Feathered Menace, Part 3

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Players: Rocky, Glasha, Hades, Pelka, Sabina

GM: Thurid

Summary: Summary: A team of adventurers are hired to protect an airship making the passage through the Redridge mountains from monster attacks, in the hopes of deterring the monsters from continuing to attack in the future. After a layover at a mining settlement in the Redridge foothills, on the other side of the pass from Alexandria, the party are refreshed and ready for the return journey. A band of harpies, and their leader, seek vengeance for their fallen sisters.

After defeating the pair of harpies, the airship has pressed its way onwards without any further monster attacks. The sun finally burned away the fog that had clung to the mountaintops in the later afternoon, which made for clear sailing from then until the airship came to rest in a small mining town nestled among the foothills of the Redridge mountains, on the far side from Alexandria. There, it will stop to resupply and allow the crew and adventurer guard a chance to rest and recouperate ready for the return journey.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, small town, so you have the opportunity to make purchases and to rest. They aren't super well supplied, out here in the boonies, so what is available for purchase is fairly limited. However, they do have a small temple, an inn, a tanner and a smith- although, he's a toolsmith rather than a blacksmith. If you want to make any purchases, let me know, otherwise feel free to pose spending the night."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Anyhow, this is mostly just a chance to have a Long Rest and grab any simple items you feel you might need to guard an airship back. If you don't want to buy anything, just toss out a pose of spending the night drinking miner's moonshine ;P"

Glasha, having not gotten personally injured, mostly helped with cleaning up. Once that was done, she sat atop the wheelhouse until they arrived. Rest was welcome. Spells do take something out of one, even if one can still run and jump and climb trees and such. She doesn't drink anything, and Luna less-than-politely tells anyone something similar if they become insistent. Glasha needs sleep, not drinking, to cast spells on the way home.

Rocky is glad to see the ship arrive safely. A conflict of schedule sent the sith along a different route to arrive, but will be joining for the return trip. "Saaa. Was trouble? What did This One misss?"

Pelka has learned not to partake of miner's drinks. Learned the hard way, after some unpleasant experiences with what should-have-been friendly gatherings with Khazad on 'his' side of the mountains. But he tries to spend time with the others, as socializing with the non-feathered is something he's always eager to do. "I have to say, if all that is plaguing this trade route is some unusually large birds and their flocks, we should have no problems for the rest of this mission." He pauses, twitches his head to cant to one side, and blinks. "Wait. Forget I said that. We should be on our guard. Ready for anything." Hoping he's appeased the fates he digs into a satchel at his waist. Pulling out a handful of artifice and what looks to be a portable workspace the size of a small chair, he begins tinkering.

The long rest treated Hades well, he was able to restore his arcane energies and get moving once again. As soon as the air ship landed, he did emerge to speak with Rocky. "We were attacked by all manner of creature. Our most recent venture had to deal with the Harpies that tried to entrance us with their song. I feel as if you have missed some minor fun, my friend." He bows his head softly. "Meantime...I must see about a replacement or an enhancement to my trident." he gestues to the three-prongued spear in his hand.

Pelka turns his head to look at Hades now. "Well...if you're willing to...to try something new, I can add some modules that should last most of the day." 'Willing to be my guinea pig' was what he was about to say, most likely. "I usually keep a contraption or two to add to my wrench, but I don't use that all the time anyway."

And so the evening wears on- the town seems busy enough, despite the time. The veins nearby seem to be rich in galena- which means silver and lead. Valuable ores, but not much use for arms and armor. Despite that, it's not uncommon for travelers to pass through and so the smith has a small stock of steel weaponry available. The temple is small, and mostly concerned with tending to the miners as well as laying them to rest- it's shared by a pair of sisters, Priestesses to Althea and Vardama respectively, and has a small cemetary. There, a small number of minor potions can be purchased- with a donation to the temple. The mining consortium who runs the settlement also has a general wares store, where all manner of picks, hammers, shovels, ropes and hand carts can be purchased. Of more interest, they also have a small selection of alchemical concotions- grease and solvent, some alchemists fire, sunrods and tindertwigs.

Rocky finds silver can make for very good weapons, though his own coldiron blade is something of the far end of options. And while the siths armor has served him well, he makes aspecific trip to the softskin temple, looking to aquire a potion of healing. Not all his companions are so well protected.

Hades's attention is on Pelka. "So I see. I would welcome your assistance. In the meantime, I'll see if I can get some holy water and potions of healing to assist in the journey." which means stopping by the temple. But, he gives an appreciative bow of the head to Pelka.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Temple has one potion of cure moderate wounds, and several potions of cure light wounds they are willing to sell. They also have one scroll of magic weapon, several potions of resistance, and several bottles of holy water."

<OOC> Hades says, "Nice. Can I see about buying the potion of moderate wounds and the scroll of magic weapon and two bottles of holy water?"

<OOC> Rocky is just looking for a single CLW

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright. I'll note your purchases in the log."

The sun sets on the Horizon, and our adventurers retire to their rooms in the settlement's inn. It's a raucus place, as mining towns tend to be, but the inn rooms are simple if comfortable enough and the drinking and merrymaking dies down during the night. They are woken by the airship's half-oruch rigger in the early hours of the morning, telling them it's time to head back to the airship. A light dusting of sno has fallen during the night, and continues to fall this morning. But the snow melts when it hits the bag of the airship, dripping overboard, and it's ready to cast off once everyone is aboard. The sky is overcast, and the snow promises to continue for some time to come but the weather is otherwise fair.

Rocky chuffs softly, taking a few moments to leave trails in the fresh snow, the experience still novel for the jungle born sith.

Glasha's outfit is that unnatural, layered furs with the stars on it, hood up. She seems rested, but still irked, likely about the thought that anyone would attack airships for their cargo, especially considering the difficulties of actually taking enough of it for profit. The harpies seemed to care about their airspace. The crows weren't being ridden. Glasha was starting to think she was on the wrong side, here...wasn't Alexandria under threat from unambiguously evil things? Like the undead and demons? She was trying to stay optimistic about such things.

Rocky's enthusiasm, meanwhile, did a lot to make Glasha smile. She didn't have much access to snow on the deck of the ship, otherwise, she would have tossed a snowball at him. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she called out. "If your body gets to the point where you don't feel the cold, come warm yourself. You don't want frostbite."

