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What could possibly go wrong?</div>
What could possibly go wrong?</div>
Firetide is just beginning, and the town of Warren has organized its yearly Firetide Festival. It's a small celebration. This isn't the kind of festival you will find in Alexandria. Warren is just a riverside farming community. Not quite a 'hole in the middle of nowhere', but certainly no 'city' either. The layout being spoke-like though, with plenty of opportunity for growth.
Still, it's a popular stop for people who want something to celebrate, and there's always a request for some adventurers or guards to show up in case of drunkards getting rowdy. Also, really good beer, which sources those very same drunkards.
Right now though, it's in the late morning. The town square is filled with people already. Some stalls are still setting up in the northern parts of town square, where-as the southern portion is already quite active. Warren enjoys a culture of games. There's the Archery contest run by Ranger Barns, the axe-throw run by Farmer Juniper, the lasso games by Farmhand Grindle, and there's even a new event this year in the form of an eating contest by Baker John!
Sizable crowds have gathered around each of these spots already, making it almost impossible to even get in there without some significant pushing.
GAME: Nameless refreshes spells.
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (16)+5: 21
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (18)+13: 31
GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (20)+3: 23
Aragos for a change of pace is not drunk, or recovering from a recent bout of drinking. He is in fact completely sober, and not loving it. He squints in the light and stares at those drinkers who are enjoying their mugs of ale and other drinks. He sighs more than once, bemoaning his sober state. He is walking beside Gramarye, largely ignoring the stalls unless she happens to show an interest in them. Normally by now he'd be complaining in a more complete manner, but he's managed to restrain himself to only the occasional deep-seated sigh. "Maybe we could check out the ax throw... once the crowd dies down a bit."
Gramarye is not a drunkard, nor is she capable of eating, and (thus far) she has not demonstrated any lassoing proficiency. The war golem wizard is, however, dressed nicely for this affair, a sundress that looks quite nice on the form of the bronze-wrought figure... Who is very tall and clinks with every step.
"Inquiry," Gramarye intones in her usual neutral voice. "What is the goal of the ax throw? Is it to demonstrate physical prowess in exchange for: monetary compensation, gain of physical goods, and..."
One can practically hear the gears whirring behind Gramarye's eyes. That's because there are probably literally gears behind Gramarye's eyes. "Implementing alternative vocabulary usage. 'Stroking of one's ego'?"
Rumor circulated of a hunter arriving in town with their latest kill strapped across his back, escorted by one of the most serious-minded dire wolves in recent memory. The kill was delivered to the butcher for use with the festival on behalf of Gilead's church, and the hunter stayed for the festival. Lanier now walks amongst the stalls, looking at the wares being set out and sold for the duration of the festivities. He takes time to smile politely to the vendor, make a few feeble attempts at haggling, but it shows his mind is at least half on his companion, whom he occassionally reproaches in a word of Sildanyari should he stray even a few feet away from the Ranger.
Either the people at the festival had not started drinking enough to cause any commotion yet, or perhaps a large dinosaur with a large lizard person on it's back was doing it's job of keeping things under control for the time being. Still, the makari was taking a look around the event without getting in too many peoples ways, lingering near some of the various marksmanship events on occassion.
A goblin which once had a name some of you knew, is enjoying the ale - well, enjoying might be a stretch. She's partaking of the ale, and having an argument with the barkeep that goblin firewhiskey is in fact a real drink sold by many reputable establishments (and even more disreputable ones along with all the downright shady dives), and it is required that the drink be on fire. She'd thought about signing up for bouncer duty, a few extra coins are always handy, but the bar seemed a better idea for now.
There's the usual things happening at the festival. A few kids approach the massive Dire Wolf calling for; 'Puppy!'. Wanting to pet Lanier's massive wolf. It seems they may be familiar with the bond between a Ranger and their Companion. A drunkard passes by Aragon, the scent of a strong and flavorful mead passing his nose. The person handling the ale station is exceptionally proud of their work, and is engaging full-burn with the Nameless Gobbo on the matters of fire and its relationship to alcohol.
Vaera, being as tall as she is, catches sight of two glints of metal. A sudden yell. A scream! The throngs of people near the Archery contest start moving back. Worried sounds and screams of surprise. Some people spreading out, wanting to get away from that particular spot. People getting in Vaera's way, making it hard to tell what happened.
Aragos watches after the drunk that passed him by, clearly wishing that he had some of that good stuff, but he shrugs at Gramarye instead. "Sure, but it's also fun. Which is the point of festivals like this." There's some disturbance happening over in the direction he'd been thinking of heading, but the crowd is making things a challenge. He shrugs. "Keep close Gramarye, looks like there might be trouble brewing. You want to head over there?"
Aragos's words draw Gramarye's attention, that thinking 'blink' going off in her obsidian eyes before her head pivots in the direction of all of that noise. "Yes," she says flatly. "First Father's directive was to always be of assistance wherever possible."
She makes already for the direction of the noise. "Self-assigning objective: investigate disturbance. Identify cause. Determine course of action from there."
With his eyes as much on Spud as the vendors he visits, Lanier is quick to interpose himself between his animal companion and the children approaching him. He takes a moment to curtly remind him, "Do not mistake this one as tame. Just because he may be my friend, doesn't mean he may be yours. Please excuse us, children. You can look from afar, but please don't touch him." When the screams occur, Lanier looks up, standing as tall as he can to see what might be going on. Quickly, he tells the children, "Go. Get behind the market stall." He makes his way towards the commotion at a calm trot, speaking behind him, "Spud, come."
The swiftclaw Vaera was on stretches up even further, growling loudly as Vaera scanned the crowd where the commotion seemed to begin. "Please disperse and allow me to assess the situation." The makari commands, though the mount she had was proving a slight hindrance, as moving forward without knocking someone over proved difficult. "There appears to be comotion at the archery range. I am going to deal with the situation, and render first aid if necessary." .
She had just finished winning that argument when the goblin without a name hears the commotion, "Well, bollocks." she mutters, climbing up on her barstool which was taller than she was, and admonishing the barkeep "I didn't say I didn't want it, just because someone's trying to ruin the party over there. To go" and snatching the flaming shot glass from the bar as soon as the fire catches, and swallows it during her hop down to the ground.
"Guess I get to do guard duty after all. Make myself useful." she complains to herself as she heads to whatever seems to be going on. And just in case, she casts a magical ward upon herself.
GAME: Nameless casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18
It's hard to fully part the crowds. But seated on her Swiftclaw, Vaera manages to lead the way on matters. It isn't long before the crew manages to get to the source of the commotion. Ranger Barns is on the ground. A stabwound at their neck, with a dagger still in the flesh. Their veins black. On the ground. Very clearly dead. A second wound at the back of their achilles heel, clearly intended to make them drop. Blood beneath the dead body.
As the group of investigators and guards, including a local town guard arrive, there's still a few civilians who saw the whole ordeal there. Though they're still a bit in shock at what they witnessed. Various faces sheet-white.
As they gather up further, and Lanier joins, Spud suddenly seems to howl and uncharacteristically lowers its head and starts scratching at its ears for a moment. It's just a short moment, but it's there.
Roughly around the same time, Aragos feels a Migraine climb. Almost like the entire market got too loud and rowdy. Alcohol withdrawals?
GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (7)+2: 9
GAME: Lanier rolls Animal Handling: (12)+Animal Handling: 12
Aragos frowns at the sight of the body. The man is already dead, likely poisoned if the blackening of the veins is any indication, but Aragos isn't much of a a healer. He looks around, searching for murderous intent and willingness in those nearby but... no evil rears itself to be seen. "Quick." He mutters to himself. Or well hidden. He has no idea which. "Who saw what happened? Just raise your hand if you saw anything."
GAME: Lanier rolls Survival: (10)+13: 23
