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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title:The Twisted Spire *Emitter: Whirlpool *Characters: Carver Level 2, Asphodel Level 2, Huian Level 2, Aelmeh Level 2, Ulthan level 3 *Place:The Twisted Spire/Felwood *Time:April22, 2023 *Summary:A strange spire has been spotted in the Felwood. The Alexandrians want to learn more. *APL: 2 *Encounter 1: 1 Ankheg (adult) Ankehg (swarm), CR 2 </div> The sun is just beginning to set over the Felwoo...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:39, 23 April 2023

Log Info

  • Title:The Twisted Spire
  • Emitter: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Carver Level 2, Asphodel Level 2, Huian Level 2, Aelmeh Level 2, Ulthan level 3
  • Place:The Twisted Spire/Felwood
  • Time:April22, 2023
  • Summary:A strange spire has been spotted in the Felwood. The Alexandrians want to learn more.
  • APL: 2
  • Encounter 1: 1 Ankheg (adult) Ankehg (swarm), CR 2

The sun is just beginning to set over the Felwood Camp site. Heavily guarded at this point by a mix of Alexandrian soldiers and wardens of the Mythwood, it is growing at a quick clip. The pallisades are properly secure, there are foot patrols walking the edge, and there's steady, if a little irregular, traffic delivering supplies. You've just arrived with one such supply train, having been hired by the Guild of Explorer's to go on a patrol in a sector of the cursed woods. The goal is to see what else can be learned about a mysterious spire that was seen in the distance recently, and if one can get any closer to it.

Again, Huian finds herself in the wilderness. Maybe she should start having someone teach her some survival skills. She is a classic city girl who keeps getting stuck out there in the world. But this is a large guarded campsite, not like... adventurers sitting around a campfire.

So Huian finds herself splitting off from the supply train, having offered to take everyone's canteens and water skins to get them filled. So she does just that, with about half a dozen water containers, she goes off in search of rain barrels or other drinking water supplies... doing so as wordlessly as possible. It's not that she doesn't speak. It's just that she prefers to only speak when it is necessary, not just to fill a silence.

It's been a systematic program of toughening herself up that has Aelmeh, the Bookbinder out on this escapade. All in the service of getting herself ready for the trip of her lifetime to the North and her mother's land. The city bred Wizard has taken the advice of her new friend Huian and dressed in serviceable clothes, good wool trousers and a matching green tunic, knee high boots and a heavy cape against the weather instead of her usual finer gowns. A knit cap hides her bright blonde hair.

She walks a few paces behind Huian who has taken it upon herself to bring back water to their group. Used to her silent ways, Aelmeh trails behind her ready to take a part of the burden on their return.

Carver is seated on a beautiful mare, whose hair and tails has been braided through with colorful beads. The horse herself seems perfectly calm and composed, a lady of grace and guile. Which makes her the opposite of her rider, who is currently munching away at some jerky. Carver is swaddled back up in her furs and leather, and unlike Huian, far more comfortable out here in the wilds. "Anyone 'bout to go phallic spottin'? Anyone't all?" She spots the water girls. "Oi, you two? Off for a lil' adventure?" For the phallic spotting. Ulthan has arrived.

"Well I hear it has a twist," Asphodel says, having ostensibly been sent as the apprentice of Master L., the couturier of Telamon. She pulls astride Carver, and is notable for a slight struggle with her mount; her very manner of riding is the etiquette of another language entirely, and horses are not generally speaking multilingual. She reaches out to stroke its mane, and soon enough, the Llyranesi woman is directing her mount as if by song and touch.

If she is a city girl, it is a very, very alien type of city. "I just want to see the Spire," she confides in Carver. "Is it the nose of some great beast we mistake for a structure? What is its composition? Decorations about the edifice, like lentils or mantels from which to string gossamer lace?"

And now she's talked herself into narrow-eyed excitement at the possibilities.

Ulthan wanders in to the campsite from his latest turn at guarding, slinging his short bow on his back as his long strides bring him towards the gathering point he was told of for the forest patrol he agreed to participate on.

It isn't long before you're bundled together, per the request of the Guild, to set out into the Felwood proper. Provided with a case of Holy Water (just in ... case), it is recommended that you leave behind any steeds. Too easily spooked by the presence of the fel energies in the woods, unless they're specifically and especially combat trained.