After managing to collect everything he needed, Hades paid his respects to the temple then made his way back to the ship. He has everything he was looking for, and so he waits. Though he takes a deep breath for a long moment as he sits himself cross-legged on the ship and lays his trident across his lap. He was essentially waiting for something to happen.

Something good, something bad...anything.

Perhaps they will face more harpies? "If you hear the song of the harpies, best cover your ears." He comments. "They were two of them on our approach, there may be more...and other nasty dangers."

Rocky nods to Glasha's warning. "Little Sister thrives upon the cold, but This One is not of such bloodline. Is beautiful, yes, but warm is good."

With business in the mining settlement concluded and the adventurers back onboard, the airship is made ready to cast off. After one last check, it pushes off and slowly begins to lift into the air- the gas bag expands to fill out the netting that secures it. It drifts up into the air a ways, before beginning to press back towards the mountain pass- going back the way it came. The early morning passes without incident, although the snow continues to fall. Which means cold water continually drips onto the deck as it melts off the gas bag above. Uncomfortable, and a slip hazard perhaps, but hardly a monster attack.

Glasha makes rounds, walking around the deck and casting Prestidigitation to 'clean' the deck of water, keeping it not slippery.

Rocky is a rock, by name and nature. Flying is unnatural. The greyscale keeps towards the center of the deck, laying still. Alert, attentive, but doing his best to keep out of the way and out of trouble in these unfamiliar circumstances.

Hades appears to be still sitting, but reading a book on Tarien and some of his legends, holy word, etcetera. He pays little attention to the rest of the crew, though occasionally he'll lift his eyes up to see what's going on aboard the ship and beyond, before just going right back down to his book. He seems to be in his own little world.

The ship lumbers towards the mountains- it certainly feels slower now than it was when leaving Alexandria. And a casual inspection belowdecks will reveal why. It's laden with goods, probably ore or ingots from the mine. Clearly the trade prince who owns this vessel wasn't happy with sending an airship /only/ loaded up with the adventurers, and decided to double dip on his ventures. The return trip will be slower, it seems, but the airship is more than capable of handling the added weight.

As their elevation increases on the approach to the mountains, they push up through low hanging clouds, and the airship is awash with thick cold vapor. Cold enough it freezes in contact with exposed metals and forms a crust of fine icy needles on anything left out too long.

<OOC> Pelka has some long-ish duration buff spells I would like to cast, is that ok?

<OOC> Glasha would also like to be under Mage Armor for a few hours.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Yeah, you can do that now."

GAME: Pelka casts Ablative Barrier. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

GAME: Pelka casts Magic Vestment. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

GAME: Pelka casts Greater Magic Weapon. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

<OOC> Pelka (that last one was for Hades, will make the weapon he chooses into a +2 weapon!...for 8 hours)

Pelka unpacks his portable artificer lab once the ship is underway and putters away at it for a good half hour. Then he attaches two of the resulting contraptions to his belt. A third device he carries in his hand as he searches the deck for where Hades ended up. "For your trident," he offers, presenting the device. It's evidently meant to be fastened over the shaft or hilt of a weapon using a vicelike clamp. Then a trio of flexible, antennae-like protrusions can be extended or aligned with the haft as the wielder desires. "It will emit an invisible mana field over the striking surface!" Pelka promises. Then he adds, "Well, until the charge runs out. If it starts to emit a high-pitched whine, I'd recommend getting as far away as you can. But that shouldn't happen! At least not for a good six to twelve hours."

Rocky amuses himself with deep, slow breathing... specifically the part where it turns to fog in the cold air. The edges of the warriors armor frost a bit, but the leather and padding below are quite enough to keep him warm.

Soon enough, the airship rises above the low lying clouds and a brilliant sight awaits- a vast expanse of fluffy cloud cover, which the airship skates through like a sea ship upon the tide. The sun is dazzling here, and the clouds below look soft and almost inviting- though appearances can be deceiving, though they may look like a bed of cotton wool, they are as yielding as fog and the airship cuts swiftly through them. Visibility goes for miles up here, which is why the dark blots on the horizon are apparent to all.

<OOC> Thurid says, "perception checks"

GAME: Hades rolls Perception: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Pelka rolls perception: (3)+20: 23

GAME: Rocky rolls perception: (14)+5: 19

GAME: Glasha rolls Perception: (18)+1: 19

Glasha looks out to see more harpies. She shakes her head and puts her fingers to her ears, blocking out their insipid singing as much as possible.

Rocky blinks hard in the brillinat light, enjoying the view. For a few moments, at least. Rising with a slow shake, the sith draws his blade, nodding towards the shapes in the distance. "...maybe will parlay?"

Hades rises to his feet as Pelka approached him. Then, she's enchanting his trident with magic! He feels the arcane energy brimming at the tips of his Trident, which makes him smile. "Thank you. I will attempt to return the favor as soon as I can." He bows his head softly. Then he looks off to the distance, and his eyes narrow. 'Harpies!" He calls out. "Don't listen to their song once we get into range, they will draw you to your doom if you allow it!" he calls to the crew.

Pelka peers at the blots. He raises his trusty spyglass to his eye. He lowers it, squints at the blots unaided, then peers through the spyglass again. "Harpies!...with bows." his voice sinks slightly. He casts a quick glance about the airship, looking for any particularly vulnerable looking parts. The offer to parlay seems to take him by surprise. "Parlay? You mean, talk? Hmm...that's something they do on ships, and we -are- on a ship, I suppose..."

Glasha walks to the wheelhouse, letting go of one ear only when she could press her shoulder against it. She moved inside and closed the door behind herself, going into the control room with ears uncovered. "Guys, can we go as high as is safe? We have more harpies; these ones are armed, and I'm hoping we can freeze them out or go above their flight height or something. I don't know; I'm no dungeoneer."

The pilot doesn't answer Glasha's request at first, and why becomes apparent- after their previous run in, he's gotten himself some wax and rags and jammed them in his ears. He doesn't hear glasha until she is practically yelling in his face, and he yells back (because he doesn't know how loud he's speaking) "With the hold full? We can do another hundred, hundred and fifty feet tops!" he yells at her.

The harpies are fast approaching, it won't be long until they are close enough to hear.

Glasha mutters to herself, "Yeah, I kind of figured." She points to her ears and holds out a hand. After all, it would be bad if their defenders walked off the edge of the ship to their doom.

