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| name||type||description||prerequisites
| name||type||description||prerequisites
[[Feats_A-D#Abyssal Mask|Abyssal Mask]]||General||Call upon the Abyss to strike terror into the hearts of foes||Mul'niessa, Intimidate 1
| [[Feats_A-D#Abyssal Mask|Abyssal Mask]]||General||Call upon the Abyss to strike terror into the hearts of foes||Mul'niessa, Intimidate 1
|[[Feats_A-D#Accursed Critical|Accursed Critical]]||General||Your spells carry an embedded curse that manifests when they strike true.||Critical Focus, ability to cast bestow curse or major curse, caster level 9th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Accursed Critical|Accursed Critical]]||General||Your spells carry an embedded curse that manifests when they strike true.||Critical Focus, ability to cast bestow curse or major curse, caster level 9th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Acrobatic|Acrobatic]]||General||You are skilled at leaping, jumping, and flying.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Acrobatic|Acrobatic]]||General||You are skilled at leaping, jumping, and flying.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Acrobatic Steps|Acrobatic Steps]]||General||You can easily move over and through obstacles.||Dex 15, Nimble Moves.
| [[Feats_A-D#Acrobatic Steps|Acrobatic Steps]]||General||You can easily move over and through obstacles.||Dex 15, Nimble Moves.
|[[Feats_A-D#Adept Champion|Adept Champion]]||General||You can alter your smite ability, channeling the power of your deity into divine inspiration that grants you greater aptitude for performing combat maneuvers.||Smite evil class feature, base attack bonus +5.
| [[Feats_A-D#Adept Champion|Adept Champion]]||General||You can alter your smite ability, channeling the power of your deity into divine inspiration that grants you greater aptitude for performing combat maneuvers.||Smite evil class feature, base attack bonus +5.
|[[Feats_A-D#Advanced Weapon Training|Advanced Weapon Training]]||Combat||You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways.||Fighter level 5th, weapon training class feature
| [[Feats_A-D#Advanced Weapon Training|Advanced Weapon Training]]||Combat||You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways.||Fighter level 5th, weapon training class feature
|[[Feats_A-D#Agile Maneuvers|Agile Maneuvers]]||Combat||You've learned to use your quickness in place of brute force when performing combat maneuvers.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Agile Maneuvers|Agile Maneuvers]]||Combat||You've learned to use your quickness in place of brute force when performing combat maneuvers.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Alertness|Alertness]]||General||You often notice things that others might miss.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Alertness|Alertness]]||General||You often notice things that others might miss.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Alignment Channel|Alignment Channel]]||General||Choose chaos, evil, good, or law. You can channel divine energy to affect outsiders that possess this subtype.||Ability to channel energy.
| [[Feats_A-D#Alignment Channel|Alignment Channel]]||General||Choose chaos, evil, good, or law. You can channel divine energy to affect outsiders that possess this subtype.||Ability to channel energy.
|[[Feats_A-D#Allied Spellcaster|Allied Spellcaster]]||General, Teamwork||With the aid of an ally, you are skilled at piercing the protections of other creatures with your spells.||Caster level 1st.
| [[Feats_A-D#Allied Spellcaster|Allied Spellcaster]]||General, Teamwork||With the aid of an ally, you are skilled at piercing the protections of other creatures with your spells.||Caster level 1st.
|[[Feats_A-D#Angoron's Defender|Angoron's Defender]]||General||Angoron is known as the god of strength and as a protector of those around him. You strive to embody these characteristics.||Giantborn, Intimidate 5
| [[Feats_A-D#Angoron's Defender|Angoron's Defender]]||General||Angoron is known as the god of strength and as a protector of those around him. You strive to embody these characteristics.||Giantborn, Intimidate 5
|[[Feats_A-D#Animal Affinity|Animal Affinity]]||General||You are skilled at working with animals and mounts.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Animal Affinity|Animal Affinity]]||General||You are skilled at working with animals and mounts.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Apex Predator|Apex Predator]]||General||Call upon the blood of dragons to inspire fear in the natural world||Sith-makar
| [[Feats_A-D#Apex Predator|Apex Predator]]||General||Call upon the blood of dragons to inspire fear in the natural world||Sith-makar
|[[Feats_A-D#Aquatic Combatant|Aquatic Combatant]]||General||You are trained to fight in the water.||Swim 1 rank
| [[Feats_A-D#Aquatic Combatant|Aquatic Combatant]]||General||You are trained to fight in the water.||Swim 1 rank
|[[Feats_A-D#Aquatic Spell|Aquatic Spell]]||Metamagic||You can cast your spells under or into water.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Aquatic Spell|Aquatic Spell]]||Metamagic||You can cast your spells under or into water.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Arc Slinger|Arc Slinger]]||Combat||You can twirl your sling in a way that maximizes its effectiveness.||Point-Blank Shot, proficient with sling or halfling sling staff.
| [[Feats_A-D#Arc Slinger|Arc Slinger]]||Combat||You can twirl your sling in a way that maximizes its effectiveness.||Point-Blank Shot, proficient with sling or halfling sling staff.
|[[Feats_A-D#Arcane Armor Mastery|Arcane Armor Mastery]]||Combat||You have mastered the ability to cast spells while wearing armor.||Arcane Armor Training, Medium Armor Proficiency, caster level 7th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Arcane Armor Mastery|Arcane Armor Mastery]]||Combat||You have mastered the ability to cast spells while wearing armor.||Arcane Armor Training, Medium Armor Proficiency, caster level 7th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Arcane Armor Training|Arcane Armor Training]]||Combat||You have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor.||Light Armor Proficiency, caster level 3rd.
| [[Feats_A-D#Arcane Armor Training|Arcane Armor Training]]||Combat||You have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor.||Light Armor Proficiency, caster level 3rd.
|[[Feats_A-D#Arcane Blast|Arcane Blast]]||General||You can convert any spell into an attack.||Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Arcane Blast|Arcane Blast]]||General||You can convert any spell into an attack.||Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Arcane School Spirit|Arcane School Spirit]]||General||You can talk up the power of your own school of magic to such an extent that creatures find it more difficult to resist your spells.||Bluff 1 rank, arcane school class feature, gnome.
| [[Feats_A-D#Arcane School Spirit|Arcane School Spirit]]||General||You can talk up the power of your own school of magic to such an extent that creatures find it more difficult to resist your spells.||Bluff 1 rank, arcane school class feature, gnome.
|[[Feats_A-D#Arcane Shield|Arcane Shield]]||General||You can convert any spell into a defense.||Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Arcane Shield|Arcane Shield]]||General||You can convert any spell into a defense.||Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Arcane Strike|Arcane Strike]]||Combat||You draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons with magical energy.||Ability to cast arcane spells.
| [[Feats_A-D#Arcane Strike|Arcane Strike]]||Combat||You draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons with magical energy.||Ability to cast arcane spells.
|[[Feats_A-D#Armored Athlete|Armored Athlete]]||Combat||You have experience using a skill when armored.||Light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, 3 ranks in any Dexterity- or Strength-based skill.
| [[Feats_A-D#Armored Athlete|Armored Athlete]]||Combat||You have experience using a skill when armored.||Light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, 3 ranks in any Dexterity- or Strength-based skill.
|[[Feats_A-D#Artful Dodge|Artful Dodge]]||Combat||You are practiced at avoiding attacks when outnumbered.||Int 13+
| [[Feats_A-D#Artful Dodge|Artful Dodge]]||Combat||You are practiced at avoiding attacks when outnumbered.||Int 13+
|[[Feats_A-D#Aspect of the Beast|Aspect of the Beast]]||General||Whether by magic or a curse of your blood, some part of you is more beast than man.||Wild shape class feature, ranger natural weapons combat style
| [[Feats_A-D#Artifice Defences|Artifice Defences]]||General||You know how to use your understanding of constructs to turn it into a weapon.||War Golem, BAB2
| [[Feats_A-D#Aspect of the Beast|Aspect of the Beast]]||General||Whether by magic or a curse of your blood, some part of you is more beast than man.||Wild shape class feature, ranger natural weapons combat style
|[[Feats_A-D#Athletic|Athletic]]||General||You possess inherent physical prowess.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Attuned to the Wild|Attuned to the Wild]]||General||You share a strong mystic connection with one type of wilderness terrain.||Llyranesi, Sylvanori
| [[Feats_A-D#Athletic|Athletic]]||General||You possess inherent physical prowess.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Augment Summoning|Augment Summoning]]||General||Your summoned creatures are more powerful and robust.||Spell Focus (conjuration).
| [[Feats_A-D#Athletically Talented|Athletically Talented]]||General||You are naturally talented when it comes to athletics.||Giantborn, Str 13
|[[Feats_A-D#Awaken the Giant|Awaken the Giant]]||General||You possess a stronger tie to a specific giant lineage||Giantborn
| [[Feats_A-D#Attuned to the Wild|Attuned to the Wild]]||General||You share a strong mystic connection with one type of wilderness terrain.||Llyranesi, Sylvanori
|[[Feats_A-D#Back to Back|Back to Back]]||General, Teamwork||Your ally's eyes are your own, and yours are his.||Perception 3 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Augment Summoning|Augment Summoning]]||General||Your summoned creatures are more powerful and robust.||Spell Focus (conjuration).
| [[Feats_A-D#Awaken the Giant|Awaken the Giant]]||General||You possess a stronger tie to a specific giant lineage||Giantborn
|[[Feats_A-D#Bashing Finish|Bashing Finish]]||Combat||You follow a powerful blow from your weapon with an opportunistic bash from your shield.||Improved Shield Bash, Shield Master, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
| [[Feats_A-D#Back to Back|Back to Back]]||General, Teamwork||Your ally's eyes are your own, and yours are his.||Perception 3 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Bewildering Koan|Bewildering Koan]]||General||You can pose unanswerable questions that leave creatures momentarily dumbfounded as they dwell on their significance.||Bluff 1 rank, ki pool class feature, gnome.