"People've been seeing this spire," begins an Alexandrian soldier who's helping get you your supplies from those you've helped deliver, "and they want to know more. It seems to be in and out of view at night. Haven't figured out the deal, so we're trying to figure out why it's so elusive ... and why we've never seen it until now. Probably something to do with the failing curse of the wood."

Ulthan , hearing the mention of curse, makes the sign to ward of evil influences. He then checks his gear one more time, going over the weaponry strapped on his large frame.

Water refilled, and delivered to the adventurers, Huian doesn't reply to Carvers words. She just smiles politely and hands over the container used to get the fresh water.

And then there is the briefing and meeting. She makes sure that her light armor is adjusted properly, that her sword is secured in her sash. Pretty much just double checks her gear. Her eyes fall upon Aelmeh and Asphodel, and she makes mental notes to keep an eye on those two. They are not exactly front line types... a bit more squishy than armored warriors and the like. But she figures that if anyone is going to figure out the magic of the spire, it'll be one or both of them.

That decided within herself, she turns her attention back to the soldier explaining things, and she nods an affirmative even as she lifts the small buckler shield hanging from her sash and strap to her left wrist in preparation.

"Failing curse..." Asphodel begins. "Pardon, sir, but I'm ignorant of the area. Was there a curse before that is failing now, or is there a curse now that is cause the woods as a general environ to fail to thrive?" It seemed an important question to ask.

The Wizard snorts to herself when Carver's words drift to her. "Phallic Spottin'," she mimics her accent, which is very different from the refined accent her father insisted she learn - no street urchin lingo for his child.

Catching up to Huian; she leans toward her, whispering conspiratorially, "Duck phalluses are cork-screw shaped." This rare nugget of knowledge garnered from the little flock of ducks they had kept in their back garden for their rich eggs and better meat.

Once back to the carts, Aelmeh unpacks her saddlebags, consolidating what she thinks she'll need in the woods into a backpack. Frowning, she listens to the Alexandrian soldier's tale but does not comment, preferring to keep her counsel. Asphodel asks the very question she had in mind.

Carver didn't leave her horse behind. Either she trusts her steed. Trusts herself. Or is dumb. Or any Venn diagram selection of all three, it's really rather hard to tell for sure. She can't join in on sniggering about the corkscrews, mostly cause she didn't hear it. Instead, she draws an arrow from her quiver, turning it over to check its point as she follows the others... and turns most of her attention to making sure they are not being hunted.

The questions Asphodel has asked earn a kind smile from the guard.

"Ah, you must be new," he begins, "Y'see those woods there," he points at the ominous, dark, tall trees in the distance.

'That's the Felwood. It's cursed place. The other half is the Mythwood, where a whole lotta wood elves are from. The magic that upheld the curse seems to be breaking, causing all kinds of problems, so we're working with our Mythwood friends to control it, and see if we can free the woods from the nighted demonic horse shit all together."

Asphodel actually dual pistols a finger snap at the guard, and a quick but perfect 20 degree hair flip. She is a woman who appreciates the immediate and the succinct.

Loosing her scabbard from her sash, Huian holds the sword in her left hand. She hasn't -drawn- the blade yet. But it's at hand, so to speak. Again, no words given. She gives significant looks to Aelmeh, lifted brows, nods and such. Responding to words spoken her way. But no real need to say anything of yet.

That done, she rolls her neck and looks about as if waiting for everyone else to move along.

The City Wizard's eyes flit to the others then return to the soldier. "Demons then, you say?"

Ulthan checks what everyone else is readying, and then unlimbers his flail, bringing the haft to rest over his shoulder.

"Possibly. There's been these opals, y'see."

The soldier lets out a breath.

"/Someone/ doesn't like what we're doing. The camp has been attacked a few times by elementals corrupted with demon shit, and some folks fought a giant animated tree corrupted with demon shit. Sourced from these black opals that are in them. Don't ask me how it all works: I'm a dumbass, but apparently it works. So keep your eyes peeled, and expect the very trees themselves to be your enemy. Good luck!"

And with that, you've got a section of woods on the map to explore. That's what they want you to do: take this map, head out, correct the map if needed, try to get closer to the spire. So far, no one has.

