Heir to the Throne: Trouble in Unbundun Part 1

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The City of Unbundun, capital of the Nulgab region of the Duivia Dukedom. By all means, the entire region is considered the breadbasket of Duivia, and offers a wide variety of grains, seeds, herbs, and spices to the greater Myrrdion Kingdom. It is also the main thoroughfare of most ground-based trade in the Duivia Dukedom. There are carts constantly going in and out of the city.

At its center, the mainstay of markets; the Open Market District. There merchants from all around the world visit to peddle their wares. Licenses for their square feet on the great foot-trodden grassy region at the very center of the city are heavily fought over. Transactions watched over by the Unbundun Merchant Guild - who ensure that nobody is skipping out on - what are generally consired quite reasonable - taxes.

There is a bit of a constant slowdown near the bridge to the north however. It's the main road along which most other Dukedoms connect to Unbundun, and the toll station is constantly paid at by merchants. Regular travelers are exempt from such tolls, to encourage sales.

The group has been given a contact name to visit eventually, in the Social District. To ask for Barkeeper Blau at the Social District. Reportedly, they move from Bar to Bar, their skills being so heavily asked for.

Right now, it's a wildly sunny day. A comfortable breeze flowing in through the small rivers, making everything here quite comfortable as they pass over the Toll Bridge, having been let through. They have a visa that will last them for a day, but there's an evening Curfew. Undoubtedly, there lies corruption beyond this cheery and warm summer fade. Somewhere... there's trouble brewing.

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                             Part 2: Trouble in Unbundun 

GAME: Crik rolls disguise: (11)+12: 23

Harshad reflexively taps his chest once, as he peers up at the massive temple to Kor that rears above the city. He's changed up his garments, his utilitarian garb swapped for the linens of a Bludgun courtier, complete with decorative gorget. Of course, because Bludguni courtiers are not mere fops, his fine rapier still hangs off his belt. His hair has been dyed a bright crimson, and more artfully styled on his head than the mess of braids and dreadlocks it usually is.

"My god-bothering really isn't all that great," Harshad remarks quietly. "But... it feels weird that Kor is so prominent in a city that's supposed to be, y'know... really regimented and strict."

GAME: Harshad rolls knowledge/local: (7)+8: 15

GAME: Zofija rolls knowledge/local: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Warrick rolls knowledge/local+2: (16)+5+2: 23

GAME: Carver rolls knowledge/religion: (18)+3: 21

It didn't take much to turn a hobgoblin into a rough, mercenary looking sort. Gone were the fanciful hat, jackets and shirts, replaced by simpler, plain garments. The chain shirt and hammer remained, however, and they pulled a cloak over their shoulders. And certainly, Screech was back somewhere safe.

"Is a bit weird." Zofija agrees, looking at the half-oruch, scowling, and continuing her musings without having to look at them. "Most folks'd say the only temple to angoron you need is a strong core and rippling muscles. Think this was put in place after their crusade, some sort of memorial of sorts."

Carver sits astride a Myrrish filly, still too young to call a mare. Her own clothes have not changed much. They are not outlandish so much as they are outlander's, and the dirt of the road has replaced her warpaints that she would prefer. "I hear' from the merchant we met on the road that this city used to be headed by Rada instead, but was, uh.... put out after the crusaders came home to honor 'em. She said tha' it wasn't a popular move an' maybe still a coven or cult still loyal to Rada around."

Warrick is a bit different in his attire, the crimson trim on his armor covered in black leather, his hair dyed grey (much to his complaint, and his usual crossbow slung over a shoulder. Very mercenary, less looking like a guard.

He scratches his beard. "Mhmm, after the war, it was converted like she said. Wasn't a popular decision, correct, but it lowered crime with all the muscle around. Nobles liked that." He glances up at the temple, before checking his weapons.

GAME: Warrick rolls knowledge/local+2: (7)+5+2: 14

GAME: Zofija rolls knowledge/local: (14)+8: 22

GAME: Harshad rolls knowledge/local: (18)+8: 26

As the group enters through the main gates, and past the massive Kor Church, they will find that the city is well-visited. There's a main road that goes 'under' the Kor Church, offering a direct path for Merchants to the Open Market District. Travelers are guided away from this central road, so they stay out of the way of the Merchants and don't disrupt trade.

There's a few younger Korrist Paladin Squires that overlook the area, who are keeping the peace - as well as answering questions. Guiding visitors to the various districts as needed. There are well maintained signs that also help guide people throughout the city.

Following these signs, or even asking one of the Squires, finding the Social District isn't too difficult. There's specifically no carts of horse travel allowed in the area. There's tables and chairs everywhere, outside of various inns, taverns, and other establishments. There's a few more... niche shops as well, where a series of lovely folk offer more exclusive matters. Not what the group is looking for.

