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(Created page with " The Arcanist Society has many a meeting-place. But the dining hall is certainly a rather odd place to meet about such sensitive topics. But at the same time, it is also home to the kinds of Wizards who can pile on anti-Scrying, anti-listening, etc magics. So, Harkashan has set out a spread of food (a variable Heroes' Feast even) from his Homeland, in order to discuss things over food. It is important to feed your guests. The tall lizard sitting at the table, working o...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:46, 26 June 2024

The Arcanist Society has many a meeting-place. But the dining hall is certainly a rather odd place to meet about such sensitive topics. But at the same time, it is also home to the kinds of Wizards who can pile on anti-Scrying, anti-listening, etc magics. So, Harkashan has set out a spread of food (a variable Heroes' Feast even) from his Homeland, in order to discuss things over food.

It is important to feed your guests.

The tall lizard sitting at the table, working on a thaco, while waiting for the others to join him on the long table. They can come and go easily, but notable the moment they step a certain distance close enough to the table, 'outside sounds' suddenly dim, and only that which is said around the table can be heard. A few magical devices sitting around to ensure some privacy during this meeting.

Such a meeting being called piques a certain Colossseum coach's interest, the scarred mul'neissa in question currently lounging at one of the table's chairs, leaning back in it with a vertible mess of a tlacho barely held together in hand. Aryia is present, her silver framed shades slid up and atop her head with a glowing gaze lazily sliding from person to person.

Crunch. She reaches for another spicy one.

Rune is one of the early arrivals, having likely helped Harkashan with setting out the food. The rogue, however, seems to have brought something missnig form the table in the form of a few bottles of wine, which she sets out at intervals for people to sample. "Looks delicious, love." She reaches up to tug at one of the Makari's horns and pull him down for a kiss on the cheek.

Then, in the style one might expect from her, she grabs one of the chairs and relaxes back into it, shoveling an unseemly amount of food onto a plate. "So, are we at spicy, deadly spicy, and then Makari spicy?" She points at the meats, raising a brow.

Eztli was one of the adventurers who made their way into the hall, somewhat familiar with the building, but not as much as others. Entering the room, she stops at the precipice of the table, tilting her head one way to listen, before she simply shrugs and takes a seat at the table, reaching for a pair of thlacos among other things. "I really don't know why these things haven't caught on more here." Eztli grumbles. "I really hope this doesn't mean we're just about ready to go fight some giant dwarf eating worms again, but if that's the case, I still appreciate the forethought."

"If I'd known I should bring drinks I would have, sorry. I'll pay for a few rounds of drinks next time people are getting some, maybe?" She adds to Rune.

"Am I fashionably late? Or just on time?" Telamon slides deftly into a chair, his dark eyes sparkling. "I would've been here earlier, but Scanthrus wanted me to look at something that got hauled out of the sewer system. Looked like some kind of filtering and distilling machine -- the adventurers who found it said there was an illicit potion-brewing operation down there." He shrugs. "Some people, I swear..."

He offers the others a smile, calm and confident. "Rune, you're a marvel. Which one did you want to start with?" He picks up a plate as well, opting to pile some rice and beans, as well as a couple tlahcos, on it. "Unfamiliarity is my guess, Eztli. And to be honest, unless you're in Goblintown, a number of establishments here simply don't use strong peppers."

The Goblin arrived at the appointed door, knocked, and then enters. She comes to a stop upon seeing the group gathered, and then peers at the selection of food. Her ears perk up, having missed some of the conversation. "What is this about giant Khazad? Eating worms? Why would we be fighting them?" Simony climbs one of the chairs to peer at the food more closely, before she grabs a plate, and begins to go around, piling food upon her plate in such a manner tha one might believe she were starving.

Her stomach gurgles noisily, and she hurries a little more.

Finding an open spot, she settles down, pulls a notebook from a pouch on her belt, and begins taking notes... while stuffing an entire tlahco into her mouth.

Verna enters the long-familiar dining area rather grateful for the larger pathways and rooms than, for example, the small rooms off of the library. The conveyance, a hovering cauldron, is accessorized with a number of pillows (cast iron is not buttock- nor back-friendly). "Greetings," she offers all as she floats her way towards a spot near the table of meeting rather than the table of food. "Were I aware that food was provided or requested, I would have delivered a pie or two."

