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Little Fang, 'Lily' Kobold Female A carnation-scaled youngling, Cryo's foundling
Little Fang, 'Lily' Kobold Female A carnation-scaled youngling, Cryo's foundling
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A10: Temple of Althea *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--< A10: Temple of Althea *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
The term 'marble temple' only holds up insofar as the temple's outer edifice is concerned. Twin statues of Althea, each of them bearing gently glowing blue staves, provide welcome either side of the entrance, a door which has never been closed in recent memory. A place of community and warmth, a sense of warmth and welcome quickly overtakes most visitors upon entry.
The term 'marble temple' only holds up insofar as the temple's outer edifice is concerned. Twin statues of Althea, each of them bearing gently glowing blue staves, provide welcome either side of the entrance, a door which has never been closed in recent memory. A place of community and warmth, a sense of warmth and welcome quickly overtakes most visitors upon entry.
Serrielite and Angorite devotees guard the outside entrances, while blue star-robed Hearthguard wander just inside, performing and guiding various charitable tasks. One can even see a smaller, more discrete entrance if one looks, from whence comes and go the Mourners of Vardama, carrying their somber burdens.
Serrielite and Angorite devotees guard the outside entrances, while blue star-robed Hearthguard wander just inside, performing and guiding various charitable tasks. One can even see a smaller, more discrete entrance if one looks, from whence comes and go the Mourners of Vardama, carrying their somber burdens.
Designed to be open and welcoming, the place is a bustle of family and community-centered activity. A great, central oven serves the double duties of fireplace and food preparation on a grand scale that makes the temple a favorite for gatherings. Althean worshippers and Hearthguards alike tirelessly bake and cook for the less fortunate, while younger Hearthguards sit on comfortably cushioned divans with worshippers and petitioners, dispensing advice and Althea's kind words. Wreaths of herbs hang from the ceilings, giving a pleasant scent, while a pool fed by a small artificial waterfall provides fresh water for bathing wounds or blessing of children and worshippers. A procession of doors and halls lead off to various rooms. While many lead to places such as rooms, offices, and libraries for the Hearthguard, there is also a well-known hospice, as well as the transient bunks, and even counseling rooms for when a family member nears their end. This last area is overseen by Hearthguard and Mourner alike, in respectful accordance with local customs.
Designed to be open and welcoming, the place is a bustle of family and community-centered activity. A great, central oven serves the double duties of fireplace and food preparation on a grand scale that makes the temple a favorite for gatherings. Althean worshippers and Hearthguards alike tirelessly bake and cook for the less fortunate, while younger Hearthguards sit on comfortably cushioned divans with worshippers and petitioners, dispensing advice and Althea's kind words. Wreaths of herbs hang from the ceilings, giving a pleasant scent, while a pool fed by a small artificial waterfall provides fresh water for bathing wounds or blessing of children and worshippers. A procession of doors and halls lead off to various rooms. While many lead to places such as rooms, offices, and libraries for the Hearthguard, there is also a well-known hospice, as well as the transient bunks, and even counseling rooms for when a family member nears their end. This last area is overseen by Hearthguard and Mourner alike, in respectful accordance with local customs.
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Lily waves again, "Peassss."
Lily waves again, "Peassss."
<"You are welcome as anyone else is here, Little Fang. Once you have eaten your fill and tended you yourself though, your help is greatly appreciated."> She says to the small child, while continuing to serve out more of the meals. "Yes, I have had plenty of time to recover myself. And it is quite impressive what they are capable of doing here. Despite being in one place, they are able to help so many people who need it. I believe the celestial mother would approve."
The greating however gave her pause, and the silver sith turned her attention to searching until she found the cloaked mul, offering her a wave.
"You are welcome as anyone else is here, Little Fang. Once you have eaten your fill and tended you yourself though, your help is greatly appreciated." <draconic> She says to the small child, while continuing to serve out more of the meals. "Yes, I have had plenty of time to recover myself. And it is quite impressive what they are capable of doing here. Despite being in one place, they are able to help so many people who need it. I believe the celestial mother would approve."
"You are welcome as anyone else is here, Little Fang. Once you have eaten your fill and tended you yourself though, your help is greatly appreciated." <draconic> She says to the small child, while continuing to serve out more of the meals. "Yes, I have had plenty of time to recover myself. And it is quite impressive what they are capable of doing here. Despite being in one place, they are able to help so many people who need it. I believe the celestial mother would approve."
The greating however gave her pause, and the silver sith turned her attention to searching until she found the cloaked mul, offering her a wave.
The greeting however gave her pause, and the silver sith turned her attention to searching until she found the cloaked mul, offering her a wave.
Aryia blinks, her looking between Cryo and the soup before giving a slow nod. A pop of the lips and a hiss leaves her as she raises her hand, "P sss". Sounding somewhat similar to the thing Lily just said. Somewhat following what she had seen thus far, she picks up a bowl, nost sure what to do with it.
Aryia blinks, her looking between Cryo and the soup before giving a slow nod. A pop of the lips and a hiss leaves her as she raises her hand, "P sss". Sounding somewhat similar to the thing Lily just said. Somewhat following what she had seen thus far, she picks up a bowl, nost sure what to do with it.
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She steps to the side so others could get to the serving table, the elf shuffling slightly to lean against it and quietly eat. Aryia winces as she sets a foot down fully, her shifting to the other leg and pretending nothing happened.
She steps to the side so others could get to the serving table, the elf shuffling slightly to lean against it and quietly eat. Aryia winces as she sets a foot down fully, her shifting to the other leg and pretending nothing happened.
"Foot... okaay?" Lily manages in trade, catching the painful movement of Aryia. The pink-scale then launches into something in draconic, and perhaps it's best she's not understood. "Thisss one could chew it off, get you artifisse replassement. Much better." <draconic>
Cryo looks at her youngling, then Aryia. "Lily, let her have your chair. Do you need healing?"
A nod to Seyardu, Cryo finishes her story, "I did. We went shopping, talked about things. She was very... ebullient. Seyardu can examine you if you need, Aryia, healing is her calling, and very much not this one's."
"Foot... okaay?" Lily manages in trade, catching the painful movement of Aryia. The pink-scale then launches into something in draconic, and perhaps it's best she's not understood. "Thisss one could chew it off, get you artifisse replassement. Much better." <draconic>
"Foot... okaay?" Lily manages in trade, catching the painful movement of Aryia. The pink-scale then launches into something in draconic, and perhaps it's best she's not understood. "Thisss one could chew it off, get you artifisse replassement. Much better." <draconic>

