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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: The TarRaCe Grand Opening *Emitter: Sabina, Irshya *Characters: Aya, Cryosanthia, Irshya, Merek, Re...")
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*Title: The TarRaCe Grand Opening
*Title: The TarRaCe Grand Opening
*Emitter: Sabina, Irshya
*Emitter: Sabina, Irshya
*Characters: Aya, Cryosanthia, Irshya, Merek, Reva, Sabina, Ygraine, Gadget, Shalethiste
*Characters: Ashes, Aya, Cryosanthia, Irshya, Merek, Reva, Sabina, Ygraine, Gadget, Shalethiste, Tae
*Place: A03: The TarRaCe and Bathhouse
*Place: A03: The TarRaCe and Bathhouse
*Time: Thursday, September 03, 2020, 6:00 PM
*Time: Thursday, September 03, 2020, 6:00 PM
Line 287: Line 287:
Cryosanthia A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Irshya A small, blue-skinned Goblin in sea-green robes.
Irshya A small, blue-skinned Goblin in sea-green robes.
Tae Female half-oruch, lean, black hair
Tae Female half-oruch, lean, black hair
"So, you can change here.", the Gobbo says softly, "If you are going to bath in the public area, you must wear some swimming gear. If you are in the ladies only, you may choose to not clothe yourself." She gestures to the small cubby holes where things can be placed. "We have people keeping an eye on your things so they will not be stolen." Irshya rocks back and forth on her feet. "Across the entrance from the public bath are a few massage tables, with privacy screens so that you can enjoy a good rubdown."
Tae sighs softly, drawing her hands together. "I see.. well, then I had best get myself ready." The half-oruch laughs at herself, "You know, it's unusual to be welcomed. This is two places that I have found that are so open. It's setting an expectation that the rest of the city isn't so likely to match." With that being said, she is off to change, and back moments later. She's got a simple two piece suit on, and is slipping herself in the water as quickly as she can. The water draws a pleased sigh from her. "This is indeed much better a river or pond," she murmurs. To Irshya she asks, "How long have you worked here?"
The Gobbo is gone when Irshya turns to ask her question, appearing a few moments later dressed in a simple one-piece that matches the colour of her skin. She runs and leaps into the air, curling into a little ball and splashing down near Tae. Her little, but powerful, tail propels her under water, and after diving to the bottom, she returns, surfacing beside Tae with a broad grin.
"I'm one of the owners. I helped put the place together."
"Oh wow, congratulations," replies Tae. "Sorry for the assumption. What inspired you to make it?" She is stretching out in the water, letting herself get comfortable, though she's not entirely letting her guard down. There's a slight tension that never quite leaves her. "It's really nice here. All the better that oruchs aren't banned yet."
The Gobbo rises up slightly out of the water, held up in place by a quickly moving tail. "Irshya is not insulted, apologies aren't required."
She giggles. "Well, Ygraine, Sabina and I were thinking of a place to live. And it just slowly evolved into this place. Where we can be safe, and make some coin, as well as offering a comfortable place for others to relax and unwind. The Gods we worship are that of travel, dancing and joking. So it seemed to be a good fit."
Giggling, Irshya wiggles up onto Tae's stomach. "Goodness, you are big enough to be a raft for me.", she says, giggling lightly. "Irshya wonders though? Which places are kicking Oruch out? It seems odd, to Irshya."
"Oh, I don't have any place in the city. Yet. I mean, sure, I get bad looks frequently," explains Tae. "But.. oh, I apologize. I forget if I've shared my name. I'm Tae. And I've been thrown out of far worse places than your's." She laughs and floats lazily in the water, "I suppose I could be a raft, though I rather prefer to think I have rather nicer curves than that."
The baths are quiet, with few having taken advantage of them this even. So far. In the middle of the public bath, Tae floats, wearing a modest two-piece bathing suit. Laying across the woman's stomach is Irshya, wearing her skin-tone one-piece. The two appear to be in conversation.
The baths are quiet, with few having taken advantage of them this even. So far. In the middle of the public bath, Tae floats, wearing a modest two-piece bathing suit. Laying across the woman's stomach is Irshya, wearing her skin-tone one-piece. The two appear to be in conversation.

Latest revision as of 03:14, 9 September 2020

Log Info

  • Title: The TarRaCe Grand Opening
  • Emitter: Sabina, Irshya
  • Characters: Ashes, Aya, Cryosanthia, Irshya, Merek, Reva, Sabina, Ygraine, Gadget, Shalethiste, Tae
  • Place: A03: The TarRaCe and Bathhouse
  • Time: Thursday, September 03, 2020, 6:00 PM
  • Summary: The Grand Opening of the TarRaCe is underway! Ygraine, Sabina and Irshya are busy on their toes, as are the Lucht Siuil chefs. The place fills quickly, with some notable adventurers arriving. Irshya is quick to greet all that walk through the door and get them seated. Ashlee asks for a table out of the way, Merek arrives and introduces himself to her, and she asks if he's forgotten who she is, and that they dated. Sabina is shocked to overhear this. Baz and Aya slip in, and become lost in the crowd. Gadget arrives, and she and Mr. JingleWidget are swiftly overwhelmed. Ash takes her home. Cryosanthia and Lily make an appearance, and head into the baths, joining Tae, who has been taken there by Irshya for a little relaxation. In the main room, more food is served, including a giant crab leg for Merek. Gunpowder Chili is also a favourite. Shalethiste appears, taking a seat by herself. Reva also, pops in and out for a quick drink. Cryosanthia returns from the baths, ready to put on a show. She sings an odd ballad, about Daeus and Maugrim playing cards for the souls of the dead, with an Airshipman as their dealer. She accompanies this with dancing and some cantrip enhancements. While humourous, the ballad is also melancholy, as Daeus loses. Cryo follows up with a more bawdy song that spotlights and embarasses Tae.


-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* The TarRaCe *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Inside, this two-story structure has been almost completely opened up. Generous windows on both stories allow daytime sunlight and cooling night breezes to flow in as needed, while the brick walls have been whitewashed - contrasting with the dark-stained beams and supports, and the rich polish on the wooden floor. A broad strip of stone runs from the entrance to a framed doorway set into the opposite wall, with a sign above the lintel declaring that the baths are to be found that way.

The ground floor is sprinkled with tables and chairs of assorted sizes, offering welcome to guests both large and small. One whole corner of the building - into which guests are not permitted entry - has been given over to the kitchen, which serves as the domain of the famed monster chef Ligum Serforus. Mundane meals are available, but the chef delights in offering up obscure dishes made from the freshest of monster ingredients.

Opposite the kitchen a small bar runs in front of an array of shelves, displaying a broad selection of beverages (most of them alcoholic). The bar-top has been fashioned from what looks to have been old pieces of armor, fused and welded together before being polished to provide a near-smooth finish. Set above it, three human-sized statues have been built into an alcove in the wall: Tarien, Rada and Ceinara jointly keep benevolent watch over the room and its occupants.

To the right of the entrance, a small stage offers a platform for a handful of performers at a time. To the left of the door, a spiral staircase of wrought iron winds its way up to a balcony dining area, that is chiefly reserved for special events and parties.


=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Aya          4'7"     105 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    Mul'niessa. Braided hair. Simple clothing.
Baz da Ork   7'0"     320 Lb     Orc               Male      7' 320 pounds of metal, muscle and stupid. WAAAGH!
Cryosanthia  6'9"     291 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Irshya       3'0"     35 Lb      Goblin            Female    A small, blue-skinned Goblin in sea-green robes.
Merek        5'10"    215 Lb     Human             Male      A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
Reva         5'10"    145 Lb     Human             Female    A slender Aesir lady in a long red coat
Sabina       5'4"     130 Lb     Human             Female    Tsuran woman of dark hair and green eyes
Ygraine      5'9"     160 Lb     Human             Female    Athletic young woman: rapier-armed Ceinaran     
Gadget       3'6"     38 Lb      Gnome             Female    A bundle of...possibly joy? 
Shalethiste  4'6"     96 Lb      Shadow Elf        Female    A copper maned elf maiden, hued in the night sky.

