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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Drip Drip 2 *Emitter: Pendleton *Characters: Klythos Art3, Redmane Rog2 *Place: The sleepy little t...")
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Line 168: Line 168:
The tablet is engraved with the following:
The tablet is engraved with the following:
Draug Vatn, vera enn.
: '''Draug Vatn, vera enn.
Láttu blessaður sálmurinn halda þér.
: '''Láttu blessaður sálmurinn halda þér.
Láttu forfeður horfa yfir þér.
: '''Láttu forfeður horfa yfir þér.
Verið hljóðir, Draug Vatn.
: '''Verið hljóðir, Draug Vatn.'''
Which isn't a language either of you particularly recognize.
Which isn't a language either of you particularly recognize.

Latest revision as of 22:59, 12 May 2014

Log Info

  • Title: Drip Drip 2
  • Emitter: Pendleton
  • Characters: Klythos Art3, Redmane Rog2
  • Place: The sleepy little town of Bideyburg
  • Time: Mar 12, 2014
  • Summary: In the small town of Bideysburg, in northern Alexandros, some mysterious force has sent horrible monsters into the town, and killed its mayor. Can you help the town discover what force is responsible? And get paid overtime? (Notes: This is a NONCOMBAT event. Preference is for the players of part 1, but may open if necessary)
  • APL: 2.5
  • Non-combat

It has been two days, here in the sleepy town of Bideyburg. The wife of the deceased mayor, Tarianne Semwell, has offered rooms ... in one of the NON-crime scene homes, to the adventurers. For his part, Hassan left early, citing a need to attend to matters at home. The timing of this pronouncement after finding out there were minimal stores of wine in town is, of course, pure coincidence. Barbalau left with Hassan, after confirming there seemed to be no imminent further threat.

While the halflings of Bideyburg have not been... overjoyed at either the events or the presence of two goblins in the their midst, they have been generous with their food and attentive to their guests' needs.

On the third day, the two of you are invited to a private dinner with the acting mayor, Tarianne Semwell.

Klythos isn't the most socialable goblin, but he manages to get by with a few words, and partaking of the food when its offered. His time is spent adjusting his armor and weaponry, tweaking things so he doesn't end up unconsious like last time.

The redhaird hobgoblin takes the departure of the two strongest people in the party as a bad omen. He's no very happy about them leaving at all and has mentioned it numerous times to Klythos over the last two days as he recuperated. He's still not happy about it but has decided to at least stick with it and try to figure out this mystery of the black tentacles and monsters made of seafood.

After some stew and bread, and some light chatter mainly consisting of the acting-mayor confirming the pair have been treated well, she gets down to business.

Tarianne says, "Again, I thank you both for your help against... ... whatever it is that attacked my husband, and appreciate that it was a bit beyond you. And all of us." She smiles thinly. "It could have gone worse for the town in general... well. I am ... I'd like to hire you on to look into this matter more broadly. I want to ensure the town will be safe in the future, and... well, would greatly like to see whatever, or whomever, is responsible ... taken care of."

Klythos chews on a piece of bread, managing to actually swallow it before he speaks. "Will stay." he replies, apparently agreeing to the terms of staying longer to find out whats going on. Perhaps the goblin wants his own revenge!....or maybe he is a little lazy and the food here is good, he might have packed on a few pounds.

The hobgoblin is not likely to gild the lily at this point. The bandage on the side of his head and the shirt opened to expose a hairy chest that was been blistered by alchemists fire - his own, by the way - is enough of an indication of the exasperation he feels with the whole situation. So when he speaks it is blunt and to the point, "Listen lady-mayor. Redmane glad to stay and help for fee. But you got to be straight with Redmane and Klythos. Husband Mayor not on uppity up. Him doing something to raise ire of black-tentacle monster. He piss in somebody oatmeal and we need know who, that be person we need talk to and find out what going on in Bideyburg. You him wife, you know what he done?" His agitation is evident in the tone of voice and the fact that the tips of his ears have turned a light lavender color.

