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(Created page with ""I *fly,*" Alba answers, before they set out upon the road. While not perhaps much more *comfortable* traveling in the Dune Sea, Alba nods her confirmation with their guide,...")
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Turning slowly back to Jack, she attempts a brief smile. "In the past, too sour for my taste have I found them. What chanced upon us as we travel to your tent... hehhh. A rousing day's sport, but still a brief annoyance."
Turning slowly back to Jack, she attempts a brief smile. "In the past, too sour for my taste have I found them. What chanced upon us as we travel to your tent... hehhh. A rousing day's sport, but still a brief annoyance."
[Staff] Whiteout ponders. Better protecting other people and a free feat, or 2nd level Pally spells and anti-mind control...
GAME: Khu has connected.
GAME: Khu has connected.
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<OOC> Beaglefinder XD
<OOC> Beaglefinder XD
[[Category:Oasis|Amid an Oasis 2]]
[[Category:Oasis|Oasis 2: A Merchant's Wish]]

Latest revision as of 03:43, 8 October 2017

"I *fly,*" Alba answers, before they set out upon the road.

While not perhaps much more *comfortable* traveling in the Dune Sea, Alba nods her confirmation with their guide, setting up an open-faced tent to the lee of the wind when the sun comes up, and keeping herself bundled quite literally to her eyes. The mask even goes on *over* the robes, just to make sure.

In the evening as they ride, Alba peers to one side, then the other, and makes a sharp, hissing sound at the back of her throat. "Tracks," she says, pointing her razored hand to the party's right, then to the dunes behind the tracks. "See, how high the sand. Raiders, it is likely."

Arubesh nods in agreement with Alba, having noticed the same tracks. "Four feet," he comments in a hushed tone. "Much bigger than a hyena. Mounts perhaps." He turns in his seat to look at the others in the group, pointing to his knife to let them know that they should draw steel if they needed to. Next to his knife he pulls forth a black obsidian wand. He chants quietly to himself, calling to his Lady. "Harpist. Grant me sight beyond sight. That my eyes may see the passing of man."

GAME: Arubesh casts Deathwatch. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

Keeping mouth shut, Sasha has no idea what to do except follow Alba and Arubesh. She's completely out of her element here.

At first, nothing. Then the soft pad-pad of claws over sand. Dark green eyes appear near a dune. Whooping laughter from bestial throat.

Whooping, ghostly, as first one beast emerges, and then the next. Hulking beasts with dripping jaws, these hyenas snarl with the desperation of scavengers. No normal creatures they're...large in size, at least 12' at the shoulder.

"...we'd heard rumor but. No one believed it--" the one who'd held the camels, waiting, says. Your guide, Fatwa guides hers behind you, but it may not help. The beasts are circling. "No one!"

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Beaglefinder has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Beaglefinder to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


"And when this is done," Alba mutters, "a new tale you will have to tell." Rising up in the middle of the ring, Alba lifts her head to the burning sky, shouting a handful of brain-cramping words. Her hair slithers out from under her wrapping, spiking down into the sands and seeming to... corrupt it, turning the ground for a fair distance in front of one of the hyenas into a puddle of rubbery blackness, from which torso-thick tentacles explode in a sea of grasping, writhing madness.

Lucky thing for the hyena that it manages to escape.... for now...

"Hya. Hya hya ha--" The massive creatures charge, running from the writhing hair. One of then snaps at Sasha as she rushes by, dropping the cleric to the sand. The beast's eyes light up and she laughs, LAUGHS, a whooping, mocking sound.

A sister jogs in, to take advantage of fallen prey. A third harries Kisaiya, getting nowhere, while a fourth paces outside. Observing.

"With fade and pallor, in the lands of my people," Arubesh begins. "I call on you Haven of Souls to spare your champion." His eyes flash gray behind the glass of spectacles as Vardama's gaze falls upon Sasha in her time of need.

Kisaiya is, well, frankly she didn't expect hyenas that looked like that. Raiders seemed much more likely, but when they came out of the shadows like that, their teeth glistening and hackles raised (not to mention hair raising laughs) Kisa tried to take it in stride. One of the hyenas attacks at her, the snap of its jaws going wide as the scythe was used to keep it at bay. "HEY!" She says to those creatures.

