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<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.
<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.
[[Category:Logs|Rightful Rest of Nahkte Rangi 1]]
[[Category:Rightful Rest of Nahkte Rangi|Rightful Rest of Nahkte Rangi 1]]

Latest revision as of 05:15, 9 June 2017

=============> 14) The Rightful Rest of Nahkte Rangi (#2994) <==============

Open/Closed: OPEN: This event is open to any player who wants to sign up

using +event/signup. There may be limited space, so signing

up does NOT guarantee you a spot in the event.

Poster: Beaglefinder*

Start Time: 06:00:00 PM (LOCAL), Thursday, June 08, 2017 (1h 37m)

Location: Wilderness

Level Range: 7-11

"We Sung him, and he did not answer. I, his ancestor--I cried his name through the hui-marata and he did not come to us! He did not come!" the oruch Nahu slams his fist upon the table. It shudders.

"This Nahkte Rangi?" the Vardaman scribe works to take notes.

"Yes! He should have COME." The oruch draws his hand from his jaw to his chest. "And hunted, with us, his children against our enemy! His breath to my lungs his fist to my axe! Something has happened to his resting place--"

"This spirit--"

"--It is now a matter of honor, but it cannot be handled within clan. Not with Dran and," Nahu spits, "Rune as they are. So it must be handled differently. This will be DONE!"

The Vardaman adjusts his glasses. "I...will see who may be hired."

This will be a wilderness lair adventure for levels 7-11! It will be more combat-heavy than some of my plots, but I also reward XP and individual treasure based on RP, participation, and team spirit.

===========================================================( Connected* )=====
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* Staff: Lahar's Labyrinth(#913R) *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

You are in a maze, filled with beagles.

Channel: LahChan

Add: addcom lc=LahChan

Cheat Sheet: http://bit.ly/pnmTow

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Beaglefinder A bumbly, four-legged beagle. 0s 1d

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Stuff Out <O> Active Projects <AP>

Forgotten Projects <FP> Pit of Documentation <PD> 


<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "We'll go ahead and begin kicking things off. There is a lot of ground to cover!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "We should have one or two more joining in. After that, I will close signups, just to keep things streamlined."

Zaxx has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Heya!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Generator is open, or just ping me. It'll be open for a little bit. :3"

GAME: Munch has connected.

Munch has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Heya!"

<OOC> Zaxx waves.

"His name was Nahkte Rangi," the Vardaman clerk's notes had read as the quest had been explained. "A hunter and warrior of some note, he was last seen alive descending into the caves of linnorm. He would be recovered some years later. His bones were something of a relic to his clan. His was not the only disturbance, just the first remarked upon."

It continues: "Resolving the issue has been caught up in politics. Not the normal sort as I understand it. There's a spiritual element I don't quite understand." There, the clerk had paused. "I advise treating them with honor, and respect. Keep your eyes open...their shamans may be your greatest resource, if you don't make a lot of noise." ...and on it goes then, with detail of the clan you're visiting, the Drumreavers. These notes resound through your minds as you set upon the oruch clanland.

The ancestor who'd first noticed, Nahu, is not with you. But he is expecting you somewhere in the sea of tents, ahead. You've also received a coridial invitation from the 'reaver shamans. ...well, as cordial as the oruch get. It was more of a blunt: Tell these mercenaries they will visit. They will behave with honor, or we will out their eyes.

The Vardaman had delivered the message, then put the paper down. "That is a translation," he'd said. Then, after a moment continued the debriefing.

The tents of the oruch clan home lie in front of you on the Dran Tablelands (http://tenebraemush.net/images/5/5c/Worldmap.jpg). The mountains are to the northeast of you, and cold winds cut across a river from the Turbulent Seas. The river eventually runs into the Vast, that fluxing world of planar scars. Perhaps that, or its origin, gives it it an otherworldly chill.

There are guards, of course. Rough-hewn oruch with heavy weapons and sharp eyes.

The air at the foot of the Dran Tablelands is chill and brisk. It's late evening.

<OOC> Munch says, ".....I'm just way off this week. Thought this started at 7..."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Whirl's do. ^^;"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "I am going to try and run a little earlier, just to help out folks in different time zones."

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- At a glance around Staff: Lahar's Labyrinth -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Beaglefinder 0s 7'4" 479 Lb Bumbly Blumby 

A bumbly, four-legged beagle. 

Duncan 4m 5'0" 200 Lb Storm Dwarf Male 

'Tall' Khazad often accompanied by a Khazad Digger. 

Munch 40s 6'5" 225 Lb War Golem Male 

Dreadlocked golem with metal scales. 

Nadara 6s 2'8" 30 Lb Goblin Female 

Gobber Girl with a gun and an eyepatch. 

Raethon 16m 4'8" 90 Lb Dawn Elf Male 

Llyranesi male with dark hair 

Zaxx 28s 5'2" 152 Lb Shadow Elf Male 

Compactly built, bald man with dark skin and pointy ears. 


<OOC> Raethon figured we'd be meeting with the Earthwarders.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Just pose in when you're ready, and we'll kick things off. Zaxx, the generator's open for a bit, so feel free to buy supplies at any time. ':3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "They've been a good choice!"

Duncan rides on his mighty Khazad Digger. He seems thoughtful, as he has been ever since he read the note. As they approach the tents he finally stirs. "Does anyone speak Oruch?" he says in a lowered voice that (he hopes) won't be carried past the ears of the party.

<OOC> Zaxx nods to BF.

Munch understands honor. He might not fully grasp -their- version of honor, but the gets the basic concepts and tries his best. "Okay, so, these bones were on display or something? And someone stole them? Or what?" The metal man walks. In part because his legs are as fast and strong as any horse, and also because most mounts don't want to be anywhere near him in case he gets peckish.

GAME: Zaxx has purchased 1 Potion of Reduce Animal for 300 gold.

GAME: Zaxx has purchased 2 Sneezing powder for 120 gold.

Raethon says, "I do not, sadly. I don't even have the spell to comprehend their language." he says as he walks forward, straight for the guards. "Obviously, you don't just bypass the guards as if they weren't there." He says stopping where the guards would obviously intercept them. "We, of the Alexandrian Irregulars, are here to see your shamans. I do not speak Yrch, sadly. So, please forgive my speaking in trade.""

"Warlord Nahu's guests?" the oruch there says. There are three of them, but one of them speaks up. The gobber gets a familiar, though oh-god-hide-the-gunpowder sort of look.

"Yer welcome here," she says, after an appreciable pause. The presence of the digger seems to help, because its rider gets an almost imperceptible nod.

Then, sets towards the camp, another two guards joining along the way. Her pace is brisk and strong, and the oruch carries the neck-slicer in her hand as though it were a toothpick.

The camp itself--Rough, servicable tents. Not a majority, though a noticible number, bear art of some kind. Sewing, inkwork. Dyes. Most praise Angoron or Kor, or illustrate familial and proud moments of their ancestors. Could you read it, an entire history lies in front of you.

Munch doesn't speak Yrch, but he's pretty fluent in Violence, and so gets the gist of it.

Rae walks through and actually slows a little to admire the artwork of some of the tents. "beautiful works. I'd almost ask to take some of this art with me....if we didn't have a pressing matter to attend to." He then jogs to catch up to the rest of the party on the way tot he warlord's tent.

GAME: Haggerty has disconnected. <Quit>

"The clan is known for it." Raethon's words seem to make the warrior warm, and she slows her pace. At least, it's less of a rigid march, and more of a soldier's forward amble. "I am sure you could visit some of the painters after tonight. Do any of you dance?"

Oh, offhanded. Oh-so-casual.

The oruch utterly fails at casual. It's said with a soldier's deliberation. Sir. Yes, sir.

Duncan returns the nod after a bit with a deep inclination of his own head. Once the party starts moving, Duncan remains mounted since it affords him the height to get a better view of the camp. "I've taken it up recently," Duncan suddenly replies. "Though I am not so skilled as many of your kind," he admits.

