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Towards the east, the shining City of Alexandria.
Towards the east, the shining City of Alexandria.
Just ouitside the city, just off the Kulthari road that leads south to the Fellwood, A certain two-tone Sith-Makar is presently camping- a small fire built, to stave off the chill breeze. He wears a cloak adorned with various feathers to help trap the heat against his body. He is accompanied by a swiftclaw- a mottled red and orange one, called Little Flame- appropriate, for her coloring, but less so for her size now. The reptillian companion's head comes up to Sjach's elbow, now, and she is nearly twice that from muzzle to tail tip. At present, Sjach is brushing her with a stiff brush, dislodging the grime from her scales.
Seyardu had been down these roads several times now, and feeling more open to being out in the wilds outside Alexandria again, she had decided to take another journey out of the city now. with a shined silver breastplate set on, and a dark silver billhook slung over her back. She had been tending to various shrines to the dragon gods that were set up on the roads around mictlan, cleaning debris, replacing offerings, and other maitenance of that sort. This journey led her to the Kultari road, and she did not seem to be in any particular rush. Though, they stop, and sniff at the air several times, before the look around, and turn in the direction of the scent leading to the small camp.
Sjach continues brushing Little Flame's scales for a time, getting behind her ear-holes. This is apparently ticklish, she stomps one of her feet in protest, but is well behaved enough to allow the grooming to continue. Sjach pauses, his nostrils flaring for a moment- and the spines running down the length of his body rustle as he, too, catches a familiar scent on the breeze. He turns as Seyardu approaches, and his tail thumps the ground behind him as he sees her. "Peace on your nest." he says, calling out to the approaching Silverscale.
The silverscale was not clouded by a miasma of wildflowers today and was easy enough to recognize. And her emotions too were able to be picked up on the wind. Happiness, a hint of embarassment, as she comes across the small camp, and the scent she had mentioned previously. Spotting Sjach and his companion, she thumps her tail once against the ground in response, before it continues to swish behind her. Seyardu reaches down to scratch the headscales of the swiftclaw as she remembered, before she turns her attention to Sjach.
"This one thought they recognized the scent from the road. Peace on your nest, Sjach. And your companion too, they look to be growing well, and in excellent health. This is good to see."
The swiftclaw leans into the scratches, pressing against Seyardu- she's certainly stronger, and heavier, than last they met- and rubbing her head against the silverscale. To dismiss the lingering ticklish sensation of the brushing, perhaps.
Sjach dips his head, his nostrils flare again, "Thiss one recognized you as well. You do not hide your scent." he observes. His own feelings are plain to read, by scent and by the way his bristles and tail flicker. Pleased, a mirrored hint of embarassment. "Sshe is growing strong." he says, looking across to his companion. "And ssometimes obedient. Ssometimes."
Seyardu chuckles, continuing to scratch the much larger swiftclaw. "This is good, obedience is good, within reason. But the spirit is still their own. It is your job to be one they would wish to assist, which I feel would not be a difficult thing for you." She states, looking to Sjach, and as the nostrils flare, the scent of embarassment grows.
"This one, does not normally when they feel no need to, as the perfume can be overwhelming." Seyardu replies, glancing down to their bag. "This one can put some on however, if it is a problem."
Sjach hesitates a moment, and then he huffs and his spines lay flatter. "No." he says, then, slightly abruptly. He grows more embarassed himself, but he continues, "It iss not a problem." he says then, and he scratches the scales on his forarm with his other clawed hand. "Thiss one... doess not mind" And then changes the subject again, looking back to his companion.
"Ssshe follows, thiss one doess not command. Ussually. But this place..." he says and looks about. "Hass many ruless. Animalss are owned and traded. Sshe doess not know thiss. So I musst." he says then.
Seyardu seems to relax, but she still remains embarassed as Sjach is, and she reaches over to put a hand on his shoulder. "Then, that is good." She replies, her tail swishing behind her as she moves to sit down next to the hunter.
She looks back to Little Flame, and nods. "Commands are necessary sometimes, for the safety of them, and others. Even as simple as to stop them from eating all the food stores." She chuckles. "But, if you need to know the rules, and concerns, this one has a better understanding, now, and could help with such."
Sjach pauses for a moment, and then his own hand comes up to lay atop Seyardu's as she lays it on his shoulder. Just for a moment. He moves over to take a seat too, and rummages through his pack a moment until he finds some scrap of dried meat, which he tosses for Little Flame to eat. She snaps it out of the air and swallows it immediately- hard to say if it even touched the sides on the way down.
Sjach turns to look at Seyardu, then, and remains quiet for a time. "Thiss one..." he hesitates, "Thiss one is pleassed. Your company iss... welcome." he says then.
Seyardu pauses for a moment as the hand is placed on her own, before she chuffs and sits down properly, tail swishing behind her. She watches the arc of the meat, and chuffs as it is taken effortlessly. She reaches into her pack to pull a bag off the top of the things. "Always has what is needed and asked for ready to take." She explains, pulling off her polearm and wrapping the bladed top in cloth, before she somehow manages to put the entire polearm into the satchel. "In this case, candied bacon from Mictlan."
She listens to the response after the moment of quiet, her tail swishing a few more times.
"This one, likes your company as well, Sjach." She admits. Thinking back to a moment before, she reaches to take one of his hands. "This one strives to be pleasing to be around."
Sjach's own tail sways back and forth as his hand is taken, his spines standing up again. "Thiss one... is unaccustomed to company. Even now. Thiss one may be..." he huffs, searching for the words, "Difficult. But sstill, thiss one wishes to spend more time with Seyardu." he finally manages to say it.
And then he looks away, nostrils flare again, and he huffs once more. "If it would pleasse her." he finally adds.
The silverscale gives a pleased rumble at the response, the movements making her tail brush against the spined one at its side a few times until it gained a rhythm to avoid that. "This one knows that you have spent much time on your own, Sjach." Seyardu notes, opening the pouch with her unoccupied hand to pull out several strips of the candied boar meat, which she offers to him.
"But, this one knows you are a good soul, and one which should feel welcome."
At the final comment though, the embarassment grows, before it dissipates, and she squeezes the hand. "This one, would be pleased to spend more time with you, Sjach. It was missed, meeting with you, as you were watching out for me. Sharing words, food, and camp."
Sjach takes the offered strip of meet, absently, clearly distracted. He nods his head slowly, his tail tip flicking, "Thiss one... will sstrive to remain nearby." As his hand is squeezed, he turns it to twine his fingers with Seyardu, claws touching the scales on the back of her own hand. He glances aside for a moment, "And... thiss one will watch out for Seyardu. Ssshe needn't hide her scent. If any maless cause problems, they will answer to Sjach." he asserts then, his chest puffing out slightly as he makes the bolt statement- despite the scent of embarasment that accompanies it.
With the meat taken, she takes out some more which she tosses to the nearby swiftclaw. Though the offered reassurance makes her pause, and the embarassment flares again. Her gaze turns to the chest puffed out, and she looks away.
"This one, thank you, Sjach, that is kind of you to offer. This one learned from shaman Un'eth how to use their tail to smack away them on the snout, but has not needed to do so."
She chuckles at that, and she looks back. "How have you been doing, by the way, Sjach? This one has heard little about what you have been up to."
Sjach looks away as well, and dips his head, "This is good." he decides, on Seyardu learning how to defend herself- but he falls rather quiet, still a bit embarassed, though also quite happy, to jusge from not only his scent but the swishing of his tail. When the question comes, he turns to look back at Seyardu. "Thiss one traveled to the north and wesst, with the rangerss from the grove. The predators which normally stay in the mountains have been coming further into the hills and woods, close to the road. We sought a reason. It wass... poachers, in the mountains." he explains, succinctly.
"It is good, yes. And not something you need to worry about." Seyardu nods, relaxing some more as she entwined her hand more with the movements.
She falls silent to listen, her tail continuing to swish happily as she watches the hunter next to her.
"This is important business, and I understand the importance of it, Sjach." She finally says, with another accompanying nod. "If animals are not protected to a certain degree, villages and people can suffer, and the animal populations themselves. It was good you found the source of the problem."
Sjach's spines bristle, and he exhudes a brief note of displeasure. "The animalss alwayss suffer, but the people do not care until they suffer also." he says then. His opinion on civilization clearly hasn't changed much. But the displeasure quickly fades. His tail brushes against Seyardu's once again.
"Hunting is... natural, it iss the way of things." he says then. "Hunting too often, or wasting the kill, it is not natural. This is the way of poachers. They hunt for furs or fangs, not for meat." he says.
"Yes, that makes sense, Sjach." Seyardu nods. "Every creature has their own worries, this is true though."
"They were harvesting fur for no practical reason? That does not make sense, but this one can understand it. Nobles in the city seem to make a big deal about appearing different from others."
The silverscale chuffs. Her tail returns to brush against Sjach's. "It is not right. The world, ea, should be respected."
Sjach dips his head, agreeing with that last sentiment- he allows his tail to rest against Seyardu's, though he can't help the tip of it flicking back and forth a little. He turns to face her once more. He seems hesitant for a moment, but eventually he squeezes the silverscale's hand once more.
Eventually he snaps out of it, and a wave of embarassment washes over him. "Sshaa.. apologies. Thiss one was... distracted." he says again, his nostrils flare.
With the tail resting against her own, it stills, flicking a few times in return, with Seyardu seeming embarassed herself, yet also relaxed, and pleased.
She squeezes Sjach's hand, before letting go, letting her arm rest slightly against it still. "Is this one, being distracting?" She asks, looking to the hunter next to her. "If this one is, then apologies. But this one does not mind you being close."
"You could hug this one if you wished, hugs are quite nice." She suggests afterwards, before turning back away, the embarassment flaring again.
Sjach's spines lay flat then, and he shakes his head slowly side to side. "It is not an unpleasant distraction." he says then, and he turns his body towards Seyardu when she lets go of his hand. He dips his head, the spines standing up again at her suggestion.
He moves over, one hand finding her side before shifting so that he's facing her once more and wrapping the other arm around her. His head rests on her shoulder. So close, his emotions are plain as day- embarassed and pleased in equal measure.
Seyardu looked back, and found herself facing Sjach. Her thoughts were muddied after the offer, and quickly stifled by the hug. After a moment, the silverscale chuffs, and returns the hug as best she can. Her tail could be seen swishing behind her from over her shoulder.
"This one, does not mind having your attention, Sjach." She admits, embarrassed, pleased and happy herself. "This one is small, and not as coordinated as many, but it is kind of you to be kind to this one."
Sjach holds Seyardu, his own tail thumps the ground happily as his arms move around to embrace her properly. "Thiss one..." he says, pausing- searching for words. "Thiss one wass taken by your beauty when he firsst laid eyes on you." he admits then, after a moment.
He chuffs as Seyardu talks about being small, uncoordinated. "Thiss one was also small, a runt, once. Thiss one is still skinny. Thiss one was called Skink in hiss youth." he admits to her then, a flush of shame souring the otherwise innocent embarasment for a moment.
The words of the green scaled makari, however long they took to be found, make Seyardu even more more embarassed as she pulls herself into the embrace. She chuffs, and is silent for several moments. "This one, that is kind of you to say, Sjach." Is all they manage to say, though it is accompanied by the silver makari rubbing the side of her face against Sjach's.
"But, you are strong, and dependable in your own way."
"And, this one likes your scales, even if they aren't properly colored. The gray and black, both look nice together." She adds herself, a touch of sadness creeping into scent. "Though, other young ones can be harsh. This one knows that well."
Sjach's face rubs back, hard scales against Seyardu's. "Thiss one strove to grow strong, in defiance of them." he says then, and bristles slightly- there's pride there, at the praise, or satisfaction that he's attained his goal.
Sjach breaks from the hug, finally, leaning back a bit to rest on his haunches, though his hands remain on Seyardu's sides. At the sadness, his nostrils flare a bit and his scaled rye ridges knit into a semblance of a frown. "Sshaa, do not be sad. Thiss is in the passt." he insists then.
One hand comes away from Seyardu's side, coming up to under her chin, to lift her gaze to meet his.
"And you were sucessful. You are, strong, dependable, Sjach. This one feels better for your presence, and your kind words." The silver makari notes, continuing to gently rub against Sjach's face until he breaks the hug. She kept her hands mostly wrapped around them, and when their head was propped up, they gently rubbed against the hand, squinting as she faced him.
"This one, it is not in the past for them. Not entirely." She admits, her gaze turning slightly away. "Every time this one trips up walking down a street or path, or is confused by the appearance of something, it is apparent."
"But this one, is happy that you have grown strong. It is something to take pride in, yes."
Sjach turns his hand over, running the back of his knuckles along the side of Seyardu's face, as she squints, he moves closer still- so they are almost muzzle to muzzle, and so that she can meet his gaze without straining her eyes. He blinks, slowly. "Thiss one will be your eyes, if you have need." he says then.
