
GAME: Rocky rolls damage4: aliased to 1d10+4: (2)+4: 6

Rocky is plesantly surprised by the arcane burst of speed, his large blade rising with both haste and force. Once, twice ichor flies, and a sticky mess that used to be a Fungal Crawler fall to the cavern floor.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24 (Grapple)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+16: (11)+16: 27
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

There's a gust of wind and a deep flapping noise and the armored form of Rocky is disappeared beneath the curled mass of the leathery aberration. Like some vicious cocoon, the thing writhes and attempts to tighten its grip and pin the sith-makar. The teeth inside continue to gnash.

Outside, the little fungal cricket jumps against Ramirez, biting and scything claws but does not manage to pierce the mount's armor.

GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+4+3+1: (19)+11+4+3+1: 38
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (3)+2+8: 13
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (1)+2+8: 11
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (5)+2+8: 15

'Ruaaaah!' Ramirez lurches away from crickets.

The strange leathery creature envelops Rocky. "No!" Paenitia shouts, "you are to fight me! Let the friend dragon go. Ramirez! Charge!"

The white hippogryph surges forward, the fluffy little lucht in the hard armour leans in, cinching her lance. The point stabs home, gliding easily through the creature.

Into her sith'makar ally.

Oops. She feels the resistance change as her lance moves through soft monster into hard armour then lizard hide. A point that burrows deep.

Ramirez lands, turning. The grin of her mask adds a terrible seeming to her horrified tone, "Friend Dragon, did that free you? Are you surviving?"

GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/dungeoneering +6: (5)+5+6: 16 (Touch of Destiny)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2: (6)+9+1+1+-2: 15
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2: (16)+9+1+1+-2: 25
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+4+1: (1)+4+1: 6
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+4+1: (11)+4+1: 16

Vaera growls when the creature moves to engulf Rocky now before she can react to it, and then as Paenitia strikes at it. "It is a cloaker! They are smarter than they appear, and are magical in nature. If we can get it into sunlight, it will surpress its magics!"

Vaera steps forward, looking for a target that was safer to strike. She settles on one of the insects, and readies a shot at it, boosted by the magic from before to ready a second shot abnormally quick, both impacting the giant insect soundly.

GAME: Skielstregar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 8 temporary HP
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12+1: (12)+12+1: 25
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12+1: (15)+12+1: 27
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12: aliased to 1d10+9: (6)+9: 15

Skielstregar gasps as he's struck, more scales ripping off of him as the cricket does it's work. Tapping into the affliction, his eyes gleam red and another set of fangs sprout from his maw. There's a wordless roar as the axe head of the pole arm bisects a cricket. It whirls around to impale the other one just beside him. "Kin! Are you hale?" he snaps at the cloaked Rocky. Anger in his voice, concern in his eyes. Such gaze flicks to Vaera, checking on her.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Skielstregar rolls fortitude: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Lysos rolls 1d20+7-4: (1)+7+-4: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Lysos rolls 1d20+7-4: (20)+7+-4: 23
GAME: Lysos rolls 1d20+7-4: (8)+7+-4: 11
GAME: Lysos rolls 4d6: (19): 19

Lysos promised fire. She creeps around Vaera, making sure to stay well out of the ranger's field of fire. Sighting the closest one, she raises a hand, uttering, "Flambo!" as energy coalesces.. and then releases as twin beams of white fire. They exist only for a moment, though the afterimage takes moments more to fade. One beam scorches the cricket monster cruelly, while the other.. one might wonder how it was possible for the tsuran to somehow manage to shoot that one off at a ninety degree angle. Might wonder, if it were anyone but Lysos.

GAME: Randolf rolls Ranged+1: (12)+4+1: 17
GAME: Randolf rolls 4d6: (16): 16

Randolf is a -huge- fan of killing chthonic horrors from the eternal depths with fire. Lysos is a damn inspiration. Sucking a deep breath to steel himself, he trundles out from behind the rock outcropping. His eyes get wide as he sees the cloaker--he's only ever read about these dread beasties before. But he -is- a dwarf, and they're made of plenty stern stuff. Drawing himself up to his full height, he lifts his wand. "Re ex re antu akh ascorius! HAH!" A searing beam of bright orange lances out from his wand, skating across the cloaker's bat-winged hide. "SPIT 'IM OUT, YE DOSS CUNT!" he roars.