Latest revision as of 23:28, 26 April 2021

  • Althean Charity Work
  • Emitter: Seyardu
  • Characters: Aryia, Cryosanthia, Seyardu,
  • Place: Alexandria Temple to Althea, A10
  • Summary: Seyardu, after being healed at the Alexandrian Temple to the goddess Althea found herself helping out with one of the numerous meals given by the temple to those in need, all to happy to assist with such an altruistic act for others. Cryosanthia was stopping by to find someone she knew, but ended up helping Seyardu. Aryia saw Cryosanthia and her daughter entering the temple, and ends up accepting a meal from the temple. In doing so she reveals that she has become injured from some event. Seyardu heals her with divine magic, and the small group continues to help distribute the meals, before Cryosanthia leaves to find who she was looking for with Lily in tow.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Aryia          4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    A heavily scarred mul with a lost look about her.
Cryosanthia    6'9"     291 Lb     Sith'Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.          
Seyardu        5'6"     150 Lb     Sith'Makar        Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  NPCs of Note   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Little Fang, 'Lily'                Kobold            Female   A carnation-scaled youngling, Cryo's foundling

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--< A10: Temple of Althea *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The term 'marble temple' only holds up insofar as the temple's outer edifice is concerned. Twin statues of Althea, each of them bearing gently glowing blue staves, provide welcome either side of the entrance, a door which has never been closed in recent memory. A place of community and warmth, a sense of warmth and welcome quickly overtakes most visitors upon entry.

Serrielite and Angorite devotees guard the outside entrances, while blue star-robed Hearthguard wander just inside, performing and guiding various charitable tasks. One can even see a smaller, more discrete entrance if one looks, from whence comes and go the Mourners of Vardama, carrying their somber burdens.