A pause, "Though, the appearance of many thingss in the city if confusing for thiss one as well." He admits a moment later. "Sso perhapss we can be confussed together."
Seyardu was almost always squinting, but focusing on the makari in front of her made her squint further still.
Only to find them moving closer to alleviate that. Her eyes go a bit wider, making the appearance much more apparent. What looked almost silver, was actually three different shades of the metallic color, the structure of a normal eye. One hand reaches up to the one on the side of her face, and holds it there for a moment, before she reaches forward to run it down the spines on his head.
"This one, would appreciate that, Sjach. This one likes your presence." She agrees, though the further comment makes her chuff, a warm puff of air that could be felt from how close they were. "This one would like to share the sights in the city with you regardless, Sjach. And between two of us, the confusion would be more manageable." She states with a rumbling chuckle.
Sjach continues to caress the side of Seyardu's face with the back of his hand as they speak, almost snout to snout. He lans forwards a bit, to gently nudge at Seyardu's with his own. "Thiss one would like that." he adds after a moment. "Shhha..." he turns away for a moment, "If Seyardu truly does not mind this one." he says then, doubt creeping into his emotional state.
"Thiss one is chromatic, and skinny, and not good at... ssocial thingss." he says then. "Seyardu is bright, thiss one fearss, too bright for them." he says.
Seyardu rumbles a bit from the hand rubbing her face, and with wide eyes she watches Sjach. Her tail thumps once from the nudge.
"Sjach, this one does not mind you, truly." She states, now her turn to prop up the hunter's head with her hand when they turn back. "You are tall, strong, dependable. When this one has doubts, your first response was to put them to rest." She continues, before leaning to nuzzle the green Makari's snout. "This one cannot tell you are chromatic, nor would it make a difference if they could."
"Just as this one struggles with sight, this one can help you with the social matters. This one, would be happy to."
Sjach leans into the nuzzling, turning his head a bit so that he can run the side of his face alongside the side of Seyardu's. "Thiss one... is glad." he says finally, and breathes a slow huff through his nostrils- as though setting down a weight.
"Thiss one will be seyardu's eyes, and Seyardu will be thiss one's voice." he summarizes then. "Thiss is... good." he agrees. His doubt begins to fade- slowly. His nose reaches seyardu's shoulder, and presses against the scales there, where he exhales another huff of warm air.
"You are not minded, Sjach." Seyardu repeats, slowly, with a reassuring hum. She continues to gently rub against the side of Sjach's face, seeming much more relaxed again, and happy from the scents.
"You have nice eyes, Sjach." She says. "This arrangement, will be good for both of us. This one hopes."
Sjach nuzzles against Seyardu's shoulder and neck at her words, inhaling her scent once more his nostrils flare. "Thiss one hopess as well." he agrees with Seyardu, his tail happily swishing back and forth.
No longer distracted by her unexpectedly sweet and sticky morsel of meat, the nearby swiftclaw huffs and scrapes her claws along the ground- growing aware of the fact no one has been paying her any attention for a while.
"Between the hope of both of us, it should be true." Seyardu says, watching the tail swishing over Sjach's shoulder, which makes her own follow suit in time with it. Though the noises from nearby take her attention, and she turns to see Little Flame. The silver makari chuckles, hugging Sjach briefly with her snout nudging his, before she sits back. The embarrassment growing again.
"Ah, that was nice, Sjach." She says, smiling to the greenscale in front of her. "But we cannot forget about your companion, here. Would you like assistance with brushing their scales clean?"
Sjach looks towards Little Flame as well, and the Swiftclaw tilts her head to the side and lets out a trilling noise that seems slightly displeased. He clicks his tongue back at her, and she huffs and scrapes the ground again. "Thiss one and Little Flame have sspent a long time with no other company. Ssshe is unaccustomed to otherss." he says then.
He moves besides Seyardu, and settles back on his haunches- he allows his tail to rest against hers, and then beckons the swiftclaw over.
Seyardu chuckles when she sees the slightly displeased swiftclaw. "So you decided on a name, Little Flame, it is nice." She says while sitting back down proper. "This one hopes they will hrow accustomed to my presence."
She looks around and embarassment flares again when she finds the pouch that had been discarded during the hug. She reaches for it before the swiftclaw comes over, and she offers another large strip to Little Flame.
Little Flame makes her way over having been beckoned- and also scenting the smell of food in the pouch. Her nostrils flare and then she takes the strip- surprisngly gently for a predator with a maw full of needle sharp teeth. Something Sjach must have taught her. "Thiss one hopess so as well. Sshe losst her mother when she wass a hatchling. Thiss one has raissed her, but..." he explains.
And then there's a sudden rush of embarasment as his higher brain puts into context what he just said, although with a sudden pang of sadness. He shakes his head to dismiss it, and his spines settle. He huffs again, puffing up his chest a bit, and then exhales slowly as he relaxes. "Thiss one... found it pleasant when you ressted against him, by the river." he says.
With the sweet treat taken, Seyardu reaches to scratch their headscales, looking for the brush from earlier.
The pang of sadness is noted, and she shifts herself back to she could lean her side against Sjach. "You have done a good job caring for them, Sjach." She reassures with another low rumble, pausing to look at the puffed out chest again before she chuffs with a hint of embarassment.
"Seeing you again, it made this one happy. And getting to be close to you, this one found it pleasant, too. Even if not for my current state, this one knows they would still like it."
Sjach dips his head as Seyardu comes to rest against him, and he knuckles the top of Little Flame's head while she munches, rubbing the hard scales on her brow with his knuckles. "Perhapss... Seyardu would like to go camping with thiss one again." he suggests then, a little out of the blue. "We could sswim in the river, as we sspoke of before." he adds.
Seyardu found the brush, and was working on brushing one of the smaller swiftclaw's sides while she was distracted by the food, resting more of her weight against Sjach. The sudden offer makes her pause, and she looks to Sjach before she looks away, embarassed.
"This one, would like to go camping with you, if you would like." She replies slowly, nodding as well. "And, swimming with you in the river would be nice."
Little flame tilts her head away imperiously as Seyardu reaches out with the brush. Sjach clicks his tongue and raps her on the top of the head- only gently- with his knuckle. "Seyardu fed you." he reminds the swiftclaw, who relents and leans into the brushing.
Sjach's arm comes around, to slip around Seyardu's side and hold her close as she leans against him. "Thiss one would like that. Perhapss thiss time thiss one will be more sucessful in catching dinner." he says, huffing as he recalls his gaffe on the last occasion, and relying on Seyardu's fishing skills when he was supposed to be the hunter-caste.
Seyardu was careful with her brushing so as not to upset the swiftclaw, and she chuckles at the gentle reminder. "It is her choice whether to let me or not." She notes, continuing where she had seen Sjach leave off prior.
"It was complete luck that I was so sucessful last time." She chuckles. "But kin rely upon each other, as not every day can be a sucess."
She leans against the hunter with the arm around her, continuing the brushing. "But whether or not that is the case, this one is, happy to share the camp and time. And, this one was distracted, but saw the fish you caught by the river the other day. it was good to share with you when it was roasted."
Sjach dips his head again, "Thiss one... did not intend to visit the city, that day." the greenscale says then as he drops his hand back away from Little Flame, allowing Seyardu to continue with the brushing now that the tempermental swiftclaw has been appeased with pets and food. "Thiss one wass fishing, upstream. But... there were few fish, and so thiss one followed the current." he explains. "Thiss one is glad, though. Although the city will never be... ssha, good, for thiss one. It wass better when thiss one found Seyardu there." he finishes.
"This one, was glad you did." Seyardu says, reasting her head against Sjach's shoulder while she brushed Little Flame. "This one would not have known you were back otherwise. And knowing this, this one was happy to know you were around again."
"It was good luck that this one was present to meet you, Sjach. The city may not be perfect, but this one has friends there, and spends much time. But, the places you are, they are equally important."
"Such as this. The day was improved happening on your camp here. This one was not planning it, but finding you here was another moment of good luck."
Sjach tilts his head to the side, as Seyardu rests hers against his chest, so that he can rest his against hers. He breathes a contented chuff. "Sshaa.. perhapss thiss one will become accustomed to the city in time." he says then. "The city stinkss... but, if Seyardu is near, thiss one doess not think they will notice." he adds then. His nostrils flare again and he nuzzles against the top of her head. "But..." he pauses, hesitating, searching for the words, before he continues, "Thiss one prefers Seyardu when she doess not mask her scent..." he finally admits.
Seyardu rumbles contentedly from Sjach's movements, and she nods slowly, returning the nuzzle in a way. "Then this one will be with you in the city. Perhaps this one can convince Sabina to make the bath house like a sulfur spring for the day." She suggests, her tail thumping once at the thought, before coming to rest wrapped over Sjach's.
"This one, does not like hiding themselves. And if you are alright with this one, their scent, I would rather not use the perfume."
Then she sighs, and grows a bit embarassed. "Cryosanthia, she told this one they would desire to be close to kin. This one, was happy to pick up your scent from the road. So this one understands you feeling that way."
A deep rumble emanates from Sjach, too, at the close contact with Seyardu, and his scaled eyelids close as he simply enjoys her presence for a while and listening to her words. His spines bristle and his nostrils flare as he inhales.
"Thiss one understands. Males are..." he trails off, looking for the words. "Males are always..." he says then, pausing once more, for longer this time. "Males respond to their instincts." he settles on, finally. Putting it as delicately as he is capable.
"This one enjoyed your presence, even before." He asserts, eventually. "It is even more enjoyable now." he finally says.
The rumble, and relaxed embrace, Seyardu was content to finish brushing the swiftclaw's side, before leaning back. She listens, and the embarassment grew with each pause.
Finally she nods again, and reached to take the hand wrapped around her and squeeze it. "This one, this was the concern, but Cryosanthia told this one most would wait for my own decisions. But this one wished to avoid that concern." She states, awkwardly looking away. "This one liked your presence before too. And, this one is glad it is even nicer for you now."
Sjach lifts his head a bit as Seyardu turns away, and he leans in, after her. "Thiss one... sshaa how to say." he clucks once, frustrated at himself for struggling with his words. His tail thumps the ground, disturbing the way they are twined for a moment, but then he forces himself to settle down. "This one desires Seyardu. But... thiss one is very patient." he finally says, his scent resplendant with embarassment, and his spines laying low. He turns his head away and stares intently at an interesting patch of grass nearby.
Seyardu presses into the Sjach as he leans in, and she squeezes the hand held. But as he speaks, she stills, and her embarassment flares even more than the hunter-caste's. It was a few minutes before she speaks.
"Shaaa." She chuffs. "This one, needs to figure out their feelings, what is the season, what is how this one feels. But this one knows, that even before they liked your presence." She continues. "This one must apologize, but the patience may be best for now."
Sjach's own embarasment boils during the silence, and his bristles lay flat- his shoulders sink, like prey that realizes it's been found in the sight of a predator. He begins to worry, that much is evident, but he remains quiet as well rather than giving voice to whatever thoughts swirl in his head.
"O-of coursse." Sjach says then, suddenly jolting when Seyardu finally speaks again. "Thiss one... only wished Seyardu to know. Thiss one expects nothing." he says then, turning back towards her- which just causes him to grow embarassed again so he looks away again.
Seyardu could feel the worry leading up to her speaking, and she chuffs at the response. "This one, has much to think about, Sjach." She states. With him looking away again, her tail swishes once, and she leans up to nuzzle Sjach's neck. "This one, would not like you to expect nothing. This one, likes being around you Sjach. It is just, much to think about. And this one never had a nest-mother, so this is much to learn."
Sjach's worry abates- somewhat- as Seyardu nuzzles into his neck and stiffly at first he leans into Seyardu. "Thiss one understandss. Thiss one expectss nothing. But hopess." he then offers, as a compromise. Even if it embarasses him, as evidenced by the spines laying flat again. "Thiss one will stay closse, as closse as Seyardu wisshes." he asserts then.
The last comment, though, cuts through the awkward air a bit. "Thiss one... in thiss one's village, young were raissed together. Thiss one had many nesst motherss." he says then. "Thiss one would lissten, if Seyardu wisshes to speak of their life." he says then.
"Sjach, this one likes you being close. But you can stay as close as you wish." She offers, squeezing his hand again. Then, she nods, and sighs, before she speaks again. "This one did not realize how strange their life was, until they traveled out of their home village. This one's nest-mother passed before they got to know them. Their father raised them on their own."
Then she blinks, and looks up to meet Sjach's gaze. "This one, does not believe they had a chance to tell you what happened. But their memories are, some are missing, some are muddled, from their childhood. This one learned only recently about their brother. They are, they were taken when this one was young."
She falls silent for a moment, sadness and confusion creeping into her scent.
