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<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"><div style="width:100%; background-color:#e7eaea;">
'''Of the World's Creation, and Birth of the Gods'''
In the beginning, Elhim summoned the Twin Dragon Gods, Maugrim and Daeus, from the Source and they likewise did summon companions and kindred spirits and allies to aid them in the creation of the world. Together, this unified pantheon created the prehistoric world, struck down their rebellious first-born children, the Scions, and bound the Wyrms (Dragons) to allow lesser races to thrive. They built The Dome of Heaven to cover the world and the Walls of the World to protect it from The Void. They set the world in the midst of the Sea of Mana and created the Ethereal Gate that the gods would have passage from the heavens and to the earth. Elhim set Creation into the world and the gods and their people built many homes and dwelling places about it and within this Gaea.
However, though they created the world in unison, Maugrim began to resent the free will of man. Believing Ea's races were formed for servitude, he began to resent the influence of his brother, Daeus. The Void's whispers fueled his madness and thus, the twin gods, who were the divine rulers of the world, fell to war against each other and their conflicts spilled forth to the other gods and then to the mortal world.
From the Void's whispers and immortal greed were created many fallen gods who joined Maugrim's side. Their original purposes twisted, they became as horrors to this earth. As the war wound to a close, dwelling places for them were made by them as well as prisons for them among which, The Iron Hells is chief as is The Abyss and the Pale World. The legend of the creation of the world and the war of the gods is recounted in The Legendrium known as The Eidolon Hymn.
Now these great beings that come from before the world was made are known as the Gods and Elhim is their Father and God of the Heavens and from the Source did they emerge. They are known as the Holy Order of the Constellations and the Holy Order of Ea. Those who most desired it entered into the world and forged the world but then strife caused the War of the Gods and the age of sorrows and thus did they nearly undo what they created... They have many names among sildanyari, khazad, and giants but among the men their names are legion and men often tell strange tales concerning them...
: - Sage Orum
= The Pantheon of Gaea =
= The Pantheon of Gaea =
Twenty-one major gods exist amid Gaea, who are also known as The Undying and The Powers. Click on a Pantheon header (Gods of Good, for example) for more information about those groups. Or, click on a deity entry for more information about a specific god.
Twenty-one major gods exist amid Gaea, who are also known as The Undying and The Powers. Click on a Pantheon header (Gods of Good, for example) for more information about those groups. Or, click on a deity entry for more information about a specific god. Though more implied than mentioned, there are often differently gendered versions of each deity, both in reality and folklore. This is especially true of Tarien and Diemos.
'''The deities of Ea and their temples vary widely in worship and style; please do not assume a rl Roman Catholic comparison.'''
= Religion and Faith =
The world of Gaea is dominated religiously by a dualistic pantheon system known officially as the Holy Order of Ea. The teachings of this order were spread by the prophet Shadam in the aftermath following the end of the previous age. Due to the similarities in stories and legends of many of the elder races, it is believed that Shadam's teachings reconcile the different cultural viewpoints and racial themes on the matter of the gods, heavens and their agents.
The Holy Order of Ea is not the only religion, though it is the most influential. Animistic faiths such as the Green Word (dedicated to the earth goddess Dana) and the Ygdrassil Union (which believes in the living power of the world itself), thrive in less developed areas. In these areas, druidic powers and circles are able to grow unimpeded by the teachings of the Holy Order of Ea. Similarly speaking, though a dualistic pantheon, the Order of Ea largely teaches the principles of good and neutral aligned powers and sees the darker gods as in rebellion of the intended creative order. This causes the cults and faiths of the dark gods to largely operate as independent faiths and religions from the Holy Order and often in opposition to it. If you add this in with smatterings of shamanistic faiths and ancestor worship, or some cultures revering some deities more than others, you end up with a world of few gods but many faiths. Many gods, such as Tarien, operate under a variety of different names.
== The Holy Order Of Ea ==
