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*Place: W01: Wilderness Pointe
*Place: W01: Wilderness Pointe
*Time: Saturday, November 06, 2021, 9:26 PM
*Time: Saturday, November 06, 2021, 9:26 PM
*Summary: Cryosanthia and Sabina are scouting potential new locations for her spa. Wilderness Pointe is rather isolated and small, and the Tarienite is worried about competition. Aryia, Lily and Seyardu are present and help out as they discuss whether upstream or downstream of the ferry would be a good idea, if there should be a party boat, or a lighthouse or airship mooring. The rain gets a bit much, so Aryia and Sabina head inside. It's at this point that an almost undead Sith'Makar arrives. It is Skielstregar, known to Seyardu and known-of by Cryosanthia. Despite Vaera's warning, she finds the scent of the near-forgotten Sith'makar difficult to handle. His reason for coming is questioned, he replies, they invited him during their scry a few days prior. Seyardu, at this moment, is in shock. Could this be her lost clutch-mate brother? The two compare stories and memories, which are patchy, with Cryosanthia declaring they must be related, and unconsciously found each other. It is a heartfelt reunion.</div>
*Summary: </div>
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* W01: Wilderness Pointe *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
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Little Fang, 'Lily' Kobold Female A pinkscale youngling in travelling gear.
Little Fang, 'Lily' Kobold Female A pinkscale youngling in travelling gear.
Icy rain pours from grey-black skies, with the clouds driven by a howling wind that snarls out of the southwest. Turned leaves flutter on trees, branches half bare, the colours on the ground as much as they fly aloft.
A white sith'makar woman stands, the wind whipping her cloak, rain spattering and cascading down her scales. A pink young kobold is beside her, likewise drenched and protected from the elements by a spell.
"This one is re-thinking the 'check the local area for a good site' plan." Cryosanthia says.
Sabina, bundled warm against the cold and rain, giggles at Cryosanthia's rethinking. "Come now. I thought you liked the cold and wet?" On her shoulder, a miserable looking Emp pecks at the side of Sabina's head, but the warm hood protects her from almost all the force of the displeasure. "Yes, Emp. I know I KNOW! You like the dry weather. Picky bird." She sighs and keeps her eyes open as they move along.
Aryia wasn't sure how she agreed to this. Perhaps it was the fact that figuring this out would be one step closer to having a bathhouse again. The elf is wrapped up in a treated grey cloak to keep the water out. But her visage is set in a heavy pout, and her glowing gaze is idly looking around, head on a swivel as she silently plods along with the two women plus kobold.
"Yes, I do, but Lily doesn't tolerate it as well, nor you and Aryia, and it makes things less pleasant to look at." The icy sith explains. "Though I suppose if it looks good now it will look good at any time."
She looks at the Wilderness Pointe inn, at the small village, the hunter's market and the ferry docks. "Hmmm. Would want to build something on the river? With its own docks?"
Bina peers over to where Cryo is talking about and nods slowly. "That would make sense. A source of water for the baths. In the Warmer months ther could be an outside place to eat and swim and boat if one wanted too. If its deep enough there may be a chance to get supplies as well." She tsks as she's pecked again. "Though this all depends on if our magely type friends will assist with mystic construction." She looks over at Aryia and gives the Mul a concerned face. "Doing ok?"
Aryia bobs her head along, agreeing with Cryo's observations about pleasantries. But she does peer along at the spot mentioned. That would be a good idea, could make a lot of people passing by for business. She gives a thumbs up to the whitescale to give her opinion on the matter.
She looks to Bina and tightens her cloak. A hand pokes out, and a finger scribbles something on her cloak with her finger. Bioluminescent moonlight, bright as a torch comes from where her finger touches the fabric, its color the same glow as her eyes. "Cold," it reads, before she moves a hand over it to make it vanish.
Seyardu had spent some time near wilderness pointe now, and that day found her there yet again. She had been enjoying the rain on a patio that no one else save for the makari would seek to use in that weather, soaking in the rain to ease the irritation of their scales, which were growing pale as the healing was ongoing.
So at least the spot could generate business from Makari outdoors, even in the rainy seasons. That was a plus.
Cryosanthia walks closer to the river, the pads of her feet and toes sinking into the earth, her toe-claws leaving little divits as she grips the ground. "Oh, I think they will. Mikilos has been building a dungeon as an experiment, hoping monsters and animals might populate it. I'm sure he would be well skilled with his spells in shaping earth and rock."
She gestures at the Tornmawr, "South of the Ferry, I think? Everyone will instinctively follow the water flow, and they'll be always watching the ferry. We could make sure it's deep enough, put some embankments."
The whitescale smiles, looking at the others, "I could swim, see if there's a natural deep spot."
Lily alternates who she is plastered up against. It was her Ssassa, but with swimming imminent she goes for Tia Beansss.
No! It's Tia Aryiassss.
Tia Beanssss! Tia Aryiassss.
Tia Sseyseeyss.
Bina chuckles and waves to Seyardu as she.. rain bathes? And then watches Lily go one way and then other before ending up next to said bather.
"If you would like to, sure Cryosanthia. But this is something of cart before the horse. I should speak to the innkeeper and others who reside here. See if they're willing to be neighbors with me. And assure them I'm not here to drive them out of buisness."
Aryia was glad that Seyardu found some manner of relief. She gives a soft whistle to get her attention, and she waves across the way. Lily is given a pat on the head as she's leaned against, the grey cloak opening briefly to snap the carnation scale up briefly before letting her go run around in the rain.
She tilts her head to the side at Cryo's prodding in the waters. She had comments, but they couldn't be shared. Rain ruins paper, neither knew Handspeech, and she couldn't draw with light very often.
Seyardu blinks and wakes up from whatever relaxed daze she had been when she finds a carnation scales kobold plastered up against her side.
"Peace on your nest Little Fang, this one did not see you coming by, either due to sleeping, or the rain making scents harder to pick up. It is good to see you, I assume you are out with your Sassa today?" She greets, sitting up to pat Lily on the head and pull her into a hug. A brief look around reveals Cryosanthia nearby, as well as the other regal alabaster bird, their owner and Aryia. She waves to all of them. The silver makari was still not looking great, perhaps even worse at least physically. The rain coupled with the shedding scales was a strange sight. "Peace on your nests!" She greets, the lisp all but gone, and her speech clearer again. "What brings you out here, something about business, from what I caught?" <Draconic>
"Yessss. Ssassa iss there." Lily points, patted on the head. <draconic>
"Oh that's true." Cryo says, turning to look at Sabina, following Lily with her gaze to see where she ends up. "Peace on your nest, Seyardu."
"Well, you aren't planning on having rooms for people to stay over in, so the Inn might be happy if you bring them business, and the Hunter's Market could easily supply you food. The villagers might want to work at your place also, they might get good tips, especially if adventurers are involved."
She nods to Seyardu, "Yes, we're looking for a location Sabina might make a new business... I guess... a spa, a retreat spa?"
The whitescale looks at the river once more, "You could have a party boat bring people up from Alexandria, but do you think that would get them too involved?"
Bina grins at Cryo "Party boat? Hmm." He smile fades as she notes Seyardu's scales. "Goodness! Seyardu! What happened to you? Are you alright?" She moves over towards Lily and Seyardu. "Please tell me you're well." She says to the other priest.
She looks back to Cryo and hmms.. "Bathhouse and tavern. Then I don't compete with the inn at all other then drinks."
Aryia shrugs at Cryo's worries. Who cares? Then every boat in the Alexandrian port would be scrutinized leaving, it'd be no different. Though, sizing down the TarRaCe to just a spa would be a good idea. Focus more on the spa. Aryia might be biased.
Seyardu's brow raises, and Lily is given a parting pat before she leaves her chair to walk over to where the others were gathered. "Ah, do not worry about it, I will be fine, and I am already feeling much better. There was necrotic energy from a ghost, which did quite a bit of damage to my scales, but I am healing fine. The rain has certainly done wonders." She explains. "I am more concerned about your wellbeing. You are looking for a new place to set up a business? That is wonderful to hear!"
"Mmhmm! Aryia could drive it." The whitescale says, swishing her tail back and forth. She picks her way back from the river's edge, walking through a few puddles. The way her toes flex in the water, she seems to enjoy that part.
"Ghossst hugssss." Lily says loudly.
Cryo wobbles her head at the mul'niessa. "Bathhouse and Tavern sounds good. You could have a lighthoue too, that airships tie up to. Oh! Oooooo, could you make a mud-bath like we have in Am'shere? Without the deadly creatures, of course, a lot of home-sick sith would love that."
Cryo bobs her head at Seyardu, "I'm helping her with wild ideas and possible spots."
Bina gives Seyardu another concerned look over and then nods to the sith woman. "Alright. And you should know as another healer but.. let us know if that changes." She then grins at the tower idea. "A light house? I'm sure the people of town would /not/ want light flashing at them over and over? But perhaps they would want sky travelers.." She shrugs. "It's a solid idea though. Fast travel for those going out this way."
Aryia tilts her head the other way at the mention of her helming a little ship. Hmm. She could maybe do it. Maybe. Wouldn't be a bad job for a sustaining pay. But she focuses again, her brows knitted. What the hell was a mud bath? Wasn't that the complete opposite of what a bath was supposed to do? She ambles a bit closer to Seyardu as she thinks about that. <Handspeech>
"I will let you know, most likely, but your concern is appreciated, Sabina." Seyardu chuckles. "Really, I am feeling much better, and I have already received assistance from the Soldier's Defense, and Verna while she was there. I will manage."
"A lighthouse should not be needed for the river, and air ship docking, it is best done with experienced teams in Alexandria, I feel. But, that is not to say an experienced team could not be out here, either."