The early evening has seen the wide front door to The TarRaCe thrown wide and propped open to let both the cooler evening air. Music is spilling out of the door, inviting those people passing by to come in, as is the smell of good foods cooking.

Already there is a growing number of peoples checking out the place and trying food and drink while listening to the four piece group that's playing the stage. A thing normally reserved for chamber parties turned into bar music. Favorite tavern and pub tunes filling the main room.

Sabina is decked out in something similar to her normal attire. Black silk dress and mithral coyote mask on her face. Her smile beaming out just below it's bottom edge. A feather cloak of black and red over her shoulders. She's busy moving from table to table speaking with patrons and sharing words with them.

For waiting staff it seems to be a mix of priestly folk and normal. They too move from table to table with drink and food. All in all a festive affair.

Ashlee arrives at the door, opening night invitation in hand. It is a colourful one, with a silvered laughing coyote over a stage, that is in front of stylized sea. It promises, food, wine, entertainment and should she need it, bathing opportunities. It arrived earlier with Sabina's signature on it, and while crowds are only pleasant if she has a space to lurk and stare at them, and baths only when it rains, the ashen Arvec is determined to make an appearance, even if it's brief.

She drifts in with the cooler air, looking at the four piece group and the others that have arrived before her. Mostly, she's looking for an empty spot. Also, a blessing might be in order. She takes out her small holy symbol and gives it a shake. "Nobody Die."

Blessing given, she wanders in and along the wall towards Sabina.

Irshya is hyped up and excited. She's dressed in a black dress, that is frilly from top to bottom. A large, wide 'belt' of fabric is wrapped around her waist, tied up in a large bow on her lower back. She moves quickly, and animatedly, through the crowd. At times, she is giving people their order, at other times she is guiding them to a seat, or giving out water to those who wait upon food, or whom simply sit and chat.

The Gobbo rushes up to Ashes, and comes to a halt, standing on tiptoe with a grin. "Hello! Welcome to the Tarrace. How are you?"

Reva is one of the early patrons, the place was recommended to her by an associate, so here she is. She eyes the priestly benediction with a raised brow, but then makes her own way in, moving to take a seat at the bar. She calls for ale and food.

"I'm alive," Ash says, as sometimes this seems to be in question. She makes a small bow to Irshya, and like most hobbos, doesn't smile. She has a few flowers incorporated with her skull-face make-up, and a bee. It's festive, if dark. Her clothes are the same ones she always wears, though they have been brushed. She remembers there is another bit she's supposed to add, "and well."

"Are you good?" She asks, fairly certain this is what she's supposed to say. She slips her holy symbol back into her satchel and then gripping the strap, "I would like to sit somewhere dark, like a table under the stairs."

Merek steps up into the bath house with what looks to be a monochrome damask attire, in matte black to slate. His hair has been placed into its usual messy appearance, along with neon blue hilites that decorate the tips of the hair. He then offers an incline, "Ah, nice to see a new place," he states.

The wee Gobbo giggles at Ashes, her head canted slightly. "Dark? Well, there's not really anywhere dark in here. Not until late evening and the sun's gone down." Irshya rubs at her cheek. "The spots near the kitchen are probably darkest, since there are no windows there. Is the best we can do." She gestures to the spot in question with a hand. "Is there anything you'd like?"

She looks to Merek as he steps in and offers a wee curtesy. "Yes, we've only just opened officially today. Please, find yourself a seat at the bar, or perhaps one of the tables."

Over at the bar, Reve's ale slides to a stop in front of her, while her food is being prepared in the kitchen.5r

Bina travels towards yet another table when she looks up to find that folk she knows have arrived. Pleased she smiles one of her best smiles and waves to Ashes as well as a wave for Merek and Reva. "Hello! Hellloo! HELLLOO!" She says laughing and steps in close to give Ashes a quick hug. "Thank you for coming out tonight!" To Merek she nods her head. "Pleased to be seen and new!"

She reaches over and gives Irshya's shoulder a warm squeeze.

Ash looks over at the tables near the kitchen, and bobs her head, those will do nicely. "I would like some Gunpowder Chili, and a large glass of red wine." She does have goblinoid tastes. She waves quietly back at Sabina, then embraces her tightly in the hug. Chippen stops pretending to be her hairband, runs over to Sabina's head for a little tap-dance, then returns to Ash's and digs into her weave. "Hi."

Reva catches her ale as it slides up and she takes a sip. While not as colorful as Ash, in terms of style and presence, she nevertheless maintains her own place, sipping her ale and watching the goings on with a curious eye.

Merek looks over to Ashes' centipede while he blinks a bit, "Ah, thank you," he offers then to Sabina. There's a look to a table, while he walks to it, then settles up into it by himself, "Merek," he offers to the woman, then he nods to that Arvek, "Nice centipede." Anyone that knows the man would notice he seems a bit distant, probably even those that do know him.

The Gobbo squeaks at Sabina's touch, and hugs at the woman's waist. Grinning, Irshya runs off to the kitchen, and finds Ashes' table a short time later to drop off her requested glass of red wine. "Your chilli will be by soonish."

Reva's food order shows up a short time later, though it's delivered by the blue-skinned Goblin in black instead of sliding up like her ale. "Here you go!", Irshya says cheerfully to Reva before running off to take care of another order.

Sabina waits for the centipede to do it's dance and chuckles as it skurries back over to it's mistress. She keeps her head close durring this time and takes not of Ashes extra face paints and smiles. "You look good," she tells the mourner and then turns to Merek. "Sabina.",she replies to him and does a little playfull curtsy.

From the kitchen there is a banging and a high male voice calls yells out in the lucht tounge in an upset but muted tone. Bina blinks and looks over that way and sighs a little. "Oh..such an ego from a small man." She laughs and looks back to the others filing in.

"Thanks" Ash replies to Sabina, there's almost warmth in her words. Almost. She nods to Irshya, "Ok."

Then she blinks at Merek, noticing that he does seem distant, also that his eyes are glowing. Perhaps he's gone blind? It's certainly confusing to her, he can't possibly know TWO Arvek Nars with a full-face skull tattoo. Perhaps he's pretending to not know her, but then why would he introduce himself if he's doing that? She tenses up, too many social implications. Another night in the catacombs would have been so much easier.

"I know, Mer-Mer. We used to date? I'm..." She chokes on the hated version of her last name, "... Twilight. Did something happen to you?"

The ashen Arvec reaches out and touches Merek's hand, stiffens even more, "Oh. Something did. I'm sorry."

Possibly spurred out of the kitchen by the upset chef, Ygraine, the third of the priestesses involved in setting up the establishment makes her belated arrival in the public area. A black-haired, fair-skinned Eldanar she's clad in swashbuckling fashion - from flamboyantly feathered and broad-brimmed hat, to fancy boots, but does sport the flaming wreath of Ceinara as a very obvious clasp to her cape. Grinning sheepishly, she self-consciously clears her throat... then moves farther away from the kitchen door. And towards presumed safety.

There's a squeak, and then Irshya is there, hugging at Ygraine's waist. "Ygraine!", the Gobbo cries. "Hiiiii!" She clings for a few moments, before suddenly running off to deal with yet another order, returning to Ashes' table to deliver her Gunpower Chilli. "There's extra gunpowder in it!", she says with a grin before dashing off once more.

Reva smiles and bows her head in thanks as her food is served, and she begins on it, arching a brow thoughtfully at the taste, which she apparently is pleased with. She eats slowly, enjoying her food, watching the goings on.

Used to date?! Bina's eyes go wide behind her mask and she looks from one to the other in a sort of..stunned silence. For once it seems something has truely startled the Tarienite. She's brought froth from her silence as Irshya greets Ygraine loudly. She turns her head blinking and then smiles, stepping up to give the swashbuckler a hug in greeting. "Welcome to your place, Ygraine." She laughs.

Merek looks then to Ashes for a moment, while he seems to think about it, taking a moment to consider the woman's words. A blink from him, then he nods, "Ah... Twilight," he then seems to recall it, "I remember now, I apologize. It's been a while, it feels like I was away for an eternity." He then offers a hand to pat the back of that Arvek's. The luminescent gaze of his looks to her in thought, then he notices Irshya, then a look to Sabina, then he thinks. "I would like... A whiskey if you please." The man inhales thoughtfully, "I have been in the Iron Hells, felt like Years, there are things I should know that still need filling in often."