March march. Yep. Huian makes sure to stay near the squishies. Once into the trees however, she unsheathes her slender sword, tucking the scabbard back into her sash as the shining blade catches what little light there may be. Etches characters at the base of the blade stand out now and then. The blade that has been handed down over seven generations of her family. The blade that is just about the only proof that her father cared about what happened to her in exile.

But her dark brown eyes focus forward, sliding left, then right... or as some military people say, 'on a swivel'.... again, no words spoken. No need for them yet.

Ulthan looks at the rest of the party, then settles out to move at the front of the patrol, although he reaches a hand down to check that his hatchet is at easy reach when the 'animated trees' were mentioned.

Asphodel utilizes a more primitive method, but not for want of better tools. The environment itself, and the terrain, seem to have harkened back to first principles. Following whoever has the map, she wraps a branch or arm of a tree in coarse but heavy linen, the kind that clings with its fibrous teeth even in rain. For this section, the color is a lime green. It is not meant to be attractive, and for that, she seems to apologize to every tree subjected.

After hefting her backpack into place, she slings a crossbow over one shoulder, a small quiver of quarrels balancing it on the other shoulder. Aelmeh mulls the problem over aloud, "Seems like shit is a theme -and- Black opals. Interesting."

She keeps up with Huian, aware that in a fight, she had best keep some distance from any attackers (hopefully sans demon shit) and fire spells and quarrels from afar. She is saving a spell to detect magic when they get nearer the twisted spire.

"One of my favorite pieces of jewelry is a string of lilac opals my great-great Grandmother gifted me," Asphodel tells Aelmeh. "In her time, they were meant to be worn in a windswept updo, I think, but that was almost a different world. And it requires a severe profile I could never pull off."

 GAME: Huian rolls perception: (2)+7: 9
 GAME: Asphodel rolls perception: (13)+4: 17
 GAME: Ulthan rolls perception: (6)+6: 12
 GAME: Aelmeh rolls perception: (2)+6: 8
 GAME: Carver rolls perception: (17)+10: 27

You progress through the forest along the course charted by the map, like you're supposed to. So far, so good. Eventually, you catch a glimpse of it. The full moonm's light illuminates a tall spire in the distance, barely visible through the canopy, a slender thing tha glimmers just a little...

Carver's head bobs and sways with the movement of her horse, the raccoon-eyed girl's gaze rarely moving from ahead. She relies on a few other things to help her, attuned intuition amongst them. It's that what curdles in the gut as she spies the silhouette of the spire. She squints, looks about herself finally, then twists at the waist to look directly back from whence they came.

"Oi, now I ain't no boozin' hen. Why't lookin' like we took two steps and windin' upside down a path we ain't walked." What? She turns back around, scowling, snapping her fingers. "I know fores'. This ain't where we were. This where we is now and what we is now is bloody los'. I couldn't lead us back to the campsite with roadsigns and a caravan of helpful halflings."

Eyes narrowing, Huian inclines her head. The land moved on its own, and she didn't notice. Interesting. Finally, she speaks, "Are we alone?" she asks as her sword spins lazily in her grip, keeping her weapon loose yet ready.

"You two." she says to Asphodel and Aelmeh, "Please stay behind me if possible." she offers as she takes a single step forward to have just a bit of distance between them. She doesn't want to stab them by accident.

After nearly tripping on a tree root and falling flat on her face, Aelmeh stops to peer from behind a tree at the moonlit spire. It takes a moment to understand Carver but when she does, she whispers to Asphodel, "Lost and no one to admire the opals strung in our hair."

At Huian's request she takes a few careful steps backward.

Ulthan brign shis flail off his shoulder as he hears the horse-riding lady's assertion, and a quick glance about him confirms the finding. Now that's curious... But btter get ready than let curiosity claim him.

 GAME: Aelmeh casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
 GAME: Aelmeh rolls spellcraft: (8)+12: 20

Silvery moonlight limns the young Wizard as she makes a series of precise hand movements, then gestures toward the spire. Head canted to one side as though listening; she nods to herself.

To the group, she comments quietly, "There is a lot of magic up ahead. All topsy-turvy," she shakes her head, grasping for words. " Frayed, coming apart like an old wall hanging."

Ulthan uhohs, reminded of the previous time he was around any unraveling magic.