Seyardu looks to Aryia, and tilts her head. "It is, well, it is a pool of mud, as the name implies. Those venturing out into the jungles use them sometimes, to mask their scent, and keep the insects away. Believe it or not, there are insects there that can pierce scales of all manner of creatures, us included. But they are also soothing, they can keep one cool for a long time, when the heat proves too much."
"Oh... airships can just throw down a rock on a line. I've been dropped off in the middle of nowhere like that. They wouldn't need much of a ground crew, they could likely hook a pole on their own." Cryosanthia suggests, looking up in the sky at an imaginary spot. Water splashes across her scales, even her eyes. She doesn't blink.
Lily tears across the wet ground, then dives into a puddle and slides on her stomach through the mud. Her demonstration of a mud-bath done, the little kobold pops up on her feet, then splashes around in the puddles.
"This one should be dancing in the rain." The whitescale says, making a slow turn and swaying her tail. She does a little two step, and nods, "riverbanks, it's really nice, to wallow and slide around in the mud."
Lily demonstrates that again.
Lord Emp has had enough. Enough cold and more then enough wet. He begins to peck at Bina's head once more. This time he doesn't stop. "Ok.. OK!" She reaches up and takes hold of the bird, taking him down from her shoulder. She misses the first Lily mud slide. But she catches the second and laughs. "I'll have to remember and look into a mud bath as well then. Clean earth, of course."
She sighs and avoids being pecked again. "I must head inside before I start bleeding. Thank you for helping me search Cryosanthia and Aryia. And you too Seyardu."
Aryia raises a brow at Seyardu's explanation. "... didn't know that. Thanks."
The elf blinks at Lily's antics, then she snickers quietly, her reaching down to pat the carnation scale. "You be nice, okay? I'm going to go warm up inside. I'll be back out later." She gives a wave to everyone, then heads into Wayfaerers Inn to warm up her little toesies. She does pause, however, to watch Cryo for a few moments. She smiles softly, bows her head, then heads inside along with Sabina. <Handspeech>
From the forest off to the east, a figure lumbers from out a path. A hood drawn over them, their frame absolutely massive. The rain didn't help with identifying their features, just that they held some kind of weapon in hand, a polearm of a sort. Using it as a walking stick.
A sort of... decay scent arrives as they do. Their head turns one way, then another before settling on the group in the rain across the way.
They lumber closer. The dread increases.
Tarnished bronescales are shown on their hands and tail. The dread increases.
A set of long fangs juts from their maw. Too long talons clack against the haft of the weapon. A set of dead silver eyes peers out from under the hood.
The dread is here.
They stop a healthy distance away, raise a hand, maw widening some to show viciously shaped teeth that was completely unnatural. Then.
... relief cuts through the dread?
"Peace on your nests. This one is sorry for being late. They ended up staying with the Shamans overlong. Is this one at the right place?" they ask. Voice deeeep. Felt more than heard. And their brown cloak held another color with it, a dark blue, it stitched onto the other half. <Draconic>
"Peace on your nest Sabina, I hope Lord Emp will settle down inside of the inn, once they have time to dry off. And, this one hopes that you will have good luck in planning for your new building. I will be looking forward to it, and if you need any help at all, do not hesitate to ask if you see me in the city or out near here. I have been spending more time in the area, of late." She offers, waving to the cleric, before moving to give them a hug before they leave. "And you as well Aryia, the rain is not for everyone, so we can take a further look around until it clears up."
Now, she sniffs at the air, and steps closer to where Lily was, which causes her to nearly slip from the mud. Though she relaxes when she sees the source, somewhat.
And then immediately tenses up again. The cleric was frozen on the spot, and squinting heavily at the bronzescale. "This is, ah, yes, this is wilderness pointe, and please do not feel it necessary to apologize. Peace on your nest, Skielstregar." She manages to reply, shifting a bit awkwardly on the spot.
"Of course. Take care Sabina, peace on your nest Lord Emp." The whitescale waves, then as Aryia seems to be heading off too, the mul'niessa gets some waving also.
Then, there's that sense of dread, building.
"Lily! Necklace." Cryo says, her nostrils flaring at the scent of decay. A scent that isn't coming from Seyardu.
"Whass?" Lily asks, looking up at her Ssassa, covered with mud.
The whitescale crouches, holding out her arms, "get the necklace of adaption from the haversack and get inside. Remember? We practiced. If you see Tia Ayas, Seldan or Blue, necklace and in."
Following the instructions, the kobold youngling does climb onto her Ssassa's shoulders. It's not swift, at least, not as swift as Cryo would like.
Skielstregar has arrived by the time Lily has climbed onto her Ssassa's shoulders. Cryosanthia stands, placing her right hand over her nose. She looks at Seyardu, back at the towering sith with the unnatural teeth. "Thiss one is known? He is safe? He does not smell so." <draconic>
Her stomach feels very tight, she's up on the balls of her feet. "The sick one this one heard of?" <draconic>
The large head of the undead makari swivels over to Seyardu. Their expression lightens, then becomes slightly concerned. "Ah! Shaman Seyardu. This one hopes you are well. You seem... injured? Yet you had want to ensure this one's constitution. They wish you swift recovery." He looks between the short makari, and the whitescale.
Dead eyes blink at the tension. Oh. The sick one. Rumors do travel, huh? "... this one assumes you are Speaker Cryosanthia? This one is Skielstregar, Warrior-caste." He languidly taps his breastplate with a fist, the symbol of the Dragonfather clanking softly against it on a necklace. His features sink some, tail ceases its sway, and he takes a step back to abate the strong scent. Shame mingles with the dread. But he tries to keep going, a bit weaker in his conviction now. "This... one doesn't get many invitations. So... they.. came. Um. This... this one can go..." <Draconic>
Seyardu does not speak for some time afterwards, and she continues to shift awkwardly, listening before Lily is scrambling into the haversack. She is surprised and worried, and happy all at the same time. "N-no, Skielstregar is safe, I promise, this one trusts Shaman Un'eth on her judgement. They met them before near the gates to the city." She explains quickly, before turning back to Skielstregar. It was impressive she could see anything with how thin her eyes were.
"N-no, it is alright, this one wanted to invite you out here, and is glad you came beyond measure. But, ah, this one is not sure what to say, really." She speaks up, gesturing them back as they seem to be stepping back.
"This one is more sensitive to scents than usual." The whitescale explains, her reasons why obvious to sight and scent. A few arcane gestures set her gloves glowing, using them to erase scents and at her nose. It makes it more bearable for her. "This one is Cryosanthia, Speaker-Caste. Peace on your Nest." <draconic>
She shakes her head, "You don't have to leave, no. The rain makes it more bearable. This one was startled, only. My apologies." <draconic>
Skiel dips his head some, only just now realizing there was a hatchling here. Wait, that wasn't a... it mattered not. "This one knows Shaman Un'eth well. But... you are glad to see this one? Why is this the case? We have met only once before. They have done well, this one promises. They have not had any incidents since that day. They have not broken their promise."
The man gives a small nod, then steps forward once more, closer now. "This one hopes their presence doesn't stress you too much, Speaker. It is not healthy for the nest," he respectfully says. "Your apology is accepted."
The confusion in his scents actually overpowers the dread. ".... what is going on?" <Draconic>
"This one is, glad to hear that you are doing well, Skielstregar, and glad to see you, ... shaaa." The cleric explains poorly, and chuffs, frustration and worry with herself growing. She even goes as far as to step behind Cryosanthia for a moment as she watches the warrior caste. "Please do not break that promise, this one asks. This one, ah, Morgan, and Cryosanthia, both were helping this one. The scrying was in an attempt to find this one's brother. And, if you truly are them, this one would ask for your forgiveness, for not realizing." She states, growing even more saddened and worried, fearful the way she was speaking would cause them to flee the area.
"This one is aware. This one hopes they are resilient, I have been up and down too much lately." Cryosanthia explains, one hand protectively on the swell of her belly, the other still covering her nose and wiping away scents. Not enough that the strength of the male's confusion is erased. "Shaman Un'eth advises this one as well. She is trusted." <draconic>
It all clicks at that point, at least, that the one before them was the one seen in the bowl. It would explain the invitation also. Cryo sighs at her ability to overlook the obvious. With the silverscale behind her, the whitescale stands a little taller, "This one did not realize... and... badly uninformed... regards to many things." <draconic>
Skiel tilts his head to the side, listening closely to the words of the half-silverscale. He too, had anxieties, and they grew as Seyardu hides herself behind Cryosanthia. "This one has urges, but has done well to squash them. They are not alone, the People are helping this one. They are resilient, they promise."
The words are shared.
It takes the warrior a moment, but he suddenly goes stock still. A singular breath leaves him, a gout of chilled, frozen air spilling forth from his nose in twin streams. The dread stills. Emotions still.
"... wh... what?" he rumbles quiet, voice strained. "You... you were searching for..... for... not realizing... what?" the warrior rambles a bit, dumbstruck by this sudden turn of events. ".... just... just who /are/ you, Shaman...?" <Handspeech>
"This one is, glad, that has been the case, they would not wish for you to become a danger to yourself." Seyardu replies, reaching to take one of Cryosanthia's hands while her own was trembling.
"This one, it is as this one said, they were worried, and, by the mother, this one is sorry, I was, looking for my brother, and yet, I remember so little, this one is sorry. This one, would be your sister, and a poor one at that." they continue, watching and worrying all the while.
Cryosanthia squeezes Seyardu's hand, still standing in front of her. Lily has gotten curious enough to crawl out of the haversack, and watch over her Ssassa's shoulder. She points, "Man from scryss."