Laughing warmly, Ygraine happily returns the affectionate little goblin's hug, before letting her hurtle off to resume her waitressing duties... and allow herself to warmly accept and return Sabina's embrace. "It's good to be here," she assures her friend - only to find herself blinking at mention nearby of spending years in a version of Hell.

Reva finishes her meal in due time, leaves her coin on the bartop, and rises to depart. "Farewell," she calls, and heads out.

From the kitchen comes a few loud words back and forth, followed by a loud clang and ringing sound. The Gobbo stalks out of the kitchen, the metal tray she's holding suffering from a rounded dent in the middle of it. This she gives to the bartender, and retrieves a new one. The barkeep chuckles. "Eeeh, we can hammer that out."

Irshya arrives at Merek's table with a whiskey glass of whiskey, placing it before him, then dashing off once again.

Ygraine will get several runby visits from the Gobbo, as does Sabina, even as she delivers drinks and food.

"Thanks." Ashlee takes the gunpowder chilli, pulling the plate close in front of her. She looks around for a match. The candle on the centre of the table with do. She holds a spoonful of the chilli up to it, and it sparks alight. As it crackles, she gets the spoon in her mouth.

Sabina's reaction is not noticed, or if it is, she's careful not to react.

"I prefer Ash, Mer-Mer." She watches as he pats her hand, then withdraws hers to her space, "I'm sorry you suffered."

Sabina too turns and gives a look back to Merek but then is distracted by the rushing Irshya. She surpresses a chuckle and attempts to snag her when she next runs by, whispering to the smaller priestess. "Pace yourself. Be at ease and above all have fun, hmm?"

She then looks to Merek and nods. Smile softening, "I too am sorry. Let us know if you'd like another glass after this one. I'd say one was due to you free of charge for your journey."

Merek nods a bit to Ashes, while he takes a moment to think about it, "Thank you, Ash." The man smiles, then begins sipping from the whiskey. "Ah, what's on the menu to eat?" he asks to Sabina, with a look to Irshya. Back to that Arvek, "You are doing well? Getting into adventuring and all that?" The man thinks about that offer from the woman, "Ah, I will think about it."

Irshya stops before Sabina, and nods. "I am doing okay.", she says measuredly, pronouncing everything succinctly. She looks to Merek. "Irshya suggests the monster crab leg. She had three so far, and they are delicious. But. Is serious. Monster means huge." She hops from foot to foot while awaiting replies.

Giggling softly, Ygraine moves to touch a hand to her hopping friend's head, smiling fondly down at her... even as she arches a brow at Ashlee's food. Then she nods gently to Merek. "If there's anything that we can do to help..."

"Yes. There was a Baetriov Vampire in Mournhaven. Sabina and Irshya dealt with it." Ashlee says, taking another spoonful of chili, which she doesn't light on fire this time. A single, small sip of her wine. She glances at Merek's whiskey, then nods along with Irshya and Ygraine.

Grand openings tend to be busy, raucous affairs. Perhaps that is why Aya made no haste to be among the first at the door. The lines tend to eventually shrink as others eat, drink, and be merry... or inebriated, or unconscious, or ill. In any case, the waiting times are far shorter. She now waits her turn before stepping inside to see what the finished (by a motivated work crew) establishment has to offer.

"Vampires, of course," Merek offers, with what looks to be a sigh. Then he takes a long sip from the whiskey, "I'll take that," the man voices to Irshya. Then he looks to Sabina as well as to Ygraine, "Thank you. I'm pretty happy with my gardening. And, seeking the god-shards of Animus I suppose." The man drinks the whiskey, then nods, "I would like a vodka with cream."

The wee Gobbo skids to a halt before Aya. "Welcome to the Tarrace!", she says boisterously. "Please feel free to find yourself a seat at the bar, or perhaps one of our tables." She runs off then, heading into the kitchen.

Aya arches a brow at Irshya's halt, greeting, and unhalt. The dashing about is not unusual in the slightest: it's the conversation (however brief), her apparel, and the fact that she and it are dry that are quite unexpected. By the time she thinks to respond, the gobber is already elsewhere. Rather than abscond with an entire table, or insert herself into an existing collection at one, she moves to claim an empty seat at the bar.

Sabina turns as more folk enter and gives Aya a smile and a wave as well. "Good evening, Aya. Welcome as Irshya has said. I'm glad you could make it here tonight. Feel free to pull up a chair to the table or at the bar. Listen to the music or peruse the bath if you wish."

The bartender leans against the bar before Aya, "What'll you have then, miss?", he inquires. Meanwhile, the Gobbo continues to move back and forth across the establishment, moving from the bar, or kitchen, to deliver drinks and food. She stops randomly to hug at Ygraine or Sabina more, pausing for a time to do so, before speeding off once again.

Ygraine opts to post herself near the bar - the swashbuckler among the establishment's three owning clergywomen seemingly content to let herself observe and enjoy the opening night crowd... and be conveniently sited for those Irshya-provided hugs, each of which receives a warm welcome.

Ash nods to Merek, then carefully sits up straight. She takes another small sip of her wine. "Of course. Seeking god-shards suit you."

She immediately takes another spoonful of her chili. She lights this one, watching the gunpowder go off, sparking on her spoon. she quickly puts it in her mouth, and chews. Slowly. Very slowly.

The regimented number of chews is required, and it saves her having to speak. She watches, Irshya dashing around, other people entering. Shrugs her shoulder, adjusting her satchel strap.

The baby buggy is low to the ground, barely higher than the few inch diameter of the large, rubber-rimmed wheels it rides on. The monkey pushing it is dressed well enough, though the rat sitting inside it on the blankets is completely naked! The scandal! "Yeah, it does sound crowded in here," the tiny voice from inside the buggy says. "What do you think, Mr. Jinglewidget," the slight, feminine voice continues. There are some monkey noises. The rat also squeaks some, keeping its beady, little eyes on the people around. "Then don't get underfoot," the voice from under the buggy's canopy adds.

Bina turns as a tiny cart pushed by a monkey ...what? ...rolls into the Tarrace. She's likely not the only people giving the specticle a look either. Behind her mask a brow raises upwards and she moves closer to the incomming, er.. act?

"Hello? May I help you in some way?" She asks the animals and cart rider.

As she has done many times this evening, Irshya is there at the door when a new patron arrives. She blinks at the baby carriage, and the monkey that pushes it. She turns to look at Sabina and Ygraine a moment or two, a questioning look on her face. Nodding as Sabina speaks up, the Gobbo reaches up to squeeze Sabina's hand. "Perhaps a table on the far wall?", she whispers, "So that they're not tripped over by people at the bar?"

Merek looks to the entry and nods a bit to the monkey, looking familiar with a nod offered to Ash, "You look nice, I'm glad you are doing well." He might be able to match the woman in being a bit distant, while he offers a look to the vodka when it arrives, "Thank you." A drink.

Ygraine also has her attention caught by that unconventional new arrival, and pushes herself to her feet so that she can join her colleagues. "I believe that we have met before," she says, smiling down towards the odd vehicle. "Though there were only two in the party then. Somewhere among the seating sized for our gnomish guests might be appropriate, if closely joining others is not desired."

"Oh, hello," the voice inside says as Bina comes close and speaks. "I hope we're not going to be a bother. A friend of mine told me this place was opening, today. I thought she'd be here, but Mr. Jinglewidget isn't moving with enough purpose to have seen her." The monkey also makes some noises. It seems to understand the voice coming from inside the cart, but speaking is not a thing it can do. The rat, meanwhile, is sat on the blanket quite firmly, as if its boldness will scare off the giants surrounding the buggy.

"Ah," the voice says after Ygraine speaks. "Yes. Well, you see, Mr. Jinglewidget hadn't come down this far, see, and we needed directions, so I asked some locals if they could guide me to a place where construction had been happening and lots of people were gathering tonight. My friend here has been coming to visit me. He brings me coins people drop that go under things and get left behind. He's very sweet. I gave him part of my apple my friend brought me, today."