Rocky rumbles. "Please stop helping."

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+1-2: (7)+10+1+-2: 16
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+1-2: (8)+10+1+-2: 17

Rocky struggles from within, a frim grip still upon his blade. The weapon swings, but fails to connect. He might be distracted by the burns. And stabs. And, ya know, everything else.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+19: (2)+19: 21
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+4+3+1: (3)+11+4+3+1: 22
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8+1: (14)+8+1: 23
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4+1: (11)+10+1: 22

"It has slipped it's grasp! Ramirez!" Paenitia shouts, as she stabs. She misses.

Brave Ramirez, does not. A quick peck opens a hole in the leathery creature.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5

The massive creature has Rocky where it wants him. The folds of its leathery flaps close tighter and tighter around the sith-makar ready to drag the armored warrior towards the crevace... But it squeezes to tight and the adventurer is pushed forcefully from the bottom of the monster's grip. Like a sausage shooting out the bottom of a sausage-roll when a hungry Khazad bites too forcefully at the other end.

The cloak flaps back, alone, and issues a frustrating hiss of a curse in some under-language. It flaps up and then spirals down, twisting around itself to speed out of sight into the darkness below.

The battered cricket continues to lay into Skielstregar, biting and bouncing two claws off of the raging 'makar.

GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+1: (20)+11+1: 32 (THREAT)
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+1: (5)+11+1: 17
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

"Ah!" Paenitia cries, as the cloaker disengages and slips down into the dark crevass. She could follow, she and Ramirez easily could follow, but that might not be wise. Instead, she looks around for immediate threats.

There's a cricket. She needs only one word, "Ramirez!" The two move as one, the massive weight of the hippogryph on the point of the little lucht's lance. The cricket is obliterated, smeared across the floor in puffy explosion of brown.

"If they huggy return, it is mine, knees down and up, if it even have the knees!"

<OOC> Vaera says, "Delay turn to fire at the cloaker if it pops out again"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12-2: (16)+12+-2: 26
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12+6: aliased to 1d10+9+6: (1)+9+6: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12+6: aliased to 1d10+9+6: (1)+9+6: 16

Skielstregar roars as he's bitten into, the makari snapping to the side as the cloaker gets away. "NO!" he barks, slathering black ichor from his maw. Prey got away! He vents his frustration on the last cricket, uppercutting it with the axe before skewering it with the tip of the halberd.

The sound of dripping in the cave returns as the sounds of battle slowly die, muffled still by the heavy breathing after furious activity. The crickets are all dead, what's left of their meals sitting in the shallow pools of murky, algae-covered water.

The cloaker is gone, down the well of inky blackness to parts unknown. Taking a light to the hole (or looking down with darkness-attuned eyes) reveals a straight drop that seems to go on forever.

From the direction you've come the hammering begins; the tell-tale whacks of heavy nails being driven by mallets.

Rocky chuffs, peering down the deep dark hole. "...that could have gone better. Could have gone worse. We live, they don't."

GAME: Jinks rolls 10d6: (30): 30

Lysos dusts off her hands. Fire has never felt so satisfying. She retrieves the pebble the accidentally dropped, then holds it aloft to peer at the... carnage. She turns a little bit green. Or maybe that's the shadows. She very much does not approach the chasm.

Randolf grunts, holstering his wand as the last of the bugs and beasties are fallen. "Everyone a'right? Did anyone get bit? We need tae get the mold cleaned out of 'em double-quick," he says, looking around at his friends.

"Ramirez, I dismount!" Paenitia declares, and slides down her hippogryph's wing to kneel in front of Rocky. She lowers her head, puts her hand to her breast, "Friend Dragon, I owe thee the great apologies. I have strike you in combat by accident. I should have take more care."

