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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: The Castle on the Edge of Waking *Emitter: Telamon *Characters: Ravenstongue, Telamon *Place: Leca'fi Amdamu, the Border Ethereal</div> ''Lupecyll-Atlon home, midmorning'' "Leca'fi Amdamu." That was the phrase on Telamon's lips when he awakened that morning, and a pass through his library didn't offer any more information. The bemused half-sil sorcerer is now seated in the kitchen, n...")
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Latest revision as of 02:21, 13 June 2024

Log Info

  • Title: The Castle on the Edge of Waking
  • Emitter: Telamon
  • Place: Leca'fi Amdamu, the Border Ethereal

Lupecyll-Atlon home, midmorning

"Leca'fi Amdamu." That was the phrase on Telamon's lips when he awakened that morning, and a pass through his library didn't offer any more information. The bemused half-sil sorcerer is now seated in the kitchen, nursing a cup of coffee as he mulls over the dream from last night.

"I don't think it was metaphor or symbolism. I think it's a real place -- granted, an unusual one." Telamon taps his fingertips lightly on the tabletop, before he smiles suddenly. "But we've got an open morning. Might as well take a trip out there to see what we've been gifted." He lays a finger alongside his nose. "After all, I do have to share this sort of thing."

Jyndei, the faerie dragon, is perched on one of the chairs, looking contemplative. "The Castle on the Edge of Waking," he says in his squeaky voice. "A name to be respectful of. And one does not simply stand idly by when one's goddess makes a gift to you. I think you are quite right, my lord."

Cor'lana's dressed in her long silk robe that she usually wears after she's awakened in the spring and the summer. (It's much too warm for fuzzy robes and ridiculous bear slippers.) She's nursing a cup of coffee, too. Poetry readings can occasionally go a bit long into the night, and as a result, she's a little groggy today. Sometimes, sterner stuff than tea is needed. "I'm inclined to agree with Jyndei," she says. "It's Ni'essa's gift--one of several she's given to Telamon."

She smiles brightly at Telamon then. "And any place with a name like the Castle on the Edge of Waking ought to be explored. Old adventurer habits die hard, you know?" Even in the wake of the Joyful King, Lana has shown no indication of wanting to hang up her boots. There are too many people in need of aid and assistance. "So... A dream walk, for old time's sake?" Her eyes sparkle with mirth.

Telamon grins. "Well, I know we could get there by dreaming. But I'm curious to see if it looks any different when I'm awake. Since it's on the Border Ethereal, we should be able to get there by gate." His eyes twinkle at Lana cheerfully. "So, love, feel up to a stroll just outside the city limits? Just far enough to get outside of the ward? Obviously, we'd need to get dressed first."

Tel tilts his head at Jyndei. "We won't be gone long, Jyndei. But I think this is something we need to experience awake, rather than in a dream." The little dragon happily flicks his wings. "No worries, my lord. I will watch over the house and the pixies."

"Someone has to occupy Pothy... whenever he wakes up, that is." Cor'lana says mischievously to Jyndei. "But you'll have your hands full with the pixies anyway. I can't tell whether or not Primrose is a good or a bad influence for Lily-of-the-Valley yet."

She smiles broadly at Telamon. "I rather wonder that myself," she says. "It'd be different, to go there rather than to go through dreams. And... it'd be nice to experience it again without the coloration of totems and fighting Caracorothans in the dream and the nightmare."

That smile turns sad for a moment before Cor'lana gets up, going in the direction of the stairs. "I'll change right-quick," Cor'lana calls over. "Adventuring gear? Just in case something happens. You can never be too careful."

Telamon gets up from his seat. "Probably for the best. We are going off the beaten path, in a sense." He follows Lana upstairs, as he's dressed casually in a tunic and breeches, with no shoes. Lightly, he touches his wife's shoulder, a simple contact that speaks many things, but mostly warmth and love.

Dressing quickly and efficiently (aided by an unseen servant), soon the pair are bedecked in their adventuring gear. No longer just 'Tel and Lana', but 'the archmagi Lupecyll-Atlons', the duo step outside, locking up behind them. A conjured shadow-steed carries them through the city, and out the gates, people occasionally pointing or waving. Such is the life of a hero and heroine.