Designed to be open and welcoming, the place is a bustle of family and community-centered activity. A great, central oven serves the double duties of fireplace and food preparation on a grand scale that makes the temple a favorite for gatherings. Althean worshippers and Hearthguards alike tirelessly bake and cook for the less fortunate, while younger Hearthguards sit on comfortably cushioned divans with worshippers and petitioners, dispensing advice and Althea's kind words. Wreaths of herbs hang from the ceilings, giving a pleasant scent, while a pool fed by a small artificial waterfall provides fresh water for bathing wounds or blessing of children and worshippers. A procession of doors and halls lead off to various rooms. While many lead to places such as rooms, offices, and libraries for the Hearthguard, there is also a well-known hospice, as well as the transient bunks, and even counseling rooms for when a family member nears their end. This last area is overseen by Hearthguard and Mourner alike, in respectful accordance with local customs.


the small aura of chill air was at odds with the warm and welcoming main halls of the temple, with it's central oven warming the surrounding area around it. It was a pleasant day, and inside, while not the sentinel Cryosanthia was looking for, she could see a familiar, silver scaled sith behind one of the numerous tables in the room, doling out soup and food for the many who stopped by the temple in search of a meal. It was hard to tell for most, but to the fellow sith-makar, she was clearly smiling.

The breeze was already enough to bite through the already thin clothes the mul'neissa wore constantly. She wraps the brown cloak tight against herself as she goes through the Temple District, a weak beeline set towards the Temple of Angoron. However, the small figure skipping along catches her attention. Thinking it over, the short elf veers off course and slowly heads up the steps, her face grimacing at each step as she drew closer.

"Yah-Ah-Ah," Lily struggles with Aryia's name in tradespeak, defaulting to "Not Ah-Ah," and pointing.

Which is lost on Cryo, "Yesss. It's Seyardu. We should say hello, come along." Lily is pulled along, leaving her waving at Aryia as her clutch-mother takes her over to the silverscale.

Cryo slips in behind the table, taking up a ladle and nodding, "Peace on your nest."

"Little Fang, hand up bowls." <draconic>

The silver sith does not notice their presence until they're much closer, but once she had doled out a bowl of soup and one of the numerous small loaves of bread that had been baking in the oven, she turned to the two newcomers, the smile growing a touch wider. Split pea and vegetables, simple fare to feed as many as possible and stretch out the meat used to cook it.

"Peace on your nests, Cryosanthia and Lily. It is good to see you both here today, and even better still to see you both willing to help out." She says in tradespeak, before preparing another meal to hand out.

Aryia gives a small wave back at Lily, an honest smile cresting her lips before they head on inside. She pauses before the entrance, a bit confused with Cryo speaking with the Hearthguard. The mul cut the difference and gave a nod towards them before heading on in.

Her brows raise at the sight of another acquaintance, Aryia quietly and slowly makingher way over to the group. She whistles quietly, raising a hand in greeting and casting a curious gaze about the meals in front of them.

Lily seems to be helping herself first, as at least one roll disappeared into her maw before she places one into a bowl and holds it up for her Sith'mom to fill.

Cryo does so, taking the bowl, spooning some soup in, holding it for the moment. She nods, "So you are fully recovered then, and find the Temple to your liking?"

Hearing the whistle, both lizardfolk look over, and Cryo greets the Mul'niessa enthusiastically, "Aryia! Peace on your nest! Oh here, did you want some soup? Split Pea and Vegetables, it smells lovely. And it has a bun."

Lily waves again, "Peassss."

"You are welcome as anyone else is here, Little Fang. Once you have eaten your fill and tended you yourself though, your help is greatly appreciated." <draconic> She says to the small child, while continuing to serve out more of the meals. "Yes, I have had plenty of time to recover myself. And it is quite impressive what they are capable of doing here. Despite being in one place, they are able to help so many people who need it. I believe the celestial mother would approve."

The greeting however gave her pause, and the silver sith turned her attention to searching until she found the cloaked mul, offering her a wave.

Aryia blinks, her looking between Cryo and the soup before giving a slow nod. A pop of the lips and a hiss leaves her as she raises her hand, "P sss". Sounding somewhat similar to the thing Lily just said. Somewhat following what she had seen thus far, she picks up a bowl, nost sure what to do with it.