Pelka puts away his spyglass, only to pull from his back a thunderbelcher with a sight that is almost as large. He walks over to the railing of the ship that most closely faces the harpies. Then he bends over, using the railing to brace his rifle. He peers at them for a bit and then reports, "We can't avoid them if they're trying to catch us," he adds without realizing how he likely sounds. How could an airship outfly something, with actual wings? "I'm still a little worried about those bows, though. They could pick off the crew!"

Rocky has no ears (weird softskins) but does stuff a rag inside his helmet to muffle his noise holes. Not a perfect solution by any means, but it's an effort. Moving towards the side of the approaching harpies, the lizard puffs up to look threatening. Only so much can do in heavy armor, but to be fair that likely helps with the 'threatening' part. Puff up. Puff up real big. They hate that.

<OOC> Thurid says, "If you want to stopper your ears, you will be able to do so. You will be treated as 'Deafened' until you spend a full round action to unstopper them."

Hades narrows his eyes at the Harpies approaching. "Be prepared!" He calls out, even as he enters a defensive position and prepares to cast his spells. Thankfully, he was wearing armor and robes simultaneously, allowing him defense and mobility...and more importantly, to be able to take a hit.

<OOC> Rocky stoppers his 'ears' as much as is practical.

GAME: Hades casts Shield. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

<OOC> Glasha is deafened.

<OOC> Pelka will cast one more spell and then deafen himself

GAME: Pelka casts Strong Wings. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15

The harpies are drawing close, and snippets of their song are caught on the wind- or perhaps that's just the imagination. Five hundred feet, four... they are coming straight for the airship as fast as their wings can bear them, from the northwest. It will be a matter of moments before they are upon the airship and its adventurers.

Pelka glances around at the other party members, taking in their preparations. He wraps a contraption scarf-like around his neck, where it settles before extending tiny filaments that snake up and disappear from sight into the feathers at the base of his wings. Then he wraps his actual scarf around his forehead to cover his ears. He positions his goggles so they cover his eyes and adjusts the strap until it holds his makeshift ear-cover snugly in place.

Hades decided never to change his armor at all! Though he does murmur eldritch speak on himself and cast a Shield to help protect himself, though he leaves his containment in the main house of the ship, deciding to join the fight with the others and help as best as he can. He holds his trident in his hand and takes a deep breath.

The airship is on the return leg of its journey now- after dspatching an oversized flock of crows and a pair of harpy scouts on the way here, they had spent the night at a small mining settlement in the redridge mountain foothills, and are now on the way back towards Alexandria. The airship has picked up some goods while there, and is flying a bit more slowly as a result. The first little while- gaining altitude and heading back towards the mountain pass has passed without incident. However, shortly after rising above the low pressure, icy cold clouds and into the brilliant light a flock of harpies were spied on the horizon. And they are coming right for the airship- they will be upon it in a matter of moments.

Rocky chuffs a breath of fog in the chill air, helmet stuffed with rags to muffle his earholes. "Maybe just want to talk. This One hope so. Not fly so well."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Players had the option of Stoppering their ears with wax and rags, volountarily Deafening themselves untill they took a full round action to clear them out, if they wanted to."

The mithral masked Sabina comes out on deck, feathered cloak ruffling in the wind. She slowly takes in the sight of riding above the land with a smile. The approaching harpied make her smile wider for some reason. "Ahh.. How I adore the chance to interact with other species." She offers them a bright wave of greeting. Not that she expects them to stop what they're doing.

Glasha, still in the wheelhouse, prepares herself for a fight. Because of COURSE there will be a fight. Harpies don't just talk things out, apparently, they shoot first, then kill the scout party looking for the missing people who were killed, then attack the adventuring party, then maybe will complain about how apefolk have invaded their airspace...well, it's possible Glasha is a bit jaded from having almost been killed. She's certainly doing some assuming!

Glasha shouted at the helmsman, "Can we turn starboard?" she asked. She gestured to the right. "That way? Is that a safe way to go? The airship is the same speed as the bitch-birds, so if we can keep them behind us, we have a better chance of taking them out."

Hades has not yet left this merry band of gatherers, keeping to his oath of keeping the ship and its crew as safe as he can, in assistance of the others who have made similar promises. Though Hades leaves the lodgings and meanders about the deck of the ship, he still holds his trident in his hand, ready for battle as he twirls his weapon.

"Remember to hold fast to your ears or keep the will strong! A Harpy's Song can dominate your mind if you allow it! Man cannons if you must!"

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Thurid has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Thurid to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Glasha refreshes spells.

<OOC> Sabina says, "Range of critters?"

At Glasha's urging, the guy in the wheel house thumbs up in response- he'd already stoppered up his own ears shortly into the flight. He spins the wheel, and the airship lumbers off towards Starboard- it's not a particularly nimble vessel, being a merchant ship and well loaded with goods to boot, but it begins to turn off its heading.

<OOC> Thurid says, "just coming up to 300' for the nearest"

<OOC> Sabina says, "move and then cast bless."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Airship can adjust its relative position by 40' per turn, it'll hold steady unless someone spends a move action to ask for a course change. Anyone standing on deck will move with it, but anyone flying won't."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

GAME: Sabina casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alrighty, go ahead and pose."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

Sabina steps up and behind the forward mast and leans against it while lifting her holy symbol. In a clear voice she calls out. "Tarien, master of laughter, guide our steps and our hands against foes that attack us and welcome friends that join us!" A soft burst of silver energy bursts outwards.

<OOC> Rocky says, "try and get the harpies to focus on me. -I- am the threat they need to focus upon. Intimidate? Diplomacy? Bluff?"

GAME: Hades refreshes spells.

<OOC> Thurid says, "You can attempt an Intimidate check, but they are far enough away that you'll mostly be relying on body language. -4 penalty." 'GM Note: Did not realize at this time that there is a maxumum range of 30' on intimidation checks'

GAME: Rocky rolls intimidate-4: (6)+7+-4: 9

<OOC> Thurid says, "They seem unimpressed. Pose it!"

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

Rocky stands by the railing, shield and blade high, roaring out a challenge. Or maybe he just yawns, hard to tell when the world is silent. Either way, the grey sith tries to make himself look threatening. Puff up. Puff up real big, they hate that.

