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(Created page with "Desert sand has gone gray with a layer of slippery ash. It's pouring upwards in gusts of wind, carried from the lava flows which you can catch a glimpse of in the near distance. In most places the lava has cooled to hot black stone, but in others it still moves lazily forth in fresh waves of searing heat. Occasionally the stone breaks to reveal more lava underneath, or a wave of sand that crystalizes into glass under the heat. The location on the edge of the Desolation...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 02:44, 20 June 2024

Desert sand has gone gray with a layer of slippery ash. It's pouring upwards in gusts of wind, carried from the lava flows which you can catch a glimpse of in the near distance. In most places the lava has cooled to hot black stone, but in others it still moves lazily forth in fresh waves of searing heat. Occasionally the stone breaks to reveal more lava underneath, or a wave of sand that crystalizes into glass under the heat.

The location on the edge of the Desolation is not a pleasant one, but then you aren't here for sight-seeing. Still, as of yet, you've not caught a glimpse of what you have come here for.

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Thoth rolls Perception+3: (1)+8+3: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls perception: (16)+12: 28

"This one believes the rumors." Thoth remarks, as it keeps moving. Its head tilting left and right - that long beak dangerous like a weapon any time it gets too close to anyone. Its familiar, Ra, seated on its shoulder. But with the ash constantly getting into its oculars, it's having a bit of a rough time. Unlike the fleshlings, it doesn't produce tears to wink away such small annoying particles.

Instead, it keeps having to cast Prestidigitation to clean its oculars to get a better look again, until those winds die down a bit, or it gets into a spot where the ash isn't quite as bad.

"This one has detected heat. Be aware that this unit has a maximum heat tolerance limit. Thank you."

The softskin fields and cities are a far cry from the jungle Tlanexhuani is used to. This Desolation is even more so. And worse. Much worse. His nostrils narrow at the acrid scent of ash, sulfur, and other burnt things. His steps in the ash are cautious. No one wants to step in superheated sand, much less break through into lava. "Ssa," he acknowledges Thoth. "This one also." He blinks away some of the ash as he peers through the fumes and heat ripples. Then he points a claw to the distance. "See buildings. Old. Maybe?" He leans forward as if that change in distance will provide more clarity. "Maybe? Maybe find things there? Maybe find shelter."

Gramarye is dressed a little differently compared to its previous adventures with Thoth and friends. And by a little... It's more accurate to say a lot. She's wearing clothes that are sensible for moving in, with some light armor--namely, a mithral chain shirt--atop. A greatsword is strapped to Gramarye's back in a fashion that's rather familiar of a certain Vardaman paladin.

But what hasn't changed is Gramarye's unceasing obsidian gaze. Or... Her acknowledgement of the senses. "Limitation acknowledged," she intones to Thoth, a light filling her eyes as she speaks that bounces and blinks with every syllable. "Similarly, I should not be exposed to extreme temperatures. However, any damage that is brought to my body, I am capable of repairing." Gramarye is, after all, exceedingly talented in artifice.

Her head pivots in the direction of Tlanexhuani's pointing. "Direction acknowledged," she states. "Praise module: initiated. You possess excellent observational skills." Then she raises her hands.

Clap. Clap.

"Let us proceed in that direction," Gramarye intones. Off she goes.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (83): 83
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (56): 56
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (54): 54

As they say, there's only one way to ones destination - forward. So forth you go!

Sand and ash become glass, become the edge of obsidian. The hot stones are almost uncomfortably warm... or would be if any of you were terribly fleshy. As it is it's more 'nice napping stone' heat, or 'unusually heated for a stone above-ground' as the case may be.

More difficult is finding a path that isn't leading too close to the magma, but at lest so far you're on solid ground so... That counts for a lot.

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (20)+9: 29
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls perception: (7)+12: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls Perception+3: (8)+8+3: 19

"Buildings? This one does not see them. Please lead this one." Thoth requests of Tlanexhuani. Before aligning itself to Gramarye's footsteps and adding; "This one too is capable of repairing itself and others. However, flesh-knitting falls outside of this one's capabilities."

It then nods in agreement with Gramarye. "Yes, this one too appreciates your observational skills. This one is rather limited in them at this time, due to the environmental hazards."

Clap-clap. It mimics Gramarye. Learning from her, clearly!

