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(Created page with "The gentle rain patters against rooftops and windows, the noise soothing and distant. The grand pool lays still and silent, as always, allowing for quiet contemplation and reflection. The music is soft and slow, the tone somber. A dirge of something similar, it matches no common song. The player is not seen, but is obviously nearby, perhaps ducked behind one of the pillars. A soft drumbeat comes into being then, its pace matching the somber play of the violin. Through...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:57, 4 June 2024

The gentle rain patters against rooftops and windows, the noise soothing and distant. The grand pool lays still and silent, as always, allowing for quiet contemplation and reflection.

The music is soft and slow, the tone somber. A dirge of something similar, it matches no common song. The player is not seen, but is obviously nearby, perhaps ducked behind one of the pillars. A soft drumbeat comes into being then, its pace matching the somber play of the violin.

Through the main doors steps a cloaked figure, more than a little damp from the rain, and the gray hood of twin cloaks lowers to reveal bright ginger-blonde hair, cut short in the military style. Seldan pauses just inside the door, invoking in low tones and with a sigil drawn before him a simple gesture to remove excess water from his clothing, and from where it is pooling on the marble floor. Only when that is done does he proceed further, with the very smallest of smiles for the musical accompaniment that only one person would venture to provide, here in this solemn hall of meditation.

The tone of the music slowly changes, from somber to cheerful, near triumphant. Something easy to fall into step with, a song fitting for the return of a conquering hero. And as Seldan crosses the marble floor, the player comes into view. Her black leather, and shiny breastplate, are leftovers of her roguish past, while the cloak and hood are done up in Eluna's colours. Her boots, however, have been removed, left to dry in the corner. It is on quiet feet she stalks alongside Seldan.

"Hello, Seldan! How are you faring? I hope I find you well and at peace?"

There she is. Seldan's smile broadens as the familiar goblin finally shows herself. "Her light upon your path, Acedia, and I am all of those things," he answers warmly. "I pray that you are the same, as well. How does the day find you?" He at least keeps his voice down out of deference to those who continue to meditate here.

Beneath the cloak, he wears a Myrrish-style surcoat, shirt, and trousers that is much closer in form to his choice of attire when first he came to the city, rather than the loose shirt and trousers more lately adopted. Someone has been picking his clothes, or at least improving his wardrobe.

She hoists a bare foot momentarily, before laughing. "Aside from finding the puddles the hard way, I am well! It is not so fine a day to travel, and I am happy to be indoors. Among people who appreciate my play." The Violin is held aloft, and twirled in her hand, the golden colour blurring and then vanishing with a puff of smoke.

"You look well and are dressing well too. Are you planning some travel, some time soon?" Her question has a certain tone to it, sad but resigned to an inevitability. "I am ready for such, on a moment's notice. I have cut loose what would bear me down."

"Nay, I have only just returned," Seldan counters with a very small smile, gesturing that they should step away from the grand pool and those who contemplate before it, to continue their conversation. "Little enough time do I spend in Alexandria, of late." The words are sober, and carefully delivered in a way that suggests that they are chosen with care. "Would you travel with me, then? Does this place pall your spirit?"

"I used to travel, before I came to this damnable city.", the Goblin says softly, "Though I cannot be too harsh, for it has given me much. Friends, good friends and dear family. I consider you the latter, Seldan. Such was your spirit that caused me to follow Eluna over Tarien. The Demon ensured that I wouldn't stray from the path." She lets out a long breath.

"It is less the city and more that I cannot bear you being away. I would rather follow you on your path, than wonders from afar where you step. I would share what wonders you see in your travel, and in the companionship."

"I bear it as a mark of pride, the horrible wound Eckles gave me, and also to know that I was a rock of foundation where others melted to mush at the troubles before them."

"Also, you could use the gentle reminders, like, 'you need to eat more' and 'you should get some sleep'." Ace giggles lightly.

The answer leaves Seldan blinking and silent, and his eyes lower. "Your words do you credit, and me honor," he murmurs to the marble floor. "Since reconciling with my family, I have spent more time there, of late. This place no longer needs such as me, save but for one task, and I assure you that I eat plenty." A very small smile accompanies that. "I would not permit myself to go to seed, as it were, for there are things yet to do. But come, does it please you to travel, then?"

"The honor, as they say, has been all mine. I've had a fondness for you since I met you and Malik, both of you sick with the plague." Ace grins broadly, "It felt good to mother you both, despite you being strangers. Despite it being the most horrible of times for many people, the plague contains many of my fondest memories, and also some of my worst."

She reaches up to tug lightly at his hand. "It does please me to travel. I'm not a young lady any more, and I find myself running out of time to do such things. I would light the path a while at your side."

This time, Seldan turns a little away at the mention of the plague, and his eyes remain lowered in the way that suggests discomfort. "Pleased am I that with your help, we were both able to recover," he answers carefully, "and grateful am I for the aid. Still - are you certain? Few of my travels are to safe places, or even to cities? Does it please you to venture to the corners of Ea and beyond?"

"It does.", is her soft reply.

"I would also know the extent of ... the remnants of it in your blood. My eyes have remained changed, despite being cured of the plague. I would explore it. Perhaps there is power there, as it is for you. Power that I could put to good use. A weapon to fend off the evils Ea faces."