A dualistic pantheon, the Holy Order of Ea teaches of a war between two brothers who both sprang from the will of the creator God known as Elhim. Maugrim and Daeus had been known as Twin Dragon Gods. Together and in concert this unified pantheon created the prehistoric world, struck down their rebellious first-born children, the Scions, and bound the Wyrms (Dragons) to allow lesser races to thrive. At some point, however, one of the two of the mightiest of the gods grew hungry for additional power and after receiving a prophecy from the Fates, attempted to turn it to his own will and so made war against his brother. His actions incided a devastating civil war known simply as the War of the Gods.
This war ended with the newly crowned gods of evil being either imprisoned or bound. The rest of the world reeled from the devastation caused by this. The devestation forced a second or ‘new’ creation to have to take place to replace the chaos-ridden old world. Despite their efforts, the gods could not fully heal the world and remnants of the ancient conflict remain to this day. Leftovers from this era of chaos and devastation create a number of different phenomena that still saturate the world. In the aftermath of this new creation, the remaining gods retreated to the heavens and retired to their holy city, which lay beyond the reach of all save a blessed few. The departure of the gods would bring about an end to the early prehistoric ages and usher in the rise of the mortal races as the dominant forces in the physical world.
The Holy Order of Ea is the official name given to the loose affiliation of temples, religions and denominations that promote the gods of light, and to a lesser extent the gods of neutrality. They decry the efforts of the gods of darkness, who are seen as in rebellion to the plan of the Creator God Elhim and Elhim's appointed remaining god-king, Daeus. The influence of The Order is profound, creating a strong dualistic pantheon system that permeates much of western civilization and beyond. For the most part the Order is largely symbolic, existing as a neutral go-between for affiliated temple orders and churches. Each individual deity maintains their own order and religious following. Yet, the Order of Ea seeks to reconcile the differences between like-minded faiths and to provide some unity for the common masses to look to. The de-facto leader is the Chosen Prophet of Daeus who also is the spiritual leader of the Church of Daeus. In practice, he leads more as a spiritual guide and guardian rather then attempting to impose edicts upon other faiths. The Order headquarters itself lay in The Holy See which is in the Myrrish nation of Ecclesia. Here, they shelter a number of temples, shrines, religious orders and teachings while also acting neutrally on matters of politics and national affairs and as mediators when conflicts between the various faiths arise.
== The Green Word ==
== Many Ways of Viewing the Gods ==
<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"><div style="width:100%; background-color:#e7eaea;">There is more than one way to view the gods, though it must be emphasized that this does not change the fundamental nature of the deity, him or herself. Their relationships, dogma, and outlooks do not change. The pantheons below only represent some of their many guises throughout the world. Think of them as invented by cultures throughout Ea as a means to grapple with the vastness beyond.
The Green Word is a primarily druidic faith dominant among races of the wild and less urban areas. The Green Word refers to the Voice of the World which is also known as the goddess Dana. Dana was once considered part of the pantheon of the Order of Ea but separated herself to attend to her first love: the nurturing of the world itself, which she saw as being hurt by the ongoing conflicts of light and dark.
=== The Holy Order of Ea ===
Sects of the god Gilead are also part of this loose affiliation of like minded priests, druids, rangers and more. The order is only loosely organized and split between both clerics and druids. Within the larger religion are a number of smaller sects and denominations that have different goals and agendas and at times they come into conflict with one another. However, it is taught that this is the way of the world. Prominent groups include The Ygdrassil Union, which teaches more harmony, and Circle of Thorns, which teaches more destructive hard stances against those who they deem unworthy of nature's bounty.
The Holy Order of Ea is one of the most recognized pantheons within the world. It is led by Daeus and Althea at its head. Most of the world follows this tradition in one guise or the other, though individuals may favor one god over another, depending on preference and many are known to honor whichever best suits their needs at the time.
The Holy Order teaches the history of the gods in a similar fashion as laid out by Sage Orum's excerpt (above). It further divides the deities into pantheons of Light, Twilight, and Darkness. The deities of Darkness are seen as in rebellion and twisted from their original purpose.
== The Fates ==
The influence of The Order is profound though largely symbolic, and modified locally by race or culture, permeates much of civilization and beyond. While each individual deity maintains their own following, the Order of Ea seeks to reconcile the differences between like-minded faiths and to provide some unity overall. The de-facto leader is the Chosen Prophet of Daeus who also is the spiritual leader of the Temple of Daeus. In practice, he or she leads as a spiritual guide and guardian rather then attempting to impose edicts upon other faiths: this is the foundational difference between Maugrim and Daeus: the respect of the free will and willingness to lead through example rather than by force. To state it more simply, Daeus guides as Maugrim conquests.