Warrick still knows the place quite well, and believes he knows where to find Barkeeper Blau. But when he drops into the shop, it seems that Blau has moved on from the place about a year ago. There's a pleasant exchange however, and he gets some pointers of some other places to try.

Zofija and Harshad however, while waiting for Warrick, overhear that Blau is working at 'that Arcanist bar'. With Harshad recalling that there used to be a really run-down place like that about a year ago called the Bombardier's Bar. But when the group approaches, it looks nothing like its old rundown self...

Stepping inside, the group finds a lively bar. Servers moving about, offering various interesting foods. Gryphon's Haunch. Basilisk Steak. There's even some drinks on the menu called 'Hag Brew' and 'Deva Drink Deluxe'. The place is clearly geared towards the more affluent clientelle, but there's still this warm and welcoming air to it that eshews the idea of 'exclusivity'.

Various glowing artifice candles hang above, and an enchanted stained glass window causes strange lighting to enter the place. They're welcomed by a small green Kobold wearing artificer gear, bowing to them. "Welcome, welcome esteemed guests. How may we be of service here at the Bombardier's Bar?"

"There's sense to that," Carver says. "After we spoke with him, maybe we know more, can find somethin' of use in a city this size rather than stumble around can be actually lookin'." She leads with her legs, following after the others. When they come to the bar, she slips off her steed with a smooth motion. "I'll stay outside, ten' to my horse... and keep eyes on the road. Make sure no one's got eyes on us."

GAME: Carver rolls perception: (9)+13: 22

GAME: Carver rolls sense motive: (8)+3: 11

Harshad's eyebrows shoot up as they step into the Bombardier's Bar. The last he'd heard, it was a bit of a dive -- about on a par with the Drunken Armadillo back in Alexandria. This... is a bit of a step up. A glance at Warrick, before he forges ahead.

"How about drinks at the bar?" he inquires. "I hear you've got a master drinkmeister here, name of Blau, and I'd like to see him work." The half-oruch spins a coin along his knuckles, by way of demonstrating that he's not just trying to cadge a free drink.

Warrick quirks a brow as he sees no carts or horses within the city itself. Calling back on some missions and random books, he manages to get the party somewhat pointed in the right direction.

He tilts his head at the bar's interior as they get there. Sharing a glance with Harshad, he shrugs lightly. "Bar's good-" a glance back at the entrance, with Carver having an issue with the guard. "-I can go with you and be right back if need be," he offers to Carver.

Zofija wasn't expecting the inside of the bar. There's a moment of surprise and curiosity on the bar, followed by disgust at what the servers were offering. She does have the good sense not to leave such an expression lingering, at least.

"Yeah, a drink sounds good right about now." The arvek-nar grunts. "You work here, I take it?" She asks of the kobold.

"Nah, jus' a sidegig." Carver grumbles, annoyed and put off by the demand, but obliging. "I'll stay by the hitching posts for a little while and rejoin shortly. This guy best have somethin' useful though."

Bryn's initial 'looking around' as they enter the city is mostly oggling the massive temple overhead. Maybe the squires, too, though they're acting more like sages than warriors at the moment. This is perfectly fine with her, and she has a few questions for them. Important, relevant questions: How old is the temple? How many train there? Who are the best teachers? Why does she need to move along because she has more questions?! This leaves Bryn a bit annoyed and/or despondent as they continue on...

Until spying something with nearly as much interest (maybe more?): a bar. The Bombardier's sounds... interesting. "Always the right time for a drink!" It only improves when she sees the offerings. She only just had some similar exotic stuff in Alexandria and thought it was amazing. Maybe it's not so exotic as they made it sound, if most everywhere she's been recently has it? Even if that everywhere is only two cities

Amidst the affluent clientele, a particularly draperous figure was shuffling around. Wearing a mask, neatly cut leather cloak and what looks like an artificer gadget or widget of some sorts spinning restlessly in one of their hands. They walk with an exaggerated lackadaisical attitude - though at times, it seems to turn into hasty, panicked hop.

Tall, straight, haughty. And with black feathers for a tail.

"Bothering at the front door again?" They ask from the kobold, waving the spinning, artificery-gadget at them. "Should all of my new friends be bothered like this?"

Quickly, fingers are pointing and making incomprehensible gestures above the kobold's head when the kobold is not looking. What they mean though - is completely up to debate.

GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)


As Bryn inquires about things to the Squires, they are a bit overwhelmed by the sudden questions. But they manage to answer. The temple originally was dedicated to the god of Trade, and has stood well over half a millenium. Paladins do not train at this temple specifically, but rather learn how to handle the peace outside of wartimes. The best teachers are in Raz. Move along citizen.