"Yes, that's good Lily, another bowl and bun." Cryosanthia instructs, and her little youngling follows. She has to stand on a chair to reach things on the table.

The whitescale nods, "Well, everyone in need knows to come to the temple district. It's been very quiet lately. This one still gets nervous around the fountain."

She takes the bowl from Lily, fills it and hands it across the table to another Alexandria, who takes it with a nod. "Did you find a good place to stay, Aryia?"

Another bowl filled, another meal the silver sith hands out to someone. Seyardu nods back. "Quiet is good when it means things are relaxed and peaceful. I heard people mention something that happened recently, but I dare not speak more when it is still fresh on peoples minds. Much better to help where I can." <draconic>

She sets down her ladle in one of the large pots, turning her attention to the elf. Though she doesn't speak, instead moving her hands in front of herself to be clearly visible. "Hello Aryia." <Handspeak> She signs.

The elf gives a small nod towards Cryosanthia, her setting down the bowl to get out her trusty journal and flipping to a page. She shows it to the white scaled sith-makar, it having "Fernwood" written on it already.

She bites her lip, scratching her head and pulling out another book from her satches and fliping to a page, different sketches of handshapes on each on the pages shown. Aryia gets to one, huffs and lightly smacks her face at her not catching it early on before simply waving back to Seyardu and putting the book away.

The mul picks her bowl back up and holds it out, looking a bit hungry as food is being passed around.

"It is good not to bring up the bad things." Cryo says. <draconic>

The whitescale takes the bowl from Aryia and dips it towards Lily, who deftly pops a bun into it. The ladel is large, it takes only two spoonfuls to fill the bowl which she holds out for Aryia. "Is your tradespeak fluent, Seyardu? You know Aryia, it looks like."

"I met a gold dragon at the fountain once. Very small. Her name was Tanithariairisixchel. We went shopping. She likes fish, she can eat a wagon-full. This one visited her home. I haven't seen her in a long time though."

"Yes, I do know Aryia. My tradespeak is, passable, if only because I feel able to explain myself with enough words. Peace on your nest, Aryia. You are welcome here for a meal whenever you need, or any other assistance." She replies while taking back up her utensils again to prepare another bowl. "I was helping her the other day to learn some basics of handspeak,so it seemed like a good test again."

"You met one of the the divine's servants here? that is a good omen. But I can see how that would be a surprise to find in the middle of a town such as this."

The shadow elf gives a strange look towards Cryosanthia at the name fo the gold dragon, as if she wasn't sure that actually came from her lips. She shook her head and took the bowl, her giving a thankful smile.

She steps to the side so others could get to the serving table, the elf shuffling slightly to lean against it and quietly eat. Aryia winces as she sets a foot down fully, her shifting to the other leg and pretending nothing happened.

"Foot... okaay?" Lily manages in trade, catching the painful movement of Aryia. The pink-scale then launches into something in draconic, and perhaps it's best she's not understood. "Thisss one could chew it off, get you artifisse replassement. Much better." <draconic>

Cryo looks at her youngling, then Aryia. "Lily, let her have your chair. Do you need healing?"

A nod to Seyardu, Cryo finishes her story, "I did. We went shopping, talked about things. She was very... ebullient. Seyardu can examine you if you need, Aryia, healing is her calling, and very much not this one's."

"Like any others, I would assume that they can be just as full of energy as anyone else. But yes." <draconic>

The slight wince didn't escape Seyardu either. Their smile wavers, replaced by a frown. "If you need any assitance, than you are in the right place for it." she says, her attention turned fully to the mul. "If it is a physical injury, it would not be trouble for me to tend to it in a moment."

Aryia sinks behind her bowl some, slurping on it louder as the two discussed her slight limp. Halfway through the bowl, she stops and sighs, setting the food aside and pulling up her pant leg. The grey skin was mottled with dark bruises, some skin broken and scabbed over. Looks like something smacked against her shin. Come to think of it, her knuckles were bruised as well.

"No chewing things off, even if they ask." Cryo hisses at Lily, rubbing at her left wrist. <draconic>

The whitescale watches as Aryia reveals her bruises, and she catches sight of a few more. "Battle? Nothing serious I hope."

