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Revision as of 06:04, 27 April 2019

Good news, everyone!

You've been hired to protect a group of elder storytellers. Old adventurers from back in the day, gather together to swap stories. Given that they all have enemies, sometimes potent ones, from their halcyon days as warriors for Alexandria, you've been requested to play guard. They've selected an old farmhouse just outside the city for their meeting place. They've yet to arrive, en masse, but you're here early to sweep the area.

The farmhouse looks to be in good condition, though the barn has seen better days and the fields are fallow. It's not in use and hasn't been for a while.

GAME: Reva rolls knowledge/local: (17)+7: 24

There's a mul'niessa man standing on the edge of the group. His first order of business was to check around the outskirts of the buildings for any signs of something untoward, but now he stands silently and still. He's offered a brief nod in greeting, a particularly polite one to those who requested this detail, but he hasn't said much if anything. There is a friendly air about him in spite of his silence, as though he'd offer polite conversation if someone started one, but he clearly isn't going to be the one who begins it. His sharp red eyes keep an eye on everything, the people, the employers, and the horizon itself.

Reva hrms as she looks around the property, and she'll check in the barn to make sure things there look ... normal. She's got a bit of idea what's in barns normally, though not an inventory for this one. But it shouldn't have, say, burglars or anything in it.

Sargon sniffs at the air. He walks into the farmhouse and then proceeds to move from room to room. As he enters the first he sniffs again and then peers around.

Lollia's first idea was...pull up a comfortable rocking chair on the front porch. Step two: sit in chair, having lunch. Her bow is leaned nearby, however, within easy reach should trouble show up. She's learned from experience that when she's off by herself, she's the one who gets jumped by the giant spiders. THIS time. She's gonna guard the homestead.

Strike, for her part, decides to go through the rooms, checking for signs of things being as they oughtn't. She, too, was silent, but this was a colder more remote silence than the fullblood Mul. Like a machine, she went by the numbers, checking everything she could thing of.

GAME: Reva rolls perception: (2)+7: 9 GAME: Daechir rolls perception: (12)+3: 15 GAME: Strike rolls perception: (14)+10: 24 GAME: Lollia rolls perception: (10)+6: 16

Time passes and you're able to scout out and identify, through time and work, every field of approach and where you should be all stationed for your own patrols and the security of the meeting figures.

Who are due to start arriving and do, indeed, begin to do so. Old, scarred and weathered, with missing fingers of eyes, bearing the signs of hard lives lived roughly. Former warriors long past their days of glory and well and settled into their retirements.

They arrive by horseback or riding dog or digger until there's over a half-dozen of them making their way to the farmhouse to have a seat. They've done a smart thing...

... they brought their own kegs of ale...

GAME: Sargon rolls perception: (11)+9: 20

Daechir remains where he is, his back against the wall keeping an eye out on their surroundings. Each of the retired adventurers gets a nod from him and an appraising eye. His observation of them doesn't last however, it's not them that they're being paid to keep an eye on. Not unless things get out of hand with their drinking and celebrating - in which case it might. As they settle in he keeps his eye on the prize. Or in this case the horizon for any sign of trouble.

Sargon inclines his head in a nod of respect as each veteran arrives. Once the last one passes, the Oruch turns his head back and forth to scan the outskirts of the farm. Then he turns to follow the warriors inside.

Reva will nod and smile to the arriving guests, and bid them good day and such. She's outside, and keeping a wary eye out for danger. That's what she's been hired for, after all.

Lollia nods to the newcomers, getting a faint flush as some of the older and crustier ones toss comments her way about 'if they were only twenty years younger' and the like, grumbling a bit, but having only a betraying little twitch to go with her polite smile as they shuffle past. Be nice to the people who can probably polymorph her into a squirrel, after all.

Strike considers the guests on the way into the farm through a window, wondering if she recognizes anyone from before she lost weight in passing. Anyone she does recognizes is noted, but no familiar waves, or big sloppy kisses. They wouldn't know this face, and they aren't the only ones from the old days with enemies.

It's probably fortunate that only one of them appears to have any great magical talent. That'd be the Khazadi on the digger who parks it , ties it off at a tether, pats iton the head, and goes inside dragging a particularly large keg.

Soon, they're playing pleasant musica and you can hear laughter.

...time passes...