|[[Feats_A-D#Binding Throw|Binding Throw]]||Combat||You can strike your enemy and use the blow as an opportunity to grab and hold him.||Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Throw.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bashing Finish|Bashing Finish]]||Combat||You follow a powerful blow from your weapon with an opportunistic bash from your shield.||Improved Shield Bash, Shield Master, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bewildering Koan|Bewildering Koan]]||General||You can pose unanswerable questions that leave creatures momentarily dumbfounded as they dwell on their significance.||Bluff 1 rank, ki pool class feature, gnome.
|[[Feats_A-D#Bleeding Critical|Bleeding Critical]]||Combat||Your critical hits cause opponents to bleed profusely.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11.
| [[Feats_A-D#Binding Throw|Binding Throw]]||Combat||You can strike your enemy and use the blow as an opportunity to grab and hold him.||Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Throw.
|[[Feats_A-D#Blighted Critical|Blighted Critical]]||General||With a critical hit from a spell or spell-like ability, you give the target a minor spellblight.||Caster level 5th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Blighted Critical|Blighted Critical]]||General||With a critical hit from a spell or spell-like ability, you give the target a minor spellblight.||Caster level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bleeding Critical|Bleeding Critical]]||Combat||Your critical hits cause opponents to bleed profusely.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11.
|[[Feats_A-D#Blighted Critical Mastery|Blighted Critical Mastery]]||General||You control the type of spellblight your critical hits give your opponent.||Blighted Critical, caster level 9th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Blighted Critical|Blighted Critical]]||General||With a critical hit from a spell or spell-like ability, you give the target a minor spellblight.||Caster level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Blighted Critical|Blighted Critical]]||General||With a critical hit from a spell or spell-like ability, you give the target a minor spellblight.||Caster level 5th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Blind-Fight|Blind-Fight]]||Combat||You are skilled at attacking opponents that you cannot clearly perceive.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Blinding Critical|Blinding Critical]]||Combat||Your critical hits blind your opponents.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +15.
| [[Feats_A-D#Blighted Critical Mastery|Blighted Critical Mastery]]||General||You control the type of spellblight your critical hits give your opponent.||Blighted Critical, caster level 9th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Blind-Fight|Blind-Fight]]||Combat||You are skilled at attacking opponents that you cannot clearly perceive.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Blood of the Dark Fae|Blood of the Dark Fae]]||General||Force your body to heal, by calling upon the dark power of chaotic ancestors||Oruch, 13 Con, BAB 4+
| [[Feats_A-D#Blinding Critical|Blinding Critical]]||Combat||Your critical hits blind your opponents.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +15.
|[[Feats_A-D#Blood Vengeance|Blood Vengeance]]||General||Seeing an ally fall in combat fills you with a murderous fury.||Half-oruch or oruch, nonlawful
| [[Feats_A-D#Blood of the Dark Fae|Blood of the Dark Fae]]||General||Force your body to heal, by calling upon the dark power of chaotic ancestors||Oruch, 13 Con, BAB 4+
|[[Feats_A-D#Bloody Assault|Bloody Assault]]||Combat||Sacrificing accuracy, you can inflict bloody wounds that are slow to heal.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Bludgeoner|Bludgeoner]]||Combat||You can knock foes out cold with just about any blunt instrument.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Blood Vengeance|Blood Vengeance]]||General||Seeing an ally fall in combat fills you with a murderous fury.||Half-oruch or oruch, nonlawful
| [[Feats_A-D#Blood-Fettered|Blood-Fettered]]||General||At one time, you infused a vampire's blood.||Arvek Nar
|[[Feats_A-D#Blundering Defense|Blundering Defense]]||Combat||Your feverish and sometimes comical defensive techniques offer enough distraction to aid allies.||Cautious Fighter, lucht
|[[Feats_A-D#Boar Ferocity|Boar Ferocity]]||Combat||Your flesh-ripping unarmed strikes terrify your victims.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Style, Intimidate 6 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bloody Assault|Bloody Assault]]||Combat||Sacrificing accuracy, you can inflict bloody wounds that are slow to heal.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Boar Shred|Boar Shred]]||Combat||The wounds you inf lict with your unarmed strikes bleed, giving you renewed vigor.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Ferocity, Boar Style, Intimidate 9 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bludgeoner|Bludgeoner]]||Combat||You can knock foes out cold with just about any blunt instrument.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Boar Style|Boar Style]]||Combat||Your sharp teeth and nails rip your foes open.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate 3 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Blundering Defense|Blundering Defense]]||Combat||Your feverish and sometimes comical defensive techniques offer enough distraction to aid allies.||Cautious Fighter, lucht
|[[Feats_A-D#Body Shield|Body Shield]]||Combat||With a sly maneuver, you force a grappled opponent into the path of an incoming attack.||Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Boar Ferocity|Boar Ferocity]]||Combat||Your flesh-ripping unarmed strikes terrify your victims.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Style, Intimidate 6 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Boar Shred|Boar Shred]]||Combat||The wounds you inf lict with your unarmed strikes bleed, giving you renewed vigor.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Ferocity, Boar Style, Intimidate 9 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Bodyguard|Bodyguard]]||Combat||Your swift strikes ward off enemies attacking nearby allies.||Combat Reflexes.
| [[Feats_A-D#Boar Style|Boar Style]]||Combat||Your sharp teeth and nails rip your foes open.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate 3 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Bolstered Resilience|Bolstered Resilience]]||General||You can dramatically increase your damage reduction in exchange for its temporary loss.||Damage reduction.
|[[Feats_A-D#Bonebreaker|Bonebreaker]]||Combat||When your opponent is unable to adequately defend against them, your precise unarmed strikes break bone and tear tissue.||Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jawbreaker, Stunning Fist, Heal 9 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Body Shield|Body Shield]]||Combat||With a sly maneuver, you force a grappled opponent into the path of an incoming attack.||Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Boon Companion|Boon Companion]]||General||Your bond with your animal companion or familiar is unusually close.||Animal companion or familiar class feature.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bodyguard|Bodyguard]]||Combat||Your swift strikes ward off enemies attacking nearby allies.||Combat Reflexes.
|[[Feats_A-D#Branded for Retribution|Branded for Retribution]]||General||You brand an enemy with your bane weapon, making it more vulnerable to your allies' attacks.||Bane class feature.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bolstered Resilience|Bolstered Resilience]]||General||You can dramatically increase your damage reduction in exchange for its temporary loss.||Damage reduction.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bonebreaker|Bonebreaker]]||Combat||When your opponent is unable to adequately defend against them, your precise unarmed strikes break bone and tear tissue.||Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jawbreaker, Stunning Fist, Heal 9 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Breadth of Experience|Breadth of Experience]]||General||Although still young for your kind, you have a lifetime of knowledge and training.||100+ years old
| [[Feats_A-D#Boon Companion|Boon Companion]]||General||Your bond with your animal companion or familiar is unusually close.||Animal companion or familiar class feature.
|[[Feats_A-D#Break Guard|Break Guard]]||Combat||You can use one of your two weapons to occupy your opponent's defenses while attacking with the other.||Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two-Weapon Fighting.
| [[Feats_A-D#Branded for Retribution|Branded for Retribution]]||General||You brand an enemy with your bane weapon, making it more vulnerable to your allies' attacks.||Bane class feature.
|[[Feats_A-D#Brew Potion|Brew Potion]]||Item Creation||You can create magic potions.||Caster level 3rd.
|[[Feats_A-D#Broken Wing Gambit|Broken Wing Gambit]]||Combat, Teamwork||You feign weakness, making yourself a tempting and distracting target.||Bluff 5 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Breadth of Experience|Breadth of Experience]]||General||Although still young for your kind, you have a lifetime of knowledge and training.||100+ years old
|[[Feats_A-D#Bull Rush Strike|Bull Rush Strike]]||Combat||Your critical hits can push back your foes.||Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, BAB 9+
| [[Feats_A-D#Break Guard|Break Guard]]||Combat||You can use one of your two weapons to occupy your opponent's defenses while attacking with the other.||Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two-Weapon Fighting.
| [[Feats_A-D#Brew Potion|Brew Potion]]||Item Creation||You can create magic potions.||Caster level 3rd.
|[[Feats_A-D#Bullying Blow|Bullying Blow]]||Combat||With a simple hit, you more easily intimidate an opponent.||Intimidate 1 rank, oruch
|[[Feats_A-D#Burn! Burn! Burn!|Burn! Burn! Burn!]]||General||You take the goblin love of arson and fire play to a whole new level.||Disable Device 1 rank, gobber
| [[Feats_A-D#Broken Wing Gambit|Broken Wing Gambit]]||Combat, Teamwork||You feign weakness, making yourself a tempting and distracting target.||Bluff 5 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Bull Rush Strike|Bull Rush Strike]]||Combat||Your critical hits can push back your foes.||Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, BAB 9+
|[[Feats_A-D#Burning Spell|Burning Spell]]||Metamagic||You cause creatures to take extra damage when you affect them with a spell that has the acid or fire descriptor.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Bullying Blow|Bullying Blow]]||Combat||With a simple hit, you more easily intimidate an opponent.||Intimidate 1 rank, oruch
|[[Feats_A-D#Cartwheel Dodge|Cartwheel Dodge]]||General||You use your knack for avoiding damage to reposition yourself in combat.||Evasion class feature, improved evasion class feature, acrobatics 12 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Casual Illusionist|Casual Illusionist]]||General||You can use your innate magic to create minor illusions that augment your efforts at trickery and deceit.||Gnome, gnome magic racial trait.