"You don't say," says Nadara, as the history is spoken of. She's been here, of course. Quiet so far ,but here.

Raethon says, "I dance....just....not entirely well." Rae chuckles at that. "I'm a quick study, admittedly, and I would like to visit your painters....when this business is concluded, not before. More pressing matters to attend to despite how lovely your art is....""

Munch shrugs. "There's the whole 'Dance of the Blades' thing, but just regular sort of dancing, not so much."

The warrior clears her throat. It's a rough, rumbling sound. Her topknot shakes with it. "That is...fortunate. I am not actually taking you to see Nahu. He will be keeping the ...those busy that would interfere with this. I expect the shamans will attempt to meet with you late tonight. You must not be obvious." The oruch have never been big on lies. This subterfuge is...

Unusual. Those of you familiar with the oruch would remark upon it.

Instead of the warlord's tent, you eventually enter a sort of wide and rocky grounds. Three great, iron pots boil in the center, filled with heady smells. Men and women rest on the earth, some feeding young ones. It feels...social.

Raethon says, "So he's keeping the nay-sayers busy?" he says before looking towards the others. "This is....unusual. What is wrong? Or is there not enough time?" He says as they get to the rocky grounds.....looking towards some of the other oruch..."

Munch blinks with a soft click. "...'not obvious'..." He's about as subtle as a 7 foot metal robot-dragon-person with a giant adamantine axe... which is to say, not very.

GAME: Tarragon has connected.

Duncan's eyebrows creep up slightly. "We'll do as you say," he assures the warrior. Although he's careful not to look at the rest of the party. Or would that be more obvious? Duncan doesn't know. Khazad are also not known for their skill at subterfuge. "Do you ever get visitors to your camp? Merchants, or travellers?" He pats a clasp he wears on his belt, a styles rose forged from some metal that's tinged with blue. "Members of any of the martial Orders?"

GAME: Whirlpool has partially disconnected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Zaxx, are you with us?"

"Yes. Join the festivities, drink. ...act like guests--" She pauses as though to say something else but. Looks at the lot of you awkwardly. Near one of the great, iron pots a potbellied oruch waves.

"That is my cousin, Emere," she says, terse. The soldier giving a report. On poop. "He at least cooks well."

"Hey, cousin! Are they letting you off duty, yet?"

"...we don't get a lot of visitors," the warrior admits. Just as her cousin says, "Who're them?"

Subterfuge. ...right?

Subterfuge with BEER. It certainly looks like there's some. A lot of some, and the poignant smell of roast boar.

<OOC> Raethon says, "Nothing like giving a crap report."

<OOC> Raethon says, "Will it stink? it depends."

<OOC> Beaglefinder >.>

"I can do that. Trust me. This Goblin knowns how to party!" Nadara beams a big old toothy smile at them.

Because of course she does.

Rae looks down at Nadara and rolls his eyes. Of course, his staff says what he's thinking.

'We're screwed.' Said in a deep, rumbly voice.

"Hush, Havok." Rae says before he wanders over towards the smell of roast boar and beer!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "I think we lost Zaxx."

Beer. This at least Munch can understand. He favors stronger stuff, but beer is good. And meat. Though he favors that which he killed himself, and typically consumes it a bit more fresh. But beer and meat, things are good.

<OOC> Raethon says, "It's possible."

GAME: Whiteout has DARK-connected.

"Emere. This's Huhana and tha other over there's Pounamu." The roundbelly, Emere, grips the earth and heaves himself upwards. "I'm kinda tha cook, here. Good ta be able ta cook fer some tusks outsidda my own."

"What brings ya out this way?" another asks. The warrior leans over to whisper something in Raethon's ear, before jogging off.

Munch's teeth get a few odd looks. Despite that, you're soon peppered with questions, and given bowls of food. Beer to drink. ...and more food. Even Nadara's given enough for a small elephant.

You paged Raethon with 'She whispers: Ancestors don't vanish. Eh. They don't want to admit it, and they're looking for someone t'blame.'

Munch makes a point not to eat the bowl. He has learned -some- manners.

<OOC> Beaglefinder dies.

Oruch. Oruch bones, oruch shamans, oruch... things. Thank you, dear guild elders, you are true to form. Zaxx has by now arrived and joined with the others of this merry band only he is not so into the merrimaking. A squint at what is above, another squint at the lurking shadows, and the mul is off his valient steed, Mr. Mopey Carrots. At least there is a cool, fresh wind or there was. Now this linnorm thing. It probably reeks worse than otyhugs. The cursed sil sighs, rolls his shoulders with the rattle of double chain weave and takes in the scene. "They are fey like sil," the black baldie booms low. "Many speak the tongues of the wild and wylds. I speak neither." He grunts which is not related to his statement, sighs out of the way of other's faces but right into the mule's who brays low and glowers at the mul who goes on talking, "Let us get what we have to, see consecrated what requires such and get back home." To Rae, "I sing and play instruments, of course. I do not dance most days." Beer. Beer is good, but there is a job at hand. The black mul shrugs, "Sure. Bring out the ale." Did they bring any? Any presents? Slightly shifty looking and certainly of the blood to instantly magnify any and all suspicions, the sil looks between the others.

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Sorry. Got distracted."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alrightie."

Raethon takes a deep breath and nods to the warrior. "All right." he says as he starts around to warn the others. ESPECIALLY Munch. >.>

<OOC> Duncan says, "Back with a vengeance ;)"

<OOC> Raethon says, "to say the least."

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Raethon says, "that's one way to say 'I'M HERE DAMMIT!'"

<OOC> Raethon XD

Duncan grins broadly as he accepts his first beer. By now he's dismounted from the Digger and left it pawing at the dirt as if it's going to burrow out of sight right then and there. "We're travelers," Duncan replies. "We travel. And when we have to, we fight." He nods casually. After all, everyone fights, right? Right. He looks towards the others, willing one of them to back him up on this. "That's right, travelers, and fighters."

GAME: Rhar has connected.

"Glad he ain't eatin tha bowl," Emere says, after a look at Munch's voracious appetite. Did the golem's teeth just--?

Yes, yes they did. "Eat yer fill. We'll be singin' histories tonight. Lots of dancin. You'll want a full belly fer it. Ya said ya played?" he asks Zaxx, then.

It causes several interested looks.

<OOC> Raethon says, "brb"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go ahead and pose, then we'll ff to the dancing tonight. X) The Drumreavers are more musical than other clans, so it'll be a pretty heady party."

<OOC> Beaglefinder nodnods.

Munch blinks again, perhaps misunderstanding the comment. "It's a nice bowl, I'm sure it tastes fine. But I'd rather use it to have more stew, thank you."

Nadara, of cour se, is thrilled.

Party? PARTY.

She's a goblin. And a pirate. Or at least a for mer pirate. Party? She can do that.

<OOC> Raethon says, "back"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "WB!"

Rae accepts the stew rather quickly and eats his fill, as well as his first beer. "this is good." And that's a compliment from an elf....and their delicate stomachs.....

More stew gets placed in Munch's bowl. After some time, Emere's wife shows up and takes over the kettle. If possible, the amount you're being fed doubles. Nadara and Raethon's amounts practically triple, after comments of "Not hairy enough! What do you eat? Birdfeathers!"

You know. Oruch mothering.

Eventually though, the sun begins to set and its bloodred rays set against the mountains of Dran. The drums begin to burn with a heady rhythm that strikes first the earth, then shudders up the spine. Zaxx is given one by a grizzled oruch, and invited to play.

The sound is deep and earth-toned. It touches the edge of Chaos and burns deep into the soul. Oruch throw back their heads and begin to sing.

The beer never stops flowing.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "If you're drinking, fort saves!"

GAME: Nadara rolls fort: (18)+10: 28

<OOC> Nadara says, "AW YEAH"

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Nadara says, "GOBBER POWER"

<OOC> Beaglefinder dieees.

<OOC> Nadara says, "Yasssss."