She's a quicker, picker-upper, she is.
"This one has seen Seyardu's memoriers, of a time of a hunt, when raiders came, when she was a youngling. Is that known to you?" Another squeeze, a careful inhale. Cryo stares at Skielstregar. Warned a little by Vaera and not enough at all by Un'eth, the undead male reminds her of the argument that ended everything. Nothing to do with him, but still an unhappy association.
Her clutch-mate had suffered something similar. It was not impossible to overcome, if not too far gone, although Skielstregar seems at that limit. "We scryed, for Seyardu's lost relative. Her memories... have holes." Cryosanthia admits. She looks between the two, one small, one so large, "Or we errred with the magic, this one does not know." <draconic>
Skielstregar's heart was racing, dead eyes flicking between the Shaman and the Speaker.
Something overrode the dread. The decay. Remorse. So much remorse. "This... t-this one's sister...? N... N-No, that... that can't be."
His grip on the polearm tightens. It clear that he was using it for support by how the end of it sunk into the mud, his knees faintly shaking as the rain splashed against him. "... t-this... this one's sister is gone. T-There's... there's no way she survived Am'shere on her own. T-This one can... b-barely remember her. The... this one's affliction ate their memories..."
His head hones in on Cryosanthia, latching on to every word the Speaker said. Eyes widen, his breath grows haggard. And what a Speaker it was, every syllable stirring him further, pulling him out of the stupor. "A... a hunt. The... softskins came.... this one... one told... told their sister to run..."
There's the longest. Tensest pause. Gaze settles on Seyardu. "... does.... does the Shaman... remember... t-the fish traps...?" he asks in the faintest of words that could carry in the rain, almost drowning out the long extinguished hope. Dead eyes trembling in their sockets. So much expression in such lack of life. The hulking, stalwart warrior looks as if a stiff breeze could topple him. <Draconic>
Seyardu was listening, it was hard for her to speak, and she needed to hold onto the speaker's hand as she watched and listened,the squinted eyes going as wide as they could manage at everything shared. There was a cacaphony of emotions, fear, remorse, terror, as she remembered the memory, yet also awe, and hopefulness as Skielstregar answered.
"This one, is sorry, they do not remember how to make the traps. This one thinks, that they could not bear to think about going back to make more." they answer, barely louder than how they spoke.The sadness only grew from there.
"This one is so sorry, they wanted to go back, more than anything, they wished to find you, but there was nothing, no one to be found, and-" Seyardu sighs, and closes her eyes. "This one was so worried for you, they missed you more than anything, but it was an aching hole that they could not find the reason for."
"This one remembers the traps." Cryosanthia says quietly, recalling the shared memory. She is Speaker, she says the words that must be said. "You are connected. Without knowing, you found each other. Your hearts speak true." <draconic>
The whitescale wants to bring them together, but the scent of the male is unsettlingly strong. Her instincts are telling her to run, her maternal ones growing ever more strong with the weight of her eggs. She desperately fans her nose trying to imagine some way prestidigitation could override the scents.
It can flavour things... cayanne pepper perhaps? The thought happens before her wisdom halts it and then everything up her snout is pepper.
Sudden, violent sneezing follows, and Seyardu finds her hand squeezed quite strongly. Achoo! "Ah this one is..." kachoo! Khfffff, "sorry, just" KahCHOO! Keruffff. Khhkhchoo. "You are clutch-mates embrace!" kerhonnnnggg. <draconic>
Snuffling, nose dripping as much as the rain, Cryo approaches Skielstregar, bringing Seyardu closer.
The Speaker's confirmation seals it. There's the clatter of metal that comes from the makari man, his halberd having slipped from his grasp and clanked against a rock on the ground. Not long after felled both his knees, splashing mud into the air.
"... sister...?"
His jaw chitters, scent all over the place. Joy, fear, regret, shame, elation, relief, anxiety, dread. Everything. The whole bucket.
There's a warbling thrum in his chest. "N-No don't... don't be sorry, don't... don't- this... this one is sorry for... for failing you. This one is so sorry. So, so sorry. T-This one thought... for the longest... longest time you were... were..."
Both hands clamp over his eyes, his frame shivering and shaking. He folds in on himself, shoulders tucked in. For such a big man, he looked very, very small in this moment.
Then, out of no where.
"THIS ONE IS SO SORRY!" he bays to the clouds, shuffling forward on his knees as he reaches out for Seyardu with trembling arms, Cryosanthia helping bring her over. He blubbers apology after apology, for failing his duty, for his state of being, for smelling horrible. A right mess of a man. <Draconic>
Seyardu was easy to move, but she clung to the hand and arm tightly, until they were much closer. She reached out when they fell to their knees, and it was not longer till they finally let go, and pulled the bronze makari into a hug.
Or tried to, at least. With the difference in height, even on their knees, they remained much smaller, and it was more them being swallowed into a hug. Seyardu sniffs, and pulls as tightly as she can muster.
"It is, you did not fail, this one is still alive, but, oh, by the gods, you have been through so much, Skielstregar. If that is, this one still can not remember your name." She replies. "All the pain and suffering you have been through, it is all this one's fault for not being more careful, or being less clumsy. This one can not even begin to make up for all of that."
Cryosanthia moves with Seyardu, taking her to Skielstregar. She is able to lay a hand on the back of each. Her nose is on fire with pepper, she is very awake at the moment and no scents are bothering her. She might not scent anything besides cayanne for several days. She snuffles, inhaling with pain, tilting her snout up to let some rain run down. Water in her sinuses she can deal with.
"You are not at fault, Seyardu, this one saw. The raiders were adults, seeking vulnerabilities. Younglings are at great risk, always. You cannot be faulted for a lack of years." <draconic>
She slides to embrace both of them, pulling Skielstregar and Seyardu together, "You endured much, to save your clutch-mate. You are a deserving Warrior, Skielstregar." Cryo holds them together, a careful gesture on her part, she might be forgiven for arching her back so she touches only with arms and chest.
Skielstregar pulls Seyardu into a tight, yet careful embrace, the massive man engulfing the silverscale. Holding her close, protectively, yet burying his face into her shoulder and warbling cries into it. Somehow, that scent of dread, pulled back into a much more tolerable level. He weakly laughs in between his blubbering. "T-This one isn't sure of their name either. But the Speaker is right, y-you are at no fault..."
Then Cryo joins. And shares words. The warrior's crying comes back again. A too long taloned hand turns to hold Cryosanthia's. But it is careful to not scrape or cut. " T-Thank you Speaker. Thank you, thank you, t-thank you. You helped this one's sister. Your words... You are a good speaker. This one... this one..." Unlike the Speaker, words fail him, and he holds on tight to Seyardu. And resumes his intense catharsis of revelations and relief.
For such a big guy, he sure wears his emotions on his sleeve.
Seyardu held the hug, letting the emotions spill out, so much pent up worry and sadness giving way to relief and joy at the acknowledgement and reassurances. She looks up and over to Cryosanthia, giving them a nod, and a wavering, toothy smile. "This one was just so worried, and, this one still is." she states, looking back to Skielstregar. "She is an excellent speaker, and a good friend. This one may not have realized what happened, without her assistance and magics." She states, before answering the warbling cry with one she remembered, a rumble of presence to reassure them that after so long, they were still there. "This one is beyond glad that you are here and alright."
"You would have, you have, you did. This one is glad to have assisted, you are so close." Cryosanthia says, a twinge of embarrassment, of guilt, for not acting sooner, for having too manythings in the way but also, managing still to assist. She touches at the little bag around her neck, places her hand back on Seyardu, carefully holds Skielstregar's hand. Her snout is full of pepper; he is fearsome to look upon, but sights do not viscerally pull at her.
"You are re-united, you are safe, you have endured and survived. More healing can occur now. This one is overjoyed to have played a role, and seen." <draconic>
She also sniffs strongly, "This one.. really needs to wash her nose out. I've tried the cancelling spell and it's not working. My brain feels like it's drowning in curry..." She sneezes, hard again. Very loudly.
Skielstregar squeezes the hand and squeezes Seyardu. Not wanting to let go for the fear of losing what has been lost for so long. After enough time, his emotions are spent, and words finally find him. "This one... this one has much to tell you. And hopes you forgive them... they've done terrible, terrible things. And is a terrible, terrible thing. But they... they are trying their best. For... for you." A soft chuckle. "And to think we... we ran into each other earlier..! Our minds are truly hazy..!"
Despite his appearance, he gives cryo a smile, as unsettling as it is. Trying to not laugh at the words and failing. "This one thinks... enduring it all has... has been worth it. Please, Speaker, tend to yourself. And if you ever, /ever/ need this one... ask, and he will serve."
The large makari was undoubtedly happy. He was so, so happy. And he returned that thrumming that Seyardu started, one of reassurance. He was here. He could protect her again. He didn't fail.
Seyardu pulled away for a moment, was she already overwhelmed?
It was only to hug Cryosanthia for a split second, before she returned to the prior hug. "This one can not begin to thank you, Cryosanthia, for all that you have done. But, my thanks, for being there to help." She offers the speaker before she is gone, and she waves to the small kobold peering out of her pack.And then, she chuckles. "This one fears, the family resemblance will only be temporary, it is only a matter of time until their scales heal. But, yes, we are both, could not remember?" She replies weakly, shaking her head, which rubs a horn against them. "And this one, they were trying to become dependable on their own... since you were not around."
The silverscale chuckles again, and it dies out, into a low rumble of sleep. It seemed they were still tired from before, and the events had only served to exhaust them further.