GAME: Vaera rolls survival +4 +2: (7)+13+4+2: 26
GAME: Gramarye rolls Diplomacy: (3)+0: 3
Lanier approaches the scene, pausing to look towards Spud and narrowing his eyes, "Spud, what do you hear?" He then looks over to the dead body, one of a fellow ranger, and his lips turn down into a frown. With a growl worth the wolf he walks with, Lanier calls out, "Everyone back up!" He himself begins looking down at the ground, commenting on the tracks that exist near around around the body.
GAME: Aragos rolls Diplomacy: (17)+14: 31
Gramarye decides to be very useful indeed. Maybe she's inspired by watching her father figure turn a page on his habits lately. Maybe it is--
"Initiating crowd control module." Gramarye then raises both of her arms up into the air in a fashion like someone who has seen someone attempt to calm someone else down, but does not understand why the arms are up. Only that they should be. "Attention all attendees, living and deceased. Please: become calm. There is no need to be upset."
There goes one blink in her eyes. Then two. Then three. "Thank you for your assistance in becoming calm."
GAME: Nameless casts Detect Thoughts. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19
Vaera hops off their mount quickly, metallic leg digging into the ground slightly from the impact. She moves to check the fallen first, but realizing even healing magic would be too late, she turns her attention to the area around them. "Yes. If anyone knows what may have happened, I understand this is upsetting, but ensuring the safety of everyone remains our top priority."
Gramarye gets a curious look for a split second, before her attention is back on the ground before any tracks are obliterated by so many people panicked people.
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (9)+7: 16
The goblin arrives a little late, it's a struggle for someone her size to squeeze through a crowd. "Should'a flew." she says to herself as she finally elbows her way into the circle around the recent corpse. She groans, tossing the empty shot glass she had still been holding aside, it's not like the bartender will know who to complain to.
She weaves magic and touches her temple, peering into the crowd and searching for anyone who might know something relevant, mostly shock and horror, flashes of steel, 'Remy', more horror - wait, "Remy!? Who's Remy!" the goblin shouts towards that section of the crowd, not sure which person thought it.
It takes... /SOME/ time to get everyone to calm down. Especially when Gramarye raises her arms and tries to calm down. It seems they mistake her mannerisms (especially since they can't read her facial expression) as dismissive, and there's throngs of people suddenly being angry at Gramarye. Some of them scooting over some of the tracks around. Luckily, Vaera and Lanier manage to see multiple tracks leading away and down an alley.
It takes some extra (precious) time to calm them down to get answers.
The responses aren't exactly organized as Aragos asks if anyone who saw what happened. Multiple people talking over eachother. But it's pretty clear. They saw a bald man. Upon Fidget's prompting, a few answer that they think they recognized the perpetrator as a local farmer by the name of 'Remy' stab the Ranger in the throat and run! There's some confusion, because it happened so quick. Some of them didn't see what happened. Some only caught the end of it.
One of them comments that Remy was always cross with the Ranger for dating his wife before Remy and Leandra (said wife) got together. There's some eyerolls there.
Aragos motions for Gramarye to follow him as he himself follows the man with a wolf who is tracking the killer. "Can your companion track this Remy through scent? Lead us to him?" Aragos has some questions. Namely... He looks at the goblin as he follows Lanier. "How'd you know that name before anyone said it anyway?"
GAME: Gramarye casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15
GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (4)+4: 8
"Initiating spellcasting module. Detecting magic," Gramarye announces, before her eyes glow blue as she peers at the corpse of the ranger. It takes a few moments before the wizard announces her findings.
"No magical traces detected on the corpse. Several individuals nearby, classified as common folk who perform professions, such as: farming, have minor traces of magic on small items. Father has magic traces on several items. Analysis concludes that there was no magic involved in this killing."
Gramarye then curtsies. "For more magical assistance, please inquire with me now or visit GEMS: Gramarye's Enchanting Magic Services, located in the Lower Market District of the City of Alexandria."
GAME: Gramarye rolls Diplomacy: (3)+0: 3
GAME: Thoth rolls 6: (10)+6: 16
Vaera sets one foot down near one of the tracks just before one of the villagers shuffles back over it, and quickly she pushes through to keep on them, her companion not far behind. "Multiple sets of footprints here. We should go now, before they get too far. Probably too late or risky to try cutting them off, they may have somewhere to hid within it." She notes to the others before bounding off. pulling the metal block from somewhere in their coat that folds, latches and extends into some manner of firearm.
"Someone thought it loud enough" the goblin responds to Aragos, "Sometimes it's easier to skim what they're thinking than what they're yelling about."
Moving towards the crowd, the goblin approaches someone who seemed to be quite sure of what they saw and asks, "Can you hold my hand and think about what you saw? Don't want to chase the wrong person."
Lanier leans over the body, pointing towards the knife, "Spud, track." The dire wolf does get a scent of the knife and when Lanier begins heaidng down the alley, Spud is right on his heels. As he goes, he is already unshouldering his bow, "Do you have an approximate count of them?"
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (18)+5: 23
For more magical assistance...
The Farmers guffah at Gramarye's attempt to sell her services after declaring no magic was involved. "Of course there was no magic involved! He got stabbed!" One of them shouts at Gramarye and throws a tomato at her. Not a rotten one. Just a tomato! It bonks right against her dome. "Is this an Alexandria plot?" "Damn Wargolem is defective!" "Get out of here!"
"Fuck off. I don't need some Gobbo reading my mind." The ones Fidget is talking to soon follow up with. She senses disgust at someone reading their minds without their consent. Also, she reads pink goblins from someone. Probably just trying to not be read.
Vaera and Lanier heading down the alley in the midst of the day soon lose their target. The tracks stop right in front of what looks to be a tall fence between buildings, next to a door in the right-side building.
Indeed it's not only the nameless goblin's crowd that's displeased with her reading peoples minds without their consent. Aragos glares at the woman and offers his hand to Gramarye. "Come on, it's time we caught up with the others." He doesn't wait for the goblin at all. She can try her hand at poking people's thoughts by herself. He catches up with Vaera and Lanier. "What have we got?"
There's a blink in Gramarye's obsidian eyes as she's pelted with a tomato. Thankfully, Aragos is kind enough to provide her with a distraction. "I appreciate your aid, Father," she intones, and she goes with him to find Lanier and Vaera.
"Father's inquiry is also my inquiry," Gramarye states rather plainly. Who knows if Gramarye has any other setting than 'states plainly'.
"You clearly don't even know basic magic theory. This goblin is already reading your mind, obviously. Now, you can either try real hard not to think about whatever it is you least want me to hear, or... you can share the specific memory I'm asking about, and as a result, the more general mind reading spell will end. Your choice. Now - what is it you're really worried about someone overhearing that's got you anxious? Definitely don't think about that while you decide." The goblin verbally strongarms the belligerent bystander, not wanting to waste too much time with these fools.
GAME: Nameless rolls bluff: (14)+12: 26
GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (6)+3: 9
Vaera stops at the fence, taking a look at the ground, seeing if there was anything at all indicating where the person they were following may have went before the trail went cold. "Thought it was more than one, the second set was unrelated. Bold to do something like this in broad daylight, not sure if they had a plan for after the fact." She remarks to Lanier, and the others as they arrive. "Could have ducked into the building there, or hopped the fence. I can check over the fence with someone else, and the others can check the building, perhaps?
GAME: Lanier rolls 6: (17)+6: 23
Lanier nods his head quick to Vaera, replying with the rasp of his voice, "I agree. I saw two as well." He then looks to Spud, "My companion has the scent." He then calls out, "Spud!" As soon as he has the dire wolf's attention, he gives his companion the flowing and melodic Sildanyari version of "get 'em". Spud, for his part, starts sweeping the ground at the fence, then backtracks, working back and forth until he catches the scent on the dagger. The dire wolf makes short work of indicating on the door.
At the recognizable sign, Lanier points towards the door, "At least one of them went in there."
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+4+4: (18)+4+4: 26