GAME: Munch rolls fort: (8)+17: 25

<OOC> Beaglefinder XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Y'all guzzle with the best of them!"

Raethon has disconnected.

GAME: Raethon has disconnected. <Netfailure>

GAME: Raethon has connected.

Raethon has connected.

<OOC> Raethon says, "and my screen freezes"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Pose downing a few, and challenging a warrior or three. :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Zaxx, you were given a drum and an invitation to sing if you'd like to use it. ':)"

<OOC> Beaglefinder uhoh. XD

GAME: Raethon rolls fort: (17)+5: 22

<OOC> Raethon says, "boy did I hit one gigantic lag spike"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "WB. :)"

<OOC> Beaglefinder pokes the lag. :/

GAME: Tarragon has disconnected. <Netfailure>

GAME: Tarragon has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Yeah. :3"

GAME: Iadoth has disconnected. <Timeout>

<OOC> Raethon says, "test"

Munch eats like a furnace. The more you feed him, the greater the consuming fire. Beer doesn't slow the process down. It's pretty rare for alcohol to have a 'normal' effect on the metal man, he just process it different. Except wine. Red wine. That stuff is just evil. But delicious.

<OOC> Raethon says, "That's why it's so evil. :D"

<OOC> Beaglefinder X)

GAME: Zaxx rolls fort+2: (15)+8+2: 25

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Good one!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Duncan? You should get a +2 racial bonus."

Nadara drinks like a fish. Of course she does. She's a /goblin/. Drinking like a fish is what she does.

Raethon is, of course, eating more boar meat. The ultimate compliment for anyone's cooking is to eat more. "Mmmm....you must give me your recipe....."

GAME: Duncan rolls fort+2: (11)+11+2: 24

<OOC> Beaglefinder dies.

So, time passes. Drinking, eating. Drums and dancing beneath the bloodred sunset. The fire of the earth burns in each of you, and every dancer. The drums give it life. There's something...off though. Incomplete.

Eventually, an old man walks into the area. He looks around for a moment, before smiling and heading towards the stewpot. Not many of the oruch notice him.

Festivities. In fact, one of the warriors approaches Duncan. Salutes him with a cup, a silent invitation to out-drink a khazad, if he'll take her up on it. No words needed but she'll hella drink you under the table!

You paged Zaxx with 'The rhythm's ...off just slightly. Not every beat, but more every 20th. It's like a good, solid song beginning to fray.'

Zaxx had his formative experiences with heavy drinkers and chugs back some brew with the others though he does not feel too much joy which he hides behind a friendly smile after the second skull/tankard/horn/earthen mug. He eats enough to soak up the liquids in a sense, but the spicing is crass. The dark man nods at Raethon and mentions low and loud, "Yes. Flutes and shalms and those. But now we praise the hosts. I build instruments, too." The bowl eating catches the chain attired man's interest so he glances over then returns his attention to Raethon whom he regards with a bit of weary and wariness, "No spidersilk banjos." He grins widely at that and has more spirited drink.

At the end of the party, the mul does not seem worse for wear despite occasional visits to the outside of the tent which comes with hammering headaches, but the cold winds help to go back and drink more. The baldie needs to loosen his girdle at some point, but that hardly makes him stop. Ultimately, he can be somewhat cheerful for somebody as devoted to Reos as he.

You paged Zaxx with 'Something else. In fact, his drum will start to fray towards the end of the night. Some of the other drummers will, too.'

Duncan stomps his feet in tune with the drumming in what apparently passes for Khazad dancing. He downs his first beer and then another, gaze growing only slightly unfocused as he goes. He sizes up the warrior and then nods. "You're on!" Duncan finishes off his drink and then winks at the Oruch. "Best to start with a fresh mug," he smirks. Then he goes about getting a refill before they start.

Munch keeps quiet for the most part. He's more a doer than a talker and he's still not entirely sure what he's supposed to be doing here.

Rae lets out a squeak of a belch...since he's not used to belching. yeah, an oruch asked him to be subtle.....but at least he can shrug off the effects rather easily. he bobs his leg to the oruch music, but his eyes are mostly on the Old man walking towards the stewpot. Yeah......that's not conspicuous....not at all....

GAME: Astaren has connected.

GAME: Koszhey has connected.

"You're a priest?" A grizzled, older oruch comes to sit beside Nadara and Raethon after the festivities get well underway, though anyone may join in, of course. "My name is Iwi." He waves cheerfully at a passing clansman.

"Thank you for coming all this way. I know it was a long trip, but I don't believe this can be handled by th' clan." The words are pulled from him, though he puts bravery to it. "Do you know of our hui-marata?"

The oruch across from Duncan gives him an eyeing, and raises her bowl again. She looks bleary-eyed, herself. The performers near Zaxx bellow to the sky. Controlled, burning chaos. The fire of celebration!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Any perform skill if you have it, k/military theory, or you can make a general k/history check. +3 bonus if you're familiar with the oruch in your bg!"

<OOC> Raethon doesn't have a perform skill. XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder ok. :3

Zaxx has disconnected.

GAME: Zaxx has disconnected. <Netfailure>

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "We lost Zaxx, looks like. :/"

<OOC> Nadara says, "I don't have these.. but I do have..."

GAME: Nadara rolls Acrobatics: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Nadara says, "HAAHHAHAHAH"

<OOC> Beaglefinder dieees.

<OOC> Nadara says, "I have the best poe."

<OOC> Raethon says, "Nadara doesn't bust a move...."

<OOC> Beaglefinder XD

<OOC> Raethon says, "She busts a hip."

<OOC> Nadara has one better.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go for it. ':3"

GAME: Albion has connected.

"Yep. Priestess of Rada, she who rules the waves." Rada is traditionally represent4ed as male, but hey, Nadara doesn't care about that evidently.

The next thing you know, though, she's crashed through the top of a keg and her legs are sticking out of it after an ill timed attempt at a backflip.

<OOC> Raethon says, "HAH!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

GAME: Zaxx has connected.

Zaxx has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "WB!"

<OOC> Nadara says, "WB, Zaxx!"

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Apolos. Stealth disco."

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Thanks."

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

Munch watches the antics, buzzing softly with amusement. The metal man idly fingers the weapon on his back, but keeps quiet, still unsure the socail customs hereabout.

<OOC> Beaglefinder pages Nadara's pose, since he's on a phone.

Raethon tries to remain sitting since he's not really all that versed in dancing.....but then nadara dives into an ale barrel and Rae just rolls his eyes. "Well..it could've been worse." he says looking towards the stew pot again, to make sure the elderly man isn't there.

GAME: Zaxx rolls perform/wind: (9)+4: 13

<OOC> Beaglefinder pages. :3

The older oruch is sitting near Raethon and Nadara. ...he eyes the gobber with misgivings as he speaks. "It's a form of battle honor, but..."

"I can't explain it," priest Iwi admits. "But, if we survive this, you'll know more of it. What you need to know at the moment is that it failed, and it has never failed. We are a clan known for the strength of our drums. You can feel the magic," he says, his face pained.

"...take a look at the celebrants around you."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Perception checks. -2 if you're uh. Drunk. XD"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Also, spellcraft if you have it. :3"

GAME: Munch rolls perception: (14)+17: 31

GAME: Nadara rolls Perception-2: (7)+7+-2: 12

GAME: Nadara rolls Spellcraft: Trained Use Only: 0

GAME: Aldean has disconnected. <Netfailure>

GAME: Duncan rolls perception: (7)+14: 21

GAME: Whirlpool has reconnected.

GAME: Raethon rolls perception: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Raethon rolls spellcraft: (19)+17: 36

<OOC> Raethon XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

Since he is approached this way, the mul dances with the others and will be able to carry a tune on a flute handed his way, though it is nothing spectacular nor a wellcrafted tool to ease his efforts. The celebration itself is infecting, but the dark elf fails to rejoice the very spirit of the party.

