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Cressida gives a relieved sigh at that. "Glad that's over. I want to go home and try to forget the face on that thing. I still feel a bit sick from it."
Cressida gives a relieved sigh at that. "Glad that's over. I want to go home and try to forget the face on that thing. I still feel a bit sick from it."
Orion wanted to joke and say that he heard that this sea hag was the pretty sister, and that the ugly sister is still out there, but he decides it is best not to." He looks to Lydia, "You did good back there, this is the first time we fought together look forward to doing more with you." To Cressida he says, "That sounds like a good plan to me, if you do not feel better by tomorrow stop by the Temple of Daeus, I am sure we would be able to heal what ever ills you there."
Lydia nods her head in agreement with Orion. "We did alright." she offers before looking to Cressida. "If you wish, I can attempt the healing now if you feel you need it."
Cressida nods to Lydia, giving her a smile. "If you think you can help, I certainly wouldn't refuse the attempt."
"Of course." Lydia replies as she will lead Cressida to the side so that she might attempt the healing of the woman and herself.
Cressida follows along without any issue. "I agree with Orion, by the way. You were definitely good in the fight. And I appreciated the protection at the start."

Latest revision as of 09:28, 1 May 2014

Log Info

  • Title: Sea Hag and her Crab
  • Emitter: Alice
  • Characters: Cressida Level 2, Lydia Level 3, Orion level 2
  • Place: Fishing village
  • Time: April 30, 2014
  • Summary: Fishermen have been going missing near a small fishing village, and the players set out to find the cause.
  • APL: 1.7
  • Encounter 1: Sea hag, giant crab CR 5

Recently fishermen near a small fishing village have been disappearing. So the people of the village have collected together a small reward to offer anyone who is able to find out what has been happening to their fellow villagers. Everyone arrives near the villages around early afternoon.

Orion comes to the village with Cressida and Lydia, he looks to them and says, "Lets talk to the villagers to see if there a certain area or time that people are starting to disappear. I am open to other suggestions."

Lydia nods as she listens to Orion. "I wonder if they've been disappearing near the water or away from it. This could get wet quickly." she offers up as she looks between the two.

Cressida nods, chuckling softly. "I don't mind getting a little wet, if it's what we need to do. But, we should definitely talk to the villagers first, I'd say."

GAME: Lydia rolls diplomacy: (3)+8: 11

GAME: Orion rolls diplomacy: (13)+8: 21

GAME: Cressida rolls diplomacy: (13)+7: 20

Orion goes with Lydia and Cressida talking to as many villager as they can trying to find greater details about the disappearing villagers.

The trio split up a little bit, so as to cover more ground and talk to a variety of villagers, though always remaining in the same general area. Cressida starts to apply her natural charm to put those she speaks to at ease, making them comfortable sharing details about what they've seen or suspected recently.

Lydia moves along with the other two but slightly off as well as she seeks out people to speak to about the disappearances. Perhaps she should have held off on coming so fully armored, but for now she tries a business like approach with those she comes to.

The people are pretty open about the problem as they want it to ger solved as soon as possible. Everyone finds out that people have been disappearing while fishing along the coast just outside the village. Though Orion and Cressida also find out that there is one cove that is especially rumored to be dangerous as giant crabs some times come out of the ocean, though no one has seen anything strange there recently.

After regrouping and sharing the information they gathered Orion says, "Looks like our first option is to explore the cove."

Cressida nods in agreement. "That does seem like the most obvious answer. Could be that there's a particularly aggressive crab or two, sinking boats or just grabbing people. We just need to take a boat out there, I guess."

"That sounds about as likely as anywhere else to start." Lydia offers as she listens to the others. "Either by land or by sea. Personally, I'd liek to keep my legs on land if there's a chance of trouble."

The trio now make their way to the cove, Orion will lead the way in case they are attacked, as always they are looking around for any physical clues.

The group arrives in the cove and everything looks calm. Though after a moment Orion and Lydia notice there is a body floating in the water along the beach.

Lydia frowns as she moves with the others, her eyes scanning the surroundings and then looking out towards the waters. She comes to a stop as she catches sight of the body. "In the water, is that a body?" she asks even as she starts moving again, quickly towards the waterline.

Upon seeing the body Orion starts to make his way to it, he then holds out his hand to the others to slow down, "This could be how these crabs get more victim it could be a trap." He sticks his head under the water and looks around, then senses for evil.

GAME: Orion rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 11

GAME: Cressida rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 12

GAME: Lydia rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 19

Cressida stops just behind Orion, noticing the body as it is pointed out. "It's definitely worth being wary, but I'm not sure the crabs are setting traps with a body as bait. It's likely just their most recent victim. They are quite likely in wait around here somewhere, though."

As Orion sticks his head under water he finds him self face to face with a hideous women who looks like she has recently drowed, with sea weed wrapped around her hair. She lets out a scream as she suddenly stands up and come out of the water. Just then the body that was floating is pulled down under the water and a large crab comes up next to it.