Outside of the Social District:

As Carver heads out to hitch the horses, she may spot a few people looking her way. It's clear she committed some kind of social faux-pas. Though the stares don't linger too long. Typical social behavior around these parts, most likely. The Korrite Squire that asked her to move away with the horse does walk with her though. Partially to make sure she hitches the horse, but also to offer a proper place to do so. They're around if she has any questions.

Inside the Bar:

The small kobold turns to look towards the bar, then turns back towards Harshad. "Sure! If you can find a spot to sit at the bar, the seat's yours. Though you shouldn't refer to miss Blau as a he - they'll get upset." They remark, before turning to Zofija. "Yip! Yip! Yep! I am the owner of this here bar! I am Mister Bombardier!" They chitter. At first it looked like they were just the Host here, but here they are.

The little thing turns towards Crik, and shows a toothy grin. "Yip! It is all good. We welcome all sorts here." They remark. It looks at Crik making hand-gestures, and then steps aside. "Go on in." They motion.

At the Bar Counter:

It isn't hard to find Barkeeper Blau. The dirty-blonde human woman with two braids is working on making a drink for a tall Sith-makar, and puts down what looks like a massive mug for them - before turning to those approaching. "What can I getcha?"

Harshad casually ambles over to the bar, sliding into a seat as another patron leaves. His green eyes widen slightly at the braided blonde, but he offers a tusked grin. "I'll have a Hag's Brew, that sounds interesting."

As he slides the coins across for his drink, his hand turns. He's wearing the signet ring reversed, the 'face' towards his palm, and so only Blau can see the Von Stein emblem on it. "But if you've a better suggestion, I'm happy to hear it."

GAME: Harkashan rolls 20: (11)+20: 31

"Prosperity in our time, eh?" Carver asides to the Korite squire. "Been a time of peace and happiness, if the idea of a horse on a road has this many people hackles up. Surprised to see it doin' so well, thought Rada woul' be a bit spiteful what with the Great Fisherman gettin' set out to sea and replaced with a Hammer. Is me breakin' the social contract the most excitin' thing that happened to you this week?" The Squire wants to make sure she's behaving so she's gonna talk his bloody ear off.

Perhaps it was only now that Warrick realizes the host is much shorter than him, and is that of a kobold. And past that- he blinks. Is that..?

Warrick rubs his eyes. Somehow he's both surprised yet not that Crik was here. "Well- uh, you got a fine place Mister Bombardier," he says cordially before following Harshad over to the bar, and trying to find a seat. "Hag's Brew for me as well," he grunts, failing to find a seat as he just leans against the bar.

"Didn't know they let kobolds own land in the city here. That's interesting, nothing against it though, mister Bombardier. Nice place, you've really done a good job with it." The arvek-nar grunts, deciding it's best not to crowd the person they were looking for at the moment. "What's the owners recommendation of drinks here, then?"

Bryn catches up to the others. Well, most of them, but notably the bar. She doesn't quite get to the bar within the bar as she's occupied in looking around. The kobold owner, patrons, menus... lots to look at. Then her eye is back to Bombardier when he's asked for drink recommendations. That would've been her next question, maybe.

At the Bar:

Bombardier grins widely as Warrick says he has a fine place, seeming quite proud. "Enough to make a Dragon jealous, yip!" He answers. At Zofija's comment, the smile weakens just a bit for a moment, before he adds; "Yep! As long as you agree to the Social Contract, they let Kobolds like me own, Yip!" It declares. "Always wanted to own a Tavern. See lots of bright smiles! As for Recommendations, I recommend the Dragon's Hoard."

Miss Blau smiles as Harshad and Warrick both sit down with a smile that just... dazzles. One that can make one's heart feel like it jumps. "Well hello there strangers." She answers with a deep welcome. She taps the bar and tilts her head a bit. "A Hag's Brew for the both of 'ya! Alright, coming right up!" As she takes out a gnarled looking wand, and taps the counter. A twin set of cups appear from the bar-counter itself, forming from its wooden surface, before the woman casts mending on the bar itself to fix the damage this little 'trick' does.

She then starts mixing a variety of typical alcohols, along with a bit of magic, to give it an interesting green glow-and-fumes look coming from it. It smells really sweet, which hides just how POWERFULLY alcoholic it is. "There you go sweethearts." She chimes to the two, winking at them with a sweet and enticing look. She's noticed the signet ring of course, and then leans in.

"We can talk here. Everyone else is paying attention to their own food. What else 'ya looking for, charming?" She chimes.