Having gotten past the slightly embarrassing greeting part, Lollia has settled back into her chair, yawning a bit as she keeps watch outside. This is not the most exciting night she's ever had, but she'll take a bit of well paid boredom over dragon assaults or something. Mostly she's been quietly practicing hand exercises, moving them through various mystical gestures without using the verbal components to actually activate a spell.

Sargon is back outside, standing watch with others from the party. He glances back once in a while, at the sound of particularly loud laughs. After a few minutes if the he looks at the rest if the party. "What are we supposed to be guarding them -from-?" he wonders aloud.

Reva will continue to walk a slow circuit around the house, keeping watch.

It certainly isn't the most exciting job that Daed has ever been on, but if boredom is the only thing he's fighting today... He can live with that. He touches his stomach in memory and shudders, shaking his head and watching the distance. Yes he can certainly live with boredom. And the silence that stretches between those standing here whom have chosen that over friendly discourse while they wait. After all, it's the path he's chosen.

"Oi! Nothing's gonna happen," calls a man from inside, "Why don't you lot come in and join us? At least a few of you. You don't ALL need to be boring. tell us some stories of your adventures!"

They're paying your bill, so...

Up to you, really.

All the same, nothing appears to be the current event.

Lollia mulls it over. Inside with the slightly lecherous geezers, or outside where it is very boring and she still might be jumped by a giant surprise arachnid. Hmmmmmm....the kegs really decided it for her as she stands up, slinging her bow. "Sure!" she says brightly, heading inside. At least they have good booze, right?

Reva smiles to the old timers, and says apologetically, "No stories here, friend, I'm new to all this. I'll stay out here, just in case."

"I agree with my companion here." Daed's voice rolls out smooth and friendly his back firmly against the wall of the building that they're guarding. "There are few enough stories that I imagine you would find of interest from me, and I would rather stay outside just in case you happen to be wrong. Though it does bring up the question - why hire adventurers to guard you if you /don't/ think you're at risk of attack?”

"Eh, that wasn't /my/ idea. The guild insisted on it!"

"We used to be big! Why, I used to be huge before that witch put a shrinking curse on me!"

He's a halfling. He's the average size of a halfling. "I'm actually an elf."

"Oh, no you're not, dumbshit. Don't even try that one with these youngin ones."

"It can work! It usually does!"

Edinaz shoulders his way inside after pulling a particularly taciturn stance while guarding. "From? Why, the past." He stays near the door. "Too many times, the dead've been showing up later, hungry."

Lollia ums, taking a seat and a glass. "Well, I don't know that I have anything interesting to you, but I did help put to rest a burning ghost thing. I mean, it was a burning man, who ran through walls, and when we followed him we found this pile of random bones that caught fire and tried to kill us...."

They all stare at Lollia, the group of them, as she moves in to take a seat and shares that.

"A burning man? I heard the rumor about that.." 

They mutter amongst themselves, this group, before nodding to Edinaz. "The dead do that. Always do that. That part never changes."

Thankfully, they're not talking about war. (It never changes either.)

Daed continues to remain silent as some of his companions engage in conversation with the older adventurer's though he's clearly amused with being called a 'youngun'. For obvious reasons. He pushes off from the wall and stretches his back out subtly, moving away from the wall to stand more on the porch.

"Well, it was weird because the bones didn't belong to the ghost...or whatever he was. I mean, they caught fire, but it wasn't, like, we found a dead corpse that had been burned to death or something." Lollia frowns. "I took some of the bones so I could study them at least and figure out what happened, it looked more like an evocation than a necromantic spell almost."

Strike doesn't remark on the burning man story. She remembers it all too well. Especially getting flattened. There was payback, but still! The half-mul's demeanor changes slightly, a vague bewilderment, and she makes a couple of discrete gestures. "wave down down wiggle" <unknown>

Sargon glances at Strike out if the corner of his eye. Then he looks at the others. "Did any of you understand what she just said?" he murmurs.

Edinaz agrees. "Is never changes, just like war." (It never changes) He frowns towards Strike quizzically. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

Lollia wrinkles her nose at Strike. "...do you have an itch or something?" she says after a moment, her brow furrowing.

Apparently, some of these old warriors do speak it, though. "What the hell? What do you mean something's wrong?"

There are perks to old adventurers being old. At least one of them had the time to do this thing and learn it.

The big double doors to the farmhouse where they're seated are definitely wide open, still, but one of them stands up to go and shut it.