<OOC> Alice says, "everyone give me a fortitude save"

GAME: Orion rolls fortitude: (10)+11: 21

GAME: Cressida rolls fortitude: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Lydia rolls fortitude: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Alice rolls 1d6: (3): 3

<OOC> Orion says, "Was I able to sense evil when I tried?"

<OOC> Alice says, "yeah she is evil, and so ugly that cressida loses 3 strength"

GAME: You roll initiative for Sea Hag: Roll: 3 + Bonus: +3 = Total: 6

GAME: You roll initiative for Crab: Roll: 7 + Bonus: +1 = Total: 8

<OOC> Lydia will seek to cast Shielf of faith, as soon as I refind the details on it. Either upon herself or the group.

<OOC> Alice says, "it is +2 ac to one person you touch"

<OOC> Cressida says, "It's a pretty nice spell. I'm going to Burning Hands the both of them, since they were nice enough to be in range. Then step behind Orion."

Lydia raises up her shield as those creatures make themselves known. Quickly, she moves forward the step or so to Cressida one hand reaching out to offer a steadying touch to the woman even as she murmurs a brief prayer to bring up the shield on her.

<OOC> Cressida says, "It's a pretty nice spell. I'm going to Burning Hands the both of them, since they were nice enough to be in range. Then step behind Orion."

GAME: Cressida rolls 2d4+2: (4)+2: 6

<OOC> Cressida says, "My usual 6. DC 16 Reflex for half."

GAME: Alice rolls +7: (19)++7: 26

GAME: Alice rolls +2: (14)++2: 16

<OOC> Alice says, "they both take half"

Cressida looks back to Lydia for a moment, smiling at the offered assistance. She brings her hands up, speaking the words to release a burst of flame at the creatures charging towards them. But, waterlogged as they are, the fire rolls over them without the expected impact.

GAME: Orion rolls weapon3+3: (3)+6+3: 12

Orion points his longsword at the sea hag as he says, "You!" He then silently says "Daues aid me." Even with the added aid of his god, Orion attack is way off target.

<OOC> Alice says, "crab attacks you with both claws"

GAME: Alice rolls +4: (5)++4: 9

GAME: Alice rolls +4: (13)++4: 17

<OOC> Alice says, "she moves to flanking and attacks"

The crab lifts up it's giant crab claws and starts swinging them around to try grab ahold of Orion, while the sea hag splashes in the water and moves around behind Orion and tries to shred him with a pair of long clawed fingers, thoguh both miss.

GAME: Lydia rolls weapon4: (14)+6: 20

GAME: Lydia rolls 1D8+3: (1)+3: 4

Lydia strides forward with her longsword at the ready as she seeks to flank that ugly sea hag. Thankfully, she doesn't have to see its face as she takes a swipe at the creature, her blade striking the flesh of the hag.

<OOC> Cressida says, "I'll step back and over, and ready to cast Burning Hands when Orion steps out from between the two of them."

Cressida looks at the melee and moves into position to cast once again. "Orion, step back!"

GAME: Orion rolls weapon3+3: (6)+6+3: 15

<OOC> Alice says, "you didn't add flanking right?"

<OOC> Alice says, "that is +2 more"

GAME: Orion rolls 1d8+6: (3)+6: 9

<OOC> Orion says, "Make that just 8 damage."

<OOC> Cressida says, "And then I Burning Hands the two of them again."

GAME: Cressida rolls 2d4+2: (7)+2: 9

<OOC> Cressida says, "DC 16 Reflex for half."

GAME: Alice rolls +7: (16)++7: 23 + GAME: Alice rolls +2: (7)++2: 9

Orion strikes at the sea hag and this time is able hit, he then heeds Cressida advice and moves back avoiding the flames that come from her hands.

As soon as Orion moves, Cressida incates those familiar words, releasing yet another burst of flame from her hands at the hag and the crab. The two agressors are starting to dry off, so the flames burn them much more effectively this time.

GAME: Alice rolls +4: (15)++4: 19

GAME: Alice rolls +4: (13)++4: 17

GAME: Alice rolls +8+2: (5)++8+2: 15

GAME: Alice rolls +8+2: (15)++8+2: 25

GAME: Alice rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: You damaged Orion for 10 points. 15 remaining.

The crab looks shuffles off to the side away from the flames as he continues to try and hit Orion with its large claws, but it can't seem to get past his heavy armor. The sea hag screams as she is hit with the flames but dives under the water to avoid some of the damage before poping back up next to Orion and tearing into him with her sharp claws.

<OOC> Lydia will continue to flank after that Sea Hag with her longsword!

GAME: Lydia rolls weapon4+2: (1)+6+2: 9

Lydia steps after that sea hag after she reappears from the waters, her longsword swinging through the air as she seeks to strike her once more. She growls as her sword finds nothing but air this time.

<OOC> Cressida says, "I'll step up and ready to cast when Orion moves, again. :)"

Cressida takes a step up as the hag and crab follow after orion. "Again!"