You paged Munch with 'There are gaps among the groupings. Munch's processors whirl, and suggest: family groups. Pieces missing. He then notices some of the oruch are drinking too heavily. Disguise. Grief.'

GAME: Zaxx rolls perception: (18)+11: 29

You paged (Duncan, Zaxx) with 'There are gaps among the groupings. Something in you both knows there are people missing and that the grief is fresh and raw. Some of the oruch are also drinking heavily, and more enthusiastically than they should. Duncan, you are being sloppily hit on.'

You paged (Nadara, Raethon) with 'Some of the drinkers are pretty enthusiastic, even for oruch.'

Raethon looks to the priest Iwi. "Why would you not survive this?" he says as he looks at some of the oruch. "Enthusiasm is spreading, isn't it?"

You paged Raethon with 'The Chaos from the drum and throat rolls fire over the sky and reaches into the earth. It feels like it should unfurl, blossoming across the spine, to the shoulders with Strength. It's...not doing that everywhere. It's unraveling a little here and there.'

Munch falls still, his magicite eyes shifting from their typical blue to a more golden shade, looking not at the objects before him, but the connections between them. And the lack of them.

<OOC> Beaglefinder pages folks. :3

GAME: Rhar has disconnected. <Timeout>

Whirlpool has arrived.

<OOC> Beaglefinder erps?

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Don't mind me. I am here because I might need to play from my phone for a bit :)"

<OOC> Beaglefinder nodnods.

GAME: Whiteout has disconnected. <Netfailure>

You paged Whirlpool with 'Nadara noticed that some of the drinkers are pretty enthusiastic, even for oruch.'

Nadara slowly lifts herself from the keg, rinsing booze out of her hair. "Some party! Not even thr oruch get this wild...usually."

<OOC> Zaxx chuckles at page.

Rae looks around at the celebrants, then looks at his staff. "Havok.....tell me if anything looks.....wrong....to you." And the staff's eyes, just in front of the curled goat antlers glow blue. "I admit, I am not familiar with oruch rituals......please explain what this one is supposed to do?"

Duncan makes his way over to Nadara, as if to help her, and then gestures as subtly as he can for the rest party to join them.

GAME: Albion has disconnected. <Netfailure>

Zaxx sings with the oruch, though in a -to him- subdued manner not to anger the sad and drinking. Many of theirs seem to be missing, presumed or confirmed dead. Not productive. The whiny drunk who wants to get her(?)self a piece of beard to dry those big oruch tears is not overlooked, but the mul is busy dancing and will not comment. Zaxx pats a few backs and shoulders where he deems applicable, though he is careful not to get into a vise of green arms. There is no chance to talk for the black man is singing.

Munch sighs, and moves over to Duncan and Nadara. There's no real chance to be subtle about what he's doing, but the why of it might be displaced. "Need a steady hand?"

The priest looks up as Duncan heads that way. He continues addressing those nearby. Oruch are known for the strength of their voices. Yet this--his breath shakes. Almost reedlike. With the shouting and celebrations, it's unlikely anyone will hear you.

"Because it is also a weapon as well as our honor. When we sing hui-marata, warriors from the past join warriors from now, and we are one. ..." he takes a breath.

"To the plains southwest of us is the Vast. A horde of undeath approached..." he waves aged fingers. "...rage and hunger. We saw Thul's mark on them, and called upon Nahkte Rangi to enter us. He did not answer. Other ancestors did not answer. Without their strength, we...did not do well."

The oruch who had been hitting Duncan sways on her feet! Her expression turns melancholy, and then determined as she goes across the field to find someone else. A moment later, and one of them approaches Zaxx, too. Oruch flirting. It's uh. Direct.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "...for the heck of it, Zaxx, roll CMB. XD"

GAME: Zaxx rolls cmb: (20)+10: 30

<OOC> Beaglefinder dies.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You slip away! She hugs the drum, instead. ...then walks off with it, swinging sweet nothings. ^^;"

GAME: Ollithial has connected.

GAME: Ollithial has disconnected. <Quit>

GAME: Whirlpool has reconnected.

Whirlpool has reconnected.

Zaxx dodges like a Jade Islander at a buccaneer beach party who dances under a low length of reed, and without missing a beat though the music's backbone is shakey. The otyugh-breath drunk oruchette he watches from the corners of his eyes. The glint of mischief remains absent as the baldie inspects to ensure the direct woman is not too worse for wear, if from a safe distance. Okay. Zaxx joins the old priest.

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

Munch considers before he speaks. His voice is made to instill fear in armies, but he tries to keep it low and soft. "I do not know your rituals or your ancestors. But might the interferance of Thul have kept them from you?"

"We suspect," the priest says in response to Munch. "...but we don't know...what, or who would have that power. There is energy coming from a series of caves to the south. I suspect it will be dark, and damp. I suspect if something has the power to take our ancestors, they also have the power to turn them against us."

...oh. Great.

Raethon says, "then we shall look, and stop this interference of your rituals." he then looks to Munch. "With extreme prejudice if we must. I do have passing knowledge of how shamanistic your people are, so losing your connection will be incredibly disturbing for you. When would you like for us to take a look?""

Duncan nods solemnly. "Something is preventing the...the spirit of your ancestor -- " such a foriegn thought for a Khazad - ancestors are to revered through glorious tombs and be entombed and the use of their weapons as ancestral relics. " -- they must be freed. We'll do our best to free them." He hesitates once more. "But I must know...if they can't be freed would you rather they be destroyed? Would they rather be destroyed than, than used against their own descendants?"

[LahChan] Duncan has joined this channel.

Whirlpool has partially disconnected.

GAME: Whirlpool has partially disconnected.

If they are in Thul's grasp, so be it," the priest says roughly. "But act swiftly. We are distracting our warriors with dance and drink, because a third of our clan died when Thul struck. When they wake up, it will be worse, because their ancestors will have died as well.

"...and they will realize that, and that Thul holds them. That is why I intend to have you on a boat at first light."

Suddenly, the dancing, singing oruch don't seem so...safe. If they ever did.

[LahChan] Duncan says, "I wonder if you can do nonlethal damage against spirits??"

[LahChan] Beaglefinder laughs.

[LahChan] Beaglefinder says, "I have no idea. I don't think so?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ask any final questions, and then we'll FF to morning. It'll be the last chance to pick up supplies, also. ^^;"

[LahChan] Munch says, "Well, they're already dead, so no damage is exactly 'lethal'..."

"Eugghhhh," says Nadara with a sigh. "Thul." That's her commentary for the moment.

Munch shrugs. "Breaking things and hurting people is what I do. If there's something malignant there, it'll be in pieces soon enough."

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

GAME: Duncan has purchased 2 Potion of Cure Light Wounds for 100 gold.

[LahChan] Duncan breaks down and spends some of his long-hoarded gold!

<OOC> Duncan is ready!

<OOC> Beaglefinder ok!

Raethon says, "We'll find them. They will pay for what they have done, elder. I assure you.""

"You have a touch of the old blood," priest Iwi says to Duncan, then. Then to the rest of you. "I will see you off on the morrow. But, be early, before my kinsman wake." He nods to Raethon, and Nadara gets a twist of the tusks. Thul, indeed.

Around you, the dancing reaches a fevered pitch.

...and in the end you find places to rest. Well or not-well, depending. The night is cool and the wind brisk, and in the morning you're early woken by a young, hungover warrior with haunted eyes.

She leads you at a jog to the edge of the camp, and towards the nearby river. A boat is there, as well as Iwi. The boat, more a barge, is rugged-stout, simple and strong. A look will tell you that it would hold you above the water for the duration of your travels.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok!"

Zaxx listens while he washes his mouth with brew and any mead there might be. He upnods at Iwi and snorts under his breath. He underlines his understanding of the old man's words with another nod and leans in to inform the elderly green man, "Watch for your drums. They're coming apart. Something is off with them."