Tarianne smiles thinly, looking tired. "I... my husband had his enemies. He... was not well-liked here, to be candid. Despite investing heavily in the people here, in this town, in making this place a prosperous trading post..." she pauses, looking a bit flushed. Deep breath, then continues, "The only one I think who might do something like this is Vince Alan... he used to have a stable here, had been a bit lucky with his dealings and had his eyes on controlling this town." She takes a drink.

"And, well, his stable burned down two weeks ago... he made a lot of noise about Bartram being responsible, before Bartram had him run out of town. I just don't know where he would have gotten the money to hire someone to ... do..." she waves vaguely outside.

Klythos grunts, waving a fork towards the water where the creatures came from. "Is dead, no want money. Pay something else." He then proceedes to take another bite of food, yes, he is definatly packing on a few pounds.

Redmane glances at Klythos and then says to Tarianne, "If Klythos no want money, Redmane take his part. Al-Ex-And-Ria expensive place to live. This Alan of Vince. Where him at? I like talk to him if you think he responsible for all destruction and death we encounter. What other enemy your husband make that be angry enough to summon demon on him and destroy half of town in process?"

Tarianne shrugs. "I ... really can't imagine who else. Maybe you can ask around town... just keep in mind a few folks are disgruntled about, ah, loan practices, so they might be prone to exaggerate. But I will pay you to find out."

Klythos turns, looks at Redmane and frowns. "Me money, stable man no money, pay something else. Buy evil."

Tarianne adds, "As for Vince Alan, I'm pretty sure he slunk back to Alexandria."

During the course of the rest of the day, Redmane spends time poking around the town, an Official Inquisitor for the mayor-in-standing, he's a little too enthusiastic about his job seeing as how he's never been an Official anything before. He spends a great deal of time gathering information, talking to the various people and finding out about the relationships the old Mayor had, especially with Vince Alan. (OOC: Taking 20 on Sense Motive/Perception - since I have no gather information type skill)

The halflings of Bideyburg seem distressed. Big shock there. But at least part of their distress has to do with the Mayor. Almost nobody has anything good to say about him, other than mostly agreeing with one another that 'he didn't deserve THAT. Whatever that was.'

Among the random facts that seem interesting, that the mayor came to town about 8 years back, and pretty much bought everyone's loans or loaned out a lot of money to spruce up the town. He then pretty much owned everything. The town itself is about 20 years old, built on the remains of an older abandoned settlement (Redmane gets that from a very very very long-winded elderly grandmarn on a stoop, amidst countless comments about how wet the weather's been, how bad that is for her ankles, and how Redmane looks rather fuzzy for a human)

As for Vince Alan, information is sparse... a human, newcomer, and was shaping up to be a rival to the Semwell family. Everyone is pretty sure Semwell had the guy's stable and main storehouse burned to the ground.

GAME: Klythos rolls perception: (12)+10: 22

The crime scene is... odd. The water, as far as Klythos can tell, seeped up rapidly from certain spots on the northern side of the house (possibly because that's the direction of the lake, possibly for some other unknown reason). There are wet muddy spots surrounded by spatter -- like water exploded up through it and then into the house.

The scorch marks are weird and random, and superficial, like the types of scorches you might get from a fireball -- not enough to really ignite the material of the house.

The bodies of the... whatever they were, have been dragged to the outskirts of town, a nasty jumble of limbs and bone that, thankfully, show no sign of life, unlife, or similar.

The stable has been cleared over the past 2 weeks. There's a lot of char and small bits of debris still to be found, here and there. A storehouse nearby did not burn all the way to the ground, but is mostly four burnt walls surrounding charred timber and similar.

The mayor's house, upon closer examination, is built on the foundation of an earlier building. Klythos is preeeettty sure there is no secret basement or whatnot, though ... who knows.

(Klythos makes use of Thanatopticon)

Poking at the remains, the heads look strangly familiar to Klythos. Peering at the teeth, and examining a skull... they are ponies. Four ponies, heavily burnt, water-logged, and filled with a mix of maggots, earthworms, eels, small fish, and long stringy plants.