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (19)+7: 26
GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (20)+13: 33
GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (13)+3: 16
GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (6)+13: 19
GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (3)+13: 16
GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (11)+8: 19
GAME: Nameless rolls perception: (4)+11: 15
Though it goes unnoticed by the others, when they arrive near the fence, Fidget and Gramarye spot just a bit of red against the fence. When they point it out, it takes some squinting from the others against the brown splatter on the fence. But it's there. Looks like signs of blood.
The door they have spotted to be the direction their target fled is notably locked. It may need a bit of work to unlock, or to get inside of the building.
Aragos reaches out and knocks very loudly on the door in question. Very loudly. "Someone grab the guard. Just in case they decide they don't want to come out." He keeps knocking. "Not you." He says to the nameless goblin. "As far as I'm concerned you can join this murderer in lockup."
Lanier glances towards Aragos as he knocks on the door, "You really think that's going to work?" He then shakes his head, "Knock it off. The goblin was only trying to help in the best way it knew how." He then takes a step back, looking around at the facade of the building, "Someone keep an eye on the windows, and look for a second entrace."
Gramarye stands behind Aragos, and she raises her arms. "Readying spellcasting," she announces. "Deploying quickening magic when target leaves house. Warning: may initiate combat module at Father's directive or at own self-assigned ability."
She has no comment on the nameless goblin's thought magic for the moment. Maybe Gramarye's morality doesn't match the direction of her assigned Father.
Nameless, your spell still running I assume?"
"There was some sort of struggle at the fence, but I don't think they got over it." Vaera notes, turning her attention back to the door. The makari takes their firearm, and aims it near the door. "It might work, but failing that, we could always try breaking the door down." They suggest, with the large swiftclaw not far behind them.
The goblin looks a little confused, "That's unusually hostile. But anyway, I'll have a look around the other side for other entrances." She shrugs, it's hardly the first time someone has complained about her mind reading magic.
Since her magic is still available, as she circles around the place, she checks if the walls are thin enough to sense anyone inside.
Aragos knocks on the door, and it takes a few moments before there's steps on the other side. A somewhat tired looking woman opens the door. There's flour on her clothing, suggesting she'd been working hard to do preparations for the festival and was woken up by the knocking.
"Hmmm? Sorry... can I help you?" The bleary-eyed woman inquires. There's clearly some anxiety about her expression though. "And please don't break down my door." The woman adds.
The Nameless Gobbo, stepping away, can sense the woman's thoughts. Those of a man (her husband) with blood on his clothing hiding inside of the house. She can also sense someone else in the house who is panicking.
Aragos allows Vardama's vision to assist him in sensing the presence of evil. "There was a murder and we've tracked the murderer to this location. I would suggest that you come on out and allow us to search the house." He tries to be calm and serious given the situation, but he also offers the woman a comforting smile. He's not going to argue with his allies at the moment.
GAME: Aragos rolls Diplomacy: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Gramarye rolls Diplomacy: (19)+0: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (18)+13: 31
GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (6)+2: 8
Gramarye steps up to the plate. Metaphorically speaking. In reality, she just stands behind Aragos and looms over him (on account of being several inches taller). "Please permit Father to conduct his search. He is a paladin of Vardama and is acting within his responsibilities and within his jurisdiction as a servant of the gods and as someone oathed to the forces of good."
Then... Aragos receives a tap-tap on the shoulder. Followed by Gramarye giving him a... thumbs-up? Where has she learned this?
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (13)+12: 25
GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (16)+8: 24
Vaera does at least have the decency to not shove a gun at the door or in anyone's face when the door opens on its own accord. "Apologies, but we have reason to believe there may be someone implicated in a murder here." The ranger answers, before taking a step back to let the others speak.
GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/nature: (2)+8: 10
GAME: Nameless rolls spellcraft +4: (10)+20+4: 34
GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/Nature: (5)+13: 18
Lanier glances towards Aragos and then adds to the woman who had opened the door, "We just have a few questions for the person who ran in this door just a few moments ago. They used an incredibly powerful poison, and we have questions along the lines of how he got it and why he used it." He then gestures to the wolf, adding sadly, "I'd hate to have to ask my companion to pull him out." He then gestures towards the door, asking after in a rustic fashion, "May we?"
GAME: Lanier rolls Diplomacy: (6)+4: 10
GAME: Nameless rolls stealth: (13)+14: 27
GAME: Nameless rolls perception: (14)+11: 25
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (7)+7: 14
Circling the house while quietly grumbling about how her many and magnificent talents are often unappreciated, especially by stuffy overly lawful types, a goblin spies both the front door and quietly checks that it's unlocked with a slight turn, then in an attempt to give her companions a chance to do things the polite way, she waits outside. For at least... 30 seconds before she gets bored and starts looking for a way to at least *see* the guy they're chasing.
Finding him under the bed in a bedroom in an unfortunate position, she feels a bit of sympathy - the crime doesn't really make sense to her, so public, so brutal, so impossible to evade consequences, so she tries an alternative tact. Whispering, "Psst. Guy under the bed. I don't think you're going to succeed in the hiding thing. But maybe you could let me know what's going on, I could make it less bad? Why would you do something like that in public? Is there more to this than it seems?" She's not too hopeful that she'll get something coherent, with his mind a chaos of panic, but it's worth a try.
"A murder?" The woman's face goes pale, stammering a bit. She doesn't really know how to even retort to that and steps back. "Y... okay." The comforting smile doesn't comfort her at all though. She does mutter something under her breath of; 'You idiot'.
At Lanier's question, there's confusion. "Poison?" She seems confused. "Ehmm, sure?" At the threat of wolf however, she grab at knife at her hip and motions it towards Lanier. Her arms and legs are shaking. "Don't you hurt him." She demands. Clearly afraid of what these Adventurers could do to her. But you know... it's still her husband. She does love him!
Even if he clearly did something REALLY STUPID.
As Fidget approaches the bald man under the bed, she gets a flash of anxiety. Then justification. Passion? Anger and regret both. The man pretends to not be there, hoping Fidget didn't ACTUALLY see him. But after a few moments, he realizes he can't escape reality and slowly scoots out from underneath it.
"He... he slept with my wife." He answers Fidget. Though she can't get a bead on why he thinks this is true.
Aragos lifts his hands to show himself currently unarmed, though with his armor on he's never truly unarmed so much as not currently holding an obvious weapon. "We mean him no harm save that he sees justice for his actions." Aragos glances at Spud and Lanier. "How about you take your companion outside, so he doesn't frighten this lady. And Gramerye will stay with you. You can trust me."
Aragos glances skyward for a minute and shakes his head, rubbing his hand over his short hair and then smiling. "Really, it's us or the guard."
"I will do as Father dictates," Gramarye intones. "I am unable to break from Father's directive unless in the case of specific protocol overrides, such as: risk to self. Fae encounter. Kitchen accidents. Workshop accidents. Father being heavily intoxicated."
There's a blink in Gramarye's eyes as she then adds, "Father has not been heavily intoxicated in some time." ... Does she actually sound proud of him? Oh yes. There was some emotion there.
Lanier raises an eyebrow, then looks to Aragos and gives the paladin of Verdama a long-suffering look, "Loosen your codpiece." Lanier looks back to the woman and shakes his head, "Madam, that's very much up to you." He then looks back to Aragos, and gestures in towards the door, "After you."
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (18)+13: 31
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (10)+5: 15
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (20)+12: 32
GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (3)+13: 16
GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (16)+3: 19
GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (7)+13: 20
GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (5)+2: 7