Well, unraveling magic seems to be the thing for this forest. A curse coming apart, magic coming apart. It seems consistent at the very least. Huian narrows her eyes and lifts the tip of her sword in the direction indicated by Aelmeh.... waiting to see what comes next.

Carver grunts, reminded once again how much she despises magic. Nothing like breaking all the natural orders and laws. Her steed stomps jnto the dirt nervously.

There's a clicking sound from somewhere in the trees. Clickclicklicklciick. Rattle.

Clicks, taking two steps, Huian spins into a defensive posture. Her blade is prepared to block and parry and she does her best to keep herself between danger and casters. She's said all she has to say at this point...

Ulthan brigns his flail forward, his head turning slwoly, scanning around, and especially opposite the direction of the clicking.

Clicking? What clicks and rattles like that? Aelmeh looks up toward the sound, mouth open in suspense. Readying herself to cast a defensive spell, she steps back into the shadow of a tree.

 GAME: Aelmeh casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

Carver draws her arrow back and in one smooth motions shoots it right at the noise. Plan? What plan?

Spells and more are going up, yes. People are readying themselves. It was probably inevitable that something would happen.

A furrow in the ground comes bursting out from behind the trees. It's a steadily digging something and it's going *right towards Carver*.

Pointing, Huian says, "Ulthan. There!" as she tries to get him to interpose so she can remain with the casters. She doesn't want to abandon her position. But she doesn't want to leave Carver unguarded. "Carver. Defend yourself!" she adds.

The ground grumbles nearby. In the dark she barely sees the furrow headed for Carver, feeling it more than seeing it.

"Watch out," she calls in alarm. "Carver, look down."

Ulthan hears the direction, and moves forward to intercept, his flail rising high, ready for a two-handed overhead swing.

Carver whistles sharply to her mount, as some abomination beyond the veil chooses her as the meal. Kicking her steed into motion, she tries to get out and away from the inevitable feasting.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

       Whirlpool has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Whirlpool to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.
       For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


It bursts from the ground right in front of where Carver sidestepped -- a horrible, twisted thing of green and black carapace. Embers and sparks seem to be coming from the gaps in it, but it's mandible-bearing head gives little doubt to its fully insectoid nature. It rattles and hisses and lunges.

... a small bit of fire comes from its jaws, interacting with the green ichor already dripping from it.

 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round One - Init 23.
 It is now Carver's turn! Aelmeh is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round One - Init 22.
 It is now Aelmeh's turn! Ankheg is next!
 GAME: Aelmeh casts Acid Splash. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
 GAME: Aelmeh rolls ranged: (7)+3: 10
 GAME: Aelmeh rolls 1d3: (2): 2
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round One - Init 16.
 It is now Ankheg's turn! Huian is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d6+4: (6)+4: 10
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16

Overcoming her disgust when she catches sight of the thing, Aelmeh claps her hands, mouthing a spell that produces a splash of acid directed at their uninvited visitor. It arcs through the air, wetting part of its head and a claw. There is a decided sound of sizzling.

Looking for a target with Carver having gotten out of the way, the blazing compound eyes of the thing lunge towards Huian, a mix of acid, flame, and biting power coming down on them and crunching in a way that sounds (and looks) quite painful.

It hisses. Rattles.

 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round One - Init 8.
 It is now Huian's turn! Ulthan is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round One - Init 5.
 It is now Ulthan's turn! Carver is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d4: (3): 3
 GAME: Huian rolls weapon9-1: (11)+9+-1: 19
 GAME: Ulthan RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 4 temporary HP
 GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon3: (14)+8: 22
 GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10
 GAME: Ulthan rolls damage3: aliased to 1d10+6: (9)+6: 15
 GAME: Huian rolls intimidate: (2)+8: 10
 Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Two - Init 23.
 It is now Carver's turn! Aelmeh is next!
 GAME: Carver rolls ranged -1: (16)+8+-1: 23

Taking a step in the way as the beast moves towards the squishies, Huian lifts her left arm with the strapped on buckler. Her left bicep and shoulders get gnawed upon by the mandibles of the creature even as she spins away. Afterwards, it also appears as if there is acid burning her flesh, and her robe has been damaged...

But she hesitates just a moment as she spies Ulthian moving... and when he is in position, she lunges, stabbing deep into the creature. "Yes." she states, trying to be scary. But there is too much pain in her voice for that.