Latest revision as of 07:19, 9 November 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Rainshine and River Walks
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Cryosanthia, Sabina, Aryia, Seyardu, Skielstregar
  • Place: W01: Wilderness Pointe
  • Time: Saturday, November 06, 2021, 9:26 PM
  • Summary: Cryosanthia and Sabina are scouting potential new locations for her spa. Wilderness Pointe is rather isolated and small, and the Tarienite is worried about competition. Aryia, Lily and Seyardu are present and help out as they discuss whether upstream or downstream of the ferry would be a good idea, if there should be a party boat, or a lighthouse or airship mooring. The rain gets a bit much, so Aryia and Sabina head inside. It's at this point that an almost undead Sith'Makar arrives. It is Skielstregar, known to Seyardu and known-of by Cryosanthia. Despite Vaera's warning, she finds the scent of the near-forgotten Sith'makar difficult to handle. His reason for coming is questioned, he replies, they invited him during their scry a few days prior. Seyardu, at this moment, is in shock. Could this be her lost clutch-mate brother? The two compare stories and memories, which are patchy, with Cryosanthia declaring they must be related, and unconsciously found each other. It is a heartfelt reunion.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* W01: Wilderness Pointe *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Wilderness Point is the last-ditch point of civilisation before the great northern woods. It stands as a last bastion of trade, and a hub of activity between hunters, traders, and townsfolk.