GAME: Hades casts Shield. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15 'DM Note: There was some confusion here- he had already cast shield on the previous session, so did not need to cast it again here. However, he had refreshed spells in the interim so it didn't affect his total ready spells either way'

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "alright, might as well resolve all of the harpies together so bear with me. The cleric will cast Bless, all will move forwards 80' the Biddy will sing and the skirmishers will make ranged attacks with their longbows."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Targetting Rocky and Hades. Anyone who is not deafened, Will save DC16"

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1: (6)+3+1: 10

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1: (12)+3+1: 16

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky is missed, Hades is hit."

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8: (8): 8

<OOC> Thurid says, "Oh you know, they would be at two range increments so -4. not -2. Still barely hits hades, though."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Wait no it doesn't"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, I don't think you deafened yourself did you Sabina? You'll need to make a will save."

<OOC> Thurid will roll it for her.

GAME: Thurid rolls 11: (19)+11: 30

As the harpies draw nearer, it becomes clear that not all of them are singing this time- after they failed to get a single wayward soul to walk overboard on their first attempt, it seems as though they are learning. Leading the pack is an older harpy matron, her feathers colored in storm grey and blue. She carries a large, ornate mace which drags through the top of the clouds. She lifts it, swginging it over her head, and a bolt of crimson light flashes out from her and washes over the flock.

Two of the harpies carrying bows move forwards, knock and draw arrows as they fly, setting them loose to sail through the winds towards the targets on the airship- they lodge in the railing and deck near Hades and Rocky.

The remaining young harpy sings- it's a haunting, beutiful melody that is enticing. But not enticing enough, and though it washes over the ship and its adventurers, none feel the compulsion to answer its call.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Glasha is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 4.

It is now Glasha's turn! Airship is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "They're at 280' away now."

<OOC> Glasha says, "Can I cast summon monster and summon said monster outside the wheelhouse?"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Sure, the wheelhouse has windows you can see through."

Hades narows his eyes as he casts a spell on himself that will help protect him against dangers: those who know or can hear his incantation are aware he just casted Shield on himself. That being said, almost as soon as he's done with the incantation, arrows fly in his and Rocky's direction! Hades is protected by his shield, the arrow bouncing off in a spark of light.

His eyes narrow now as he readies himself for battle.

<OOC> Glasha says, "Then I'm going to start casting."

GAME: Glasha rolls 1d100: (97): 97

<OOC> Thurid says, "Go ahead and pose it."


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

The airship maintains its current heading, trusting the adventurers to deal with this threat as it draws nearer. Though the arrows have struck its hull, the hull cares not and is relatively undamaged. Hopefully they don't target the gas bag.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

Glasha begins speaking. It's a good thing the steering crew are deafened, or they might hurt their sanity trying to understand her unpronounceable, Eldritch words. She speaks as she gestures with her free hand, making very precise gestures.

GAME: Glasha casts Summon Monster III. Caster Level: 5 DC: 19

<OOC> Sabina says, "Casting protection from evil on self"

<OOC> Sabina says, "Then.. intimidating closest one?"

GAME: Sabina casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, go ahead and pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

Sabina lifts her coyote holy symbol again and calls out to her god. "Tarien. Please protect me from the evil of others lest I fall here without completing your good works!" Again a silvery energy surrounds her briefly before fading.

<OOC> Rocky says, "Shout insults at the archers, again, try to get them to focus upon me."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, go ahead and pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Hades, you're up."

Rocky chuffs another puff of warm air, long blade pointed at the harpie archers as he shouts... or says quietly, it's hard to be sure his volume. "was your mother a chicken? I've seen slugs with better aim! And they don't have arms, or even eyes! Try again like you mean it!"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Nearest is 260' furthest is 280'"

<OOC> Hades says, "yeah, I can't do much then. I'll use a copycat ability then to create an illusory mirror image of myself"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, go ahead and pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Biddy and Skirmishers single move and all three attack this time. Cleric will 'run' and advance 320' ending up 20' north of Rocky."

<OOC> Thurid says, "The skirmishers will shoot at rocky and sabina, the biddy will shoot at hades"

GAME: Thurid rolls 5-4+1: (2)+5+-4+1: 4

GAME: Thurid rolls 5-4+1: (3)+5+-4+1: 5

GAME: Thurid rolls 3-4+1: (18)+3+-4+1: 18

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8: (7): 7

<OOC> Thurid says, "Oh wait, mirror image"

<OOC> Thurid says, "2 hits, 1 misses."

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d2: (1): 1

Speaking of Tarien, Hades ushers a prayer to his god before collecting divine magic in order to create an illusory clone of himself, which appears in a flash of green light. He nods to his double, before he turns his head at the call to his god. "May his wits be with us!" he calls back, even as he and his clone enter a combat position.

The singing trails off as it does not have its intended effect, and is replaced by a frustrated screech. The bow-wielding harpies continue to advance, knocking a new set of arrows and loosing them at the adventurers- once more peppering the deck with projectiles but causing no harm. Although one of them does pass right through Hades' illusion shortly after it forms, destroying it.

The one carrying the flail, however, takes a different tact. She spreads her wings, gaining some height on an updraft, and then brings them in close to her body- she hurtles through the sky at extreme speed, rearing back and spreading her wings to slow down as she draws near the front of the airship. "You killed my ssisterss! We will ssend you back to the dirt where you belong!" she cries at the assembled adventurers.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Glasha is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 4.

It is now Glasha's turn! Airship is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, Glasha's turn."

<OOC> Glasha says, "Lantern Archon!"

<OOC> Glasha says, "As close to the harpies as possible!"

<OOC> Glasha says, "The nearby one for sure. It's the one most in danger."

<OOC> Glasha says, "Glasha, meanwhile, is going to hold her action to see how that plays out."

Glasha finishes, huffing out a breath. The skies open up, clouds parting as light from heavens. A light bursts through from the heavens into the mortal realm, soon rushing toward the harpy, interposing itself between the airship and the bird-woman. "Halt," it beckons out, "and harkon unto my words, for I come with tidings! It is the will of she who sent me that you leave the airship alone and not risk more harpy lives! So is the will of she who sent me! It is her will, and I have said it!" The message was delivered with such confidence that if the creature had a body, it would almost certainly have its hands on its hips with its foot up on a cask of an alcoholic beverage with a pirate captain theme on the label.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Go ahead and roll its diplomacy"

<OOC> Thurid will also roll the clerics save vs its aura

GAME: Thurid rolls 7: (15)+7: 22

<OOC> Thurid says, "it is not menaced."