"Oh, excuse my manners," she continues. "My name is Gadget, and this is my very good friend Mr. Jinglewidget." The albino capuchin in spats, short trousers, and a waistcoat bows very politely in greeting.

Ash acknowledges Merek's comment, then glides to her feet and over towards Sabina. She catches up and looms beside the Tarien host, staring at the monkey and the basket. She tells Sabina in monotone, "I'm the friend."

"Hi Gadget," the ashen Arvec directs her words towards the buggy, "My table has space."

Merek looks to that buggy while he speaks, "I am still working to assist you, I'm at the table too," he mentions, though he doesn't move with Ash, instead he just smiles. "I'm glad you are doing well, Gadget." A look to the monkey, and a nod a bit.

Irshya is off and running once again, to deal with food and drink. A short time later, she returns with a small bowl of various fruits. "Irshya brings something for Mister... mister Jinglewidget." The Gobbo makes an effort to pronounce it correctly. "Small fruits he can share. Irshya wonders what Gadget would have for drink or food."

Bina is introduced to the small person and her monkey and bends down to peer within the buggy and properly give the occupant a wave and a smile. "Greetings Gadget. Welcome to the Tarrace. Please make yourself comfortable with your friends."

There is another bit of yelling from the kitchen and the halfling tounge flows fast and freely. Bina winces and sighs. "Excuse me for just a moment, please." She imitates Irshya and hustles in that direction.

"Ashlee!" Gadget's voice says from inside the buggy with glee. "I hope you don't mind us sharing the apple you brought us." The rat squeaks a bit. "No, I keep telling you, she's not a monster, she's very nice." The rat squeaks again. "Well, what does she look like?" The rat squeaks once. "No, we talked about this. You have to describe each part." The rat looks at Ash and starts squeaking, being very thorough, while Gadget goes, "Mmhmm...okay...oh! Okay...mmhmm..." At the end of the ratty description, she says, "That was very well described. Thank you. But she's not scary, really. She's nice. I'm sure she'd give you a biscuit or something if you stick around."

As Gadget speaks to the rat, Mr. Jinglewidget accepts the offered fruits. He smiles broadly and bows in thanks before taking the bowl and starts snacking. He stops snacking long enough to push Gadget toward Ash's table. "Oh, I'm good, thank you," Gadget says. "Actually...if you could get me one of those syrup pitchers, but filled with water, that might be easier for me to drink in my current state with Mr. Jinglewidget's help."

Ygraine smiles wryly, observing Gadget's assorted welcomes and subsequent progress to her chosen destination - sparing a particular grin for Mr Jinglewidget. Then she approvingly pats Irshya's shoulder. "Well done," she murmurs.

"It was to share." Ashlee replies, not even blinking. The rat does get a long stare from her as she listens to the one-sided conversation. She accepts the complimentary description, though she does wonder a little how she appears in a rat's eyes. "This way."

"Glad you made it." She leads Mr. Jinglewidget over and makes a space for the buggy. She looks around for a tall chair and moves that near. Trusting the monkey to make arrangements she takes her seat once more. She looks over at Merek, and takes up a spoonful of chili. "You know her?"

Her question asked, she takes the bite and slowly chews again. This should guarantee a few minutes where she doesn't have to speak.

Irshya blinks and then smiles up at Ygraine, obviously enjoying the praise, and she hugs at the woman's waist. She takes off once more, after a few long moments of just hugging. A few plates of food are delivered, and then the Gobbo arrives at Merek's table, bearing a rather large tray. With a single crab leg. Of epic proportions. She offers Merek up a steak knife, and a fork, and an object that looks like a giant nutcracker.

Grinning broadly, she runs off once more. Irshya returns a little while later with a large mug. It has a lid, and a wooden reed stuck through a small hole in the top. "We don't have that uhm... thing you asked for? But the barkeep suggests that this should work." She looks to the monkey, and taps the bent part of the reed. "This goes into her mouth. And be careful to not tip it upside down."

From the kitchen there are more raised voices for a time. Not loud enough to truly understand but it goes back and forth between two people and then Sabina's laughter smothers it. Her words are quite clear. "I don't care who's butter tray is whos. For Tarien's sake /share/! You're grown Lucht men!" She reappears at the door to the kitchen and lets out a long sigh, putting her smile back on.

Merek looks along to Irshya, with a nod for the woman, taking a moment to finish that vodka. "You all have any sandwiches?" The man looks to Gadget then to Ash, "You been doing well Gadget?"

Ashlee stares at the giant crab leg on Merek's plate, "That's some leg." She's still speaking in monotone. She adds, "Sorry Gadget. About the leg comment. I meant Merek's food."

Another spoonful of gunpowder chili, lit and sparking. It snaps and explodes as she quickly bites it. She stares at Merek.

The Tarrace is filled with folk and the buzz of conversations. On the small stage a four piece chamber group plays tavern songs for the people and the scent of food hangs heavy in the air. Several tables of adventurous folk have sprung up..oh.. and a single buggy with animal attendants as well.

Mr. Jinglewidget helps Gadget to sit up and tries to help her drink from the reed. It takes a little practice, but soon, she says, "That's actually quite handy."

Tae enters, opening the door and trying to peek inside without looking like she's peeking. She's never completely certain if she's going to be welcomed or not. Still, the lack of immediate calls for her to get out are enough for her to take a few steps inside. With the music and the conversation, there's quite a song to this place, and she takes her time enjoying it as she lingers near the door.

Shaking her head and grinning, Ygraine moves to intercept Sabina. "D'you want me to take a turn in there?", she asks quietly. "I can see if I can keep the lid on things for a few minutes, at least, while you handle out here?"

Bina laughs and gives Ygraine a quick hug. "That would be lovely. Threaten them with sword blade if you must just don't hurt their hands. Maybe gag them?" She is obviously joking and sighs. "Thank you."

The Gobbo runs up to Tae, and skids to a halt, almost face-planting into the half-Oruch's thigh. "Hi! Welcome to the Tarrace!", she says, with a broad, toothy grin. "Please feel free to seat yourself. The bar is hoppin', while the tables are a bit more sedate!"

Warmly returning Sabina's hug, Ygraine grins at her friend - then waves in Irshya's direction. A last grin around the busy bar-room (at least for the time being), then the co-owner takes a deep breath to steady her nerves and turns to venture bravely back into the lucht chefs' lair that is the establishment's kitchen.

Tae pauses, looking down at the gobbo in front of her. She doesn't answer until she's had a chance to lower herself to as close to eye level as she can, "Actually, I understand there is a bath here. Am I able to use that?" She keeps her attention focused on the gobbo, a smile creeping its way onto her lips. "It'd be nice to relax for a spell, you know? It's okay if not, of course."

Sabina checks on Merek as she passes by and catches the end of Tae's worlds. Puzzled she stops and moves towards her and Irshya. "Of course it's ok, miss. This palce welcomes all who are peaceful. Come..come sit and eat. Join the conversation and take your bath when you will."

Irshya blinks at Tae and giggles. She nods. "Yes, of course there is!" The Gobbo reaches out to take one of the woman's hands, tugging gently. "This way, I'll show you!"

Ashlee waves for Sabina, beckonning her closer. When she draws near the ashen Arvec asks, "Can I have a to-go bowl, and a go-cup." She has a lot of wine left, and quite a bit of chili too. "I should make sure Gadget gets home ok, this looks like it is too much for her."

She stands, makes a short bow to Merek, "Good to see you again, Mer-mer, I'm sorry about everything that happened. You're looking well. We should meet again soon."

As soon as the portable containers arrive, and a bag, she packs up and rolls the paper rim down. She gives Sabina another hug, and Irshya a small wave, then assists the monkey in guiding the buggy outside.

The little death pushing a baby carriage heading out meets a white lizard carrying a pink one coming in. The two glance at each other, passing silently.

Tae smiles at Irshya and looks up to Sabina, "That's reassuring. I suppose it's just an old habit to ask. And it's always safer to do so." She rises then, reaching down to smooth out her skirt as she does. She will let Irshya lead her, trying not to laugh as she's pulled along.

Merek smiles a bit to Ash, then nods to the woman, "You take care," he offers, then looks to the crab leg while he waves to Tae a bit. A little nod along to Sabina.