"Leave Sasha alone! SHE'S /MY/ HEALER! Not yours!" And the scythe was whipped about in a rather vicious display, punctuated with aggressive movements and stances that might appeal more toward the animalisitc side. It was her goal to try and draw their attention, or at least make them a bit more worried about that scythe than the woman so near to their fangs.

Before Sasha can even react, She's on the ground and has a LOT of damage done to her. Thankfully, Arubesh and Kisaiya rescue her before too much damage is done. She touches her chest and she glows brightly as her wounds mend, much to the fashion Kisaiya's been amazed at before. then she gets up, with only one jackal swiping at her since he broke throug the barrier.

"BACK, BRUTE CREATURES! TIME ENOUGH WE *HAVE NOT* FOR YOUR HUNGERS!" Sweeping her hands down, her hair stabs out again... but this time, sinking directly into the flesh of the hyenas surrounding the cleric, digging in juuuust enough to be horrifying to look at... and then a pulse of black electricity *crashes* through each strand of hair, setting the hyenas to writhe and yowl in purest agony.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Kisa pose giving the former chucklepup the raspberry! She lunges, missing! ...and then you uhm. Charge with so much FORCE that uhm. You are now scattered in the midst of Sasha's best buddies!"

Undeterred, the beasts lunge forward. One slams against Arubesh's protective magic. Another closes a vice-like grip on Sasha's leg, bringing the cleric down, again. They begin to circle. Circle...laughing, chuckling. Predators.

GAME: Arubesh casts Murderous Command. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+4-2: (17)+4+-2: 19

<OOC> Beaglefinder facepalms. X)

<OOC> Beaglefinder oh man. XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Arubesh, it was a brilliant ploy. But. ^^;"

Kisa gives another slip to the side as the one attacking her misses, but seeing Sasha fall again? "Sasha!" She calls out and turns on the spot to charge at one of those chucklepups! "Get off her!" She yells at it, feeling the one behind her give another snap at her heels. She turns her head, sticks out her tongue and forgets what running in sand is like. "Ack!" She cries out as first one sliding step leads to another. She turns back forward, trying to swing the scythe at the one not caught up in Sasha's spell and instead...

Well, if she was a martial artist it would probably look quite intentional, doing that sort of shoulder roll. She was not, and it was not, and she finishes with a rather staggering step and a slide into the midst of those two other Hyenas. "Err." A smile. "Hi."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It's imagining Sasha so much with BBQ sauce that it somehow shakes it off. ^^;"

"Know my name. I am Arubesh of tomb and crypt. I have no surname as is proper in the forgetting." He lifts the symbol of Vardama from his belt. "Heed my word as you would my Mistress. Be my sword and defend my ally." He calls, but there must not have been enough strength in his voice as the Hyena keeps gnawing at its chew-toy.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alba!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll perception, please. :3"

GAME: Alba rolls perception: (17)+12: 29

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+9: (9)+9: 18

You paged Alba with 'The fourth one slinks away, headed southwest. It's the same direction you are headed.'

BACK on the ground, Sasha is really starting to dislike hyenas. She still makes it a point to assist her friends, especially Kisaiya. "Blue rose, please guide my friends strikes as they attempt to protect your servant."

Pushing up her mask hard enough to expose her head to the elements, Alba looks VERY CROSS INDEED. But she has no more insults for these creatures, though her eyes dart to the one among the pack *not* piling in.

Instead her mouth yawns open... further... further... until her lower jaw rests somewhere near the middle of her chest, and a stream of bright red fire whips out, lashing to and fro for a moment, before slamming down *hard* on the back of the most aggressive hyena.

Oh HALE NO. Yerking, one of the hyenas changes course and lunges for Kisaiya. It's so badly scarred, so badly rattled that she lunges towards the sand instead. So does her sister. Likewise, an attack against Sasha misses.

The hyenas are having a terrible, no good, very bad day. And seeing this...there are suddenly three. Three haggling, cackling sisters, and the ears of the remaining three cant downwards in response.

"You will obey," Arubesh demands. It does not.

Well, at least Kisa seems to have rediscovered her footing as she sort of half-stumbles back into place as the the chuckler takes another bite at her and it's teeth only finds the screech of metal. "HEY! I said no!" She gives a twist of her body and a push with her hip to help propel the metal blade in a low-flying arc that cuts deeply into the creature and gives a splatter of red on the sands.

"Alba! Alba! Should we try to save one for your farm?! I bet we can save one and bring it home!"