"I'll stay outside." Vaera suggests to the others, raising one hand up and taking a step back. "I'm good with animals, I'll stay with them outside. It will also keep people who come looking safe if they approach them, and I feel my presence nor that of a large swiftclaw or wolf is putting anyone at ease."
"Additionally," Gramarye adds, "perception sensors indicated movement from that window." Here she points to another window on the house. "Target fled too quickly to obtain confirmation."
"Sure, that's a reason to punch him. If you're angry enough, a reason to try to kill him. But if you've went to all the trouble of making or buying a deadly poison, why attack him in front of witnesses? Did you want to get caught?" The goblin offers him her confusion, "It doesn't make sense."
"That's... that's a lot of exceptions." The woman answers, seemingly calmed by the smile on Aragos' face. Or just the disarming answers from Gramarye. Stepping aside, but still holding the knife shaking. She's clearly shaken up from all of this.
But the crew has free reign to walk through the single-storied house. There isn't much in the way of 'doors' on the inside, so they can peek into all of the rooms on the way to talking in the back of the house. It's largely uneventful though. Kitchen, living section, bedroom. It's not exactly a 'rich' house.
As they get closer to the perpetrator, whom the Nameless Goblin is already speaking with, Aragos' Migraine finally seems to fade. Finally.
The Nameless Gobbo gets a quick reply; "He deserved it! I don't care anymore. The way she would always look at him... I couldn't bear it anymore!"
Aragos stops not far from the hiding man, the relief of pain making him relax just a little. "If you'd come with us sir." He murmurs to his daughter and to Lanier more quietly. "There were more than one set of footprints; be on the lookout." Amazingly, he doesn't start a fight with Lanier. There's definitely something up with Aragos.
GAME: Gramarye casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (17)+13: 30
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (10)+5: 15
Gramarye seems very unhappy with something--to the point where she actually begins to cast a spell again. "Observation: someone is watching us," she states, before intoning, "Occupant of second bedroom appears to be engaged in alchemy, creating pesticides and herbicides. Spellcasting active, detecting magic." Her eyes go blue.
Pause. Pause. Pause. "There is no notable magic nearby. Conclusion: the source of being watched is physically in the house with us."
GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (17)+12: 29
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (10)+12: 22
Nodding his head to Aragos, having issued his wardrobe recommendations and now being content to get back to the business at hand. The first thing he does is get Spud's attention, "Stay." He does just in fact do that as Lanier passes over the threshold into the house, he reshoulders his bow and removes a small handaxe from his belt, good for closer quarters. He walks about, checking around this or that. He finally shakes his head and then calls out to Aragos, "I don't perceive a second in here. There's noone else here unless they're better than me." He moves closer to the part of the house where Nameless and the prospective murderer are having their discussion, remaining somewhat quiet.
Despite Lanier's reassurance, Gramarye is looking outside through a window--and something happens that is unusual for the war golem. Her limbs tremble. She steps backwards. A small noise escapes her.
It's a small noise that builds into a scream, terror in slow motion.
Gramarye backs away. One clunk of a step. Two clunking steps. Three. Four. Until she's hovering in a doorway, shivering. Gramarye doesn't shiver ordinarily. Gramarye doesn't... _emote_ ordinarily. "Subject... Subject... Spotted. Description--"
Her voice repeats. "--Tion, --tion, --tion: black eyes, pinprick pupils, bald skin, soiled body, human-like but oversized teeth. Gone now. Fled. F-F-F-Fled."
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (13)+12: 25
GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (19)+7: 26
GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (18)+13: 31
GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (18)+3: 21
"Something seems off here to me" the goblin says, uncertain, "I think we should talk to him some more before-" she's cut off by Gramarye having some kind of issue, and giving a muddled warning, "Wait - what? Are you okay?" the goblin asks "Where did you see this?"
While Spud and Lanier remarkably seem unphased by the description given by Gramarye, all of the others get this sense of... being unsettled by it. That lizard-brain (in Vaera's case, rather literally) understanding of being Prey. A natural fear they were instilled with at birth. Like seeing a diseased animal or too many holes in a plant and having an instinctual aversion. Of having walked into a Lion's Den, and needing to get out before something terrible happens. They can control it still, unlike Gramarye, who is 'wigging the hell out'.
It was outside! If they manage to overcome that sense of fear... maybe they can catch it before it's gone. Or perhaps they should just... leave.
At the scream emitting from the warforged, a happening that even seems to startle Lanier for a moment, the Ranger turns and raises his handaxe in preparation to yeet it at the offendinging presence. Hearing further, Lanier takes no time to process before he is speeding towards the door. He's on the hunt and it almost seems a relief for the Ranger. As he breaches the door, Lanier shouts, "Spud, let's go!" In an overly-large fur blur, Spud falls into step with Lanier as the Ranger is on the move and after the presence that he had apparently missed.
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (17)+13: 30
GAME: Vaera rolls sense motive: (8)+9: 17
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (10)+5: 15
GAME: Nameless rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (14)+9: 23
As Gramarye begins to have some major issues, Aragos does what any logical parent would do: he hugs her. He knows that his mere presence can bring peace to the troubled, and that physical contact has great meaning, even to War Golems. "I'm here Gramarye. Father is here." He can remember doing this with his son. Holding him when he was afraid. (Being unable to hold him at the end.) "Everything is okay."
Gramarye is stilling with Aragos's touch. She doesn't cry like children do. But the obvious physical indications of distress calm. Eventually... She lifts her arms up to hug him in return. "Father." It's the first word she intones that isn't just more of her distress, before she lifts up a hand and points to the window where she'd spotted the creature.
"I-In that locality." Gramarye is still 'skipping' on portions of her words. But not as badly as before. "Target was s-spotted there."
GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (4)+5: 9
GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (10)+12: 22
GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (3)+13: 16
GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (14)+3: 17
The goblin turns towards where Gramarye pointed, tense and confused, "Is there someone, something there?" she calls out to the empty space, the nervousness tinging her voice "Show yourself before I find you the explosive way. Whatever the hell you are." She backs away from the window a little, moving away from the unseen threat, but also angling to have a straight line to the area beside the house it was supposedly in. "Anyone have a See Invisibility or something like that?" she says with a glance to those inside the house.
Vaera was keeping an eye on the animals on the outside, as well as making sure that the woman who had answered the door was not attempting anything dangerous. Even from where she was though, the makari can sense something was wrong. Perhaps the screaming was a giveaway, as well.
"Go to the guard, it is likely safer for you there for the time being. I understand your worries, but your own safety is important as well." The ranger states, stepping into the building and heading to the main door of the house, looking for the window from the outside, while the swiftclaw clawed the ground in the alley, keeping watch.
As Gramarye and Aragos remain inside, that sense of discomfort begins to fade away. There's a murderer in this house that they need to arrest still. To all of them, that sense of fear, of worry about the creature outside seems to fade. Like they don't need to worry about it anymore. Those seeking for it find nothing, and soon lose interest.
Aragos still knows though. The source of his Daughter's fear. The way she's trembling in his arm for a moment longer, until it all stops and all that fear just washes away. Almost like it was never there.
They're still duty-bound to deal with the murderer and get him into jail though. They'd find it in his home, a station for making pesticides and herbicides. Clearly the source of the poison. A crime of passion. Though the wife would declare she had not slept with the Ranger, Fidget would be able to discern her to be lying about that. And the husband had clearly found her in the act with someone... the Ranger. The arrest would be easy to make after that. Things go cleanly.
As Aragos' party members seem to barely remember anything but the murder they were investigating.
With only Aragos remembering...
Something yet remains in the town of Warren.
Something that will need time, investigation... and preparation.
Something waits... at the Edge.