Sjach listens intently, his head canting to the side as he listens to Seyardu's story. His hand squeezes hers back, and he meets the gaze, unblinking. That lingering embarassment and worry begins to fade as Seyardu speaks, a pang of sympathetic sadness comes to him. "The different villages have their wayss. Thiss one was raissed with many, some are raissed alone, some are casst into the wild and raisse themselves." he says then. "It iss not strange." he adds.
His spines react when she hears about the brother, standing up and his posture straightens. "Taken where?" he asks then, "Can they be found?" he adds a moment later.
"This one has heard from many villages in their travels, that most are raised by many nest mothers. But, the ones you speak of, this one has not heard of." Seyardu says, relaxing just a bit at the explanation. "This is good to hear."
Then, she sighs, and shakes her head. The sadness grows stronger. "This one, remembered what happened. They were taken by Charn Slavers, many years ago. This one knows not if they live, but, one of their friends offered magic to find them, if they do."
"If, if they are alright, this one may need to go back to Charn to find them."
Sjach's hand- the one that had pulled Seyardu into a side hug earlier, comes up to rest on her shoulder as she tells the sad tale. "Thiss one will help, if he iss able." he says then, without hesitation. "Thiss one hass a bow- it hass killed many Charn invaderss." he adds then, and his chest swells a bit more. "And thiss one can track. Perhapss not so well as magic or in citiess, but in the wild placess." he adds then. For all his bravado, he can't hide a hint of trepidation at the thought of what he's volounteering himself for- for a foray into Charn, the place his own nest mothers told stories about.
With the assurances, Seyardu thumps her tail against the ground, mindful not to hit Sjach's. "This one, would make sure it was safe as can be." She states, her own chest rising, but hidden by the breastplate she had on. "They have been to Charn once already, to save allies, and it may be possible again, if needed. But, it may not."
The silverscale visibly deflates. "They, this one's brother saved their life, so many years back with their actions. If they can do anything to repay that, this one would with little question. My thanks Sjach, for offering your assistance as well. It means much, to have those who can be relied on."
Sjach dips his head as Seyardu tells the last of her story, the debt she owes her brother. He looks to the ground, and falls quiet for a time- like his namesake. Eventually, he begins to speak again- sadness, and a hint of shame surfacing in his emotional landscape. "Family iss important." he says, then takes a deep breath. His spines lay flat, and his gaze remains fixed on the middle distance ahead. He exhales, slowly, and then continues speaking. "Thiss one hass not told you, of why he took the name Sjach. Of why thiss one traveled the foressts of Am'shere alone, have they?" he wonders, sparing a glance Seyardu's way before returning to staring ahead.
"Thiss one had a mate, once before. Many rainss ago." he explains. "Sshe was a goldsscale, a warrior-casste. Sshe taught Sjach many thingss. To usse the glaive, to ride a sswiftclaw. To sstand tall, and not sslouch." he adds. Another pause, and the emotions slowly build as he reaccls the memories.
"Our village... like many, we were at war with our neighbors. The Nar-sektoth, the Ko-jodakh." he says then. "At times, they would attack the village. Try to kill our swiftclaws, burn our homes, despoil our food stores..." a longer pause. "...destroy our eggs."
Seyardu notices the hunter hanging his head, and she gives him the quiet moment he seeks, raising a hand to mirror the one on her shoulder. The sadness is shared, and the silverscale rumbles something reassuring, felt and heard from the closeness.
Then she listens, matching is gaze outwards as he speaks. "This one, you told me some, but not all. But this one will listen."
And she does, patiently, the sadness growing, the hand remaining on a shoulder, gently holding it. "You were, this one is sorry, Sjach." She says once he speaks. "But, also, this one is glad. She sounds like she was a good person. The memories of the good, can be remembered."
"Do you, your previous name, why did you change it?" She asks with a singular raised brow. "And your previous mate, if you would like to tell this one about her, this one can listen."
Sjach shakes his head a bit then, and he says, "It iss alright." on the topic of talking about his former mate. "One night, the Ko-jdakh snuck into our village. Sshe wass a nesstwatch. They snuck insside and... sshe raissed the alarm, and defended the eggs, but there were too many. They crushed the clutch, they burned the nesst. Thiss one wass too sslow, we were all too sslow, we could not ssave them."
He pauses again, taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. His spines rattle. The shame is strong now, stronger than the sorrow, and tinged with shocks of anger. It takes him a moment to collect himself, and gather his thoughts. "Thiss one became Sjach becausse... thiss one vowed not to sspeak. Thiss one would become ssilent, and kill the Ko-jodakh until none remained." he says theen. "Thiss one went to their home, thiss one killed them. Many. It wass... it did not help. And sso thiss one left. Wandered the jungle, without purposse or voice."
He takes another deep breath and then exhales it slowly, getting his emotions back under control again, they begin to settle down. "Until thiss one came here, through the portal. Thiss one wass too asshamed to return to the people. But thosse here... welcomed thiss one. Thiss one broke hiss vow. But... thiss one doess not regret that. Thiss one met Seyardu, Cryosanthia, Un'eth, Geir. Many of the People here, thiss one calls friendss."
"This one remembers, you were not sure what to make of my actions with the nar-sektoth." She notes quietly, before falling silent again to listen. At the shame, she takes a hand again, holding it reassuringly.
"Sjach, you can not take fault for all of that. But, this one feels you may have come to the conclusion yourself."
The sadness lingered, but the silver makari hazards a smile. "This one, is glad you found your voice again. The healing is with the people, and those met, this one is glad to call them friends. Including you, Sjach."
Then she falls silent a moment, and sighs. "This one was surprised at how normally they were treated here too. Cryosanthia was one of the first met, and this one was taken aback by how she just, welcomed this one like any other."
Sjach nods his head slowly, "The Nar-sektoth are treacherous, murderous. They cannot be trussted. It iss... it iss noble of Seyardu, to wissh for it to be otherwisse. But it iss dangerous." he says then.
At the next comment he chuffs, and then nods once more. "It iss... different from Am'shere." he agrees with Seyardu, squeezing back with the hand that's taken, and twining his fingers with hers once more. He finally turns his gaze to look back at the silverscale again. "Thiss one thinks, perhapss, it is the influence of the ssoftskinss." he says then. He huffs a bit, and grudgingly admits- "Perhapss not all of their wayss are bad." he adds after a moment.
He squares up his shoulders and sits up staight, before continuing, "Thiss one still doess not like the city and their farmss, though." he asserts.
"This one realizes, now. That their wishes need to be tempered with wisdom." Seyardu sighs, letting her claws tap against the back of the green scales on his hand. "Perhaps there are those that can be reasoned with, but that means not putting ones guard down in the process."
Then she chuckles, and nods. "The animal farms are strange, but growing plants, it is not so bad. This one's father used to keep a garden, and this one saw the peppers grown by Durrankar in Mictlan. As for the city, well, sometimes softskins can be difficult. This one started wearing long skirts not long after arriving, due to being referred to as a male so many times."
Sjach nods his head slowly at Seyardu's words, "Thiss one... can never trusst them. Our coussinss. Thiss one has fought them for too long, they have taken too much from thiss one." he says then. "But. Thiss one doess not need to hunt them, here. Here, thiss one can... protect. Protect the grove, Mictlan, Seyardu, their other friendss. That iss enough." he says.
When the topic of clothes come up, his spines bristle and a flush of... indignation? Annoyance? overcomes him. It's not powerful enough to be anger, but still, "They tell thiss one they musst wear trouserss, alwayss." he says then, shaking his head a bit. "Even when swimming in the river. Even in the bathss at the Rarrace, thiss one musst wear a towel. The ssoftskinss are afraid of being without clothess, thiss one thinkss." he says then and chuffs.
"You are, a good protector, Sjach. This one knows you looked out for me, many times in the forests, even if you did not wish to say so outright. This one is glad to hear you say it now." Seyardu says with a nod, and smile to the hunter. "This one, will look of for you, and others they care about too. Their safety is important to this one."
Then she chuckles, glancing to what Sjach was wearing. "Shaman Un'eth seems to manage fine, though perhaps that is simply due to none wishing to challenge a powerful druid such as herself."
"And the tarrace, there are sides where they are uneccesary for the baths, but due to the splitting, this one could not go with you." She offers, before she realizes what was said, and flares with embarassment. "This one, ah, was told it may have something to do with softskins being in season all the time."
Sjach's bristles lay flat again, shades of embarassment surfacing at the praise. "Thiss one is glad to spen time with Seyardu. Thiss one iss... ssorry, they did not have the courage to be honest earlier." he admits finally, turning to gaze at Seyardu again. "Thiss one wass told to put clothes on, or to leave. By the guard. Thiss one was wearing his breasstplate." he asserts then, his chest puffing up once more and a surly rumble to his voice.
He seems to miss the cause for Seyardu's embarassment, looking at her with a puzzled cant to his head. "We can bathe together in the riverss and poolss, outside of the city." he suggests flatly, remaining oblivious to any implications that might have.
However, as Seyardu moves swiftly onwards, his spare hand comes up to scratch his cheek absently as he thinks on that. "Thiss one assked a ssoftskin druid about thesse thingss." he says then. "Thiss one wass told it is because their... partss are expossed without clothess. They do not have scaless to protect them." he says then, quite matter-of-factly.
Seyardu says, "It is, alright Sjach. This one is happy to hear now." She says, looking to stare at the grass now herself. "They have, their own views, and would share them with those in the city. Perhaps it is a good thing, in a way, that they see us as equals, now. Or they could simply be intimidated."
She continued to stare at the grass, and the suggestion only made the embarassment grow as she squeezed the hand she held. "You would, ah. Perhaps that would be nice, Sjach." She agrees to the ground. "The druidbspeaks correctly. it is dangerous for them, their skin is easily torn, and can lead to injury. It is not strong like your scales or mine.""
"Thiss one wonderss, how the ssoftskinss survived. Before they had their citiess and their clothess." Sjach says absently, turning his gaze heavensward for a moment, before looking back towards Seyardu, still puzzled by her embarassment. His begins to climb as well, though he remains puzzled. "Thiss one suggessted bathing, only bathing." he insists then, concerned there may be some missunderstanding brewing.
He leans in to brush his muzzle against the side of her face, and continues, "Thiss is closse enough for thiss one." he adds then.
"This one believes that they wore clothes for a long time, much like one wears furs for the winter here, just for all of the time." Seyardu suggest, relaxing just a touch, until she catches the embarassment returned. "Yes, just bathing." She agrees, nodding slowly, and finding Sjach's face next to hers, she chuffs, and rubs against it slightly.
"This is good. This one just worries, how they may react at the river or lakes. This one, you have very nice scales Sjach." She explains, finishing flatly and closing her eyes.
Sjach continues drawing a blank for a few moments longer, "Seyardu's scales are ver-" he begins returning the compliment, before the rest of what she said registers. His own embarassment rises to compete with her own. "Ah, of coursse. Thiss one... thiss one undersstands." he says then, turning his gaze aside for a moment.
"Then, perhapss at a... ssafer time." he adds then, still not able to return his gaze.
The silverscale's tail swishes once from the unfinished compliment, only to still quickly. She chuffs, and nods.
"This one, would like to, but it is like before, this one needs to sort their feelings."
"This one, does not need to return to the city tonight, though." She states suddenly. "This one could help you make food for dinner, and perhaps we could share the camp? More time to talk with you, it would be good."
Sjach dips his head in acknowledgement of her words, "Thiss one doess undersstant. As before, thiss one is patient." he insists then.
Despite his saying that, he can't hide the flicker of excitement as she mentions that she doesn't need to return to the city, and his tail swishes happily behind him, bumping up against Seyardu's. "Thiss one would like that." he says then, turning his attention back to meet Seyardu's gaze. "Thiss one can prepare sspace for Seyardu, now." he says then as he sits up straighter.
The excitement and happiness was returned by the silverscale easily, cutting through the embarassment. Her own tail swishes happily, though as Sjach sits up straighter, the cleric slides down Sjach's chest somewhat before she rights herself, and meets the gaze with a smile. "There is no rush, and this one can help." She chuckles. "Perhaps I will get some stew cooking now while you do so."
Sjach's arm moves around Seyardu to steady her as she slips, "Ah, apologies." he says, that hint of bashfulness returning as he realizes he let his excitement at the prospect getting ahead of him. "That iss a good idea. Thiss one enjoyed your cooking, lasst time." he says then with a dip of his head. His arm moves from around Seyardu, lingering for a moment with his hand on her back, before he rises to his feet- now that she is no longer leaning against him, so that he may busy himself with setting up camp for the two of them.
His tail swishes happily behind him as he does so.
Seyardu takes a moment to sit properly under her own weight, though she leans against the hand on her back for one final moment begore she shifts back on to her haunches.
Then I shall do my best to make more food to share. This one has learned several new types of baked bread." She replies while undoing her breastplate and stowing it in her bag.
She does not move just yet, watching the hunter move quickly around the camp. It was nice to see the care they had, how much they looked forward to them being there. And she could not help but swish her own tail to and fro, before she began pulling supplies out of her bag, far in excess of what it would appear to hold. And it was not long before she too was busy setting up the camp.