A fairly wide path, flanked on either side by shallow ditches and tall trees, makes its way into the village from the southern roads, whose borders are outlined by a low stone wall. Sections of the wall have fallen apart here and there. At this point, it's more of a decoration than anything else.

The largest building in the village is an inn, a sign hanging over its door reading 'Wayfarer's Inn'. Its stone chimney has a thin wisp of smoke drifting off into the sky overhead.

At the center of the town is the Hunter's Market, beyond which the town ends along the river's banks, with the ferry providing passage to the other side.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     291 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Sabina       5'4"     130 Lb     Human             Female    Tsuran woman of dark hair and green eyes                                   
Aryia        4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.
Seyardu      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
Skielstregar 7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A tarnished bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  NPCs of Note =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Little Fang, 'Lily'              Kobold            Female    A pinkscale youngling in travelling gear.

Icy rain pours from grey-black skies, with the clouds driven by a howling wind that snarls out of the southwest. Turned leaves flutter on trees, branches half bare, the colours on the ground as much as they fly aloft.

A white sith'makar woman stands, the wind whipping her cloak, rain spattering and cascading down her scales. A pink young kobold is beside her, likewise drenched and protected from the elements by a spell.

"This one is re-thinking the 'check the local area for a good site' plan." Cryosanthia says.

Sabina, bundled warm against the cold and rain, giggles at Cryosanthia's rethinking. "Come now. I thought you liked the cold and wet?" On her shoulder, a miserable looking Emp pecks at the side of Sabina's head, but the warm hood protects her from almost all the force of the displeasure. "Yes, Emp. I know I KNOW! You like the dry weather. Picky bird." She sighs and keeps her eyes open as they move along.

Aryia wasn't sure how she agreed to this. Perhaps it was the fact that figuring this out would be one step closer to having a bathhouse again. The elf is wrapped up in a treated grey cloak to keep the water out. But her visage is set in a heavy pout, and her glowing gaze is idly looking around, head on a swivel as she silently plods along with the two women plus kobold.

"Yes, I do, but Lily doesn't tolerate it as well, nor you and Aryia, and it makes things less pleasant to look at." The icy sith explains. "Though I suppose if it looks good now it will look good at any time."

She looks at the Wilderness Pointe inn, at the small village, the hunter's market and the ferry docks. "Hmmm. Would want to build something on the river? With its own docks?"

Bina peers over to where Cryo is talking about and nods slowly. "That would make sense. A source of water for the baths. In the Warmer months ther could be an outside place to eat and swim and boat if one wanted too. If its deep enough there may be a chance to get supplies as well." She tsks as she's pecked again. "Though this all depends on if our magely type friends will assist with mystic construction." She looks over at Aryia and gives the Mul a concerned face. "Doing ok?"

Aryia bobs her head along, agreeing with Cryo's observations about pleasantries. But she does peer along at the spot mentioned. That would be a good idea, could make a lot of people passing by for business. She gives a thumbs up to the whitescale to give her opinion on the matter.

She looks to Bina and tightens her cloak. A hand pokes out, and a finger scribbles something on her cloak with her finger. Bioluminescent moonlight, bright as a torch comes from where her finger touches the fabric, its color the same glow as her eyes. "Cold," it reads, before she moves a hand over it to make it vanish.

Seyardu had spent some time near wilderness pointe now, and that day found her there yet again. She had been enjoying the rain on a patio that no one else save for the makari would seek to use in that weather, soaking in the rain to ease the irritation of their scales, which were growing pale as the healing was ongoing.

So at least the spot could generate business from Makari outdoors, even in the rainy seasons. That was a plus.

Cryosanthia walks closer to the river, the pads of her feet and toes sinking into the earth, her toe-claws leaving little divits as she grips the ground. "Oh, I think they will. Mikilos has been building a dungeon as an experiment, hoping monsters and animals might populate it. I'm sure he would be well skilled with his spells in shaping earth and rock."

She gestures at the Tornmawr, "South of the Ferry, I think? Everyone will instinctively follow the water flow, and they'll be always watching the ferry. We could make sure it's deep enough, put some embankments."

The whitescale smiles, looking at the others, "I could swim, see if there's a natural deep spot."

Lily alternates who she is plastered up against. It was her Ssassa, but with swimming imminent she goes for Tia Beansss.

No! It's Tia Aryiassss.

Tia Beanssss! Tia Aryiassss.


Tia Sseyseeyss.

Bina chuckles and waves to Seyardu as she.. rain bathes? And then watches Lily go one way and then other before ending up next to said bather.

"If you would like to, sure Cryosanthia. But this is something of cart before the horse. I should speak to the innkeeper and others who reside here. See if they're willing to be neighbors with me. And assure them I'm not here to drive them out of buisness."

Aryia was glad that Seyardu found some manner of relief. She gives a soft whistle to get her attention, and she waves across the way. Lily is given a pat on the head as she's leaned against, the grey cloak opening briefly to snap the carnation scale up briefly before letting her go run around in the rain.

She tilts her head to the side at Cryo's prodding in the waters. She had comments, but they couldn't be shared. Rain ruins paper, neither knew Handspeech, and she couldn't draw with light very often.

Seyardu blinks and wakes up from whatever relaxed daze she had been when she finds a carnation scales kobold plastered up against her side.

"Peace on your nest Little Fang, this one did not see you coming by, either due to sleeping, or the rain making scents harder to pick up. It is good to see you, I assume you are out with your Sassa today?" She greets, sitting up to pat Lily on the head and pull her into a hug. A brief look around reveals Cryosanthia nearby, as well as the other regal alabaster bird, their owner and Aryia. She waves to all of them. The silver makari was still not looking great, perhaps even worse at least physically. The rain coupled with the shedding scales was a strange sight. "Peace on your nests!" She greets, the lisp all but gone, and her speech clearer again. "What brings you out here, something about business, from what I caught?" <Draconic>

"Yessss. Ssassa iss there." Lily points, patted on the head. <draconic>

"Oh that's true." Cryo says, turning to look at Sabina, following Lily with her gaze to see where she ends up. "Peace on your nest, Seyardu."

"Well, you aren't planning on having rooms for people to stay over in, so the Inn might be happy if you bring them business, and the Hunter's Market could easily supply you food. The villagers might want to work at your place also, they might get good tips, especially if adventurers are involved."

She nods to Seyardu, "Yes, we're looking for a location Sabina might make a new business... I guess... a spa, a retreat spa?"