The Order of Ea headquarters' lay in The Holy See, which is in the Myrrish nation of Ecclesia. Here, they shelter a number of temples, shrines, religious orders and teachings while also acting neutrally on matters of politics and national affairs and as mediators when conflicts between the various faiths arise.
=== The Green Word ===
The Green Word is a primarily druidic faith dominant among races of the wild and less urban areas. The Green Word refers to the Voice of the World, which is a combination of worship of Dana as the Wild, Gilead as Hunter, and with a lesser nod towards Vardama, who represents natural Death. They are opposed by forces such as Caracoroth and Thul.
The order is loosely organized, and its followers are primarily druids, clerics, barbarians and rangers. Within the larger faith are a number of smaller sects and denominations that have different goals and agendas and at times they come into conflict with one another. However, it is taught that this is the way of the world.
Members of the Green Word recognize the existence of other deities, though they are not their primary focus.
See the [[Magitech_and_Magic#The_Various_Practitioners_of_Divine_Magic|Various Practitioners of Divine Magic]] for more information.
===Maiden, Mother, and Crone===
The Maiden, Mother, and Crone is a way of viewing the gods which places an emphasis on Eluna, Althea, and Vardama, respectively. Navos is depicted in a female form, and is known to visit the house of the three main goddesses, as a well-beloved friend. The other gods exist with varying roles inspired by their outlooks and dogma. Followers tend to be primarily female, though not exclusively.
Through this cultural lens, Eluna is seen as the Maiden, a woman beginning her life. She is known for her visions, though is unsure how to interpret them. She travels across the sky, driven by her curiosity and ideals.
Althea is the Mother, practical and a guardian of Hearth and those in need. She teaches compassion and hard work. She works with, but stands opposite Vardama, the two of them representing also symbols of life and death.
Vardama is the Crone, who brings wisdom and also the passing of years. She interprets Eluna's visions, and is seen as the wisest of all three.
Clerics and similar classes will tend to follow a particular aspect of the pantheon, though this may change over time as they age. Indeed, aging and the transition of what followers term as the Wheel is part of the study of this pantheon. Gilead also features, though takes a minor role as the Kindly Hound who sometimes ventures alongside Eluna in Her travels.
===The Dragon Gods===
The dragon pantheon is an old way of viewing the gods, though is followed by fewer and fewer these days. Wizards who do so are eyed with suspicion by its followers, as the hunger for dragon blood by some wizard kind is well-known among them. After the fall of Dragonier, its followers are mainly dragons themselves, the sith-makar, some llyranesi, and refugees of Dragonier.
This view of the gods is largely dualistic, with Daeus on one end, representing goodness, truth, and nobility, and Maugrim, representing betrayal, force, and tyranny. Other deities are honored in differing guises, though all possess a draconic form of some kind or another. For example, Tarien might be seen as a slight, silver dragon known for his equally silver tongue, and Vardama appears as a lean, elderly dragon who sings the souls of the dead to sleep.
Within this view, actual dragons are seen as servants of the gods and though this affords them some general respect, it is far from absolute, as each dragon is their own individual. Being dragonblooded itself is no special thing, either, given the number of dragonblooded in the world, or those who would claim it.
=== Others ===
The above lenses for viewing the divine represent aspects of larger and more influential faiths, orders, and ideas on Gaea but by no means represent them all. They are invented by culture and do not have any great impact on the way the gods work, but are merely representatives or translations used by mortals to understand the beyond.
Non-deities are entities on Ea and in legend that possess a role in the greater cosmos, but who do not accept worship, grant spells, abilities, or powers of any type, or possess temples dedicated to them.
=== The Fates ===
Three goddesses who represent the past, present and future, they, as a rule, do not interfere with the doings of the world but simply observe, comment on and occasionally offer guidance to mortals and gods alike. The Fates have no religion tied to them and have no mortal followers although some who wield magic consider themselves under their wing.