Latest revision as of 22:49, 15 October 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Reunions and Recollections
  • Emitter: Seyardu
  • Characters: Seyardu, Sjach
  • Place: H01: Kultari Road
  • Time: October 15th, 2021
  • Summary: Seyardu is checking the sith-makar shrines, and other shrines set up outside of Alexandria, to provide maintenance and offerings for them. When she is finished, she comes across the camp of Sjach, who she had not seen for some time, and had met again recently in Alexandria, while they are tending to their swiftclaw companion Little Flame, who is not so little anymore. She joins them in the camp, and the two converse, sharing words and feelings after being apart for some time. Sjach tells Seyardu how they will try to be in the city more often, which is good news for the cleric. They speak of their pasts, Seyardu of growing up without a nest mother, and how her memories are not quite right, and how her brother was taken away by slavers when she was young. And Sjach, about his village which was attacked by Ko-jodakh, or troglodytes, and his wanderings afterwards to hunt them. He tells of how his arrival in Alexandria was a good thing, which broke the silence they had imposed, and both can agree on the positive influence coming there had on their lives. They discuss softskin customs more, before Seyardu asks to stay at the camp, being in no rush to return to the city, and Sjach agrees, before the two begin working to prepare the camp and dinner for the night.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* H01: Kultari Road *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

