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(Created page with "::The TarRaCe, Evening Typical TarRaCe thrum. Chilly air, damp mist outside. Warm baths, warm food, warm ciders to eradicate the cold, even as its bitter bite grows with each passing day. A red haired and red vested human woman all but dances behind the bar, barking orders to the back as she fills steins and wine glasses. In her vest pocket is a sleeping white thrush, uncaring of the din of dinner. "Oi, gimmie another cask of Blue Dragon Ale up here!" she yells at staf...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:08, 16 October 2023

The TarRaCe, Evening

Typical TarRaCe thrum. Chilly air, damp mist outside. Warm baths, warm food, warm ciders to eradicate the cold, even as its bitter bite grows with each passing day.

A red haired and red vested human woman all but dances behind the bar, barking orders to the back as she fills steins and wine glasses. In her vest pocket is a sleeping white thrush, uncaring of the din of dinner. "Oi, gimmie another cask of Blue Dragon Ale up here!" she yells at staff, dropping a trio of mugs off to a bunch of Colosseum gladiators.

She's in the zone.

In the back of the bar, the little pool-shark works at restocking the alcohol and other supplies as quickly as the staff can serve them. At the call for a cask of Blue Dragon, Irshya drops down the hole into the storage area below. A series of pullies and ropes begin moving as the lift is cranked, the Gobbo reappearing slowly, standing atop a barrel.

"One Blue Dragon, roll it into place, wouldja Krav?" Kravia, the Oruch barkeep, easily muscles the barrel into place, rolling the empty at Irshya, who lowers it below, disappearing with it.

With the events of recent days, Rune hasn't quite been able to shake off the chill, and that has little to do with the actual weather. Her fur-lined cloak has been brought out of storage somewhere and she seems to already be shifting into attire more usual for colder weather. The only exposed skin is still a patch on her upper arm where her tattoo is visible.

Stepping into the TarRaCe, she seems to shake off a bit of that feeling, but it is obvious at a glance that the rogue hasn't been sleeping well, dark circles visible beneath her eyes.

"Looks like a busy day. The changing seasons are bound to drum up more business." She comments, approaching the bar and removing her cloak to lay it across her lap. With less enthusiasm than one might expect, she asks of the red-head, "So... you Slix? She's usually in some disguise or another and there's usualy red involved."

Apparently, she had come looking for the Egalrin. Though, she does look to Irshya and offer a small ghost of a smile. "Lo' Irshya, barrel rider."

Trish-Slix winks towards Kravia and Irshya ove rher shoulder, giving a broad grin. "Thankies, hons!" she coos, slipping past Kravia and tapping the keg briskly before pouring out some backorders.

New person coming up to the bar, Trish is already sidling up as she's washing out some glasses. "Heya what can I get--" She blinks at Rune, eyes going wide. "Ruru, darlin'!" she coos, worried. A glass of water is slid over to the half-sil. "Kravia! Take over and grab another please and thank you, I'm takin' a break!"

She turns to Rune, leaning over the metal bar. "A break fo' ya. What can I get ya, anything off menu? I'm included," she teases.

The Oruch nods, sidling up to the bartop to take over barkeeping. "Take yer time, Slix." The flow of ale and wine continues unabated.

The Goblin appears shortly at Slixvah's side, courtesy of a stepstool. The pool-shark grins at Rune, "Ruru!" Her face takes on a sad expression, and she reaches out to pat at Rune's hand.

"If you want to take some time in the baths, just let me know. I can arrange to shut one down t'give you some privacy. You're looking tired, dearie. Maybe a hot beverage, or meal? On the house. Though, you're not allowed to take my bestest employee." Irshya giggles lightly.

The affectionate nickname seems to confirm the identity of the red-haired woman, causing a corner of Rune's mouth to tick up, "I take that as a yes." She may not have any magical skill in that area, but certain people did seem to have tells when it comes to their disguises. "I haven't had much of an appetite lately, so don't worry too much about that." She waves away the offers.