She shifts over a little, lifting Lily out of the way and to her other side, finding another thing for her youngling to stand on. "We'll take over serving food, Seyardu, while you tend to that."

"Thank you, Cryosanthia. I will not be too long, I think." She replies with a nod before stepping around the table and towards the smaller elf. "I can take you off to the side to tend to it, and there are also more rooms off to the side if you would need or prefer. I understand either way, Aryia. You can point to either place, if that would be easier." She offers, gesturing to the open areas where the Althean priests tended to those in the temple, and to more of the rooms down one of the many halls.

Aryia withers behind her bowl, edging away from Seyardu. Apprehension flashes across her features, fingers drumming on the bowl before setting it down and opening her journal once more. She scribbles down a note before showing it to Seyardu.

"Wil it hurt?" it simply says.

Lily leans with one hand on the table, transfers a bun to a bowl then hands it up to her clutch-mother. As soon as Cryo takes it, she's got another ready that she's holding out.

The whitescale is a little slower serving. To keep up with her youngling, she'd have to be flinging the bowls like frisbees. Instead she makes a couple careful ladels, hands it across. "Oh hey! Good to see you, what are you doing here?" She asks the next one in queue.

"Ship didn't go out today."

"Really? Is something wrong?"

"Cap'n's Ill." The fisherman says as he takes the bowl. Their conversation continues quietly, with Cryo occasionally looking to see that Seyardu has Aryia in hand, and more often checking Lily is where she's supposed to be.

Seyardu crouched down to read the note in question, while also taking a better look at the leg, and she shook her head, giving a sharp toothed, but still clearly what appeared to be a smile to Aryia. "I can not say that it will not hurt, that would be a lie. But that would be due to your existing injury. The magic I use will mend your wounds, without any pain resulting from their use. You will feel better afterwards, I think."

Aryia does her best to pay attention to the conversation about the sick ship captain, something that piqued her interest, as she didn't want to get sick herself in the future. She purses her lip, looking away. With great hesitation, she nods. But not without bundling up part of her cloak and biting down on it. From the question earlier, she points downward: here.

It seems from the conversation that the ship captain came down with a spring flu, nothing serious but enough to keep him in bed. Cryo and the fisherman talk a little bit more, and she promises to come out to a fish-fry soon, after she's dealt with a few things.

Lily waves, receiving a wave in return. The youngling somewhat familiar to the individual as well.

Cryo looks over at Aryia, waves a little and keeps serving

The sith makar nodded back, though she seemed confused for a moment by Aryia biting down on the cloak. From beneath her vest a mottled, smooth stone necklace was pulled out, carved into the shape of what appeared to be a slumbering dragon. held in one hand, her other was brought to the bruised leg, pressing against it.

"Celestial mother, allow me to act in your stead through your power, to share your compassion with this child of yours in the physical world. Please, mend her wounds as you are able, as a gift of the care you show." <draconic> she offers in prayer, the amulet clutched in hand shining from a light that seemed to appear from no visible source, showing the mottled pattern to be a dull, dark red.

A thin line of sweat rolls down the mul'neissa's face as the spell takes hold, her anticipating something to follow up after the foreign words. Strangely to her, nothing came. And she glances down to her leg. Realizing she had sort of caused a small scene from her reaction to being simply healed, she drops the cloak and mouths a 'thank you' before picking up her bowl once again. Far more sure footed now.

Trying to find something else to take the attention off of her, she points to the tear in the sith-makar's clothing.

The queue seems to have thinned enough that Cryo sends Lily out to ask if anyone wants seconds. The pinkscale is occasionally glimpsed wandering between the tables, more often heard hissing a rough tradespeak, "Sssecondsss?"

Affirmatives send her back to refill a bowl and return. Sometimes the roll makes it also.

Cryo splits her attention between watching her foundling, where most of it goes, and Seyardu and Aryia. A few others looked their way during the healing, but it's not that remarkable. A Sith'makar and Mul'niessa being friendly, is. That gets a second glance from a few, but no comments.

Once she was sure that the magic had taken effect, she pulled her hand away, taking a final glance to make sure it worked before the sith-makar pulled down the pant leg and stepped away, with an almost imperceptible moment as she cought her breath from the exertion. "You are welcome, Aryia. I hope that you feel better after that." she says, glancing back to the serving tables and beginning to walk back. "If that is taken care of, I should return to help with the wave of people about to come for a second bowl. You are welcome to more as well, if you wish."