          From east to west, north to south, the Alexandrosian countryside 
weaves over hill, valley, and farmland. Kultari Road meanders through it at a 
comfortable pace. The roadside is lined with curbstones, their surfaces 
comfortably flat and warm, with sand pressed inbetween. At times construction 
meanders into dirt, and numerous pathways branch off here and there to 
different farmsteads.

          Along this stretch is a waystation. Over its door is a carved marker 
with dual symbols of Gilead and Tarien, the patrons of travel and the meeting 
of wilderness-and-civilization, respectively. Not large, the waystation rests 
a comfortable ways from the main avenue, with a place for a firepit out front.

Towards the south, the sky and landscape darkens. The Felwood lies there, and 
an occasional screech from inhuman lungs may be heard.

Towards the east, the shining City of Alexandria.

Just ouitside the city, just off the Kulthari road that leads south to the Fellwood, A certain two-tone Sith-Makar is presently camping- a small fire built, to stave off the chill breeze. He wears a cloak adorned with various feathers to help trap the heat against his body. He is accompanied by a swiftclaw- a mottled red and orange one, called Little Flame- appropriate, for her coloring, but less so for her size now. The reptillian companion's head comes up to Sjach's elbow, now, and she is nearly twice that from muzzle to tail tip. At present, Sjach is brushing her with a stiff brush, dislodging the grime from her scales.

Seyardu had been down these roads several times now, and feeling more open to being out in the wilds outside Alexandria again, she had decided to take another journey out of the city now. with a shined silver breastplate set on, and a dark silver billhook slung over her back. She had been tending to various shrines to the dragon gods that were set up on the roads around mictlan, cleaning debris, replacing offerings, and other maitenance of that sort. This journey led her to the Kultari road, and she did not seem to be in any particular rush. Though, they stop, and sniff at the air several times, before the look around, and turn in the direction of the scent leading to the small camp.

Sjach continues brushing Little Flame's scales for a time, getting behind her ear-holes. This is apparently ticklish, she stomps one of her feet in protest, but is well behaved enough to allow the grooming to continue. Sjach pauses, his nostrils flaring for a moment- and the spines running down the length of his body rustle as he, too, catches a familiar scent on the breeze. He turns as Seyardu approaches, and his tail thumps the ground behind him as he sees her. "Peace on your nest." he says, calling out to the approaching Silverscale.

The silverscale was not clouded by a miasma of wildflowers today and was easy enough to recognize. And her emotions too were able to be picked up on the wind. Happiness, a hint of embarassment, as she comes across the small camp, and the scent she had mentioned previously. Spotting Sjach and his companion, she thumps her tail once against the ground in response, before it continues to swish behind her. Seyardu reaches down to scratch the headscales of the swiftclaw as she remembered, before she turns her attention to Sjach.

"This one thought they recognized the scent from the road. Peace on your nest, Sjach. And your companion too, they look to be growing well, and in excellent health. This is good to see."

The swiftclaw leans into the scratches, pressing against Seyardu- she's certainly stronger, and heavier, than last they met- and rubbing her head against the silverscale. To dismiss the lingering ticklish sensation of the brushing, perhaps.

Sjach dips his head, his nostrils flare again, "Thiss one recognized you as well. You do not hide your scent." he observes. His own feelings are plain to read, by scent and by the way his bristles and tail flicker. Pleased, a mirrored hint of embarassment. "Sshe is growing strong." he says, looking across to his companion. "And ssometimes obedient. Ssometimes."

Seyardu chuckles, continuing to scratch the much larger swiftclaw. "This is good, obedience is good, within reason. But the spirit is still their own. It is your job to be one they would wish to assist, which I feel would not be a difficult thing for you." She states, looking to Sjach, and as the nostrils flare, the scent of embarassment grows.

"This one, does not normally when they feel no need to, as the perfume can be overwhelming." Seyardu replies, glancing down to their bag. "This one can put some on however, if it is a problem."

Sjach hesitates a moment, and then he huffs and his spines lay flatter. "No." he says, then, slightly abruptly. He grows more embarassed himself, but he continues, "It iss not a problem." he says then, and he scratches the scales on his forarm with his other clawed hand. "Thiss one... doess not mind" And then changes the subject again, looking back to his companion.

"Ssshe follows, thiss one doess not command. Ussually. But this place..." he says and looks about. "Hass many ruless. Animalss are owned and traded. Sshe doess not know thiss. So I musst." he says then.

Seyardu seems to relax, but she still remains embarassed as Sjach is, and she reaches over to put a hand on his shoulder. "Then, that is good." She replies, her tail swishing behind her as she moves to sit down next to the hunter.

She looks back to Little Flame, and nods. "Commands are necessary sometimes, for the safety of them, and others. Even as simple as to stop them from eating all the food stores." She chuckles. "But, if you need to know the rules, and concerns, this one has a better understanding, now, and could help with such."

Sjach pauses for a moment, and then his own hand comes up to lay atop Seyardu's as she lays it on his shoulder. Just for a moment. He moves over to take a seat too, and rummages through his pack a moment until he finds some scrap of dried meat, which he tosses for Little Flame to eat. She snaps it out of the air and swallows it immediately- hard to say if it even touched the sides on the way down.

Sjach turns to look at Seyardu, then, and remains quiet for a time. "Thiss one..." he hesitates, "Thiss one is pleassed. Your company iss... welcome." he says then.

Seyardu pauses for a moment as the hand is placed on her own, before she chuffs and sits down properly, tail swishing behind her. She watches the arc of the meat, and chuffs as it is taken effortlessly. She reaches into her pack to pull a bag off the top of the things. "Always has what is needed and asked for ready to take." She explains, pulling off her polearm and wrapping the bladed top in cloth, before she somehow manages to put the entire polearm into the satchel. "In this case, candied bacon from Mictlan."

She listens to the response after the moment of quiet, her tail swishing a few more times.

"This one, likes your company as well, Sjach." She admits. Thinking back to a moment before, she reaches to take one of his hands. "This one strives to be pleasing to be around."

Sjach's own tail sways back and forth as his hand is taken, his spines standing up again. "Thiss one... is unaccustomed to company. Even now. Thiss one may be..." he huffs, searching for the words, "Difficult. But sstill, thiss one wishes to spend more time with Seyardu." he finally manages to say it.

And then he looks away, nostrils flare again, and he huffs once more. "If it would pleasse her." he finally adds.

The silverscale gives a pleased rumble at the response, the movements making her tail brush against the spined one at its side a few times until it gained a rhythm to avoid that. "This one knows that you have spent much time on your own, Sjach." Seyardu notes, opening the pouch with her unoccupied hand to pull out several strips of the candied boar meat, which she offers to him.

"But, this one knows you are a good soul, and one which should feel welcome."

At the final comment though, the embarassment grows, before it dissipates, and she squeezes the hand. "This one, would be pleased to spend more time with you, Sjach. It was missed, meeting with you, as you were watching out for me. Sharing words, food, and camp."

Sjach takes the offered strip of meet, absently, clearly distracted. He nods his head slowly, his tail tip flicking, "Thiss one... will sstrive to remain nearby." As his hand is squeezed, he turns it to twine his fingers with Seyardu, claws touching the scales on the back of her own hand. He glances aside for a moment, "And... thiss one will watch out for Seyardu. Ssshe needn't hide her scent. If any maless cause problems, they will answer to Sjach." he asserts then, his chest puffing out slightly as he makes the bolt statement- despite the scent of embarasment that accompanies it.

With the meat taken, she takes out some more which she tosses to the nearby swiftclaw. Though the offered reassurance makes her pause, and the embarassment flares again. Her gaze turns to the chest puffed out, and she looks away.

"This one, thank you, Sjach, that is kind of you to offer. This one learned from shaman Un'eth how to use their tail to smack away them on the snout, but has not needed to do so."

She chuckles at that, and she looks back. "How have you been doing, by the way, Sjach? This one has heard little about what you have been up to."

Sjach looks away as well, and dips his head, "This is good." he decides, on Seyardu learning how to defend herself- but he falls rather quiet, still a bit embarassed, though also quite happy, to jusge from not only his scent but the swishing of his tail. When the question comes, he turns to look back at Seyardu. "Thiss one traveled to the north and wesst, with the rangerss from the grove. The predators which normally stay in the mountains have been coming further into the hills and woods, close to the road. We sought a reason. It wass... poachers, in the mountains." he explains, succinctly.

"It is good, yes. And not something you need to worry about." Seyardu nods, relaxing some more as she entwined her hand more with the movements.

She falls silent to listen, her tail continuing to swish happily as she watches the hunter next to her.

"This is important business, and I understand the importance of it, Sjach." She finally says, with another accompanying nod. "If animals are not protected to a certain degree, villages and people can suffer, and the animal populations themselves. It was good you found the source of the problem."

Sjach's spines bristle, and he exhudes a brief note of displeasure. "The animalss alwayss suffer, but the people do not care until they suffer also." he says then. His opinion on civilization clearly hasn't changed much. But the displeasure quickly fades. His tail brushes against Seyardu's once again.

"Hunting is... natural, it iss the way of things." he says then. "Hunting too often, or wasting the kill, it is not natural. This is the way of poachers. They hunt for furs or fangs, not for meat." he says.

"Yes, that makes sense, Sjach." Seyardu nods. "Every creature has their own worries, this is true though."

"They were harvesting fur for no practical reason? That does not make sense, but this one can understand it. Nobles in the city seem to make a big deal about appearing different from others."

The silverscale chuffs. Her tail returns to brush against Sjach's. "It is not right. The world, ea, should be respected."

Sjach dips his head, agreeing with that last sentiment- he allows his tail to rest against Seyardu's, though he can't help the tip of it flicking back and forth a little. He turns to face her once more. He seems hesitant for a moment, but eventually he squeezes the silverscale's hand once more.