However, when Irshya says she can't take their best employee, Rune raises an eyebrow, showing at least a hint of her usual humor. "Aww, but she said that she's included." The light teasing comment doesn't quite reach her eyes, though.

"Honestly, I just needed to get out for a bit. Hark's in rough shape after a recent fight and I just needed to get out and take a walk and get my head in order. Figured I owe you at least some explanation after what happened visiting Cor'lana's sexy grandfather."

A ruddy - and particularly steaming - scaled figure step out from the baths; glaive over one shoulder, a satchel bag over the other. Oh no, it was one of those Dragoons not on their shifts, and just enjoying what TarRaCe had to offer. Like the hot baths. Especially the hot baths.

"This one hopes he is not interrupting one's favorite ladies," Aelwyn greets as he slides over the bar as well, settling his things down. "Ribbon, Sharkie, Twin." He greets in turn with a slight bow of his head. Rune gets a longer look, and his tail reaches out to lightly tap the rogue on her calves. "Recovering well?"

Not-Slix pouts at Irshya. "Oh come onnnn," she huffs, looking towards Rune. "I am included! Can't have a nice meal wit'out nice company? Don' listen to m'boss."

She just ruffle's Irshya's hair on the side in good jest.

But her attention drops to Rune solely. Her brows furrow, worry plastering across her expressive visage. "Shashan's bad? Oh dear. I'm really sorry, honey. Gods, it must've been bad if ya out this kinda sorts. Here--"

She slides around the bar to sit next to Rune. A featherless and true- no illusions here- arm loops around the half-sil woman. "How bout ya tell me all 'bout it, as well as fill me in on shtuff. Because I was eye ballin' them feys and the mood was a tiiiinge soured 'cause of some creepy guy."

The additional steamed lizard gets not-Slix to glance up and bow her head towards the man. "Heya Flutter. Not interruptin' at all."

The Goblin laughs, crossing her arms. "Fiiiine, I can let you borrow her for a little while. The offer of food and drink still stands though. If you're not eating well, you should try to eat just a little bit. And maybe you could take something back to Hark? He may need something warm in his belly." Her facial expression fills with concern.

"Do you two need a cleric to take a look? I'd be willing to come and help out, if you need it." The pool-shark looks to Slixvah, "Oh? Visiting someone's sexy grandfather? Was there a fight?"

The hair ruffle has the Gobbo leaning into it, and nearly falling over when the hand is removed. She peers at Aelwyn, and crosses her arms. "Uh huh, just sliiiiding on in like nothing's going on, hmm?", she says to the Sith.

Rather than answering outright, seems to consider Irshya's offer, but she shakes her head once again. "I'll be fine. I put on a few pounds when I fell ill with that disease in Am'shere that made me eat like a ravenous swift-claw. A few days won't hurt me much. Besides, my stomach is still doing flips right now..."

As the human-form of Slixvah slips over into the seat next to her, Rune leans in to her, seeming to take comfort from that. With her head on Slixvah's shoulder, she explains, "Aelwyn knows most of it already." She inclines her head to the steaming Makari, her eyes lingering briefly before flitting away to the others. "We ran into a Death Coach. Some sort of ghost carriage that tracks down those who've escaped death."

Though she tries to hide it, there is a slight shiver that Slixvah would be able to feel. "Brought back some memories I'd rather have stayed buried. In the process, Hark took two massive hits from it and went down. Eztli and Andy brought him back but... too close for comfort."

Then, as to the situation with sexy relatives of equally sexy half-sil, Rune lifts her head a little, "As for our creepy Fey guest... well, let's start by saying that we shouldn't refer to him by name. Names have power with the Fey. So let's just call him Mister Creepy for the time being."

Aelwyn looks over Rune when the stagecoach is mentioned; he does not interrupt, but his tail caresses that calf of the Twin some more.