Bina gives Irshya a grin and she waves to the two as they head away. That leaves her carching the enterence of Cryosanthia and Little Fang. She gives a happy squeel and steps forward to hug them as the get near the door. Dangerous stuff.. entering into Sabina's new domain.

Cryosanthia is already reaching to embrace Sabina, "Bina!" Her voice is exicted and energetic. "Beans!" Little 'Lily' Fang echoes from behind her. The whitescale sith'makar hugs the Tarien tight, "It's so busy! You must be pulling your hair out. Your head will finally be perfect."

She looks around, catching sight of the tails of Irshya and Tae as the enter the bath house. She'll have to catch up with them, soon. She quickly glances around the room at all the tables, old server instincts activating.

Attention back to Sabina, she's all grins, "This is amazing. I'm so happy for you."

Merek notices Cryo and offers a wave to the woman, then a nod along to Little Fang, while he speaks, "Want to sit with me?" he asks, then he takes a look to the full crab leg, taking a bite from it. The man looks a bit distant as well as tired.

At last, free of other responsibilities and hearing of this place, a particular Mul somes to see what all is about. Clad in a more 'summer weight' dress under her gear that seems better fit for a dancer than her usual trappings, mated with a pair of black sandals with calf-high straps, Shalethiste ventures into the establishment with a curious eye.

Bina bounces on her toes and ,carefully, wiggles fingers as a hello to Lil' Fang. "Hello!" Then laughter. "My head would be perfect without hair? Well I'll keep that in mind to surprise you with one day, Cryosanthia. Please, come in and sit and eat!" She turns to Merek and then nods. "I'll see to getting anything you want from the kitchen."

When Shalethiste enters she turns her smile that way and says again, "Welcome to The Tarrace. Please come in and have a seat where you will. Listen to the music. Caht with others and enjoy the food."

Cryo raises a hand, waving at Merek across the room. She flips her hand through a quick gesture, the scales along her left arm flashing. She touches her mouth, then points at the Man. He hears her voice quietly beside him. "This one needs to get Lily situated, and see about the stage."

Another wave of her hand, the cantrip dismisses, and she follows with Bina, "This one wants to dance, perhaps sing first, but I need to someone to watch Little Fang. I was going to ask Tae if she wants to mind her."

"Tae!" Little Fang echoes, perhaps agreeing.

The whitescale herself threads easily between the tables, despite her size and her tail. The Fernwood trained her well and even after all the time that's passed, the instincts remain.

Merek offers a nod to Cryo with the woman's words, with understanding. The man looks to Sabina, then to Shalethiste, "Ah, nice to see you about," to the woman. Then to the former, which is the one in charge of the place, "All of this is pretty wonderful," he packs away a bit into a to-go, "I will save that, probably just take a sandwich."

A benign smile and a hand alighting over the Mul's heart, "The Sky Dancer's light guide your path." she says softly, "Thank you, it's a fine place you've built here." Shalethiste offers. She steps further in and spying Merek, she bows, "Hello again!" She sees the sith with her... is that a Kobold, or a young Makar....? Either way, a wave and, "Good evening!" before she moves to find a place to sit.

Sabina nods to Cryo, "Of course! I'm sure our players wouldn't mind a dancer." And she turns to Shalethiste and bows her head, offering a blessing of her own. "Tarien shine his face of fortune apon you."

She then steps over to Merek's table and gives the man a look over, smile softening again. "You've had a hard time of things. Time spent where no one should have to go. And things seem to move on here without care. For that I'm sorry. Tell me what I can have prepared for you and I'll bring it to you."

"Peace and hello!" Cryosanthia waves in resonse to Shalethiste's greeting. She nods to Sabina, mouthing a silent 'thanks' for her kindness to Merek, then turns towards the baths. Lily squirms around in her seat, so she can wave at everyone behind Cryo. Kobold or small sith'makar, the little lizard seems very enthused to see all the people and her eyes are everywhere. Quite a few wave back, encouraging her.

Then Cryo slips into the baths and the two are gone.

Some Bathing

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A03: The TarRaCe - Bathhouse *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

A light, warm mist welcomes those entering the grand bathing chamber. Rising from pools warmed by unseen sources of heat, the moisture makes the air somewhat muggy but still comfortable to breathe. The room it fills has been divided into three portions - the dividing walls, like the bathing pools themselves, clad in pale marble that contrasts with the dark granite that bears the weight of it all.

Attendants politely direct people to changing areas and appropriate services, and ensure that no one winds up where they should not. The central pool is open to both sexes, with a strict requirement for bathing attire to be worn. Those located to either side are mirrors of each other, each restricted to one sex and discreetly guarded to preserve patrons' privacy.

Beyond the central pool a pair of massage tables offer another form of politely-supervised relaxation, with cabinets holding an impressive array of aromatic oils for the use of trained members of staff. More prosaically, signs announce the availability of a service to clean clothes while patrons wash themselves, so that they can return to the outer world fresh from head to toe.


 Irshya          A small, blue-skinned Goblin in sea-green robes.      
 Tae             Female half-oruch, lean, black hair                   

"So, you can change here.", the Gobbo says softly, "If you are going to bath in the public area, you must wear some swimming gear. If you are in the ladies only, you may choose to not clothe yourself." She gestures to the small cubby holes where things can be placed. "We have people keeping an eye on your things so they will not be stolen." Irshya rocks back and forth on her feet. "Across the entrance from the public bath are a few massage tables, with privacy screens so that you can enjoy a good rubdown."

Tae sighs softly, drawing her hands together. "I see.. well, then I had best get myself ready." The half-oruch laughs at herself, "You know, it's unusual to be welcomed. This is two places that I have found that are so open. It's setting an expectation that the rest of the city isn't so likely to match." With that being said, she is off to change, and back moments later. She's got a simple two piece suit on, and is slipping herself in the water as quickly as she can. The water draws a pleased sigh from her. "This is indeed much better a river or pond," she murmurs. To Irshya she asks, "How long have you worked here?"

The Gobbo is gone when Irshya turns to ask her question, appearing a few moments later dressed in a simple one-piece that matches the colour of her skin. She runs and leaps into the air, curling into a little ball and splashing down near Tae. Her little, but powerful, tail propels her under water, and after diving to the bottom, she returns, surfacing beside Tae with a broad grin.

"I'm one of the owners. I helped put the place together."

"Oh wow, congratulations," replies Tae. "Sorry for the assumption. What inspired you to make it?" She is stretching out in the water, letting herself get comfortable, though she's not entirely letting her guard down. There's a slight tension that never quite leaves her. "It's really nice here. All the better that oruchs aren't banned yet."

The Gobbo rises up slightly out of the water, held up in place by a quickly moving tail. "Irshya is not insulted, apologies aren't required." She giggles. "Well, Ygraine, Sabina and I were thinking of a place to live. And it just slowly evolved into this place. Where we can be safe, and make some coin, as well as offering a comfortable place for others to relax and unwind. The Gods we worship are that of travel, dancing and joking. So it seemed to be a good fit."

Giggling, Irshya wiggles up onto Tae's stomach. "Goodness, you are big enough to be a raft for me.", she says, giggling lightly. "Irshya wonders though? Which places are kicking Oruch out? It seems odd, to Irshya."

"Oh, I don't have any place in the city. Yet. I mean, sure, I get bad looks frequently," explains Tae. "But.. oh, I apologize. I forget if I've shared my name. I'm Tae. And I've been thrown out of far worse places than your's." She laughs and floats lazily in the water, "I suppose I could be a raft, though I rather prefer to think I have rather nicer curves than that."

The baths are quiet, with few having taken advantage of them this even. So far. In the middle of the public bath, Tae floats, wearing a modest two-piece bathing suit. Laying across the woman's stomach is Irshya, wearing her skin-tone one-piece. The two appear to be in conversation.

"Oh, it is nice to meet you, Tae. I am called Irshya." The Gobbo cants her head even more. "But what are you doing to be kicked out? And uhm. What does Tae mean by curves? Irshya not say Tae is shaped like a raft, only that she floats like one, and is big compared to a wee Goblin."