| [[Feats_A-D#Burn! Burn! Burn!|Burn! Burn! Burn!]]||General||You take the goblin love of arson and fire play to a whole new level.||Disable Device 1 rank, gobber
| [[Feats_A-D#Burning Spell|Burning Spell]]||Metamagic||You cause creatures to take extra damage when you affect them with a spell that has the acid or fire descriptor.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Catch Off-Guard|Catch Off-Guard]]||Combat||Foes are surprised by your skilled use of unorthodox and improvised weapons.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Cartwheel Dodge|Cartwheel Dodge]]||General||You use your knack for avoiding damage to reposition yourself in combat.||Evasion class feature, improved evasion class feature, acrobatics 12 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Cautious Fighter|Cautious Fighter]]||Combat||You care more about survival than victory.||Lucht
| [[Feats_A-D#Casual Illusionist|Casual Illusionist]]||General||You can use your innate magic to create minor illusions that augment your efforts at trickery and deceit.||Gnome, gnome magic racial trait.
|[[Feats_A-D#Cavalry Formation|Cavalry Formation]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are skilled at riding in close formation with your mounted allies without impeding your effectiveness on the battlefield.||Mounted Combat.
|[[Feats_A-D#Channel Smite|Channel Smite]]||Combat||You can channel your divine energy through a melee weapon you wield.||Channel energy class feature.
| [[Feats_A-D#Catch Off-Guard|Catch Off-Guard]]||Combat||Foes are surprised by your skilled use of unorthodox and improvised weapons.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Cautious Fighter|Cautious Fighter]]||Combat||You care more about survival than victory.||Lucht
|[[Feats_A-D#Channeled Revival|Channeled Revival]]||General||You can expend a large portion of your channeling power to reverse death itself.||Channel energy 6d6 (positive energy).
| [[Feats_A-D#Cavalry Formation|Cavalry Formation]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are skilled at riding in close formation with your mounted allies without impeding your effectiveness on the battlefield.||Mounted Combat.
|[[Feats_A-D#Channeled Shield Wall|Channeled Shield Wall]]||General||You draw on your channel energy to enhance the protective ability of your shield and those of adjacent allies.||Channel energy, 3d6 prof iciency with a shield.
|[[Feats_A-D#Channeling Scourge|Channeling Scourge]]||General||Your zeal for hunting your faith's enemies empowers your ability to channel divine energy, as long as you channel that energy for harm.||Channel energy class feature, inquisitor level 1st.
| [[Feats_A-D#Channel Smite|Channel Smite]]||Combat||You can channel your divine energy through a melee weapon you wield.||Channel energy class feature.
|[[Feats_A-D#Charge Through|Charge Through]]||Combat||You can overrun enemies when charging.||Str 13, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
| [[Feats_A-D#Channeled Revival|Channeled Revival]]||General||You can expend a large portion of your channeling power to reverse death itself.||Channel energy 6d6 (positive energy).
|[[Feats_A-D#Charging Hurler|Charging Hurler]]||Combat||You know how to use your momentum to enhance your thrown weapon attacks.||Point-Blank Shot.
| [[Feats_A-D#Channeled Shield Wall|Channeled Shield Wall]]||General||You draw on your channel energy to enhance the protective ability of your shield and those of adjacent allies.||Channel energy, 3d6 prof iciency with a shield.
| [[Feats_A-D#Channeling Scourge|Channeling Scourge]]||General||Your zeal for hunting your faith's enemies empowers your ability to channel divine energy, as long as you channel that energy for harm.||Channel energy class feature, inquisitor level 1st.
|[[Feats_A-D#Child of the Skies|Child of the Skies]]||General||The presence of open skies soothes and heals you||Egalrin
|[[Feats_A-D#Chokehold|Chokehold]]||Combat||While grappling, you can cut off an opponent's air and blood supply.||Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Charge Through|Charge Through]]||Combat||You can overrun enemies when charging.||Str 13, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
|[[Feats_A-D#Cleave|Cleave]]||Combat||You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
| [[Feats_A-D#Charging Hurler|Charging Hurler]]||Combat||You know how to use your momentum to enhance your thrown weapon attacks.||Point-Blank Shot.
| [[Feats_A-D#Child of the Skies|Child of the Skies]]||General||The presence of open skies soothes and heals you||Egalrin
|[[Feats_A-D#Cleaving Finish|Cleaving Finish]]||Combat||When you strike down an opponent, you can continue your swing into another target.||Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack.
|[[Feats_A-D#Clinging Climber|Clinging Climber]]||Combat||Using leverage and pure brawn, you can cling to a cliff, rope, or ladder with your legs to free both of your hands.||Str 13, Climb 3 ranks
| [[Feats_A-D#Chokehold|Chokehold]]||Combat||While grappling, you can cut off an opponent's air and blood supply.||Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cleansed by Shame|Cleansed by Shame]]||General||At some point in your past, you did something. Something bad enough that you were shamed, for a time. However, unlike others, you came out stronger, smarter, with a greater understanding of self.||Egalrin
|[[Feats_A-D#Close-Quarters Thrower|Close-Quarters Thrower]]||Combat||You are agile enough to avoid melee attacks while throwing weapons or bombs.||Dex 13, Dodge, Weapon Focus with selected thrown weapon.
|[[Feats_A-D#Cloud Step|Cloud Step]]||General||Your tread is of unearthly lightness.||Spider Step, monk level 12th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cleave|Cleave]]||Combat||You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
|[[Feats_A-D#Cockatrice Strike|Cockatrice Strike]]||Combat||With a single strike, you transmute flesh to stone.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Gorgon's Fist, Medusa's Wrath, base attack bonus +14.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cleaving Finish|Cleaving Finish]]||Combat||When you strike down an opponent, you can continue your swing into another target.||Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack.
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Advice|Combat Advice]]||General||Your succinct words can aid an ally even in the heat of battle.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Clinging Climber|Clinging Climber]]||Combat||Using leverage and pure brawn, you can cling to a cliff, rope, or ladder with your legs to free both of your hands.||Str 13, Climb 3 ranks
| [[Feats_A-D#Close-Quarters Thrower|Close-Quarters Thrower]]||Combat||You are agile enough to avoid melee attacks while throwing weapons or bombs.||Dex 13, Dodge, Weapon Focus with selected thrown weapon.
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Casting|Combat Casting]]||General||You are adept at spellcasting when threatened or distracted.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Cloud Step|Cloud Step]]||General||Your tread is of unearthly lightness.||Spider Step, monk level 12th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Distraction|Combat Distraction]]||General||Anyone who attacks you while you act like a lunatic exposes themselves to brutal counterattacks from your allies.||Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank, Escape Artist 1 rank.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cockatrice Strike|Cockatrice Strike]]||Combat||With a single strike, you transmute flesh to stone.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Gorgon's Fist, Medusa's Wrath, base attack bonus +14.
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Expertise|Combat Expertise]]||Combat||You can increase your defense at the expense of your accuracy.||Int 13.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cold Iron Guts|Cold Iron Guts]]||General||Your guts are crafted from ancient khazadi mines.||War Golem
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Medic|Combat Medic]]||General||You know the urgency of treating wounds in the heat of battle, applying first aid to your allies with such speed that you assure no one gets left behind.||Heal 5 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Patrol|Combat Patrol]]||Combat||You range across the battlefield, dealing with threats wherever they arise.||Combat Reflexes, Mobility, base attack bonus +5.
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Advice|Combat Advice]]||General||Your succinct words can aid an ally even in the heat of battle.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]]||Combat||You can make additional attacks of opportunity.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Casting|Combat Casting]]||General||You are adept at spellcasting when threatened or distracted.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Combat Style Master|Combat Style Master]]||Combat||You shift between combat styles, combining them to increased effect.||Improved Unarmed Strike, two or more style feats, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Distraction|Combat Distraction]]||General||Anyone who attacks you while you act like a lunatic exposes themselves to brutal counterattacks from your allies.||Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank, Escape Artist 1 rank.
|[[Feats_A-D#Command Undead|Command Undead]]||General||Using foul powers of necromancy, you can command undead creatures, making them into your servants.||Channel negative energy class feature.
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Expertise|Combat Expertise]]||Combat||You can increase your defense at the expense of your accuracy.||Int 13.
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Medic|Combat Medic]]||General||You know the urgency of treating wounds in the heat of battle, applying first aid to your allies with such speed that you assure no one gets left behind.||Heal 5 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Concentrated Splash|Concentrated Splash]]||Combat||You can limit the splatter of your splash weapons to increase damage against your target.||Precise Shot or Throw Anything
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Patrol|Combat Patrol]]||Combat||You range across the battlefield, dealing with threats wherever they arise.||Combat Reflexes, Mobility, base attack bonus +5.
|[[Feats_A-D#Concussive Spell|Concussive Spell]]||Metamagic||You cause creatures to be disoriented when you affect them with a spell that has the sonic descriptor.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]]||Combat||You can make additional attacks of opportunity.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Contingent Channeling|Contingent Channeling]]||General||You can imbue others with your healing energy so that they can use it at the moment of greatest need.||Channel energy class feature, Selective Channeling.
|[[Feats_A-D#Coordinated Charge|Coordinated Charge]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are an expert at leading your allies into the fray.||You have at least two other teamwork feats, base attack bonus +10.
| [[Feats_A-D#Combat Style Master|Combat Style Master]]||Combat||You shift between combat styles, combining them to increased effect.||Improved Unarmed Strike, two or more style feats, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Command Undead|Command Undead]]||General||Using foul powers of necromancy, you can command undead creatures, making them into your servants.||Channel negative energy class feature.