Latest revision as of 18:19, 9 June 2024

Log Info

  • Title: Fictitious - I
  • GM: Thoth
  • Place: Warren
  • Summary: The town of Warren is a good day away from Alexandria. It's a typical farming community that has grown closer to the rivers, allowing for some additional industry. It's running a small little carnival today, celebrating the start of Firetide.

Come for the carnival!

What could possibly go wrong?

Firetide is just beginning, and the town of Warren has organized its yearly Firetide Festival. It's a small celebration. This isn't the kind of festival you will find in Alexandria. Warren is just a riverside farming community. Not quite a 'hole in the middle of nowhere', but certainly no 'city' either. The layout being spoke-like though, with plenty of opportunity for growth.

Still, it's a popular stop for people who want something to celebrate, and there's always a request for some adventurers or guards to show up in case of drunkards getting rowdy. Also, really good beer, which sources those very same drunkards.

Right now though, it's in the late morning. The town square is filled with people already. Some stalls are still setting up in the northern parts of town square, where-as the southern portion is already quite active. Warren enjoys a culture of games. There's the Archery contest run by Ranger Barns, the axe-throw run by Farmer Juniper, the lasso games by Farmhand Grindle, and there's even a new event this year in the form of an eating contest by Baker John!

Sizable crowds have gathered around each of these spots already, making it almost impossible to even get in there without some significant pushing.

GAME: Nameless refreshes spells.

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (16)+5: 21

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (18)+4: 22

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (18)+13: 31

GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (20)+3: 23

Aragos for a change of pace is not drunk, or recovering from a recent bout of drinking. He is in fact completely sober, and not loving it. He squints in the light and stares at those drinkers who are enjoying their mugs of ale and other drinks. He sighs more than once, bemoaning his sober state. He is walking beside Gramarye, largely ignoring the stalls unless she happens to show an interest in them. Normally by now he'd be complaining in a more complete manner, but he's managed to restrain himself to only the occasional deep-seated sigh. "Maybe we could check out the ax throw... once the crowd dies down a bit."

Gramarye is not a drunkard, nor is she capable of eating, and (thus far) she has not demonstrated any lassoing proficiency. The war golem wizard is, however, dressed nicely for this affair, a sundress that looks quite nice on the form of the bronze-wrought figure... Who is very tall and clinks with every step.

"Inquiry," Gramarye intones in her usual neutral voice. "What is the goal of the ax throw? Is it to demonstrate physical prowess in exchange for: monetary compensation, gain of physical goods, and..."

One can practically hear the gears whirring behind Gramarye's eyes. That's because there are probably literally gears behind Gramarye's eyes. "Implementing alternative vocabulary usage. 'Stroking of one's ego'?"

Rumor circulated of a hunter arriving in town with their latest kill strapped across his back, escorted by one of the most serious-minded dire wolves in recent memory. The kill was delivered to the butcher for use with the festival on behalf of Gilead's church, and the hunter stayed for the festival. Lanier now walks amongst the stalls, looking at the wares being set out and sold for the duration of the festivities. He takes time to smile politely to the vendor, make a few feeble attempts at haggling, but it shows his mind is at least half on his companion, whom he occassionally reproaches in a word of Sildanyari should he stray even a few feet away from the Ranger.

Either the people at the festival had not started drinking enough to cause any commotion yet, or perhaps a large dinosaur with a large lizard person on it's back was doing it's job of keeping things under control for the time being. Still, the makari was taking a look around the event without getting in too many peoples ways, lingering near some of the various marksmanship events on occassion.

A goblin which once had a name some of you knew, is enjoying the ale - well, enjoying might be a stretch. She's partaking of the ale, and having an argument with the barkeep that goblin firewhiskey is in fact a real drink sold by many reputable establishments (and even more disreputable ones along with all the downright shady dives), and it is required that the drink be on fire. She'd thought about signing up for bouncer duty, a few extra coins are always handy, but the bar seemed a better idea for now.

There's the usual things happening at the festival. A few kids approach the massive Dire Wolf calling for; 'Puppy!'. Wanting to pet Lanier's massive wolf. It seems they may be familiar with the bond between a Ranger and their Companion. A drunkard passes by Aragon, the scent of a strong and flavorful mead passing his nose. The person handling the ale station is exceptionally proud of their work, and is engaging full-burn with the Nameless Gobbo on the matters of fire and its relationship to alcohol.


Vaera, being as tall as she is, catches sight of two glints of metal. A sudden yell. A scream! The throngs of people near the Archery contest start moving back. Worried sounds and screams of surprise. Some people spreading out, wanting to get away from that particular spot. People getting in Vaera's way, making it hard to tell what happened.

Aragos watches after the drunk that passed him by, clearly wishing that he had some of that good stuff, but he shrugs at Gramarye instead. "Sure, but it's also fun. Which is the point of festivals like this." There's some disturbance happening over in the direction he'd been thinking of heading, but the crowd is making things a challenge. He shrugs. "Keep close Gramarye, looks like there might be trouble brewing. You want to head over there?"

Aragos's words draw Gramarye's attention, that thinking 'blink' going off in her obsidian eyes before her head pivots in the direction of all of that noise. "Yes," she says flatly. "First Father's directive was to always be of assistance wherever possible."

She makes already for the direction of the noise. "Self-assigning objective: investigate disturbance. Identify cause. Determine course of action from there."

With his eyes as much on Spud as the vendors he visits, Lanier is quick to interpose himself between his animal companion and the children approaching him. He takes a moment to curtly remind him, "Do not mistake this one as tame. Just because he may be my friend, doesn't mean he may be yours. Please excuse us, children. You can look from afar, but please don't touch him." When the screams occur, Lanier looks up, standing as tall as he can to see what might be going on. Quickly, he tells the children, "Go. Get behind the market stall." He makes his way towards the commotion at a calm trot, speaking behind him, "Spud, come."

The swiftclaw Vaera was on stretches up even further, growling loudly as Vaera scanned the crowd where the commotion seemed to begin. "Please disperse and allow me to assess the situation." The makari commands, though the mount she had was proving a slight hindrance, as moving forward without knocking someone over proved difficult. "There appears to be comotion at the archery range. I am going to deal with the situation, and render first aid if necessary." .

She had just finished winning that argument when the goblin without a name hears the commotion, "Well, bollocks." she mutters, climbing up on her barstool which was taller than she was, and admonishing the barkeep "I didn't say I didn't want it, just because someone's trying to ruin the party over there. To go" and snatching the flaming shot glass from the bar as soon as the fire catches, and swallows it during her hop down to the ground.

"Guess I get to do guard duty after all. Make myself useful." she complains to herself as she heads to whatever seems to be going on. And just in case, she casts a magical ward upon herself.

GAME: Nameless casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18

It's hard to fully part the crowds. But seated on her Swiftclaw, Vaera manages to lead the way on matters. It isn't long before the crew manages to get to the source of the commotion. Ranger Barns is on the ground. A stabwound at their neck, with a dagger still in the flesh. Their veins black. On the ground. Very clearly dead. A second wound at the back of their achilles heel, clearly intended to make them drop. Blood beneath the dead body.

As the group of investigators and guards, including a local town guard arrive, there's still a few civilians who saw the whole ordeal there. Though they're still a bit in shock at what they witnessed. Various faces sheet-white.

As they gather up further, and Lanier joins, Spud suddenly seems to howl and uncharacteristically lowers its head and starts scratching at its ears for a moment. It's just a short moment, but it's there.

Roughly around the same time, Aragos feels a Migraine climb. Almost like the entire market got too loud and rowdy. Alcohol withdrawals?

GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (7)+2: 9

GAME: Lanier rolls Animal Handling: (12)+Animal Handling: 12

Aragos frowns at the sight of the body. The man is already dead, likely poisoned if the blackening of the veins is any indication, but Aragos isn't much of a a healer. He looks around, searching for murderous intent and willingness in those nearby but... no evil rears itself to be seen. "Quick." He mutters to himself. Or well hidden. He has no idea which. "Who saw what happened? Just raise your hand if you saw anything."