The lights go out entirely. In the few seconds it takes your eyes to adjust, you can see something has formed in the interior of the farmhouse at its center -- a swirling mass of actual darkness with tendrils spreading off it.

Oh dear.

Lollia erks. "Why didn't you just /say/ that like a normal person?!?" she berates Strike a bit, backing up as she moves her fingers in a few quick passes, murmuring a spell as she summons a shimmer glow of force armor around herself.

GAME: Lollia casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 2 DC: 16

Sargon raises his fists and turns himself slightly to one side in a brawling stance. Rather than back away he edges forward in small half-steps, making sure he's closer to the disturbance than some of the less hardy party members.

Daed's eyebrow arches at the sight of the unformed thing in the middle of the room. "Well." That seems to say it all really. He's drawing his rapier with one hand, his red eyes narrowing on the thing forming. "You guys may want to get out of here while the getting is good, you hired us for this after all!"

Edinaz draws his swords, keeping the points low. "What /is/ that?" He steps to get in front of the old-timers.

As discrete doesn't work, Strike has a brief moment of incredulity on her face, then, "The light's changed, something's-!" And the light drops off entirely, "Here." she finishes flatly. The bite from the caster prompts a snarky, "I overestimated youth." With that said, she reaches for the bag of flash powder in her bandolier to attack the darkness. Because she doesn't have magic missile.

Reva doesn't notice the swirling mass til she passes a window. Seeing the lights going out, she'll rush back in and see if there's any way she can help.

These men are senior citizens. They are not able to move terribly quickly, but they are definitely up and moving.

"I just wanted to play cards!"

"All right, which ineffable ball of darkness is this?"

"WHICH ONE OF YOU LEFT SOMETHING UNDONE?" They're quarreling as they rush for the door -- but then, 'rushing' is relative ion this case.

The tendrilly void of darkness begins to solidify into a humanoid shape. A roaring voice echoes in your ears, but not audibly.


GAME: Strike rolls ranged+1: (1)+5+1: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Edinaz casts Shield. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

As though the evening weren't already on enough of a downslide, Strike's intent to battle darkness with light runs into a snag. Apparently, the skein of her flash powder was much flimsier than the one's she got fro her usual guy, because no sooner does she pull it from the bandolier ouch does it go off in her hand with a bewildering FLASH <Ah-aaaaaah!>. She's never going to hear the end of this, she's sure.

Edinaz calls out to Kor in Yrch, and he's answered by a shimmer in front of him. Then there's the FLASH, and he steps up, drawing his swords, beside Strike. "Are you okay?"

Daechir closes his red eyes to the darkness for a moment, and then a pulse emits from him, a pulse of violet light that echoes through the room, covering everything inside it in a dim but purposeful glow. It's not bright enough to blind anyone, but there's no longer any darkness to hide in. Red eyes open once more, and there's a grim smile forming on the mul'niessan's lips.

GAME: Sargon rolls cmb+2: (20)+8+2: 30

....the darkness is parted to a degree by the faerie fire, to reveal that there's something in its mass. A central, slithering, ball of tentacles and eyestalks from the look of it. Uh oh.

That's not promising.

GAME: Lollia used a Wand of Magic Missile. GAME: Lollia rolls 1d4: (2): 2 GAME: Sargon rolls fort: (17)+7: 24

Lollia backs up as the retirees make a run for the door, scrambling at a side pouch to pull out a carved wand that she levels at the darkness. Luckily it doesn't matter if anyone want to grapple it or not...the energy dart that punches out of it neatly avoids anyone but her target before slamming into the humanoid figure's chest.

GAME: Sargon rolls fort: (14)+7: 21
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (6)+7: 13
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (6)+7: 13
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (11)+7: 18
GAME: Reva rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29

Sargon's grasp on it has the darkness-ball so thoroughly outlined within the mass of it squirming. Eye stalks turn and let loose blasts of wavy energy that seems to make the air shimmer more than anything else. Regardless, it has a concrete impact on Sargon, burning his flesh.

GAME: Reva rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Reva rolls 2d10+16: (16)+16: 32

Reva scoots into the room and squares off against the foe, blocking its path towards the old timers it seems to have come after. It seems not to be taking her seriously, perhaps because of her delay in attacking, but she was merely biding her time. She raises her sword to en garde, then slashes down with a swift strike, like a viper, cutting to the quick before she steps back and brings the blade back to the ready position. She gives it a reflexive flick, though she's not sure whether this thing leaves blood on the blade or not.