|[[Feats_A-D#Coordinated Defense|Coordinated Defense]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are adept at working with allies to avoid being tripped, grappled, and subjected to other maneuvers.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Coordinated Maneuvers|Coordinated Maneuvers]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are skilled at working with your allies to perform dangerous combat maneuvers.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Concentrated Splash|Concentrated Splash]]||Combat||You can limit the splatter of your splash weapons to increase damage against your target.||Precise Shot or Throw Anything
|[[Feats_A-D#Cosmopolitan|Cosmopolitan]]||General||Living in large, exotic cities has put you in touch with many diverse civilizations, cultures, and races.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Concussive Spell|Concussive Spell]]||Metamagic||You cause creatures to be disoriented when you affect them with a spell that has the sonic descriptor.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Contingent Channeling|Contingent Channeling]]||General||You can imbue others with your healing energy so that they can use it at the moment of greatest need.||Channel energy class feature, Selective Channeling.
|[[Feats_A-D#Covering Defense|Covering Defense]]||Combat||You are skilled at protecting yourself and your allies with your shield.||Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Covering Fire|Covering Fire]]||Combat, Teamwork||You distract your enemies with ranged attacks to protect your allies.||Point-Blank Shot
| [[Feats_A-D#Coordinated Charge|Coordinated Charge]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are an expert at leading your allies into the fray.||You have at least two other teamwork feats, base attack bonus +10.
| [[Feats_A-D#Coordinated Defense|Coordinated Defense]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are adept at working with allies to avoid being tripped, grappled, and subjected to other maneuvers.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]]||Item Creation||You can create magic armor, shields, and weapons.||Caster level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Coordinated Maneuvers|Coordinated Maneuvers]]||Combat, Teamwork||You are skilled at working with your allies to perform dangerous combat maneuvers.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Craft Rod|Craft Rod]]||Item Creation||You can create magic rods.||Caster level 9th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cosmopolitan|Cosmopolitan]]||General||Living in large, exotic cities has put you in touch with many diverse civilizations, cultures, and races.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Craft Staff|Craft Staff]]||Item Creation||You can create magic staves.||Caster level 11th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Covering Defense|Covering Defense]]||Combat||You are skilled at protecting yourself and your allies with your shield.||Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Craft Wand|Craft Wand]]||Item Creation||You can create magic wands.||Caster level 5th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Craft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]]||Item Creation||You can create wondrous items, a type of magic item.||Caster level 3rd.
| [[Feats_A-D#Covering Fire|Covering Fire]]||Combat, Teamwork||You distract your enemies with ranged attacks to protect your allies.||Point-Blank Shot
| [[Feats_A-D#Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]]||Item Creation||You can create magic armor, shields, and weapons.||Caster level 5th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crane Riposte|Crane Riposte]]||Combat||You use your defensive abilities to make overpowering counterattacks.||Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Craft Rod|Craft Rod]]||Item Creation||You can create magic rods.||Caster level 9th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crane Style|Crane Style]]||Combat||Your unarmed fighting techniques blend poise with graceful defense.||Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +2 or monk level 1st.
| [[Feats_A-D#Craft Staff|Craft Staff]]||Item Creation||You can create magic staves.||Caster level 11th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crane Wing|Crane Wing]]||Combat||You move with the speed and finesse of an avian hunter, your sweeping blocks and graceful motions allowing you to deflect melee attacks with ease.||Crane Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Craft Wand|Craft Wand]]||Item Creation||You can create magic wands.||Caster level 5th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Create Sanguine Elixir|Create Sanguine Elixir]]||General||You can condense a fraction of your bloodline's power into a powerful elixir.||Cha 15, Brew Potion, Craft (alchemy) 12 ranks, sorcerer level 3rd.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crippling Critical|Crippling Critical]]||Combat||You are able to maim a target and hinder its movement.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
| [[Feats_A-D#Craft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]]||Item Creation||You can create wondrous items, a type of magic item.||Caster level 3rd.
|[[Feats_A-D#Critical Focus|Critical Focus]]||Combat||You are trained in the art of causing pain.||Base attack bonus +9.
| [[Feats_A-D#Crane Riposte|Crane Riposte]]||Combat||You use your defensive abilities to make overpowering counterattacks.||Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Critical Mastery|Critical Mastery]]||Combat||Your critical hits cause two additional effects.||Critical Focus, any two critical feats, 14th-level fighter.
| [[Feats_A-D#Crane Style|Crane Style]]||Combat||Your unarmed fighting techniques blend poise with graceful defense.||Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +2 or monk level 1st.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crossbow Mastery|Crossbow Mastery]]||Combat||You can load crossbows with blinding speed and even fire them in melee with little fear of reprisal.||Dex 15, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot.
| [[Feats_A-D#Crane Wing|Crane Wing]]||Combat||You move with the speed and finesse of an avian hunter, your sweeping blocks and graceful motions allowing you to deflect melee attacks with ease.||Crane Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Create Sanguine Elixir|Create Sanguine Elixir]]||General||You can condense a fraction of your bloodline's power into a powerful elixir.||Cha 15, Brew Potion, Craft (alchemy) 12 ranks, sorcerer level 3rd.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crusader's Fist|Crusader's Fist]]||Combat||You pour divine energy into the enemy you strike.||Lay on hands class feature or touch of corruption class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Crippling Critical|Crippling Critical]]||Combat||You are able to maim a target and hinder its movement.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crusader's Flurry|Crusader's Flurry]]||General||You learned to use your deity's favored weapon as part of your martial arts form.||Channel energy class feature, flurry of blows class feature, Weapon Focus with your deity's favored melee weapon.
|[[Feats_A-D#Crushing Blow|Crushing Blow]]||Combat||Your focus allows you to smash your enemy's defenses.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
| [[Feats_A-D#Critical Focus|Critical Focus]]||Combat||You are trained in the art of causing pain.||Base attack bonus +9.
|[[Feats_A-D#Cudgeler Style|Cudgeler Style]]||Combat, Style||You have learned to rush your foe and deliver a devastating blow.||Bludgeoner
| [[Feats_A-D#Critical Mastery|Critical Mastery]]||Combat||Your critical hits cause two additional effects.||Critical Focus, any two critical feats, 14th-level fighter.
| [[Feats_A-D#Crossbow Mastery|Crossbow Mastery]]||Combat||You can load crossbows with blinding speed and even fire them in melee with little fear of reprisal.||Dex 15, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot.
|[[Feats_A-D#Cudgeler Sweep|Cudgeler Sweep]]||Combat, Style||Your powerful blows knock down opponents.||Bludgeoner, Cudgeler Style, BAB 5+
|[[Feats_A-D#Cudgeler Takedown|Cudgeler Takedown]]||Combat, Style||Opponents you batter to the ground stay down.||Bludgeoner, Cudgeler Style, Cudgeler Sweep, BAB 9+
| [[Feats_A-D#Crusader's Fist|Crusader's Fist]]||Combat||You pour divine energy into the enemy you strike.||Lay on hands class feature or touch of corruption class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Crusader's Flurry|Crusader's Flurry]]||General||You learned to use your deity's favored weapon as part of your martial arts form.||Channel energy class feature, flurry of blows class feature, Weapon Focus with your deity's favored melee weapon.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dark Sight|Dark Sight]]||General||With further modification, your eyes can pierce the gloom of even magical darkness.||Mul'niessa, 6 HD+
|[[Feats_A-D#Dauntless Destiny|Dauntless Destiny]]||General||Your ability to avert disaster is impressive.||Cha 13, Fearless Curiosity, Intimidate 10 ranks, human.
| [[Feats_A-D#Crushing Blow|Crushing Blow]]||Combat||Your focus allows you to smash your enemy's defenses.||Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dazing Assault|Dazing Assault]]||Combat||You can daze foes with wild attacks.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +11.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cudgeler Style|Cudgeler Style]]||Combat, Style||You have learned to rush your foe and deliver a devastating blow.||Bludgeoner
|[[Feats_A-D#Dazzling Display|Dazzling Display]]||Combat||Your skill with your favored weapon can frighten enemies.||Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon.
| [[Feats_A-D#Cudgeler Sweep|Cudgeler Sweep]]||Combat, Style||Your powerful blows knock down opponents.||Bludgeoner, Cudgeler Style, BAB 5+
| [[Feats_A-D#Cudgeler Takedown|Cudgeler Takedown]]||Combat, Style||Opponents you batter to the ground stay down.||Bludgeoner, Cudgeler Style, Cudgeler Sweep, BAB 9+
|[[Feats_A-D#Deadly Aim|Deadly Aim]]||Combat||You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe's weak spot, at the expense of making the attack less likely to succeed.||Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deadly Grappler|Deadly Grappler]]||Combat||When you're grappled, you become even more dangerous.||Dex 13+, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike
| [[Feats_A-D#Dark Sight|Dark Sight]]||General||With further modification, your eyes can pierce the gloom of even magical darkness.||Mul'niessa, 6 HD+
| [[Feats_A-D#Dauntless Destiny|Dauntless Destiny]]||General||Your ability to avert disaster is impressive.||Cha 13, Fearless Curiosity, Intimidate 10 ranks, human.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deadly Stroke|Deadly Stroke]]||Combat||With a well-placed strike, you can bring a swift and painful end to most foes.||Dazzling Display, Greater Weapon Focus, Shatter Defenses, Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon, base attack bonus +11.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deafening Critical|Deafening Critical]]||Combat||Your critical hits cause enemies to lose their hearing.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dazing Assault|Dazing Assault]]||Combat||You can daze foes with wild attacks.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +11.