GAME: Lanier rolls Survival: (10)+13: 23

GAME: Vaera rolls survival +4 +2: (7)+13+4+2: 26

GAME: Gramarye rolls Diplomacy: (3)+0: 3

Lanier approaches the scene, pausing to look towards Spud and narrowing his eyes, "Spud, what do you hear?" He then looks over to the dead body, one of a fellow ranger, and his lips turn down into a frown. With a growl worth the wolf he walks with, Lanier calls out, "Everyone back up!" He himself begins looking down at the ground, commenting on the tracks that exist near around around the body.

GAME: Aragos rolls Diplomacy: (17)+14: 31

Gramarye decides to be very useful indeed. Maybe she's inspired by watching her father figure turn a page on his habits lately. Maybe it is--

"Initiating crowd control module." Gramarye then raises both of her arms up into the air in a fashion like someone who has seen someone attempt to calm someone else down, but does not understand why the arms are up. Only that they should be. "Attention all attendees, living and deceased. Please: become calm. There is no need to be upset."

There goes one blink in her eyes. Then two. Then three. "Thank you for your assistance in becoming calm."

GAME: Nameless casts Detect Thoughts. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19

Vaera hops off their mount quickly, metallic leg digging into the ground slightly from the impact. She moves to check the fallen first, but realizing even healing magic would be too late, she turns her attention to the area around them. "Yes. If anyone knows what may have happened, I understand this is upsetting, but ensuring the safety of everyone remains our top priority."

Gramarye gets a curious look for a split second, before her attention is back on the ground before any tracks are obliterated by so many people panicked people.

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (9)+7: 16

The goblin arrives a little late, it's a struggle for someone her size to squeeze through a crowd. "Should'a flew." she says to herself as she finally elbows her way into the circle around the recent corpse. She groans, tossing the empty shot glass she had still been holding aside, it's not like the bartender will know who to complain to.

She weaves magic and touches her temple, peering into the crowd and searching for anyone who might know something relevant, mostly shock and horror, flashes of steel, 'Remy', more horror - wait, "Remy!? Who's Remy!" the goblin shouts towards that section of the crowd, not sure which person thought it.

It takes... /SOME/ time to get everyone to calm down. Especially when Gramarye raises her arms and tries to calm down. It seems they mistake her mannerisms (especially since they can't read her facial expression) as dismissive, and there's throngs of people suddenly being angry at Gramarye. Some of them scooting over some of the tracks around. Luckily, Vaera and Lanier manage to see multiple tracks leading away and down an alley.

It takes some extra (precious) time to calm them down to get answers.

The responses aren't exactly organized as Aragos asks if anyone who saw what happened. Multiple people talking over eachother. But it's pretty clear. They saw a bald man. Upon Fidget's prompting, a few answer that they think they recognized the perpetrator as a local farmer by the name of 'Remy' stab the Ranger in the throat and run! There's some confusion, because it happened so quick. Some of them didn't see what happened. Some only caught the end of it.

One of them comments that Remy was always cross with the Ranger for dating his wife before Remy and Leandra (said wife) got together. There's some eyerolls there.

Aragos motions for Gramarye to follow him as he himself follows the man with a wolf who is tracking the killer. "Can your companion track this Remy through scent? Lead us to him?" Aragos has some questions. Namely... He looks at the goblin as he follows Lanier. "How'd you know that name before anyone said it anyway?"

GAME: Gramarye casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (4)+4: 8

"Initiating spellcasting module. Detecting magic," Gramarye announces, before her eyes glow blue as she peers at the corpse of the ranger. It takes a few moments before the wizard announces her findings.

"No magical traces detected on the corpse. Several individuals nearby, classified as common folk who perform professions, such as: farming, have minor traces of magic on small items. Father has magic traces on several items. Analysis concludes that there was no magic involved in this killing."

Gramarye then curtsies. "For more magical assistance, please inquire with me now or visit GEMS: Gramarye's Enchanting Magic Services, located in the Lower Market District of the City of Alexandria."

GAME: Gramarye rolls Diplomacy: (3)+0: 3

GAME: Thoth rolls 6: (10)+6: 16

Vaera sets one foot down near one of the tracks just before one of the villagers shuffles back over it, and quickly she pushes through to keep on them, her companion not far behind. "Multiple sets of footprints here. We should go now, before they get too far. Probably too late or risky to try cutting them off, they may have somewhere to hid within it." She notes to the others before bounding off. pulling the metal block from somewhere in their coat that folds, latches and extends into some manner of firearm.

"Someone thought it loud enough" the goblin responds to Aragos, "Sometimes it's easier to skim what they're thinking than what they're yelling about."

Moving towards the crowd, the goblin approaches someone who seemed to be quite sure of what they saw and asks, "Can you hold my hand and think about what you saw? Don't want to chase the wrong person."

Lanier leans over the body, pointing towards the knife, "Spud, track." The dire wolf does get a scent of the knife and when Lanier begins heaidng down the alley, Spud is right on his heels. As he goes, he is already unshouldering his bow, "Do you have an approximate count of them?"

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (18)+5: 23

For more magical assistance...

The Farmers guffah at Gramarye's attempt to sell her services after declaring no magic was involved. "Of course there was no magic involved! He got stabbed!" One of them shouts at Gramarye and throws a tomato at her. Not a rotten one. Just a tomato! It bonks right against her dome. "Is this an Alexandria plot?" "Damn Wargolem is defective!" "Get out of here!"

"Fuck off. I don't need some Gobbo reading my mind." The ones Fidget is talking to soon follow up with. She senses disgust at someone reading their minds without their consent. Also, she reads pink goblins from someone. Probably just trying to not be read.

Vaera and Lanier heading down the alley in the midst of the day soon lose their target. The tracks stop right in front of what looks to be a tall fence between buildings, next to a door in the right-side building.

Indeed it's not only the nameless goblin's crowd that's displeased with her reading peoples minds without their consent. Aragos glares at the woman and offers his hand to Gramarye. "Come on, it's time we caught up with the others." He doesn't wait for the goblin at all. She can try her hand at poking people's thoughts by herself. He catches up with Vaera and Lanier. "What have we got?"

There's a blink in Gramarye's obsidian eyes as she's pelted with a tomato. Thankfully, Aragos is kind enough to provide her with a distraction. "I appreciate your aid, Father," she intones, and she goes with him to find Lanier and Vaera.

"Father's inquiry is also my inquiry," Gramarye states rather plainly. Who knows if Gramarye has any other setting than 'states plainly'.

"You clearly don't even know basic magic theory. This goblin is already reading your mind, obviously. Now, you can either try real hard not to think about whatever it is you least want me to hear, or... you can share the specific memory I'm asking about, and as a result, the more general mind reading spell will end. Your choice. Now - what is it you're really worried about someone overhearing that's got you anxious? Definitely don't think about that while you decide." The goblin verbally strongarms the belligerent bystander, not wanting to waste too much time with these fools.

GAME: Nameless rolls bluff: (14)+12: 26

GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (6)+3: 9

Vaera stops at the fence, taking a look at the ground, seeing if there was anything at all indicating where the person they were following may have went before the trail went cold. "Thought it was more than one, the second set was unrelated. Bold to do something like this in broad daylight, not sure if they had a plan for after the fact." She remarks to Lanier, and the others as they arrive. "Could have ducked into the building there, or hopped the fence. I can check over the fence with someone else, and the others can check the building, perhaps?

GAME: Lanier rolls 6: (17)+6: 23

Lanier nods his head quick to Vaera, replying with the rasp of his voice, "I agree. I saw two as well." He then looks to Spud, "My companion has the scent." He then calls out, "Spud!" As soon as he has the dire wolf's attention, he gives his companion the flowing and melodic Sildanyari version of "get 'em". Spud, for his part, starts sweeping the ground at the fence, then backtracks, working back and forth until he catches the scent on the dagger. The dire wolf makes short work of indicating on the door.

