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*Place: TarRaCe Bathhouse
*Place: TarRaCe Bathhouse
*Time: September 9th, 2021
*Time: September 9th, 2021
*Summary: At the bathhouse, Aryia and Seyardu make good on their plans and sink into warm waters with bottles in hand, Aryia having already partook in some early relaxation. Aya joins soon after, seeking similar respite. It's established early on that they are to keep conversation light, start off with Aryia's progress on learning her innate magic (read: no progress), as well as subtle ribbing from Aya that leaves the drunk pugilist flailing. Which was in no short supply. Mentor and sith-makar reassure Aryia that she's doing fine, which makes her go into her own head for a bit, pensive. Aya takes a bottle and relaxes in her own corner as Seyardu and Aryia speak further, talking of things they wish to try out as well as some worries about friends. Aryia mentions memory issues, how her early memories are a big blur. As well as figuring out how Seyardu doesn't have a Am'shere accent. Aryia passes out, and Seyardu gets her into a chair, only to resume relaxing the rest of the night away.
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Latest revision as of 01:28, 11 September 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Girls' Night Out
  • Emitter: Aryia
  • Characters: Aryia, Seyardu, Aya
  • Place: TarRaCe Bathhouse
  • Time: September 9th, 2021
  • Summary: At the bathhouse, Aryia and Seyardu make good on their plans and sink into warm waters with bottles in hand, Aryia having already partook in some early relaxation. Aya joins soon after, seeking similar respite. It's established early on that they are to keep conversation light, start off with Aryia's progress on learning her innate magic (read: no progress), as well as subtle ribbing from Aya that leaves the drunk pugilist flailing. Which was in no short supply. Mentor and sith-makar reassure Aryia that she's doing fine, which makes her go into her own head for a bit, pensive. Aya takes a bottle and relaxes in her own corner as Seyardu and Aryia speak further, talking of things they wish to try out as well as some worries about friends. Aryia mentions memory issues, how her early memories are a big blur. As well as figuring out how Seyardu doesn't have a Am'shere accent. Aryia passes out, and Seyardu gets her into a chair, only to resume relaxing the rest of the night away.

The Bathhouse. Dusk.

In between the madness of the world, the fears, the anger, lies moments where all worries and woes must be cast aside for a moment, lest their weight become crushing. And one tried and true location to melt away the worries was none other than that of the TarRaCe Bathhouse. However, it's intended purpose this night was not that of getting clean. But instead of a glorified, oversized hot tub, sauna, and drinking spot, all in one.

Pregamed already, a scarred mul'neissa with a flushed face and a bottle of liquor in hand slowly ambles their way over to one side of the baths, a towel over their shoulder with a bag atop that. Clad in black swim trunks and chest wrap, she all but dumps the non-essential items into a chair and steps into the warm waters with a haphazard splash.

The bottle, however, was held high. And saved from being diluted any in the slightest. Aryia leans against the corner and deflates, legs floating idly as: yep. This was needed. This was absolutely needed.

Seyardu had planned this, and the less time lingering beforehand, the better. So the moment there was a chance in the evening to join Aryia at the baths, she did so. The silver sith-makar did not drink prior, but she brought several bottles with her. She followed the mul'niessa to the side and dropped her bag in a chair. A moment passed and they were left in only a pair of black sleeves over theor forearms, and they hopped into the baths, setting the unopened bottles of liquor on the side, and closing her eyes, soaking in the warmth.

Whether due to serendipity, shared stress, or nascent addiction, Aya arrives at the baths almost immediately thereafter despite no prior arrangement. It isn't surprising to find one or the other there, of course, and even less so given recent events.

"Good eve," she offers to both making note of the bottles at hand as well as, in Aryia's case, the one IN hand. A brow lifts. "Am I intruding?"

Aryia tilts her head back to the entrance, moon hair splaying out against the floor as she spots Aya upside down. And spinning, slightly. The mute woman grins and shakes her head. She beckons before taking a swig, the bottle rising up towards her mentor, offering some should she want any.

"You are not intruding, Aya. Peace on your nest." Seyardu greets herself. "You left before Aryia could invite you most likely, so this is good."

Seyardu had not brought a corkscrew with her, so instead she skewers the cork of a bottle of brandy with a claw and twists, popping it out to take a swig.

Aya eyes the offered bottle, considers, and accepts it. She takes it only long enough to lift it, make an exploratory sniff, and then consume a swallow. As it is returns, she nods to Seyardu. "Yes... the unexpected voice was rather startling. Afterwards, I realized that perhaps I might be somewhat ... excessively alert. The irony of the situation was no lost upon me, either."