|[[Feats_A-D#Death or Glory|Death or Glory]]||Combat||Even when facing a larger foe, you aren't afraid to take great risks in order to finish the fight.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dazzling Display|Dazzling Display]]||Combat||Your skill with your favored weapon can frighten enemies.||Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deathless Initiate|Deathless Initiate]]||Combat||For you, impending death is a call to wrath.||Str 13, Con 13, orc or half-orc, Diehard, Endurance, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deadly Aim|Deadly Aim]]||Combat||You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe's weak spot, at the expense of making the attack less likely to succeed.||Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deadly Grappler|Deadly Grappler]]||Combat||When you're grappled, you become even more dangerous.||Dex 13+, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike
|[[Feats_A-D#Deathless Master|Deathless Master]]||Combat||Even if you suffer a grievous wound, you can shrug off the damage and continue your relentless assault.||Str 13, Con 15, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide**, base attack bonus +9.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deathless Zealot|Deathless Zealot]]||Combat||Only the most serious wounds can stop you.||Str 13, Con 17, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Deathless Master, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide**, base attack bonus +12.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deadly Stroke|Deadly Stroke]]||Combat||With a well-placed strike, you can bring a swift and painful end to most foes.||Dazzling Display, Greater Weapon Focus, Shatter Defenses, Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon, base attack bonus +11.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deafening Critical|Deafening Critical]]||Combat||Your critical hits cause enemies to lose their hearing.||Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deceitful|Deceitful]]||General||You are skilled at deceiving others, both with the spoken word and with physical disguises.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Death or Glory|Death or Glory]]||Combat||Even when facing a larger foe, you aren't afraid to take great risks in order to finish the fight.||Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deepsight|Deepsight]]||General||Your senses are especially keen in the utter darkness.||Darkvision 60 feet.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deathless Initiate|Deathless Initiate]]||Combat||For you, impending death is a call to wrath.||Str 13, Con 13, orc or half-orc, Diehard, Endurance, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Defensive Combat Training|Defensive Combat Training]]||Combat||You excel at defending yourself from all manner of combat maneuvers.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Defensive Weapon Training|Defensive Weapon Training]]||Combat||You know how to defend yourself against a certain class of weaponry.||Int 13, base attack bonus +5.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deathless Master|Deathless Master]]||Combat||Even if you suffer a grievous wound, you can shrug off the damage and continue your relentless assault.||Str 13, Con 15, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide**, base attack bonus +9.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deflect Arrows|Deflect Arrows]]||Combat||You can knock arrows and other projectiles off course, preventing them from hitting you.||Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deathless Zealot|Deathless Zealot]]||Combat||Only the most serious wounds can stop you.||Str 13, Con 17, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Deathless Master, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide**, base attack bonus +12.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deft Hands|Deft Hands]]||General||You have exceptional manual dexterity.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Deceitful|Deceitful]]||General||You are skilled at deceiving others, both with the spoken word and with physical disguises.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Demoralizing Lash|Demoralizing Lash]]||Combat||You cow your enemies with the lash of a whip.||BAB 1+, Intimidate 1 rank, arvek nar
| [[Feats_A-D#Deepsight|Deepsight]]||General||Your senses are especially keen in the utter darkness.||Darkvision 60 feet.
|[[Feats_A-D#Deny Death|Deny Death]]||General||Your ki is so strong that it can deny death.||Ki pool, Endurance
| [[Feats_A-D#Defensive Combat Training|Defensive Combat Training]]||Combat||You excel at defending yourself from all manner of combat maneuvers.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Desperate Swing|Desperate Swing]]||Combat||You land your most telling blows in desperate situations.||Cautious Fighter, base attack bonus +1, Lucht
| [[Feats_A-D#Defensive Weapon Training|Defensive Weapon Training]]||Combat||You know how to defend yourself against a certain class of weaponry.||Int 13, base attack bonus +5.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deflect Arrows|Deflect Arrows]]||Combat||You can knock arrows and other projectiles off course, preventing them from hitting you.||Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike.
|[[Feats_A-D#Destroyer's Blessing|Destroyer's Blessing]]||Combat||Breaking things adds to your power.||Oruch, half-oruch, rage class feature
| [[Feats_A-D#Deft Hands|Deft Hands]]||General||You have exceptional manual dexterity.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Destructive Dispel|Destructive Dispel]]||General||When you dispel an enemy's magical defenses, those defenses crash down with debilitating effects.||Ability to cast dispel magic or greater dispel magic, caster level 11th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Devastating Strike|Devastating Strike]]||Combat||Pitting all of your strength and resolve against your enemy, you deliver a strike that is impossible to ignore.||Vital Strike, base attack bonus +9.
| [[Feats_A-D#Demoralizing Lash|Demoralizing Lash]]||Combat||You cow your enemies with the lash of a whip.||BAB 1+, Intimidate 1 rank, arvek nar
|[[Feats_A-D#Diehard|Diehard]]||General||You are especially hard to kill. Not only do your wounds automatically stabilize when grievously injured, but you can remain conscious and continue to act even at death's door.||Endurance.
| [[Feats_A-D#Deny Death|Deny Death]]||General||Your ki is so strong that it can deny death.||Ki pool, Endurance
| [[Feats_A-D#Desperate Swing|Desperate Swing]]||Combat||You land your most telling blows in desperate situations.||Cautious Fighter, base attack bonus +1, Lucht
|[[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Agility|Dimensional Agility]]||General||Teleportation does not faze you.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Assault|Dimensional Assault]]||General||You have been trained to use magical movement as part of your combat tactics.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility.
| [[Feats_A-D#Destroyer's Blessing|Destroyer's Blessing]]||Combat||Breaking things adds to your power.||Oruch, half-oruch, rage class feature
|[[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Dervish|Dimensional Dervish]]||General||You teleport with a mere thought, savaging your opponents as you flash in and out of reality.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Destructive Dispel|Destructive Dispel]]||General||When you dispel an enemy's magical defenses, those defenses crash down with debilitating effects.||Ability to cast dispel magic or greater dispel magic, caster level 11th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Dervish|Dimensional Dervish]]||General||You teleport with a mere thought, savaging your opponents as you flash in and out of reality.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Devastating Strike|Devastating Strike]]||Combat||Pitting all of your strength and resolve against your enemy, you deliver a strike that is impossible to ignore.||Vital Strike, base attack bonus +9.
| [[Feats_A-D#Diehard|Diehard]]||General||You are especially hard to kill. Not only do your wounds automatically stabilize when grievously injured, but you can remain conscious and continue to act even at death's door.||Endurance.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Maneuvers|Dimensional Maneuvers]]||General||Your rapid teleportation makes your combat maneuvers more difficult to avoid.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, base attack bonus +9.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Savant|Dimensional Savant]]||General||You flash into and out of reality so quickly it is impossible to tell exactly where you are at any given time.||Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, base attack bonus +9.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Agility|Dimensional Agility]]||General||Teleportation does not faze you.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Assault|Dimensional Assault]]||General||You have been trained to use magical movement as part of your combat tactics.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility.
|[[Feats_A-D#Directed Disarm|Directed Disarm]]||Combat||A weapon you pull from one enemy's grip flies toward another enemy.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +11
|[[Feats_A-D#Disarming Strike|Disarming Strike]]||Combat||Your critical hits can disarm your foes.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +9.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Dervish|Dimensional Dervish]]||General||You teleport with a mere thought, savaging your opponents as you flash in and out of reality.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, base attack bonus +6.
|[[Feats_A-D#Discordant Voice|Discordant Voice]]||General||By singing out a precise tone, you cause discordant vibrations to run through allies' weapons.||Bardic performance class feature, Perform (oratory or sing) 10 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Dervish|Dimensional Dervish]]||General||You teleport with a mere thought, savaging your opponents as you flash in and out of reality.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, base attack bonus +6.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Maneuvers|Dimensional Maneuvers]]||General||Your rapid teleportation makes your combat maneuvers more difficult to avoid.||Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, base attack bonus +9.
|[[Feats_A-D#Disengaging Feint|Disengaging Feint]]||Combat||You can feint to disengage from combat.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dimensional Savant|Dimensional Savant]]||General||You flash into and out of reality so quickly it is impossible to tell exactly where you are at any given time.||Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, base attack bonus +9.
|[[Feats_A-D#Disengaging Flourish|Disengaging Flourish]]||Combat||Distracting your opponents gives you the opportunity to make a swift retreat.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Improved Feint.
|[[Feats_A-D#Disengaging Shot|Disengaging Shot]]||Combat||You make one last attack before beating a hasty retreat.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Dodge, Improved Feint, Mobility.
| [[Feats_A-D#Directed Disarm|Directed Disarm]]||Combat||A weapon you pull from one enemy's grip flies toward another enemy.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +11
|[[Feats_A-D#Disorienting Maneuver|Disorienting Maneuver]]||General||Your erratic movements disorient your opponent.||Dodge, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Disarming Strike|Disarming Strike]]||Combat||Your critical hits can disarm your foes.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +9.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dispel Synergy|Dispel Synergy]]||General||By tearing away an opponent's magical defenses, you leave your enemy vulnerable, making it difficult for him to resist your spells.||Spellcraft 5 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Discordant Voice|Discordant Voice]]||General||By singing out a precise tone, you cause discordant vibrations to run through allies' weapons.||Bardic performance class feature, Perform (oratory or sing) 10 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Disengaging Feint|Disengaging Feint]]||Combat||You can feint to disengage from combat.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dispelling Critical|Dispelling Critical]]||General||Your blows attack the physical and arcane forms of your enemies at the same time.||Arcane Strike, base attack bonus +11, ability to cast dispel magic.
| [[Feats_A-D#Disengaging Flourish|Disengaging Flourish]]||Combat||Distracting your opponents gives you the opportunity to make a swift retreat.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Improved Feint.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dispelling Fist|Dispelling Fist]]||General||By focusing on your knowledge of magic and spells that negate its powers, you use your bare hands to rip magical defenses from your enemy.||Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11, ability to cast dispel magic, caster level 7th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Disrupting Shot|Disrupting Shot]]||Combat||With a well-placed shot, you make it harder for a nearby opponent to cast spells.||Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, fighter level 6th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Disengaging Shot|Disengaging Shot]]||Combat||You make one last attack before beating a hasty retreat.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Dodge, Improved Feint, Mobility.