Eventually he snaps out of it, and a wave of embarassment washes over him. "Sshaa.. apologies. Thiss one was... distracted." he says again, his nostrils flare.

With the tail resting against her own, it stills, flicking a few times in return, with Seyardu seeming embarassed herself, yet also relaxed, and pleased.

She squeezes Sjach's hand, before letting go, letting her arm rest slightly against it still. "Is this one, being distracting?" She asks, looking to the hunter next to her. "If this one is, then apologies. But this one does not mind you being close."

"You could hug this one if you wished, hugs are quite nice." She suggests afterwards, before turning back away, the embarassment flaring again.

Sjach's spines lay flat then, and he shakes his head slowly side to side. "It is not an unpleasant distraction." he says then, and he turns his body towards Seyardu when she lets go of his hand. He dips his head, the spines standing up again at her suggestion.

He moves over, one hand finding her side before shifting so that he's facing her once more and wrapping the other arm around her. His head rests on her shoulder. So close, his emotions are plain as day- embarassed and pleased in equal measure.

Seyardu looked back, and found herself facing Sjach. Her thoughts were muddied after the offer, and quickly stifled by the hug. After a moment, the silverscale chuffs, and returns the hug as best she can. Her tail could be seen swishing behind her from over her shoulder.

"This one, does not mind having your attention, Sjach." She admits, embarrassed, pleased and happy herself. "This one is small, and not as coordinated as many, but it is kind of you to be kind to this one."

Sjach holds Seyardu, his own tail thumps the ground happily as his arms move around to embrace her properly. "Thiss one..." he says, pausing- searching for words. "Thiss one wass taken by your beauty when he firsst laid eyes on you." he admits then, after a moment.

He chuffs as Seyardu talks about being small, uncoordinated. "Thiss one was also small, a runt, once. Thiss one is still skinny. Thiss one was called Skink in hiss youth." he admits to her then, a flush of shame souring the otherwise innocent embarasment for a moment.

The words of the green scaled makari, however long they took to be found, make Seyardu even more more embarassed as she pulls herself into the embrace. She chuffs, and is silent for several moments. "This one, that is kind of you to say, Sjach." Is all they manage to say, though it is accompanied by the silver makari rubbing the side of her face against Sjach's.

"But, you are strong, and dependable in your own way."

"And, this one likes your scales, even if they aren't properly colored. The gray and black, both look nice together." She adds herself, a touch of sadness creeping into scent. "Though, other young ones can be harsh. This one knows that well."

Sjach's face rubs back, hard scales against Seyardu's. "Thiss one strove to grow strong, in defiance of them." he says then, and bristles slightly- there's pride there, at the praise, or satisfaction that he's attained his goal.

Sjach breaks from the hug, finally, leaning back a bit to rest on his haunches, though his hands remain on Seyardu's sides. At the sadness, his nostrils flare a bit and his scaled rye ridges knit into a semblance of a frown. "Sshaa, do not be sad. Thiss is in the passt." he insists then.

One hand comes away from Seyardu's side, coming up to under her chin, to lift her gaze to meet his.

"And you were sucessful. You are, strong, dependable, Sjach. This one feels better for your presence, and your kind words." The silver makari notes, continuing to gently rub against Sjach's face until he breaks the hug. She kept her hands mostly wrapped around them, and when their head was propped up, they gently rubbed against the hand, squinting as she faced him.

"This one, it is not in the past for them. Not entirely." She admits, her gaze turning slightly away. "Every time this one trips up walking down a street or path, or is confused by the appearance of something, it is apparent."

"But this one, is happy that you have grown strong. It is something to take pride in, yes."

Sjach turns his hand over, running the back of his knuckles along the side of Seyardu's face, as she squints, he moves closer still- so they are almost muzzle to muzzle, and so that she can meet his gaze without straining her eyes. He blinks, slowly. "Thiss one will be your eyes, if you have need." he says then.

A pause, "Though, the appearance of many thingss in the city if confusing for thiss one as well." He admits a moment later. "Sso perhapss we can be confussed together."

Seyardu was almost always squinting, but focusing on the makari in front of her made her squint further still.

Only to find them moving closer to alleviate that. Her eyes go a bit wider, making the appearance much more apparent. What looked almost silver, was actually three different shades of the metallic color, the structure of a normal eye. One hand reaches up to the one on the side of her face, and holds it there for a moment, before she reaches forward to run it down the spines on his head.

"This one, would appreciate that, Sjach. This one likes your presence." She agrees, though the further comment makes her chuff, a warm puff of air that could be felt from how close they were. "This one would like to share the sights in the city with you regardless, Sjach. And between two of us, the confusion would be more manageable." She states with a rumbling chuckle.

Sjach continues to caress the side of Seyardu's face with the back of his hand as they speak, almost snout to snout. He lans forwards a bit, to gently nudge at Seyardu's with his own. "Thiss one would like that." he adds after a moment. "Shhha..." he turns away for a moment, "If Seyardu truly does not mind this one." he says then, doubt creeping into his emotional state.

"Thiss one is chromatic, and skinny, and not good at... ssocial thingss." he says then. "Seyardu is bright, thiss one fearss, too bright for them." he says.

Seyardu rumbles a bit from the hand rubbing her face, and with wide eyes she watches Sjach. Her tail thumps once from the nudge.

"Sjach, this one does not mind you, truly." She states, now her turn to prop up the hunter's head with her hand when they turn back. "You are tall, strong, dependable. When this one has doubts, your first response was to put them to rest." She continues, before leaning to nuzzle the green Makari's snout. "This one cannot tell you are chromatic, nor would it make a difference if they could."

"Just as this one struggles with sight, this one can help you with the social matters. This one, would be happy to."

Sjach leans into the nuzzling, turning his head a bit so that he can run the side of his face alongside the side of Seyardu's. "Thiss one... is glad." he says finally, and breathes a slow huff through his nostrils- as though setting down a weight.

"Thiss one will be seyardu's eyes, and Seyardu will be thiss one's voice." he summarizes then. "Thiss is... good." he agrees. His doubt begins to fade- slowly. His nose reaches seyardu's shoulder, and presses against the scales there, where he exhales another huff of warm air.

"You are not minded, Sjach." Seyardu repeats, slowly, with a reassuring hum. She continues to gently rub against the side of Sjach's face, seeming much more relaxed again, and happy from the scents.

"You have nice eyes, Sjach." She says. "This arrangement, will be good for both of us. This one hopes."

Sjach nuzzles against Seyardu's shoulder and neck at her words, inhaling her scent once more his nostrils flare. "Thiss one hopess as well." he agrees with Seyardu, his tail happily swishing back and forth.

No longer distracted by her unexpectedly sweet and sticky morsel of meat, the nearby swiftclaw huffs and scrapes her claws along the ground- growing aware of the fact no one has been paying her any attention for a while.

"Between the hope of both of us, it should be true." Seyardu says, watching the tail swishing over Sjach's shoulder, which makes her own follow suit in time with it. Though the noises from nearby take her attention, and she turns to see Little Flame. The silver makari chuckles, hugging Sjach briefly with her snout nudging his, before she sits back. The embarrassment growing again.

"Ah, that was nice, Sjach." She says, smiling to the greenscale in front of her. "But we cannot forget about your companion, here. Would you like assistance with brushing their scales clean?"

Sjach looks towards Little Flame as well, and the Swiftclaw tilts her head to the side and lets out a trilling noise that seems slightly displeased. He clicks his tongue back at her, and she huffs and scrapes the ground again. "Thiss one and Little Flame have sspent a long time with no other company. Ssshe is unaccustomed to otherss." he says then.

He moves besides Seyardu, and settles back on his haunches- he allows his tail to rest against hers, and then beckons the swiftclaw over.

Seyardu chuckles when she sees the slightly displeased swiftclaw. "So you decided on a name, Little Flame, it is nice." She says while sitting back down proper. "This one hopes they will hrow accustomed to my presence."

She looks around and embarassment flares again when she finds the pouch that had been discarded during the hug. She reaches for it before the swiftclaw comes over, and she offers another large strip to Little Flame.

Little Flame makes her way over having been beckoned- and also scenting the smell of food in the pouch. Her nostrils flare and then she takes the strip- surprisngly gently for a predator with a maw full of needle sharp teeth. Something Sjach must have taught her. "Thiss one hopess so as well. Sshe losst her mother when she wass a hatchling. Thiss one has raissed her, but..." he explains.

And then there's a sudden rush of embarasment as his higher brain puts into context what he just said, although with a sudden pang of sadness. He shakes his head to dismiss it, and his spines settle. He huffs again, puffing up his chest a bit, and then exhales slowly as he relaxes. "Thiss one... found it pleasant when you ressted against him, by the river." he says.

With the sweet treat taken, Seyardu reaches to scratch their headscales, looking for the brush from earlier.

The pang of sadness is noted, and she shifts herself back to she could lean her side against Sjach. "You have done a good job caring for them, Sjach." She reassures with another low rumble, pausing to look at the puffed out chest again before she chuffs with a hint of embarassment.

"Seeing you again, it made this one happy. And getting to be close to you, this one found it pleasant, too. Even if not for my current state, this one knows they would still like it."

Sjach dips his head as Seyardu comes to rest against him, and he knuckles the top of Little Flame's head while she munches, rubbing the hard scales on her brow with his knuckles. "Perhapss... Seyardu would like to go camping with thiss one again." he suggests then, a little out of the blue. "We could sswim in the river, as we sspoke of before." he adds.

Seyardu found the brush, and was working on brushing one of the smaller swiftclaw's sides while she was distracted by the food, resting more of her weight against Sjach. The sudden offer makes her pause, and she looks to Sjach before she looks away, embarassed.

"This one, would like to go camping with you, if you would like." She replies slowly, nodding as well. "And, swimming with you in the river would be nice."