The angrily ruddylicous sith-makar leans forward onto the counter instead, chin in hand. "This one notices he is usually often met with suspicion, and rarely with an embrace." The sith-makari points out, flicking his tongue out Irshya playfully. "Yet if no one else is ordering, then this one would like a bottle of mulled wine and few glasses."

"Mister Creepy is quite the nickname, from someone who has faced as many things as Twin has." The Dragoon points out with amusement.

Human Slix's eyes widen as Rune goes on her tale about the Death Coach. "Oh my goodness..." she whispers, letting her own head rest against Rune's as she keeps hold of the half-sil. "I sorr' ya had ta go through tha', honey. Please, if ya eva need anythin'- talk, a good cry, hug, please lemme kno'. Tha' sounds downright terrifyin'. I'm just reall' happy ya'll all made it out."

A glance to Aelwyn. "I wonder why, Mister Spicy?" she teases before giving a little shrug. "Not in a drinkin' mood. Got friends ta focus on."

A moment is afforded to offer further comfort before the topic slides to other things. "No fightin', Rish Rish. But yeah, we can jus' call 'im Mister Creepy." A pause. "So, pardon my khazad dearie, but like- what in the good gods was that creepy shit?"

The concern in her expression returns when Irshya looks back to Rune, and the Gobbo nods softly. "Okay, how about I make up something for Hark? I'll put in a few extra tidbits, which if you feel up to it later, you can eat, if not, Hark can have them. Sound good? You can't blame me for being concerned."

Irshya nods, "Right, Creepy Crawly it is. If names have power, then maybe he'll turn into a bug and you can squish him under your boot!" Her complexion pales slightly.

"A death coach? Oh, that would certainly be a frightening experience, and might explain why you're feeling out of sorts. The death coach is said to be able to collect souls, the souls of those who've escaped death before. Which.. given our activities, is something we've all done. Were you able to outrun it, or did you put an end to the abomination, Rune?" She looks to Slixvah a moment, and then nods, "Yes, once more I offer up the TarRaCe if you need some time alone. I'll section off the lady's pool, or you can have the upstairs dining room to yourself. I'll even let you use my little, secret room too." A glance again to Slixvah, and she snorts, on the matter of fighting. "No promises."

She eyes Aelwyn a moment, and frowns. "Oh, like you've ever hugged me hello even once!" Her arms cross, and then she suddenly bursts out laughing. Above, the Oruch has placed the requested bottle of mulled wine on the bartop, while two 0f Aelwyn's horns have been graced with two, narrow upturned wine glasses.

Lifting an eyebrow, Rune lets out a soft breath at Aelwyn's comment. "Snuggling with feathers right now, you'll have to wait your turn." She teases, and then brushes her cheek in a very Makari gesture against Slixvah's shoulder before sticking her tongue out at Aelwyn. The humor seems to lift her spirits, if only a little.

"We managed to destroy it. And by 'we' I mostly mean Andelena with the power of Daeus." Rune had been... less than effective against the creature, despite her best efforts. "We got lucky with a few spells that seemed to negate the worst of it's powers." There is a haunted look in her eyes, though, which suggests it may very well have had lingering effects.

"If you want to pack up a meal, I'll certainly bring it to him. Meat mostly. It's damn near impossible to get him to eat anything else, even on the best of days." She notes. As for the offer of the baths and privacy, Rune blushes ever so faintly, despite her current mood. "I don't know." Is all she responds in that regard.

Then, lifting herself a little from her sprawl against Slixvah, she explains, "Apparently, he's someone that has been causing trouble with the Lupecyll-Atlon's for a while. He first showed himself when we were called to help a fellow out with some protection duty." Her eyes look to Aelwyn, as he'd been there that day. "Turned out the man who hired us was a Fey being who was trying to trap us in the caves in order to murder and feast on our corpses."

After a pause, she adds, "He also... knew my mother."

