Difference between revisions of "A Secret in Merkabah pt5"

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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 7: Line 7:
Seldan Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol. 17m 1h
Seldan Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol. 17m 1h
Serene Glacier meets granite meets strawberries. 13m 48m
Serene Glacier meets granite meets strawberries. 13m 48m
Stegosaurus Giant quadrupedal lizard with dark hide and white pla 3m 1h
Un'eth as Stegosaurus Giant quadrupedal lizard with dark hide and white pla 3m 1h
Stirling Powerfully built Arvek with enormous chrome gauntlets 20m 56m
Stirling Powerfully built Arvek with enormous chrome gauntlets 20m 56m
Toha A woman shaped contrivance of leather and steel, with 0s 1h
Toha A woman shaped contrivance of leather and steel, with 0s 1h
Line 17: Line 17:
Next up? On either side of the interior there are a pair of doors, which lead to sets of stairs going back up from here. On the opposite end of the way from the eledvator, a set of doors lead into what appears to have been at one point supplies, most of which are damagqed beyond compare. There is a curious absence of bodies here, like you saw elsewhere. That is, of course, until you hear noises from one of the airship wreckages. Keeping a distance to see what happens, you observe as a pair of very, clearly dead men struggle free from it, moving into the midst of the trashed airships with tools in hand, their deceased bodies beingh dragged by the metal integrated into them in a futile effort to walk through the motions of repairing the ships. It is horrifying to observe.
Next up? On either side of the interior there are a pair of doors, which lead to sets of stairs going back up from here. On the opposite end of the way from the eledvator, a set of doors lead into what appears to have been at one point supplies, most of which are damagqed beyond compare. There is a curious absence of bodies here, like you saw elsewhere. That is, of course, until you hear noises from one of the airship wreckages. Keeping a distance to see what happens, you observe as a pair of very, clearly dead men struggle free from it, moving into the midst of the trashed airships with tools in hand, their deceased bodies beingh dragged by the metal integrated into them in a futile effort to walk through the motions of repairing the ships. It is horrifying to observe.
Morgan looks to the zombies trying to do a job "Poor souls, we should put them to rest but I have a feeling there are many more here."
A closer inspection will reveal that they aren't... quite ... zombies.
A closer inspection will reveal that they aren't... quite ... zombies.
They're just ... a support structure for the metal parts doing the work.
They're just ... a support structure for the metal parts doing the work.
Morgan looks to the zombies trying to do a job "Poor souls, we should put them to rest but I have a feeling there are many more here."
Line 32: Line 31:
Speaking of artifice worth the price of one's soul....
Speaking of artifice worth the price of one's soul....
Toha turns at Morgan's comment, and she straightens a touch. She can't frown, though the dip of her chin is slight enough to angle her eyebrows into a glower. The shrug of that shoulder and the tension in her armatures brings Piriona up off of it's bracing in the preparations of mayhem, while she tries to analyse the abomination at work, "Yeah..." the golem bgins, a subtle, unsettled edge in her voice, and in Yrch-speak, she utters in horrified solemnity, "/Feiu of the Tears be merciful...!/" The greataxe is brought into a proper killing grip and the golem advises, "They're linked but ain't tethered, might be able ta disrupt the mana coordinatin'em!" Meanwhile, almost three hundred pounds of metal, leather and wierd science unbound starts to stride toward the victims with new, grim, purpose.
Toha turns at Morgan's comment, and she straightens a touch. She can't frown, though the dip of her chin is slight enough to angle her eyebrows into a glower. The shrug of that shoulder and the tension in her armatures brings Piriona up off of it's bracing in the preparations of mayhem, while she tries to analyse the abomination at work, "Yeah..." the golem begins, a subtle, unsettled edge in her voice, and in Yrch-speak, she utters in horrified solemnity, "Feiu of the Tears be merciful...!"
The greataxe is brought into a proper killing grip and the golem advises, "They're linked but ain't tethered, might be able ta disrupt the mana coordinatin'em!" Meanwhile, almost three hundred pounds of metal, leather and wierd science unbound starts to stride toward the victims with new, grim, purpose.
Line 90: Line 91:
There's a single sound from both of them, beginning at once. It's a klaxon. A wailing klaxon emerging from their mouths. Then words: r
There's a single sound from both of them, beginning at once. It's a klaxon. A wailing klaxon emerging from their mouths. Then words:

Latest revision as of 01:52, 17 December 2020

Somewhere within the labyrinthine depths of fallen Merkabah...