What was left was the normal grey toned skin of Aryia's leg, no longer bruised and aching from whatever happened. She seemes relieved that the pain was gone, but she felt as if there was more people watching than there really were. Finished with her food, she set the bowl aside and wrung her hands. Looking between Cryosanthia, Lily running amok, and Seyardu trying to help, the shadow elf couldn't help but feel like she was gumming up something kind of important, as well as needing to repay in some way.

Wordlessly, she follows behind Seyardu and ends up on the other side of the tables. Aryia stares at everything for a few moments, tilting her head one way and another before stepping in and picking up a ladle to help fill bowls.

"Lily, Lily! LILY!" Catching a child's attention is the same in any language, though a bit more hissy in draconic, "Little Fang! Come! Yess, put that down. No, yes. Just over here." <draconic>

The carnation-scale appears, reaches up and slides a few empty bowls onto the table.

"Very good, yes. The dirty bowls go over here." Cryo moves them. She looks over at Aryia and Seyardu, "You will be able to handle this? I still need to find Kira. We shall be around the temple for a while. Aryia, this one will be heading past the Fernwood later, if you need company wait and we will seek you here."

"Yesssss." Lily hisses.

"Thank you for your help, Little Fang." <draconic> The sith makar said to the child. into her pack she fished, finding a small pouch. And from it she offered Lily a small, ball wrapped in bright red(to them) paper. "While helping others is its own reward, I'd like to offer you at least something in return. I bought these in town today, they are some manner of sweets made with boiled berry syrup. And yes, Cryosanthia, I should be able to manage distributing seconds here, as well as meals to any who have yet to make it. Especially since Aryia will be helping me now as well, it seems. I thank you all for your help." She adds, standing up and returning to her work after putting the bag away after leaving several of the candies in Lily's hand.

That's strange, no one's ever offered to walk her back before. Or... anywhere, for that matter. Aryia gives Cryo a thumbs up and a nod to both the question and the offer, her getting to work filling out bowls in a bout of concentration. She glances to the candy, curious about it but too focused on the task at hand to ask about it. Instead, the elf just files it away for later. There was people to be fed.

Herself too, as she stuffs an extra breadroll in her face as she serves someone that comes up for seconds.

"Peace on your Nesst." Little Fang hisses as she takes the boiled sweet. She looks at Cryo for permission to eat, perhaps since it is a treat and was so obviously handed over.

"Put in the jacket pocket, save for later when you can focus and enjoy it. Not while we're running around." Cryosanthia says. She sets the serving implements down and carefully slips out from behind the table, makng a short bow to both. "Peace on your Nests, and we will look for you Aryia. Thank you for the treat for her." She switches, "Say thanks Little Fang." <draconic>

"Thanssss." The pinkscale peeps.

Farewells given, the two slip into the residential area of the Temple, seeking out an old friend.

Aryia gives a simple wave to the two and says once again in a pop and a hiss, "P sss". Peace, as best one could say.

"Peace on your nests, both of you. You are welcom, Little Fang." <draconic> Seyardu replies with a thump of their tail, more visual than audible in an attempt to avoid jostling the tables, or making too much noise. "I hope it is alright to offer. And thank you again, for all you did the other day."

With the two gone, she turned her attention back to serving more of the food to those who came by, occasionally trying to strike up some manner of conversation with others, as came so effortlessly to the whitescale. "I did not know you knew Cryosanthia as well, Aryia." She comments at one point.

Aryia simply nods, not really one to be a conversationalist for obvious reasons as she focuses on her task at hand.

Aryia has left.

"She is quite nice. I wasn't expecting them to help out so readily despite her looking for someone here." The sith-makar notes. Unfortunately, the tasks needed didn't leave much time for the mostly mute elf to scrawl any more responses in her book, so Seyardu didn't try to speak much more to her. Together they were able to serve what was left for those who were there, as well as stow away the deliveries that were to be made later that day, for those who could not be there. While being in one place with people coming for assistance was efficient and good, sometimes there is simply no substitute for seeking out those in need directly.

End of Log----------------------------------