| [[Feats_A-D#Disorienting Maneuver|Disorienting Maneuver]]||General||Your erratic movements disorient your opponent.||Dodge, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Disruptive|Disruptive]]||Combat||Your training makes it difficult for enemy spellcasters to safely cast spells near you.||6th-level fighter.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dispel Synergy|Dispel Synergy]]||General||By tearing away an opponent's magical defenses, you leave your enemy vulnerable, making it difficult for him to resist your spells.||Spellcraft 5 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Disruptive Spell|Disruptive Spell]]||Metamagic||Your magical energies cling to enemies, interfering with their spellcasting.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Dispelling Critical|Dispelling Critical]]||General||Your blows attack the physical and arcane forms of your enemies at the same time.||Arcane Strike, base attack bonus +11, ability to cast dispel magic.
|[[Feats_A-D#Distance Thrower|Distance Thrower]]||Combat||You are accurate with thrown weapons at longer ranges than normal.||Str 13.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dispelling Fist|Dispelling Fist]]||General||By focusing on your knowledge of magic and spells that negate its powers, you use your bare hands to rip magical defenses from your enemy.||Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11, ability to cast dispel magic, caster level 7th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Divine Interference|Divine Interference]]||General||You can convert a spell to interfere with an enemy's attack.||Divine spellcaster, caster level 10th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Disrupting Shot|Disrupting Shot]]||Combat||With a well-placed shot, you make it harder for a nearby opponent to cast spells.||Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, fighter level 6th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Diviner's Delving|Diviner's Delving]]||General||Your keen magical intuition makes reading signs, portents, and mystical clues quick and easy.||Spell Focus (divination).
| [[Feats_A-D#Disruptive|Disruptive]]||Combat||Your training makes it difficult for enemy spellcasters to safely cast spells near you.||6th-level fighter.
|[[Feats_A-D#Djinni Spin|Djinni Spin]]||Combat||You can surround yourself with the power of the storm, spinning like a hurricane to unleash a violent blast of electrical energy.||Con 15, Wis 17, Djinni Style, Djinni Spirit, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 11th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Disruptive Spell|Disruptive Spell]]||Metamagic||Your magical energies cling to enemies, interfering with their spellcasting.||--
|[[Feats_A-D#Djinni Spirit|Djinni Spirit]]||Combat||By calling upon the spirits of storms, you can manipulate lightning to protect yourself and buffet your enemies with peals of thunder.||Con 15, Wis 15, Djinni Style, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 9th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Distance Thrower|Distance Thrower]]||Combat||You are accurate with thrown weapons at longer ranges than normal.||Str 13.
|[[Feats_A-D#Djinni Style|Djinni Style]]||Combat||Your hands sheathed in an auras of lightning, you move like the wind.||Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Divine Interference|Divine Interference]]||General||You can convert a spell to interfere with an enemy's attack.||Divine spellcaster, caster level 10th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dodge|Dodge]]||Combat||Your training and ref lexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an opponents' attacks.||Dex 13.
| [[Feats_A-D#Diviner's Delving|Diviner's Delving]]||General||Your keen magical intuition makes reading signs, portents, and mystical clues quick and easy.||Spell Focus (divination).
|[[Feats_A-D#Domain Strike|Domain Strike]]||Combat||You unleash a domain power upon your enemy as part of your unarmed strike.||Domain class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike.
| [[Feats_A-D#Djinni Spin|Djinni Spin]]||Combat||You can surround yourself with the power of the storm, spinning like a hurricane to unleash a violent blast of electrical energy.||Con 15, Wis 17, Djinni Style, Djinni Spirit, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 11th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Double Bane|Double Bane]]||General||You extend your bane effect to two weapons.||Bane class feature, Two-Weapon Fighting.
| [[Feats_A-D#Djinni Spirit|Djinni Spirit]]||Combat||By calling upon the spirits of storms, you can manipulate lightning to protect yourself and buffet your enemies with peals of thunder.||Con 15, Wis 15, Djinni Style, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 9th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Double Slice|Double Slice]]||Combat||Your off-hand weapon while dual-wielding strikes with greater power.||Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting.
| [[Feats_A-D#Djinni Style|Djinni Style]]||Combat||Your hands sheathed in an auras of lightning, you move like the wind.||Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5th.
|[[Feats_A-D#Draconic Breath|Draconic Breath]]||General||You possess draconic defenses and a draconic breath weapon.||Sith-makar
|[[Feats_A-D#Drag Down|Drag Down]]||Combat||When you are knocked prone, you are skilled at bringing your opponent down with you.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dodge|Dodge]]||Combat||Your training and ref lexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an opponents' attacks.||Dex 13.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dragon Ferocity|Dragon Ferocity]]||Combat, Style||You attack with the strength of a dragon, your telling blows striking fear into your enemies.||Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Domain Strike|Domain Strike]]||Combat||You unleash a domain power upon your enemy as part of your unarmed strike.||Domain class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike.
| [[Feats_A-D#Double Bane|Double Bane]]||General||You extend your bane effect to two weapons.||Bane class feature, Two-Weapon Fighting.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dragon Roar|Dragon Roar]]||Combat, Style||The spirit of the dragon wells up inside you and bursts forth in a mighty roar.||Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 8 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Double Slice|Double Slice]]||Combat||Your off-hand weapon while dual-wielding strikes with greater power.||Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dragon Style|Dragon Style]]||Combat, Style||You call upon the spirit of dragonkind, gaining greater resilience, mobility, and fierceness from the blessing of these great beings.||Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dragonbane Aura|Dragonbane Aura]]||General||Those within your dragonbane aura gain the same protection that you do.||Aura of courage class feature, caster level 8th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Draconic Breath|Draconic Breath]]||General||You possess draconic defenses and a draconic breath weapon.||Sith-makar, 3HD+
|[[Feats_A-D#Dramatic Display|Dramatic Display]]||Combat||Your skill with your weapon is obvious to enemies and onlookers alike.||Dazzling Display.
| [[Feats_A-D#Drag Down|Drag Down]]||Combat||When you are knocked prone, you are skilled at bringing your opponent down with you.||Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip.
|[[Feats_A-D#Dreadful Carnage|Dreadful Carnage]]||Combat||Slaying an enemy demoralizes your other nearby foes.||Str 15, Power Attack, Furious Focus, base attack bonus +11.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dragon Ferocity|Dragon Ferocity]]||Combat, Style||You attack with the strength of a dragon, your telling blows striking fear into your enemies.||Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dragon Roar|Dragon Roar]]||Combat, Style||The spirit of the dragon wells up inside you and bursts forth in a mighty roar.||Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 8 ranks.
|[[Feats_A-D#Duck and Cover|Duck and Cover]]||General, Teamwork||Your allies assist you in avoiding certain attacks.||--
| [[Feats_A-D#Dragon Style|Dragon Style]]||Combat, Style||You call upon the spirit of dragonkind, gaining greater resilience, mobility, and fierceness from the blessing of these great beings.||Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dragonbane Aura|Dragonbane Aura]]||General||Those within your dragonbane aura gain the same protection that you do.||Aura of courage class feature, caster level 8th.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dramatic Display|Dramatic Display]]||Combat||Your skill with your weapon is obvious to enemies and onlookers alike.||Dazzling Display.
| [[Feats_A-D#Dreadful Carnage|Dreadful Carnage]]||Combat||Slaying an enemy demoralizes your other nearby foes.||Str 15, Power Attack, Furious Focus, base attack bonus +11.
| [[Feats_A-D#Duck and Cover|Duck and Cover]]||General, Teamwork||Your allies assist you in avoiding certain attacks.||--

Latest revision as of 01:00, 13 October 2017

name type description prerequisites
Abyssal Mask General Call upon the Abyss to strike terror into the hearts of foes Mul'niessa, Intimidate 1
Accursed Critical General Your spells carry an embedded curse that manifests when they strike true. Critical Focus, ability to cast bestow curse or major curse, caster level 9th.
Acrobatic General You are skilled at leaping, jumping, and flying. --
Acrobatic Steps General You can easily move over and through obstacles. Dex 15, Nimble Moves.
Adept Champion General You can alter your smite ability, channeling the power of your deity into divine inspiration that grants you greater aptitude for performing combat maneuvers. Smite evil class feature, base attack bonus +5.
Advanced Weapon Training Combat You are specially trained to use your weapon skills in new ways. Fighter level 5th, weapon training class feature
Agile Maneuvers Combat You've learned to use your quickness in place of brute force when performing combat maneuvers. --
Alertness General You often notice things that others might miss. --
Alignment Channel General Choose chaos, evil, good, or law. You can channel divine energy to affect outsiders that possess this subtype. Ability to channel energy.
Allied Spellcaster General, Teamwork With the aid of an ally, you are skilled at piercing the protections of other creatures with your spells. Caster level 1st.
Angoron's Defender General Angoron is known as the god of strength and as a protector of those around him. You strive to embody these characteristics. Giantborn, Intimidate 5
Animal Affinity General You are skilled at working with animals and mounts. --
Apex Predator General Call upon the blood of dragons to inspire fear in the natural world Sith-makar
Aquatic Combatant General You are trained to fight in the water. Swim 1 rank
Aquatic Spell Metamagic You can cast your spells under or into water. --
Arc Slinger Combat You can twirl your sling in a way that maximizes its effectiveness. Point-Blank Shot, proficient with sling or halfling sling staff.
Arcane Armor Mastery Combat You have mastered the ability to cast spells while wearing armor. Arcane Armor Training, Medium Armor Proficiency, caster level 7th.
Arcane Armor Training Combat You have learned how to cast spells while wearing armor. Light Armor Proficiency, caster level 3rd.