GAME: Glasha rolls 5: (10)+5: 15

<OOC> Thurid says, "The cleric does not seem moved, in fact."


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

<OOC> Sabina says, "move to 6,3 and cast scorching ray. taking the swift action to reduce arcane casting penalty to 0"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, cast and roll."

GAME: Sabina casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

GAME: Sabina rolls ranged: (18)+5: 23

GAME: Sabina rolls ranged: (9)+5: 14

<OOC> Thurid says, "Two hits."

GAME: Sabina rolls 8d6: (24): 24

<OOC> Thurid says, "She's hurt, pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky, you're up."

Sabina steps out from behind the mast with a wide smile and casts an arcane spell this time, taking time to cast it with her armor in mind. Word arcane fill the air and then her fingers burn briefly with enrgy that transforms into two rays of fire that strike and burn the harpy that threatens them.

GAME: Rocky rolls intimidate: (15)+7: 22

Rocky raps against his helmet, speaking loudly at the bird cleric. "Can't hear you. If you want to talk, talk. If you want to die, fight." He seems pretty confidant in the options.

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is shaken."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

'GM Note: Large amount of OOC deliberation cut, Hades skipped this turn.'

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

GAME: Glasha casts Summon Monster III. Caster Level: 5 DC: 19

GAME: Glasha rolls 1d100: (4): 4

<OOC> Thurid says, "You lose the spell, unfortunately." 'GM Note: Glasha left the scene at this point'

<OOC> Thurid says, "Cleric will channel negative energy, biddy will shoot hades, skirmishers will shoot rocky and sabina."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Will saves, Rocky, hades, Archon, Sabina"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Archon also gets an AoO"

GAME: Rocky rolls will: (3)+2: 5

<OOC> Sabina says, "are they evil?"

<OOC> Thurid says, "This one certainly is."

GAME: Sabina rolls will +2: (8)+11+2: 21

GAME: Hades rolls Will: (7)+7: 14

GAME: Thurid rolls 2d6: (10): 10

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, now the archers which more forwards and attack."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Attacks on: Rocky, Sabina, Hades (That order)"

GAME: Thurid rolls 5-2+1: (13)+5+-2+1: 17

GAME: Thurid rolls 5-2+1: (1)+5+-2+1: 5 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Thurid rolls 3-2+1: (14)+3+-2+1: 16

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8: (3): 3

The harpy cleric lets out a screech of rage as the Archon shows itself before her. "Messengerss of the falsse godss, now!?" she cries out. She swoops up again, and spins her flail over head, calling forth a vortex of negative energies. She swings it down, causing the crimson-ochre wave to wash over the ship and its occupants, draining the warmth and the life from the victims.

The other harpies continue their steady advance, drawing, knocking, and firing more arrows at the group. A couple of them hit the deck and lodge in, one of them lodges somewhere rather more painful- Hades' foot.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

Glasha pulls the wax and such out of her ears, but puts her fingers in her ears instead. She runs to the starboard side of the ship. "If you harpies have grievances, you should have just talked to uuuuuuuuus!" she concludes as she lobs herself over the rail. Luna lofts from her perch on the greataxe and dive-bombs her way after Glasha, but the two are soon gone.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

'GM Note: Sabina had to AFK for an hour, skipped'

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "You're up, then."

<OOC> Rocky says, "harpy cleric is over the deck now? Move and attack if so"

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is, about 10' up, you can reach her if you get directly below her."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, roll your attack."

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4: (17)+8: 25

<OOC> Thurid says, "That's a hit."

GAME: Rocky rolls damage4: aliased to 1d10+3: (7)+3: 10

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is hurt, pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Hades, you're up."

Rocky gave the options, they made a choice. With the bird cleric fighting, the greyscale moves close and attacks. Well, sort of close, she's almost out of reach, but the Sith's long blade puts a fair gash in her leg.

<OOC> Hades says, "can I use burning hands?"

<OOC> Thurid says, "You can. If you get right behind Rocky, you can fire it over his head without hitting him."

<OOC> Hades says, "acceptable. Moving behind Rocky and casting"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright. Roll 1d100 to see if you lose it, since it does have a verbal component."

<OOC> Thurid says, "You want to roll higher than 20"

<OOC> Thurid says, "No need to +cast, since you already did."

GAME: Hades rolls 1d100: (89): 89

GAME: Thurid rolls 6: (11)+6: 17

GAME: Hades rolls 2d4: (7): 7

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is singed. Pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "The harpies move another 80' forwards, and fire. Two of them fire at rocky, one of them fires at Hades. The cleric full attacks Rocky."

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (15)+5+1+1: 22

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (13)+5+1+1: 20

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1+1: (13)+3+1+1: 18

<OOC> Thurid says, "Both miss rocky, one hits hades"

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8+1: (2)+1: 3

<OOC> Thurid says, "And now for the full attack."

GAME: Thurid rolls 11: (5)+11: 16

GAME: Thurid rolls 6: (11)+6: 17

GAME: Thurid rolls 5: (18)+5: 23

GAME: Thurid rolls 5: (9)+5: 14

<OOC> Thurid says, "All miss."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Even with the +1 from bless I forgot to include."

The harpies continue their screetching advance, finally now just off the side of the ship. They slow their advance once they get near enough to level their bows and rain arrows down upon the adventurers once more. Their strikes are much more precise, now- but to no avail, as they bounce harmlessly against Rocky's armor. Hades is not so lucky, and sustains a glancing hit from one of the young Biddy's attacks.

The cleric lets out a shriek of pain, between the fire and the slash, she lunges towards Rocky- swinging her ornate mace furiously, while her clawed legs lash out and rake at him. Like the arrows, they fail to find purchase, turned aside by shield and armor.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "ROcky, you're up again."

<OOC> Rocky says, "Slash back"

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4: (19)+8: 27 (THREAT)

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4: (2)+8: 10

<OOC> Rocky says, "bah"

GAME: Rocky rolls damage4: aliased to 1d10+3: (7)+3: 10

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, another decent hit, pose away."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Hades, you're up."

Rocky hardly even flinches as teh attacks rain down, having much faith in his armor and hide. During lull in the attacks, the Warrior Caste strikes back, his blase arcing towards the bird clerics neck, who flinchs at the last moment, sending the edge into her shoulder instead. A painful wound that could have been far worse.