Harkashan leans in a bit down so Rune can more easily reach his horn as she seeks to tug on it, and croons at the kiss. "Thank you sweetheart." He remarks, touching her lower back for a moment, and placing a kiss on her cheek in reply. He then sits back up proper-like.

"Well, this green one is spicy, this other green one is really spicy. This red one is mild, this one is Makari-spicy..." One who understands Makari cooking would be able to tell the difference. But for the untrained eye, it looks like they are just randomly placed all over the place.

"Do not worry." He then adds to Eztli. "There are drinks." Motioning at a few cinnamon-spiced milky-white looking caraffes. "Provided by the grace of the Death-singing Dragon."

He then looks to Telamon and notes; "You are here right when you intended to be." With a bemused rumble, before bowing his head to the other entrants.

Once everyone is seated, he lifts a little paper sign: 'Please do not pronounce demon names, just in case.'.

"So, this little meeting of ours is warded against scrying and listening in. There's a spell of detection around us, so if there are any Sensors trying to read our lips, we will see it. But consider that nothing here is foolproof." Harkashan notes.

He then leans back, "So let us speak about this book." Pushing forward a copy of 'A Compilation of the Eternal'. "And how Olethrodaemons could be related to the one that used to be within Aelwyn's brother."

Telamon. Every 5 over gets you a bit more info."

Stepping into the room without knocking, the ruddy and very fiery looking (but still not that short) makari shows off his teeth in a macabre fashion. He was dressed, as usual, in his usual shoulder plate and red loincloth - but one could easily see the new pink symbol of a cockatrice hanging off center across his chest, from an oddly weighted golden chain. Red ribbon trailed down.

Pausing, Aelwyn lets out a click of his tongue, before he walks further in and moves to tap Harkashan's ankles with his tail. "Is one trying to push TarRaCe out of business?" He chides with a flicker of his tongue, before he bows at everyone else. The nearest seat is taken, the bottle of wine is acquired, and thacos summarily executed with teeth.

The mention of his brother causes Aelwyn to stop momentarily - but he then continues on washing down the spicy pepper with some wine. "Olethoranos? And how would those be related to this one's brother?" He asks, giving suspicious looks towards the book.


GAME: Telamon rolls knowledge/the planes: (8)+18: 26

GAME: Simony rolls knowledge/the planes: (9)+7: 16

GAME: Verna rolls knowledge/the planes+2: (17)+12+2: 31

Aryia inclines her head towards Rune as the half-sil provides wine, the pugilist readily thumbing the cork of one off and pouring herself and others some glasses. Apparently, she must have spent some time with the makari before, as her hand is already taking a third Makari-spicy serving for her rapidly shrinking and growing plate.

A little wave is given to those that join, and her attention drifts towards Harkashan. She frowns considerably. A huff escapes her nose, and a notepad is pulled free from her jacket. Pen click. Scribble. Munch. The lack of recognition in her expression save for the heavy scowl garners: she has no idea what that is.

"It's not a problem, Eztli. I'm sure this won't be the last group meeting we have. You're welcome to buy next time." Rune seems less than concerned. She offers a smile back to Telamon. "We've got red over there, and I've got white." She motions at the glasses Aryia is already pouring. It gives her time to try to figure out just what sort of 'heat levels' the various meats are at, as her mate seems to enjoy the surprise of spice more than she does.

As Harkashan starts to discuss the reason for the gathering, she begins pouring glasses of a white wine, offering them out to whomever seems interested. Rune also takes the time to nod a greeting to each person, but she keeps quiet to let those more 'in the know' speak at first. Her eyes draw to the book, then to Aelwyn, one ear twitching.

"The only way we're going to get more privacy is by moving the whole meeting elsewhere, but we'll save that one for the victory celebration." Telamon winks, before his expression becomes more sober. "I'm afraid the name means nothing to me, Hark, though... I think daemons are a kind of fiend that revel in destruction, above and beyond what you might expect of a demon or devil." He contemplates the thought, then nods, before taking a glass from Rune.

He nods to Hark's sign, and makes a 'closed mouth' gesture in return, before continuing, "The minions I called have pulled back for the moment, since I was... otherwise occupied. But they are still in play." He furrows his brow. "I'm glad I asked them to keep their distance, since I don't want them hurt unnecessarily."