Three goddesses who represent the past, present and future, they, as a rule, do not interfere with the doings of the world but simply observe, comment on and occasionally offer guidance to mortals and gods alike. The Fates have no religion tied to them and have no mortal followers although some who wield magic consider themselves under their wing.
Scholars believe that debate whether they represent aspects of Elhim Himself or that they are gods removed from The Order of Ea who did not come to the world in the beginning of the Great Making yet instead remained apart from it all to observe history. Thus, they are outside of history while the Order of Ea is bound to the world and history. The Fates are known of and often used in conversation as part of daily culture; ie “The Fates must be playing a cruel joke on me.” And so forth. Belief in destiny, fate, pre-ordained events varies from culture to culture but as Eas is a mythical world, prophecy, destiny and the power of vow making and the spoken word is a tangible thing.
Scholars believe that debate whether they represent aspects of Elhim Himself or that they are gods removed from The Order of Ea who did not come to the world in the beginning of the Great Making yet instead remained apart from it all to observe history. Thus, they are outside of history while the Order of Ea is bound to the world and history. The Fates are known of and often used in conversation as part of daily culture; ie “The Fates must be playing a cruel joke on me.” And so forth. Belief in destiny, fate, pre-ordained events varies from culture to culture but as Eas is a mythical world, prophecy, destiny and the power of vow making and the spoken word is a tangible thing.
== The Covenant of Mana ==
=== The Void and the Source ===
[[Elhim]] and [[Lachesis]] stand as opposites of one another. Distant and far removed from the doings of Ea, Elhim is responsible for the Source and Creation, while Lachesis embraces Destruction. Worship of them is rare, and they do not grant clerical powers. Many of Ea have only a passing reference to them, and the two remain highly distant. Elhim has only been known to intervene in such epochs as the War of the Gods or similar efforts, and then indirectly.
A philosophy founded by the original progenitor of magic, the Covenant of Mana is a collection of guiding principles that govern the power of Mana. Mana is a phenomena that saturates the world and provides the source of arcane magic and becomes the conduit by which divine magic can be transferred from divine sources to their followers. As a result, this philosophy is decidedly neutral in nature though good and evil alike adhere to its defining principles in regards to magic. To put it more simply, it is a philosophy many wizards and arcane users adhere to and swear by, without which the personal skill and attachment necessary to work arcane wizardry would be impossible. As a philosophy, the Covenant works within many belief systems, though how exactly is left to the practitioner's ideals.
==Character Page Badges==
Want to show off your character's Faith on your Character Page? Use the following wikicode! ([[Character_Page_Modules|More badges here]]!)
{{Badge-Title|Faith PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Faith}}Name of your deity or pantheon
{{Badge-Entry|Temple}}Name of your local Temple (It's probably something like Althea's Temple in Alexandria)
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}Your role
{{Badge-Entry|Landmarks}}What landmarks have you achieved? Are you a mentor? Do you have a squire or assistant?
<pre style="color:gray;">
{{Badge-Title|Faith PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Faith}}Name of your deity or pantheon
{{Badge-Entry|Temple}}Name of your local Temple (It's probably something like Althea's Temple in Alexandria)
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}Your role
{{Badge-Entry|Landmarks}}What landmarks have you achieved? Are you a mentor? Do you have a squire or assistant?
== Others ==
The above represent aspects of larger and more influencial faiths and orders on Gaea but by no means represent them all. For example, though the gods of light loosely agree upon their affiliation within the Order of Ea and accept veneration based on that philosophy, each one maintains individual churches and orders and some deities are known by countless names in other cultures far off.
[[Category:Admin|Faiths and Pantheons]]
Daeus, arguably the most powerful god, is venerated as far north as the Ice Wall and in the deepest south where a simple lit candle and heartspoken prayer is enough and the grand sweeping cathedrals of the west and unheard of. The gods of darkness maintain even more variance of faiths and cults. Neutral-aligned deities which represent abstract forces such as war, the natural world, death and creativity, arguably have even more worshippers and are known by even more names. This also does not include groups such as nihilistic cults of the Void. These cults, dedicated to the hungering power of the emptiness that exists beyond the walls of the world know precious little about the ‘power’ they claim to dwell there and in cases are merely being manipulated by members of the gods of darkness.
[[Category:Gods and Goddesses|Faiths and Pantheons]]