Aelwyn twists his lips and lets out a 'tch'. "How can this one, when she bites this one's legs? Is Sharkie even aware how sharp her teeth are?" The draconian counters Irshya, before letting out another amused rumble, looking over Slixvah and Rune. "Tch, hug shared is embrace triplicated, this one was told. But fine," He raises his hands. "This one will settle for the wine instead."

Speaking of the wine, he bows his head as the bottle is given - but utterly fails to register the glasses were placed on his horns. Lack of sensitivity, and all that. "And if she needs a massage, this one's service is always open." He offers, lips twisting away from his sharp teeth.

Focusing on Rune, the ruddy sith-makar listens, but then his orange eyes widen slightly. "... _that_ one?" He asks, shaking his head then. Clink clink. "Tch. And why was it there and not buried?" There was obvious distaste in his voice. "Tch. This one is sorry, Twin, that she has to live that nightmare."

With another glance towards the bottle, he finally looks towards the oruch bartender. "Where are the glasses, Carafe?"

Human Slix quietly laughs, her turning to hold Rune with both arms in an embrace, leaning her against her frame. "Yeah, wait ya turn!" she giggles, brushing her forehead against Rune's head.

"Praise th' friggin sun," she murmurs, stroking Rune's hair. "M'sorry hon. Ya alive. Shasha's alive. Ya'll can bounce back. Offer always stands," she adds, looking sorrowful at that haunted look.

"I could join ya if it'll make you feel better," she jokes about the baths, trying to keep the mood up.

Her hold loosens a little once Rune lifts up. Only to bust out into a giggling laughter at the glasses on Aelwyn's horns. "Yeah, well, too bad," she sticks her tongue out at Aelwyn as well before her attention drops to Rune.

The witch listens. "... Fey have the /weirdest/ obsessions," Slix sighs, closing her eyes. "Doubly so since theys apparently screwed ya mother over. So messed up. So like, what do they do? Not jus' eat bodies, fey are /way/ more invested in somethin' than jus' a little bit of tasty sentient flesh," she asks.

"I think if I laid down for a massage, I probably wouldn't get back up again for at least a full eight hours." Rune murmurs. By the look of it, she might need that sleep. "Then again, with the Death Coach has re-invigorated my nightmares, it might be way less than that." Reaching up a hand, she rubs at one eye and then yawns.

However, she can't help but smile at least a little at the glasses in Aelwyn's horns, shaking her head with faint amusement.

"Yeah, we're alive, that's all that matters. Trying to focus on that. I think it'll sink in fully once Hark is up and around again. Right now, he looks like death warmed over and it freaks me out." She accepts the hug from Irshya warmly enough, leaning in for a bit longer than one might expect. Physical comfort is something she appreciates, it seems.

Then, leaning back, she takes a slow breath. With the first encounter established, Rune explains further, "That's also the first time I ran into Blue, the butterfly. She's been protecting and guiding us this entire time." Then, reaching her hand to fidget at the necklace laying against her chest, she explains, "From what I know, Mister Creepy is a sadist, but not just in the physical sense. It's far more about causing emotional pain. He relishes in it. The pain of families ripped appart, lovers betrayed. The loss of those closest to someone. The way the gut twists at moments of cruelty."

Her eyes flick to Irshya. "Everything we've seen says that he was telling the truth. Blue confirmed it, in fact. The curse that binds my mother and another Fey being known as the Golden Fate... it's his curse."

Aelwyn puts his exceedingly warm arm around Rune's shoulder. "And this one can go for sixteen." He rumbles in return, "Do not worry for none but yourself." He flicks his tongue, but he leans away then. "Ahnh, really?" He mutters by himself, when he finds the glasses. The bartender gets a fiery look.

Bottle gets opened and he pours himself. "Lava is made out strong, this one is certain it won't take more than few nights and he'll be carrying Twin around like a tender flower." The draconian rumbles, "Or the other way around." He flashes his sharp teeth.