One taco disappears down the sorceress' maw, then another, and then she pauses, waiting for others before going back for a few more. "Damned shame, I don't know what it is about Alexandria, but they don't have flavor like this most places. Not like this or back home." Eztli sighs, taking an open bottle of wine to pour some for herself. She pauses long enough in her eating to offer a glass of wine to the cavalier and tapping him on the shoulder. "Please, careful what you're saying Aelwyn, that's what the sign Hark had was for. If something looks weird and not like a normal word, don't go speaking outright." She warns.

Her pencil begins to wiggle in earnest, though she remains silent as she munches on yet another tlahco. Her eyes widen and she nods in appreciation, for she has found a makari-spicy one.

"Olethrodaemon? I am unfamiliar with that particular breed of fiend. Erm. Could you... describe it?" The note taking and tlahco eating begin again in earnest, Simony working to at least jot down what people are saying.

With the book presented and pushed forward, the Goblin spends a few moments sketching it out. "Does it explain how they're able to garner contracts with victims, when it appears that there's no bargaining? Or how on Ea they can inscribe magics on the insides of one's skull? I do not relish having to perform such surgeries in ad hoc situations with... less than adequate tools."

She nods to Telamon, "I am glad they are unharmed, and the information they gathered is useful." With a huff, the Gobbo hops down, and walks over to Rune. "It's a nice spread, most certainly. Erm, may I have a glass also?"

"Olethrodaemons are immensely powerful daemons," Verna notes. "Perhaps the pinnacle of their kind. While most devils, demons, and daemons are born of corrupted souls, olethrodaemons are believed too powerful to be sired from any one soul. Perhaps some combination of many, or spawned from some unseen demi-deity level of creature. There are several theories. For reason you might infer, much of what is recorded may be more speculative than observed."

She then looks to Harkashan, the book, and back. "What is the relationship between this book and ... certain individuals of interest?"

"Do not worry. I won't put you out of business. I can only do this once a day." Harkashan promises Aelwyn, before swatting the side of his tail in response. He then turns back to the table, nodding only in confirmation to this indeed having to do with Aelwyn's brother.

"I do not have all the answers. But I can give some of it." Harkashan notes. "Let me first put this into perspective. The Behemoth that Telamon faced had a certain amount of capability for physical destruction. This being has an even greater ability to Corrupt and Destroy, when it comes to the Soul." He hopes that this helps some of them get a grasp on all on the risk of this.

He gives Verna time to explain what these Daemons are. And how different they are from the typical fiends they may have faced in the past. He then goes on to touch on what the Archmage stated.

"As Telamon mentions, Daemons crave Destruction and Corruption. These ones specifically are known for devouring souls, and creating soul-gems. This is important, because those who are soul-bound and die and become a Soul Gem cannot be returned..." He glances towards Telamon.

"Not even through the use of a Wish."

He then whispers to Simony, explaining what the being looks like, while all of that sinks in. No words on how it could 'write on someone's skull from the inside'. It doesn't seem like Harkashan knows.

As the discussion goes on, it seems as if the enthusiasm for more thlacos wanes for Aelwyn rather rapidly. Turning towards Eztli from the shoulder pat, he lets out a quiet, trilling sound. "Tch, but is it not what Lava said?" He asks quietly, then lets out a breath. "This one supposes Spelldancer is right." His eyes seemed to have lost that playful sparkle in them as he looks over to Simony, when she recounts that time in the Arcanist's dungeon.

Still, the bottle of wine seems to hold his attention. And some of the spicier looking peppers are neatly pierced with his claws and sucked into his maw, every now and then. "So what information have they gathered?" He asks from Telamon and Simony, doing his best to keep an even tone.

"Were the fiend not... visible at some point during the performance?" The Dragoon says, then narrows his eyes. "... I, this one cannot quite remember what this one saw." Then he raises his head. "Is it like in the book?" There was a heavier question playing Aelwyn's mind though. The question of Jacob's soul. That - that's the topic he doesn't want to approach.

He takes another, very un-noble like, swig from his wine bottle.

"I think so, but, eh, better safe than sorry. I wasn't sure how your reading and writing was going, so I figured I'd at least point it out. And hey, don't worry Aelwyn. We're here to take care of this, that's why Hark wanted to see us." Eztli andswers before returning to her seat. The food wasn't feeling quite as appetizing to her either, even if she was still fairly hungry. "That's, shit, that's some serious business. Can you take those stones back at least?" They wonder. "There has to be some solution, no matter where something like this comes from."