Latest revision as of 17:22, 9 September 2019

Pantheon banner01.jpg

Of the World's Creation, and Birth of the Gods

In the beginning, Elhim summoned the Twin Dragon Gods, Maugrim and Daeus, from the Source and they likewise did summon companions and kindred spirits and allies to aid them in the creation of the world. Together, this unified pantheon created the prehistoric world, struck down their rebellious first-born children, the Scions, and bound the Wyrms (Dragons) to allow lesser races to thrive. They built The Dome of Heaven to cover the world and the Walls of the World to protect it from The Void. They set the world in the midst of the Sea of Mana and created the Ethereal Gate that the gods would have passage from the heavens and to the earth. Elhim set Creation into the world and the gods and their people built many homes and dwelling places about it and within this Gaea.

However, though they created the world in unison, Maugrim began to resent the free will of man. Believing Ea's races were formed for servitude, he began to resent the influence of his brother, Daeus. The Void's whispers fueled his madness and thus, the twin gods, who were the divine rulers of the world, fell to war against each other and their conflicts spilled forth to the other gods and then to the mortal world.

From the Void's whispers and immortal greed were created many fallen gods who joined Maugrim's side. Their original purposes twisted, they became as horrors to this earth. As the war wound to a close, dwelling places for them were made by them as well as prisons for them among which, The Iron Hells is chief as is The Abyss and the Pale World. The legend of the creation of the world and the war of the gods is recounted in The Legendrium known as The Eidolon Hymn.

Now these great beings that come from before the world was made are known as the Gods and Elhim is their Father and God of the Heavens and from the Source did they emerge. They are known as the Holy Order of the Constellations and the Holy Order of Ea. Those who most desired it entered into the world and forged the world but then strife caused the War of the Gods and the age of sorrows and thus did they nearly undo what they created... They have many names among sildanyari, khazad, and giants but among the men their names are legion and men often tell strange tales concerning them...

- Sage Orum

The Pantheon of Gaea

Twenty-one major gods exist amid Gaea, who are also known as The Undying and The Powers. Click on a Pantheon header (Gods of Good, for example) for more information about those groups. Or, click on a deity entry for more information about a specific god. Though more implied than mentioned, there are often differently gendered versions of each deity, both in reality and folklore. This is especially true of Tarien and Diemos.

The deities of Ea and their temples vary widely in worship and style; please do not assume a rl Roman Catholic comparison.