Moving forward, it helpfully chimes the temperature it is feeling beneath its feet, until they all come upon the ruins nearby - while trying to remain away from the glowly 'spicy rock-liquid'. "Please continue to lead. This one will follow." It chimes, as the ash at least clears up just a bit this close by.

Gramarye continues along the path that the group has determined. "I am currently unable to repair flesh as well," she remarks to Thoth. "Father has not yet taught me that capability. I suspect he is unable. I have not sworn an oath to Vardama, as he has."

As they come up closer, Gramarye intones, "My senses have detected an anomaly. An unknown object in the ruins has moved, something with a lustrous quality to it. However, it remains too distant to identify properly." She points in the direction of the spotted 'anomaly'.

"Please indicate if and when attempts should be made to capture, subdue, or exterminate," she intones to Tlanexhuani as she continues to walk. Apparently the organic lifeform is trusted with the command this time around.

Tlanexhuani blinks again, this time from the accolades made by his companions. They are not something he has received in this context that he can recall. "This one is ... grateful." He continues forward, cautiously, leading towards the buildings. He is certainly more fleshy than the others, but scales do help somewhat. The announcements from Thoth are helpful, if not serving as any warning given that it is following.

Then comes word that something is moving in the ruins. Tlanexhuani hesitates a moment, then continues forward. The buildings are there, something is alive there. That means there is not scale-warping hot. "Not know what is. Not know what do until know what is."

The heat gets worse as you approach a small stream of lava. You stop some distance back for safety's sake, but you'll need to cross somehow. As you reach it though you notice something odd. A hand... made of stone... sticking out of the obsidian. Then, over across the way, a full bust. This of a man being eaten by the rock. How odd.

"This one has seen beings capable of flesh-knitting without Oaths to Vardama. It believes 'Potions' are very good at this." It however, has not worked on acquiring any of those yet.

It however misses what Gramarye spotted at first, and squints its oculars a bit to get a better look. They unfortunately are not capable of 'telescoping'. Let alone Zooming.

Then finally, they come across... a hand sticking out of obsidian. A man being 'eaten' by the rock. "Hmm... this one has decided, it does not understand brutalist artistic expression."

GAME: Gramarye casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

Tlanexhuani comes up short due to the lava, but as they make a (very) wide berth around seeking a place to cross, he finally notices the hand. Then the bust. He stares. Tilts his head. Stares more. Then he turns to ask his companions, "Is normal? Softskin ... melt, harden, like this?" He primarily works with metals, some wood. Sure his companions would be far more knowledgeable?

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (18)+9: 27

Gramarye observes the statuesque bust of a man, looking at it. She observes it for quite some time. Then she announces, "Initiating spellcasting module. Invoking: armor casting protocol. Detecting magic."

Her eyes glow blue, and it doesn't take very long before she announces, "There is no magic present in the immediate area."

Then she catches sight of something further into the ruins. "Magic is present in the ruins, however. Please be cautious." She indicates the direction by pointing at it.

"This one acknowledges, and will mirror your armor protocols." As it casts a spell of Mage Armor. Unlike Gramarye, it doesn't have any fancy chainshirts it could be wearing to help keep itself safe.

It then stares for a while, before noting; "This one is unable to form stone towards the other side. It could summon forth a spell to /throw/ us. But this one believes the others might have a better idea?" Looking at the others curiously.

"I do not have the spell prepared," Gramarye informs Thoth, "but I am able to give myself or someone else resistance to lava, should we wish to simply walk across the lava. Unfortunately, I have no other ideas to present at this point in time. My spell repertoire is typically for physical enhancement or other contingencies. Flight will need to be added to the list later."

GAME: Thoth casts Black Tentacles. Caster Level: 7 DC: 19

"Understood. Then, with no other options. This one shall summon a series of tendrils which will throw us across." It decides, and takes a moment to focus on the ground as black... goop begins to grow along its surface. There's a stretching of the stone, almost like something was trying to push through mere fabric. A tension that rises... until finally...


Multiple black tendrils appear around them and try to grab each one of them, after which Thoth points across the chasm and requests them to throw them across the chasm to the other side!

GAME: Thoth rolls 0: (13)+0+7: 20
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (16)+7: 23
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (17): 17
GAME: Thoth rolls Reflex: (12)+6: 18

Gramarye gets tossed across the chasm (with her permission; consent is important) and lands solidly on her feet. _Thunk_. She is not a light lander. War golems tend not to be.