Sasha finally gets up once the other hyena is dead. "Ugh. I really dislike hyenas." She says before she puts a hand on Kisaiya's shoulder. "Blue Rose, please protect my protector."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "The remaining one runs off. She's still in pain, and leaving a bloodtrail behind. They have an ongoing pain/nausea spell on them, and you slaughtered their comrades!"

For a moment, Alba turns a *thunderous* look on Kisaiya. She tries to speak, looks even angrier, then turns her attention to another hyena.

Her tongue lashes and sizzles, carving out 'NO' in the animal's living flesh. ....Except by the end of it, the flesh is not quite so living anymore.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "And bc funny, Kisa, perception. >.>"

GAME: Kisaiya rolls perception: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)

Another sister falls. And the pain does not end. The remaining she-huntress takes a step back, then turns tail and runs on bloodied paws. Her feet leave miniature craters in the earth--craters quickly filled by sand. No wonder you'd thought them horses, or camels.

Speaking of camels.

Fatwa stands some yards away. She had not RUN, which is credit to her. Her hand shakes, her back is ramrod straight where she grips the reins.

The camels...give you a lazy-eye'd look. And chew.

Silently, Fatwa holds out the reins. Just kind of. Holds them out in that universal: I would like to leave now. Is now a good time? Yes. Yes, now is a good time.

"Awww." Kisa says as she sees the No written on the side of the (now dead) chuckle-face. "But, they're at least as cute as the spiders. A lot more cute that that damn vomit-cat." She gives another twisting swing of the scythe, the blade giving a hard snap at the end of the motion to clean some of the blade off.

"You okay?" Kisa turns and looks back at Sasha, before looking back in the direction of Alba. Whatever she was supposed to see was lost by her attention to that other woman as she adds, "How's Hissy doing?"

The tongue of flame is, literally, bitten off with a sharp click of the Witch's jaws. "Hissy shall keep until we return," Alba says, lowering herself back to the ground. "Greater worries have we; the creatures have fled along our path." Pulling up her robe hood and replacing her scarf and mask, she takes hold of the reins, with a nod of respectful thanks to Fatwa.

"When I get back to the city. I'm taking a bath....and watching my armor. I don't want to speak of where there is sand." Sasha says as she starts to walk for where the camels are. "Lets get out of here......And worry about Hissy when we get back."

And so. Camels. The lumbering, lurching beasts carry you further into the desert, across the Dune Seas. Your guide occasionally confers, checking a map and holding a moistened thumb to the wind, to check the wisdom of sands east and west.

At length...at length...

"Oasis!" Fatwa, your guide gestures with beaded fingers towards the land ahead. The...is that water? The precious scent of it teases the senses. Has it been only days since seeing a river or lake? Days, since seeing nothing but sand? And then the fire of the hyenas' hungry jaws?

A crossbow bolt lands in front of your camel train. Well ahead. A warning shot.

"BUSINESS! STATE IT!" shouts a guard. Of course, an oasis would be guarded. As you get closer, a large gate protects entry. Beyond, the multicolor banners of merchants. Families inside a modestly sized, and walled construction. Not unlike an isolated town.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "K/local if you like. :3"

GAME: Template:* Sasha rolls 1d20+2+1: (13)+2+1: 16

<OOC> Sasha says, "Human Improv."

You paged (Alba, Arubesh) with 'It is no surprise that an oasis would be guarded, and well. They'll ask you to peacebond your weapons, at the least. Though it happens <cough cough, nudge nudge> oasis are generally areas of peace. <cough cough, nudge nudge>'

You paged Sasha with 'It is no surprise that an oasis would be guarded, and well. They'll ask you to peacebond your weapons, at the least. Though it happens <cough cough, nudge nudge> oasis are generally areas of peace. <cough cough, nudge nudge>'

Alba narrows her eyes at the crossbow bolt, then looks back up. "Have the Clans grown so rude since I leave, that travelers are shot at then challenged?" Her razored hand extends, free hand pointedly tugging away the gauntlet and folding it away under her robes. "In peace, we come, to share water and trade."

"I dunno," Kisa says mutteringly in a dry tone, "Sounds a bit like how /you/ are." A stick of her tongue out at Alba and a smile to follow it up. She's still perched on her own camel, though she's not really that comfortable riding it yet. She's still not really worked out a good way to perch with that hump thing and Alba was not any help! What with her floating. A slide one way, a slide the other, and -- wait! Is that a comfortable position?