The squire chuckles. "People have just come to accept this way of live over the last few decades. You'll have to forgive them for their glances." He is calm in his pace. "But it probably is the most interesting thing that's happened to them this week. Things in this city are pretty calm honestly. Ever since the new social rules got put into place, and we came here to keep the peace, not much happens outside of the rules in place, you see?" He chimes.

He just smiles at her mention of Rada. "That's for Kor and Rada to fight over. That decision is well above my paygrade. We made sure there's at least still a section of the temple where the Rada folk can head over. Though most of the merchants worship her through the act of mercantile in the city really." He notes, in an honestly warm manner. He doesn't mind her talking his ear off.

"All sorts indeed!" The haughtish figure exclaims - to little dramatic effect. Nearly-not-crik starts making his way across the room after Warrick and Harshad, quickly whispering to Warrick. "It is me, Crik. What happened to your hair?"

Then the group is at the bar, and putting aside the maybe-artificed widget-a-spinnemet gadget, the masked figure gestures at himself and the other two. "Hags on... this, me. All of them." Masked-crik vaguely attempts after Warrick and Harshad places their orders, as if trying to remember a script. His words drown in the chaos and bustle.

GAME: Carver rolls sense motive: (14)+3: 17

GAME: Zofija rolls sense motive: (10)+1: 11

GAME: Warrick rolls sense motive-2: (7)+5+-2: 10

GAME: Harshad rolls sense motive-2: (2)+1+-2: 1

Harshad gives Crik a glance, but honestly, the disguised egalrin is doing a good job drawing attention off him and Warrick... which is really what Harshad wants. Turning his eyes back to Blau, he smiles, leaning in as if to flirt.

Softly, he says, "Information. Tell us about this 'social contract' they keep referring to." He picks up his drink, but doesn't sip from it yet. "It's pretty different here. Not like back home."

Warrick isn't one to turn down a drink, doubly so if it pops up in such a fancy manner. He smiles, nods his head. "Thanks." He takes a swig.

He glances to Crik. "... I don't want to talk about it," he grumbles. Not ready for his silver fox years. Seeing as Harshad has the forefront on this, he keeps his back leaned on the bar, listening to Blau and Harshad, but mainly watching the door.

GAME: Warrick rolls fortitude: (15)+6: 21

"Sounds pretty nice, in that case." Zofija grunts, filing that away for later. She wasn't sure what led to them owning the tavern after all, if he was designated to do so or not. "Thanks for your time, I'll see about making good on that recommendation."

The arvek-nar takes a wander over to the bar, glancing to see Blau and the others, before waiting to be served.

Carver's eyebrows go up. "That was a joke, y'know. Lil' ole me really the most excitin' thing you could talk about?" She clicks her tongue off her teeth in dismay. "Now I ain't no scholar but ole' Battleaxe teaches you to seek conflict. I bet you squires got a pit you go an' grease up for wrasslin'. To, uh, get the urges out." She begins to hitch the horse, petting to soothe the nervous creature to whom she is still bonding.

Bryn wasn't the one asking, or answered, but she makes an audible note of "Dragon's Hoard." Sounds rich.. or spicy? Maybe both. She gives Bombardier a tusky grin before semi-following Zofija towards the bar, Blau, and others. There she takes up a spot at the bar and in line.

At the Bar:

"Ah, of course." The woman chimes smiling. "The folk here are happy to accept the Social Contract. The typical stuff, you know, don't steal and all that lot. But when you become a citizen, you are given a job and a hobby." She explains simply, as this is common knowledge.

She then leans in a bit. "There's a few folk accepting the Social Contract in an hour in the Administrative District." Before leaning back again with a wink.

"So, what do you think about the drink?" She then asks, before looking to Zofija as she approaches. "What about you hun? What can I getcha?" Re-iterating the question for Bryn when she too settles down, before tapping on the board for Crik's sake. A gold piece of Hag. Dragon's Hoard runs at a very expensive 100 gold.


The squire gives her a bit of a bemused look. "Well, Kor tells us to 'deal' with conflict. We're not Maugrimites. We're not looking to start things." He points out. "Honestly though, not really the urge to go around swinging my sword willy-nilly. When I was young, I figured I'd end up a farm..." He pauses for a moment, then shakes his head and chuckles. "Nah."

He corrects himself. "Anyhow. Here you are." He presents a public hitching place for horses. "Just tie them here. There's a few folk who watch to make sure nothing suspicious happens." He notes, and then turns to wander off.

GAME: Zofija rolls sense motive: (11)+1: 12

GAME: Crik rolls sense motive: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Bryn rolls perform/sing: (18)+8: 26

"I'm kind of a free-wheeling type. Might be why I spend so much time away from Bludgun." Harshad gives Blau a crooked grin. "Not sure I want to get roped into a contract just yet. Especially when I haven't read it."