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Merek           A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.          2m   1d
Morgan          Short pixy like half elf with fair skin               15m  1h
Seldan          Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol.  17m  1h
Serene          Glacier meets granite meets strawberries.             13m  48m
Un'eth as Stegosaurus     Giant quadrupedal lizard with dark hide and white pla 3m   1h
Stirling        Powerfully built Arvek with enormous chrome gauntlets 20m  56m
Toha            A woman shaped contrivance of leather and steel, with 0s   1h
Whirlpool       I am stinky!                                          1m   6d

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Objects =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

So, first things first. There are exits. A couple of them, in fact, that the airships were meanqt to go throiugh. They're obviousl crumpled and buckled from the impact, and deep in the earth blocking exgress that way. 
Next up? On either side of the interior there are a pair of doors, which lead to sets of stairs going back up from here. On the opposite end of the way from the eledvator, a set of doors lead into what appears to have been at one point supplies, most of which are damagqed beyond compare. There is a curious absence of bodies here, like you saw elsewhere. That is, of course, until you hear noises from one of the airship wreckages. Keeping a distance to see what happens, you observe as a pair of very, clearly dead men struggle free from it, moving into the midst of the trashed airships with tools in hand, their deceased bodies beingh dragged by the metal integrated into them in a futile effort to walk through the motions of repairing the ships. It is horrifying to observe.
A closer inspection will reveal that they aren't... quite ... zombies.
They're just ... a support structure for the metal parts doing the work.

Morgan looks to the zombies trying to do a job "Poor souls, we should put them to rest but I have a feeling there are many more here."

Merek looks to the creatures, while he seems to think about it, "... We know why the gods didn't care for the Kulthians," the man notes, while he takes a moment to look to Toha to see if she knows a lot about it, "I think that might be... Some kind of support," he notes, while he nods, assisting the woman in whatever inspection she might make.

Speaking of artifice worth the price of one's soul....

Toha turns at Morgan's comment, and she straightens a touch. She can't frown, though the dip of her chin is slight enough to angle her eyebrows into a glower. The shrug of that shoulder and the tension in her armatures brings Piriona up off of it's bracing in the preparations of mayhem, while she tries to analyse the abomination at work, "Yeah..." the golem begins, a subtle, unsettled edge in her voice, and in Yrch-speak, she utters in horrified solemnity, "Feiu of the Tears be merciful...!"

The greataxe is brought into a proper killing grip and the golem advises, "They're linked but ain't tethered, might be able ta disrupt the mana coordinatin'em!" Meanwhile, almost three hundred pounds of metal, leather and wierd science unbound starts to stride toward the victims with new, grim, purpose.

It takes Seldan a while to come around to what others were staring at, so fascinated is he by the flying craft, but when the others point out the moving shamblers, he looks up, and stares cold. "Even so," he nods agreement with the Seer. "An abomination beyond words."

"I am not happy with their existance," Serene admits when she, too, gets to look at the assisted shamblers. "I would end them.." she adds, hefting her sword briefly... "But it is possible attacking them may bring something worse in a place like this."

As you speak, and speak of them, there's a clanking sound. Tools are dropped. A hammer and wrench and some kind of odd looking ... drill? 
Slowly, they turn towards you. Red, prosthetic eyes pulse once. A flicker. 
"We see you, lesser children. Your presence is unwelcome within our walls. You will know only pain here and be bent to serve only the will of your betters. Know this and debase yourself before me." <kulthian>

Morgan sighs and says "I been meaning to learn Kulthian.... that does make me a bad Loremaster." She looks to others and ask "any one else know what was said?"

"No," the 'terrible lizard' snorts as she focuses upon the ambulatory... things. Her tail sways slowly, though it cannot be said to wag.

"Defense system," Merek notes then to Morgan, while he nods a bit, "We should take care of that," he notes, while he takes a moment to consider, then he nods to the party, while he speaks Kulthian, and attempts something, "Ah, I am requesting information, why are we unauthorized?"

Stirling grumbles "Protocols... the are initiating defence protocols. I hate protocols so much, no judgement. " he says while loading bright red shells into his deathray. "Though they ask us to debase ourselves, might help though I do believe I forgot to grease my right knee this morning and it just won't bend properly." he says all matter of fact.

"I'm pre'teshus an' need m'ass kicked." Toha 'translates' in a low growl, "They wanna make us part of the crew." The golem seems to have a problem with that. Maybe it's being taken apart.

Seldan may not speak Kulthian, but the melange of translations tells him everything he needs to know. Reunion rasps clear of its sheath, and he surveys the response with coolly level eyes. "We would be unwise to leave such a force at our backs."

Morgan takes a step back and mentaly ready a spell "Well if we attack more might be waken."

Serene's eyes narrow as companions versed in the heretical language translate, then she nods once. Her sword comes up once more as she steps forward; not yet attacking, but interposing herself between the two animated corpses and the group. "I believe we are beyond the decision on whether to attack or not," she says. "But we need to know where to move if they bring reinforcements. We are too wide open here." She yet stays her hand, glancing at Merek to see if his attempts to gather information garner any success.