<OOC> Hades says, "okay, just got home. I'm going to cast Cure Light Wounds on myself"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Cast it and then roll for spell failure."

GAME: Hades casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 1 DC: 13

GAME: Hades rolls 1d100: (34): 34

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, goes through, roll for the healing."

GAME: Hades rolls 1d8+1: (2)+1: 3

<OOC> Thurid says, "And pose it"

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Cleric 5' steps away and casts cure moderate wounds on herself."

GAME: Thurid rolls 2d8+3: (11)+3: 14

<OOC> Thurid says, "Biddy shoots at Hades, Skirmishers shoot at Rocky"

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d20+5+1+1: (2)+5+1+1: 9

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d20+5+1+1: (4)+5+1+1: 11

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d20+3+1+1: (2)+3+1+1: 7

<OOC> Thurid says, "They all miss"

The cascade of arrows continues unabated as the Harpies keep pace with the moving airship, knocking and firing arrow after arrow. The deck is beginning to look like a pincussion, as most of them fail to find their mark and become lodged in the pitched wood rather than fleshy targets they are intended for.

The Cleric lets out another screech of pain as she is struck, and she flaps her wings once to drive a few feet between herself and Rocky- she holds her flail aloft, and calls to her dark god for succor- and it is granted. Crimson light floods over her, and her wounds sear and sizzle closed, staunching the bleeding.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

<OOC> Sabina says, "Move so rocky and hades are on the edge of my channel and then channel energy to heal."

<OOC> Thurid says, "6,6 will get them and not the harpies."

GAME: Sabina rolls 2d6: (10): 10

<OOC> Thurid says, "Pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky, you're up. You can get back into melee range, but you will need to be up on the railing. It's precarious."

<OOC> Rocky says, "Eh, what life without risk? Should grab a rope or such if one is around, but if one isn't handly, will do without."

Bina reappears from.. where the heck was she anyway? Stepping up in time to lift up that holy symbol again and call out to Tarien. "Oh laughing coyote, hear my plea for your healing energies to keep us in the fight agaisnt those that would steal smiles!" Another silvery burst. This one reaching out to caress the party with energies that seem to tickle as well as soothe.

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4: (4)+8: 12

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright. Give me an Acrobatics check to keep your balance."

Its been an interesting time for Hades. First, he gets shot in the foot with an arrow. Then he gets attacked again!

His countermeasures just arn't being too friendly for him. But he manages to singe the pesky harpy! Which is quite nice, but his options are running out. He even uses Cure Light Wounds on himself to heal his injuries, which is only partially successful.

GAME: Rocky rolls acrobatics: (16)+-2: 14

<OOC> Thurid says, "You manage to keep yor footing, just barely."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Your attack misses, though. Pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

Rocky snorts in annoyance as the bird moves further away, jumping up upon the railing to get back in reach. While the sith balances upon the rail, the motions throw off his attack enough that his blade connects only with the air.

'GM Note: hades goes AFK here for several rounds'

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "The archers will change targets, all three will move and shoot at Sabina- healing bad. The cleric will attempt to grapple Rocky."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Archers first"

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (1)+5+1+1: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (4)+5+1+1: 11

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1+1: (19)+3+1+1: 24

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8: (7): 7

<OOC> Thurid says, "Now the grapple"

GAME: Thurid rolls 10: (17)+10: 27

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky is Grappled."

The wave of healing light washing out over the airship draws the attention of the archers who hiss and screech at it. They flare their wings, catching air, and allowing the airship to move past them by a few dozen feet, before slapping them again to maintain their new relative position. They draw their bows once more, and all three fire at the laughing mask- but only one lands true, a feathered shaft sprouting from Sabina's thigh.

The cleric, meanwhile, hisses and claws at the incoming blade with her taloned feet, and then lunges in, grasping ahold of Rocky's outstretched arm with them. She starts beating her wings- hard, trying to pull him off the railing he had jumped up onto.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Sabina, you're up."

<OOC> Sabina says, "Hideous laughter on the one that is grappling Rocky. Then move up to take cover behind the forward mast"

GAME: Sabina attempts to cast Hideous Laughter but fails due to ASF.

<OOC> Sabina says, "And I forgot to call the swift action"

<OOC> Thurid says, "It's fine, I'll let you have it."

GAME: Thurid rolls 7+4: (9)+7+4: 20

<OOC> Thurid says, "She's a monstrous humanoid so gets a bonus."

<OOC> Sabina says, "Move to 6,4"

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky! You are currently grappled. You can attempt to escape, or take control, or any other action that requires only one hand."

Bina is still grinning even as she winces as she takes an arrow to the side. The arrow itself bouncing off her armor but it's enough to almost take the wind from the lungs. Stepping up to find cover she casts an arcane spell apon the grappling foe who has Rocky.. but the creature easily shakes off the effect without so much as a giggle.

<OOC> Thurid says, "You also have a -4 on your roll to take control of the grapple, if you chose that option, unless you drop either sword or shield."

<OOC> Rocky says, "Never been clear on grapple rules. not confidant my options. Break grapple, grapple back, attack... cry? Take control sounds good, what's needed for that"

<OOC> Thurid says, "CMB, -4 if you don't want to free a hand,"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Or you can make a normal attack, but at a -4 penalty because of the grappled condition."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Er. -2, sorry."

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon4-2: (14)+8+-2: 20

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, that hits."

GAME: Rocky rolls damage4: aliased to 1d10+3: (1)+3: 4

<OOC> Thurid says, "But not very hard. pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

Rocky is not entirely surprised when grabbed, logical action in the situation. With the bird in close, the sith attacks, drawing more blood, but without the leverage to drive the blade deep.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "The cleric will attempt to maintain control of the grapple, and if successful, will move half her speed away from the airship with Rocky."

<OOC> Thurid says, "She gains a +5 because he did not resist the grapple."

GAME: Thurid rolls 10+5: (4)+10+5: 19

<OOC> Thurid says, "Hmm, your dex is -4 while grappled, I am trying to remember if that affects your CMD or not."

<OOC> Thurid says, "It does. So she is sucessful at moving you. And she drops you as a free action."