Sasha blinks at the crossbow bolt. "Interesting." She says before leaning over to whisper to Kisaiya. "There's a bit of a problem here. Normally....oasis are peaceful. Keep your guard up, Kisa. But keep this between us." She's still rubbing her side.

"We've had some problems," admits the guard. He keeps his crossbow trained on you a while, as he looks you over. After a breath, three. "Peacebond them, and we'll open the gate. You will forgive the caution, but it's more than raiders want our water these days."

Some ribbens are tossed down, white in color. To wrap around one's weapons, supposedly. Of course, you're welcome to use your own.

Sasha holds up her staff. "A mere walking stick. Trivial compared to crossbows. but I assure you it is no threat to you, nor am I. Unless you don't trust in the grace of Althea."

"Bind it all the same," Alba mutters, picking up a ribbon and winding it around her wrist. "It is as much reminder as function; the oasis is to be tainted by no means, be it blood, poison, or ill will."

Sasha nods. "So be it." She holds out the staff for Kisaiya. "Please, carry this for me?"

Kisa isn't really sure how to put one of those on the Scythe she carries. She tries to find a way several times, before finally just tying a bow around it instead. A few moments taken to make it prettier, then - "OH!" She starts to rummage about before finally finding what she's looking for. She pulls out her little cloth flower and with a bit of a twist and another knot, that's added to the bow. Then another bow around her longbow, another ribbon for the dagger. A sigh as she's finished only to hear Sasha.

"Eh?!" She says with an arch of her eyebrow, taking the staff and a couple more ribbons (one bow at each end).

Slowly, the guard lowers the weapon. He seems to breath easier--either mention of Althea's name, or the following of ritual. Either, or both, could be the cause. "My pardon. I'll see the gate open," he says.

A moment later, it does, at the hands of a second guard. He bows to you as well, with one hand in front of him. Your guide, Fatwa, returns it. The camels do not seem to care.

And so, past the gate. Past it, you're met with the smell of water, warm sand, and perfume. Beyond, the ultimate extravagance: a lake in miniature. Shoptents are within, with traders and crafters offering needed services. A market in miniature, there are things to be found here, and places to see.

One of the merchants bows to you from the entrance to their tent, then vanishes inside with a fleeting smile. To be had are weapons, food, and livestock.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Here's a sketchmap of where y'all are at: http://tenebraemush.net/index.php/Oasis_Map :3"

GAME: Kisaiya rolls Profession/Merchant: (20)+6: 26

You paged Kisaiya with 'Kisa is easily able to identify the tents: There is a small tent, noting spices. Another notes weapons, another cloth. The central appears to belong to the guards, for protection of the oasis. The familial flags on the tents do not seem to belong to a single family either, but to a small number.'

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Y'all were sent here to fetch a certain spice, and possibly some glass. So presumably, the dragon's contact should be here in one of these. :3"

Sasha takes a deep breath and places her hand over her heart....and her medallion before she looks towards the water and smiles, before looking towards the disappearing merchant....and heads into the tent to look about....and not at the weapons.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Kisa will have some details in her pose, then after that it's up to you guys. :3"

"OOooo." Kisa says as she looks around. She rises up to look around more. A tilt of her head with a long drawn in breath and she starts trying to scamper down off of the camel as she lets out a happy noise. She bolts toward one of the tents as she calls out, "Cl-o-o-o-o-oth! SANDY WILL LOVE ME!" A slide to the stop as she hops one foot, then the other, one foot then... "Ga-a-a-ah!" She moves toward another tent where there's weapons and then just sighs. A noise that says she's now torn.

"I-" A hang of her head and she starts trudging off toward the last of the tents. It would be best to actually get their work done first as she says in a flat tone, "This way. Follow your nose, that wonderfully smoky and a little spicy scent is one of the local seasonings. They usually have it with the rest of the spices." A point toward the tent.

You paged Alba with 'Sure. :3'

GAME: Alba rolls survival: (13)+12: 25

You paged Alba with 'A mix of spices. Were one to drink tlagi...one experiences the world. Here...one sees a small, quite small part of it, but more than a mere favor. Ingredients, perhaps.'