She subsequently moves to a bench to remove her outerwear and accessories. What remains is suitable enough for bathing in potentially mixed company and she moves to the water to immerse herself. "Taking the time to calm and clean seemed more than worthwhile..." a pleased sigh "and I was not wrong."

The bottle was some kind of middle shelf rum. Strong, but someone one could sip on for a long while if they paced themselves. Aryia's grin turns into a smirk as Aya accepts and returns the bottle. The mute sets it aside.

"You're tense," Aryia surmises, pointing a swaying finger at Aya. "Of course you're not wrong. This place is never wrong!" She makes a pleased sort of breathy sound, a hum, one could guess. <Handspeech>

"Sometimes it is. Sometimes people go here when they shouldn't be, because they like it so much." Seyardu chuckles, glancing to Aya after another swig of brandy with a colorful koi on the label. Must have got some from the cook the other day.

"It is alright Aya. I was startled myself, given the source and message."

The sith-makar sighs, and takes another drink.

"I trust all was well, if unsettling," Aya notes casually and somewhat in the direction of the ceiling. Otherwise they would not be here soaking and conversing, though she does not state as much. She lifts her head from the poolside ledge and looks to Ariya. "You already seem to be rather ... less tense."

Aryia chuffs at the topic and gives a nod. "Sort of well, makes things a little complicated, but not my place to say."

The mute woman silently giggles, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. With her face having a decent hue of crimson, she gives a sloppy thumbs up towards Aya. "You bet your ass. I feel fucking GREAT." <Handspeech>

Seyardu says, "It is, a worry for another day. A big one, but today, tonight at least, is a day for relaxing. Apparently these drinks can help, I felt a bit better after on the boat."

The silver sith-makar takes another sip of the brandy and coughs slightly from the burning sensation. "And I am glad to see Aryia in good spirits.""

"Strong drink can make all better," Aya notes with a bemused smirk, "if for a time." Her expression becomes more amused at Aryia's exuberant startment and Seyardu's comment. "I think it is the good spirits that are in Aryia..." one shoulder rolls "but one is essentially the other."

A silly grin plasters across Aryia's face, a sort of stuttery cackle coming from her. From the mouth, not the throat. "Heeeheheee...!" Another drink, and she places it down between herself and Aya, leaving it open to share. "But yes, no worry shit now. No talk about the dickhead, no demon shit, nothing. Just us, hot water, and bottles." <Handspeech>

Seyardu says, "Strange name, spirits. I heard that it is because the alcohol leaves without a vessel, much like well, a spirit. And like a spirit, a body is a suitable vessel." Seyardu chuckles. "Not. worrying about that stuff for an evening, it's a good time to talk about other things. Like Aryia, did you talk to Aya about the thing? And have you gotten in touch with Venom?""

The question from Seyardu prompts a snowy brow to arch. Followed by the other. Both then pan to Aryia, along with the rest of Aya's rather curious and interested expression. The brows also each lift the respective mouth corner below, leaving her smiling for a change (or once?).

"Yes, please do tell. Which thing is this? And were you able to touch Venom?"

Aryia nods along with Seyardu, her reaching out for the bottle and imbibing another gulp. Before she could drain it, she holds it, looking between Seyardu and Aya, the bottle slowly getting set down with a soft clink.

"What thing?" she quickly signs. Face growing crimson, and not from alcohol. There's a forced gulp, her blinking rapidly at Aya. "WHAT THING? I... touch her? What? I do that all the time, we're fr-"

She stares at her fellow mul'neissa, before her arms flail in massive signs. Face absolutely blasted red hot. "NO NOT LIKE THAT!" <Handspeech>

Seyardu was setting down her drink after nearly emptying it, and smiles to Aryia. "That is good! I did not know that you were friends, and good enough ones for physical contact. I know that was a difficult thing for you, Aryia." The state, seeming genuinely pleased. "I meant about the magic and such. What I do not know, is what Aya means?"

Aya's brows lower at Aryia's energetic response. "Ah," a soft sound. She then shifts her focus to Seyardu. "Which thing was she to ask me about? She may not recall. I will answer your question, if you answer mine?" She gestures vaguely to the red-eyed, red-faced, flailing Aryia. "Unless she prefers to answer."

Aryia buries her face in the waters for a moment to calm her embarrassment, bubbles flurrying up around her head before she pulls free to breath. Still properly drunk, but calmer now, she regards the two of them. "Oh, right that thing. I did talk with Aya about the magic stuff. I have been working on it, but the fucking candle won't. Go. Out." Three slaps at the water.