He leans back in toward Blau. "Of course, if you'd like to make a more personal pitch, I sure wouldn't mind." He winks at her before taking a long drink of his Hag's Brew, trusting to Lady Luck to not mess him up too much.

GAME: Harshad rolls fortitude: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)

Oh no. That was a lot of coins. Crik didn't like carrying around too many heavy coins - but that was a lot of big shiny coins. He pulls open his coinpurse, stares down at it - then shuts it snap shut. Deep breath. The bag is flung open once again, the thingambobabwidget is put on the counter and haphazardly, the nearly-hidden-crik starts dropping the gold coins onto the counter. "And here are the coins since _I_, have too many to spare." Some of them bounce off the hollow sounding gadget.

Crik turns his mask quickly towards Warrick - holding onto his own drink, due to mask related logistics. "Learn anything? Borrow few silvers? Who are the others with us? Did you sign anything?" He rapidfire questions in hushed whispers.

Warrick makes a face of approval at the drink, before his eyes unfocus. He rubs at them, only to glance over the owner and then Blau. Peering into the drink briefly, he makes a small grunt. "Interesting..." At least he was reassured that this was the right and- more importantly- safe place. He blinks, being addressed. "Oh, it's interesting and smooth. Never had something like this before. Makes things... sparkly?"

His brows furrow at the elaboration of the contract, and glances to the door, sliding a gold over to pay for the drink. "Maybe go watch that. Or least just be walking on by..."

A glance to Crik. "Learned stuff. Here-" he hands the bird some coinage, "-and no. Signed nothing."

"Ah, from Bludgun are we? Must be quite different from here." The woman chimes bemusedly. "Ah, it's less about reading the contract, and more about Witnessing the rituals, isn't it?" She chimes to him, before noticing a wince from him...

And then offers a water; "On the house."

She then turns to Warrick as he draws her attention.

"Definitely don't go signing anything you are not ready to commit to. And remember, there's a Curfew tonight. So make sure to remain indoors. Especially stay out of the Northwestern Housing district, okay? They've gotten a bit more strict there as of late." She points out.

Zofija stops, and blinks at the menu. "Do people actually fucking pay that much for a drink?" The arvek-nar asks bluntly. Pause, and the arvek-nar shakes her head. "Sorry, didn't mean much by it, but one hundred gold pieces is a lot to drop on a drink. Must be why the owner likes people ordering it." Zofi grunts. "We came here for work, so I really shouldn't be spending that much, it'd defeat the purpose."

"Oh yes. Very much so." The Barkeep answers Zofija proudly. "We serve drinks here for a discerning clientelle. Besides... they aren't /just/ drinks." She chimes. "The Dragon's Hoard is rumored to make you lucky for a day." And by the way she is saying this, it's clear that she's suggesting this isn't just /a rumor/.

Carver returns after seeing to her horse's comfort, pushing toward the bar where she knew most would be focused. After all, their contact's occupation was clearly stated. Keep to the bar, you'll never feel better. The grayhead and the befeathered silhouette are the most recognizable.

"This place shines like polished shit." She doesn't spit but looks like she wants to. "Can't even walk a horse through the street, an' that Knight was weird. He didn't strike me like a Korite. I seens the Proving Ground of Kor in Dran. He even said he was gonna be a farmhan' but somethin' changed. Guess he got, uh, drafted?" She looks up at the board, "... Why's that thing cos' a hundred gold pieces?"

Harshad lowers the glass. "Yeah, that's like Dran fire-whiskey. Slow burn, and then..." He pauses. Blinks. Then he flinches, as his pupils dilate. "...the fuck? What is -in- this?" He sets the glass down, reaching up to rub his eyes, then his temples. "I feel like I'm trapped in a gnomish fireworks stall." Harshad picks up the water, and downs it in one gulp.

"Curfews?" he says, squinting a bit at Blau. "Seriously? Great... can you recommend a place to stay tonight, then? City watch probably doesn't want people wandering around."

"Oh..." Bryn was right about the Dragon Hoard. It IS rich. She is not, which makes her choice of drink pretty easy. "I'll take a Hag's Brew." It's still a bit pricey, but one can't hurt. She has some coin to spare and places one for it on the bar. A tusky smirk is flashed to Zofija. "Sounds like he knows his business?"

There's a blink about the lucky part, then a bigger grin. "Think most folks get drinks aimin to get lucky." A deep chuckle and then she shrugs at Zofija. "Maybe he likes the ... sparkley?" A motion to Warrick at what he said, even though Bryn isn't sure exactly what he meant. Not yet. Maybe after a gulp or three of her drink.