Alba sketches a similar bow, then drifts in past the walls. The witch pauses once in the caravanserai proper, looking left and right, in the manner of someone visiting a hometown they had long ago left behind. ".....So," she says after a long moment. "Let us find what we seek." Trailing after Kisaiya, she turns her eyes from stall to stall, her mask betraying nothing of her expression.

It's...one of the two smaller ones, easily overlooked for its lack of outwards decoration. Not at all as the grandoise tent towards the back, which Arubesh or Alba would identify as belong to the Kamila clan. One of THOSE clans. ...claiming to possess genie blood. And who knows. Perhaps they do...but then, would not one expect them to have a higher station? Than...this?

Inside the small tent, you enter easily enough. A lean young man starts, black of eye and mane bows to you on entry. His features are sharpish, like a jackal's. He moves well.

On his arm--and because you had suffered. SUFFERED, through an hour, and then a second. And then a third. ...you recognize the mark upon his foot. It is the Mark of the Monk of the Burning Sands, a mark suggestive of fire, but lacking it and depicting only the heat within.

And the floor of the tent. Only gracious sand. There is not a carpet to be had.

You paged Kisaiya with 'The ticking of mercantile skills in her mind remark on the dragon's stories. ...and this young monk trader. One should possibly remove one's shoes, and savor the sands. ^^;'

Kisaiya comes to a stop soon after walking into the tent, and then she backs up (maybe into one or two of the companions). She turns her head and gives a wide smile toward them all, "Take off your shoes. Should hopefully help with the negotiations. Assuming they don't smell too bad, I mean, well, if you've been hanging around the swamp and not taking care of -- you know what? Never mind. Just go for shoe-less!" And even as she's saying this she's pulling off her boots. Hopping in place as she tries to yank them free before entering back into the tent.

<OOC> Beaglefinder dies. XD

Sasha has on long boots, so they're rather easy to get off...once unlaced. She settles her feet into the sand and gives Kisa a weird look......

Alba solves the problem in a simpler fashion; she simply enters the tent, and folds her legs to sit cross-legged an inch upon the sand 'floor' of the tent. Once done, she removes her mask, pushes back her robes, drapes her scarf over her shoulder, and unhooks her waterskin from her belt, holding it out. "We greet you, Brother of the Burning Sand, and offer our water to share."

Kisa leans in and whispers to Sasha, "Or, just tossing it out there-" a jerk of her thumb back to herself, "-Tarienite!" A wiggle of her eyebrows, but she does walk without her shoes on inside the tent, her feet enjoying the sands.

And....at Kisa's whisper, Sasha WHAPS Kisa on the shoulder. With a look that says 'I can't believe I fell for that'.

"...Aaaah," the monk says after a moment. He smiles, though his brows quirk upwards at here or there. "It is my honor to serve you in this oasis of ours. My name is Jack, of Clan Ahl, and my family is known for its spices and the rare gift of scent, across the desert sands." He pauses and then looks towards Sasha. He changes course, just slightly, and offers her a slender hand. "One of the Hearthguards," he says warmly, before looking to you all. You are quite welcome here," he says. "May I offer you the custom of salt?" His voice is warm, but...sharp.

It could well remind one of a civilized jackal. A beast there with a tail about its paws, saying: do you see. Do you see how civilized I am?

On the back of the tent are small chests, well-locked. Alba might notice, that is where the scent is coming from. That and...sand. Warm sand.

You paged (Arubesh, Alba) with 'Offering salt outright is a bit odd. It could play in your favor. It might not. It states no violence for three days, and is considered binding.'

You paged Kisaiya with Salt' sounds like an agreement of some kind.'

You paged Kisaiya with 'She isn't sure, but it sounds something useful to learn, if she's going to trade with these people.'

Sasha smiles and gently his hand to shake, nodding her head a bit. But she looks to Alba at the custom of salt.....

A grin toward Sasha, "What? I gave you free trade advice!" Kisa says back to Sasha with a raise of her eyebrows. Who's to say when she's serious or not, right? She digs her toes a bit into the sand, enjoying the warmth of it. She looks toward Alba for a moment and then shifts a bit closer to the two of them as she hears the talk of salt. There was the water comment from Alba that was not entirely addressed, but she roughly knew that one to begin with. Kisaiya keeps her comments to herself though, curious about this custom and wondering how Alba would respond to it.