The further talk of soul snatching and melding leaves a sour face on Aryia, her frustratedly crunching down on a thlaco and a glass of red wine. She leans back, one hand scribbling further notes as the other wroughts its own destruction.

Speak of Aelwyn's brother gets an inquisitive quirk of the brow, and more scribbles as she nods along with Eztli in agreement.

With some of the others starting to take notes, it seems to remind Rune that she is /supposed/ to be gathering information, too. Afterall, this meeting would make a remarkable addition to a story. She hands off a glass to Simony, then goes digging in her bag to pull out a notebook that seems to already have a number of scrawlings on the page. One hand braces the book against her knee while the other shoves food in her face. Very dignified.

"Wait... there were magics on the inside of Jacob's skull?" That's an item she must have missed. "Fuck, makes me feel bad for being hard on the guy." Or more rightly, she was protective of Aelwyn. Then, her eyes shift over to Verna, listening as she recounts information on the creatures.

However, it is Harkashan's words that send a cold shiver down her spine. The idea of being able to trap a soul to where it cannot be returned... "And.. we don't have any idea of how many people might be soul-bound, do we?"

Telamon narrows his eyes. "The fiend is capable of overriding even the servants of the gods, so I've advised my friends to keep their distance. But it lingers in the city. Unfortunately," Telamon's face becomes wry, "I may have mis-stepped when I called those moon dogs. There have been a couple close calls -- not with the fiend, but with citizens who if they saw them, might mistake them for werewolves."

He exhales at Harkashan's words, fingers tightening slightly on his wineglass. "This is such a nest of vipers. I figured the attack on Verna was to keep me from taking a more direct hand against the fiend. I wonder how he had come in contact with Varyssa."

"Far lesser fiends are readily capable of rendering themselves invisible, altering their form to appear as most anyone, or scrying from afar," Verna offers some explanation, if not exactly reassurance, to Aelwyn.

Then there is the question from Rune and Telamon's comment. Verna frowns and exhales a long breath. "That woman would bargain with anything for gain, so long as she believed that she would hold the advantage. Regretably, I fear that her involvement increased the collection of gems by a significant amount."

Harkashan shakes his head. "The beings aiding it at the time were not the one at the core of this." He puts his hand on the book. "I was able to find the Daemon's species based on this book, after looking into its name. Notably, it didn't tell me much more about the named one themselves." He warns.

"But I do know that they are also referred to as beings of Cataclysm." He adds. "At its level of power, I imagine it could easily see your angelic friends even if they were fully hidden."

As Rune speaks up, he chimes in: "Oh yeah, the inside of his skull was being used as a Magic Circle. We had to do field-surgery on the inside of his skull to erase it." No solutions or numbers he can really give without more research.

He then leans back. "Which is especially concerning when considering suspicions of their involvement with one of the high leaders of Alexandria. And how there may be... two of them?" He asks that last part to Rune and Aelwyn, who have been researching that matter more closely. Trying to hand over some of the meeting to them.

"Thank you.", the Goblin murmurs to Rune, moving to retake her seat. A good swig of her wine is gulped down, and she nods sadly at Rune. "Yes, there was a magical circle inside Jacob's skull. It has to be removed... physically. I... would rather I never have to do that again."

She sits up and listens as Harkashan describes the beast, and her pencil begins to draw out the horror. A spherical body with four powerful limbs, a maw full of teeth and numerous glowing eyes, and a back full of sharp horns. "A face only a mother could love."

Simony looks over at Verna, her expression full of sadness. "I'm sorry... I had no idea it was this strong or dangerous. I'd have never asked anyone to help me nor sent them out alone. We... we'll get your gem back."

She looks woefully at her other uneaten tlahcos. "The moon dogs have determined that the fiend is in Alexandria, and most likely hiding in the noble quarter.", she says in answer to Aelwyn. Another glance is had at her tlahcos. The Goblin shoves another one into her mouth.

Aelwyn turns his head towards Rune and gives her a look - and then he flashes his teeth at her. "Do not worry, Brother can be very magical in other ways, too." He leans closer and rumbles. "Feel free to be very bad." He then nods his head towards Eztli. "This one can read and write just fine," Most of the time. "But those... books, write very difficult." At Verna, he simply nods, giving the woman a longer look, before turning away.