The whitescale looks at the river once more, "You could have a party boat bring people up from Alexandria, but do you think that would get them too involved?"

Bina grins at Cryo "Party boat? Hmm." He smile fades as she notes Seyardu's scales. "Goodness! Seyardu! What happened to you? Are you alright?" She moves over towards Lily and Seyardu. "Please tell me you're well." She says to the other priest.

She looks back to Cryo and hmms.. "Bathhouse and tavern. Then I don't compete with the inn at all other then drinks."

Aryia shrugs at Cryo's worries. Who cares? Then every boat in the Alexandrian port would be scrutinized leaving, it'd be no different. Though, sizing down the TarRaCe to just a spa would be a good idea. Focus more on the spa. Aryia might be biased.

Seyardu's brow raises, and Lily is given a parting pat before she leaves her chair to walk over to where the others were gathered. "Ah, do not worry about it, I will be fine, and I am already feeling much better. There was necrotic energy from a ghost, which did quite a bit of damage to my scales, but I am healing fine. The rain has certainly done wonders." She explains. "I am more concerned about your wellbeing. You are looking for a new place to set up a business? That is wonderful to hear!"

"Mmhmm! Aryia could drive it." The whitescale says, swishing her tail back and forth. She picks her way back from the river's edge, walking through a few puddles. The way her toes flex in the water, she seems to enjoy that part.

"Ghossst hugssss." Lily says loudly.

Cryo wobbles her head at the mul'niessa. "Bathhouse and Tavern sounds good. You could have a lighthoue too, that airships tie up to. Oh! Oooooo, could you make a mud-bath like we have in Am'shere? Without the deadly creatures, of course, a lot of home-sick sith would love that."

Cryo bobs her head at Seyardu, "I'm helping her with wild ideas and possible spots."

Bina gives Seyardu another concerned look over and then nods to the sith woman. "Alright. And you should know as another healer but.. let us know if that changes." She then grins at the tower idea. "A light house? I'm sure the people of town would /not/ want light flashing at them over and over? But perhaps they would want sky travelers.." She shrugs. "It's a solid idea though. Fast travel for those going out this way."

Aryia tilts her head the other way at the mention of her helming a little ship. Hmm. She could maybe do it. Maybe. Wouldn't be a bad job for a sustaining pay. But she focuses again, her brows knitted. What the hell was a mud bath? Wasn't that the complete opposite of what a bath was supposed to do? She ambles a bit closer to Seyardu as she thinks about that. <Handspeech>

"I will let you know, most likely, but your concern is appreciated, Sabina." Seyardu chuckles. "Really, I am feeling much better, and I have already received assistance from the Soldier's Defense, and Verna while she was there. I will manage."

"A lighthouse should not be needed for the river, and air ship docking, it is best done with experienced teams in Alexandria, I feel. But, that is not to say an experienced team could not be out here, either."

Seyardu looks to Aryia, and tilts her head. "It is, well, it is a pool of mud, as the name implies. Those venturing out into the jungles use them sometimes, to mask their scent, and keep the insects away. Believe it or not, there are insects there that can pierce scales of all manner of creatures, us included. But they are also soothing, they can keep one cool for a long time, when the heat proves too much."

"Oh... airships can just throw down a rock on a line. I've been dropped off in the middle of nowhere like that. They wouldn't need much of a ground crew, they could likely hook a pole on their own." Cryosanthia suggests, looking up in the sky at an imaginary spot. Water splashes across her scales, even her eyes. She doesn't blink.

Lily tears across the wet ground, then dives into a puddle and slides on her stomach through the mud. Her demonstration of a mud-bath done, the little kobold pops up on her feet, then splashes around in the puddles.

"This one should be dancing in the rain." The whitescale says, making a slow turn and swaying her tail. She does a little two step, and nods, "riverbanks, it's really nice, to wallow and slide around in the mud."

Lily demonstrates that again.

Lord Emp has had enough. Enough cold and more then enough wet. He begins to peck at Bina's head once more. This time he doesn't stop. "Ok.. OK!" She reaches up and takes hold of the bird, taking him down from her shoulder. She misses the first Lily mud slide. But she catches the second and laughs. "I'll have to remember and look into a mud bath as well then. Clean earth, of course."

She sighs and avoids being pecked again. "I must head inside before I start bleeding. Thank you for helping me search Cryosanthia and Aryia. And you too Seyardu."

Aryia raises a brow at Seyardu's explanation. "... didn't know that. Thanks."

The elf blinks at Lily's antics, then she snickers quietly, her reaching down to pat the carnation scale. "You be nice, okay? I'm going to go warm up inside. I'll be back out later." She gives a wave to everyone, then heads into Wayfaerers Inn to warm up her little toesies. She does pause, however, to watch Cryo for a few moments. She smiles softly, bows her head, then heads inside along with Sabina. <Handspeech>

From the forest off to the east, a figure lumbers from out a path. A hood drawn over them, their frame absolutely massive. The rain didn't help with identifying their features, just that they held some kind of weapon in hand, a polearm of a sort. Using it as a walking stick.

A sort of... decay scent arrives as they do. Their head turns one way, then another before settling on the group in the rain across the way.

They lumber closer. The dread increases.

Tarnished bronescales are shown on their hands and tail. The dread increases.

A set of long fangs juts from their maw. Too long talons clack against the haft of the weapon. A set of dead silver eyes peers out from under the hood.

The dread is here.

They stop a healthy distance away, raise a hand, maw widening some to show viciously shaped teeth that was completely unnatural. Then.

... relief cuts through the dread?

"Peace on your nests. This one is sorry for being late. They ended up staying with the Shamans overlong. Is this one at the right place?" they ask. Voice deeeep. Felt more than heard. And their brown cloak held another color with it, a dark blue, it stitched onto the other half. <Draconic>

"Peace on your nest Sabina, I hope Lord Emp will settle down inside of the inn, once they have time to dry off. And, this one hopes that you will have good luck in planning for your new building. I will be looking forward to it, and if you need any help at all, do not hesitate to ask if you see me in the city or out near here. I have been spending more time in the area, of late." She offers, waving to the cleric, before moving to give them a hug before they leave. "And you as well Aryia, the rain is not for everyone, so we can take a further look around until it clears up."

Now, she sniffs at the air, and steps closer to where Lily was, which causes her to nearly slip from the mud. Though she relaxes when she sees the source, somewhat.

And then immediately tenses up again. The cleric was frozen on the spot, and squinting heavily at the bronzescale. "This is, ah, yes, this is wilderness pointe, and please do not feel it necessary to apologize. Peace on your nest, Skielstregar." She manages to reply, shifting a bit awkwardly on the spot.

"Of course. Take care Sabina, peace on your nest Lord Emp." The whitescale waves, then as Aryia seems to be heading off too, the mul'niessa gets some waving also.

Then, there's that sense of dread, building.

"Lily! Necklace." Cryo says, her nostrils flaring at the scent of decay. A scent that isn't coming from Seyardu.

"Whass?" Lily asks, looking up at her Ssassa, covered with mud.

The whitescale crouches, holding out her arms, "get the necklace of adaption from the haversack and get inside. Remember? We practiced. If you see Tia Ayas, Seldan or Blue, necklace and in."

Following the instructions, the kobold youngling does climb onto her Ssassa's shoulders. It's not swift, at least, not as swift as Cryo would like.