The mute woman's face returns crimson, her embarrassedly glaring at Aya. "If I prefer to ans-? ... AYA!" Recognizing the lose-lose situation for her, Aryia could only poorly explain what Aya meant, or just pray to nothing that smoke and mirrors would misdirect again. The subtle ribbing was working, as the mute woman just buries her face into her hands. <Handspeech>

"Good! You have done much, I am happy to hear. Do not expect results too quickly, even if they will likely take shorter than normal to learn given how well you have learned recently, Aryia." The silverscale grins. She turns to Aya, and nods. "That was what I was speaking of, Aya. About learning sildanyar magic such as that."

Seyardu reaches for the bottle, and begins the process of finishing it off.

Aya makes a new "Ah" as Seyardu clarifies and she nods to the sith. "Aryia will succeed, and excel," Aya notes, before turning her head to eye Aryia pontedly, "so long as she makes the effort. She would gain nothing if I were to do it for her, afterall."

Aryia pulls her face out of her hands to pout, followed by a sigh and nodding. Her attention turns to Aya, both hands held up, "I will, I will! Don't worry about it. I didn't live this long to give up on the tenth failure."

She purses her lips, sinking into the water some and hoping that Seyardu's call for clarification drowns in the conversation. Still, she was giving a stink eye at Aya for that. "Still, it's really hard to... think of how to do? It's like a... muscle I don't know I have." <Handspeech>

"The massage tables here made me aware of muscles I did not know I had. Perhaps one would help afterwards?" Seyardu suggests with a chuckle. "I do not think so, but it makes a decent excuse, yes?"

Seyardu sets down the empty bottle, and raises an arm out of the water again, pulling off a sleeve to scrub at the scales underneath. "I've already seen and heard of you managing equally, if not more amazing things."

Aryia makes a face, her wavering a hand. "Eh. No, it wouldn't. It's like... Sith-makar breathing water. Imagine never having been near enough water to try it. Same thing for me." She looks over to the tables, pursing her lips. "... but it wouldn't be a bad idea. I wouldn't do it sober. Don't want any random person touching me."

She picks up her drink again, swigs, and puts it back between the two mul'neissa. Aryia rubs her neck, shrugging her shoulders and looking off to the side. "Like what? I know I'm good at decking idiots in the face, but aside from that..." <Handspeech>

"That is why I couldn't explain further," Aya admits to Aryia. It is fact, though she doesn't seem particularly pleased by that fact. This is rectified with Seyardu's suggestion of massage, which rekindles a half-smile. "That is an excellent excuse. Perhaps you could find someone willing who is not so random, in that case, Aryia?" A slight brow lift and the suggestion is light. Aya may not want the other mul to turn crimson again. She might inadvertently boil away all the water before they're done, afterall.

"Most people do not deck people in the face like you do, Aryia. Or move so quickly without magical assistance." Seyardu notes, smiling again to Aryia. "This is true, if the random person is a concern, I, or Aya could learn. Or Venom, since you seem alright with her."

Aryia shrugs at Aya, her mind wandering some about possible people who'd even do such a thing. Something like that was complicated for the socially stunted shadow elf. A hand reach out for more drink, a slightly proud smile on her face. "... yes, that is a good point Seyardu. Though I-"

She blinks. Looking at what Seyardu said, then swiveling her head back to Aya. The subtle jab finally realized, the mute woman's visage grows red once again, even the tips of her ears took on a crimson shade. "... I... uh... I-I don't know how Venom would feel about that but... uh... yes I think I'd be okay with any of you three." <Handspeech>

The drunk elf holds up a hand to block her lips to Seyardu, her mouthing to Aya with a light glare, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" <Undercommon>

"Ariya," Aya now focuses on her, meeting her gaze, though there's no mentor-glare nor smirk present. "You are stronger than you believe. The only limit to what you accomplish is -yourself-. If you wish to effect a change, do so. If you do not, then do not, especially not merely for the whims of others."

"Aya is correct. I saw your hands yesterday. That is not normal wear and injury, especially for you." Seyardu notes, unwrapping the top of another bottle of liquor. "I am sorry if I was pushing to learn magic from Aya. You do not need to do so just for my sake, as I would not like that."

Aryia gives a light sigh, disarmed off of embarrassment as she sinks into her corner. She examines her hands, them almost completely healed over from her... venting methods. "It's fine, I've always wanted to learn how," she waves off Seyardu's concern as she settles her gaze on Aya. Hands still for a few beats. This wasn't a teacher-student look, but what one that a friend gives another when trying to do what's best for them.

"I know, Aya. I know... I'm trying," she says with her hands, looking down at the water in front of her. Fingers trail along the surface, making little wakes. "I believe you. Just me believing in me is the harder part."