At the recognizable sign, Lanier points towards the door, "At least one of them went in there."

GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+4+4: (18)+4+4: 26

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (15)+5: 20

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (12)+12: 24

GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (19)+7: 26

GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (20)+13: 33

GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (13)+3: 16

GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (6)+13: 19

GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (3)+13: 16

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Nameless rolls perception: (4)+11: 15

Though it goes unnoticed by the others, when they arrive near the fence, Fidget and Gramarye spot just a bit of red against the fence. When they point it out, it takes some squinting from the others against the brown splatter on the fence. But it's there. Looks like signs of blood.

The door they have spotted to be the direction their target fled is notably locked. It may need a bit of work to unlock, or to get inside of the building.

Aragos reaches out and knocks very loudly on the door in question. Very loudly. "Someone grab the guard. Just in case they decide they don't want to come out." He keeps knocking. "Not you." He says to the nameless goblin. "As far as I'm concerned you can join this murderer in lockup."

Lanier glances towards Aragos as he knocks on the door, "You really think that's going to work?" He then shakes his head, "Knock it off. The goblin was only trying to help in the best way it knew how." He then takes a step back, looking around at the facade of the building, "Someone keep an eye on the windows, and look for a second entrace."

Gramarye stands behind Aragos, and she raises her arms. "Readying spellcasting," she announces. "Deploying quickening magic when target leaves house. Warning: may initiate combat module at Father's directive or at own self-assigned ability."

She has no comment on the nameless goblin's thought magic for the moment. Maybe Gramarye's morality doesn't match the direction of her assigned Father.

Nameless, your spell still running I assume?"

"There was some sort of struggle at the fence, but I don't think they got over it." Vaera notes, turning her attention back to the door. The makari takes their firearm, and aims it near the door. "It might work, but failing that, we could always try breaking the door down." They suggest, with the large swiftclaw not far behind them.

The goblin looks a little confused, "That's unusually hostile. But anyway, I'll have a look around the other side for other entrances." She shrugs, it's hardly the first time someone has complained about her mind reading magic.

Since her magic is still available, as she circles around the place, she checks if the walls are thin enough to sense anyone inside.

Aragos knocks on the door, and it takes a few moments before there's steps on the other side. A somewhat tired looking woman opens the door. There's flour on her clothing, suggesting she'd been working hard to do preparations for the festival and was woken up by the knocking.

"Hmmm? Sorry... can I help you?" The bleary-eyed woman inquires. There's clearly some anxiety about her expression though. "And please don't break down my door." The woman adds.

The Nameless Gobbo, stepping away, can sense the woman's thoughts. Those of a man (her husband) with blood on his clothing hiding inside of the house. She can also sense someone else in the house who is panicking.

Aragos allows Vardama's vision to assist him in sensing the presence of evil. "There was a murder and we've tracked the murderer to this location. I would suggest that you come on out and allow us to search the house." He tries to be calm and serious given the situation, but he also offers the woman a comforting smile. He's not going to argue with his allies at the moment.

GAME: Aragos rolls Diplomacy: (14)+14: 28

GAME: Gramarye rolls Diplomacy: (19)+0: 19

GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (18)+13: 31

GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (6)+2: 8

Gramarye steps up to the plate. Metaphorically speaking. In reality, she just stands behind Aragos and looms over him (on account of being several inches taller). "Please permit Father to conduct his search. He is a paladin of Vardama and is acting within his responsibilities and within his jurisdiction as a servant of the gods and as someone oathed to the forces of good."

Then... Aragos receives a tap-tap on the shoulder. Followed by Gramarye giving him a... thumbs-up? Where has she learned this?

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (13)+12: 25

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (16)+8: 24

Vaera does at least have the decency to not shove a gun at the door or in anyone's face when the door opens on its own accord. "Apologies, but we have reason to believe there may be someone implicated in a murder here." The ranger answers, before taking a step back to let the others speak.

GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/nature: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Nameless rolls spellcraft +4: (10)+20+4: 34

GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/Nature: (5)+13: 18

Lanier glances towards Aragos and then adds to the woman who had opened the door, "We just have a few questions for the person who ran in this door just a few moments ago. They used an incredibly powerful poison, and we have questions along the lines of how he got it and why he used it." He then gestures to the wolf, adding sadly, "I'd hate to have to ask my companion to pull him out." He then gestures towards the door, asking after in a rustic fashion, "May we?"

GAME: Lanier rolls Diplomacy: (6)+4: 10

GAME: Nameless rolls stealth: (13)+14: 27

GAME: Nameless rolls perception: (14)+11: 25

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (7)+7: 14

Circling the house while quietly grumbling about how her many and magnificent talents are often unappreciated, especially by stuffy overly lawful types, a goblin spies both the front door and quietly checks that it's unlocked with a slight turn, then in an attempt to give her companions a chance to do things the polite way, she waits outside. For at least... 30 seconds before she gets bored and starts looking for a way to at least *see* the guy they're chasing.

Finding him under the bed in a bedroom in an unfortunate position, she feels a bit of sympathy - the crime doesn't really make sense to her, so public, so brutal, so impossible to evade consequences, so she tries an alternative tact. Whispering, "Psst. Guy under the bed. I don't think you're going to succeed in the hiding thing. But maybe you could let me know what's going on, I could make it less bad? Why would you do something like that in public? Is there more to this than it seems?" She's not too hopeful that she'll get something coherent, with his mind a chaos of panic, but it's worth a try.

"A murder?" The woman's face goes pale, stammering a bit. She doesn't really know how to even retort to that and steps back. "Y... okay." The comforting smile doesn't comfort her at all though. She does mutter something under her breath of; 'You idiot'.

At Lanier's question, there's confusion. "Poison?" She seems confused. "Ehmm, sure?" At the threat of wolf however, she grab at knife at her hip and motions it towards Lanier. Her arms and legs are shaking. "Don't you hurt him." She demands. Clearly afraid of what these Adventurers could do to her. But you know... it's still her husband. She does love him!

Even if he clearly did something REALLY STUPID.

As Fidget approaches the bald man under the bed, she gets a flash of anxiety. Then justification. Passion? Anger and regret both. The man pretends to not be there, hoping Fidget didn't ACTUALLY see him. But after a few moments, he realizes he can't escape reality and slowly scoots out from underneath it.

"He... he slept with my wife." He answers Fidget. Though she can't get a bead on why he thinks this is true.

Aragos lifts his hands to show himself currently unarmed, though with his armor on he's never truly unarmed so much as not currently holding an obvious weapon. "We mean him no harm save that he sees justice for his actions." Aragos glances at Spud and Lanier. "How about you take your companion outside, so he doesn't frighten this lady. And Gramerye will stay with you. You can trust me."

Aragos glances skyward for a minute and shakes his head, rubbing his hand over his short hair and then smiling. "Really, it's us or the guard."

"I will do as Father dictates," Gramarye intones. "I am unable to break from Father's directive unless in the case of specific protocol overrides, such as: risk to self. Fae encounter. Kitchen accidents. Workshop accidents. Father being heavily intoxicated."

There's a blink in Gramarye's eyes as she then adds, "Father has not been heavily intoxicated in some time." ... Does she actually sound proud of him? Oh yes. There was some emotion there.

Lanier raises an eyebrow, then looks to Aragos and gives the paladin of Verdama a long-suffering look, "Loosen your codpiece." Lanier looks back to the woman and shakes his head, "Madam, that's very much up to you." He then looks back to Aragos, and gestures in towards the door, "After you."

GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (18)+13: 31

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (10)+5: 15

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (20)+12: 32

GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (3)+13: 16

GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (16)+3: 19

GAME: Vaera rolls perception: (7)+13: 20

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (13)+8: 21

GAME: Aragos rolls Perception: (5)+2: 7

"I'll stay outside." Vaera suggests to the others, raising one hand up and taking a step back. "I'm good with animals, I'll stay with them outside. It will also keep people who come looking safe if they approach them, and I feel my presence nor that of a large swiftclaw or wolf is putting anyone at ease."