Cryosanthia slips in, conversation loudly announcing her entrance then fading as the door closes. She takes some solace in the relative quiet, and announces herself. "Irshya, Tae? Peace and hello, this one doesn't mean to interrupt."

She approaches the edge of the public bath, crouching down and lifting the carnation-scaled lizard out of her haversack. She holds Lily over the water.

Lily, Little Fang's feet start flying as she anticipates being dropped in, her tail wiggling behind her. "Tae! Isssha!" She holds out her arms, waving.

"Irshya, this one hesitates to ask, but could you make sure she... doesn't... you know, take things tonight? Tae, could you watch her also? I wanted to try dancing and singing on the stage, and I need to be sure she's safe."

"Mostly just for being what I am," replies Tae. "I don't blame them, I suppose. Having met some of my kind, I know a fair number I'd not want in my house, either." She can't help but nearly giggle at the gobbo's comments about curves. "Well, I appreciate that. I would hate to think that I've lost my ladylike figure." At the sound of another entering, she diverts her attention from her current passenger and over to Cryosanthia, and then Lily. With a few lazy strokes she's brought herself to port. "Hop on, Little Fang. We'll be keeping you out of trouble today. But you have to promise to keep me out of trouble, too, okay?"

Irshya grins at Cryosanthia, and giggles at Little Fang's anticipation. Standing up on Tae's stomach, the Gobbo reaches out to take the Kobold from Cryosanthia. "Irshya would be pleased and honoured to watch over Lily.", she says to the white-scale Sith. "And Tae need not hang about if she doesn't wish to. Irshya would be happy to watch Lily by herself, so that Tae might eat and drink in peace, or with others should she wish."

Tae smiles at Irshya, "I have a fair share of the responsibility for that little one, but it's a long story, and honestly, I could do with a meal, as well. Please let me know when you have work to do, Irshya. I'll be happy to keep her occupied. Little Fang and I go waaaay back."

"I promise I'm up to no good." Little Fang hisses happily at Tae. Cryosanthia frowns, then snorts a laugh, "Be good Lily." More hissing back at each other.

Cryo grins at Tae, impressed with how she floats. She leans, setting the kobold into the water and watching her splash her way towards Irshya, laughing. They are both laughing, although Lily swallows some water as she does. This doesn't seem to bother her.

'I promise she'll behave Tae. She loves seeing you. Thank you, so much, both of you. You don't know how relieved it makes me.' <draconic>

Tae needs a few minutes to go from bathing to ready. And if you think she's going to not at least work a healthy oil into her skin you are crazy! Once she's ready, though, she wastes little time making her way with Cryosanthia to the larger room. In the water, there is far more splashing than a girl as tiny as Lily should be able to produce. But she manages it somehow!

And a Show

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* The TarRaCe *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Inside, this two-story structure has been almost completely opened up.

To the right of the entrance, a small stage offers a platform for a handful of performers at a time. To the left of the door, a spiral staircase of wrought iron winds its way up to a balcony dining area, that is chiefly reserved for special events and parties.


 Cryosanthia     A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
 Merek           A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
 Sabina          Tsuran woman of dark hair and green eyes
 Shalethiste     A copper maned elf maiden, hued in the night sky.
 Tae             Female half-oruch, lean, black hair  

Merek waves a bit to the kobold along with Cryo, then he takes a moment to look to the bath door. Back to Shalethiste, with a nod, "You're doing well?" he asks, then to Sabina. "I... Would like a sandwich with BBQ chicken and... I will take a milk with cream in it."

Shalethiste steps closer to the man as the Sith takes her daughter(?, she's fuzzy on some of the particulars, yet) and she looks him over some, "I'm well, thank you, and you, doing better I hope?" She looks to the hostess for a moment, then, she settles into a spot to wait her turn patiently.

Sabina nods to Merek and then turns to face Shalethiste. "And you miss? What would you care to have? We serve most of the common pub fare but also have some moneterous dishes." She waves a hand at the single huge crab-leg that rests on Merek's plate. "A full bar as well."

Merek nods a bit to Sabina as well as for Shalethiste, "I'm doing... Well enough," he states, then looks to the place, while thinking about it. "I don't know," he seems to withdraw a little bit.

Shalethiste hmmm's softly, "I see... well, perhaps some merriment will help, hmm?" she assures the man. As the Tarienite inquires of her, she arches an eyebrow, "A mulled Tea, please and... a dish of... something festive. Surprise me?" she requests with a warm, trusting smile, not commonly expected of her ilk.

Cryosanthia emerges from the bathhouse, she's leading Tae, who is looking immaculate and very well oiled. Her haversack her carnation charge left behind, although the sith'makar waves through the door as she leaves.

She exhales strongly, straightening up, looking over the crowd and trying to decide what is the best entertainment for them. She turns to the half-oruch, "have you met Sabina, Merek?"

Cryosanthia emerges from the bathhouse, she's leading Tae, who is looking immaculate and very well oiled. Her haversack and her carnation charge left behind, although the sith'makar waves through the door as she leaves.

She exhales strongly, straightening up, looking over the crowd and trying to decide what is the best entertainment for them. She turns to the half-oruch, "have you met Sabina, Merek?"'

Sabina nods to the two and then heads to the kitchen to place the order. She stops long enough to nod to Cryo. "He has. I'm placing his order now. And the young miss's."

Merek looks then to Cryo while nodding a bit to the woman, then attention to Tae, nodding. "Nice to see ya about," he mentions to that woman, then he makes a bit of space for folk if any wish to settle in at that table. "I'm Merek, for any that don't know. Though, I know everyone at that point."

Tae is quite pleased to feel, well, quite right all around. "That was, quite simply, a wonderful break from my usual respite. I think I may swear off the wilderness entirely at this rate," she says playfully. She directs her attention to Merek, "I remember you. At that... meeting. Not that I wish to speak of it." She doesn't care much about shards or dead Gods in the least, obviously. She will, though, settle at the table. "I don't generally make a habit of refusing polite invitations, though."

"Oh, come, darling, does it really need to be a polite invitation?" Shelly quips from her seat nearby and she relaxes in her chair with amusement twinkling in her eyes. Her attention returns briefly to the Sith, nodding, then back to Tae, "And how have you been?"

"So let me see... oh wait the tambourine!" Cryo starts musing, then darts back into the baths. She returns a moment later, she did need something else from her haversack. She gives the tambourine a shake, getting it adjusted in her hand.

"Hmmmm...." She stands, looking at the stage, remembering her acoustic test from before. Her tail sways slowly behind her. "I think... perhaps... a ballad. Oh, yes, that might work."

Bina returns with a plater carrying Merek's desired chicken and milk filled with cream. She sets them down before the man and then moves to Shale. There she sets down the mulled tea and then a bright looking soup. Reds, greens, yellows and even some purple bits within. It smells heavenly. "There you are. Shrieker soup with shrimp." She winks to the lady and steps back to the kitchens, waving to Cryo as she gets ready to perform.

"Ah, you are performing," Merek notes, then nods a bit, while he smiles to Cryo. Something about the way he smiles, when he does. Celestial, angelic in a way, dazzling eyes watching while he looks to Tae, "I... Remember you from before as well. You liking the place? A lot of nice folk about which will treat you nice." Then to Sabina as well as Shalethiste, "Ah." He smiles, taking the chicken to eat a bite. "Thank you."

Tae draws in a breath, and her smile grows as Shalethiste teases her. She shoots back, "Well, from some I would accept any invitation at all." She hasn't even had a drink yet and she can feel a pleasant buzz coming to her. "Are you going to stay way over there, baby? Must I adore you from afar?"

With the hint of a new performer to take the stage, those gathered suddenly grow louder. Conversations turn to guesses as to what the entertainment shall be. The sight of the instrument ought to dispell some of the wilder conjecture, but a few drinks in, not everyone is quite so perceptive. With the positive atmosphere, though, it's clear that all are growing excited.

Shalethiste smiles and returns the wink as Bina sets her order before her, "Thank you very much!" And she makes ready to dine as the Sith makes ready to perform. She gives a smile to Merek, a certain curiosity in her eyes. Then Tae's return volley draws both attention and mith, "Consider any invitation given, then."