She remains in her position, with a glance to the side, "I am glad it slip the hold on you. It may have drag you down, like the bird dropping the turtle. So that is good fortune."

"It does not excuse that I stab badly."

'Ruaaaah.' Ramirez makes an agreeable noise. His mistress is speaking.

GAME: Lysos rolls perception: (13)+10: 23
GAME: Rocky rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (19)+5: 24
GAME: Randolf rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (4)+6: 10

Skielstregar's features revert to his normal, not Forgotten self as be presses a hand to his side, it bleeding somewhat. He's languid, that transformation always takes a bit out of him. Still, his legs were covered in shifting miasma, keeping his steps brisk. "Yesss... a serviceable victory. This one isss glad you didn't become a sausage snack, River Stone. Regardless, good work all."

Vaera had her thunderbelcher ready when the beast disappeared into the crevace, and kept it pointed for some time. Only for it not to return.

"It is likely smart enough to not return for now." She states to the others. "We should be wary however, are you in decent shape, Rocky? You should fall back for now."

She turns to the guards, and sighs. "The danger is past for now. So now is the time to work, if you see a good spot to block this off."

"And Skielstregar, you too. I know you are still standing, but you should rest as well." She adds to the other makari. "Thank you for your support, I am happy to see the bravery of the Alexandria guard in full force to protect those here."

Not green. But definitely pale. Pale for Lysos, anyways. In daring to root around just a little bit.. mostly poking things with the toe of her boot, she finds herself next to one of the pools. And promptly makes a gagging sound before turning away from the squrming larvae feasting upon older kills in the pool. "Oouurgh. Need more fire." The pool before he

Rocky chuffs to the little Knight. "Intentions matter. The attack was meant for monster, hit monster. Good attack." A second chuff, and he nods to Vaera. He sith falls still for a long moment, before pointing to the spore and body filled pools. "Those will grow more Crawlers if not dealt with. Best if could drain pools, but think removing bodies and drop down hole will leave no food for spawn."

Randolf tugs at his beard, studying the dead bodies and their mass of spores. "Could always light the damn things on fire, couldn't we?" he says thoughtfully. "A well-placed Fireball might just sort all o' this bullshit out, I'll warrant."

"Fucking clever." Comes the sarcastic echo from the mouth of the cavern. Charming as ever, Malapelle and Appauline are already working at the mouth of the cave.

In the span of the brief combat they've managed to secure two four-by-four posts on the outside of the rounded hole and now have begun hammering planks into place. Their forms are half-obscured by the distance and only lit by a single torch. Vaera and Randolf has the best look at them and can see they already have materials spread out across the cavern floor. Piles of wood, chains, spikes, pitons, and a padded satchel of alchemical vials.

"Should be teaching at the academy, that one," adds the other grouse of a soldier.

"Thank you." Paenitia says, rising, bowing once more to Rocky, "You are the staunch ally and the good friend. I am much grateful for the forgiveness."

She moves over to Ramirez, and mounts up. She peers at the hole, "the smart creature may make it's way out, no matter how good the wall is. If you think the fire is the best for the moldy spots, that is not my expertise."

Rocky has a hitpoint total greater than 'none', so he's ready to go. Plodding over to the closest body, the warrior grabs a limb and starts to haul it towards the hole, trying not to breathe thru his nose.

Paenitia and Ramirez also help clear the bodies. She spears them on her lance, Ramirez helps drag them to the edge, and they are pushed down. She calls into the darkness, "We are boarding you up! Have the nice darkness!"

An unfair taunt, she's got her own magic light.