"Analysis completed. Score assigned: 8.5 out of ten."

Gramarye then turns to the rest of the group, watching them soaring through the sky passively. Did she just score her own landing?

Tlanexhuani is torn. He could also make another resistant to the heat. That does not mean it would be safe to swim across. His crafter mind wants to build a bridge, but there isn't anything to build one from. Then comes Thoth's solution. "Sssa." It seems reasonable, at first. But that was before the rising goo. "Wait. This one maybe is too he-AHHH!" His slow to emerge words are not complete when he is yeeted across the lava.

He lands like the aerodynamic old lizard that he is. After standing back up, he looks around to make sure everyone else landed on the skyward side of the ground.

Thoth is flung to the other side and spreads its arms for a moment... before it is quickly reminded of what happened last time it flew. It lets out anxious squawks as it grabs its clawed fingers towards the edge of the ground, quickly scrambling up and then jumping as the ground begins to fall down, and CLINGS to the statue-hand. Wrapping its legs around the arm itself, and hanging on almost like a cat not wanting to come down from a tree.

It stares at the others, who have been thrown successfully, while the tendrils remain in place, looming and writhing. Ready to grab and throw more things!

You made it across the river of lava intact, but another stretches before you. This one is thinner though. Perhaps jumpable? If one is feeling so inclined.

GAME: Gramarye rolls Athletics: (3)+7: 10
GAME: Thoth rolls Athletics: (19)+0: 19
GAME: Gramarye rolls Athletics: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls athletics: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (88): 88
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (22): 22
GAME: Gramarye rolls Reflex: (14)+4: 18

Gramarye sizes up the river. It's another long moment where those obsidian eyes are just blinking, blinking, blinking, until--

Suddenly, with feet on the ground, one after the other, she storms ahead, and with a considerable leap, she lands on the other side. However, she's a heavy war golem--and the ground fractures underneath her.

"Rebalancing," Gramarye calmly announces as she darts to safety mid-air, watching the piece of earth that she'd severed fall into the lava below. Then she looks to the others. "Proceed. It is safe."

For some definition of safe.

Another ledge, another distance to make. This one, luckily, more jumpable! So Thoth climbs down the stone statue, shuddering and shaking a bit still. "This one is reminded why it does not enjoy flight anymore." It chimes, remembering all too well, that fall. But if it is to overcome things, it needs to start with this. It should at least be able to make jumps like these. To overcome its past...

It leaps, jumping through the air. Its weak and broken wings shifting and uselessly stretching out a bit, as it soon lands on the other side, and notes Gramarye's rebalancing. "Understood. Continuing into the safe lava-surrounded ruins." And proceeds.

Another river of lava. Well, more a stream? Tlanexhuani still prefers the idea of building a bridge, but there are still no bridging materials available. He doesn't like the idea of jumping over it: landing is hard on old knees; sinking into lava is even worse on them. This time, though, he dislikes the idea of Tlan-tossing tar tentacles a bit more in comparison. So he takes a moment to prepare himself, see that his things are secured and, when he's run out of small reasons to procrastinate, makes long strides towards the 'shore' before leaping with a grunt. His tail helps balance him, though it is promptly curled around his leg as he lands. Lava is bad for tails, too.

Straightening up is also a grunt-worthy effort. Then he exhales a breath and looks to his constructed companions. "This one hope ruins are more safe." One of the reasons he thought to head to them in the first place, and he resumes walking AWAY from the lava.

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls perception: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Thoth rolls Perception+3: (19)+8+3: 30
GAME: Thoth rolls Fortitude: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Thoth rolls Fortitude: (11)+5: 16
GAME: Thoth rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (16)+15: 31

There is a lot more rocky a foundation here amid the sand and ash and fallen pillars that speak to something having been here once. Some of the pillars are still standing, but none over about five feet of height. Some cleft totally in half and others reduced to rubble. In the center of it all though, is a stone stand with a glowing orb sitting on it.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls knowledge/engineering: (17)+9: 26

Thoth takes a good look around when they land on the other side, trying to get a better idea of its surroundings. That's when Ra suddenly chirps! Thoth looks the way Ra is pointing, before the avian Familiar puts a feathered wing right before Thoth's oculars and chirps again.