<OOC> Thurid says, "The archers meanwhile move up and spread their fire, the skirmishers firing at Sabina, the Biddy firing at Hades"

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (4)+5+1+1: 11

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (10)+5+1+1: 17

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1+1: (18)+3+1+1: 23

<OOC> Thurid says, "Both miss sabina, Biddy nailing it again and hitting Hades"

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8: (7): 7

The Harpy skreeches and caws and flaps her wings, her talons biting into Rocky's armored forearm- ignoring the blows against her scaled lower legs, she manages to get a firm grip on him and then wrests him from the railing. Laboring with his weight, she makes it only twenty feet before losing her grip- but that is far enough. "HA! Back to the earth with you! Pathetic land-worm!" she hisses after him as he falls.

Meanwhile, the archers move up- having to come above the decks, and below the gas bag, to get an angle on Sabina- they fire again, and miss. The biddy, however, decides that she's quite upset her earlier work has been undone, and looses another arrow- right into Hades' foot.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "The airship is making an emergency maneuver."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Reflex saves, everyone except Rocky."

GAME: Sabina rolls reflex: (16)+5: 21

GAME: Thurid rolls 1: (19)+1: 20

<OOC> Thurid says, "That's for hades, you both avoid falling prone."

The pilot in the wheelhouse may be deafened, but he's not blind. When he sees Rocky being pulled overboard, he becomes a flurry of motion, spinning the wheel, yanking on levers, stomping on pedals. The Ariship pitches hard to starboard, and begins losing altitude. The engines whine and the turbines spin as it attempts to descend faster than the armored Sith. The pilot manages to place the edge of the deck under him, aborting his fall after a 'mere' fourty feet, instead of allowing him to be dashed against the rocks below.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, you're still going to take damage, but he's saved you. Acrobatics to convert the first dice to nonlethal."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Oh, that's only for deliberately jumping, it seems."

GAME: Thurid rolls 4d6: (12): 12

<OOC> Thurid says, "You are prone, but alive."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Sabina, you're up."

<OOC> Sabina is..running out of ideas. :D Looks like we're back to where we were before? If so I'll step back again and channel

GAME: Sabina rolls 2d6: (7): 7

<OOC> Thurid says, "Yeah, all the fliers moved 20 feet to the left, relatively. Although the harpies are also 20' higher than they were"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Er. 40'"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Go ahead and pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Rocky says, "Not much in melee just now, how complex are the balista? what sort of range of motion do they have?"

<OOC> Thurid says, "They can be aimed fairly freely outside of the vessel. They are basically just big crossbows, so considered Martial weapons."

<OOC> Thurid says, "But you get a -4 penalty because of their unwieldy size unless you are Large, and take a full round to reload."

Bina's smile is more then a tad strained as Rocky goes over the side and disappears. That changes into a giddy laugh as her stomach falls up into her throat as the ship goes after him. She's laughing as he lands back on board and raises her holy symbol again. "Thank you Tarien! Bless us again with your healing touch!" Another burst of silver ticking and yet healing light.

<OOC> Rocky says, "pick myself up, head over to the balista. not set to fire just yet, will take some looking over."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright. Moving to the nearest Ballista? That'll be both your actions, anyhow, since you're also standing from prone."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Actually, you can't make it to the nearest ballista if you're in medium or heavy armor."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Anyhow, go ahead and pose dusting yourself off and moving."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

Rocky is not at all surprised when he gets dropped. The moment before that, when he gets picked up in the first place, is a bit of a shock. The moments after, when the ship moves to catch him, is also a surprise, but a welcome one. Getting his feet under him again, the greyscale peers at the distant birds a moment before moving towards the big crossbow looking things. Time to get some range attacks of his own.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Harpies again. Cleric casts Entropic Shield"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rangers take one shot at each of you."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky, Then Sabina, then biddy vs hades"

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (5)+5+1+1: 12

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (7)+5+1+1: 14

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1+1: (18)+3+1+1: 23

GAME: Thurid rolls 1d8: (4): 4

The Harpies dive again to chase after the airship as it plunges low- its bow scraping through the top of the clouds and pulling up gread eddies in its wake. The archers open fire, and the young crackshot harpy lands another blow on Hades. The more experienced ones seem to be struggling, and pepper the deck with more arrows, hurting no-one.

The matron with the flail skreeches in rage as her target is saved by the pilots deft flying, and she swings her flail overhead once more- churning up a vortex of black and red energy around her form.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

<OOC> Sabina says, "The one to the south on deck?"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Just above it, 10' up. But you can get adjacent right beneath her."

<OOC> Sabina says, "cast shocking grasp and touch her."

<OOC> Sabina says, "oh.. and swift action to get rid of asf"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, cast and roll your touch attack."

GAME: Sabina casts Shocking Grasp. Caster Level: 7 DC: 14

GAME: Sabina rolls melee: (10)+3: 13

<OOC> Thurid says, "Hits"

GAME: Sabina rolls 5d6: (14): 14

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is nearly dead, pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky, you're up."

<OOC> Rocky says, "Is teh balista already loaded? If so, aim and fire at an archer. If not, load it."

Bina is somewhat tired of being shot at. But at least she's not being hit so much. Spying the one behind her she rushes across the deck and speaks the arcane words of magic again. Her fingers light up once more. This time with lightning which she reaches out and touches to the harpy above her. "Catch a hint, lady."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Yeah, it's loaded. Roll ranged, -4"

GAME: Rocky rolls 1d20+6-4: (1)+6+-4: 3 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Thurid says, "You hit a cloud, pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

Rocky takes up the oversized crossbow, and, finding it loaded, aims towards a distant archer. The cleric seems occupied, and the Sith does trust his skills to aim into melee. A worry that seems justified as his shot goes wrong, the bolt skipping off to disappear in the clouds.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Cleric will fly in close and channel negative energy again. Sabina's skirmisher withdraws and flees."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Other skirmisher will shoot at rocky again. Biddy will also shoot at rocky."

GAME: Thurid rolls 2d6: (6): 6

<OOC> Thurid says, "Roll will"

GAME: Sabina rolls will+2: (17)+11+2: 30

GAME: Thurid rolls 7+1: (3)+7+1: 11

GAME: Rocky rolls will: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (8)+5+1+1: 15

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1+1: (18)+3+1+1: 23

The harpy swoops back down, under the gasbag, after putting up her shield and alights upon the deck. She strikes her flail into the ground, sending out another surge of crimson energy that drains the color from the world and sends ice crawling through the veins as it saps at the life force of the living.