Then he looks flat out disappointed. "... this one has not learnt anything from the noble quarters. It is hard to curry favor with the nobles." The draconian rumbles in annoyance and frustration. "But this one supposes it makes sense that is where the fiend is - for that is where they were across the sea, consorting with those with statute."

The ruddy sith-makar looks towards Verna, once again having that heavy look on him, but he moves onto ask, "Is it true then, that the one who attacked Mourner is related, but not the same?"

The outburst from the goblin has Aelwyn staring hard at her - and he takes a sip from his wine. "One means they can be taken from those still alive?"

Telamon narrows his eyes slightly, considering. "There was a burglary and murder in the noble quarter not long ago. I wonder... coincidence? Or something related?" He picks up a tlahco, and bites into it with a crunch, eyes hard, chasing it with some wine.

"We'll figure it out, Simony. Verna's not dead yet. And if this fiend is hiding in Alexandria, well... I will be -more- than happy to bring him down." He glances to Aelwyn, and offers the makari a smile. "Maybe you just need someone to supply an introduction. I'll be happy to smooth the way."

Rune scrunches her nose up a bit at the idea of the field-surgery that both Simony and Harkashan have described. She's seen her fair share of blood and guts over the years, but some things just hit differently. "I'm... going to try not to imagine that."

Thankfully, she has a strong stomach and isn't thrown off of her food. In fact, she has her mouth full when Harkashan looks her way and she is forced to swallow quickly and then cough before clearing her throat. "Right. So... I've been tailing our noble." She sits up a bit. "Identified multiple instances where I know he was in his residence, but he was seen elsewhere in the city. Or at least... someone wearing his face was seen."

She looks briefly from face to face. "I felt it might be imprudent to go breaking and entering in a noble's house if we didn't have some strong evidence behind us. It's a great way to have to answer a whole lot of questions to the authorities if I get caught." Rune looks sheepish, taking a long drink of her wine.

Aryia tilts her head at some of the information posited, her having no context for most of it, but merely lets it lay there. She makes a scuffing huff at the mention of Verna's mother. What does actually make her perk in surprise if the fact that someone's cranium was used an inscription surface. "F-ck," she hisses, shaking her head at that notion.

So the fiend is taking gems? Perhaps that could be reversible to help regress Verna's current sitution. "They're many souls or comprised of many souls in one, splitting would make sense, perhaps it is one of the same. Perhaps they are weaker when split," she signs, giving her first real input.

She scratches behind her long ear. Noble ongoings aren't her forte. Rune's mentions get a quirk of the brow. "Disguising oneself as another can be fairly easy given enough coin," she throws out there. <Handspeech/Tongues>

Harkashan takes that moment to lift a little piece of paper which declares the name: "Augustus Alexanderos.". He doesn't speak it out loud in that moment.

"And I suppose just burning down the noble district is out of the question? Nothing of value would really be lost, but the damned creature is probably fireproof anyways, isn't it." Eztli grumbles loudly, trying to distance herself from the thought of how this thing could stick magical runes in someone's skull, a notion that made the small makari shudder. "If someone needs to go talking to nobles, I really, really don't want to do it, but I know someone who could probably talk to some. I'd just need some notice before that."

"Maybe these gems can be separated from the demon? I don't know if it gains power from them or something like that, but at least if we had our hands from them, they can't be abused by this creature."

"The noble district is a fitting location for activities of those bent upon chaos and corruption," Verna opines. While she is not a noble, herself, she is aware enough of the lifestyle in general. "Many of the wealthy and/or influential are susceptible to many means of corruption such as greed or blackmail, if not corrupt in some manner already. As well, what better way to influence large numbers than to manipulate those already in positions of power?" She pauses to read, and then gestures one wrinkled hand to the paper Harkashan holds.

She then looks to those offering apologies, sadness, and/or assurances in her direction. "I hold none here at fault. As well, the focus is to halt whatever is in motion upon the city, nation, or beyond." This is not about her.

"Oh, it's easy, in retrospect. First we had to break up a gemstone for precise cutting of the skull, while my own finger claws dealt with the flesh. Then we ... gently ... used a rock to pop the top off..." The Goblin closes her mouth a moment, her expression thoughtful. "What do these soul gems look like?" She blinks. "What were we talking about, again? Oh right... it took some doing to remove the circle, I'll say."