Yet the mood and the words become more sombre, and he falls quiet as Rune speaks. He lifts his glass and take a strong sip back. "At least he is found out, if nothing else." The draconian says then, another slight coil from his tail sliding around Rune's ankle. "What are you planning to do, Twin?"

"You need sleep. Do we need to drag lava-boy over to the bathhouse to heat him back up?" Slix half jokes. "Can do tha' wit' ya passed out from Aelwyn's services." The hug from Irshya is returned warmly. "Noted, Rishrish. Thank you. Might take ya up on tha' ta comfort some friends."

She giggles at Aelwyn. "Th' mental image of Rune carryin' Lava boy 'round and pracin' is too friggin' funny."

The shapeshifted bartender's face twists into disgust. "By Ceiwen, that's horrendous. What a blight," she huffs, making a disapproving clicking sound, distinctly egalrin. "Jus' glad Blue gots ya safe. That sort of disaster is only good fo' story books. Nurturing tha' in reality is right messed up, even beyond our mortal senses of right and wrong. Whatever we gotta do ta help undo th' curse, ya got me. I /may/ be a little bit of a specialist in makin' people have a bad time," she smiles wanly.

"Oh.", the pool-shark says, leaning back in to hug Rune more. "Would you accept my help in fighting him? You're not alone, okay?" Irshya sighs gently. "A sadist in more ways than once. A truly pathetic creature." She rubs at her cheeks, and giggles lightly at Aelwyn. The Oruch flashes Aelwyn a toothy smile, and leans back into her work, sliding foamy bears down the bartop.

Irshya nods at Aelwyn's question, "That's a good question, Rune." She leans against Rune's leg in anticipation of the answer.

"I am not one to wish people ill fortune, but I don't think anyone would be sad if he had an unfortunate death."

Nodding to Slixvah then, the Gobbo smiles again. "Feel free to bring them here too. I'll make sure they're fed. It's also safer with more people around, so, you do what you need to do, and I'll help where I can, okay?"

Reslishing in the warm affection of friends, Rune leans a little to nudge her forehead against Aelwyn's cheek.

Then, leaning back, she laughs. "Oh gods, don't get me started. That reminds me of that horrible Crimson Pen novel. Ugh." She makes a groaning sound, "They wrote me like some feinting damnsel and I want to throttle them for it." She huffs, "And then the sex scenes." She face-palms.

But, the question of what she is going to do about the problem has Rune quieting slightly. "It's not just me that he's targeting. Telamon, Cor'lana, likely others. I think we all are likely to want our pound of flesh when the time comes." Her brows furrow. "We're going to kill him. The hows and whens, I don't know yet. I'm less of the planning sort and more the action."

Lifting her head to the others, "In the end, if you want to fight with me, you're all welcome to come. So long as you understand the danger, and the fact that the asshole will try to use your weaknesses against you." She hesitates, "I /have/ to face him. The fate of my mother's spirit depends on it."

Aelwyn tilts his head towards the side, and lets out a low thrumming sound at the cheek touch. His teeth make few snapping sounds, before he leans away. He leans his head against his hand, lips twisting wide. "Lack of imagination in the pages?" He asks with a flicker of his tongue.

The Dragoon bows his head then, sliding his glass of wine in front of him. "Naturally. In the end, all debts will be repaid." The draconian says, holding up his glass between two fingers from his outstrethed hand. "And this one has all the confidence Twin will give this creature his due. And naturally, Twin will have this one's glaive." He gulps down his wine.

Slixvah guffaws. "Really?? Oh my gods that's amazing, I /have/ to read it now!" she grins brightly. "I'm sooo gonna go get a copy after we're done here!"

She glances to Irshya, nodding once but flashes a wry smile. "That's sorta my whole shtick is ta wish people bad fortune. It's handy."