<OOC> Beaglefinder nodnods. :3

<OOC> Raethon holds up ring of sustenence. Short meditation. :D

<OOC> Beaglefinder ok. X)

<OOC> Zaxx grins.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok, guys. There's a cold, mountain river. From what the priest has said, it should lead towards a lake and a series of caves. Supposedly, the boat will take you there. ':)"

Duncan's Digger slept lying down, and Duncan himself slept leaning back against his Digger's side. Both snored loudly. But they are both accustomed to living out doors and in the roughest of surroundings, and they board the boat without any apparent ill effect.

[LahChan] Kravar has left this channel.

<OOC> Raethon says, "The great-est ad-ven-ture is what lies ahead......"

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Raethon says, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAYoLyO5hCs"

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

Munch doesn't sleep. He waits. No, really, it's a golem thing. But he does rest, and rouses swiftly enough when the time comes, heading to the boat with the others at a rapid pace. Though eyeing a moment, the metal man crashes into the water, swimming out and disappearing beneath the surface for several moments before returning. "....what? You don't do morning baths?" he inquires, heading into the boat.

<OOC> Beaglefinder dies.

Zaxx fisheyes the boat and shall be on it. He does not sleep, but he did rest a little, had a jog in the cold, washed up, parted with the fine steed and is still none too happy to travel on water. Mul does not react to the living apparatus much besides caution should the other's actions cause the barge to capsize.

<OOC> Beaglefinder XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder ff's a little.

As you approach, it turns out not to be the oruch priest, though this one looks similar. He lowers his cowl, revealing a younger, though unsmiling face. "Priest Akahata, honor to Adom. Father said you had a touch of the blood--" an uneasy look is given to Duncan. "--and it may help with what's ahead. I'll be going with you, at least as far as the entrance." Munch and his bath get an odd look, of course.

And so, off you go, with Akahata seeming to know the way. The river itself winds cold and chill, near a passway between realms. Where you stop ends in a lake. And...something is off there. Chaos and death, you can feel it. Those close to their faith, especially so. Mist curls over its surface.

Towards the end of the lake, this is what you see: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzThR8reZkSKN0NfTVlvWkRQNXc?usp=sharing

GAME: Stjepan has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. We'll be using Google Docs on and off. This will essentially be a delve. How far you go and what you do depends on you, but it's all going to tie back to story. For combat, I'll try to keep things brisk. (But anyone who wants to pose Nadara doing backflips, totes bonus RPP. ^^:)"

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Glare!"

Raethon blinks at the lake....and at Munch. "You have strange rituals....but then, you're a golem." He then shakes his head. "this is going to be interesting."

<OOC> Beaglefinder :D

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "I am at the hosp now with my dad."

<OOC> Beaglefinder >.<

<OOC> Raethon says, "It'd be easier if he had high blood pressure."

<OOC> Raethon says, "then you could just make him fart....or go to the bathroom."

<OOC> Beaglefinder <.<

<OOC> Raethon says, "it's actually true. XD"

<OOC> Zaxx hugs.

Munch double checks his gear... pretty easy since most of it is attached... and heads for the cave. Little things like doubt, worry, fear, and self-preservation aren't really part of his nature. He's ready to just dive in.

Duncan nods at Akahata. "Your father? He honors us by sending his own to guide us." He shifts a bit as even he feels the wrongness. "Perhaps you should stay with the boat," he says gently to Akahata. "Someone must keep it safe for when we return."

GAME: Ophelia has connected.

GAME: Ketala has connected.

GAME: Elisabeth has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Can everyone see the graphic?"

<OOC> Duncan says, "I saw it is it a fog of war type pic where more will be revealed as we explore? :)"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "YUs. :3"

<OOC> Zaxx says, "I can."

<OOC> Beaglefinder kk. <3

<OOC> Munch says, "Took a moment to realize it was supposed to look like that, but yes."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It's a Fog of War. We'll be uncovering more as y'all go along. ^^;"

The oruch priest stiffens and-- "That is wise. I will wait. But when you find our enemy--" he says, and unslings the drum from his back. "One of you must play this. A few notes will do." He will hand this to one of you.

Ahead of you, the lake fades to shore. There's a great opening to a cave, and possibly others along the shorline. Water laps, and though the shore seems walkable, there may be pitfalls and soggy parts. Where will you start?

[LahChan] Duncan votes we reconnoiter the shore for a bit first!

[LahChan] Beaglefinder laughs.

[LahChan] Beaglefinder says, "Go ahead. :3 Just let me know when y'all advance, and if any rolls need made. <3"

[LahChan] Beaglefinder says, "(Also, I have made sure there are no doors ever.) But, you can reasonably expect light will be poor, and that there may be wet spots. You're also expecting undead."

Zaxx gets his backpack and gear, pulls out and extends his telescopic sight enhancement and views the way ahead and above for threats. He turns back to address the young priest/shaman, "Please pray for our success." The mul in chain clothes takes the drum to hand it to Raethon. He tells the llyr, "You can do it." and gets ashore with a jump.

Raethon says, "I shall hold it, but I cannot play an instrument.....unless I must." he says as he walks off the boat."

[LahChan] Raethon says, "you on here munch?"

[LahChan] Munch says, "yes"

[LahChan] Raethon says, "how insane are you?"

[LahChan] Beaglefinder dies.

[LahChan] Munch says, "Munch is inclined to just dive into the entrance. So... pretty insane."

[LahChan] Raethon grins. "I have just the spell for you."

[LahChan] Raethon says, "Telekinetic charge."

[LahChan] Beaglefinder bwahahaha. XD

[LahChan] Munch says, "not sure i'm familiar with that one, but sounds promising...."

Duncan splashes into the shallow water at the edge of the lake and then trudges up onto the shore. He tugs out a flail from where it's tucked through his belt. The Digger follows closely, and the pair stops near the cave. Duncan casts his gaze down the shore along one side, then the other. "Should we scout the area first? We might get an idea of how the cave twists by looking at the land above." He says it with a certain Khazad tone of authority despite the fact that his particular offshoot of the race spends most of their time aboveground.

[LahChan] Raethon says, "I basically use my turn to 'toss' you at the enemy. I use my turn to make you charge, without the -2 to AC when you charge, but you get all the benefits of a charge."

The sand you step onto is mostly firm, though you can see some areas stay as much as a foot deep.

<OOC> Beaglefinder adds.

[LahChan] Raethon says, "AND.....you still get to attack on your turn. :D"

Towards the cave entrance, the sand fades to earth, though water remains, lapping at the shore.

[LahChan] Munch says, "We'll see how it goes. I think this will be too close quarters for a charge, magically assisted or no, but I'm game if the oppertunity arrises."

[LahChan] Raethon still prepares the spell. :D

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Y'all moving forward? :3"

[LahChan] Raethon doesn't think a curse of magic negation spell would work better.

<OOC> Raethon says, "sure."

Munch buzzes softly, and shrugs. "Checking the outside might be smart. Everyone okay once we head in? Dark doesn't bother me, but can make light if we need it."

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Sounds good to me."

<OOC> Beaglefinder updates the map. :3

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Beaglefinder has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Beaglefinder to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Oh noes!"

GAME: Duncan rolls initiative: 13 + 3 = 16

GAME: Raethon rolls initiative: 1 + 7 = 8

Duncan has partially disconnected.

GAME: Duncan has partially disconnected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "S'ok. ^^;"

GAME: Zaxx rolls initiative: 20 + 5 = 25

GAME: Munch rolls initiative: 5 + 3 = 8

You step into a large cavern, with dozens of grottos tucked into the shadows. It's assumed you have a light source of some kind, though this area (as yet) is close enough to the entry to not be cut off completely.

The water rises to roughly a foot above the earthen surface, making movement difficult. Several figures step out of the shadows. Their movements appear wooden, jerky. The curve forward, ribs stretched against moss-grip'd skin, and their jaws are heavy with tusks.