Alba's eyes narrow, her hand remaining outstretched and offering the waterskin. "Water for salt, Brother Ahl? A fair and just trade, this." The offering of water, a promise of well-behaved guests, and if taken, a debt of trust that the host would fare poorly for breaking.

Turning to look over her shoulder at the non-nationals, she speaks. "A gift of salt, upon the Dune Seas, binds the giver and the gifted to three days of safety from violence."

"There may be civilization among the wetlands, yet." Jack's eyes gleam, dark and black as he demurs. He invites you to sit with a measured wave of his hand. "Please, make yourselves at peace. I would love to hear of your travel, and our friend. Has he bit off more than he could chew?" An outwards joke, the familial bribe--should technically wait until after salt, until after safety, when words can be taken the wrong way, here in the sands.

Words have knives. He goes to one of the tables, and prepares a tea. It is not tlagi, but it scents well. On each platter, he places a pinch of salt. This, he brings to you, and sits among you, looking interested.

Sasha smiles a bit. "I apologize for my lack of knowledge of your customs. It is why Alba is here. I am from the mountains. I do believe ALba has made her own offer as well." She says with a look to Alba before watching him go towards the tables.

Indeed, Alba has not moved. Floating just above the sand, water outstretched, eyes wary and watchful.

"...no words. Of course." Jack focuses on the boxes, so much so he hasn't noticed Alba's gesture. Unfortunately. (Also, the GM was sleepy.) "It may be a message arrived a day past. 'Ah, Jack,' perhaps it said. 'Be kind' it said. Again, maybe it did. Maybe it also said, 'Do you remember the smell of gold?' So I may help you. I have the spices, and they are mine to offer. But our friend seeks a greater gift. Something to dazzle."

"For a young lady, perhaps. And perhaps, given a letter or a fond, old heart for his friend's idiot romances, an older, wiser friend might throw in to the tea leaves, a gift or two. ...how well do you favor hyenas?"

With an aggrieved sigh, the waterskin is lowered, the pinch of salt taken up with a nod. The dish is tipped back into her mouth, and the dish set down. Turning her head to the rest of the party, she nods for them to do the same. "Ere we begin to speak in earnest," she says, "let us ensure there is peace, for a time."

Turning slowly back to Jack, she attempts a brief smile. "In the past, too sour for my taste have I found them. What chanced upon us as we travel to your tent... hehhh. A rousing day's sport, but still a brief annoyance."

GAME: Khu has connected.

Kisa looks toward Alba, Sasha, Alba, Sasha, Whirlpool. Wait, what? This whole thing was escaping her for a moment, but she turns toward the tray anyway. She picks up the salt, taken, and then the tea which she downs in a quick motion with only a bit of a twitch to her eye at the hot liquid. A cough as she turns her head to the side, it was hot tea!

"Erm, what-" cough, "-what she said."

Sasha places her hand over her heart, with her medallion between her hand and her heart, before she tips the dish back to her mouth. "I was the one attacked by them the worst. If it weren't for my friends, I would not be here."

"I find them an annoyance as well, as happens. ...if they would go away, why. One could ignore them. Yet, they return day after day. So I will sweeten the story," he says. He lowers his cup to his palm, and looks to Alba.

His eyes spark in that way, and one might remark on it. Might pick up on it, a delighted story around the merchant tent. Ah. Perhaps one missed it?


I speak here to the sharp of eye. I have no doubt of your abilities; not if our friend picked you. You would have seen the flags, flying overhead. Or recalled--the clan Kamila claims Ties. They are perhaps, not wrong," Jack says. He dips a second pinch of salt into the tea, and takes a drink of it. It seems awkward in his hand, somehow. "What matters is the Contract that bought those ties. I would find it remarkable you never see their merchantess at daylight, and that her tent lies at an angle to the gravesite, nearby. ...and that with her, the hyenas came." He looks up, with raven's brows. He smiles, but one might have that image again.

You paged Sasha with 'The god of Contracts would be Thul. The mention of a gravesite would confirm it. He's suggesting their merchantess is undead, and traded Thul's Contract for their family's favor, of genie blood.'

"So and so," Alba murmurs in reply, eyes narrowing. "Then it is a true friend, that would mark the hazards upon our path. Such generosity must be answered." Her waterskin is taken out again, and on top of it is laid the leg-bone of a deer, every inch between the ends covered in intricate whorls and spirals, stained with black ink. "A gift, for such a great light of the Ahl Clan to... savor."