Little flame tilts her head away imperiously as Seyardu reaches out with the brush. Sjach clicks his tongue and raps her on the top of the head- only gently- with his knuckle. "Seyardu fed you." he reminds the swiftclaw, who relents and leans into the brushing.

Sjach's arm comes around, to slip around Seyardu's side and hold her close as she leans against him. "Thiss one would like that. Perhapss thiss time thiss one will be more sucessful in catching dinner." he says, huffing as he recalls his gaffe on the last occasion, and relying on Seyardu's fishing skills when he was supposed to be the hunter-caste.

Seyardu was careful with her brushing so as not to upset the swiftclaw, and she chuckles at the gentle reminder. "It is her choice whether to let me or not." She notes, continuing where she had seen Sjach leave off prior.

"It was complete luck that I was so sucessful last time." She chuckles. "But kin rely upon each other, as not every day can be a sucess."

She leans against the hunter with the arm around her, continuing the brushing. "But whether or not that is the case, this one is, happy to share the camp and time. And, this one was distracted, but saw the fish you caught by the river the other day. it was good to share with you when it was roasted."

Sjach dips his head again, "Thiss one... did not intend to visit the city, that day." the greenscale says then as he drops his hand back away from Little Flame, allowing Seyardu to continue with the brushing now that the tempermental swiftclaw has been appeased with pets and food. "Thiss one wass fishing, upstream. But... there were few fish, and so thiss one followed the current." he explains. "Thiss one is glad, though. Although the city will never be... ssha, good, for thiss one. It wass better when thiss one found Seyardu there." he finishes.

"This one, was glad you did." Seyardu says, reasting her head against Sjach's shoulder while she brushed Little Flame. "This one would not have known you were back otherwise. And knowing this, this one was happy to know you were around again."

"It was good luck that this one was present to meet you, Sjach. The city may not be perfect, but this one has friends there, and spends much time. But, the places you are, they are equally important."

"Such as this. The day was improved happening on your camp here. This one was not planning it, but finding you here was another moment of good luck."

Sjach tilts his head to the side, as Seyardu rests hers against his chest, so that he can rest his against hers. He breathes a contented chuff. "Sshaa.. perhapss thiss one will become accustomed to the city in time." he says then. "The city stinkss... but, if Seyardu is near, thiss one doess not think they will notice." he adds then. His nostrils flare again and he nuzzles against the top of her head. "But..." he pauses, hesitating, searching for the words, before he continues, "Thiss one prefers Seyardu when she doess not mask her scent..." he finally admits.

Seyardu rumbles contentedly from Sjach's movements, and she nods slowly, returning the nuzzle in a way. "Then this one will be with you in the city. Perhaps this one can convince Sabina to make the bath house like a sulfur spring for the day." She suggests, her tail thumping once at the thought, before coming to rest wrapped over Sjach's.

"This one, does not like hiding themselves. And if you are alright with this one, their scent, I would rather not use the perfume."

Then she sighs, and grows a bit embarassed. "Cryosanthia, she told this one they would desire to be close to kin. This one, was happy to pick up your scent from the road. So this one understands you feeling that way."

A deep rumble emanates from Sjach, too, at the close contact with Seyardu, and his scaled eyelids close as he simply enjoys her presence for a while and listening to her words. His spines bristle and his nostrils flare as he inhales.

"Thiss one understands. Males are..." he trails off, looking for the words. "Males are always..." he says then, pausing once more, for longer this time. "Males respond to their instincts." he settles on, finally. Putting it as delicately as he is capable.

"This one enjoyed your presence, even before." He asserts, eventually. "It is even more enjoyable now." he finally says.

The rumble, and relaxed embrace, Seyardu was content to finish brushing the swiftclaw's side, before leaning back. She listens, and the embarassment grew with each pause.

Finally she nods again, and reached to take the hand wrapped around her and squeeze it. "This one, this was the concern, but Cryosanthia told this one most would wait for my own decisions. But this one wished to avoid that concern." She states, awkwardly looking away. "This one liked your presence before too. And, this one is glad it is even nicer for you now."

Sjach lifts his head a bit as Seyardu turns away, and he leans in, after her. "Thiss one... sshaa how to say." he clucks once, frustrated at himself for struggling with his words. His tail thumps the ground, disturbing the way they are twined for a moment, but then he forces himself to settle down. "This one desires Seyardu. But... thiss one is very patient." he finally says, his scent resplendant with embarassment, and his spines laying low. He turns his head away and stares intently at an interesting patch of grass nearby.

Seyardu presses into the Sjach as he leans in, and she squeezes the hand held. But as he speaks, she stills, and her embarassment flares even more than the hunter-caste's. It was a few minutes before she speaks.

"Shaaa." She chuffs. "This one, needs to figure out their feelings, what is the season, what is how this one feels. But this one knows, that even before they liked your presence." She continues. "This one must apologize, but the patience may be best for now."

Sjach's own embarasment boils during the silence, and his bristles lay flat- his shoulders sink, like prey that realizes it's been found in the sight of a predator. He begins to worry, that much is evident, but he remains quiet as well rather than giving voice to whatever thoughts swirl in his head.

"O-of coursse." Sjach says then, suddenly jolting when Seyardu finally speaks again. "Thiss one... only wished Seyardu to know. Thiss one expects nothing." he says then, turning back towards her- which just causes him to grow embarassed again so he looks away again.

Seyardu could feel the worry leading up to her speaking, and she chuffs at the response. "This one, has much to think about, Sjach." She states. With him looking away again, her tail swishes once, and she leans up to nuzzle Sjach's neck. "This one, would not like you to expect nothing. This one, likes being around you Sjach. It is just, much to think about. And this one never had a nest-mother, so this is much to learn."

Sjach's worry abates- somewhat- as Seyardu nuzzles into his neck and stiffly at first he leans into Seyardu. "Thiss one understandss. Thiss one expectss nothing. But hopess." he then offers, as a compromise. Even if it embarasses him, as evidenced by the spines laying flat again. "Thiss one will stay closse, as closse as Seyardu wisshes." he asserts then.

The last comment, though, cuts through the awkward air a bit. "Thiss one... in thiss one's village, young were raissed together. Thiss one had many nesst motherss." he says then. "Thiss one would lissten, if Seyardu wisshes to speak of their life." he says then.

"Sjach, this one likes you being close. But you can stay as close as you wish." She offers, squeezing his hand again. Then, she nods, and sighs, before she speaks again. "This one did not realize how strange their life was, until they traveled out of their home village. This one's nest-mother passed before they got to know them. Their father raised them on their own."

Then she blinks, and looks up to meet Sjach's gaze. "This one, does not believe they had a chance to tell you what happened. But their memories are, some are missing, some are muddled, from their childhood. This one learned only recently about their brother. They are, they were taken when this one was young."

She falls silent for a moment, sadness and confusion creeping into her scent.

Sjach listens intently, his head canting to the side as he listens to Seyardu's story. His hand squeezes hers back, and he meets the gaze, unblinking. That lingering embarassment and worry begins to fade as Seyardu speaks, a pang of sympathetic sadness comes to him. "The different villages have their wayss. Thiss one was raissed with many, some are raissed alone, some are casst into the wild and raisse themselves." he says then. "It iss not strange." he adds.

His spines react when she hears about the brother, standing up and his posture straightens. "Taken where?" he asks then, "Can they be found?" he adds a moment later.

"This one has heard from many villages in their travels, that most are raised by many nest mothers. But, the ones you speak of, this one has not heard of." Seyardu says, relaxing just a bit at the explanation. "This is good to hear."

Then, she sighs, and shakes her head. The sadness grows stronger. "This one, remembered what happened. They were taken by Charn Slavers, many years ago. This one knows not if they live, but, one of their friends offered magic to find them, if they do."

"If, if they are alright, this one may need to go back to Charn to find them."

Sjach's hand- the one that had pulled Seyardu into a side hug earlier, comes up to rest on her shoulder as she tells the sad tale. "Thiss one will help, if he iss able." he says then, without hesitation. "Thiss one hass a bow- it hass killed many Charn invaderss." he adds then, and his chest swells a bit more. "And thiss one can track. Perhapss not so well as magic or in citiess, but in the wild placess." he adds then. For all his bravado, he can't hide a hint of trepidation at the thought of what he's volounteering himself for- for a foray into Charn, the place his own nest mothers told stories about.

With the assurances, Seyardu thumps her tail against the ground, mindful not to hit Sjach's. "This one, would make sure it was safe as can be." She states, her own chest rising, but hidden by the breastplate she had on. "They have been to Charn once already, to save allies, and it may be possible again, if needed. But, it may not."

The silverscale visibly deflates. "They, this one's brother saved their life, so many years back with their actions. If they can do anything to repay that, this one would with little question. My thanks Sjach, for offering your assistance as well. It means much, to have those who can be relied on."

Sjach dips his head as Seyardu tells the last of her story, the debt she owes her brother. He looks to the ground, and falls quiet for a time- like his namesake. Eventually, he begins to speak again- sadness, and a hint of shame surfacing in his emotional landscape. "Family iss important." he says, then takes a deep breath. His spines lay flat, and his gaze remains fixed on the middle distance ahead. He exhales, slowly, and then continues speaking. "Thiss one hass not told you, of why he took the name Sjach. Of why thiss one traveled the foressts of Am'shere alone, have they?" he wonders, sparing a glance Seyardu's way before returning to staring ahead.

"Thiss one had a mate, once before. Many rainss ago." he explains. "Sshe was a goldsscale, a warrior-casste. Sshe taught Sjach many thingss. To usse the glaive, to ride a sswiftclaw. To sstand tall, and not sslouch." he adds. Another pause, and the emotions slowly build as he reaccls the memories.

"Our village... like many, we were at war with our neighbors. The Nar-sektoth, the Ko-jodakh." he says then. "At times, they would attack the village. Try to kill our swiftclaws, burn our homes, despoil our food stores..." a longer pause. "...destroy our eggs."