GAME: You roll initiative for Tuskfases: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 16

GAME: Whirlpool rolls initiative: 8 = 8

<OOC> Raethon says, "Oh, Lahar?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Your movement is halved at the moment, so no charging. There aren't any other impediments though, no danger of drowning. 02 map is loaded. And aroo?"

<OOC> Raethon points to his staff. "Detect Magic is constantly on."

GAME: Whirlpool removed from initiative list.

<OOC> Beaglefinder ok. X)

GAME: Nadara rolls initiative: 3 + 4 = 7

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Whirl, I forced Nadara to roll init, and cleared yours. Unfortunately, she got a 7. :p"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Whirldice. XD"

<OOC> Zaxx has darkvision 120' and can see 5' into magical darkness.

<OOC> Beaglefinder nodnods.

<OOC> Raethon has low light.

GAME: Duncan has reconnected.

Duncan has reconnected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Then you have no trouble seeing them. X)"

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 25.

It is now Zaxx's turn! Tuskfases is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Zaxx ended.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Zaxx! You see five quasi...humanoids? K/nature or k/local to ID if you like. And, declare action. ^^;"

GAME: You damaged Munch for -200 points. 192 AND 10 TEMP HP remaining.

GAME: You damaged Nadara for -200 points. 67 HP remaining.

GAME: You damaged Zaxx for -200 points. 58 HP remaining.

GAME: You damaged Raethon for -200 points. 45 HP remaining.

GAME: You damaged Duncan for -200 points. 89 HP remaining.

GAME: You damaged Duncan's companion for -200 points. 84 HP remaining.

GAME: Zaxx rolls knowledge/nature: (17)+4: 21

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Ready crossbows and assess their number."

You paged Zaxx with 'Cousins of the troll, and marshdwellers. ...they're known to be hard to kill. That these are here isn't a surprise, it's something of their environment. However, so long as they're touching water, they'll regenerate. Some energy types can overcome it...they're...related to trolls? Acid? Maybe something else?'

<OOC> Beaglefinder pages. What would you like to do?

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Hold action. Shooting regen is not too good."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go ahead and pose holding. ^^;"

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Tuskfases' turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok."

<OOC> Zaxx says, "And relate infos. Sorry."

<OOC> Beaglefinder nodnods.

Zaxx produces a pair of small crossbows with gleaming blue bolts lined up for the shooting. He ducks his head(now with the hauberk and twin leather caps on) as much as the armor allows and says loudly, "They're cousins of trolls. They regenerate while they touch water. Something overcomes the ability, but I do not know for sure." The mul then aims at the closest one to lumber on by.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok! I'm going to assume the warriors went first, unless someone wants to change that. ^^;"

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

<OOC> Beaglefinder ok! Miss, miss, hit.

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: You damaged Duncan for 14 points. 75 HP remaining.

The mossy creatures lurch forward. One bumps into the earthen column in the middle of the room. It seems confused for a moment, and another pauses, stopping as well. The other three jog forward. Their heavy feet slap in the water and mud, moving fast. They converge on the party, lunging forward with yellowed fangs. Zaxx's quickness avoids a hit at the last moment, and another's fangs blunt against Munch's armor. Duncan is not so lucky, and his opponent takes a hungry bite.

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Duncan's turn! Raethon is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Duncan!"

<OOC> Raethon would have cast mage armor before this, lahar.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alright. That's a multihour spell, so let's run with it. :)"

<OOC> Raethon nodnods.

<OOC> Raethon will burn it when I reset.

<OOC> Duncan will activate his flail and full attack!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go for it!"

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-3: (20)+14+-3: 31 (THREAT)

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-3: (17)+14+-3: 28

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Wham!"

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-8: (9)+14+-8: 15

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Anything special on your flail?"

<OOC> Duncan says, "It has flaming and corrosive"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll damage on the crit. :3"

GAME: Duncan rolls 2d8+22+1d6 fire+1d6 acid: (15)+22+(6 fire)+(6 acid): 49

<OOC> Duncan says, "Er I'm not sure I did that right"

GAME: Duncan rolls 2d8+22+1d6+1d6: (11)+22+(5)+(2): 40

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll again?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go ahead and include the d6s, but you don't need to label them."

GAME: Granit has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder aha. XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It hurts. It screams murder against the world. XD"

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Hee!"

GAME: Cesran has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "As an aside, these things have reach. ^^; So, it's easy to 5' step. Just be aware, is all. :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Pose the MURDER, and..."

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now Raethon's turn! Munch is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Raethon ended.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Rae!"

GAME: Raethon refreshes spells.

GAME: Raethon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

<OOC> Raethon says, "hmm....."

"Trolls?!" Duncan roars in response to Zaxx's warning. Then one of the shambling creatures charges him and clamps it's jaws on his forearm. "TROLLS!!" he howls. Then he barks two words in Jotun. Burn. And Burrrn! The two heads on his flail ignite, one red-hot and the other sickly green. He draws back and then smashes both into the monster's chest.

<OOC> Raethon says, "well....first of all...I use haste."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Given the area, things are a little cramped up ahead. Luckily, the moss-creatures can't get past the warriors. ...unless they kill them. :D And ok!"

GAME: Whiteout has DARK-connected.

<OOC> Raethon says, "and....I imagine Munch if going to go in as well...."

<OOC> Raethon says, "so I use my move action to give him combat advice."

<OOC> Beaglefinder ok. :3

<OOC> Raethon says, "so....when he attacks, he gets an extra +2 to hit."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Nice!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go ahead and pose the awesome!"

<OOC> Munch says, "nifty!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Also, advising the murderblender. ^^;"

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now Munch's turn! Nadara is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Munch! The murderblender has been given WISE WORDS! You also feel like you chugged a quart of that thing fleshthings call 'coffee.'"

<OOC> Munch says, "So full attack on Mr Bitey."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go for it. :D"

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+2+1: (20)+17+2+1: 40 (THREAT)

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+2+1: (12)+17+2+1: 32

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+2+1-5: (17)+17+2+1+-5: 32

Rae stands there as Duncan charges in and really chops one of the trolls. Casting a spell to make everyone faster, Rae looks to munch. "More food for you munch. Find a weakness for me."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Confirmed!"

<OOC> Munch says, "and threat..."

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+2+1-5: (18)+17+2+1+-5: 33

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Any effects on your weapon?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "ALl hit. ':)"

<OOC> Munch says, "...did that worng, but yes, corrosive."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok."

GAME: Munch rolls 2d12+22+1d6: (7)+22+(2): 31

GAME: Stirling has disconnected. <Timeout>

GAME: Munch rolls 1d12+11+1d6: (3)+11+(5): 19

GAME: Munch rolls 1d12+11+1d6: (2)+11+(6): 19

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok! It screams bloody murder and its eyes light with dark fire. Pose. ^^;"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Zaxx, would you like to act before I move on?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You've given folks some pretty life-saving knowledge so far!"

Munch perks up. "Trolls? Awesome! You can chew on those things all day and they just come back for more!" And then one is in his face, trying to take a bite. The metal man returns the favor, his massive blade dripping arcane fluid as it whistles though the air. The golem himself roars like a chainsaw though sheet-metal. It's his Happy Noise.

<OOC> Beaglefinder snerks. XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder moves forward. Zaxx, just let me know. <3

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 7.

It is now Nadara's turn! Zaxx is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Nadara ended.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Nadara!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Don't forget +hp, guys. :3"

[LahChan] Raethon stares at Munch's HP.

[LahChan] Raethon says, "Yeah. he is the trapfinder."

[LahChan] Beaglefinder laughs.

[LahChan] Beaglefinder says, "Barbarian!"

[LahChan] Munch snerks, is a barbarian/Dragon Disciple with high Con and a couple RPP rerolls.

GAME: Koszhey has disconnected. <Netfailure>

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Whirl is at the hospital. ^^; He's going to have Nadara cast Weapon of Awe on one of Zaxx's weapons!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Zaxx, this gives you this: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/weapon-of-awe/"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Munch, I think you should pose the pirategoblin. ...because that would be awesome. ^^;"

[LahChan] Raethon has the lowest HP here. XD

GAME: Nadara casts Weapon of Awe. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17

<OOC> Zaxx nods.