"Why yes sugar. Didn't they explain at the Toll booth?" They did. "Y'all got a visa for a day, being outsiders. There's a curfew at sundown. I recommend one of the inns in any of the Housing Districts." She suggests. "And that drink's got you seeing magic." She then adds for Harshad's sake.

She then gets going on another Hag's Brew for Bryn, and it isn't long before it stands ready before her. Green glow and all! "That'll be one gold." She offers her hand out to Crik. Poor bird. "Y'all should probably head on out though, make sure you make those evening arrangements. It's still early in the day, but best make sure you've got a spot arranged ahead of time."

Hold on a moment. Crik holds on a moment. Warrick just _gave_ him coins without the slightest grunt or grumble? Leaning over and steadying the other man. "... are you drunk already?" He asks, gravely concerned. "... not just the hair, is it?"

Crik looks behind him at Harshad, and then back towards Warrick. "... oh, just poisoned." He pats the man comfortingly, almost as if it could be worse. "I will look at the contracts while you rest your weary liver."

Then the hand is held out for him - again. There is a moment of pause - and then he flicks a shiny coin towards the barternded. "But _of course_ I can only be the best host, since gold is no matter."

GAME: Bryn rolls fortitude: (2)+4: 6

Warrick raises a hand as if it were to ward off concerns, shaking his head. "Not planning on signing anything. But it'd be best to see what's going on with that." He's about to take a half step out, but he stays a moment overlong to learn of a place to stay.

He casts a glance to Harshad, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You alright? Guess it's not agreeing with you too well."

There's a moment where he pauses. Squares his shoulders, then looks to the group. "Someone please get our inn stay sorted out. I dabble in legalese, so it'd be best for me to see this contract thing in person." Warrick gives Crik a look. "I'll complain later. Anyways, come on."

Warrick starts to head out to watch this Social Contract Signing. Hopefully it's a public affair.

"Wha' about the Rada priest, shoul' we see them? They probably got some resentment piled up." Carver asks, thoughtfully frowning. But everyone is leaving soon. Oh, shoot. Wait. One second. She taps the bar for attention and then leaves ten coins on the counter, all shiny and platinum. "Never seen a dragon's hoard much less drank't. Gimme."

"Well, if the discerning folks can discern why it's one hundred gold pieces, I suppose that's fair." Zofija shrugs. "Sure, I'll have a hag's brew, why not. If I can't out drink someone from Bludgun, then that's just embarassing. Always knew they were lily livered to begin with. I'll carry them to a safe spot if I have to and they cann't walk, anyways."

"Ohhhh, a big spender." Lady Blau notes as Carver approaches. Everyone else's presence seeming to fade as the bar literally gets a bit darker. That light of the stained glass in the bar changing... golden light filtering down on Carver, and just Carver.

As an illusion comes over her, making it look like the outline of a dragon standing in her place. What follows is a most excellent display of flair and dramatics - after the coins are taken of course. Illussionary gold begins to pile up on the bar. The loud jingling of coins raining down from the counter onto the floor.

The barkeeper quickly miming at pulling the coins into the tiniest of shot-glasses, before getting some alcohols and pouring them in there at very precise measurements. Some of which Carver simply does not recognize. There's light plays and much more, but in the end, she adds a layer of liquid gold onto the top of the drink, and then waits for Carver to drink it.

The illussion will not fade until she does!

Well, or until the spell wears off.

While the group waits on Carver to drink, Blau quickly makes a Hag's Brew for Zofija. But compared to that display, it 'fades' a bit. And there's clearly a lot of patrons looking the way of Carver's now. Jealous about the drink she's about to imbibe. Complex flavors. Small in quantity, but powerful in result. Giving her the sense of importance and dragon-like might.

Like maybe she should start a hoard of Kobolds or something.

GAME: Carver rolls fortitude: (3)+6: 9

GAME: Zofija rolls fortitude: (8)+7: 15

Three gulps and a belch combine to make one standard quaff by Broken Tusk math that Bryn was taught. She smacks her lips after. "That's... different." Then her lips are suddenly contorting and a hand goes to her head as she blinks. "Augh. Ain' the headache s'posed to come tomorrow, and after a barrel not half a mug?" Well, it IS different. "Room sounds a good idea..."

GAME: Carver rolls knowledge/local+1: Trained Use Only: 0

"Huh, wha--?" Carver asks as light fades and she is illuminated, like some rare star. She slaps her arms to get rid of the sparkles afearing they might be fire, but laughs as she catches on, clapping at the sheer showmanship that comes with indulging way too much money for what consists of three sips. She plucks the glass up off the bar after the last delicate alchemy is finished and toasts the crowd, "Huzzah!"