GAME: Telamon rolls knowledge/nobility: (14)+13: 27

Telamon narrows his eyes at Rune. "How much do you want to bet that someone wasn't as prudent as you were, Rune? Because someone -did- get their house broken into, and robbed, and killed a guard. This fellow seems to be attracting all sorts of attention of late."

He raps his knuckles on the table. "It might not hurt to find who committed the break in. I also have met Lieutenant Balderdan before -- maybe I can trade on some of our mutual assistance to see what he could tell me."

Harkashan shakes his head. "I fear I have not seen one before. But based on the others' words, it seems Verna knows what one looks like." He offers to Simony.

Aelwyn turns his head towards Telamon and then bows his head at the man. "It would make this one's task easier." He rumbles. "Though this one supposes Spelldancer has a point in that this one would be recognizable now." Especially now. Look at his badge!

Then his attention shifts towards Rune; though he pauses to tap Eztli on the shoulder. "This one agrees - and this one is glad to see one has become more fire happy." Flicks his tail.

As Rune speaks, Aelwyn leans his head against his propped up hand, eyeing the half-elf. Eventually, he suggests, "Are there any nobles who have desires for more... sensitive snooping in the said," Nod towards the paper Harkashan was holding, "Noble's house? For if there is money behind us, then plenty of questions shan't be asked, as very few rich people desire to have their dalliances into the illicit be known."

"Ah, this one heard of that!" The Dragoon then points towards Telamon. "There were chatter in Goblintown - though the exact details elude this one."

A look of surprise passes Rune's features, perhaps not quite having heard or witnessed the details that Telamon has at his fingertips. "I didn't want to make any moves like that until we all had a chance to talk." She explains, perhaps feeling a little bit put on the spot in that regard. It has been a long time since breaking and entering has been on her 'to do list'.

"As for a disguise, I'm fairly certain of the identity of the one I saw in the residence, but some magics may be powerful than my eyes in that regard. I can't be as certain when it comes to the reports of him being seen elsewhere. It's not possible for me to be in two places at once." She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, then pours more wine.

"Yeah, burning the place down probably wouldn't help that much." Eztli nods to herself. "Having those noble folks on our side is probably more helpful than not, so best not to kick that nest of hornets.

The sorceress managed to relax enough to go back for some more food, though perhaps more of the wine had been helping in that regard. "It's not like that place for murders to go unnoticed or just not be dealt with. And what's that with someone maybe pretending to be them?" She adds with a glance to Rune. "There might be some juicy gossip about that somewhere, just need to know where to look. And trust me Aelwyn, they wouldn't be a recognized face. Just would probably need to spread some rumors myself of them being in town, that's all."

Harkashan takes up the book and draws it back into a pouch at his side, hiding it, along with his papers. "That is all I have for now. I recommend great care. I cannot give any recommendations on actions at this time. But we need more information and observation time. But avoid Scrying if you can help it, or ever being alone around the Noble that has been spoken of." Harkashan recommends, before rising up from his seat.

Verna takes a moment to process Harkashan's reference to herself. "If you refer to one of the daemons, no, I do not recall witnessing one; not in their base form, at the least. If you refer to these soul gems..." a pause and her lips purse. "If one was ... produced in my presence, I do not recall the details of such. I was ... not focused on observation and recording at the time."

She then makes a minor segue. "On that note and the matter of assistance, I should make clear that I must amend my original agreement. My apologies to all, but I must limit my involvement to an advisory role. I shall not venture about in search of fiends, nor shall I provide scrying upon the same. I strongly advise that all refrain from attempts at the latter, as well."

"Last time I went to the authorities with noble bullshit, he kept getting out of jail and cleared of charges," Aryia notes. "So I get wanting to burn it down. Shit, that'd probably get more things done than not." The name revealed gets a brow raise, but nothing more.

A shoulder lifts in a shrug towards most of the points, as well as disguises towards Rune. Her normally stern expression softs at Verna's announcement. "You've done plenty, Verna. Worry not. Your wisdom shall be kept in mind."