When they pass the watchpost, moving into the meadow beyond, Telamon brings his semi-real horse to a stop. Helping Lana off, he dismisses the shadow-steed, before taking a deep breath. "Let's see how the new property looks," he remarks with a smile. And with that, he incants the gate spell, his hand describing a circle that rapidly opens before the two of them, a shimmering ring. And beyond... is the familiar stone wharf, and the gleaming castle looming above, flying the banner of the Lupecyll-Atlon family.

Dressed in her adventurer's robes, Cor'lana actually looks not so far from the queen of the castle that she was in the past dream--and possibly is in the now. Her eyes widen. "Wow," she says softly. "Just like before! When we met our girls, and my mother was here, and..."

It's not long before there's little tears in her eyes. They're happy tears for a happy memory. "This is a wonderful gift," she murmurs. "Praise Ni'essa. This is really yours, Tel? Or... Ours?" She doesn't presume--doesn't want to presume--but Telamon's also said quite explicitly in the past that all that is his is hers as well. It's not terribly long before Telamon's got his arms full of Cor'lana again as she goes to seek her happy place under her chin.

"It's beautiful," she breathes.

He folds his arms around his wife, letting her burrow in under his chin. "Ours," he says firmly. "If someone has a problem with that, then I'd refuse to accept it. But I suspect they knew. Isaak and Cupertos both gave me the impression they knew I'd want to share." Tel strokes her hair happily, the two standing there on the wharf for long moments, the peaceful waves of the Dreamtime ocean coming in and out.

Finally, Telamon takes her hand, and begins to lead her up the gentle stairs towards the castle proper. "Which reminds me. Cupertos mentioned evil creatures tend to avoid this place like the plague. He said some of the stewards had viewed such nasties as 'target practice'." Telamon's expression is amused. "I didn't see a trophy room, but there are journals in the library. I wonder if there's records -- and who might have maintained it prior to us?"

Cor'lana's violet eyes are full of wonder as she walks with Telamon, surveying the castle and the ocean simultaneously. Her face inclines back to look at Telamon as he talks about Cupertos. "I almost wonder if my dream castle was a signifier of this place to come," she says. "Or... if this castle simply changed to this shape when you were given it. Or maybe some mixture of the two? Things in dreams do not always follow the logic of reality. Especially when Ni'essa herself is the goddess of seeing into the future--and divining the past. The flow of time is probably not the same for her, or for other gods, as it is for us."

That's a thought that makes her brain wrinkle, so Cor'lana looks at Telamon. "I wonder if it's prudent to put more defenses into the space," she says. "Oddly enough, it's not so much the Nightmare that I'm worried about as I am fiends. The Maw is trapped no longer--and the vision of little Tanith and the little wolf running together that we experienced tells me that Caracoroth is no threat to us. I instead fear the Abyss."

As the pair walk into the great hall, banners of past stewards hang -- with the sable and silver of the Lupecyll-Atlons now at the head. Telamon hmmms. "It's worth thinking about. But consider: there's only so many ways to build a castle, assuming you're not going to try and violate physics and gravity with magic. And even then there are limits." The translucent forms of the staff snap to attention as Telamon and Cor'lana pass by, silent salutes. "But it's clear there may be some influence... I wonder, you dreamed of a fairy castle, because you were inspired by the books. Maybe Ni'essa inspired those books with this castle?" He looks at Lana quizzically. "Does that make sense?"

The kitchens and dining hall are staffed as well by those same ghostly servitors, and Telamon shakes his head. "If we have dinner here, let's eat in one of the parlours. This hall is as big as the one in my magnificent mansion." At Lana's comment, Tel nods. "I've been contemplating that, and researching magic for defending one's home. I may ask the city government about the dimensional ward over Alexandria -- if I could reproduce it here, it'd be a start. Follow up with perhaps some keyed symbols in certain places, and we could make it expensive to try and break in." He scratches his chin. "Granted, it may be a while before something takes that chance. Cupertos is a solar, and I suspect he didn't tolerate evil trespassers."

Cor'lana nods softly to Telamon with his inquiry, curling her arm around his (because rarely do they ever walk any other way these days). "I think that makes sense," she says. "Inspiration had to come from somewhere--and it may all be divine in nature. Especially where I venerate both Ni'essa and Vaire... It feels like the two go hand-in-hand more often than others might believe." She smiles brightly. "What story is written without wonder for the stars and the moon, after all?"