Finally, the one curious thing about the stable and storehouse is that in both cases the inside is more burnt than the outside, and the two buildings are a good stone's throw away from one another.

It is about at this point that the sun is starting to set, and the pair settle over some more stew and bread, the staple of Bideyburg cuisine.

Klythos returns, to eat of course, but will talk with Redmane. "Burned water ponies. Think from stable. Burn inside bigger, outside smaller. Secret how mayor burn, important." Wow, thats probably the most he has spoken since most folks have met him.

Redmane hunches over his meal as he thinks on all the things that they've found out today. Finally he sits back and says, "Me not know. This Vince Alan sound like good whipping boy for mayor's wife to pin crime on. But him not around for while. Me thinking that something hinky going on with town and mayor, but not sure what."

The night passes without demonic undead sea ponies.

The next day, there is a buzz of worry... the new mayor is missing! Dun dun dun!

Klythos waits until others are not around to hear, and speaks to Redmane. "Think right. Think mayor make evil burn stable. Now evil want pay."

There is a some resistance by the house staff, but as they mainly consist of rather short young children of the surrounding houses, and given the past few days, their hearts aren't in it. The seneschal of the house, who isn't old enough to grow more than a few hairs, mainly contents himself to peer worriedly around the two as they look around.

The pair discover, first, the Semwell's have three children. The oldest is freaked out and staying with a neighbor's, a nurse is taking care of the remaining two.

Bartram 'Barky' Semwell has a private room that is currently unlocked and open, with a number of papers and books. Most appear to be ledgers. A chest of papers and letters is open, and it looks very much like someone's been rummaging through it. Two of the papers is on the bed... which seems to be a journal entry or letter, reading something about 'Where to put a safe box? Well, from the depths came my fortune, where better to keep it?' The other paper is much older, and seems to be a letter welcoming B. Semwell into employment, with a logo 'FFFZ'

Klythos looks over all the information, frowning. "Evil put in lake?" He then will follow Redmane towards the lake, to investigate!

Redmane nods and says, "To the lake Klythos...me thinking everything starting and ending there."

The pair head north, to the edge of town, and cross the fen that separates it from Dog Lake. The grasses are high, as are nerves... there are still flattened trails from where the ponies dragged themselves. And, sure enough, the trails lead to... Dog Lake.

The morning is clear, and despite all the brooding foreshadowing and portents of dark doom... the lake looks fairly pretty. It sparkles, reflecting the drifting clouds through cerulean above. A bit to the north and west, a tall bluff overlooks the lake. A dock extends a bit from the shore, with some punts anchored at the end.

It is then that the two can hear the unholy screaming... of Tarianne Semwell, barely visible on the shore, a few hundred yards to the right.

Klythos heads towards the lake, finally speaking in goblin tongue when they are alone. "It would appear someone has disturbed something here. I am unsure though as to the source, the words on the paper implied he found his fortune from the depths, and then hid something here. I am unsure wether the fortune was found here, or is now simply hidden here.....Ohh dear." The last words coming as he hears the screams.

Redmane is letting Klythos do his thing when he hears the screams coming from the woman down the shore. His falchion is in his hands in a flash and he is pelting down the beach toward the screams, trying to discern what the problem is so that he can assess the situation before he gets there.

GAME: Redmane rolls Perception: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Klythos rolls perception: (19)+10: 29

Klythos will quickly move towards the screams, adjusting dials on his armor as he does, prepping his weapon for action!

It is clear to Redmane, first... she's stuck in mud. It's rather a lot of mud, and she's hoarse from screaming a rather long time for help. Redmane quickly ticks off the threats that don't exist: the water is behaving like water, the mud does not appear to be animate (but this being Ea, you never know), and she does not glow with baleful energies (again).