GAME: Itzpapalotl activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str
GAME: Itzpapalotl rolls weapon0+2+2+1+1: (11)+4+2+2+1+1: 21
GAME: Itzpapalotl rolls 1d8+5+1: (7)+5+1: 13

The old men are racing out the door now into the night's sky. They're not exactly looking thrilled with this situation, but most of them are just too old to do anything about it.

And the wizard? Well... he's retired for a reason. All those missing fingers make casting a lot of spells hard.

GAME: Strike rolls weapon0+2: (18)+5+2: 25
GAME: Strike rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6
GAME: Daechir casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Daechir rolls 2d4+2: (6)+2: 8

Strike blinks spots out of her eyes as she says, "I'm fine." and th world gets technicolor and squirmy by the time the spots are gone. SHe moves in and lifts a knee to thrust a surly, stompy kick into the grappled ball of too many eyes and wiggly bits.

With the target visible now, Daed shifts his weight, pushing his fingers toward the creature that is entangled with members of his party. Arcane words flow forth from his lips, their meaning shifting even as he speaks them. Then streaks of white light pour forth from his hand like shooting stars through the darkness to bury themselves into the creature - whatever it is.

GAME: Sargon rolls 9: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Sargon rolls 9: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Sargon rolls 9: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Sargon spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Lollia used a Wand of Magic Missile.
GAME: Lollia rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

Given the general scrum taking place around the...whatever it is. Lollia is pretty good about not getting closer. There are tentacles! And she keeps using the attack she's sure won't hit one of her party mates, sending another glowing shard of energy streaking into the darkness.

GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+9: (2)+9: 11
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 3d6: (14): 14
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 3d6: (10): 10
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 3d6: (8): 8
GAME: NeverSleepsPool rolls 3d6: (7): 7


"Did he say twenty years?"

"Sounds like it. Guess he'll be waiting a while when these fells are done with him. We'll all be dead by then. No problem."

"Hey, MOST of you will be dead by then. SOME of us have longer lives, you know," grouses the Khazad.

Yes, they're bickering over who'll still be around in twenty years while you fight the damn thing. More hazy eye-rays strike you, leaving Strike, Sargon and Itzpapalotl burned.

GAME: Reva rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Reva rolls 1d10+8: (9)+8: 17

Reva continues her fencing, blade cutting through the air with crisp strokes, and through the monster as well. One arm behind her back, facing the foe from her side, she extends her blade and lunges forward, pressing the point home as deeply as she can before drawing back to comparative safety.

GAME: Itzpapalotl rolls weapon0+2+1+4: (7)+4+2+1+4: 18
GAME: Itzpapalotl rolls weapon0+2+1+4: (2)+4+2+1+4: 13
GAME: Itzpapalotl rolls weapon0+2+1+4-5: (6)+4+2+1+4+-5: 12
GAME: Itzpapalotl rolls 1d8+5: (2)+5: 7
GAME: Strike spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Strike spends ONE use of STUNNING FIST.
GAME: Strike rolls weapon0+2: (6)+5+2: 13
GAME: Strike rolls weapon0+2: (8)+5+2: 15
GAME: Daechir casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Daechir rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7

Daed repeats his earlier performance, moving around the creature slightly to get a better view of it. The spell he's using does require that he be able to see it after all.

GAME: Sargon spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Sargon rolls 9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Sargon rolls 9: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Sargon rolls 9: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+11: (7)+11: 18
GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+9: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Sargon rolls 1d8+9: (1)+9: 10
GAME: Lollia used a Wand of Magic Missile.
GAME: Lollia rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

Sargon is scorched and burned by rays. He pounds away unrelentingly, punches swinging at the thing from seemingly impossible angles and with uncanny speed. He steps back to recover his breath, and see if the shadowy monster shows any signs of slowing.

Yeah, Lollia is just going to keep pelting that darkness with missiles until it....explodes. She blinks, then squeals. "YES! I GOT IT!!" Yes, she totally did. Nevermind all the other people beating on it! Killstealer is her.

...with it dead, the elder adventurers are nodding their heads amongst them, the men and women agreeing. "Well, that was a sight for sore eyes, but how he'd find us?"

"Not sure. Maybe he was able to sense us together?"

"Eh, maybe. That or one of you was bored enough to set it up."

They immediately descend into bickering.