Gods of Good
Deity AL Embodies Domains & Inquisitions Relations The Devoted
Althea, The Foundation NG Compassion, Family, Protection Good, Healing, Protection, Community

Conversion, Truth, Illumination, Spellkiller

Wife of Daeus, Mother of Eluna, Tarien, and Gilead Altheans
Angoron, The Athlete CG Valor and Competition, Childbirth, Freedom Good, Strength, Luck, Chaos, Liberation

Anger, Valor, Fervor, Spellkiller

Competitor of Kor, Traveling, Lover, and Boasting Companion of Tarien Angorites
Daeus, The Knight LG Justice, Good Governance, Protection, Good Dragons Glory, Good, Law, Sun, Nobility

Truth, Valor, Banishment, Order, Spellkiller

Husband of Althea, Father of Eluna, Tarien, and Gilead, Brother of Maugrim the Fallen Daeusites
Eluna, The Seeress NG Magic, Dreams, and Wisdom Knowledge, Magic, Good, Rune

Fate, Illumination, Recovery, Spellkiller

Daughter of Daeus and Althea, Sister to Gilead and Tarien Elunites
Gilead, The Hunter NG The Hunt and the Wild Animal, Community, Good, Plant

Imprisonment, Persistence, Recovery, Spellkiller

Son of Daeus and Althea, Brother to Eluna and Tarien; The imprisonment inquisition ability refers primarily to his abilities as a trapper, and capability to capture evil or aberrant aspects Gileans
Serriel, The Soldier LG Honor and Civilization, Advancement of Society Good, Law, War, Protection

Order, Tactics, True Death, Spellkiller

Birthed after the death of Animus, Unknown, Lover of Vardama Serrielites
Tarien, The Trickster CG Luck and Travel, Talespinning Good, Chaos, Trickery, Luck, Travel

Truth, Valor, Persistence, Spellkiller

Son of Daeus and Althea (the middle child), Traveling and Boasting Companion of Angoron (lover of the same), Father of Deimos (according to legend), Reminds Kor to Have a Sense of Humor (failure so far) Tarienites
Gods of Neutrality
Deity AL Embodies Domains & Inquisitions Relations The Devoted
Ceinara, The Artist CN Artistic Inspiration Charm, Luck, Fire, Chaos, Liberation

Conversion, Zeal, Fervor, Spellkiller

Daughter of Dana and Reos Ceinarans
Dana, The Earth TN The Forces of Nature (She is also known as "The Green Word") Air, Animal, Plant, Water, Weather

Vengeance, Persistence, Spellkiller

Wife of Reos, Mother of Ceinara Danan
Kor, War CN War and Chaos, Conflict Chaos, Glory, Strength, War, Destruction

Anger, Fervor, Spellkiller

Competitor with Maugrim and Serriel over the dominion of War, and Angoron like that brother you never wanted Korites
Navos, The Historian LN History and Self-Perfection Healing, Knowledge, Rune, Strength, Law

Oblivion, Illumination, Truth, Spellkiller

Once close friend of Daeus, distanced now with His new role among the Twilight and loss of Compassion Navosians
Rada, The Trader and Sailor TN Sea and Travel, Trade and Wealth Weather, Water, Nobility, Travel

Recovery, Conversion, Spellkiller

Glub. Glub glub glub. Radan
Reos, The Craftsman LN Craftsmanship, Artifice, Engineering Artifice, Earth, Law, Rune

Order, Tactics, Spellkiller

Husband of Dana, Father of Ceinara Reosian
Vardama, The Crone and Mortician LN Death, Inevitability, and Prophecy Community, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Law

Final Rest, Fate, True Death, Possession, Spellkiller

Once wife of Thul, Lover of Serriel Vardaman
Gods of Evil
Deity AL Embodies Domains & Inquisitions Relations The Devoted
Caracoroth, The Nightmare CE Nightmares, Monsters, and Madness Evil, Chaos, Animal, Madness

Anger, Zeal, Spellkiller

Mad son of Maugrim, Harries Eluna across the sky Caracorothans
Deimos, The Betrayer NE Betrayal, Secrets, and Corruption Luck, Trickery, Evil, Charm

Conversion, Truth, Spellkiller

Rumored son of Tarien Deimosan
Gunahkar, The Destroyer CE Chaos, Disaster, and Wrath Chaos, Destruction, Death, Weather, Evil