Skielstregar has arrived by the time Lily has climbed onto her Ssassa's shoulders. Cryosanthia stands, placing her right hand over her nose. She looks at Seyardu, back at the towering sith with the unnatural teeth. "Thiss one is known? He is safe? He does not smell so." <draconic>

Her stomach feels very tight, she's up on the balls of her feet. "The sick one this one heard of?" <draconic>

The large head of the undead makari swivels over to Seyardu. Their expression lightens, then becomes slightly concerned. "Ah! Shaman Seyardu. This one hopes you are well. You seem... injured? Yet you had want to ensure this one's constitution. They wish you swift recovery." He looks between the short makari, and the whitescale.

Dead eyes blink at the tension. Oh. The sick one. Rumors do travel, huh? "... this one assumes you are Speaker Cryosanthia? This one is Skielstregar, Warrior-caste." He languidly taps his breastplate with a fist, the symbol of the Dragonfather clanking softly against it on a necklace. His features sink some, tail ceases its sway, and he takes a step back to abate the strong scent. Shame mingles with the dread. But he tries to keep going, a bit weaker in his conviction now. "This... one doesn't get many invitations. So... they.. came. Um. This... this one can go..." <Draconic>

Seyardu does not speak for some time afterwards, and she continues to shift awkwardly, listening before Lily is scrambling into the haversack. She is surprised and worried, and happy all at the same time. "N-no, Skielstregar is safe, I promise, this one trusts Shaman Un'eth on her judgement. They met them before near the gates to the city." She explains quickly, before turning back to Skielstregar. It was impressive she could see anything with how thin her eyes were.

"N-no, it is alright, this one wanted to invite you out here, and is glad you came beyond measure. But, ah, this one is not sure what to say, really." She speaks up, gesturing them back as they seem to be stepping back.

"This one is more sensitive to scents than usual." The whitescale explains, her reasons why obvious to sight and scent. A few arcane gestures set her gloves glowing, using them to erase scents and at her nose. It makes it more bearable for her. "This one is Cryosanthia, Speaker-Caste. Peace on your Nest." <draconic>

She shakes her head, "You don't have to leave, no. The rain makes it more bearable. This one was startled, only. My apologies." <draconic>

Skiel dips his head some, only just now realizing there was a hatchling here. Wait, that wasn't a... it mattered not. "This one knows Shaman Un'eth well. But... you are glad to see this one? Why is this the case? We have met only once before. They have done well, this one promises. They have not had any incidents since that day. They have not broken their promise."

The man gives a small nod, then steps forward once more, closer now. "This one hopes their presence doesn't stress you too much, Speaker. It is not healthy for the nest," he respectfully says. "Your apology is accepted."

The confusion in his scents actually overpowers the dread. ".... what is going on?" <Draconic>

"This one is, glad to hear that you are doing well, Skielstregar, and glad to see you, ... shaaa." The cleric explains poorly, and chuffs, frustration and worry with herself growing. She even goes as far as to step behind Cryosanthia for a moment as she watches the warrior caste. "Please do not break that promise, this one asks. This one, ah, Morgan, and Cryosanthia, both were helping this one. The scrying was in an attempt to find this one's brother. And, if you truly are them, this one would ask for your forgiveness, for not realizing." She states, growing even more saddened and worried, fearful the way she was speaking would cause them to flee the area.

"This one is aware. This one hopes they are resilient, I have been up and down too much lately." Cryosanthia explains, one hand protectively on the swell of her belly, the other still covering her nose and wiping away scents. Not enough that the strength of the male's confusion is erased. "Shaman Un'eth advises this one as well. She is trusted." <draconic>

It all clicks at that point, at least, that the one before them was the one seen in the bowl. It would explain the invitation also. Cryo sighs at her ability to overlook the obvious. With the silverscale behind her, the whitescale stands a little taller, "This one did not realize... and... badly uninformed... regards to many things." <draconic>

Skiel tilts his head to the side, listening closely to the words of the half-silverscale. He too, had anxieties, and they grew as Seyardu hides herself behind Cryosanthia. "This one has urges, but has done well to squash them. They are not alone, the People are helping this one. They are resilient, they promise."

The words are shared.

It takes the warrior a moment, but he suddenly goes stock still. A singular breath leaves him, a gout of chilled, frozen air spilling forth from his nose in twin streams. The dread stills. Emotions still.

"... wh... what?" he rumbles quiet, voice strained. "You... you were searching for..... for... not realizing... what?" the warrior rambles a bit, dumbstruck by this sudden turn of events. ".... just... just who /are/ you, Shaman...?" <Handspeech>

"This one is, glad, that has been the case, they would not wish for you to become a danger to yourself." Seyardu replies, reaching to take one of Cryosanthia's hands while her own was trembling.

"This one, it is as this one said, they were worried, and, by the mother, this one is sorry, I was, looking for my brother, and yet, I remember so little, this one is sorry. This one, would be your sister, and a poor one at that." they continue, watching and worrying all the while.

Cryosanthia squeezes Seyardu's hand, still standing in front of her. Lily has gotten curious enough to crawl out of the haversack, and watch over her Ssassa's shoulder. She points, "Man from scryss."

She's a quicker, picker-upper, she is.

"This one has seen Seyardu's memoriers, of a time of a hunt, when raiders came, when she was a youngling. Is that known to you?" Another squeeze, a careful inhale. Cryo stares at Skielstregar. Warned a little by Vaera and not enough at all by Un'eth, the undead male reminds her of the argument that ended everything. Nothing to do with him, but still an unhappy association.

Her clutch-mate had suffered something similar. It was not impossible to overcome, if not too far gone, although Skielstregar seems at that limit. "We scryed, for Seyardu's lost relative. Her memories... have holes." Cryosanthia admits. She looks between the two, one small, one so large, "Or we errred with the magic, this one does not know." <draconic>

Skielstregar's heart was racing, dead eyes flicking between the Shaman and the Speaker.

Something overrode the dread. The decay. Remorse. So much remorse. "This... t-this one's sister...? N... N-No, that... that can't be."

His grip on the polearm tightens. It clear that he was using it for support by how the end of it sunk into the mud, his knees faintly shaking as the rain splashed against him. "... t-this... this one's sister is gone. T-There's... there's no way she survived Am'shere on her own. T-This one can... b-barely remember her. The... this one's affliction ate their memories..."

His head hones in on Cryosanthia, latching on to every word the Speaker said. Eyes widen, his breath grows haggard. And what a Speaker it was, every syllable stirring him further, pulling him out of the stupor. "A... a hunt. The... softskins came.... this one... one told... told their sister to run..."

There's the longest. Tensest pause. Gaze settles on Seyardu. "... does.... does the Shaman... remember... t-the fish traps...?" he asks in the faintest of words that could carry in the rain, almost drowning out the long extinguished hope. Dead eyes trembling in their sockets. So much expression in such lack of life. The hulking, stalwart warrior looks as if a stiff breeze could topple him. <Draconic>

Seyardu was listening, it was hard for her to speak, and she needed to hold onto the speaker's hand as she watched and listened,the squinted eyes going as wide as they could manage at everything shared. There was a cacaphony of emotions, fear, remorse, terror, as she remembered the memory, yet also awe, and hopefulness as Skielstregar answered.

"This one, is sorry, they do not remember how to make the traps. This one thinks, that they could not bear to think about going back to make more." they answer, barely louder than how they spoke.The sadness only grew from there.