The sorceress's violet eyes are wide as some of the dinner plates that the dining hall has on offer as she looks at the place. "Yeah," she says softly. "I feel like I'd be swimming in a large pool if we were to eat in there. But maybe we'll throw a party for Auranar and Verna here when we're all reunited, and they've had time to recover from everything? A celebration of triumph over evil."

The musing of the ward has Cor'lana's brows furrowing in thought. "The ward might not be a bad thing," she says. "So long as we're able to teleport in--perhaps through the wharf--then it might be sensible to block it through the rest of the house. Symbols in certain places where nobody innocent's likely to trip them by accident."

Telamon happily links his arm with Cor'lana's, as natural as breathing, as they continue to tour the grounds. "Precisely. And it's always fun to discover the castle of your dreams isn't just a dream after all." He reaches out to brush his fingertips along her cheek, his expression fond.

He nods quite firmly. "I think we all need a good party. A chance to rest. Invite our friends and family, eat, drink, play cards or kingpins, and just... not worry about things for a day or two." He smirks. "See if I can feed Simony till she's full. The castle does function as a mansion in all respects." He pauses. "That reminds me. If we bring Pothy, I'll need to secure the pantry. Just in case."

"I'll talk to a council representative when we get back. Then I'll need to purchase some scrolls, and do some experimentation." Tel's expression grows focused. "I know symbols can be set to trigger at a number of things, including one's moral outlook. 'Fire at evil creatures' sounds like a good start."

Cor'lana leans into Telamon's touch in a way that's not dissimilar to Pothy, when the raven's getting headscritches. Maybe they're more alike than either of them would ever like to admit. "Pothy will absolutely not be permitted to explore this place on his own," she says. "I'll buy him some falconer's gear and put a lead on one of his talons if I must."

She smiles brightly at Telamon. "But when we do throw that party? Pothy will be allowed to eat as he likes as it's a buffet. If he eats himself sick... Well, we allow him a bit of excess and he learns from it. Maybe." Who knows if Pothy ever learns from things like these.

The sorceress eyes the castle environs again. "Considering we are allied with no evil creatures? That might not be a bad idea."

Telamon chuckles. "It's definitely bigger than any place I've lived in. I'll probably still need to make a map for newcomers." His eyes light up. "Oh, that reminds me. If you have any concerns or want to change the layout, let me know. Cupertos told me the castle will respond to my mental commands and will reshape itself." Tel's eyes take on a mischievous glint, not too dissimilar from Lana's. "Imagine someone barging in only to find the passageway leads straight into an oubilette."

"At some point Pothy will learn not to overindulge. The problem, I suspect, is that except under certain conditions he can't. I think you told me once that he simply converts mundane food into mana which dissipates harmlessly. So for the most part, he's never had to worry about it." Tel pauses. "Well, until now. I imagine after he has a few tummyaches, he'll learn to moderate himself. Hopefully."

The two pass into the library, the shelves well stocked with books. "I wonder what Grandfather will think of this place. To say nothing of my mother. She'll be thrilled, even if the castle is hard to get to."

The library gets Cor'lana's wide eyes of happiness. "So many books!" she says softly. "Not only Grandfather and your mother, but think of Verna and Auranar. They're both bibliophiles in their own right. I'm sure Verna would get lost in here. We'll need a map for the library alone."

She laughs a little. "Well, there was the time that Pothy did eat a magnificent mansion out of its larders. He vomited rainbow. Probably because the food itself was already mana? Hence why I was thinking he'd make himself sick, possibly. Especially if this place functions as a magnificent mansion."

Cor'lana keeps eyeing the library. "You know," she says, "we'll have to figure out guest rooms for people, too. For those that don't want to sleep overnight in the library."

"There are a few volumes I want to add to it -- mostly contemporary books. No Crimson Pen though, I don't want to have to explain to the solar if he comes by to check up on us." Telamon rakes a hand through his hair, and grins impudently.

"There's an entire guest wing, dear. And if I need to expand it, I will." He ponders. "I wonder if I could grow things on the castle grounds? Would flowers grow here? Definitely worth some thought."