Cryosanthia leaps up on the stage. She's a graceful flowing streak of white as she mounts the floorboards and steps into the limelight. She approaches the four-piece ensemble once they finish their last piece, "Take five, if you like, I've got this, if you want to back me up, here's the beat and the tune."

To keep the surprise, she explains the beats and song, then steps to the middle of the stage as the others back up or break. Inhale, exhale, a deep breath. It's showtime.

She concentrates, and her clothing changes to something much more ruffled in the skirt, with fancy sleeves. A tight corset and a loose blouse that suggests curves she'll never have. Her sleeves have frills as well. The only concession to the ethnic styled dress is an accomodation for her tail, and some hidden clackers that are sith'makar traditional instruments.

Cryo starts casting first, her left then her right hand going through graceful gestures. After each one her scales flash, from her heart out to her fingertips. She swings her tail, the first beat, tail-thumping the stage. Whump-whump-whump-whump. On top of that she adds the secondary beats by shaking her hips, and the tambourine. Ghostly sounds accompany her, piano-forte, some stringed instruments. Her voice goes low and omnious, yet still sly, "Alright everyone, in light of the recent developments I'm reminded of this song. It's a little disrespectful to dear old Daeus, so my apologies." She pauses, trying to make light, and winking, "It has absolutely nothing to do with my Daeusite mate leaving me."

There is a building anticipation that is only sated when Cryosanthia propels herself onto the stage. It brings in more than few cries of delight. Certainly this crowd has an appreciation for a flashy entrance.

The start of the music hushes them, and the changing of clothes causes a sort of forward-lean to come to the room. Their attention is suitably captured. That attention is broken up in laughter at Cryosanthia's comment about being left, though, though even then, more than a few feet are still tapping along to the beat.

Merek seems to be a bit thoughtful then tense, then watches while he begins to listen. There's a nod along to Shalethiste, while he takes a look at Tae, then it's back to Cryo while the woman performs the piece. He takes a drink of the nice cream.

Shalethiste watches the flourish, and spies the change of garment with no small curiosity. A handy trick, that. She may have to look into such a thing. She sips her tea daintily after crossing her legs at the knee, one foot starting to wag in the ait in time to the beat.

Cryo starts singing,

"There's a Myrrish Ship that flies between, Guadalkiki and Old DeVille. In the dead of night the gasbag shrieks, and people hear, she's running still."
"So they hush their younglings back to sleep, lock their doors, upstairs they creep. For it is said, the souls of the dead, fill that train... Ten Thousand Deep"

With a wide gesture there's the howl of a controlled air release. Overhead, the faint form of an airship flies by the ceiling. Cryo keeps casting, summoning supporting music and dancing lights to fill in the music, tail thumping in her modified sevillana dress.

"Well an Airship Man lay dying... his people by his side. His family were crying, knelt in prayer before he died... And above his bed, just awaiting for the dead, was Maugrim with a twinkle in his eye."

She pauses, slipping in an impish comment, "Vardama was busy that night you see." A flick of her wrist and the airship turns into a dragon, the tyrant, that roars in a way that echoes the airship noises.

"Well Daeus' not around and look what I found. This one's mine!"

While appreciating the song is certainly capturing Tae's attention, she can keep two things going on at the same time. There's something in the way that Cryosanthia moves, and perhaps in the beat as well, that inspires her. With a laugh and apologetic smile, she says to Merek, "I pray you will forgive me, my new acquaintance. I simply must go see about this girl, though." She laughs impishly and glides from her seat. With a playful smile she settles herself at Shalethiste's table, drawing back a chair, setting herself in it, and then pulling it in beside Shelly quite, quite close. "Invitations accepted," she murmurs coyly.

The crowd is captured, hook, line, and sinker. There's a roll of laughter when Vardama is brought up, and a general fascination with the mix of magic and music. One man at the bar attempts to explain the magic to a much prettier woman who ignores him with practiced ease, and not far from them is a man who has been holding his mug as if he were about to take a drink, but seems to have forgotten his purpose midway.

Merek inhales a bit in thought, then nods a bit to Tae, then looks to Shalethiste. Back to his table, which is just him at this point, he takes up the drink with him, to sip. With that, he then looks to Cryo, while he watches, listening.

The constant casting is making Cryo glow, her scales don't have time for the light to fade before they're flashing again. Soon she's lit up entirely, a cold white torch, shining through her clothes, the markings down her front to her waist showing in flashes, and the stage being lit behind her.

Another flick, and the dancing lights explode as she throws out a shower of confetti, timed with her next verse, "And then Daeus himself appeared, in a blinding flash of light! And he said to Maugrim, 'Get thee HENCE to ENDLESS Night."

Her voice goes low and scurrilous, "But Maugrim just grinned and said, 'I may have sinned, but there's no need to push me around. I got him first, do your worst! He's going Underground!"

Cryo stamps, a loud thump, with crackling thunder, and ghostly flames appear around the Inn, casting dark shadows. Shadows that might touch a dark memory in some, despite their stylized innocence.

The white scale is practically purring with slimy concillatory words, "But I think I'll give you one more chance, said Maugrim, with a smile. Now, throw away that stupid lance. It's really, not your style."

"Joker is the name!" Stamp. "Poker is the game!" Stamp. "We'll play right here on his bed. And we'll bet for the biggest stakes yet!"
"The shards of the dead!"

Shalethiste salutes merek with her teacup without losing the beat with her dainty little foot as Tae joins her at her table. She murmurs a soft, "Welcome, dear. She's quite good." Of course, the fact that the song isn't taking the piss out of Eluna may have something to do with her appreciation.

"She certainly is," replies Tae. She manages to balance her appreciative attention between the stage and the woman she's sitting with admirably. At least she thinks so. She makes a polite, if rather absent minded gesture for assistance. Moments later she's request wine, plus giving vague directions for food. She wants to be surprised. "I hope those here are not too easily offended. But it seems their spirits are all quite high."

Were the crowd not sufficiently warmed-up, the song might earn a different reaction. But with guards lowered and a healthy level of humor (and perhaps alcohol!) they are able to appreciate what is offered. If anything, the somewhat scandalous lyrics are welcomed, with several grins growing at the thought of a card game deciding the fate of a man.

Cryo slips into a chorus, which is a little faster, more energetic. She changes her voice, sounding neither like the one she used for the gods. It's mortal, and desperate, "And I said, Daeus! Oh look out, he's going to win. The sun is down and the night is sliding in. That Airships tight on time, many souls are on that climb."

She pleads, "Oh Daeus, he's going to win."

The whitescales gloves glow as well, her symbol showing brightly on the back. She splays her hands and a fan of playing cards fly out across the tavern. They flutter to the ground, on the back is a mirror image, rough and cartoony like a child might draw, of a gold dragon and an inverted black dragon. One lands right in front of Merek, black dragon up.

Cryo teases, throwing out another comment, "Don't use those cards now, they're tainted."

Thump, thump, thump. Her chest heaves as she breathes deep to power her performance. She doesn't sweat but the air around her grows colder as she heats up and gifts compensate. The sith launches into song again, "Well the Airship man he dealt them, each a hand of five, and for Daeus he was praying hard, for Airships were his dive."

"Well Maugrim he had, three Fae queens and a king. And Daeus, he was gunning for a straight. He had the queen and the knave and the nine and ten of spades..."

She pauses dramatically, then projects to the back of the room, "All he needed was the Eight!"

And the dancing lights form an Eight of Spades at the ceiling.

Merek looks to be a little content to listen while he takes a moment to watch Cryo. He does not have a lot to add into a bit of conversation, though he does smile.

Merek begins tapping that foot of his along to that music, while he smiles, watching Cryo with a little grin. He's actually pretty great in leading into the music, although amidst all of those folk it might be a bit difficult.

The air is crackling with anticipation. At this point, the crowd is full of smiles and smirks, as a group they are just waiting for the punchline. A few more quick on the uptake take their drinks now, and rather deep ones, too. It helps them prepare. And not spill or spray anything.

Cryo strikes another chord of strings, and clicks the tambourine the way castanets would, and continues.

"So then Daues called for one more card, but he drew the diamond eight, and Maugrin said to the Golden One, 'I believe you've got it straight. So deal me one, for the time has come, to see whole rule all time and space!'"