The Goblin hops from foot to foot then, her expression looking pleased and happy. "Seldan, I could have fled before Eckles, like the others. I could have left them to their fate, and perhaps consoled myself after that it was fear. Mourned their losses."

"But I didn't. I've died, and yet, here I am. As long as I remain true to my path, to the light Eluna shines down upon us... as long as I remain a decent person... I have no fear of death. If it is dangerous, and I die, do your best to honour me. Say the rites to keep my spirit from being restless. Or bring me back, if it is in your power to do so. I am at peace."

_Ah._ Seldan's eyes remain on the marble floor, as he considers those words. "Then it pleases me to aid you, and travel with you, as best I may. Perhaps indeed is it well that I have a companion, for the road ahead. Allies do I have, and few indeed that I may name friend. I am - aware of who it is that I place at risk by spending long in their company, and none save those who willingly accept the burden do I travel with. Her road is full of shadows, and yet does She light our way. I shall bring you back, if that be possible."

"I know not the magics you do, nor am as strong as you. But I would carry you my back to see you back to the living." She swallows then. "Or die trying."

Acedia grins then, gesturing with a hand. "But, no need for concern about such things right now. Cross that bridge only when and if we need to."

"I know we go into danger, and I welcome it. We do what must be done. Say what you want of adventurers, but this is a thing we do."

The Goblin hops up and hugs at Seldan then. "I am just happy to be by your side, and I will fight anything, stride without fear into any situation." She snorts. "Besides, I still have a few of Tarien's tricks, and a bit of his favour. I can earn his smile and favour, and that itself can make all the difference."

A quiet, light chuckle greets those. "Something tells me that your last words should give me more pause than demons." The humor dancing in the pale blue eyes suggests that it does no such thing. "Very well. When I venture, I shall venture from this place, and seek you out, so long as you be here. Well enough?" He reacts to the hug by pulling her close with arms like iron bands.

The Goblin laughs into the hug. "I am ready at your convenience, but knock first. I like to be dry and clothed when setting out on a journey." She chuckles then and nods. "It is well enough. I shall leave behind a few things, and send off some messages, and that will be that."

"Will there be any others who join us?", she wonders. "And what is your first likely destination? I don't mind if you do not answer, if you know not, or wish to keep it close to your chest for security reasons."

"That do I not precisely know," Seldan answers, releasing the hug. "I shall give to you all the time that you need, but those more knowledgeable in what I seek than I are at work locating the place where I must go. As to the matter of who else accompanies - I cannot yet say that for certain, either. I have not yet gathered those I would ask. it had come to me to simply wander the world, for a time, and seek what I may and aid those I may, while I wait."

Acedia nods then, her grin broad. "Aha, a wandering knight and his page." She offers a deep bow then, with a flourish that causes her cloak to cover her head. She straightens. "Perhaps we could travel to Veyshan? I could pop in to see my parents, and I am sure you would find many who would be blessed to have your assistance."

"It's not too far away, that you cannot speedily return here, if needed."

"Such would not displease me, for a time," Seldan agrees. "I would travel quietly, and telling only those who need know. Do we venture to Tashraan, we might see Mal, as well, and it pleases me to aid those in need of it."

Her face lights up, "I miss Malik, and will be quite pleased and happy to see him again." One can smell the trouble brewing already. "So we shall wander to Veyshan, Knight Errant and trusty page. Right a few wrongs, and see things we've not yet seen, breath in clean air unsullied by tanneries or the stink of too many people in too small a place."

Ace pauses a moment. "Well, let's not tarry too long in Taashran, speaking of places with too many people." The Goblin snorts. "Those places all smell differently to us Goblins, you know?"

"Nay, nor would I do so. I would venture there but long enough to find clothing suitable to the desert." Seldan offers this with a ghost of a smile. "I must go fully covered in the desert, do I not wish to cook in my armor. Supplies do also not go amiss. Traveling with wizards makes for easy travel, and spoilt travelers.'

Acedia nods, "Indeed, the change of clothing is good for both travel, and for not standing out. We can avoid trouble by simply blending in." She laughs then. "I cannot complain about being spoiled over travel. I walked here first time, Seldan, and I do not relish a lengthy walk in future. But I will do so, and dream of teleportation, flying and other luxurious methods of travel."

She cants her head, "Perhaps I shall ask Eluna for such spells in future. Might she offer such motes of power to one such as I."

A rueful chuckle bursts from Seldan at the pointed rejoinder. "Even so, and well am I chastised," he admits, eyes lowering. "I have become accustomed to such means of travel. As to your question - follow in Her path, and it may be so. That is for Her to decide."

"It may be a gold star on my card that I follow in your footsteps. She may look upon me more kindly." Acedia giggles lightly. "But in fairness, travelling far can be fun. Winter has just released her grip, so at least it will be warmer as we head out. It will be wet, but that will allow us to have a fire without worry of setting the forest or countryside ablaze."

She counts off on her fingers, "Game should be plentiful, as should the fishing. The leaves begin to bud and grow, so trees will provide a good roof over our heads. Mayhaps we go with a caravan, for a little bit of extra company. I can provide some entertainment, and there can be cheer for all."

A little hand reaches up to take Seldan's. "It fills me with excitement."

This time, Seldan smiles more fully, and releases all holds to take Acedia's hand. "Then come. Let us be about it."