The harpy who Sabina shocked screches and flaps and flails and pulls her ankle free from the woman's grasp. She flaps her wings hard, and makes a bee-line for the cover of the clouds, fleeing the combat as fast as she is able to save her life. The remaining two bow-wielding harpies fire another pair of arrows- both at Rocky, and both bounce harmlessly off his armor.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

<OOC> Sabina says, "ear piercing scream on cleric"

<OOC> Sabina says, "swift action to negate asf"

GAME: Sabina casts Ear-Piercing Scream. Caster Level: 7 DC: 14

GAME: Sabina rolls 3d6: (12): 12

GAME: Thurid rolls 6: (12)+6: 18

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is badly wounded, but not dazed. Pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "ROcky, you're up."

Bina laughs at the cleric and puts hands to mouth to shout.. something that isn't heard but seems to whack the flying cleric but good. Blood appearing along skin and ears. Bina then points at the bleeding birdie and laughs and laughs as if she were the butt of the joke.

<OOC> Rocky says, "reload"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, that's a full round action so pose away."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Cleric will charge Bina. Archers will shoot at Rocky again."

GAME: Thurid rolls 11+2+1: (5)+11+2+1: 19

<OOC> Sabina says, "Miss because of pro from evil"

Rocky sets to reloading the balista, settinng a new bolt in place, cranking back the bow levers. The sith wokrs swiftly, but it's a long, complex process.

GAME: Thurid rolls 5+1+1: (13)+5+1+1: 20

GAME: Thurid rolls 3+1+1: (19)+3+1+1: 24

The harpy brings up her taloned hands to cover her ears at the sound only she can hear, "Ahhhh... thisss song iss... HAAAA!" she cries out, flying into a rage as blood runs from her ears and eyes. She runs across the deck, claws scraping up shards of wood as she does and swings her flail at Sabina. It strikes a wall of invisible force, and the harpy cleric hisses in frustration, bearing down upon Sabina but unable to get closer thanks to her divine protection.

The archers continue firing frantically at Rocky as he works the abnormally large crossbow- a weapon they are familiar with and dislike greatly. "Get him! Shhaaa.. Stupid Biddy!" the older of the two cries, "I try, I try!" the other retorts.

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Cleric's turn! Harpy Skirmisher 2 is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 6.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher 2's turn! Harpy Skirmisher is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Ten - Init 4.

It is now Harpy Skirmisher's turn! Airship is next!


Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eleven - Init 18.

It is now Airship's turn! Sabina is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eleven - Init 17.

It is now Sabina's turn! Rocky is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "You're up, Sabina."

<OOC> Sabina says, "Hmm.. She's next to me.. 5 foot step back and cast spiritual weapon."

GAME: Sabina casts Spiritual Weapon. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, Bab + wis"

GAME: Sabina rolls 3+3: (17)+3+3: 23

<OOC> Thurid says, "Hits, roll damage"

GAME: Sabina rolls 1d8+2: (5)+2: 7

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is Staggered, 0 HP exactly."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eleven - Init 15.

It is now Rocky's turn! Hades is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "Rocky, your turn."

<OOC> Rocky says, "How far are the archers?"

Bina giggles madly, giving ground to the angry priestess harpy. The holy symbol comes up and she waggles it at the harpy as she prays. "Tarien..I ask for thine weapon to smite this foe. Let your laughter strike her!" A silver shortsword of energy forms adn slashes downwards drawing much blood and hovers over the enemy for another strike.

<OOC> Thurid says, "One is 20' north, other is 25' northwest"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Er. 35' northwest"

<OOC> Rocky says, "take a shot at the closer"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alright, roll it. -4"

GAME: Rocky rolls ranged-4: (15)+6+-4: 17

<OOC> Thurid says, "Hits"

<OOC> Rocky says, "....what;s the damge on this thing?"

<OOC> Thurid says, "3d8"

GAME: Rocky rolls 3d8: (15): 15

<OOC> Thurid was just checking.

<OOC> Thurid says, "She is almost dead."

<OOC> Thurid says, "Pose it."

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eleven - Init 13.

It is now Hades' turn! Harpy Biddy is next!

GAME: Thurid advances the initiative order.

Round Eleven - Init 13.

It is now Harpy Biddy's turn! Harpy Cleric is next!

<OOC> Thurid says, "The cleric will take a 5' step and swing one last time, this causes her to lose a HP and become Dying."

GAME: Thurid rolls 11+1: (6)+11+1: 18

<OOC> Thurid says, "And the remaining harpies will flee."

<OOC> Sabina will call off the weapon and stabilize the harpy

Rocky finishes reloading, and hesitates a moment. The harpies are in bad shape... but not fleeing yet. The sith takes the shot, the oversized bolt lodging in the side of an archer. Likely to break some resolve.

The harpy scrapes forwards towards Sabina, her life blood flowing freely and staining her feathers, running down her scaled legs and dripping onto the deck. Her beathing is labored, pained, and still she roars through gritted teeth and raises her flail for one last strike- but it is too much for her, and her eyes roll back as she collapses in a heap before Sabina.

"Mother!" "Sister!" the two nearby harpies cry out, almost in unison. They begin wailing in a slow, mournful song. They peel off, spiraling away from the airship as they sing.

<OOC> Thurid says, "Casting or using a healer's kit?"

<OOC> Sabina says, "casting cantripo"

<OOC> Thurid says, "Alrighty, she's stabilized. Go ahead and pose."

Bina is still chuckling as the others flee. But her chuckles turn from happy sounding to saddened. She shakes her head and calls off the spiritual weapon and steps forward with another small prayer. "Tarien.. help this foolish one to live to see another day. And to learn from her mistakes." And she reaches down to bestow the minor healing energy to the foe she just downed. "We need to tie and gag her."

Rocky scans the skies a moment, and takes the time to reload the balista and return it to it's former location before moving to see what's being done with the bird cleric.

The mournful cry fills the skies for a while longer- until it fades away to snippets caried by the breeze, before fading away, leaving behind the sound of the engines and the wind. The cleric lays on the deck, unconscious- her wounds are severe, and she will remain unconscious for some time, but she will live.

The crew on the airship will helpfully provide rope to bind her up, if needed, and the ships cook even has a ball gag in his personal belonings for... some reason. As such, transporting her will be fairly uneventful... so long as they are careful to avoid the taloned feet she lashes out with any time anyone draws near.