The artificer, with AMAZING perceptive powers, spots where the ponies evidently came from... the shore near the bluff to the left, far from where Tarianne is. And, as they get closer... she is clearly sheepish, relieved, and preparing to be evasive.

Redmane puts his falchion away and stops well away from the edge of the mud. Holding up a hand he forstalls her by saying, "We have enough of your lie-ing tongue lady. We know you know about chest. We going to find it. You stay there so you not hurting anything. People of Bideyburg deserve better Mayoral staff, that damn sure." he then turns, leaving her in the mud while conferring with Klythos. "She not going be help. You can find box?"

(In goblinspeak)

Klythos looks at the woman in the mud, then to Redmane and nods. He turns and points over towards the shore near the bluff. "There are signs that would point to the zombie ponies coming from there. Its probably safe to assume that our secret chest is in that location." Once more, when the Gobber speaks his native tongue, he is ten times more eloquent and educated sounding, professor gobber. "I do belive your right though in leaving her here until we deal with the chest."

Tarianne frowns a bit. "Know about the chest? Yes, my husband evidentally hid his moneychest in a felching lake, without telling his wife. But it is our property, and without it... it is critical for the town. I hope I can rely on your good standing in the Adventurer's Guild to treat honorably." She states the last flatly, eyeing the goblins with some wariness.

Redmane nods and replies in goblinspeak, he too also sounds almost erudite when speaking the language of his homeland, "I know. I've had it with just about all of these little lying things. The humans and half-elves back in Alexandria don't seem to have the problems with telling the truth that these little bastards do. And they have the audacity to call our races evil. I think you're probably right, she probably stabbed her unsuspecting husband in the back, metaphorically speaking." He turns when Tarianne speaks and switches over to tradespeak, "Of course it critical for your plan for town. We being paid to find out exactly what happen in town and this best way to do it. You stay comfortable in mud-bath, me hear it good for skin. We retrieve chest and if all on uppity-up, we get you out, lick split."

Klythos grunts "Danger chest. We take Guild. You talk guild get back safe." He nods his head a few times to emphasise his point....and perhaps look a little stupid on purpose, deception? He gestures once again to where he saw the tracks. "Go, find danger chest." The he starts off in that direction.

Tarianne curses half-heartedly, but seems at least... a touch relieved when she's just not immediately murdered.

Walking around the lovely lake, it does seem a nice place to fish. Also seems odd nobody is actually fishing here... though the punts tied at the end of the dock seem to be in good repair.

Closer to the bluff, the water is darker, from a great deal of mud that has slid down from the bluff; it appears a section of earth from the bluff above tumbled in the water at some point recently.

Klythos looks at the water as they near, then up at the bluff, tracing the line of the fallen earth. He has assumptions of course, but there is no point voicing them at the moment. Now he has to figure out how to dig through the mud and water to find the chest.

GAME: Klythos rolls perception: (18)+10: 28

Klythos moves around the bluff carefully, knowing he could be trapped under a mudslide. When he finds a safe spot, he secures the line from the pullygun thats mounted to the back of his armor, then slowly lowers himself down the bluff and towards the water. Ready to search now that he is secure in his escape route.

The pulley proves helpful, with the pair able to keep their footing as different unstable bits of lake shore give way or engulph feet. It takes about an hour to find... two pieces of a stone tablet, hauled up to shore to examine later, and ... yep, the chest.

The chest turns out to be attached to a length of chain, which is secured to a boulder on the shore. Normally this wouldn't have been such a big deal, but all the mud and fallen earth buried it all in a mess of shifting goop.

On the shore, the chest looks fairly old, waterlogged. It once had an elaborate lock that was broken at some past point, then a new padlock system secured into place. IT doesn't look... that formidable. The chest itself is muddy and draped with weeds, though has stood up to a presumably long time under water in good condition.

Klythos examines the things as they bring them out, the tablet, and then the chest. He pulls out some tools, looking over the lock on the chest, and preparing to try to open it.