She gives one final squeeze to Rune, a parting nudge of a head, and releases her, save for a hand to rest on a shoulder. "I undastand th' danger. I ain' crazy good at gettin' up front and personal, but I can sure be a force multiplier fo' everyone else. 'sides. We gotta save ya momma. I can't let tha' tragedy end the way it is," she smiles firmly, gesturing to the friends gathered. "We can makes the story have a proper, happy end. Glaives and swords included."

"He seems to be a real pain in the ass then." The Goblin blinks. "I mean, a pain in the behind. So yes, I am intent on fighting. And he can have fun trying to find my weakness." She huffs and crosses her arms, "And while he's doing that, someone can knock him on the head."

Looking to Aelwyn, she shakes her head. "Knowing the Crimson Pen, I would say an over-active imagination and a willingness to ... bend the natural laws of nature."

The pool-shark snorts at Slixvah, "Competing with Aelwyn to see who's the most horny, hmm?" She grins toothily, shaking her head. "You know what I mean though, about wishing people ill... as for the happy end for her mother, yes, I agree, we need to help make it right. Put her mother's spirit to rest."

"Let's just say that I'm far from the wilting flower that the novel wants to make me out as." Rune rolls her eyes. "If I ever meet the Pen, we're going to have words." She leaves it at that. Inevitably, her friends will read the damn thing and she will be teased mercilessly. That is just the way of the world.

"Blue seems to think there might be a chance for a happy ending, but I'm not getting my hopes up." Rune had watched her mother die when she was just a child, so she had many years to come to accept this in her reality. "Even if it's just enough to let her pass on to the halls, that's enough for me."

Leaving it at that, Rune sits back a little bit. "I should let you all get back to work. In the mean time... I might take you up on the offer of making use of the baths. Maybe it'll relax me enough to be able to sleep for a little."

Aelwyn turns his head towards Slixvah. "Ooh, we could read it all together." Mostly because he can barely read. "Twin is doing such a good job selling the book." He teases with a rumbling amusement and flick of his tongue. Irshya just gets a glance. He knew there was no competition. He was the one with the horns, after all.

The ruddy sith-makar bows his head towards Rune. "Sharkie and this one can help her get settled, if she wishes." He gives the bottle a bit of a swish. "Get well, Twin. This one hopes to see all of you in great health and bridled with anticipation at the Dragon's performance." A sharp, macabre grin.

Human Slix sticks her tongue out at Irshya. "Nope, I ain't competin' wit' Flutter in tha' category. I'll gladly concede fo' second place," she snickers, doubly so at the cursing correction. "Don' worry Ruru, I'll take it wit' a big grain of salt. And alcohol. And-- yes! Aelwyn! We can read it aloud! Oh that sounds like fun!" Relentless teasing is absolutely on the menu.

She inclines her head. "And who here knows chances are not jus' dumb luck? Me~," Slix singsongs, giving Rune a parting squeeze as she hops off the barstool. "Tha's what we need; her ta pass on. Anywho. Chill out here~! We gotchu."

She slides back around the bar. "Alright! I'm off break, lemme have 'em Kravia! Thank youuuuu~!"

"Well, if you are going to do that, you should do some research, and deliver an epic smackdown of slam poetry. Then we can publish that for all to read. I am sure there will be many cheering you on, inside." Her eyes widen and she nods enthusiastically. "Give me a few moments and I'll have it prepared. Be right back!" Irshya waddles off, her limp rather pronounced, and she disappears into the baths area. T

rue to her word, she returns a few minutes later. "Well, a bit of luck. There wasn't anyone in that pool, so I didn't have to kick anyone out. It's all nice and foamy now, full of soothing soap suds. Satsuma and ginger scents! Whenever you're ready, head on in, ignore the sign. Would you like something hot to drink? Or perhaps a ... stiff ... drink?" Her eyebrows waggle and she laughs. The laugh continues, "I don't know Slix, there are days I wonder..." Irshya waves the woman off, "Git back ta werk!" grinning toothily, she moves closer to Aelwyn, and holds up her arms. "Okay, you may now bestow hugs upon me!"