Oblivion, Fervor, Spellkiller

Illotha, The Scourned NE Murder, Poison, Envy and Loss Evil, Death, Knowledge, Rune

Vengeance, Conversion, Possession, Spellkiller

Maugrim, The Tyrant LE Tyrrany, Slavery, Pride, Evil Dragons Evil, Law, War, Strength, Destruction

Order, Heresy, Imprisonment, Banishment, Spellkiller

Husband of Taara, Brother of Daeus Maugrimites
Taara, The Avaricious NE Cruelty and Greed, Avarice Evil, Darkness, Magic, Destruction

Fate, Vengeance, Spellkiller

Wife of Maugrim, Lover to Thul Taarans
Thul, The Cannibal LE Gluttony, Undeath, Contracts and Cannibalism Death, Evil, Strength, Trickery, Law

Heresy, Oblivion, Imprisonment, Possession, Spellkiller

Maddened husband of Vardama, now divorced, Sometime lover of Taara Thulites

Many Ways of Viewing the Gods

There is more than one way to view the gods, though it must be emphasized that this does not change the fundamental nature of the deity, him or herself. Their relationships, dogma, and outlooks do not change. The pantheons below only represent some of their many guises throughout the world. Think of them as invented by cultures throughout Ea as a means to grapple with the vastness beyond.

The Holy Order of Ea

The Holy Order of Ea is one of the most recognized pantheons within the world. It is led by Daeus and Althea at its head. Most of the world follows this tradition in one guise or the other, though individuals may favor one god over another, depending on preference and many are known to honor whichever best suits their needs at the time.

The Holy Order teaches the history of the gods in a similar fashion as laid out by Sage Orum's excerpt (above). It further divides the deities into pantheons of Light, Twilight, and Darkness. The deities of Darkness are seen as in rebellion and twisted from their original purpose.

The influence of The Order is profound though largely symbolic, and modified locally by race or culture, permeates much of civilization and beyond. While each individual deity maintains their own following, the Order of Ea seeks to reconcile the differences between like-minded faiths and to provide some unity overall. The de-facto leader is the Chosen Prophet of Daeus who also is the spiritual leader of the Temple of Daeus. In practice, he or she leads as a spiritual guide and guardian rather then attempting to impose edicts upon other faiths: this is the foundational difference between Maugrim and Daeus: the respect of the free will and willingness to lead through example rather than by force. To state it more simply, Daeus guides as Maugrim conquests.

The Order of Ea headquarters' lay in The Holy See, which is in the Myrrish nation of Ecclesia. Here, they shelter a number of temples, shrines, religious orders and teachings while also acting neutrally on matters of politics and national affairs and as mediators when conflicts between the various faiths arise.

The Green Word

The Green Word is a primarily druidic faith dominant among races of the wild and less urban areas. The Green Word refers to the Voice of the World, which is a combination of worship of Dana as the Wild, Gilead as Hunter, and with a lesser nod towards Vardama, who represents natural Death. They are opposed by forces such as Caracoroth and Thul.

The order is loosely organized, and its followers are primarily druids, clerics, barbarians and rangers. Within the larger faith are a number of smaller sects and denominations that have different goals and agendas and at times they come into conflict with one another. However, it is taught that this is the way of the world.

Members of the Green Word recognize the existence of other deities, though they are not their primary focus.

See the Various Practitioners of Divine Magic for more information.

Maiden, Mother, and Crone

The Maiden, Mother, and Crone is a way of viewing the gods which places an emphasis on Eluna, Althea, and Vardama, respectively. Navos is depicted in a female form, and is known to visit the house of the three main goddesses, as a well-beloved friend. The other gods exist with varying roles inspired by their outlooks and dogma. Followers tend to be primarily female, though not exclusively.

Through this cultural lens, Eluna is seen as the Maiden, a woman beginning her life. She is known for her visions, though is unsure how to interpret them. She travels across the sky, driven by her curiosity and ideals.