Having tagged along up to this point Redmane has been quietly letting Klythos ply his skills. When he goes to pry open the chest though he says, "Wait. Let me search it in case it's trapped. You don't want to blow off a finger at this point in the game." in goblinspeak.

GAME: Redmane rolls perception: (18)+6: 24

GAME: Klythos rolls perception: (9)+10: 19

If the chest is trapped, or a mimic, or a slumbering ancient evil waiting to arise, Redmane doesn't pick up on it. He's relatively confident it isn't any of those things...

GAME: Klythos rolls disable device: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Redmane rolls Disable Device: (16)+9: 25

Klythos starts to work on the lock, but steps away after a moment, not really an expert on them. He lets the hobgoblin do the work, while Klythos takes a moment to look closer at the tablet.

The tablet, from a few less-mucked over spots, is clearly old, and the two pieces clearly fit (mostly) together. It's probably engraven... if one were to clean it off...

Redmane steps back and says, "It doesn't appear to be trapped. Please, if you like," he gestures at the chest letting Klythos work on it. Finally when Klythos steps back Redmane pulls out a set of lockpicks, no whirling gyroscopes here, just plain old lock picks and sets to work. Intricately diddling the lock, it finally pops open with a quiet *click* and he says, "Aha. Pretty nice little lock on there." in goblinspeak. He opens the chest up, making sure it's turned away from the woman in the mud so she can't even see what's in there.

The woman is, thankfully, about a hundred yards away. But she is pretty intent on the goblins' activities... The chest comes open. It is filled with water, so the chest is not watertight... and half-filled with silver and a few gold coins. By adventuring standards, it wouldn't be a vast haul, but respectable... On the cover of the chest is a logo or blazon of some kind, but obscured by thin muck, like most of the chest itself. It's hard to tell, but the chest has probably been opened not too long in the past.

Klythos carefully starts to remove muck from the tablet, trying not to trace evil symbols or something like that.

The tablet is engraved with the following:

Draug Vatn, vera enn.
Láttu blessaður sálmurinn halda þér.
Láttu forfeður horfa yfir þér.
Verið hljóðir, Draug Vatn.

Which isn't a language either of you particularly recognize.

As Klythos is cleaning the muck from the tablet, Redmane is digging through the small treasure haul, trying to find anything besides coins. When it's apparent that it's most likely just coins, he lets out a disgusted 'PAH' and then brushes the muck off the blazoned symbol to get a better look at it.

The logo is a fancy series of letters: FFFZ

Klythos frowns at the tablet, but isn't sure if its the source of the evil or not. He looks over to Redmane, then speaks in goblintongue. "Should I attempt to put the tablet together as one piece, or should we take it for examination by the guild."

GAME: Klythos rolls spellcraft: (2)+9: 11

Redmane shakes his head and says to Klythos, "I think that we likely need to give the coin to the lady and free her from the muck. The tablet will need to go to the guild so it can be studied. I do not want to play with something that could get either of us in more trouble than we were two days ago." in goblinspeak.

Klythos nods his agreement. "Yes, though there is no guarantee moving the tablet will stop whats happening here. Its just a hunch on our part."

Tarianne is overjoyed when the goblins... retrieve her and give her the chest. She babbles something about her husband being too suspicious and too sensitive to everyone's complaints. She sees the tablet, but shows no recognition or do much more than shrug vaguely, and promises an open reward if the pair should uncover what is going on.

After a good meal and appreciative halfling hospitality, the pair set back to Alexandria, with tablets in tow... thankfully without incident.

Klythos continues to play the stupid goblin when in public, giving short responses, sometimes barely able to be understood. On the trip back though he will discuss the incident with Redmane in goblinspeech, and recommend they keep an eye on this, as there may be more rewards by the guild and others for finding out the truth.

As Redmane rides off into the sunset on Donkey with Klythos he says in Goblinspeak, "You think they'll get our names right when they sing the songs of our 'heroism' in Bideyburg?" he chuckles quietly to himself and brushes an errant greasy lock of red hair out of his eyes as they travel onward to Alexandria.