Tel snorts. "You told me about that. But I imagine he'd learn eventually. Might take a few times, he's a stubborn bird, even if we love him." The two step away from the library reluctantly, heading into the quarters proper. The master bedroom is almost extravagant, with a wondrous view of the ocean outside and an absolutely stupendous bed. "I think we could fit you, me, Pothy, and three little girls into that thing," he comments wryly.

"You'll make Grandfather so sad if there's no Crimson Pen," Cor'lana points out, grinning back up at Telamon. "He loves ripping those to shreds--verbally. I don't think he'd ever deface or destroy a book if he could help it. It's not really within his character."

She looks thoughtful. "I don't know if they'd ever grow or decay," she says. "Not unless you planted a seed in the ground and then willed it to grow. Or to will it then to decay. Like what we did with the totems when we had them."

Her thoughts on that come to a standstill as she looks at the bedroom in wide joy and bloom. "We most certainly could!" she says "You know... I wonder if we could..."

She looks at the bedroom for a moment, before she spots something moving from the balcony. More aptly, someone. Lana's eyes go wide as she sees who it is: Phea Jokai, with her white hair flowing softly from the dream-wind of the sea. "Phea?"

"Hello again, Wish-Mother," Phea says softly with a smile. "And Wish-Father. I'm happy you've found the place at last." Here she holds out her hand, as though for a handshake. "Do you want me to call your daughters?"

Telamon snorts. "Yes, but I also don't want to have to explain to Cupertos why there's smut in the library. I'd like to remain on good terms with him. I know Grandfather thinks they're funny, but..." He sighs and then chuckles. "Maybe we could hide them somewhere."

Following her thoughts, Tel nods. "Exactly. I'm... not sure I want to experiment. The line between dreams and reality here is very thin, but there's only so much I can see or do. Cupertos warned me I might not be able to find things here that I would find in dreams."

Of course, then Tel is caught off guard by Phea's appearance. His expression is startled. "But... I didn't think you could find us here. The solar Cupertos warned me certain dreams could not manifest... though we do stand on the border. I..." He pauses, his eyes troubled. "Can you do that, call them forth?" Lana can sense his turbulent mind, the worry of being lost in a dream warring with the desire to see those faces again.

Phea smiles broadly at Telamon, amusement twinkling in her eyes. It's odd. Her smile's like Zalgiman's, but there's a joy truly within her that Zalgiman seldom got the opportunity to express with Telamon and Cor'lana both. "My father and I are not evil, Telamon," she explains. "While we may work within Nightmare to some degree, we walk the Dream as well. The realms must co-exist as their deities do. And... I like to make sure the bad dreams don't come your way. Naturally, I'm interested in making sure that they don't come this way, either."

Cor'lana looks torn, too. She gently nuzzles up to Telamon for support--to support him, and for him to support her. In all things, they are together. "Only call them up if they're willing," she says. "And... perhaps only for a time? Lest we never come back home."

To that, the werewolf woman nods gently. "They would never wish to keep you occupied to the point where the dream never becomes real," she says. "Nor can they stay forever in the dream--those who are yet to be born are like the deceased in that they cannot remain outside of where they're meant to be for long. Unless, of course, you're given special assignment. Like my father." Here she smiles again, before she raises that slender hand of hers and snaps her fingers.

In the space between Phea and her wish-parents, three little girls appear. One is the blonde, the oldest, about the age Telamon had seen her last--Nadina, aka Di-Di. Then there's redheaded Ariana, aka Ri-Ri, with her blue eyes that could fill with tears at any moment for the sensitive soul she has. And finally there's little Aryia, aka Yi-Yi, with stars dancing in her dark eyes like her father's. "Hi Papa!" Ariana immediately declares, running forward to embrace Telamon's legs. All so young and little--whereas Phea is all grown.

The words spring unbidden to Telamon's mind. 'How can we make things real, if we do not dream of them first?'. But... who gets this opportunity? Who could turn those three faces away? And so when Ariana rushes forward to hug his legs, he lets her, before gently disentangling her so he can kneel down and be hugged around the neck instead. "Hello girls," he says in a soft voice.