Sasha sits up a little straighter....and her smile fades.....replaced by a very....diplomatic smile. She lets Alba talk for her, since she has more experience.....

Jack looks towards Sasha, and reaches out to her for a moment. Please, do sit, that says. We have shared salt. The motion is kind, as he looks back to the others. "So you understand. Do something to harry her--something to amuse, and I will procure you a treasure sure to turn a duchess' head." Jack lowers his cup. He smiles, a row of neat, white teeth. "Something to drive her away--and the gift--for our friend's foolish fondness--will be one for a queen. Now. Tell me of your travels. ...and nothing for the sway of camel over sand. Tell me of the hunt, and your success." Tell me of the hunt.

Kisa looks over at Sasha as she sits up straighter and starts to poke her gently in the side. She leans in closer, whispering, "Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. What? Why you acting funny?"

Arubesh has remained oddly silent, his dark eyes roaming the tent. A man always with words, his lack of them stands out to those that know the dark-skinned Vardaman. His right rests on the book that hangs from his waist, his fingers caressing the leather bound book. Upon the symbol of the scales crossed with a khopesh. The silence began as soon as they had entered the compound. A Veyshani that was not comfortable in Veyshan.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "So y'all know, technically? Y'all fulfilled the objective and we'll conclude tonight. BUT, I'll be opening a queue after this, if you take Jack's quest. It will be largely legwork, and a meet-as-we-can. It could result in a scene, it could just be investigating. This part of the story is up to you guys. ^^;"

"It could be already, half-made your wish is," Alba says mildly, eyebrows rising. "Four days upon the sands, and we are set upon by four hyenas, neck-high to a horse. Cackled and circled they did, and sought to make a meal of our Hearthguard," she says, nodding at Sasha. With fear and death and pain we answered back, and where four ambushed, two lived to flee. One, unmarked. THe other... perhaps she bled out upon the sands, I have no knowing."

"Excellent." Jack's smile is no merchant's, though he pours the tea by one. A custom, no matter. He seems genuinely interested, and then looks over as Kisaiya addresses the Hearthguard.

Sasha leans over to Kisa and whispers. "He mentioned a contract for a few of the merchants to get their djinn blood....and that their tent is set a certain way to the graveyard. What he's suggesting is either those merchants are agents of thul, or that they're undead. I'm hoping it's just gossip, but......."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "One more pose each if you like, and then I'll wrap us up. It's a little late. ':3"

A waffle of her head from one side to the other, and Kisa turns to look back at Sasha as she whispers. She lets her eyebrows grow wider, "Undead?!" She says more loudly with an open and closing of her mouth before she looks back at Jack, then again to Sasha, back to Jack.

"Well." What Alba says filters in then and she adds, "I asked if Alba wanted to keep one, she branded one with the word No but maybe she was meaning Not that one." She looks toward Alba and smiles.

"Is that what you meant? Should we find one that you don't have to nurse back to health?"

Finally Arubesh speaks, his eyes closing as he does so. "When once I lived in this land, I was raised by the temple. My..." he pauses and thinks about what he was going to say. "Natural ability, we'll call it. I aided the temple in hunting down the undead and their creators." His eyes open and he pats the book of Vardama resting on his thigh. "I assure you it can be investigated. Though such confrontations are never pretty... and always hits someone closer to home than expected."

"Saaaah," Alba breathes, rocking back in the air and giving the roof of the tent a fond smile. "Long ang long it has been, since I teach a servant of the darkness the truth of fear."

Then Kisa speaks, and she stops rocking. More responsibility? Total buzzkill. "I do *not wish to keep hyenas woman,*" she growls.

<OOC> Beaglefinder XD

...and so it goes. Tea, though it is not tlagi. Here, it is a spice merchant's tea, and stories of hunt get shared and occasionally, when he can be nudged to it, more on said gossip. Well, it is good thing by now, you are all quite adroit at dancing Veyshan's social knives.

So, from here: you have the spices that the dragon had requested. But the glass? ...Jack can procure that, as well. It would be *better* a gift however if you...

Just did this one little thing.

But will you?

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alright. Thanks for participating, guys. I apologize it got a little disjoined there, but I hope it was fun, and I hope you'll enjoy Jack's Quest. ^^;"

<OOC> Beaglefinder hat-tips. :3

<OOC> Beaglefinder XD