She falls silent, now in her own head. <Handspeech>

Aya acknowledges that with a nod. "That may take time rather than teaching, notunlike the magic. You will simply need to practice." With that, she leans her head back to the ledge to relax further. A moment later, an arm reaches ove rher shoulder and behind her, patting at the floor. "Are there any non-empty bottles remaining?"

"I have some more if you like, but it is all very strong. Even I am feeling something. You are, a bit blurrier than usual, Aya." Seyardu chuckles, reaching for another bottle of Raisin D'etre to offer. "It is hard, Aryia. Confidence is hard. Just know that you have every reason to be so, and that the challenge, it is acknowledging such. But doing so for truths is much easier."

After passing over the bottle, she pats Aryia once on the head, tail stirring up the water beside her somewhat.

Aryia ends up nursing her own bottle as the others talk, her absentmindedly nodding along as she runs a hand along her ear, fingers touching the silver clasps. The hand on her head breaks the mute pugilist out of her somber reverie.

She looks between the two. "... I'll keep trying. At... everything new," her hands motions, gaze settling on Aya. "Some of those things just need the right time." <Handspeech>

Aya accepts the offered bottle and even recognizes the markings (or the aroma) from the ship. "Ah, yes. Yes it is..." This is not stated as a negative. "The time will come," she assurts Aryia as she works on the bottle. After opening it, she lifts it in a light salute to the others and sips. No gulping, as she bears the potency in mind.

Seyardu leans back on the edge of the pool, pulling off the other sleeve to scrub underneath in turn. "There are so many new things to try." Seyardu nods back. "It is a shame, that all of these problems have gotten in the way, to the point I lost sight of such."

Aryia gives a knowing nod towards Aya, letting her mentor relax in her own world for the time being. She knew she was beyond stressed, they just didn't show it. She turns to Seyardu, glancing to the sleeve for a moment as she looks to her own arm and the scars that mar it. "It's important to keep sight of them so you do not get lost. I'm in here just about every other day now, just to relax."

The shadow elf takes a long swig, her grimacing as that one didn't hit so well. A finger toys with one of the clasps on her ear, bottle set down to sign, "... still have some new things to try." <Handspeech>

"It is. But I still need to help." Seyardu sighs. "I need to relax more, but there are so few to relax with. I have not seen Cryosanthia in some time now. Maybe I do need to visit Mictlan. I feel very isolated."

"But that is excellent, Aryia!" She continues, smiling to the mul'niessa. "I look forward to hearing about new things you try, if you will share."

"Can't help people if you don't help yourself," she mentions soberly despite being quite drunk. The notion of the whitescale being gone makes her look up, tapping her bottom lip with her bottle. "... I haven't seen her too. I think she might have been with Seldan and Aya. I think she's recovering? I know she's not dead. Regardless, I'm people, you can relax with me, I'm here all the time."

At that, Aryia, glances back to her mentor for the briefest of moments before coughing into a fist. "So..." she starts out, trying to find the signs in her haze. "One of the new things is I want to make clothes. Or... try to. At least try. I bought some sewing stuff, I just got to talk to S-A-N-D-Y." <Handspeech>

"You know, I nearly completely forgot I wanted her to make me a hat. If she is recovering, I hope she is alright. I know it took a toll on all involved." Seyardu nods, and chuckles at the notion. "Making clothes sounds like a good thing to try. I bet Sandy could teach you a lot, if she's willing to. Which would be the question, but I think if you asked nicely, she would."

"I hope she's alright too." Drink. Head back to rest against the floor. "I hope so too. She got me that green dress I wear sometimes, and I go over there sometimes. I think she wouldn't mind teaching me a thing or two. It's just..."

Aryia turns towards Seyardu, her visage hazy and certainly sloshed. "Seyardu, I have like this... nagging feeling every time I go and buy clothes and try them on. Like... Like I should KNOW what I'm doing there. Do you know what I mean?" <Handspeech>

Seyardu looks to her supply of bottles, and shakes her head. Something that makes her bow it for a moment to not get more disoriented. "It is a nice dress, I did not know it was green, but the pattern and material looks nice." She speaks after a moment. "As for that, I am not sure? My memory, I do not feel like it is natural I forgot. It is more like a fog over where they should be, fragments that bring them to light, if that makes sense?" She replies. "Perhaps it is the same for you, even with no magic involved. It is something forgotten, yet your memory has some way to keep it. You said before there are parts you do not remember. Perhaps things like that can help you remember the good things without bringing the bad up?"