 GAME: Carver rolls 1d8+4: (7)+4: 11

Ulthan turns around, tracking the fast-moving bug, and then stepping around it, aiming at the back of the large creature as it bores down on the slim swordswoman. At seeing his companion get hurt, Ulthan's face darkens and he growls loud and clear, "BUG! STOP!" and it feels like his body bulges with his words, the heavy flail smashing down from the overhead stance to bring the head swinging hard, and smashing into the carapce until it cracks, and flames spout out, engulfing the flailhead, which Ulthan quickly brings back up.

Carver uses her legs to guide her mount, squeezing down on its side and the mare stiffly sidesteps. Even as she is retreating, an intense bead of focus and she releases her next arrow with precision. Twang! Right into that crack.

 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Two - Init 22.
 It is now Aelmeh's turn! Ankheg is next!
 GAME: Aelmeh casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15
 GAME: Aelmeh rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Two - Init 16.
 It is now Ankheg's turn! Huian is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d6+4+1d4: (9)+4+(3): 16

Dark lines gape on their attacker's carapace. Carver's arrow sticks out of one of them. Intent on bringing the thing down, Aelmeh forgets her fear. Light flashes between her fingers, elongates and becomes a spear that she launches at the crack nearest her. Its light is multiplied in the things eyes as the missile hits its target.

It's an animal. It doesn't have the intellect to understand where all this pain is coming from -- and oh, it's clearly in pain. The fire inside becomes more obvious the more holes you put in it, but really, Ulthan's strike is the first one to get its attention so it rises up and then drops down its mandibles towards them, rending without even bothering to try to grab.

Something is happening to it. The cracks and splits are spreading.

... The fire is growing in intensity...

GAME: Huian rolls perception: (2)+7: 9

 GAME: Ulthan rolls perception: (9)+6: 15
 GAME: Aelmeh rolls perception: (20)+6: 26
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Huian's turn! Ulthan is next!

 GAME: Huian rolls weapon9-1: (17)+9+-1: 25
 GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Two - Init 5.
 It is now Ulthan's turn! Carver is next!
 GAME: Carver rolls perception: (18)+10: 28
 GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon3: (6)+8: 14

The light shed from the cracks in the shell begin racing up and down the length of Huian's shining steel blade. The Kanji like characters seaming to light up for just a moment before she twists and does what can only be called an awkward reverse stab motion. Somehow, it works.. and the blade sinks deep into the shell once more, causing even more cracks to spread even as she withdraws the weapon.

Arrows, blows, acid, blades. Cracks, cracks? What does that make her think of....? Aelmeh's eyes widen as an old piece of lore from a boring lesson on monsters at the Temple School comes back to her.


It's going to EXPLODE!!!!Get back everyone.

 GAME: Ulthan rolls damage3: aliased to 1d10+6: (8)+6: 14

Ulthan,despite seeing the cracks buckling outward, can't let go of his rage with a moving enemy in front of him, just swings his flail around in a circular motion, bringing the length of the flailhead back down on the bug in another pwoerful smash.

 Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Three - Init 23.
 It is now Carver's turn! Aelmeh is next!
 GAME: Carver rolls ranged at -1: (5)+ranged at+-1: 4
 GAME: Carver rolls ranged -1: (6)+8+-1: 13
 GAME: Carver rolls ranged -1: (8)+8+-1: 15
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Three - Init 22.
 It is now Aelmeh's turn! Ankheg is next!
 GAME: Ulthan rolls ref: (10)+2: 12
 GAME: Huian rolls reflex+3: (12)+7+3: 22
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 3d6: (8): 8
 GAME: Huian spends ONE use of CHARMED LIFE.

It might look like something out of a movie. If movies existed here. Either way, the eruption of power, light and flame blasts outwards from the Ankheg. Huian is already moving when it happens. She heard the warning, and was turning to withdraw. So she steps on a tree stump and leaps, twisting and rolling with the explosion as it washes over her. Some mild burns and bruises are added to her litany of damage even as she lands, taking a skittering stutter step before dropping to one knee and murmuring, "... Ow...."