"Additionally," Gramarye adds, "perception sensors indicated movement from that window." Here she points to another window on the house. "Target fled too quickly to obtain confirmation."

"Sure, that's a reason to punch him. If you're angry enough, a reason to try to kill him. But if you've went to all the trouble of making or buying a deadly poison, why attack him in front of witnesses? Did you want to get caught?" The goblin offers him her confusion, "It doesn't make sense."

"That's... that's a lot of exceptions." The woman answers, seemingly calmed by the smile on Aragos' face. Or just the disarming answers from Gramarye. Stepping aside, but still holding the knife shaking. She's clearly shaken up from all of this.

But the crew has free reign to walk through the single-storied house. There isn't much in the way of 'doors' on the inside, so they can peek into all of the rooms on the way to talking in the back of the house. It's largely uneventful though. Kitchen, living section, bedroom. It's not exactly a 'rich' house.

As they get closer to the perpetrator, whom the Nameless Goblin is already speaking with, Aragos' Migraine finally seems to fade. Finally.

The Nameless Gobbo gets a quick reply; "He deserved it! I don't care anymore. The way she would always look at him... I couldn't bear it anymore!"

Aragos stops not far from the hiding man, the relief of pain making him relax just a little. "If you'd come with us sir." He murmurs to his daughter and to Lanier more quietly. "There were more than one set of footprints; be on the lookout." Amazingly, he doesn't start a fight with Lanier. There's definitely something up with Aragos.


GAME: Gramarye casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (17)+13: 30

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (10)+5: 15

Gramarye seems very unhappy with something--to the point where she actually begins to cast a spell again. "Observation: someone is watching us," she states, before intoning, "Occupant of second bedroom appears to be engaged in alchemy, creating pesticides and herbicides. Spellcasting active, detecting magic." Her eyes go blue.

Pause. Pause. Pause. "There is no notable magic nearby. Conclusion: the source of being watched is physically in the house with us."

GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (17)+8: 25

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (17)+12: 29

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (10)+12: 22

Nodding his head to Aragos, having issued his wardrobe recommendations and now being content to get back to the business at hand. The first thing he does is get Spud's attention, "Stay." He does just in fact do that as Lanier passes over the threshold into the house, he reshoulders his bow and removes a small handaxe from his belt, good for closer quarters. He walks about, checking around this or that. He finally shakes his head and then calls out to Aragos, "I don't perceive a second in here. There's noone else here unless they're better than me." He moves closer to the part of the house where Nameless and the prospective murderer are having their discussion, remaining somewhat quiet.

Despite Lanier's reassurance, Gramarye is looking outside through a window--and something happens that is unusual for the war golem. Her limbs tremble. She steps backwards. A small noise escapes her.

It's a small noise that builds into a scream, terror in slow motion.


Gramarye backs away. One clunk of a step. Two clunking steps. Three. Four. Until she's hovering in a doorway, shivering. Gramarye doesn't shiver ordinarily. Gramarye doesn't... _emote_ ordinarily. "Subject... Subject... Spotted. Description--"

Her voice repeats. "--Tion, --tion, --tion: black eyes, pinprick pupils, bald skin, soiled body, human-like but oversized teeth. Gone now. Fled. F-F-F-Fled."

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (13)+12: 25

GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (19)+7: 26

GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (18)+13: 31

GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (18)+3: 21

"Something seems off here to me" the goblin says, uncertain, "I think we should talk to him some more before-" she's cut off by Gramarye having some kind of issue, and giving a muddled warning, "Wait - what? Are you okay?" the goblin asks "Where did you see this?"

While Spud and Lanier remarkably seem unphased by the description given by Gramarye, all of the others get this sense of... being unsettled by it. That lizard-brain (in Vaera's case, rather literally) understanding of being Prey. A natural fear they were instilled with at birth. Like seeing a diseased animal or too many holes in a plant and having an instinctual aversion. Of having walked into a Lion's Den, and needing to get out before something terrible happens. They can control it still, unlike Gramarye, who is 'wigging the hell out'.

It was outside! If they manage to overcome that sense of fear... maybe they can catch it before it's gone. Or perhaps they should just... leave.

At the scream emitting from the warforged, a happening that even seems to startle Lanier for a moment, the Ranger turns and raises his handaxe in preparation to yeet it at the offendinging presence. Hearing further, Lanier takes no time to process before he is speeding towards the door. He's on the hunt and it almost seems a relief for the Ranger. As he breaches the door, Lanier shouts, "Spud, let's go!" In an overly-large fur blur, Spud falls into step with Lanier as the Ranger is on the move and after the presence that he had apparently missed.

GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (17)+13: 30

GAME: Vaera rolls sense motive: (8)+9: 17

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (10)+5: 15

GAME: Nameless rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (17)+11: 28

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (8)+7: 15

GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (14)+9: 23

As Gramarye begins to have some major issues, Aragos does what any logical parent would do: he hugs her. He knows that his mere presence can bring peace to the troubled, and that physical contact has great meaning, even to War Golems. "I'm here Gramarye. Father is here." He can remember doing this with his son. Holding him when he was afraid. (Being unable to hold him at the end.) "Everything is okay."

Gramarye is stilling with Aragos's touch. She doesn't cry like children do. But the obvious physical indications of distress calm. Eventually... She lifts her arms up to hug him in return. "Father." It's the first word she intones that isn't just more of her distress, before she lifts up a hand and points to the window where she'd spotted the creature.

"I-In that locality." Gramarye is still 'skipping' on portions of her words. But not as badly as before. "Target was s-spotted there."

GAME: Thoth rolls 5: (4)+5: 9

GAME: Thoth rolls 12: (10)+12: 22

GAME: Thoth rolls 4: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Thoth rolls 7: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Thoth rolls 13: (3)+13: 16

GAME: Thoth rolls 3: (14)+3: 17

The goblin turns towards where Gramarye pointed, tense and confused, "Is there someone, something there?" she calls out to the empty space, the nervousness tinging her voice "Show yourself before I find you the explosive way. Whatever the hell you are." She backs away from the window a little, moving away from the unseen threat, but also angling to have a straight line to the area beside the house it was supposedly in. "Anyone have a See Invisibility or something like that?" she says with a glance to those inside the house.

Vaera was keeping an eye on the animals on the outside, as well as making sure that the woman who had answered the door was not attempting anything dangerous. Even from where she was though, the makari can sense something was wrong. Perhaps the screaming was a giveaway, as well.

"Go to the guard, it is likely safer for you there for the time being. I understand your worries, but your own safety is important as well." The ranger states, stepping into the building and heading to the main door of the house, looking for the window from the outside, while the swiftclaw clawed the ground in the alley, keeping watch.

As Gramarye and Aragos remain inside, that sense of discomfort begins to fade away. There's a murderer in this house that they need to arrest still. To all of them, that sense of fear, of worry about the creature outside seems to fade. Like they don't need to worry about it anymore. Those seeking for it find nothing, and soon lose interest.

Aragos still knows though. The source of his Daughter's fear. The way she's trembling in his arm for a moment longer, until it all stops and all that fear just washes away. Almost like it was never there.

They're still duty-bound to deal with the murderer and get him into jail though. They'd find it in his home, a station for making pesticides and herbicides. Clearly the source of the poison. A crime of passion. Though the wife would declare she had not slept with the Ranger, Fidget would be able to discern her to be lying about that. And the husband had clearly found her in the act with someone... the Ranger. The arrest would be easy to make after that. Things go cleanly.

As Aragos' party members seem to barely remember anything but the murder they were investigating.

With only Aragos remembering...

Something yet remains in the town of Warren.

Something that will need time, investigation... and preparation.

Something waits... at the Edge.