Althea is the Mother, practical and a guardian of Hearth and those in need. She teaches compassion and hard work. She works with, but stands opposite Vardama, the two of them representing also symbols of life and death.

Vardama is the Crone, who brings wisdom and also the passing of years. She interprets Eluna's visions, and is seen as the wisest of all three.

Clerics and similar classes will tend to follow a particular aspect of the pantheon, though this may change over time as they age. Indeed, aging and the transition of what followers term as the Wheel is part of the study of this pantheon. Gilead also features, though takes a minor role as the Kindly Hound who sometimes ventures alongside Eluna in Her travels.

The Dragon Gods

The dragon pantheon is an old way of viewing the gods, though is followed by fewer and fewer these days. Wizards who do so are eyed with suspicion by its followers, as the hunger for dragon blood by some wizard kind is well-known among them. After the fall of Dragonier, its followers are mainly dragons themselves, the sith-makar, some llyranesi, and refugees of Dragonier.

This view of the gods is largely dualistic, with Daeus on one end, representing goodness, truth, and nobility, and Maugrim, representing betrayal, force, and tyranny. Other deities are honored in differing guises, though all possess a draconic form of some kind or another. For example, Tarien might be seen as a slight, silver dragon known for his equally silver tongue, and Vardama appears as a lean, elderly dragon who sings the souls of the dead to sleep.

Within this view, actual dragons are seen as servants of the gods and though this affords them some general respect, it is far from absolute, as each dragon is their own individual. Being dragonblooded itself is no special thing, either, given the number of dragonblooded in the world, or those who would claim it.


The above lenses for viewing the divine represent aspects of larger and more influential faiths, orders, and ideas on Gaea but by no means represent them all. They are invented by culture and do not have any great impact on the way the gods work, but are merely representatives or translations used by mortals to understand the beyond.


Non-deities are entities on Ea and in legend that possess a role in the greater cosmos, but who do not accept worship, grant spells, abilities, or powers of any type, or possess temples dedicated to them.

The Fates

Three goddesses who represent the past, present and future, they, as a rule, do not interfere with the doings of the world but simply observe, comment on and occasionally offer guidance to mortals and gods alike. The Fates have no religion tied to them and have no mortal followers although some who wield magic consider themselves under their wing.

Scholars believe that debate whether they represent aspects of Elhim Himself or that they are gods removed from The Order of Ea who did not come to the world in the beginning of the Great Making yet instead remained apart from it all to observe history. Thus, they are outside of history while the Order of Ea is bound to the world and history. The Fates are known of and often used in conversation as part of daily culture; ie “The Fates must be playing a cruel joke on me.” And so forth. Belief in destiny, fate, pre-ordained events varies from culture to culture but as Eas is a mythical world, prophecy, destiny and the power of vow making and the spoken word is a tangible thing.

The Void and the Source

Elhim and Lachesis stand as opposites of one another. Distant and far removed from the doings of Ea, Elhim is responsible for the Source and Creation, while Lachesis embraces Destruction. Worship of them is rare, and they do not grant clerical powers. Many of Ea have only a passing reference to them, and the two remain highly distant. Elhim has only been known to intervene in such epochs as the War of the Gods or similar efforts, and then indirectly.

Character Page Badges

Want to show off your character's Faith on your Character Page? Use the following wikicode! (More badges here!)

Scroll med.png

Faith PC Badge
Faith: Name of your deity or pantheon
Temple: Name of your local Temple (It's probably something like Althea's Temple in Alexandria)
Role: Your role
Landmarks: What landmarks have you achieved? Are you a mentor? Do you have a squire or assistant?

{{Badge-Title|Faith PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Faith}}Name of your deity or pantheon
{{Badge-Entry|Temple}}Name of your local Temple (It's probably something like Althea's Temple in Alexandria)
{{Badge-Entry|Role}}Your role
{{Badge-Entry|Landmarks}}What landmarks have you achieved? Are you a mentor? Do you have a squire or assistant?