With the end of the meeting coming to a close, several thlacos are collected into a building pile into the pugilist's heavily calloused hands. <Handspeech/Tongues>

Telamon reaches over to take Verna's hand in his. "Verna, you paid a stiff price just for -trying- to help. We'll take up the burden here." He looks warmly at her. "If you need something to do, research this thing. Find weaknesses, ways to drive it out and kill it. We need every scrap of information we can muster."

Tel nods to Rune. "A wise choice. But it appears someone else was not so wise. I wonder what motivated the break-in?" He scowls. "So many things in play. And Aryia's complaint isn't without merit. We need more than just rumor and hearsay to bring him to bay if he's wearing the face of a respected noble." He glances at Simony. "I think we need to get started with encouraging the nobility to invest in charms and wards against influence. They'll all be a lot happier if they think no one is going to hijack their money for nefarious ends." Tel knocks back the last of his wine. "But I definitely need a meeting with the good lieutenant. I'm sure he'll be happy to share notes, especially if I point out things are already in motion."

The Goblin's pencil continues to work, jotting down information as it is said, in tight, neat lettering. At Verna's pronouncement, the pencil stops, and is laid down. "We understand, Verna. I expect Auranar would be quite cross with us if we took you out on this adventure so soon after you being returned." She lets out a lengthy breath. "None of you should risk yourselves. I was charged by my deity to deal with this fiend, and so far, I have failed. I appreciate what information that has been gathered already. But you all should refrain from going anywhere near Augustus' residence, or prying into his business."

She side-eyes Telamon, and nods in agreement. "How, though, Telamon? We can't just make an announcement, the fiend will surely know we're on to them at that point."

Aelwyn turns his head towards Rune again. His lips widen. "This one is certain few more eyes can be borrowed to look over one building, whilst others follow... this thing. This one did try to hire a few from the Guild." He shakes his head. That one didn't seem to go down well.

He tips his head towards Eztli then. "This one is not certain. Tch, one wishes to know more of what they are planning." He lets out a low rumble. "... though whatever this Alexandros is, Brother said that he is the key, through which the fiend will feed on the world. So perhaps it is not him - but perhaps he is the one we should protect."

Then Aelwyn straightens to a stand, and bows deeply. "This one is grateful for all those gathered here and elsewhere. There is no doubt, that through us, that fiend shall find its last moments in withering meaninglessness." He straightens again. "For that is their worth, and this shall be ours."

A moment, and then he grabs an unopened wine bottle.

There is a lot about the situation that Rune is simply not certain about. Much of it is simply beyond her realm of expertise, but it does seem to lend itself to the skills of the others. "Well, if there's something else that needs doing that I can manage, toss it my way. Otherwise, it seems like a lot of this may very well be beyond my reach."

There is a nod of understanding, colored with a bit of worry at Verna's words, but she doesn't dwell on that for very long. "I have no plans on being caught alone with someone who can potentially play havoc in my head. I've got enough going on up there, thank you very much." But there is a feeling of helplessness that follows.

Telamon lays a finger alongside his nose, eyes twinkling. "Oh no, Simony. I have no intention of spooking our prey. But there will be a rumor making its way through the city about a gang of thieves using confidence tricks and charming spells to bilk rich targets out of their gains. Thieves get so inventive these days, after all. So -clearly- it would behoove the prudent noble to invest in counter-wards." Tel smirks. "The most common form of ward is, of course, protection from evil."

"But, that will be something else to tackle. I... am not willing to launch my allies against a fiend of such might. I will release them from their oath if they wish."

"It would be nice, but I don't think it would solve that much. When you're dealing with them, you have to meet them at their level. Since you know, they tend to have a habit of looking down on people below them." Eztli snorts. "That being said, when they don't think someone is important to them, that's sometimes when they get sloppy, and reveal things they really shouldn't. Seems we have a lot of things worth looking into, as long as people are careful. And are not caught off guard."

"Hey, Simony, look. It isn't your fault. Blame the fuckers who are ripping peoples souls out if you want to blame someone." The small makari growls low. "And you too Verna, don't worry about it. If what they said was true, then making sure you stay safe is important. I don't feel comfortable being involved with this, but we'll try to make the most out of this."

Verna gives Telamon's hand a pat and offers nods of returned acknowledgement and/or agreement. "I shall gladly glean what I can from existing records and share what is found." Her lips than curl upward slightly. "As much as I wish the threat neutralized, personally and for all, I am pleased that purpose and action are accompanied by prudence."