"I hope you've been behaving for Phea." He gives the wolf-woman a wry grin. "After all, she's been a good friend to your mother and I." There's no reproach to the girls, merely gentle teasing. "It's so good to see you again," he says quietly, warmly, as he looks to Lana.

"She's kind of like a big sister to us!" Di-Di exclaims, before she goes over, holding little Yi-Yi's hand, to embrace Cor'lana, who is awash and overcome with joy and awe. Lana, of course, kneels down to hug her two daughters. "She comes to visit and takes us for trips in dreams."

"I'm glad you help take care of them," Cor'lana says softly as she gives her girls a tight squeeze, just for a moment before she looks back up at Phea. "And that they're not bored waiting for Telamon and I to be ready for them. It'll be a while... But it won't be forever. It won't be long at all, in the grand scheme of things."

Phea smiles gently. "They're wonderful," she tells Telamon. "Yi-Yi is a little fussy, but she's the baby, so that's to be expected. And Ri-Ri's needs a little bit of extra love sometimes, because she's the middle child, so it's easy for her to feel left out. But they're terrific girls. You'll love living with them and watching them grow."

"They'll all be loved," Telamon says firmly. "I do want them. So does Lana. And they'll be with us soon enough." He strokes Ariana's hair, smiling as he watches the other two girls mob Lana. "Until then, I'm glad you're here with them, Phea. Someone to watch over them."

He draws back just enough so he can look at Ariana with a grin. "So have you seen the castle yet, Ariana? Or is this your first visit?" He grins impishly. "Your mother and I were wondering how many people we could fit on that bed," he gestures to the frankly almost absurd bed here in the master bedroom.

"It's our first time!" Little Ariana looks extremely excited. "Phea hasn't taken us here before."

Phea grins in a wolfish manner, which is unsurprising, considering. Well. "I didn't want to ruin the surprise," she says. "Maybe you can help your mom and your dad test how many people can fit?"

With that, little Nadina draws away from Telamon, going over to Lana and picking up her baby sister, although little Aryia grumbles about being taken away from their mother. "Sure!" Nadina crows, as bold as her namesake. "Come on! BOUNCY BED!"

The girls assault the bed, giggling like crazy as they jump on the bed, and Cor'lana can't help but laugh, too. "I thought the point was to see how many people can fit on the bed, not how many people can bounce on it," she says as she goes to Telamon's side, taking his hand gently in hers. "But... Oh, why not. Want to join them, my love?" Here her fae impishness radiates in her eyes.

Telamon rises to his feet as he takes Lana's hand. "Well, I can tell this is going to be a very reserved, polished household..." He can't finish that line and just bursts into snickers, grinning. But before he does join them, he goes to Phea, and places his hands on her shoulders.

"I told a friend, once, that she'd always be welcome in the house of Lupecyll-Atlon. That goes for you as well, Phea. I don't know what the future holds, or what tomorrow may bring. But you will always be welcome here. Thank you."

He smiles down at her genuinely. "You're welcome to join us. I imagine I'll be braiding hair as well. Yes, I remember how to do that, too."

Phea has a moment where she seems genuinely struck by Telamon's words, and then... Tears glisten in her eyes. "Thank you, Wish-father," she says softly, nodding, before she reaches in for a brief hug. "Maybe one day I'll bring my father here too, so he can see all you've done... Or maybe he'll decide to stick to prowling to woods and ensuring people don't get lost in nightmare."

"That sounds like him," Cor'lana says with a little chuckle, before she hops onto the bed with her girls. She doesn't immediately join in the bouncing, though. She holds out her hands to Phea and Telamon both. "Come on, you two!"

The werewolf woman nods, pulling away from Telamon and drying her eyes. "Okay, Mom," she says lightly, before she takes Cor'lana's hand.

There's a castle, somewhere in Dreaming, where there's three little girls laughing like the light of life has infected them. There's two loving parents, blessed by Ni'essa and Vaire, talented in magic and beloved by so many, laughing with them.

And there's a girl who was never born on the material plane--never breathed its air, never walked in the grass--but she, like the castle, resides somewhere in Dreaming, and she, too, laughs. For her pack is almost all here.

Leca'fi Amdamu stands as it is, a symbol as its name implies: of dreams that are on the edge of being made real.