Advancing toward something that will likely kaboom into yuck, chitin pieces and goop doesn't strike Aelmeh as the best move. With all the grace of a dancer, Aelmeh turns, promptly trips over the same danged root she hit before, then scrambles to her feet to disappear behind a tree just as the thing explodes.

 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Three - Init 16.
 It is now Ankheg's turn! Huian is next!

Standing his position, with the flail embedded in the carapace of the bug, Ulthan has no way to avoid the eruption of fire, chitin and sheer pressure exploding outwards from the now very smashed and trashed critter. As the flames roil down, revealing the singed face of the dranei, he mutters. "Ow."

...well, they were right. It *did* erupt in a gout of flame as it's carapace cracks open and other parts fall off under the pressure and loss of structural integrity. Chunks go flying everywhere and it slumps.

... and that 's when the things begin to pour out of the gaping holes in it. Small, larval like things that begin trickling and then *flooding* out of it, wiggling towards the feet of the nearby two adventurers, Ulthan and Huian, were blasted. They move fast for ... little maggot like creatures, don't they?

 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Three - Init 8.
 It is now Huian's turn! Ulthan is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Three - Init 5.

It is now Ulthan's turn! Larval Swarm is next!

 GAME: Huian rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7
 GAME: Huian used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

On one knee, Huian reaches sets her sword down for a moment, reaching into her pack and pulling out the stoppered vial. Sadly, it's not golden and not made from mead, but she pops the cap and gulps the foul tasting brew down... wounds visibly healing on her exposed flesh as she does so. Then she drops the bottle and picks up her sword, looking back to see the swarm as she shuffles away

 GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon3: (15)+8: 23

Ulthan's eyes almost bug out of his head as he sees the larvae swarm out of the exploded carapace of the big bug, and he trashes his flail in the unmeasured panic of someone really not wanting to be there.

 GAME: Ulthan rolls damage3: aliased to 1d10+6: (9)+6: 15
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Three - Init 3.
 It is now Larval Swarm's turn! Carver is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d6: (3): 3

Welp, it's a good thing Ulthan has decided to go after them -- because that means he's their first target even as bunches of them get smoodhed and smashed under foot and flail.

As they pop, there's little flecks of green fire and green blood. It's ... vile.

 Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Four - Init 23.

It is now Carver's turn! Aelmeh is next!

 GAME: Carver rolls ranged -1: (5)+8+-1: 12
 GAME: Carver rolls ranged -1: (1)+8+-1: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
 GAME: Carver rolls 1d8+2: (2)+2: 4
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Four - Init 22.
 It is now Aelmeh's turn! Ankheg is next!

Carver twangs out a pair of shots, flashing a concerned glance to the two melee combatants.

 GAME: Aelmeh rolls weapon1-4: (10)+4+-4: 10
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Four - Init 16.
 It is now Ankheg's turn! Huian is next!
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Four - Init 8.
 It is now Huian's turn! Ulthan is next!

What's a Wizard to do when a swarm of icky things are squirming for you and your traveling companions? Why, you take out your trusty crossbow and shoot one. Without further delay, Aelmeh launches a crossbow arrow at the Ankheg.

 GAME: Huian rolls weapon9+2: (17)+9+2: 28
 GAME: Huian rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9
 GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
 Round Four - Init 5.

It is now Ulthan's turn! Larval Swarm is next!

 GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon3: (16)+8: 24
 GAME: Ulthan rolls damage3: aliased to 1d10+6: (8)+6: 14
Seeing Ulthan in trouble, Huian narrows her eyes. She has finished her healing and steps closer... the step leading to a power lunge that pierces a handful of larvae. Stupid swarms.
 GAME: Ulthan ends his rage.
 GAME: Whirlpool removes the timestop.

Timestop by Whirlpool has left.

Ulthan finishes the swarming larvae by smashing around himself, until he sees not a single squirm. Then he slowly falls forward, spent and seriously expended.

 GAME: Ulthan rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

Everything goes quiet after the big splat. And then Huian straightens up even as Ulthan collapses. "Aelmeh. That potion." she suggests calmly even as she steps forward to check on the warrior.

The potions are in her pack. Aelmeh puts down her cross bow, removes the quiver of quarrel then shrugs off her pack, tossing things to the ground until she finds a potion between two pieces of rolled clothing. She passes the bottle to Ulthan, "Cheers," she wishes him.