Stegosaurus cannot understand the words of the things, but can infer much from the words of her peers. "If there are many, someone... or something must lead. A commander. A queen. This ... place still has power. It must have a heart providing it." She will not deign to call it life, but the analogy seems near enough to her.

Merek then begins to speak in Kulthian while he nods a bit, "Alright, let's see. I am initiating protocols to override sensors, I want you to register me and everyone here with access, your core was damaged and we need to be reinitiated." He seems to be using what he knows of Kulthian tech. Which is to say winging that as this is Merkabah.

Toha would probably resent the dino's reticence on 'life'. It's a thing. She glances to her companions and looks around for anything that looks like a command system, hefting her weapon and getting ready to dance. Shes had enough rest to ride the Whitefire again if she has to.

GAME: Merek rolls craft/artifice+2: (15)+13+2: 30

Merek seems to think about it, while he looks to people, "Alright, let me try this," the man looks to the place, then speaks Kulthian, "Alright. If you would, please try to register us as visitors. We are here to inspect the facility."

There's a single sound from both of them, beginning at once. It's a klaxon. A wailing klaxon emerging from their mouths. Then words: 


===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
 >> 18   Toha             3   <<
    14   Technician 1        
    13   Seldan           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    13   Technician 2        
    13   Stirling         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    10   Serene           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    9    Stegosaurus      3  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    8    Merek            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    6    Morgan           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 18.
     It is now Toha's turn! Technician 1 is next!
GAME: Toha RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 22 temporary HP (+20 eletrical resistance +displacement)
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6+2: (8)+16+2: 26

With the update in their assimilation priority established, Toha moves to engage. Once again, the silver wisps manifest their momentary weave, and the ruby mote burns in the golems' eye as she charges, suddenly slightly to the side of where she'd been a heartbeat before, and she slams her weapon futilely into the workers, but to no avail.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Technician 1's turn! Seldan is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d100: (78): 78
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+27: (5)+27: 32
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d8+8: (10)+8: 18
GAME: Whirlpool damaged Toha for 18 points. 43 AND 4 TEMP HP remaining.

As Toha approaches it, the aritficed corpses raise their hands. Its fingers seem to lengthen into cable that slashes across the golem's front. 

"You will be repurposed to a more suitable function and cleansed. Operative replacement paraount. Additions required." <kulthian>

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Seldan's turn! Technician 2 is next!
GAME: Seldan casts Resilient Sphere. Caster Level: 16 DC: 21
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+16+2+2: (4)+16+2+2: 24 (Caster check)
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

There are two of them. Seldan's first move is to attempt the old divide and conquer routine, and the black void pulling at his very soul is enough to make him cry out and turn aside, but he seems to have evaded the worst of it. Quickly, he draws several sigils in the air that burst into linked blue-white flame at an arcane phrase. With a final shouted word, they shoot towards the second technician, closing around him in an inexorable force wall that keeps him held fast.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Technician 2's turn! Stirling is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+15: (3)+15: 18
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+15: (13)+15: 28
GAME: Seldan rolls reflex: (17)+21: 38
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 8d6: (30): 30
Two lancing beams of Energy zip out from the second Technmician's palm as he lifts his hand. They slam into the sphere's edge that sprang to life around it, creating a smal lblack vortex within. 

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Stirling's turn! Serene is next!
GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1: (11)+15+1: 27
GAME: Stirling activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +8 Str,+6 Dex (+Fire resistance)
GAME: Stirling rolls 8d6+7 Lightning: (25)+7 Lightning: 32

Stirling advances a few steps towards one of the technicians, pulling the trigger on his large deathray. While some might expect an explosion and bullet instead a powerfull beam of crackling lightning strikes out at the tech. "Stand down." he commands in Kulthian "Reset, reboot, password admin..." are all in a series of commands he tries though it doesn't stop him from shooting.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now Serene's turn! Stegosaurus is next!
GAME: Serene spends TWO uses of LAY ON HANDS. (72 pts of Healing to all within proximity to her.)

As everyone begins to act, moving and cutting, shooting and casting, Serene holds back a moment. She notes the attacks of the artifice parasites, not needing to understand what the black vortex is to get a sense of its danger.. then she steps sideways, centralizing herself amidst the group. Her shield arm goes up, hand reaching for the symbol at her breast, and through it she channels a pulse of healing light, restoring health and vigor spent fighting the previous automaton.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Stegosaurus' turn! Merek is next!
GAME: Stegosaurus rolls melee+3: (6)+16+3: 25

With two small targets reduced to one, the lone tech is highly focused. Un'eth shifts somewhat to the side and nearer, attempting to swing her tail into it without striking others. It is somewhat awkward, leaving her striking nothing of the quasi-animated corpse that is important.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 8.
     It is now Merek's turn! Morgan is next!