"Do not look towards 23 degrees North-East. I have detected a Medusa. Please ready thine weapons." As it is quick to move its right hand's fingers up, and its left hand's fingers down - as if drawing an invisible house between them, as it begins to loudly chant.

"Thine eyes shall not perceive us! We are not here!" It calls out to her, as it tries to immediately curse the creature. It only has book-knowledge of Medusa. And as far as it is concerned, it poses a great risk to its party! So it must be dealt with immediately!

An arrow lands neatly only five feet away from Thoth. "GO AWAY! Thiss issss my plasssce!" The words are slightly hissed in nature. A woman's voice, probably confirming what Thoth had warned.

GAME: Thoth casts Blindness-Deafness. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Gramarye casts Haste. Caster Level: 6 DC: 19
GAME: Thoth casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (23): 23
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d8: (2): 2

Now that they've come here all this way and have endured hazardous jumps and being tossed about by magical tentacles, Gramarye jumps into the fray. Her eyes turn red. "Initiating combat module. Objective: rout the enemy."

She raises her hand. "Invoking: armor casting protocol. Hasting." The magic descends onto the party, and suddenly Gramarye's bolting across the battlefield to make it next to the medusa-woman, drawing her greatsword.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The scream is monotone, somehow, as Gramarye charges in.

The medusa draws back from Gramarye in surprise. "Sssstop! Pleasssse!" She launches a couple of arrows in the war golem's direction. "Thisss isss *my* home. Go away!" She... is she crying?

GAME: Thoth rolls Will: (8)+6: 14

Thoth halts its assault when the creature begins to cry. The books always described a vicious attacking monster. One that would do away with any intruders no matter what. It did not, in fact, describe tears. So, it pauses... and stares at it. "Halt thine assault, and we shall halt ours. I seek something that belongs to me, within thine home." It responds.

GAME: Thoth rolls Diplomacy: (12)+0: 12

Tlanexhuani noticed the glowing orb on the central dais. It is obvious even to him. His focus wanders to the pillars (or what remains) and ponders what once stood here and when. "Iss old. Maybe K-" Before he can say more there are warnings of where not to look, of things he does not know by name, arrows. Then.. crying?! "We come to find thing, not bring harm..." he says to, well, he's not sure. He isn't looking that way. As told.

Gramarye is not terribly inclined to relent--she's done her war cry and everything, just as Aragos taught her to--but her companions are inclined to talk. "I will stay my blade should you stay your assault," she says, "but if you attempt to attack myself or my allies, I will strike. This is your first and only warning." Her lower combat-mode voice means business.

The medusa lowers her bow. "I was jussst defending my home." She says miserably, her snake-hair melting around her shoulders, her eyes unseeing. "I eat ratssss! And sssnakessss! I jussst want to be left alone." She huddles around her bow. "What right have you to take what isss in my home? My bow issss mine. The orb wasss a gift to keep me sssafe. Go away and find your own!"

Tlanexhuani is not supposed to look at the medusa, and looks to Thoth, instead. The old lizard does not know much of the orb(s), other than Thoth seeks them and he is helping with that. He hasn't the slightest idea what questions to ask at the moment, so he defers to the knowledgeable and diplomatic one.

The avian tilts its head. "The Orb is what I seek... who gave it to you to keep you safe?" It inquires, tilting its head. Ra is continuing to keep its feathered wing in front of its oculars, just in case. "This one has no desire to take your bow, nor your home."

It then looks to Tlanexhuani - meeting his gaze. Should it mention it has no spells to undo the Blindness spell?

Gramarye's eyes return to their normal color (or lack thereof). "Exiting combat module," she states. "Initiating diplomacy module."

Uh oh. She is still holding onto her greatsword, because the medusa is huddled around her bow. "Please. Give the orb to Thoth. Please."

Blink in the obsidian eyes.

"Please." She is being so polite.

The medusa clings to her bow and cries a little more. "I need it to protect mysssself." She urges, looking from one source of sound to another blindly. "People will hurt me again without it. Pleasssse. The beautiful perssson gave it to me. They made it! It isss mine now. They sssaid. I don't know their name. Sssilver hair. Crimssson eyesss. Beautiful! Pleassse. Don't take it away!"

A low hiss leaks from Tlanehuani briefly. No, he is not angered by the medusa. Quite the opposite, he can commiserate with her. He eyes the stone somewhat in her vicinity. "That one lies. Uses words as weapon. Trick many. Trick this one. This one not think was gift from kindness." He then exhales heavily. "This one not know if can prove to you," he then admits.