<OOC> Orion says, "Shall attack the hag and move back."

GAME: Orion rolls weapon3+3: (2)+6+3: 11

This just does not seem to be Orion's day, he attacks the hag once more, but once again is not even close to hitting it.

GAME: Cressida rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7

<OOC> Cressida says, "Same DC 16 for half."

GAME: Alice rolls +7: (2)++7: 9

GAME: Alice rolls +2: (8)++2: 10

<OOC> Alice says, "you kill the crab"

Things seem to be going pretty decently for Cressida, though. Orion steps back and she lets loose another burst of flames. All of this heat is too much for the crab, which simply collapses in the water and stops moving.

GAME: Alice rolls +4: (5)++4: 9

GAME: Alice rolls +8: (9)++8: 17

GAME: Alice rolls +8: (17)++8: 25

GAME: Alice rolls 1d6+4: (3)+4: 7

GAME: You damaged Lydia for 7 points. 15 remaining.

The crab takes one final swing at Orion before it twitches and falls over dead and starts to float lifelessly in the sea. The sea hag moves to position herself around next to Lydia and slashes deep into her with one of her sharp claws.

GAME: Lydia rolls weapon4: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Lydia rolls 1D8+3: (2)+3: 5

Lydia grunts as that sea hag strikes her past her armor. Her eyes show the pain from the strike but she doesn't let it stop her from stepping forward to trade back her own strike at the creature! Her longsword slicing into the sea hag once again!

<OOC> Cressida says, "I'll just acid splash now. Touch attack."

GAME: Cressida rolls ranged: (8)+3: 11

<OOC> Alice says, "miss"

As the sea hag moves in to attack Lydia, the positioning shifts so as to make it much more difficult to continue the waves of fire. With a word, she calls forth a glob of acid and launches it at the hag, but her aim is a bit rusty and it flies past the hag's head.

<OOC> Orion says, "Will do a power attack with my feat on the sea hag. -1 to hit +2 to damage."

GAME: Orion rolls weapon3+2: (11)+6+2: 19

GAME: Orion rolls 1d8+7: (2)+7: 9

No longer needing to attack and weave to avoid the flames from Cressida, Orion decides to bear down and not hold back with his might any more focusing his power on this attack. His attacks hits the sea hag killing it. He then shakes his head from it taking this long to kill her, "Wow she was agile."

Cressida brushes her hands off, lingering traces of smoke drifting off of them as she does. "I guess that explains it, though. That... thing was controlling the crabs to kill people. For... some reason."

Lydia cannot help but to wince as she sees the final blow delivered to the hag. She keeps her shield raised for the moment though she lowers her sword. "Who knows why Evil does as it does."

Orion shrugs, "Perhaps it just moved in recently making this place her new home. I want to do a little further exploring of the area making sure there is nothing else around to harm the villagers. I also want to take a look at the body, before we bring the head of the sea hag to the village as proof. We also might want to bring the human body back with us so that whom ever this person was, they can now have a proper funeral."

When the body of the human is pulled out of the water you noticed that big chunks are missing out of it, and it looks like something had been eating it.

Cressida nods as she starts to look around. "If we can find any other of the lost people, or any of their distintice belongings, we can at least let people know what happened to them, so they don't have to wonder. And it looks like there won't be any more disappearances now."

"As long as this one was alone." Lydia adds as she steps in closer to look at the body as it's pulled out of the water. "Such a shame we couldn't have been here to save this poor soul."

Orion spends time seeing if there is there are other threats to the villagers in the lake, he was not able to find any. Instead of carrying the body with him to the village he gives the human body what he believes to be a proper buriale cove near. He will tell the villagers where the body has been buried in case they have other traditions for their dead. He does remove the head of the sea hag and puts it in a bag to give as proof to the villagers that offered the reward.

The people are happy that you have saved them, though none of them want to look at the ugly head in the bag after the first person to look gets sick, then they give you the reward they promised.

Cressida gives a relieved sigh at that. "Glad that's over. I want to go home and try to forget the face on that thing. I still feel a bit sick from it."

Orion wanted to joke and say that he heard that this sea hag was the pretty sister, and that the ugly sister is still out there, but he decides it is best not to." He looks to Lydia, "You did good back there, this is the first time we fought together look forward to doing more with you." To Cressida he says, "That sounds like a good plan to me, if you do not feel better by tomorrow stop by the Temple of Daeus, I am sure we would be able to heal what ever ills you there."

Lydia nods her head in agreement with Orion. "We did alright." she offers before looking to Cressida. "If you wish, I can attempt the healing now if you feel you need it."

Cressida nods to Lydia, giving her a smile. "If you think you can help, I certainly wouldn't refuse the attempt."

"Of course." Lydia replies as she will lead Cressida to the side so that she might attempt the healing of the woman and herself.

Cressida follows along without any issue. "I agree with Orion, by the way. You were definitely good in the fight. And I appreciated the protection at the start."