[LahChan] Beaglefinder says, "Yer a wizard, Rae. <3"

[LahChan] Raethon says, "Well yeah. XD"

[LahChan] Beaglefinder puts on Haggartfase. :3

08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)Lahar (talk)

| Name | Race | Class | E Lev| CHP | HP | AC | For | Ref | Wil |

08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)Lahar (talk)

|Zaxx |SHADOW_ELF|Ftr | 8 | 58 | 58 | 23 | 8 | 8 | 4 |

|Munch |WAR_GOLEM |Bbn/DDs/Sor| 12 | 192 | 192 | 30 | 17 | 9 | 10 |

|Duncan |STORM_DWAR|Brg/Cav | 9 | 75 | 89 | 24 | 11 | 5 | 4 |

|Raethon |DAWN_ELF |Wiz | 8 | 45 | 45 | 15 | 5 | 6 | 9 |

|Nadara |GOBLIN |Clr | 9 | 67 | 67 | 20 | 10 | 9 | 13 |

08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)08:11, 9 June 2017 (EEST)Lahar (talk)

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It lasts for 9 minutes. ^^;"

=============== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 ===============


25 Zaxx 1

16 Tuskfases 1

16 Duncan 1

8 Raethon 1

8 Munch 1

>> 7 Nadara 1 <<


<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Zaxx!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "We're at the end of the round. Would you like to just go at the start of the next one?"

<OOC> Zaxx shall shoot three bolts to effect/affect three of the things.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It would keep your init, but you--ok!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Run with it. :D"

GAME: Zaxx's initiative total changed to 6.

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-2+2+1+1: (19)+13+-2+2+1+1: 34

<OOC> Zaxx confirms.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Hit!"

The PirateGoblin blinks at the approaching monsters, and sets her feet in the waist deep water. (Waist deep to her, that is) "Awh hell naw! AWE hell -naw-!" Divine power springs from the words, lashing out to take hold on a companions weapon, and lend just that little divine touch.

GAME: Elisabeth has disconnected. <Netfailure>

<OOC> Beaglefinder dieees. XD

<OOC> Raethon XD

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-2+2+1+1: (15)+13+-2+2+1+1: 30

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Hit!"

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-2+2+1+1: (6)+13+-2+2+1+1: 21

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Hit!"

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-5-2+2+1+1: (12)+13+-5+-2+2+1+1: 22

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Hit!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "So one crit, and two normals. :)"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Just ball it up into one. :D"

GAME: Zaxx rolls 2d4+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Zaxx rolls 2d4+10: (7)+10: 17

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Balled into two."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You 5' back, and maul it. Three of the mosstrolls are now screaming bloody murder. Pose. :3"

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 6.

It is now Zaxx's turn! Tuskfases is next!


Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Tuskfases' turn! Duncan is next!

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Oh. I thought it was a fear effect only. Please add 8 more points of sacred damage."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Perception checks!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Everyone, please. :3"

GAME: Raethon rolls perception: (10)+12: 22

GAME: Zaxx rolls perception: (6)+11: 17

You paged Raethon with 'The ones near Duncan and Munch continue to bleed. The one on Zaxx is badly hurt, but its wounds are slowly closing.'

GAME: Duncan rolls perception: (9)+14: 23

You paged Zaxx with 'The ones near Duncan and Munch continue to bleed. The one on you is badly hurt, but its wounds are slowly closing. So, something is coming into play here.'

You paged Duncan with 'The ones near Duncan and Munch continue to bleed. The one on Zaxx is badly hurt, but its wounds are slowly closing.'

<OOC> Beaglefinder pages folks. :3

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Tuskies! :D"

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+7: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+7: (11)+7: 18

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

<OOC> Beaglefinder bwahaha. :3

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "One barely hits Zaxx. And is so ticked off it slips. ^^;"

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+7: (17)+7: 24

<OOC> Beaglefinder >:( at Munch!!!

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+7: (17)+7: 24

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "One hit on Duncan!"

GAME: Granit has disconnected. <Netfailure>

GAME: Stjepan has disconnected. <Netfailure>

GAME: Munch rolls perception: (14)+17: 31

GAME: Ketala has disconnected. <Timeout>

You paged Munch with 'The ones near Duncan and Munch continue to bleed. The one on Zaxx is badly hurt, but its wounds are slowly closing.'

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d8+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d8+7: (4)+7: 11

GAME: You damaged Zaxx for 12 points. 46 HP remaining.

GAME: You damaged Duncan for 11 points. 64 HP remaining.

<OOC> Beaglefinder poses.

They lunge forward, murder in their eyes. Yet for all that, their aim is wooden, and the one facing Zaxx is downright sloppy. Yet, some anger burns hot enough in the trollcousin to lend it strength, because claws graze against the warrior's armor as it lurches forward. Another strikes Duncan, drawing blood. By now, their two brothers are paying attention and shuffle forward--but the tightness of the cavern gets them nowhere. They scream in rage.

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Duncan's turn! Raethon is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Duncan!"

<OOC> Munch eyes +hp, honestly isn't sure why he has temp HP. I'm not currently raging...

<OOC> Beaglefinder headscratches. ^^;

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "We'll look into that later. ':)"

<OOC> Duncan says, "Full attack again, this time also using Arcane Strike"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll'em!"

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-3: (14)+14+-3: 25

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-8: (14)+14+-8: 20

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Hit, hit."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You have haste, too."

<OOC> Duncanahhhs

[LahChan] Munch says, "My guess is there's an error when the timestop is removed while still in rage. but i don't know enough about the code to try and guess the details."

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-3: (12)+14+-3: 23

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Hit. :3"

Zaxx retains the crossbow in his left if only suspended by ring and grey finger as the rest and the fingers of his right hand move into an intricate ballet which results in three hits which have the desired effects though the wounds do close up which means Sysiphos chores combat which cannot be helped. The satisfaction happens in the way the monsters' stringy and strand covered knees shake yet there is an abrupt end when Zaxx is struck fiercely enough.

[LahChan] Beaglefinder nodnods.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll damage!"

Duncan has partially disconnected.

GAME: Duncan has partially disconnected.

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d8+12+1d6+1d6: (8)+12+(2)+(3): 25

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d8+12+1d6+1d6: (1)+12+(4)+(2): 19

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d8+12+1d6+1d6: (4)+12+(2)+(6): 24

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Your flail collides with its mossen hide. Time slows as the two collide...and then the troll's chest caves. It crashes into the earth and water. Behind it, the snarling visage of its brother. Pose! XD"

GAME: Fazahd has connected.

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Raethon's turn! Munch is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Rae!"

<OOC> Raethon says, "hmm....."

<OOC> Raethon says, "first of all...most combat advice for Munch."

<OOC> Beaglefinder ok. :3

<OOC> Raethon says, "since it went so well for him last time."

<OOC> Raethon says, "we're not in a forest, right? I'm double checking."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You're in a watery cave. ^^;"

<OOC> Beaglefinder (watery grave)

<OOC> Raethon says, "K."

<OOC> Beaglefinder >.>

<OOC> Raethon says, "okie. is it possible for me to use flaming sphere, even with water on the ground?"

GAME: Astaren has disconnected. <Timeout>

<OOC> Beaglefinder > 'Spells or spell-like effects with the fire descriptor are ineffective underwater unless the caster makes a caster level check (DC 20 + spell level). If the check succeeds, the spell creates a bubble of steam instead of its usual fiery effect, but otherwise the spell works as described.'

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "So, make a caster check vs DC 22 if you want to cast. ^^;"

GAME: Astaren has connected.

JOBS: Job 81 has been created by Viranchi in RPP: Viranchi: Orum's Plaza

<OOC> Raethon says, "so......what do I roll."