Aryia nods along, head swimming more from the motion as she lays the side of her face down against the stone floor. "Yes. I get what you mean. I don't think mine's... it might be..? I don't know..."

Her throat bobs, looking back to her hand for a spell. "You have the right of it. I don't remember much of anything of my early years. I just remember..."

A bit of a distant gaze. "... traded. A lot. Being on a stage. Bought and sold. Over and over. No one would tell me my name. I remember that bit. But nothing before it. Every time I try to remember, it's like a blur. A smear, like someone ran their hand across a wet painting."

The pugilist put a hand to her face, sighing. "... sorry, I'm rambling. Yes, you'd be right." <Handspeech>

"I may be receiving some assistance with it, another time. I will let you know about it then, afterwards." Seyardu nods. She floats a bit closer, and brings an arm up, giving Aryia a moment before she pulls her into a side-hug.

"It is alright to ramble, to have your thoughts known. I will lissten, and undersstand." She says, some of the sibilant accent creeping into her voice. "Aryia iss a good name, better than anything thossse people would give you." She says. "If you want to remember, there are wayss. But only if you wissh to."

"Yes, let me know how that goes," she motions from her floor perch. Aryia blinks as Seyardu moves in, but she didn't have the coordinate to refute the gesture. Not that she wouldn't in the first place. They manage to get themselves into a sitting position and leaned up against their silver scaled friend.

There's a snort, and a silent giggle before the drunk elf says with her hands. "Thanks, I picked it out myself. I'll... remember eventually. I want to figure out myself first before I unravel what I was. I only just now started to do that."

She cranes her neck back, looking up at Seyardu through a drunken, squinty gaze. "Hey... I never thought of this, but you like, speak like a soft skin. But you were born in the jungle place... right? So why do...?" <Handspeech>

"Figuring out yourself today is important, Aryia." Seyardu nods, gently hugging her friend and chuckling just a bit herself.

"It is, ah, somewhat embarassing, to be honest. But I wass alwayss, when I was learning trade ssspeak, I learned it mostly from traderss passsing through. But they sstruggled to undersstand ssometimess. It iss, kind of like how I wear clothess more common to Alexandria, but it iss to be better undersstood, and be accepted more." She explains, sighing just a bit at the end.

Aryia closes her eyes as she's hugged, the slurry that was her brain and the warm waters beyond relaxing. There's a faint 'ah' sound she makes, her nodding. "That makes sense. I just got used to it, but I can understand that. A lot of peoples care about conforming. I get how you feel. Imagine being the only mul'neissa on a trade ship. Who can't talk. Or read. Or write. Or know how to sail a boat at all. I had to learn really quick on how to be accepted." <Handspeech>

"It would be, difficult. Esspecially for one not ass sstrong willed asss you." Seyardu nods as well. Her tail swished a few times to the side away from Aryia, in a gesture she was probably sure was contentment at this point. "I wanted people to be more accepting of aid, sso, thisss one made themsselvess approachable asss posssible. I wasss worried, coming here, if they would even let me to thiss ssside of the bathss."

Aryia hides her face behind her hand at the compliment, the room really swimming now. Hells, she would not hear the end of this bender from Aya. "Th-nks..." was all she could softly hiss out.

She makes a tutting sound. "I think they'd have to deal with a drunk me if they didn't let you in. But that's... that's a good idea... doing all that to... make people want your help... but you're like, really nice all... all the time, why the fuck wouldn't anyone want your help...?" her hands go on, Aryia lethargically sliding down more and more.

From the perspective of a healer, Seyardu could tell that Aryia was slooooooooowly passing out. <Handspeech>

"Have you seen my smile?" Seyardu asks, grinning and chuckling at the same time with her unsettlingly sharp teeth. But there was likely no answer. Seyardu looks, and sighs, adjusting her sleeves to turn into a gray swimsuit. The hug transitions into lifting the mul'niessa onto her shoulder, so she could lift her out of the pool, and set her down in a chair near her things. She drapes the towel Aryia brought with her like a makeshift blanket. They stop to make sure everything was alright before setting a flagon of water down next to her, and rejoining Aya to continue to relax. Perhaps that was enough alcohol for one day though, as Aya was almost an indistinguishable gray blob at this point.

"-sss... sssh-rp..." Aryia mumbles as she lifted out of the water like dead weight. She seemed fine, just all the drinks were catching up to her. Placed down into the chair and made comfortable, a hand slips out. Signs sloppy and half formed, she gives her last, parting vestiges of her consciousness out to the world.

"Sleep is... fucking weird..."

Her hand falls to her lap, Aryia out like a blown candle. <Handspeech>

-End Scene-