She slams the glass down, eyes darting here-and-there. The Old Man and the Crone are forgotten. She's feeling... lucky.

Her hissed exhale becomes a roaring burp as she slaps the table, "Hey, Barkeep, where can I make a few friendly bets at?"

"Friendly bets?" The woman asks, thinking to herself for a moment. Then shakes her head. "Legally, I don't think there's any gambling in the city I am afraid." She chimes. "It got banned three years ago, when someone tried to 'gamble' with someone to switch jobs using some kind of Fae pact. Didn't end up well."

"Huh." Carver says, "Wha' happened to 'em?"

"Hmmm... nobody knows." Blau answers Carver with a very telling look, like perhaps it's unwise to talk too much about that in public.

Harshad has the good grace to finish his drink, before putting his cup down as well. "At least it goes down well. Could do without the sparkles everywhere." He squints at the others. "Okay... look, I'm just gonna head into the northeast quarter, find a decent inn."

He glances at Bryn. "You coming? Once we get rooms, we'll try and head back to meet you at the admin... whatever, where they're having the contract signing." He rubs the bridge of his nose. "Damn. That stuff is potent." He quirks an eyebrow at Carver asking about gambling -- and the lack thereof. But he doesn't say anything. Not here, anyways.

Administrative District:

As Warrick heads on out, along with anyone who might follow him, it takes a bit to get to the Administrative District. It's a lot quieter here, from day to day. The warm sun shining down upon him. There's some insect songs coming from the various trees in the area. The smells in the air definitely are quick to remind that he's in a more agricultural trade city. Lots of breads, butters, honeys and the like being moved into the important governmental buildings.

There is an area that is more busy though. There's a shop with a really long awning, with what looks like a Cleric talking to a group of young teens. "Now come forward, and let me see into your future. So that you can be fulfilled!" The Cleric chimes at what looks to be a blonde youth no more than thirteen years of age. The Cleric with one hand on what looks like a crystal ball, and the other aiming to touch the boy's golden-crowned head.

Various parents are looking at the display. Some of them with children, clearly next in line.

GAME: Warrick rolls sense motive: (19)+5: 24

Warrick strolls over towards the Administrative District, trying his best to not fall back into what is his usual beat of scanning and listening. But thankfully, for just a moment, he does, and he catches a shop offering divining services. He does a quick flitting look about the line, before taking on a more 'idly watching' next to it. "Excited to so what yours is going to do?" he inquires to one of the parents, making idle parent talk.

That he could at least do.

"Yeah, yeah..." Bryn answers Harshad readies to go... then eyes her mug again. She doesn't like the idea of getting beat by it, or leaving it half-full; it's wasteful and, by Kor, she paid for the whole drink. She upends the rest of it before thumbing for the door. "Le's go."

The parents who are still waiting in line, look to Warrick. "I'm sure he'll get the job of his dreams!" The father says, while the mother glances away to the other parents. "His future will be secure." She remarks in agreement, but she does not make eye-contact. Warrick, already having spotted something unusual, will pick up on the discomfort here. "I'm sure he won't have anything better to wish for." The father then adds. Which then ends up with a mumble of sorts from the mother.

GAME: Warrick rolls perception: (15)+6: 21

"What, was that what the problem was?" Zofija grunts, downing the mug of brew. "Good though, you know your stuff, barkeep." She admits, turning to Carver. "Careful what you wish for. Might seem nice to be real lucky right now, but I have it on good authority that it's not all sunshine and roses. Still, hell of a show, isn't it? I reckon he can handle some legal stuff. I don't think ignoring Rada is a good idea though, want to check in on those followers with me? Good to know what the local clergy are like."

Warrick gives a nod towards the two parents. "Making sure our kid's future is safe is important," he grunts. There's a side eye to the mother, and Warrick shifts on his feet, a hand idly unbuckling and loosening one of the many clasps on his armor.

His attention turns towards the priest- wait. He could see magic! Attention goes twofold as he tries to focus on the priest doing their thing. Maybe there's some shenanigans going on with the divining?

"I guess it's either that or snoop in the market district for somethin' fun." Carver says, clearly perturbed at the response. This city is a buzzkill. "Let's go talk to some angry fishermen priest. That's way more enjoyable."

GAME: Warrick rolls 1d20+intelligence: (11)+3: 14

At the Administrative District:

As Warrick looks towards the happening, he sees... Divination magic. The Cleric touches the boy's cranium, and chants a spell he simply does not recognize. After which, the man declares; "This young man will be an Nobleman! I see great charts of math and currency in his life. I believe he may very well by this city's next Treasurer!" He declares. Which gets a few amazed gasps from people. The parents quick to hug the boy, happy for him. "And his hobby will be... that of a Fisherman. I see some fine catches in his future." The Cleric decides, smiling to the youth, before offering his hand and turning his ring.