Arcane Blast General You can convert any spell into an attack. Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
Arcane School Spirit General You can talk up the power of your own school of magic to such an extent that creatures find it more difficult to resist your spells. Bluff 1 rank, arcane school class feature, gnome.
Arcane Shield General You can convert any spell into a defense. Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
Arcane Strike Combat You draw upon your arcane power to enhance your weapons with magical energy. Ability to cast arcane spells.
Armored Athlete Combat You have experience using a skill when armored. Light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, 3 ranks in any Dexterity- or Strength-based skill.
Artful Dodge Combat You are practiced at avoiding attacks when outnumbered. Int 13+
Artifice Defences General You know how to use your understanding of constructs to turn it into a weapon. War Golem, BAB2
Aspect of the Beast General Whether by magic or a curse of your blood, some part of you is more beast than man. Wild shape class feature, ranger natural weapons combat style
Athletic General You possess inherent physical prowess. --
Athletically Talented General You are naturally talented when it comes to athletics. Giantborn, Str 13
Attuned to the Wild General You share a strong mystic connection with one type of wilderness terrain. Llyranesi, Sylvanori
Augment Summoning General Your summoned creatures are more powerful and robust. Spell Focus (conjuration).
Awaken the Giant General You possess a stronger tie to a specific giant lineage Giantborn
Back to Back General, Teamwork Your ally's eyes are your own, and yours are his. Perception 3 ranks.
Bashing Finish Combat You follow a powerful blow from your weapon with an opportunistic bash from your shield. Improved Shield Bash, Shield Master, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
Bewildering Koan General You can pose unanswerable questions that leave creatures momentarily dumbfounded as they dwell on their significance. Bluff 1 rank, ki pool class feature, gnome.
Binding Throw Combat You can strike your enemy and use the blow as an opportunity to grab and hold him. Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Throw.
Bleeding Critical Combat Your critical hits cause opponents to bleed profusely. Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11.
Blighted Critical General With a critical hit from a spell or spell-like ability, you give the target a minor spellblight. Caster level 5th.
Blighted Critical General With a critical hit from a spell or spell-like ability, you give the target a minor spellblight. Caster level 5th.
Blighted Critical Mastery General You control the type of spellblight your critical hits give your opponent. Blighted Critical, caster level 9th.
Blind-Fight Combat You are skilled at attacking opponents that you cannot clearly perceive. --
Blinding Critical Combat Your critical hits blind your opponents. Critical Focus, base attack bonus +15.
Blood of the Dark Fae General Force your body to heal, by calling upon the dark power of chaotic ancestors Oruch, 13 Con, BAB 4+
Blood Vengeance General Seeing an ally fall in combat fills you with a murderous fury. Half-oruch or oruch, nonlawful
Blood-Fettered General At one time, you infused a vampire's blood. Arvek Nar
Bloody Assault Combat Sacrificing accuracy, you can inflict bloody wounds that are slow to heal. Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
Bludgeoner Combat You can knock foes out cold with just about any blunt instrument. --
Blundering Defense Combat Your feverish and sometimes comical defensive techniques offer enough distraction to aid allies. Cautious Fighter, lucht
Boar Ferocity Combat Your flesh-ripping unarmed strikes terrify your victims. Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Style, Intimidate 6 ranks.
Boar Shred Combat The wounds you inf lict with your unarmed strikes bleed, giving you renewed vigor. Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Ferocity, Boar Style, Intimidate 9 ranks.
Boar Style Combat Your sharp teeth and nails rip your foes open. Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate 3 ranks.
Body Shield Combat With a sly maneuver, you force a grappled opponent into the path of an incoming attack. Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.
Bodyguard Combat Your swift strikes ward off enemies attacking nearby allies. Combat Reflexes.
Bolstered Resilience General You can dramatically increase your damage reduction in exchange for its temporary loss. Damage reduction.
Bonebreaker Combat When your opponent is unable to adequately defend against them, your precise unarmed strikes break bone and tear tissue. Dex 13, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Jawbreaker, Stunning Fist, Heal 9 ranks.
Boon Companion General Your bond with your animal companion or familiar is unusually close. Animal companion or familiar class feature.
Branded for Retribution General You brand an enemy with your bane weapon, making it more vulnerable to your allies' attacks. Bane class feature.
Breadth of Experience General Although still young for your kind, you have a lifetime of knowledge and training. 100+ years old
Break Guard Combat You can use one of your two weapons to occupy your opponent's defenses while attacking with the other. Dex 15, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Brew Potion Item Creation You can create magic potions. Caster level 3rd.
Broken Wing Gambit Combat, Teamwork You feign weakness, making yourself a tempting and distracting target. Bluff 5 ranks.
Bull Rush Strike Combat Your critical hits can push back your foes. Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack, BAB 9+
Bullying Blow Combat With a simple hit, you more easily intimidate an opponent. Intimidate 1 rank, oruch
Burn! Burn! Burn! General You take the goblin love of arson and fire play to a whole new level. Disable Device 1 rank, gobber
Burning Spell Metamagic You cause creatures to take extra damage when you affect them with a spell that has the acid or fire descriptor. --
Cartwheel Dodge General You use your knack for avoiding damage to reposition yourself in combat. Evasion class feature, improved evasion class feature, acrobatics 12 ranks.
Casual Illusionist General You can use your innate magic to create minor illusions that augment your efforts at trickery and deceit. Gnome, gnome magic racial trait.
Catch Off-Guard Combat Foes are surprised by your skilled use of unorthodox and improvised weapons. --
Cautious Fighter Combat You care more about survival than victory. Lucht
Cavalry Formation Combat, Teamwork You are skilled at riding in close formation with your mounted allies without impeding your effectiveness on the battlefield. Mounted Combat.
Channel Smite Combat You can channel your divine energy through a melee weapon you wield. Channel energy class feature.
Channeled Revival General You can expend a large portion of your channeling power to reverse death itself. Channel energy 6d6 (positive energy).
Channeled Shield Wall General You draw on your channel energy to enhance the protective ability of your shield and those of adjacent allies. Channel energy, 3d6 prof iciency with a shield.
Channeling Scourge General Your zeal for hunting your faith's enemies empowers your ability to channel divine energy, as long as you channel that energy for harm. Channel energy class feature, inquisitor level 1st.
Charge Through Combat You can overrun enemies when charging. Str 13, Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Charging Hurler Combat You know how to use your momentum to enhance your thrown weapon attacks. Point-Blank Shot.
Child of the Skies General The presence of open skies soothes and heals you Egalrin
Chokehold Combat While grappling, you can cut off an opponent's air and blood supply. Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
Cleansed by Shame General At some point in your past, you did something. Something bad enough that you were shamed, for a time. However, unlike others, you came out stronger, smarter, with a greater understanding of self. Egalrin
Cleave Combat You can strike two adjacent foes with a single swing. Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Cleaving Finish Combat When you strike down an opponent, you can continue your swing into another target. Str 13, Cleave, Power Attack.
Clinging Climber Combat Using leverage and pure brawn, you can cling to a cliff, rope, or ladder with your legs to free both of your hands. Str 13, Climb 3 ranks
Close-Quarters Thrower Combat You are agile enough to avoid melee attacks while throwing weapons or bombs. Dex 13, Dodge, Weapon Focus with selected thrown weapon.
Cloud Step General Your tread is of unearthly lightness. Spider Step, monk level 12th.
Cockatrice Strike Combat With a single strike, you transmute flesh to stone. Improved Unarmed Strike, Gorgon's Fist, Medusa's Wrath, base attack bonus +14.
Cold Iron Guts General Your guts are crafted from ancient khazadi mines. War Golem
Combat Advice General Your succinct words can aid an ally even in the heat of battle. --
Combat Casting General You are adept at spellcasting when threatened or distracted. --
Combat Distraction General Anyone who attacks you while you act like a lunatic exposes themselves to brutal counterattacks from your allies. Goblin, Acrobatics 1 rank, Escape Artist 1 rank.
Combat Expertise Combat You can increase your defense at the expense of your accuracy. Int 13.
Combat Medic General You know the urgency of treating wounds in the heat of battle, applying first aid to your allies with such speed that you assure no one gets left behind. Heal 5 ranks.
Combat Patrol Combat You range across the battlefield, dealing with threats wherever they arise. Combat Reflexes, Mobility, base attack bonus +5.
Combat Reflexes Combat You can make additional attacks of opportunity. --
Combat Style Master Combat You shift between combat styles, combining them to increased effect. Improved Unarmed Strike, two or more style feats, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
Command Undead General Using foul powers of necromancy, you can command undead creatures, making them into your servants. Channel negative energy class feature.
Concentrated Splash Combat You can limit the splatter of your splash weapons to increase damage against your target. Precise Shot or Throw Anything
Concussive Spell Metamagic You cause creatures to be disoriented when you affect them with a spell that has the sonic descriptor. --
Contingent Channeling General You can imbue others with your healing energy so that they can use it at the moment of greatest need. Channel energy class feature, Selective Channeling.
Coordinated Charge Combat, Teamwork You are an expert at leading your allies into the fray. You have at least two other teamwork feats, base attack bonus +10.
Coordinated Defense Combat, Teamwork You are adept at working with allies to avoid being tripped, grappled, and subjected to other maneuvers. --
Coordinated Maneuvers Combat, Teamwork You are skilled at working with your allies to perform dangerous combat maneuvers. --
Cosmopolitan General Living in large, exotic cities has put you in touch with many diverse civilizations, cultures, and races. --
Covering Defense Combat You are skilled at protecting yourself and your allies with your shield. Shield Focus, base attack bonus +6.
Covering Fire Combat, Teamwork You distract your enemies with ranged attacks to protect your allies. Point-Blank Shot
Craft Magic Arms and Armor Item Creation You can create magic armor, shields, and weapons. Caster level 5th.