Seyardu notices the hunter hanging his head, and she gives him the quiet moment he seeks, raising a hand to mirror the one on her shoulder. The sadness is shared, and the silverscale rumbles something reassuring, felt and heard from the closeness.

Then she listens, matching is gaze outwards as he speaks. "This one, you told me some, but not all. But this one will listen."

And she does, patiently, the sadness growing, the hand remaining on a shoulder, gently holding it. "You were, this one is sorry, Sjach." She says once he speaks. "But, also, this one is glad. She sounds like she was a good person. The memories of the good, can be remembered."

"Do you, your previous name, why did you change it?" She asks with a singular raised brow. "And your previous mate, if you would like to tell this one about her, this one can listen."

Sjach shakes his head a bit then, and he says, "It iss alright." on the topic of talking about his former mate. "One night, the Ko-jdakh snuck into our village. Sshe wass a nesstwatch. They snuck insside and... sshe raissed the alarm, and defended the eggs, but there were too many. They crushed the clutch, they burned the nesst. Thiss one wass too sslow, we were all too sslow, we could not ssave them."

He pauses again, taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. His spines rattle. The shame is strong now, stronger than the sorrow, and tinged with shocks of anger. It takes him a moment to collect himself, and gather his thoughts. "Thiss one became Sjach becausse... thiss one vowed not to sspeak. Thiss one would become ssilent, and kill the Ko-jodakh until none remained." he says theen. "Thiss one went to their home, thiss one killed them. Many. It wass... it did not help. And sso thiss one left. Wandered the jungle, without purposse or voice."

He takes another deep breath and then exhales it slowly, getting his emotions back under control again, they begin to settle down. "Until thiss one came here, through the portal. Thiss one wass too asshamed to return to the people. But thosse here... welcomed thiss one. Thiss one broke hiss vow. But... thiss one doess not regret that. Thiss one met Seyardu, Cryosanthia, Un'eth, Geir. Many of the People here, thiss one calls friendss."

"This one remembers, you were not sure what to make of my actions with the nar-sektoth." She notes quietly, before falling silent again to listen. At the shame, she takes a hand again, holding it reassuringly.

"Sjach, you can not take fault for all of that. But, this one feels you may have come to the conclusion yourself."

The sadness lingered, but the silver makari hazards a smile. "This one, is glad you found your voice again. The healing is with the people, and those met, this one is glad to call them friends. Including you, Sjach."

Then she falls silent a moment, and sighs. "This one was surprised at how normally they were treated here too. Cryosanthia was one of the first met, and this one was taken aback by how she just, welcomed this one like any other."

Sjach nods his head slowly, "The Nar-sektoth are treacherous, murderous. They cannot be trussted. It iss... it iss noble of Seyardu, to wissh for it to be otherwisse. But it iss dangerous." he says then.

At the next comment he chuffs, and then nods once more. "It iss... different from Am'shere." he agrees with Seyardu, squeezing back with the hand that's taken, and twining his fingers with hers once more. He finally turns his gaze to look back at the silverscale again. "Thiss one thinks, perhapss, it is the influence of the ssoftskinss." he says then. He huffs a bit, and grudgingly admits- "Perhapss not all of their wayss are bad." he adds after a moment.

He squares up his shoulders and sits up staight, before continuing, "Thiss one still doess not like the city and their farmss, though." he asserts.

"This one realizes, now. That their wishes need to be tempered with wisdom." Seyardu sighs, letting her claws tap against the back of the green scales on his hand. "Perhaps there are those that can be reasoned with, but that means not putting ones guard down in the process."

Then she chuckles, and nods. "The animal farms are strange, but growing plants, it is not so bad. This one's father used to keep a garden, and this one saw the peppers grown by Durrankar in Mictlan. As for the city, well, sometimes softskins can be difficult. This one started wearing long skirts not long after arriving, due to being referred to as a male so many times."

Sjach nods his head slowly at Seyardu's words, "Thiss one... can never trusst them. Our coussinss. Thiss one has fought them for too long, they have taken too much from thiss one." he says then. "But. Thiss one doess not need to hunt them, here. Here, thiss one can... protect. Protect the grove, Mictlan, Seyardu, their other friendss. That iss enough." he says.

When the topic of clothes come up, his spines bristle and a flush of... indignation? Annoyance? overcomes him. It's not powerful enough to be anger, but still, "They tell thiss one they musst wear trouserss, alwayss." he says then, shaking his head a bit. "Even when swimming in the river. Even in the bathss at the Rarrace, thiss one musst wear a towel. The ssoftskinss are afraid of being without clothess, thiss one thinkss." he says then and chuffs.

"You are, a good protector, Sjach. This one knows you looked out for me, many times in the forests, even if you did not wish to say so outright. This one is glad to hear you say it now." Seyardu says with a nod, and smile to the hunter. "This one, will look of for you, and others they care about too. Their safety is important to this one."

Then she chuckles, glancing to what Sjach was wearing. "Shaman Un'eth seems to manage fine, though perhaps that is simply due to none wishing to challenge a powerful druid such as herself."

"And the tarrace, there are sides where they are uneccesary for the baths, but due to the splitting, this one could not go with you." She offers, before she realizes what was said, and flares with embarassment. "This one, ah, was told it may have something to do with softskins being in season all the time."

Sjach's bristles lay flat again, shades of embarassment surfacing at the praise. "Thiss one is glad to spen time with Seyardu. Thiss one iss... ssorry, they did not have the courage to be honest earlier." he admits finally, turning to gaze at Seyardu again. "Thiss one wass told to put clothes on, or to leave. By the guard. Thiss one was wearing his breasstplate." he asserts then, his chest puffing up once more and a surly rumble to his voice.

He seems to miss the cause for Seyardu's embarassment, looking at her with a puzzled cant to his head. "We can bathe together in the riverss and poolss, outside of the city." he suggests flatly, remaining oblivious to any implications that might have.

However, as Seyardu moves swiftly onwards, his spare hand comes up to scratch his cheek absently as he thinks on that. "Thiss one assked a ssoftskin druid about thesse thingss." he says then. "Thiss one wass told it is because their... partss are expossed without clothess. They do not have scaless to protect them." he says then, quite matter-of-factly.

Seyardu says, "It is, alright Sjach. This one is happy to hear now." She says, looking to stare at the grass now herself. "They have, their own views, and would share them with those in the city. Perhaps it is a good thing, in a way, that they see us as equals, now. Or they could simply be intimidated."

She continued to stare at the grass, and the suggestion only made the embarassment grow as she squeezed the hand she held. "You would, ah. Perhaps that would be nice, Sjach." She agrees to the ground. "The druidbspeaks correctly. it is dangerous for them, their skin is easily torn, and can lead to injury. It is not strong like your scales or mine.""

"Thiss one wonderss, how the ssoftskinss survived. Before they had their citiess and their clothess." Sjach says absently, turning his gaze heavensward for a moment, before looking back towards Seyardu, still puzzled by her embarassment. His begins to climb as well, though he remains puzzled. "Thiss one suggessted bathing, only bathing." he insists then, concerned there may be some missunderstanding brewing.

He leans in to brush his muzzle against the side of her face, and continues, "Thiss is closse enough for thiss one." he adds then.

"This one believes that they wore clothes for a long time, much like one wears furs for the winter here, just for all of the time." Seyardu suggest, relaxing just a touch, until she catches the embarassment returned. "Yes, just bathing." She agrees, nodding slowly, and finding Sjach's face next to hers, she chuffs, and rubs against it slightly.

"This is good. This one just worries, how they may react at the river or lakes. This one, you have very nice scales Sjach." She explains, finishing flatly and closing her eyes.

Sjach continues drawing a blank for a few moments longer, "Seyardu's scales are ver-" he begins returning the compliment, before the rest of what she said registers. His own embarassment rises to compete with her own. "Ah, of coursse. Thiss one... thiss one undersstands." he says then, turning his gaze aside for a moment.

"Then, perhapss at a... ssafer time." he adds then, still not able to return his gaze.

The silverscale's tail swishes once from the unfinished compliment, only to still quickly. She chuffs, and nods.

"This one, would like to, but it is like before, this one needs to sort their feelings."

"This one, does not need to return to the city tonight, though." She states suddenly. "This one could help you make food for dinner, and perhaps we could share the camp? More time to talk with you, it would be good."

Sjach dips his head in acknowledgement of her words, "Thiss one doess undersstant. As before, thiss one is patient." he insists then.

Despite his saying that, he can't hide the flicker of excitement as she mentions that she doesn't need to return to the city, and his tail swishes happily behind him, bumping up against Seyardu's. "Thiss one would like that." he says then, turning his attention back to meet Seyardu's gaze. "Thiss one can prepare sspace for Seyardu, now." he says then as he sits up straighter.

The excitement and happiness was returned by the silverscale easily, cutting through the embarassment. Her own tail swishes happily, though as Sjach sits up straighter, the cleric slides down Sjach's chest somewhat before she rights herself, and meets the gaze with a smile. "There is no rush, and this one can help." She chuckles. "Perhaps I will get some stew cooking now while you do so."

Sjach's arm moves around Seyardu to steady her as she slips, "Ah, apologies." he says, that hint of bashfulness returning as he realizes he let his excitement at the prospect getting ahead of him. "That iss a good idea. Thiss one enjoyed your cooking, lasst time." he says then with a dip of his head. His arm moves from around Seyardu, lingering for a moment with his hand on her back, before he rises to his feet- now that she is no longer leaning against him, so that he may busy himself with setting up camp for the two of them.

His tail swishes happily behind him as he does so.

Seyardu takes a moment to sit properly under her own weight, though she leans against the hand on her back for one final moment begore she shifts back on to her haunches.

Then I shall do my best to make more food to share. This one has learned several new types of baked bread." She replies while undoing her breastplate and stowing it in her bag.

She does not move just yet, watching the hunter move quickly around the camp. It was nice to see the care they had, how much they looked forward to them being there. And she could not help but swish her own tail to and fro, before she began pulling supplies out of her bag, far in excess of what it would appear to hold. And it was not long before she too was busy setting up the camp.