Randolf does one better--he magicks up an Unseen Servant to do the heavy lifting of the carcasses, so he need not touch their moldy filth with his bare hands. He can only imagine the horror of those spores taking root in his beard. As he directs the animate force with grandiose sweeps of his wand, he looks over his shoulder towards Malapelle and Appauline, his shaggy brows furrowed. "Och, what crawled up -yer- arses an' died?" he grumbles. "An' people call -me- a grouch. Hrmph. There's nae justice in the world." He looks back towards the crevase as the last of the crickets goes flying over. "Don't think the cloaker's likely tae be a problem. They don't leave the underground, after all." With a grunt, he holsters his wand and lumbers back towards the cave entrance, carefully picking his way around the accouterments the two guards have laid out. "You lasses need an extra pair o' hands, well. Here I am. Just ask. -Politely-, if ye'd be so kind."

"Starve the larvae? That is a good idea." Vaera agrees, though she turns back for a moment to see what was going on at the entrance. "Ah. They were not cowardly, just doing their jobs. We should make this quick, in case they claim we all died in a cave in, or some other fate."

Vaera reaches into her pack, and pulls out a vial which she rubs underneath her snout, and offers to the others, smelling strongly of peppermint. With that sorted, she works on dragging out the bodies with her pole from before.

"Yeah... no." Lysos declines when the decision is made to dump them over the edge, stepping far away from the work. She has skinny arms. And she's not large. And her magic isn't what one would call precision tools. Instead, she finds herself watching the soldiers work.. though not commenting or questioning how effective their measures are to be. Last thing she wants is that snarky attitude turned on her.

Inspecting the construction as you leave the large cavern reveals the two soldiers on their shit detail came well-eqiupped to see the job done (and done properly). As miserable as they are to be around, the two take pride in their work and performing their task efficiently.

The main posts flank the hole and were attached to the stone surface with an alchemical adhesive. Following that, thick planks of darkwood were nailed securely in place horizontally. Then two larger planks are added and nailed into place vertically. That done, four pitons are hammered into the stone on either side of the opening and heavy chains are criss-crossed over the planks.

Finally, they set to work with pickaxes, carving trenches into the ground a distance away from the door. Into these trenches are heaved two massive cut logs of wood, one at a time as it takes both women together to lift them. They're levered down against the vertical planks to brace them, and then hammered down to be wedged securely in place.

There might be some creatures capable of breaking through the barricade but it likely won't be a simple task.

The soldiers have long since shed their helms and gauntlets to see the work done and their heavy winter coats are piled on the ground. Their faces drip with sweat and they gasp for breath between exertions. Still, they never bother to ask the adventurers for help.

Reilly has to pause and brace against the wall once the task is done. This leaves Halette to pack up the tools and unused materials, then stuff the emptied bags into the half-full bags and place them on the sled. A short pause for water and the two toss their jackets on the sled and re-don gauntlets and helms.

"Fucking gnomes," growls Malapelle as she shoulders the rope and begins to tow the (much lighter) sled out of the caves.

"Fucking idiot gnomes," pants Appauline, struggling with the rope at her side.

-End Scene-


map: <OOC> Jinks says, "https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mnh0tbzwkkp"

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     28   FC3              1  
     26   Lysos            1  
     21   GFC              1  
  >> 19   Randolf          1   <<
     18   Rocky            3  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     18   Breth               
     15   FC2                 
     15   FC1                 
     15   Paenitia         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     7    Vaera            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     4    Skielstregar     1  

 |     Name      |  CHP (T) |  HP  |
 | Lysos.........|   44     |  44  |
 | Paenitia......|   75     |  75  |
 | (C) Ramirez...|   52     |  52  |
 | Randolf.......|   46     |  47  |
 | Rocky.........|   59     |  59  |
 | Skielstregar..|   43     |  43  |
 | Vaera.........|   45     |  45  |


Parts of a wagon

<OOC> Rocky says, "'Shaft' apparently, though I know them as the tongue of the wagon: http://www.equineheritagemuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/single-harnes-with-Neck-Collar-1.jpg"

Tribune Articles

<OOC> Jinks says, "the Tribune tomorrw: "mercenaries antagonize noble soldiers just doing their jobs.""

<OOC> Randolf says, "Well, they're being jerks."

<OOC> Jinks says, "Not THESE two."

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "counter tribune article "soldiers are big stinkie at mines, adventurers rule, guards drool""