Craft Rod Item Creation You can create magic rods. Caster level 9th.
Craft Staff Item Creation You can create magic staves. Caster level 11th.
Craft Wand Item Creation You can create magic wands. Caster level 5th.
Craft Wondrous Item Item Creation You can create wondrous items, a type of magic item. Caster level 3rd.
Crane Riposte Combat You use your defensive abilities to make overpowering counterattacks. Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8 or monk level 7th.
Crane Style Combat Your unarmed fighting techniques blend poise with graceful defense. Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +2 or monk level 1st.
Crane Wing Combat You move with the speed and finesse of an avian hunter, your sweeping blocks and graceful motions allowing you to deflect melee attacks with ease. Crane Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5th.
Create Sanguine Elixir General You can condense a fraction of your bloodline's power into a powerful elixir. Cha 15, Brew Potion, Craft (alchemy) 12 ranks, sorcerer level 3rd.
Crippling Critical Combat You are able to maim a target and hinder its movement. Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
Critical Focus Combat You are trained in the art of causing pain. Base attack bonus +9.
Critical Mastery Combat Your critical hits cause two additional effects. Critical Focus, any two critical feats, 14th-level fighter.
Crossbow Mastery Combat You can load crossbows with blinding speed and even fire them in melee with little fear of reprisal. Dex 15, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot.
Crusader's Fist Combat You pour divine energy into the enemy you strike. Lay on hands class feature or touch of corruption class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.
Crusader's Flurry General You learned to use your deity's favored weapon as part of your martial arts form. Channel energy class feature, flurry of blows class feature, Weapon Focus with your deity's favored melee weapon.
Crushing Blow Combat Your focus allows you to smash your enemy's defenses. Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Cudgeler Style Combat, Style You have learned to rush your foe and deliver a devastating blow. Bludgeoner
Cudgeler Sweep Combat, Style Your powerful blows knock down opponents. Bludgeoner, Cudgeler Style, BAB 5+
Cudgeler Takedown Combat, Style Opponents you batter to the ground stay down. Bludgeoner, Cudgeler Style, Cudgeler Sweep, BAB 9+
Dark Sight General With further modification, your eyes can pierce the gloom of even magical darkness. Mul'niessa, 6 HD+
Dauntless Destiny General Your ability to avert disaster is impressive. Cha 13, Fearless Curiosity, Intimidate 10 ranks, human.
Dazing Assault Combat You can daze foes with wild attacks. Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +11.
Dazzling Display Combat Your skill with your favored weapon can frighten enemies. Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon.
Deadly Aim Combat You can make exceptionally deadly ranged attacks by pinpointing a foe's weak spot, at the expense of making the attack less likely to succeed. Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.
Deadly Grappler Combat When you're grappled, you become even more dangerous. Dex 13+, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike
Deadly Stroke Combat With a well-placed strike, you can bring a swift and painful end to most foes. Dazzling Display, Greater Weapon Focus, Shatter Defenses, Weapon Focus, proficiency with the selected weapon, base attack bonus +11.
Deafening Critical Combat Your critical hits cause enemies to lose their hearing. Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
Death or Glory Combat Even when facing a larger foe, you aren't afraid to take great risks in order to finish the fight. Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6.
Deathless Initiate Combat For you, impending death is a call to wrath. Str 13, Con 13, orc or half-orc, Diehard, Endurance, base attack bonus +6.
Deathless Master Combat Even if you suffer a grievous wound, you can shrug off the damage and continue your relentless assault. Str 13, Con 15, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide**, base attack bonus +9.
Deathless Zealot Combat Only the most serious wounds can stop you. Str 13, Con 17, orc or half-orc, Deathless Initiate, Deathless Master, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide**, base attack bonus +12.
Deceitful General You are skilled at deceiving others, both with the spoken word and with physical disguises. --
Deepsight General Your senses are especially keen in the utter darkness. Darkvision 60 feet.
Defensive Combat Training Combat You excel at defending yourself from all manner of combat maneuvers. --
Defensive Weapon Training Combat You know how to defend yourself against a certain class of weaponry. Int 13, base attack bonus +5.
Deflect Arrows Combat You can knock arrows and other projectiles off course, preventing them from hitting you. Dex 13, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Deft Hands General You have exceptional manual dexterity. --
Demoralizing Lash Combat You cow your enemies with the lash of a whip. BAB 1+, Intimidate 1 rank, arvek nar
Deny Death General Your ki is so strong that it can deny death. Ki pool, Endurance
Desperate Swing Combat You land your most telling blows in desperate situations. Cautious Fighter, base attack bonus +1, Lucht
Destroyer's Blessing Combat Breaking things adds to your power. Oruch, half-oruch, rage class feature
Destructive Dispel General When you dispel an enemy's magical defenses, those defenses crash down with debilitating effects. Ability to cast dispel magic or greater dispel magic, caster level 11th.
Devastating Strike Combat Pitting all of your strength and resolve against your enemy, you deliver a strike that is impossible to ignore. Vital Strike, base attack bonus +9.
Diehard General You are especially hard to kill. Not only do your wounds automatically stabilize when grievously injured, but you can remain conscious and continue to act even at death's door. Endurance.
Dimensional Agility General Teleportation does not faze you. Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door.
Dimensional Assault General You have been trained to use magical movement as part of your combat tactics. Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility.
Dimensional Dervish General You teleport with a mere thought, savaging your opponents as you flash in and out of reality. Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, base attack bonus +6.
Dimensional Dervish General You teleport with a mere thought, savaging your opponents as you flash in and out of reality. Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, base attack bonus +6.
Dimensional Maneuvers General Your rapid teleportation makes your combat maneuvers more difficult to avoid. Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, base attack bonus +9.
Dimensional Savant General You flash into and out of reality so quickly it is impossible to tell exactly where you are at any given time. Dimensional Agility, Dimensional Assault, Dimensional Dervish, ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door, base attack bonus +9.
Directed Disarm Combat A weapon you pull from one enemy's grip flies toward another enemy. Int 13, Combat Expertise, Greater Disarm, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +11
Disarming Strike Combat Your critical hits can disarm your foes. Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +9.
Discordant Voice General By singing out a precise tone, you cause discordant vibrations to run through allies' weapons. Bardic performance class feature, Perform (oratory or sing) 10 ranks.
Disengaging Feint Combat You can feint to disengage from combat. Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint.
Disengaging Flourish Combat Distracting your opponents gives you the opportunity to make a swift retreat. Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Improved Feint.
Disengaging Shot Combat You make one last attack before beating a hasty retreat. Int 13, Combat Expertise, Disengaging Feint, Dodge, Improved Feint, Mobility.
Disorienting Maneuver General Your erratic movements disorient your opponent. Dodge, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
Dispel Synergy General By tearing away an opponent's magical defenses, you leave your enemy vulnerable, making it difficult for him to resist your spells. Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Dispelling Critical General Your blows attack the physical and arcane forms of your enemies at the same time. Arcane Strike, base attack bonus +11, ability to cast dispel magic.
Dispelling Fist General By focusing on your knowledge of magic and spells that negate its powers, you use your bare hands to rip magical defenses from your enemy. Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11, ability to cast dispel magic, caster level 7th.
Disrupting Shot Combat With a well-placed shot, you make it harder for a nearby opponent to cast spells. Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, fighter level 6th.
Disruptive Combat Your training makes it difficult for enemy spellcasters to safely cast spells near you. 6th-level fighter.
Disruptive Spell Metamagic Your magical energies cling to enemies, interfering with their spellcasting. --
Distance Thrower Combat You are accurate with thrown weapons at longer ranges than normal. Str 13.
Divine Interference General You can convert a spell to interfere with an enemy's attack. Divine spellcaster, caster level 10th.
Diviner's Delving General Your keen magical intuition makes reading signs, portents, and mystical clues quick and easy. Spell Focus (divination).
Djinni Spin Combat You can surround yourself with the power of the storm, spinning like a hurricane to unleash a violent blast of electrical energy. Con 15, Wis 17, Djinni Style, Djinni Spirit, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +13 or monk level 11th.
Djinni Spirit Combat By calling upon the spirits of storms, you can manipulate lightning to protect yourself and buffet your enemies with peals of thunder. Con 15, Wis 15, Djinni Style, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +11 or monk level 9th.
Djinni Style Combat Your hands sheathed in an auras of lightning, you move like the wind. Con 13, Wis 15, Elemental Fist**, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9 or monk level 5th.
Dodge Combat Your training and ref lexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an opponents' attacks. Dex 13.
Domain Strike Combat You unleash a domain power upon your enemy as part of your unarmed strike. Domain class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Double Bane General You extend your bane effect to two weapons. Bane class feature, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Double Slice Combat Your off-hand weapon while dual-wielding strikes with greater power. Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Draconic Breath General You possess draconic defenses and a draconic breath weapon. Sith-makar, 3HD+
Drag Down Combat When you are knocked prone, you are skilled at bringing your opponent down with you. Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip.
Dragon Ferocity Combat, Style You attack with the strength of a dragon, your telling blows striking fear into your enemies. Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
Dragon Roar Combat, Style The spirit of the dragon wells up inside you and bursts forth in a mighty roar. Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 8 ranks.
Dragon Style Combat, Style You call upon the spirit of dragonkind, gaining greater resilience, mobility, and fierceness from the blessing of these great beings. Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks.
Dragonbane Aura General Those within your dragonbane aura gain the same protection that you do. Aura of courage class feature, caster level 8th.
Dramatic Display Combat Your skill with your weapon is obvious to enemies and onlookers alike. Dazzling Display.
Dreadful Carnage Combat Slaying an enemy demoralizes your other nearby foes. Str 15, Power Attack, Furious Focus, base attack bonus +11.
Duck and Cover General, Teamwork Your allies assist you in avoiding certain attacks. --