"This one is so sorry, they wanted to go back, more than anything, they wished to find you, but there was nothing, no one to be found, and-" Seyardu sighs, and closes her eyes. "This one was so worried for you, they missed you more than anything, but it was an aching hole that they could not find the reason for."

"This one remembers the traps." Cryosanthia says quietly, recalling the shared memory. She is Speaker, she says the words that must be said. "You are connected. Without knowing, you found each other. Your hearts speak true." <draconic>

The whitescale wants to bring them together, but the scent of the male is unsettlingly strong. Her instincts are telling her to run, her maternal ones growing ever more strong with the weight of her eggs. She desperately fans her nose trying to imagine some way prestidigitation could override the scents.

It can flavour things... cayanne pepper perhaps? The thought happens before her wisdom halts it and then everything up her snout is pepper.

Sudden, violent sneezing follows, and Seyardu finds her hand squeezed quite strongly. Achoo! "Ah this one is..." kachoo! Khfffff, "sorry, just" KahCHOO! Keruffff. Khhkhchoo. "You are clutch-mates embrace!" kerhonnnnggg. <draconic>

Snuffling, nose dripping as much as the rain, Cryo approaches Skielstregar, bringing Seyardu closer.

The Speaker's confirmation seals it. There's the clatter of metal that comes from the makari man, his halberd having slipped from his grasp and clanked against a rock on the ground. Not long after felled both his knees, splashing mud into the air.

"... sister...?"

His jaw chitters, scent all over the place. Joy, fear, regret, shame, elation, relief, anxiety, dread. Everything. The whole bucket.

There's a warbling thrum in his chest. "N-No don't... don't be sorry, don't... don't- this... this one is sorry for... for failing you. This one is so sorry. So, so sorry. T-This one thought... for the longest... longest time you were... were..."

Both hands clamp over his eyes, his frame shivering and shaking. He folds in on himself, shoulders tucked in. For such a big man, he looked very, very small in this moment.

Then, out of no where.

"THIS ONE IS SO SORRY!" he bays to the clouds, shuffling forward on his knees as he reaches out for Seyardu with trembling arms, Cryosanthia helping bring her over. He blubbers apology after apology, for failing his duty, for his state of being, for smelling horrible. A right mess of a man. <Draconic>

Seyardu was easy to move, but she clung to the hand and arm tightly, until they were much closer. She reached out when they fell to their knees, and it was not longer till they finally let go, and pulled the bronze makari into a hug.

Or tried to, at least. With the difference in height, even on their knees, they remained much smaller, and it was more them being swallowed into a hug. Seyardu sniffs, and pulls as tightly as she can muster.

"It is, you did not fail, this one is still alive, but, oh, by the gods, you have been through so much, Skielstregar. If that is, this one still can not remember your name." She replies. "All the pain and suffering you have been through, it is all this one's fault for not being more careful, or being less clumsy. This one can not even begin to make up for all of that."

Cryosanthia moves with Seyardu, taking her to Skielstregar. She is able to lay a hand on the back of each. Her nose is on fire with pepper, she is very awake at the moment and no scents are bothering her. She might not scent anything besides cayanne for several days. She snuffles, inhaling with pain, tilting her snout up to let some rain run down. Water in her sinuses she can deal with.

"You are not at fault, Seyardu, this one saw. The raiders were adults, seeking vulnerabilities. Younglings are at great risk, always. You cannot be faulted for a lack of years." <draconic>

She slides to embrace both of them, pulling Skielstregar and Seyardu together, "You endured much, to save your clutch-mate. You are a deserving Warrior, Skielstregar." Cryo holds them together, a careful gesture on her part, she might be forgiven for arching her back so she touches only with arms and chest.

Skielstregar pulls Seyardu into a tight, yet careful embrace, the massive man engulfing the silverscale. Holding her close, protectively, yet burying his face into her shoulder and warbling cries into it. Somehow, that scent of dread, pulled back into a much more tolerable level. He weakly laughs in between his blubbering. "T-This one isn't sure of their name either. But the Speaker is right, y-you are at no fault..."

Then Cryo joins. And shares words. The warrior's crying comes back again. A too long taloned hand turns to hold Cryosanthia's. But it is careful to not scrape or cut. " T-Thank you Speaker. Thank you, thank you, t-thank you. You helped this one's sister. Your words... You are a good speaker. This one... this one..." Unlike the Speaker, words fail him, and he holds on tight to Seyardu. And resumes his intense catharsis of revelations and relief.

For such a big guy, he sure wears his emotions on his sleeve.

Seyardu held the hug, letting the emotions spill out, so much pent up worry and sadness giving way to relief and joy at the acknowledgement and reassurances. She looks up and over to Cryosanthia, giving them a nod, and a wavering, toothy smile. "This one was just so worried, and, this one still is." she states, looking back to Skielstregar. "She is an excellent speaker, and a good friend. This one may not have realized what happened, without her assistance and magics." She states, before answering the warbling cry with one she remembered, a rumble of presence to reassure them that after so long, they were still there. "This one is beyond glad that you are here and alright."

"You would have, you have, you did. This one is glad to have assisted, you are so close." Cryosanthia says, a twinge of embarrassment, of guilt, for not acting sooner, for having too manythings in the way but also, managing still to assist. She touches at the little bag around her neck, places her hand back on Seyardu, carefully holds Skielstregar's hand. Her snout is full of pepper; he is fearsome to look upon, but sights do not viscerally pull at her.

"You are re-united, you are safe, you have endured and survived. More healing can occur now. This one is overjoyed to have played a role, and seen." <draconic>

She also sniffs strongly, "This one.. really needs to wash her nose out. I've tried the cancelling spell and it's not working. My brain feels like it's drowning in curry..." She sneezes, hard again. Very loudly.

Skielstregar squeezes the hand and squeezes Seyardu. Not wanting to let go for the fear of losing what has been lost for so long. After enough time, his emotions are spent, and words finally find him. "This one... this one has much to tell you. And hopes you forgive them... they've done terrible, terrible things. And is a terrible, terrible thing. But they... they are trying their best. For... for you." A soft chuckle. "And to think we... we ran into each other earlier..! Our minds are truly hazy..!"

Despite his appearance, he gives cryo a smile, as unsettling as it is. Trying to not laugh at the words and failing. "This one thinks... enduring it all has... has been worth it. Please, Speaker, tend to yourself. And if you ever, /ever/ need this one... ask, and he will serve."

The large makari was undoubtedly happy. He was so, so happy. And he returned that thrumming that Seyardu started, one of reassurance. He was here. He could protect her again. He didn't fail.

Seyardu pulled away for a moment, was she already overwhelmed?

It was only to hug Cryosanthia for a split second, before she returned to the prior hug. "This one can not begin to thank you, Cryosanthia, for all that you have done. But, my thanks, for being there to help." She offers the speaker before she is gone, and she waves to the small kobold peering out of her pack.And then, she chuckles. "This one fears, the family resemblance will only be temporary, it is only a matter of time until their scales heal. But, yes, we are both, could not remember?" She replies weakly, shaking her head, which rubs a horn against them. "And this one, they were trying to become dependable on their own... since you were not around."

The silverscale chuckles again, and it dies out, into a low rumble of sleep. It seemed they were still tired from before, and the events had only served to exhaust them further.

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