GAME: Merek casts Blessing of Fervor. Caster Level: 12 DC: 18

Merek looks to the party and nods to the security system, "Well, I will assist," he notes, then he begins to weave magic along into the place, and uses the blessing to assist all of the people in fighting.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 6.
     It is now Morgan's turn! Toha is next!
GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 14 DC: 20
GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+14+2: (10)+14+2: 26
GAME: Morgan rolls 5d4+5: (14)+5: 19

Morgan keeps up in the air as she says a few words in the arcane language after setting her finders in a strange shape. 5 bolts fly at the techno zombie hitting it pretty hard "well some magic restince but it effect it normaly." said to her self as if she is taking notes.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 18.
     It is now Toha's turn! Technician 1  is next!
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6: (17)+16: 33
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+16: (2)+16: 18
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6-8: (1)+16+-8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6-3: (16)+16+-3: 29
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+16: (6)+16: 22

Toha,infused in her Whitefire, continues to pound the mechnician like a nail with two out of three of her savage blows landing with sparks and resounding clangs that threaten to knock integrated flesh away from the mechanisms beneath.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 14.
     It is now Technician 1's turn! Seldan is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+27: (15)+27: 42
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d8+8: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Whirlpool damaged Toha for 23 points. 71 HP remaining.
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+27: (20)+27: 47(THREAT)
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+27: (9)+27: 36 (CONFIRMED)
GAME: Serene casts Paladin's Sacrifice. Caster Level: 20 DC: 24
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 4d8+16: (18)+16: 34
GAME: Whirlpool damaged Serene for 34 points. 206 HP remaining.
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+21: (5)+21: 26
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d8+6: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Whirlpool damaged Toha for 17 points. 54 HP remaining.

A large cable springs out of its back, lashing out at Toha while it's wirey fingers now lance out and slash at the golem again and again. Though Serene's divine bendicition saves the golem from a considerably damaging attack against its exteriror, she can feel the blinding pain of its strik ripping her flesh beneath her armor. 

"Reconfiguring for necessary nethercite capacity. Disable magical influence. Break them open for replacement." 

In the distance, you hear a clang. <kulthian>

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 13.
     It is now Seldan's turn! Technician 2 is next!
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon1+2: (4)+23+2: 29
GAME: Seldan rolls reuniondmg: aliased to 1d8+9: (3)+9: 12

Seldan wades into the fray with Reunion at the ready, but his first strike doesn't do much more than skitter across metal plating.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 13.
     It is now Technician 2's turn! Stirling is next!

The small black vortex in front of the technician in the bubble seems to be growing. It stares at it. Silently. What's it doing ... ?
GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 13.
     It is now Stirling's turn! Serene is next!
GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1: (14)+18+1: 33
GAME: Stirling casts Disintegrate. Caster Level: 16 DC: 22
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+15: (8)+15: 23
GAME: Stirling rolls 5d6: (7): 7

Stirling mumbles few curses under his breath and pulls out a large rifle bullet and loads it into the top of the deathray. CLosing the breach he takes aim and levels it at the unprotected tech. It strikes but doesn't seem to be much more than articial damage. "Stuborn bastards."

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 10.
     It is now Serene's turn! Stegosaurus is next!
GAME: Serene casts Knight's Calling. Caster Level: 20 DC: 23
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20: (10)+20: 30 (caster check)
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12

Serene's shield hand remains gripping her holy symbol, her lips moving in a continued prayer as the modified technician's unnatural attacks lay into Toha.. then she bares her gritted teeth as her spell takes effect. Then she directs her gaze back to Toha's aggressor, and even as Stirling's artifice-borne shot strikes it, she extends her sword, point first, towards the technician. "It is time you face me, abomination."

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Stegosaurus' turn! Merek is next!
GAME: Stegosaurus rolls melee+3: (11)+16+3: 30
GAME: Stegosaurus rolls 4d6+12+3+1d6 acid: (16)+12+3+(2 acid): 33
GAME: Stegosaurus rolls cmb+4: (16)+25+4: 45 (grapple check)
GAME: Stegosaurus rolls 4d6+12+3+1d6 acid: (18)+12+3+(6 acid): 39

Stegosaurus slams her tail, spikes first, into the meaty parts of the unbound re-constructed. Her tail then curls from the tip, rolling the target up in its coils, squeezing to both crush and helpfully drive the spikes deeper into it.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 8.
     It is now Merek's turn! Morgan is next!

GAME: Merek casts Magic Missile/A2. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

Merek Magic Missiles. (placeholder)

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 6.
     It is now Morgan's turn! Toha is next!
GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 14 DC: 20
GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+14+2: (8)+14+2: 24 (Caster check)
GAME: Morgan rolls 5d4+5: (9)+5: 14

Morgan takes a look at the zomby as it takes five more magical orbs "Ok old Techno zombies can take a beating."

... and so the struggle continues!