She leans forward, looking sly, reaching up to her forehead, "but as he warned, from behind his horns, he slipped another ace!" She flips her fingers around, the Ace of Spades appears at her fingertips.

Another stomp, and a flourish, almost celebrating the evil.

Immediately Cryo launchs into a chorus, which is more garrulous, quicker. "Ten thousand souls was the opening bid! It soon when up to fifty nine! But Daues didn't see what Maugrim did, and he chuffed, 'That suits me fine. I'll raise you high, to a hundred and ten, and soon put an end to your sins!'"

"Then Maugrim let out, a shattering shout."

It rocks the far walls, there are thunderclaps, and the dancing lights flash like lightning, then fade.

In a very short time, Tae's order is delivered. Red wine is her drink, not dry, but not too sweet, and bowl of vegetables and dressed with fruit and a light sprinkling of vinegar and olive oil. Simply put, it's a marvelous presentation with a smell most wonderful to any who like greens. She smirks as Maugrim wins his hand, trying her best to cover a laugh.

There's really no need to hide laughter, though. The crowd erupts, laughing. "Daeus plays cards as bad as you, Will!" comes a shout in the back, which draws yet another crescendo of laughter. A young, beared man (who must be Will) shouts back, "But I drink better than 'ee does!" And the man sets to emptying his mug.

Shelly wonders about the origins of the song, as it's not one she's heard, even in the way back and down below. The Mul'iessa seems contemplative, though she keeps her rythm throughout and, "A flair for performance, certainly." she muses.

Merek nods a bit, then he begins a clapping for Cryo. Eventually, the man smiles a little, which he doesn't often do a lot generally. "Nice."

The whitescale sith spins around, the skirt of her dress flying up, tail waving and she's facing the audience again without missing a thumping beat or letting the magical musical accompanyment fade. She's completely glowing now, front and back, all her highlight scales illumed. She is ice, on a sunny winter's day.

Adopting the voice of the Airship man, she continues, in pleading sadness, "And I said, Daeus, oh Daeus, you let him win! The sun is down and the night is sliding in. That ship is tight on time, so many souls are in that climb."

"Oh Daeus, why'd you let him win?"

She stops, hanging her head, the thumping ceasing. A tinkle of little bells, descending, though she keeps her tambourine shaking, maintaining the beat in a lesser form. A denoument in song, "Well that Myrrish Airship still flies, between Guadalkiki and Old DeVille. In the dead of night, the gasbag shrieks and people fear..."

"She's flying still."

Cryo's voice fills with a sadness she doesn't expect. Something she tapped in her performance bubbles up strong. The lament is clear, and while her pain has nothing to do with the song, it matches the sense of failure and futility of the last verse.

"And far away in some recess. Daeus and Maugrim are now playing chess. Maugrim still cheats and wins more souls. And as for Daeus, well..."
"He's just doing his beesssssst."

The crowd isn't sure what to make of that sudden change in tone. It's difficult. Oh, certainly those drunkest among the lot are just picking up on the humor of Daeus losing. That's funny enough for them. Among those with a bit more of their wits about them, though, they sense there's a much more subtle and difficult message. It's rare perhaps, but it seems more than a few are trying to work it out, even starting to talk about it when the song ends.

Shalethiste affords the show some polite applause, though her foot stills, and a grave, sympathetic look graces her dark features, "... oh..." While she is uncertain as to the origin of the song, she suspects some inkling of it's fuel... a sad thing that art often shines brightest when wrought with suffering. She'll make a point of seeing to the Sith, should the effort be welcome.

Tae enjoys the performance, but she isn't going to get into philosophy over it. To her, religion is simply of little importance, other than when it makes itself an impediment in her plans. Which is frequent enough to be quite annoying. No, she's more focused on the performer. She watches Cryosanthia attentively. "She has a gift," she whispers to Shalethiste. "I just hope that she is alright and not bothered by anyone for her choice of lyrics."

Merek still looks to be wakeful, thinking to himself while he watches Cryo, and nods along with that nice change. There's an inhale while he thinks about it, then he offers a look, meeting the Sith's eyes a moment as well.

Cryo stomps, finishing her performance. She holds her arms out to the sides and bends at her hips in a deep bow. Her tail aligns horizontal behind her, her back flat also goes horizontal and she absorbs the audience reaction. It washes over her, eyes closed, she feels the room. Ceinara, this is for you.

Popping up, she attempts to bring some levity and mirth to the close. "Ha, whoops everyone. It got a little intense there. I promise, it's nothing personal and seriously, Daeus is just fine."

She sees Merek seeking her eyes, but looks away. She's hiding in her tower.

Tae leans back, busying herself with eating. She finds her mind slipping from its previous focus. The food, for now, will have to hold her attention. Shelly is clearly focused on the performer, and Tae knows pretty much anyone is better at providing comfort than she is. Her emotional talents lie in other areas.

Merek seems to think about it a moment, and looks then to Cryosanthia while he stands up, making a way to the stage in thought, not getting in the way. "You want to look in on Little Fang, and see if she's doing alright?" he asks.

Indeed, Little Fang is doing all right. Irshya has been watching her, feeding her some healthy foods, and water. She kept her entertained, and even snuck her out and let her sit on the Gobbo's lap to watch Cryo dance. However, gobbos and kobolds no matter how pink, are easily overlooked in a crowded room when they sit quietly, and they were.

Shale murmurs something under her breath, but offers a silent toast to the performer on her assurances, before taking a sip and turning to her company. She smiles, then, and, "Well, quite the show, there, she can certain invoke feeling!"

Feeling that perhaps the tension is clearing, Tae is able to quickly shift gears and return her complete focus to Shelly. "She's not the only one," she replies playfully, allowing herself to smile again. Tae takes a longer drink from her cup and sets it down, a breath slowly escaping her lips.

"Okay, okay, something a little lighter now, and a bit more fun." Cryo says, strutting back and forth in front of the limelights. The previous music has faded, as have her lights. It's still chilly around her and she's got even more energy after her performance than when she started. She looks over at Merek.

"I do. yes. I'm worried about her. But I trust Irshya, she said she'd come out as soon as they're both done swimming. Lily likes the water."

Finding a position closest to the edge of the stage, she holds out her hand towards Tae, grinning widely. It's full of teeth, and perhaps a little mischievious, "I was wondering Tae, if you'd help me with this next song. It... um... needs your talents."

Merek nods a bit, thinking about it a little, "I imagine, most lizards like to swim," he muses. The man looks to Tae then, and along to Shalethis. Then it's back to Cryo while he finds a place to settle in and watch and listen. That's probably what he will do all night, with no business needing attending.

Tae leans closer to Shelly, doing this slight shift that just emphasizes.. oh wait, someone else is talking to her now? She stops whatever she was about to do and very naturally gets back to sitting in a much more neutral pose. She directs her attention towards Cryosanthia, "Well, dear, if you need my help, how can I possible refuse? I don't sing, though, and I'm not sure my kind of dancing won't get me thrown out immediately."

"Come, come, it'll be fine. I'll show you what you need to do." Cryo leans over, holding out her hand. She pulls the half-oruch up on stage, and whispers to her, "It'll be a little silly, and maybe embarassing, but remember, if you stare at the footlights you can't see the audience it looks like you're looking at them."

The sith woman steps back, moves Tae into position, "okay, you need a little sway here in the hips, just like this. Well, without the tail."

After demonstrating, she watches Tae copying her, "Good, good, now a bit of shimmy to your shoulders, counter-motion to your hips, together. Doesn't have to be a lot."

This, also meets her needs. Finally she looks out to the audience and announces, "Okay, there's a really familiar chorus, and the louder you sing, the harder Tae will dance, I'm sure."

With a grin, the whitescale launches in a more traditional, bawdy song. "I've got a Loverly Pair of Coconuts!"

Ghoulish cp line.png

The filk songs

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls perform/percussion: (10)+17: 27
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls perform/sing: (1)+17: 18 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls perform/dance: (12)+17: 29
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls perform/act: (14)+8: 22

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "here's the filked song, if you want to imagine, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6ZteQhPxOs"