<OOC> Raethon says, "rarely makes caster level checks."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "d20+your level. ^^;"

[LahChan] Munch considers... this isn't exactly underwater, just watery... but i suppose the effect is the same.

GAME: Raethon rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Raethon says, "oh well."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It fizzles in the water, creating some smoke!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It was a nice idea. :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go ahead and pose the watery demise! XD"

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Munch's turn! Nadara is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Munch!"

Rae looks to Munch. "zaxx's brute is healing up, Munch! Kill this guy faster!" he then tries to bring out a flaming sphere, but all it does is create a bit of steam. "Well....crap."

[LahChan] Raethon isn't worried, but I have pearls of power.

[LahChan] Beaglefinder hee.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "I love it. The best battle advice. XD"

JOBS: Job 82 has been created by Tarragon in RPP: Tarragon: tara meets Viranchi

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Munch?"

<OOC> Munch says, "Sorry. Full buzzsaw."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll'em!"

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+2+1: (14)+17+2+1: 34

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+2+1: (7)+17+2+1: 27

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+2+1-5: (14)+17+2+1+-5: 29

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Three hits."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll damage!"

GAME: Munch rolls weapon16+1d6: 17+(4): 21

Duncan reels back and then swings his flail forward again, this time both heads spark with tiny pinpricks of arcane energy. The blow smashes the troll to the ground, the points of impact still smoking. Duncan crouches slightly and then waves the next one forward.

<OOC> Munch eyes...

GAME: Munch rolls 1d12+11+1d6: (3)+11+(1): 15

GAME: Munch rolls 1d12+11+1d6: (8)+11+(5): 24

GAME: Munch rolls 1d12+11+1d6: (1)+11+(5): 17

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It drops, leaving the smilefase of its brother behind it! Pose epicness! And BEST advice! :D"

<OOC> Munch isn't sure about the alias damage code. but maybe I'm just misreading.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You're ok. :)"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It may be off a little, but we'll address that after. It's not so off it's a concern, and we need to reach a pause, tonight. ':3"

Munch buzzes, and shrugs as his blade flashes some more in the dim light. "Acid. Or maybe adamantium? But pretty sure acid. Ah, there he goes, and... oh, hello..."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Nadara!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Nadara takes out her GOBBER GUN of WHAMMO!"

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+13+1+1: (13)+13+1+1: 28

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+13+1+1: (15)+13+1+1: 30

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+13+1+1-5: (17)+13+1+1+-5: 27

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Oh geez. XD"

GAME: Stjepan has connected.

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "The mosstroll on Zaxx sways. Gobbery cackling fills the air. ^^;"

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 7.

It is now Nadara's turn! Zaxx is next!

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 6.

It is now Zaxx's turn! Tuskfases is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Zaxx!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "We'll be pausing shortly. ':3"

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Step back and shoot one troll five times."

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-2-2-2+1+1+1+1: (10)+13+-2+-2+-2+1+1+1+1: 21

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-2-2-2+1+1+1+1: (7)+13+-2+-2+-2+1+1+1+1: 18

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-2-2-2+1+1+1+1: (11)+13+-2+-2+-2+1+1+1+1: 22

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-2-2-2+1+1+1+1: (8)+13+-2+-2+-2+1+1+1+1: 19

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged-5-2-2-2+1+1+1+1: (13)+13+-5+-2+-2+-2+1+1+1+1: 19

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Two hits, three misses. You needed a 20. ^^;"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll damage!"

GAME: Zaxx rolls 2d4+22: (4)+22: 26

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Down!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "But it seems to be slowly healing. You'll need to find a way to stop that in a few rounds, though it's not a concern now. ^^;"


Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Tuskfases' turn! Duncan is next!

[LahChan] Fazahd has left this channel.

GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22

As one by one their brothers fall, the great trolls howl. One breaks, screeching back into the caverns. The other lurches forward, going for Duncan. Its tusks hit air.

...and then it seems to realize just what shit it landed in.

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Duncan's turn! Raethon is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Duncan!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "TROLLFASE!"

<OOC> Duncan full attack!

Zaxx lets loos a hasty hail of five bolt shots with some of the ammunition materializing atop the small weapons. He hits and narrowly razes and lawnmosses greenery with three shots, but the remaining two sink into a maliciously gleaming eyeball each and blind it... for now.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll'em!"

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-3: (4)+14+-3: 15

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-3: (20)+14+-3: 31 (THREAT)

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-3: (12)+14+-3: 23

GAME: Rhar has connected.

GAME: Duncan rolls weapon9-8: (17)+14+-8: 23

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Miss, Threat confirmed, hit."

GAME: Duncan rolls 2d8+24+1d6+1d6: (9)+24+(5)+(3): 41

GAME: Duncan rolls 1d8+12+1d6+1d6: (7)+12+(2)+(1): 22

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "WHAM!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Pose the pain! :D"

GAME: Beaglefinder advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Raethon's turn! Munch is next!

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Rae!"

<OOC> Raethon says, "hmm.....Magic missile from my wiggly stick."

<OOC> Raethon says, "I mean wand."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok!"

<OOC> Raethon >.>

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll for Harry Potter! :D"

Duncan wards off the tusks with his buckler. His flail spins in a circle at his side, then he shifts his arm forward and smashes it in an uppercut-like blow under the Troll's chin.

GAME: Raethon rolls 3d4+3: (10)+3: 13

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "...that actually kills it. XD"

<OOC> Raethon says, "Yes...I have an upgraded wand."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Pose going, "boopnose". XD"

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Raethon says, "oh...and more combat advice for munch. :D"

<OOC> Raethon says, "not like he needs it, but still."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "After Rae's pose, I'm going to assume y'all take care of the regenning troll, and we'll pause. Does next Thurs work for folks at this time?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

GAME: Fazahd has disconnected. <Netfailure>

<OOC> Raethon says, "And....I haven't coded cast anything, have I?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "+use item."

GAME: Raethon used a Wand of Magic Missile.

GAME: Tarragon has disconnected. <Netfailure>

<OOC> Munch doesn't know for sure when hes' off next week, but Thursday should be okay.

<OOC> Beaglefinder kk. :3

<OOC> Duncan says, "Should work for me!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "I'm going to keep this an hour earlier than Whirl's plots, and pause earlier. Say, 11 (about now) should be the latest we run."

<OOC> Beaglefinder nodnods.

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Thur should be fine."

<OOC> Beaglefinder kk. <3

GAME: Cesran has disconnected. <Timeout>

GAME: Cesran has connected.

"HEY MUNCH! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG!? I COULD'VE FIXED A SANDWICH BY NOW!" Rae's obviously giving Munch the 'bizness' as he points his staff forward and three bolts slam into the troll's face to kill it.

<OOC> Beaglefinder XD

The caverns echo with the anger of the marshtrolls. Blood and grime drip from your weapons and worse leaks from their corpses. The viscious fluid covers the earth, and lends the murky water a vague, reddish tint.

It'll stick to your boots as you go, and there's more ahead. Worse, the troll's warcries were thunder. The chill of undeath lies ahead.

...and it's probably aware.

<OOC> Raethon says, "the irony?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "So! Map updated (03). I'm not sure how far we'll get next week, but I don't imagine more than 2 more sessions. Either way, I'd like y'all to think about your PCs. I need to know if barbarian, ranger, bard, or druid is a good fit for your character's history/personality/etc."

<OOC> Beaglefinder aroo?

<OOC> Raethon says, "ne of Rae's prepared spells? Disrupt undead."

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.

<OOC> Raethon says, "can you give me the link again?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder > https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzThR8reZkSKN0NfTVlvWkRQNXc?usp=sharing

Munch fehs. "They're just trolls. Don't get your panties in a knot." As the last falls, he eyes the one still twitching, and strolls over, his massive axe flowing like mercury into an adamantine trident, which is uncerimonously stabbing into the still living troll, hoisting it up towards the roof as the tines pump acid into it's body. "Crude, yeah... but effective."

<OOC> Munch is a barbarian, so...

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs.