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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Game On! *GM: Verna *Characters: Corey, [[Eztli], Karasu, Rune *Place: A warehouse in Alexandria</div> The location listed in the posting is a small nondescript warehouse in Alexandria between the docks and market district. Arrivals are welcomed by a very well-dressed gnome with a handlebar moustache and a long goatee... that is split and also handlebarred. The number of h...")
Line 7: Line 7:
*GM: Verna
*GM: Verna
*Characters: [[Corey]], [[Eztli], [[Karasu]], [[Leirune|Rune]]
*Characters: [[Corey]], [[Eztli]], [[Karasu]], [[Leirune|Rune]]
*Place: A warehouse in Alexandria</div>
*Place: A warehouse in Alexandria</div>

Latest revision as of 01:59, 3 July 2024

Log Info

  • Title: Game On!
  • GM: Verna
  • Place: A warehouse in Alexandria

The location listed in the posting is a small nondescript warehouse in Alexandria between the docks and market district. Arrivals are welcomed by a very well-dressed gnome with a handlebar moustache and a long goatee... that is split and also handlebarred. The number of hives consumed for wax in his daily routine may be excessive.

"Welcome! Welcome!" He invites all into a foyer that exists only due to curtains partitioning the entryway from the remainder of the warehouse. Beyond is the occasional sound and flash of an electrical spark, the humming and clanking of some sort of machinery, and the occasional clang of a hammer.

Karasu seems somewhat unimpressed with everything. With the gnomes beard (however many bees were put to work to make it), with the theatrical entrance into the warehouse, all of it. He even goes so far as to frown just a little bit at the sound of electrical sparks, humming, and clanking from the other side of the curtain. It's clear when he turns his somewhat bored and displeased expression on his companion Corey that there's one question on his mind. That being: What in the name of Vardama's Halls are we doing here.

Quite contrary to him however, his familiar Wuya seems excited, bobbing up and down and looking to and fro. He chirps at Karasu excitedly and Karasu frowns a little deeper.

Eztli was at the point in their life where they could confidently call themself an adventurer! Which meant that if there was a call for some to test something, why not join? The small makari was one of the few who had entered the warehouse, taking a moment to listen, sounding a bit confused. "I really hope the adventurer testing doesn't involve getting hit with a hammer, but I suppose that is to be expected for the true adventuring experience." The small sorceress sighs.

Cor'ethil Cari'thana is wearing spectacles.

Yep. Those are dorky-looking spectacles on his nose, the kind used by librarians and the elderly to help them read. Or so it may seem. They perch on his nose and provide him a look that contrasts entirely with his Warden of Gilead look. He's so happy-looking, his arm wrapped around Karasu's as they walk. "Isn't this exciting?!" he asks. "I know Wuya agrees with me!" It's 2-to-1 for excited parties.

"I wonder what this will be like," Corey says. "I mean, think of how many children this could inspire to take on the call of adventure when they're older. So many people could be inspired to defend and help others!" Always looking on the bright side of life, this paladin.

Under most circumstances, being invited to a small, nondescript warehouse near the docks would be more than a little suspicious. So, Rune had come armed, just incase things weren't what they seemed on the posting. Her curiosity is what drives looking into things, and any chance for a unique story. Story enough that the messenger has a pencil and a notepad, just incase things become more 'entertaining' than expected.

Her lip quirks at the boredom showing on Karasu's expression, "I think it's exciting, or at the very least interesting. Though... knowing the ways of mad scientists, we'll be lucky if whatever they have behind the curtain doesn't explode." Rune may have experience with Gobbos and their 'experiments' it seems. "I'd prefer not to be bonked with a hammer, though." She nods to Eztli.

The gnome politely peeks around all as they finish entering to check the door for stragglers. He then steps past to close it before addressing those present. "Welcome to TGGI, Incorporated headquarters! I am Tenarin Twinbeard, illusionist by trade and chief creative officer. It is with great honor that I welcome you all to preview our wondrous and exciting work for the future!"

There is a suddenly clatter of metal things falling onto other metal things from beyond the curtain. The twitch in Tenarin's moustache is barely a flicker.

"As you can tell, we are hard at work ensuring a better tomorrow for all!" He then promptly turns a wide grin to Corey and points at him. "Exactly! You are very wise, my friend! That is EXACTLY our goal: to inspire ALL citizens so they may be their best selves for the benefit of all! May I present..." He then pulls back the curtains sharply...

Beyond, the space is rather spartan. Central on the floor are four chairs, each with several large wires and tubes leading to the far wall and shelves upon shelves of ... things. Glowing crystals. Turning gears. Bubbling jars of fluids.

A gobber with very floppy ears and very large goggles is currently picking up some tools near the far wall. Another gobber, whose left arm and left leg appear to be artifice prosthetics (and the left ear is barely a nub) performs percussive maintenance on a gear a gear with a hammer.

The four chairs are padded and appear comfortable, though have some odd attachments: a small lever extends up from the end of each arm of each chair; there are two foot pedals on the bottom like an attached ottoman; what looks to be parasol (or half of one), extends from the top of each chair back.

"... The Machine. Please, find yourselves a seat and get comfortable. I will brief everyone once all are settled."

The machine, which it has been declared as, is something which sets off warning bells in Karasu's mind, but he simply leads Corey toward one of the seats as though nothing at all is concerning. "Exciting." He murmurs the word to himself, and once Corey is sitting down he joins the other man at his side, his posture perfect.

Wuya chirps again, clearly trying to get Karasu in the mood, but when the man seems to have little interest in such, he hops over to Corey's shoulder instead to share in Corey's excitement.

"Oh, hey Corey! I do think it is a bit exciting, you're right." Eztli agrees, waving to Rune as well. "Just, tempering interest and expectations is not a bad idea, either.

"At least comfort was kept in mind for these things, too." The makari notes as they step into the main area. "So! Do we all get in at once or are we testing it one at a time at first? I suppose I can give it a go first if needed."

Corey can't help but let out a little 'oooh!' of awe as he takes a seat, perched on the very edge of it like the extra inches of closeness to the machine gets him a much better look at it. "I hope those crystals are controlled," he says softly. "That magicite we found the other day was something." Yet the memory doesn't serve to much dampen Corey's excitement.

Wuya gets an affectionate scritch on the throat-feathers. "The Machine!" Corey exclaims. "Is that its final name? That's so cool." There is apparently something about this setup of gadgets and gizmos that makes Corey to act almost like a young boy rather than the century-plus sildanyar that he is.

"Oh! Hi Eztli! Hi Rune! It's so nice to meet familiar faces here? Are you all excited for the Machine!?" Corey's smiling from ear-to-ear. He's having way too much fun and he's not even testing the thing yet.

The sound of clattering metal has Rune wincing, her pointed ears twitching as she puts on the act of a smile for the illusionist that seems to be their host. She quirks a brow, perhaps trying to determine how they might be trying to 'benefit all citizens' while specifically calling for Adventurers, but only time will tell on that.

When the invention is revealed, Rune takes her time to look over the strange apparatus and the chairs that seem to be connected to it. "So, what exactly is our contribution to this?" She motions a hand towards the chairs, "Looks like whomever sits in those will be part of your demonstration. Normally test subjects get paid for the risks of trying something... new." Leave it to the rogue to think about the bottom line.

As Corey calls out to her, Rune raises a hand. "Interested in seeing what what this is all about, yeah. Though I usually like a bit more information before being part of some experiment." Definitely a little wary.

Tenarin moves to stand before the row of chairs and esteemed guests. The two gobbers leave their work on The Machine (which is behind the chairs), each going to a different end of the row to help get everyone situated. Spacings are adjusted for reach and comfort, putting feet resting on the push-pedals and arms on the chair arms with the little vertical levers comfortably in palms.

As they do so, Tenarin addresses the group. "Ninevah," he gestures to the female gobber with the big goggles, " our chief technical officer and Doom," other hand to the half-artifice gobber, "our weapons and explosives advisor." Doom grins widely (with a number of missing teeth). "Big booms."

"Now," Tenarin segues, "I'm sure many of you know that Alexandria has suffered many terrible disasters. Demons, nightmares, vampires, plagues... Through all these, the city watch and, perhaps more, great adventurers like you rose to the stop these horrors. We are forever grateful, but what of the average citizen? Not all want to hide, but what can they do without years of training, the blessings of gods or ancestors? Now, there is a way they can be heroes, too!"

A nod to the gobbers and they tilt the parasols forward. This blocks the seated individual's view of him and most of the room to either side as well as upward. This is a flickering on the surface each can see, and then it flares to life with a very realistic image.

You stand in small circular room lit by mana lamps and a large glowing magic circle on the floor. You can see three others in this room (all spaced out in four cardinal points). The others viewed all look identical: average humanoid form with studded leather armor, full face helmets that have no reveal of what is underneath, and luxurious maroon cloaks pinned at the shoulders with the crest of Alexandria on its back. A thunderbelcher is at your with a belt of ammunition on waste along with two pouches and a small, odd wand with a glowing blue sapphire. To left and right of each are small side tables with a collection of large gems of varying colors.

Karasu startles a bit as the illusion kicks in. His first instinct is to rise to his feet, but he remains instead, looking at the illusion of a weapon he's only passingly familiar with at his hip, and its accompanying ammunition. The wand gets a further long look and he glances toward Corey to reassure himself that the other man and Wuya are still intact. "This is some illusion."

He means it to be fairly quiet, but it comes out slightly louder than he had intended. "An explanation of what is intended would be helpful." His voice is dry and yet hold just the faintest interest now.

"Well, not sure how many makari are planning on using something like this, but I at least appreciate the consideration, for certain. Makes this test less awkward." Eztli chuckles as she settles into the chair. The small makari is left blinking, and looking around to take in the room. "A way for them to be heroes? Well, sounds like fun! Not that I'd really consider myself one, but, hey, I know there are some real heroes out there." They muse, taking a look around. "Oh, we can hear each other like this too? I guess we do still need to communicate, aftter all."

Corey is continuously spellbound and amazed by the artifice, gasping in delight as he's looking around. "This is incredible," he says. "Wow. I can't imagine how long it must have taken. Maybe I'll bring Mother and An here later?" Although for Karasu, the idea of bringing Cor'ethil's mother to a place like this is probably a little... heart-rate-inducing.

"Oh! Karasu, which one are you?" Corey starts wiggling his hands around. "We all look the same, I think? Wiggle if you hear me." Because Karasu totally wiggles.

With many of her questions going unanswered, Rune simply accepts that this is one of those scenarios where she needs to go in blind. Eventually, they manage to get her settled in, though her wariness seems to linger, despite the good graces being offered to them. "I should introduce your explosives advisor to my purple Gobbo friend. I think the two of you would get along famously."

As the parasol blocks her sight, Rune's ears twitch, making sure she's still tracking the movements in the room. She isn't exactly the most keen on being completely unaware. "Interesting magic..." Magic that is beyond her understanding, that much is for certain. Her head tilts to the sound of the voices of the others.

She doesn't 'wiggle', but Rune does start to experiment with the controls, seeing what each one does.

"Oh, right! Names!" Ninevah suddenly remembers and moves between the chairs to ask what name each once. As it is given, and after a moment of turning dials, each 'soldier' in the illusion gains a glowing blue markings over its head that displays the name. These also move with the soldier, as proven by thoe that wiggle and/or fiddle with the controls.

Tenarin provides some explanation that is proven with any fiddling. "The handlevers move the arms around: left, right, up, down and so on. Pressing on the footpads like you are walking.. and you're walking! Stomp on them to jump. Very useful for avoiding things!"

"Big booms!" Doom helpfully adds.

Tenarin then goes back into his briefing (pitch?) as all acclimate themselves, but now it is heard directly from within the illusion. "Now, this is all a gret team effort, where anyone and everyone can do their part! So the Arcanist Guild and the Artificer's Hall have pooled their resources to empower every citizen to be strong in defense of Alexandria and freedom. To become Super Citizens!"

"They have provided equipment and support that you can see on or around you. The thunderbelchers are the finest: you only need to point and fire! They automatically reload with each shot. If you or a teammate are injured, you can use the provided healing wand by touching it to the wounded! And, for the ultimate in equipment..."

The little tables begin to glow to highlight them. "By your hand, you can bring the full might of the Arcanist's Guild to bear when needed! By activating and throwing one of our Shiny Gems (patent pending), you can bring in more powerful magic weapons or powerful spells to defeat threats to Alexandria!"

Upon each table are four different gems. Looking at or touching each causes a scroll to appear to the view in the illusion with some descriptive information as follows:

Booms table:
* Ruby - (image of a red gunbowder barrel) BOOM: Makes boom on arrival. Don't be too close.
* Diamond - (image of a cart of red barrels) BIG BADA BOOM: Have to light fuse. Run. Far.
* Sapphire - (image of lightning bolt) BALL LIGHTNING: Zaps things close. Don't get too close.
* Emerald - (image of green cloud) ACID CLOUD: Melts things. Don't stand in it.
* Diamond: (image multi-barrelled Thunderbelcher) BURRT: Shoots lots. Forever!
* Ruby - (image of dragon head) DRAGON BREATHER: Lots of fire!
* Sapphire - (image of small lightning bolt) LIGHTNING THROWER: Zap things yourself! Zaps many things!
* Emerald (image of two smaller red barrels) BARREL CHUCKER: Chuck your own booms! Has two. Then need get more booms.

Tenarin explains, "Please select your weapon-" "SHOOTS!" Doom corrects, " and your magic" "BOOMS!" You can only take one of each, but don't worry! Once you use it, the mages and artificers will know this and a new one will be teleported into your pouch! And speaking of teleports..."

A small token disk on each person's virtual belt glows to highlight. "If any of your team should be felled, they will automatically be teleported out and raised. You can use a friend token to have them teleported back to continue to defend freedom!"

Karasu utters his name when requested, and relaxes only when Corey's name appears over one of the suits of armor. He dislikes that he can not see his kokoro, to say nothing of being unable to see Wuya. What he finds even more troubling is that this is apparently what people think that adventurers do. He frowns at the offered weaponry and sighs. "Diamond... thunderbelcher, and ruby... otherwise." He refuses to use the words 'shoots and booms'.

"Oh, this is a fun way to present it!" says the open-minded-in-contrast Corey. "Let's see here..." There's a thinking noise that comes over the message-magic as Corey makes his selections. "I think I will take the diamond shoots and the sapphire booms!"

Not that anyone can see it, but he's grinning from ear to ear again. "Karasu, I get to actually know what it's like to cast lightning! Like my sister An does all the time. And I think I understand everything, but it'll click once we're actually doing it." Experimentation is the greatest teacher, after all!

Eztli seemed more than a bit disoriented for some time. The figure that was marked as the makari was focused looking at themselves for some time, getting snapped out abruptly by the explanation. "Oh, right, right, one.. boom? And one shoot? Well, I guess I'll take the dragon one, that seems right. And, maybe the sapphire? Why can't I carry more of them? I think I should take some more."

Unusually, at least for most who know her, the name that Rune gives is 'Sjachzhin' spoken with a distinctly Makari lilt to the name. That and her phrasing 'I can be called ...' suggests she may have run into the Fae a time or two enough to never give her name in any straightforward way. Paranoid rogues, man.

Slowly, Rune starts figuring out how to move her 'soldier', though it is distinctly more awkward than using her own body. "Too bad there's no 'stabs' table..." She mutters, knowing that she has a distinct lack of experience in both magic and ranged fighting. Rune has always been more up-close and personal.

Walking forward on uncertain legs, Sjachzhin selects the Sapphire 'Shoot' and the Ruby 'Boom'. "I'm not terribly familiar with either of these, but... I'll give it my best shot." Rune tries to figure out how to aim the devices.

As everyone gets more accustomed to the mechanism and works on picking out their equipment (either speaking it or moving virtual arm/hands to grasp selections work), Tenarin gives the final briefing. "Now, for your task. A powerful artifact has been discovered that will help to thwart the fiends' vile plans. Unfortunately, they are aware of it, too. You are all tasked with retrieving the artifact and delivering it to an Artifact-analyzing aperture so it can be examined by the great minds of Alexandria. The fiends will stop at nothing to prevent this!"

The magic circle in the 'room' glows more brightly. "When you are all ready, step into the circle and you will be teleported to the vicinity of the artifact. The aperture will be teleported in with you. Good luck, super citizen heroes!"

No one can really see Karasu's expression at this point, what with his face being concealed, but it's a safe bet that he's not smiling (like a certain someone). With his weapons chosen and little choice but to begin this illusionary adventure, he moves himself with a little effort to one of the circle in question and waits to be 'transported' to where the illusion takes them.

Well, Corey doesn't need to be told twice. "Super citizen heroes, go!" he says, bounding into the circle. "Off to go thwart fiends and save the day!"

Then there's a pause. "Wuya, can you see this too!?" Corey certainly hopes Wuya isn't missing out right now.

Eztli managesto get their stones, but actually moving to the designated position is a bit more of a different beast. "It's like learning to walk all over again." Eztli grumbles to herself, disoriented by the movements not really matching up quite right, both with the pedals and simply how they appear to move in the imaginary space projected in front of them. Once on the circle, the makari pauses to close their eyes.

Rune takes a bit more time to get used to feeling heavy and clunky in her movements. This second-hand control is nowhere near as natural to her as moving her own form. Eventually, though, she follows the others into the circle. "I think they need to come up with a better name." Though not quite as grumpy about the situation as Karasu, Rune certainly thinks this is all a bit silly. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this."

After the last person steps in, the circle flares brightly. There is a rousing, if brief, rendition of the first few seconds of Alexandrian anthem. It cuts after a few seconds with a bright blue flash and then everyone is (in the illusion)... somewhere else.

It is a bleak, rocky land, and heavily obscured by fog and little lighting. The illusion does not present anything enhanced, so enhanced vision by the user in the chair is of no benefit. The quartet stand net to one another in the same order as their seating and the luminous names are not dimmed by the fog. Behind them is what appears to be some sort of artifice cauldron on a pedestal. It is also labelled in blue markings as 'ANALYZER'. Ahead, a few large rocks and some patches of scrub brush can be seen. Beyond them is a floating blue marking that reads 'ARTIFACT' though the item itself cannot be directly seen. There are no sounds of wildlife, but there are numerous low wet growls and scraping noises barely heard from no particular direction.

Wuya gives a glad cry that suggests that yes he can in fact see the illusion from Corey's shoulder, and croaks something more comforting-sounding to Karasu who only frowns a bit.

The disorienting thing about the trek is not the illusion itself but rather being entirely ill-outfitted for the situation. Karasu would never himself choose the kind of weaponry he 'has' now. The vague knowledge that this is not real danger doesn't lessen his feeling of being unprepared for it. "The artifact is our goal yes?"

His unease is given away by the fact that he repeats the information that he's already bee given, but the one-time assassin sighs and starts toward the artifact.

"Well, the artifact is our goal, but clearing out fiends is a secondary goal too," Corey replies over the message spell. "I wish we could see what the artifact actually is, instead of some text. I guess that's to make it obvious. But think of young children who might be engaging with this and don't know how to read yet!"

Corey follows Karasu, and then he thinks before speaking again. "Wait. How realistic is it going to be? Like will there be blood spilled? I'm not sure if young children should be exposed to that. Is there a suggested age range on this? Important questions to be considered..."

Finally seeming a bit more at ease again, Eztli takes a look around the virtual space. "I don't know if there's an actual artifact there and it's just a visual identifier, like the names wecan still see." The small makari points out. "I'm, I'm not sure if young children should be trying something like this though. Maybe it could be changed for other people to try it."

"I guess we're here to test it since we're used to this sort of thing, right?" The makari shrugs, a gesture likely not gotten across by the medium of the illusion and their controls. "Is everyone ready? It sounds like those things are going to be getting closer soon, now."

The feeling of teleporting always feels a bit odd, but this pulls at the pit of Rune's stomach and gives her a distinct sense of motion sickness that she doesn't normally experiience. The Half-Sil makes an uncomfortable sound and then shifts her weight, attempting to steady her senses which feel... 'off'.

"I really hope this isn't aimed towards children." Rune shares her own opinion, "Giving them the idea that fighting is painless, and that you can just come back from death. Seems like a poor estimation of what the real world is like in a fight." Being a bit more wobbly on her feet than some of the others, Rune moves near the back of the group, testing the heft of the weapon and aiming it out towards the grass. She doesn't fire, but she does seem ready for the fiends to appear at any moment.

Seeing no actual visible threat, Karasu moves up somewhat between some dense grass and a large rock that he might be able to use for cover if need be.

From the ..well, right of the heroes, a trio of bloated little fiendish looking things bound in from the mists to only just become apparent. They are not moving especially quickly nor urgently... though the one in the lead suddenly stops, sniffs, turns in Kurasa's direction and then utters a screech at him.

GAME: Corey rolls 1d20: (1): 1 (EPIC FAIL)

Cor'ethil charges forward, sweeping around to aim at the fiend in the lead. Unfortunately... The aiming controls are not as user-intuitive as anticipated, and Corey ends up swiveling the entire weapon at the same time he intends to shoot the weapon. Which means Corey gets a very clean shot.

Not on the enemy. On Karasu.

"THIS IS NOT CHILD-FRIENDLY!" Corey exclaims as there's a large hole in Karasu's avatar's bicep and there is now blood all over them both. "Look away, Wuya!" As though the bird might be traumatized.

Following this ...discovery, Karasu's name display switches from blue to red and begins blinking. Also, in Karasu's view only, his virtual arm is glowing red (in addition to the blood) and the reaction of arm moving to control moving is sluggish.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20: (10): 10

Eztli blinks. "Well, it's unfortunately quite accurate to what a thunderbelcher might do to someone." Eztli sighs. "It's okay though,just keep focused!"

The makari somehow manages to aim their thunderbelcher at the first of the fiends, and thankfully, there is no one nearby to be shot outside of their target. It's a good hit, and the first goes down.

GAME: Rune rolls 1d20: (12): 12

From the back of the group, Rune has a good view of the initial movements of Karasu and Corey, and the dramatic display that comes when a shot goes awry. "Be careful of friendly fire!" Though the warning is too little, too late.

Following Eztli's example, Rune moves her avatar forward, though spreading out a bit, putting herself at a further distance from the fiends that are blubbling onto the scene. She raises her weapon and shoots the next closest one. It is as much a surprise to her as anyone when it falls over. "Keep an eye out, there's probably more incoming."

Karasu glances at his arm, but merely uses the healing wand to repair the damage done to the limb. The wand crumbles to dust, and he decides that perhaps he ought to move closer to their objective as well (to say nothing of Cor'ethil's skill with a ranged weapon). "I am not actually injured however. There is no pain."

Wuya however makes several distressed noises that draw a sigh from Karasu. "I am fine." He repeats to reassure the raven.

The lone remaining little bloated fiend just watched its peers shot and dropped. It looses a piercing screech that tears through 'reality', causing a ragged red glowing portal to appear behind it. It then bounds towards Corey, not getting quick near and ready enough to claw or bit at him.

GAME: Corey rolls 1d20: (10): 10

"Ack!" Corey scrambles backwards, fumbling with the controls a little to avoid a repeat of the last incident. "No-no-no-no--"

BLAM. The Warden manages to shoot it right between the eyes, rupturing as the creature falls over. "Eugh. I am never going to do the work of Gilead with a gun if this is true to reality," he whines. "This is gruesome." The paladin clearly does not have an appreciation for ultra-violent content.

With no apparent threats on the field, Eztli moves to some of the overgrown brush nearby. "I'm not sure how long this ball lightning thing lasts when I throw it, but if there's a bunch of them, I'm going to try and use it!" She shouts in warning to the others. But with that, there was nothing to do but wait and see.

"I don't like the look of that portal." Rune's avatar is already continuing their movement, edging towards one of the larger stones closest to the artifact they need. From that vantage point, she can get a good view of Karasu's progress, her weapon raised and ready to give covering fire if she has to.

"You're closest to the artifact, I'll cover you as well as I can." Rune shouts to Karasu. 'As well as I can' - Which may not be very well, given the wobbly way that Sjachzhin is holding their weapon.

Karasu moves the rest of the way to the artifact, offering a brief salute to Rune for her words. It's hard to keep track of everyone when they look like suits of armor with words hovering over their heads. He picks up the artifact and glances back in time to notice the portal that had been opened up. Like Rune, he doesn't like the look of it. "I have the artifact." He informs the others, so that they won't have to wonder if he managed to grasp it or not. Now to make it back.

Wuya is offering what encouragement he can to Corey, squawking something that sounds like cheering.

The portal ripples and a number of things emerge from it. A quartet of human-sized barbed fiends, along with what could only be described as a blasphemous rhinocerous. A blasphocerous? It is big, thickly hided, and looks annoyed.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20: (10): 10

"That is, a lot more creatures than I expected." Eztli notes, reaching for one of the gems they brought with them, the blue one in this case. "Some sort of ball lightning? Careful of getting too close!" She shouts, hurling the stone surprisingly well, where it lands and does... nothing? "Is this thing working properly? Is it supposed to do nothing right now?" She wonders out loud.

GAME: Corey rolls 1d20: (15): 15

"Oh, I do not like that!" Corey yells at the loud rhino-looking thing. He takes aim and fires at the fiend, but then he discovers something horrible. Which is that the large fiend's hide is immune to bullet poisoning.

"I do not like that, no I don't," Corey murmurs as he books it across the field into the grass. The grass is nice and safe. It will protect him. Right?

"Alright, trying something else then, maybe?" Eztli shouts to the others, reaching for the stone they had, and pointing it in the direction of the enemies, before dropping it. "What, is this one not working either?" The makari grumbles, getting a bit more frustrated. "If I was breathing fire myself, it'd work just fine."

At first, Rune's attention is on Karasu, but the moment other shouts draw her attention, she swivels her viewpoint around in a way that leaves her stomach behind. "Urgh, I am not enjoying that feeling." The sight of the incoming fiends is enough to have her curse in Sildanyari. "Run the artifact back if you can! We'll try to cover."

Try being the optimal word. Rune moves a bit closer to where Corey is already standing, and begins to utilize one of the gems. Of course, she's more than a little uncertan of how they work. Was she doing this right?

Karasu sees the encroaching army and doesn't have time to stop and stare. He sprints to one of the larger rocks, leaving behind the area where the artifact had been. "I am on my way!" He puts his head down and works his controls as readily as he is able. Though the dizzying sensation of moving without moving is far from pleasant; he has a lot of experience with controlling his stomach.

GAME: Verna rolls 1d20: (12): 12
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20: (14): 14
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20: (6): 6

The emerging fiends get their bearings. The basphemocerous did not like getting shot, but it is Eztli that it sees first and it tramples its way at her. The smaller barbed fiends dart off as well, a pair rushing Corey and a another pair headed to Sjachzin.

The Big Thing impacts Eztli with must be great force. Eztli does not feel it, but her illusory soldier is gored, knocked prone, and then stepped on. The first hit puts a large hole in said soldier and the last hit causes a few limbs to .. eject. Eztli's point of view illusion suddenly goes black and then shifts to an overhead view, overlaid with a flashing note of 'RAISING.'

Corey fares a bit better in that only one of the barbed fiends manages to barb him. His name text shifts to red and blinking.

Immediately after this dispersion, there is a blue flash where the rhino was. A strange totem like a crooked coatrack materializes, small sparks of electricity flickering off of it.

GAME: Corey rolls 1d20: (1): 1 (EPIC FAIL)

Corey is not used to firing a weapon at close range. Like Rune, he's more used to stabbing. Which is why he practically tapdances backwards. "Shit-shit-shit-shit-shiiiii--"

BLAM. Another shot goes well-wide of what Corey intended to hit, and an exasperated noise leaves the poor Warden. "Karasu~! Backup please?" he calls out. Although he hopes Karasu has better luck firing a weapon compared to him. "I have no idea how we're going to deal with that rhino!"

The delay seems to be consistant as there is now a blue flash roughly where the rhino's rear is located. A large weapon similar to a thunderbelcher but larger and with a backpack full of liquid appears where the marker was.

So far the illusion has proven realistic, and this is not broken, now. Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. In this case, that would be the weapon and the rhino's hindquarters. Also in the case, the new arrival seems to win: following the flash, the blasphemocerous butt is absent as if disintegrated. The front half stumbles a half step and falls. So... the weapon worked still?

Well, it was no surprise that the much bigger creature was able to move faster than the ones prior. What Eztli was not expecting was that it would simply be over just like that. "That was, violent, until it wasn't." Eztli notes. "Apparently I'm waiting for a teleport marker, or something? We were given something for that, right?"

Rune realizes, perhaps a split second too late, that utilizing the weapon summon will obliterate everything in the nearby area of where it is summoned. Unfortunately, it is too little, too late.

"Shii---" BOOM

There is an explosion of lightning in the area where she was standing a moment before, sending scattered bits of her avatar in every direction.

In the wake of the flash and scattering of bits, there rests an artifice weapon similar to a thunderbelcher, save that it is more bulky and has electricity crackling along its barrel.

Only one thing would stop Karasu from rushing the finish line, and that is the sound of Corey requesting aid. He hesitates, throwing one of the 'booms' at the creatures in question and yelling at Corey. "Get out of there; follow me!" He rushes to the next rock, planning to use it as cover until he can reach the end point.

GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20: (2): 2
GAME: Verna rolls 1d8: (1): 1
GAME: Verna rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d8: (1): 1
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20: (5): 5
GAME: Verna rolls 1d20: (5): 5

"I'll try!" Corey calls over to Karasu, running away from the writhing mass of fiends who all want a chunk of him. "Eztli, I'm tapping you back in! Just--" The Warden fishes for the summon token that corresponds to Eztli and tosses it onto the ground next to him, hoping that the summon isn't delayed like the 'booms' are.

"Maybe Eztli can summon back Ru--err, Sjachzin back in?" Corey's trying to keep with the program. "Or you can, Karasu?"

Sjackzin and Etzli both get an update once the summon token is activated. 'TELEPORTING' flashes on their illusory view and then they appear back on the battleground: Eztli where the marker is thrown and Sjachzin adjacent. Good news: one token brings in everyone. Better news: No one is disintegrated, intentionally or otherwise.

Best news(?): Corey may be right: learning by doing seems to be working.

GAME: Rune rolls 1d20: (3): 3

Eztli is back, and disoriented for a moment. "Well, I don't think that was the intended way that was supposed to work, but I think that's a weapon and not a breath attack, right?" Eztli considers. "I'm going to try and get it before any more of those big ones show up!" She adds, awkwardly running around to where it still was. The movement was still making Eztli a bit queasy, however. It felt... wrong.

If it was disconcerting to suddenly be yoinked out of the world, it is enough to leave Rune's stomach roiling at being thrust back into it. She makes an unpleasant sound. "I'm... going to be sick." Unfortunately, the sound of her motion sickness also gets transmitted, much to the detriment of others.

Raising her gun to fire, she pings off some of the thicker underbrush, and then curses under her breath, trying to get her stomach under control before moving to follow Karasu, trying to put herself between the enemy fiends and him.

A red barrel appears where Karasu threw his device, it explodes in a moment, destroying everything near to it and Karasu doesn't have time to notice. His lips quirk in an almost smile that Corey can't see, and then he flees across the field to where the artifact is meant to go. He can only hope that reaching that destination will end this silly trial.

Placing the artifact in the receptacle of the device (a convenient message to do so immediately appears for Karasu when he is near) does advance the trial. There is a triumphant fanfare of horns and drums along with a proud-toned voice in everyone's space (yes, it is Tenarin's, though it only comes from within the illusion).

"Mission accomplished! Congratulations, heroes! Teleportation home in ten seconds!"

The device begins to glow as it powers up. Then there is another noise.

The ragged portal is stretched and torn as something ... large emerges from it. On a better note, this tears the portal apart and causes the portal to evaporate. The enormous, spider-like thing is immediately zapped by Eztli's still-lingering totem. This hurts hit. It reacts by kicking the totem with a leg, which destroys the totem.

GAME: Corey rolls 1d20: (13): 13

"Hold on, Rune! When we're out of here I'll make sure you're okay." Poor Corey is worried about his friends' wellbeing. "For now, though--let's see if I can give that spider-thing something to think about as a parting gift."

He throws his 'boom' in the direction of the spider, and it lands between the thing's legs. "Man! I should have been throwing stuff the whole time, that was better than shooting," Corey exclaims, as he then starts to scurry back in the direction of Karasu.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20: (18): 18
GAME: Rune rolls 1d20: (14): 14

"So we have to account for the delay, right?" Eztli muses, mostly to herself as she looks to see if she has any more of the gems. "Alright! Keep them away from Karasu, and make sure to cut it off before it gets too close!"

The makari, or the humanoid equivalent in the simulation hurls the gem, waiting to see where it lands before they high tail it in the other direction.

"Somehow, I don't think that thing was what they intended." The fact that the congratulation message was playing at the same time that the monster was ripping free of the portal has her more than a little suspect. "Either that, or they're playing on the fact that things are never as easy as they seem in a real fight. Either way, I don't think this is over."

Corey's reassurances have her give a wry laugh, "I'll be fine. I just don't like how this moves, but my body doesn't. It makes me feel like my stomach is getting left behind." Reaching into one of the pouches, she pulls out a red gem and steps forward to chuck it in the path of the spider-creature, before turning and retreating back behind the nearest rock.

"Agreed Rune." Karasu replies, casually wandering over to his fiancee and wrapping an arm around his waist. "However with that many weapons, this thing is going to have a bad day." He doesn't bother to throw his own. Instead he leans his head against Corey's shoulder and - even though there's no tactile feeling involved and murmurs, "How is Wuya."

Wuya lets out a pathetic croak. Not a happy bird.

The monstrous... thing lumbers towards the now-glowing artifice machinery with the inserted artifact. This puts it closer to it, but also puts it directly over a number of potential booms.

GAME: Corey rolls 1d20: (16): 16
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20: (10): 10

There is a beep, and then an explosion from underneath the massive... thing. It rocks it slightly, doing obvious damage, but not enough to stop it completely. It is still coming.

"Uh, I'm all out of big booms and it looks like shooting it is going to do fuck all." Rune peeks out from behind the rock. "Open for any ideas." For now, though, she waits.

Corey gets a bright idea. Which is that maybe the weapon replenishment can be summoned into a specific spot. So he does that, tossing it out into the exact spot where he meant to put it.

"There!" Corey exclaims happily. "Sorry you're not having fun, Wuya. I'll take you and Karasu out for something yummy later? Maybe with Mother?" Faphinae's been absolutely doting on the raven familiar.

The artifice analyzer/artificat-holder/transport home now pulses with blue light that reaches in a radius around it. Not a huge radius, as it only just reaches Karasu and no one else. A familiar voice, if now sounding more rigid and 'artificial' announces, "Teleportation ready. All heroes please step into the light. Teleportation in five seconds!"

Eztli didn't know what it was going to do to it, but she was still going to try. The makari moves themselves so no one was in their line of fire, and tries to aim their thunderbelcher. It makes a loud noise and sends a projectile at the massive creature, but it just plinks harmlessly off, likely due to being such a massive creature. "No, you're right, I don't think these guns are going to do much to them. Gotta figure out something else. Or, ah screw it, better get there now!"

Karasu notices that the light doesn't quite reach Cor'ethil and utters a few warning words to the others. "Time to get going!" He pulls Corey into the stream of light which nets him a little distressed noise from Wuya (who seems about as excited for the moving without moving as Rune if not actively being sick). The raven however also lets out a hopeful merping noise that sounds more interested.

Dinner with Faphinae? Wuya would never say no! Karasu sighs.

The multi-legged monstrosity is large, but fortunately it is not fast (regardless of legs). It takes a moment to pivot towards the heroes it now sees and lumbers closer to them. This leaves at least one rear right next to Corey's flashing Shiny Gem.

Almost as soon as Corey's pulled into the light and Wuya's hopeful merp resounds in the Warden's head, he grins. Because he watches his weapon appear.

It shreds through the spider-thing's legs. And what is giant and lumbering, now it is without its legs, must come down. Down it comes, and Corey cheers. "We did it!" he says. "I'll get the nice snacks for you, Wuya!"

"Right, time to get out of here!" Eztli shouts, already running for the teleportation zone with so little warning given. "Maybe announce that there will be something a bit sooner?" She adds, coming to a stop soon after, still not used to the movement.

With the announcement being pretty damn clear about what they need to do, Rune abandons the idea of trying to deal with the giant enemy ... whatever it is, and instead races to join the others around the exit. She lifts her fingers off of the controls and tries to ease the tension out of them, the joints giving little snapping sounds.

All make it into the teleportation zone just in time. There is a brief blue flash that wipes all else and then all are home! Well, the four are back in the circulr starting room. Overtop most of this appears a large book that opens to show four pages. Each page has the hero's name at the top and below are... notes?

Show how many booms here.

Put times dead here.

Demons shot goes here.


Tenarin did mention it was still a work in progress. Speaking of everyone's favorite CCO, he addresses the group as the illusion fades and the gobbers flip up the parasols on each chair. It was not overly bright in the warehouse, though now it might seem so.

"So!" he claps his hands together. "Victorious heroes! Destroyers of demons! Super citizens of Alexandria! Hellfighters!" He praises before looking at everyone in turn.

"What do you think?"

Karasu is grateful to put down his controls and rise to his own real feet. He frowns a little bit at the poor man whose project this is. "Your instructions were poorly given, and in the field of a true effort would have seen the death of at least two individuals. The illusion was faulty on a number of levels, but I do not have the time or inclination to explain them."

He offers his hand to Wuya, the poor bird looking a bit the worse for wear. "However the biggest falicy was in the assumption that every adventurer is the same. We each have our own skills and lessons to bring to the field. Which we were denied in your... exercise." Once Wuya has made it to his shoulder he offers his hand to Cor'ethil.

"Now, I have dinner to plan, and snacks to provide to Wuya." He offers no farewell.

GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (3)+13: 16

There is a feeling of relief when the parasol is lifted and Rune has the ability to get her feet on the ground again. She leans over her knees a little, waiting for her stomach to catch up. She seems to wait a moment to catch her breath, then stands straight again. "Yeah, what he said." She motions to Karasu. "Also... you should note that it makes some people terribly ill. The visuals of moving without the body moving. You're just lucky I... I..."

And then Rune is clapping a hand over her mouth and running towards the exit. By the hunched set of her shoulders, she's likely going to empty her stomach somewhere. It won't be pleasant.

Corey blinks multiple times, groaning a little as the illusion fades and the light is bright in the warehouse. "That is way too gorey," he complains. "I agree with my beloved's commentary. You need to give better instructions. And poor Rune got sick!" The frown on his face underscores that last point as he takes Karasu's hand. "I don't think it's useful as an adventurer training exercise, but it could be a fun... Diversion? Game? It's not there yet, though."

He gives Karasu a little smile. "Do you mind if I just go make sure Rune's okay? Then we can get out of here and go find Mother."

Eztli was, happy to have the illusion broken, and the small makari leaves the chair behind her. The small makari jumps on the spot a few times, tapping their feet against the ground several times, and thumping their tail against the warehouse floor. She sighs, and shakes her head. "Aside from well, that," She offers, gesturing at the rogue fleeing the scene, "It's a bit uncomfortable for a uh, sith-makar. The movements don't feel right to me at all, and they could cause distress to some people. If possible, it would be good to add an option to have legs that are more like one might be used to?"

"Such concerns aside, it was pretty fun though." Eztli admits.

Tenarin's moustache droops a touch (though that is more than one would think possible) at some of the more scathing comments. "Yes, I see. All very good points. As I said, it is a dream still being realized! Your comments will not be taken lightly." His demeanor perks back up at the more tentatively good and mention of fun. "Thank you! Our goal is that all can enjoy! I do hope your friend is well, of course..." He looks to the path Rune took. "I will not keep you any longer, and we are grateful for your time. There are reaction surveys in the lobby, if you would be so generous as to fill them out. At your convenience, of course!" He walks with the group to nominally escort them out... though Rune has already run and Karasu and Corey are already on their way to the exit. "Thank you again!"


Map link: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=m52o0g2fbid