Thoth isn't sure how to best interact with this situation. And what is this feeling in its chest? Guilt? Something else?

It's not sure, but it doesn't like this feeling, about what it's doing to this Medusa. But what's more, this means that these orbs are being /spread/ by the one who is 'seeking' them. The very one who is wanting Thoth to touch them. But for what reason?

The creature blinks for a moment.

"This one has found orbs like these around dark magics. Around creatures of great aggression. What does this orb do that protects thine home? For this one fears it may very well harm thee over time."

Gramarye has a moment where she considers the words that are being spoken. Then she puts her greatsword away, as a show of niceness. "The information that Tlanexhuani and Thoth give is accurate. I do not believe the person that has created the orb did so out of kindness or love. I have experienced such actions of kindness and love. I do not believe that entity to be capable of either."

Her head pivots to Thoth's direction. "Do you want me to detect magic to determine if the dark magic is present here in the local vicinity?" she asks.

The medusa seems uncertain. "The orb turned the villagersss who attacked me into sssstone. It... it changed me. Made me like thissss sssso that I could protect myssself. I... I am grateful... even if it isss lonely." She says this with a small tilt of her head downward.

Thoth tilts its head. "Orb should contain memories. Orb should not 'change' beings..." It anxiously runs its beak along its broken wings for a moment. Letting out a tittering chirp of restlessness - before looking to the others. "What doth this mean?"

Tlanexhuani blinks as several epiphanies occur: That the Name-Stealer is scattering the things he's asking Thoth (and others) to find; that this creature was not like this before. "Iss very strange. Why red-eye do this?" He looks back to Thoth, not having any more spontaneous ideas than it. Then his eyes go back near the medusa. "Is not right. One should be safe, ssa. One not need be changed, be alone. Why others attack?"

Gramarye goes very, very still. It's not until a moment passes that she speaks again. "You were not always a medusa? Why did the villagers attack you?" Is that sympathy in the golem's voice?

"If the orb changes people into monsters, you might be changed for touching it, Thoth." Then there's another blink in her eyes as she adds, "Or you have already touched the orb, and you were changed. If the memory of change does not exist in your memories that are intact, this is a possibility that cannot be ruled out."

"I was jusssst a woman onsce, but they sssaid I had dark magic and beat me. Then the kind one came, offered the orb and sssafety. I took it and have been ssssafe ever sssince. Lonely, but sssafe." The medusa cries and finally sits down on the sand and ash. "Pleassse. I don't want to be hurt anymore. Take the orb. I jusssst want to be sssafe."

Thoth tilts its head again, considering the others. "Perhaps, we take creature to Temple? Inquire with Archmagus to aid in this Medusa to be turned back?" It remarks, as it considers what Gramarye and Tlanexhuani are saying.

The fact that it has touched multiple of these orbs. That it has gained these... memories that place the red-eyed one within them. It clicks its beak, and then notes; “I will not touch this orb. At risk that it is mine. Others perhaps learn what contents it holds, before we return it as 'Gift', so they owe us. This one wishes to return name to... Foppish Gobbo."

"This one want you safe, also," Tlanexhuani assures the woman. His tail then slaps the ground lightly in agreement with Thoth, though his words are directed towards the woman. "Ssa, if come, some can help." After that, he addresses Thoth. "That one need name again. If need other carry orb, or touch, this one do." He is here to help and protect Thoth, afterall.

"I agree with the directive to return the medusa to the Temple," Gramarye says firmly. "I will attempt to bring the orb safely into my satchel to return it with us."

With the precision that comes of working on artifice, Gramarye carefully maneuvers her handy haversack's opening around the orb, taking it into its contents and then closing the haversack's mouth. "It is successfully done," she states. "We will proceed."

GAME: Thoth rolls Will: (19)+6: 25

As the orb is pulled from the platform, the world shudders underfoot. The medusa looks up in fear and startlement, her blind white eyes looking for answers and landing on Thoth. The ash ceases to rise into the air. The magma settles and cools. The medusa turns gray slowly and then falls apart to ash. Gone on the desert wind.

In a moment, looking at the medusa, Thoth has a moment of clarity and memory which is wholly belonging to it and not born through a crystal orb. A memory of the Master. A memory of pure white eyes and a smile. Master's eyes had always been white...