The boy reaches out, and the two shake hands. At which point Warrick spots just a small bit of other magic he simply doesn't recognize. "Good luck my boy." He remarks, before motioning on for the next people.

Northeast Housing District

Harshad and Bryn find getting an inn at the Northeastern Housing District is remarkably easy to arrange. Because of the curfew, there's a lot of communication that goes on between the guards and the various inns within Unbundun. It's all working like clockwork, in fact. There's a few magical devices in use to help communication between the various offices, and soon Harshad and Bryn are informed that while there are no vacancies in the Northeastern Housing District at the moment, there are some in the Northwestern. And a room is being prepared for them at the 'Plush Horse'!

A brow raises as Warrick listens to the declaration, and he was no stranger to having divine magics being used on him again and again from being healed. There had to be some kind of catch to this-


Warrick makes another adjustment to his armor, this time a gauntlet getting a bit too tighter. He had no clue what it was that he saw, but that clearly had to be the linchpin. Wordlessly, he turns, idly making his way further along in the direction of the Guild District, like he was out on a walk. It would be odd to just double back where he came from.

Communication is key. It is further to go for the room, but Bryn doesn't mind; that's that much more of the city to look at on the way. They don't need to -stay- in the room yet, but it's probably a good idea to know where it is ahead of time. Such as, say, before this curfew thing. That this means a return trip past things they might have missed the first time is just gravy, and probably walking near the church of Kor a few more times is purely coincidence. Honest.

Zofija and Carver, seeking for local Clergy that are /not/ Korite, can very much find Rada worshippers at the markets. Entering the Open Market District, there's a heavy hubbub. Some carts are moving to ship larger orders through, and there's a constant wealth of smells, shops, and people yelling to purchase their stuff.

Korite Paladin Squires are moving throughout the place to make sure people are not causing trouble, and definitely on the lookout for any thieves or untoward behavior. But they're also being helpful for the main part.

There's actually some shrines to Rada easily found throughout the market, that have been permenantly erected for at least a decade or so now. His appearance, trident and all, looking towards the skies, while holding a big coin in his other hand. Merchants come through, touching the coin with both hands. It's easy to tell that some of the luster has already worn from the metalic coin. A good luck charm for a lot of merchants, it would seem.

There's a group gathered around it right now, offering coin to a Cleric of Rada standing in front of the statue. In turn, being given necklaces. After all, it would be wrong to just 'give' coin to a Cleric of Rada. There should be an exchange.

The Guild District:

Warrick, moving to the Guild District, will find that this city isn't just about pure trade and aggriculture. This is where the various guilds are hosted. The Blacksmithing Guild being one of the most notable ones, as they are seeing to the construction of both the Korite armor and arms - but also to the creation of various farming tools. There's the sound of harmers being struck everywhere around Warrick.

There's various other Guilds here too. From jewelry guilds, working the various famous Gems coming from the Islands to the south, to the local Adventurer's Guild! The latter of which is running a Training Camp that is easily visble, that has caught some attention of local passerbies. Various youths learning how to 'tumble' out of danger and through the sweeping motions of the Guildmaster's wooden sword.

Kor Temple:

With Bryn passing by a few times by 'total coincidence', she has started to get the looks from a few Squires. And after a fifth time or so, one of them invites; "Do you perhaps wish to come in? The Temple is open to those of all Good and Neutral worshippers." It is offered by the Paladin Squire approaching her.

"Well, I suppose it makes sense to find them here, right? Maybe it was just your good luck today?" Zofija chuckles to the ranger who was joining them in their search. The arvek-nar stops by one of the erected statue. "May this day find you well, Current. What are the necklaces you're giving out for?"

"Feels like it," Carver agrees. "Like absoluuuuutely nothin' could go wrong." She invites her own doom regularly anyway. She steps up close to the priest as well, leaning over to get a closer look at the little trinkets and items of interest.

GAME: Warrick rolls Art of War: aliased to knowledge/military Theory+2: (11)+8+2: 21

Warrick seems a bit more relaxed as he strolls through here. His home is next to a bunch of smithies after all. But between the weapons being made for Korites, and the basic training for adventurers, it all seems to be on the maintenance bend. So not preparing for a large scale war. And with the training... perhaps teens that have been selected to be adventurers?

He thinks of his daughter being forced into that dangerous role. He frowns.

Slowly, he starts to make his way to the markets, head swimming with thoughts. Korites love fighting. They should be going through weapons, not just keeping them maintained. They have a standing army of crusaders?

These thoughts continue, with his belt getting pulled tighter as another adjustment.