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(Created page with ""I have heard good things about this place from others in town." explains Huian as she leads Aelmeh towards the pub. She has an odd look, both worn down and exuberant at the same time. She likes sampling new foods, but she's been working with hands and brain all day. She is used to physical, not mental work. But she turns to walk backwards towards the front door with a smile spreading over her face, "If you have eaten here before, then I am going to trust in you to guide...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:04, 8 May 2023

"I have heard good things about this place from others in town." explains Huian as she leads Aelmeh towards the pub. She has an odd look, both worn down and exuberant at the same time. She likes sampling new foods, but she's been working with hands and brain all day. She is used to physical, not mental work. But she turns to walk backwards towards the front door with a smile spreading over her face, "If you have eaten here before, then I am going to trust in you to guide me through their menu." she adds before turning and reaching to open the door to the Pub.

Aelmeh gives Huian a doubtful glance, and a whimsical smile, "You have got to like the spices. And people in Alexandria like it hot or so I understand." She shrugs, "In my defense, I grew up here. It's what I've heard from other people. And a good tankard of ale certainly makes it go down well. Okay, I will make recommendations for you."

Nodding her head, Huian shows trust here. Her quiet and conservative nature in the field is totally different than when just hanging out with a friend she has gotten to know better. She holds the door and follows Aelmeh inside before inhaling slowly, "There are... many different smells of many different meats. I do not know what to make of them." she states. But then she looks about and gestures, "There is an open table." she offers. "And I have been curious about a local brew. I have heard tell of, but not tasted what they refer to as mead."

The place is loud, making pantomiming easier than speech. The wizard spots the table and then catching the eye of a server points to herself and Huian and then the table as they work their way through the crowded tables. Once there, she smooths her skirt under and slides onto the bench worn smooth by many other customers. Leaning across the table to Huian, "Mead is good. You should try it though it doesn't quench thirst the way the local ale does. I just won't recommend anything too spicy then."

Nodding her head as she takes that in, Huian smiles. "I am in your capable hands Bookbinder." she states as she herself sits down. As is rare, she is -not- wearing her light armor tonight. Just... linens with a tiny bit of silk represented in her crimson sash. She can't help but carry that -sword- everywhere she goes because, duh. The volume of the place has her pondering using handspeech. She shakes her head at that before continuing, "I would like some sort of spiced meat. I have also heard that potatoes here tend to be spiced in a variety of ways. I am used to rice, not potatoes, but this is experiencing foods I have not tried before." A pause and she adds, "And I will try a single glass of mead, but will have ale after that."

After passing them once with a tray stacked high with tankards of ale. The server, a middle-aged goblin stops at their table and rattles off the day's menu. "Ladies, we got our famous mutton pilaf and spiced roast chicken, tonight. Sides are fresh baked round-oven bread, spiced potatoes, mint yoghurt and then apple turnovers and ice cream for dessert. What cha want to drink?" Aelmeh nods encouragingly at Huian, "Go with the spiced chicken and potatoes, Huian. And I'll get their pilaf, considered the best in the city. A pint of the tavern's ale, please and a tankard of mead for my friend. Oh, and citrus pickle and yoghurt on the side. Thanks." The server doesn't make a note but Aelmeh is sure their order will come to the table the way they ordered it. Just as the goblin is about to turn away, "Add two apple tarts to that please and a dish of ice cream."

A good server does things like that. It's a demonstration of skill and experience. And it goes a long way towards earning better tips if you get to show off like that... with one small caveat. You need to get it right. Huian smiles to the gobbo and dips her chin in a nod of greeting. "As she said." she states simply before the goblin wanders off and Huian looks back to Aelmeh, "I know that I have said it before, but I am so grateful to have met you. Your help in working with my Sifu's lessons has been invaluable."

"I've already gone on more adventures since I met you than I've ever done before, my friend," she replies, with quiet enthusiasm. "Besides, it's my work and your Sifu's lessons are fascinating. So all around it's been an interesting two months. I'm glad we met, too." Every table in the Tavern are full now. Voices and laughter vie with the music of a lone lutist next to the giant hearth that dominates one wall. The goblin whizzes by depositing their respective drinks before them.

"I hope that you have been bringing back gold and other resources from our adventures." offers Huian. "Oh, it seems that since I just finished my studies of the fourth series of lessons, something has awakened. There was a reason Sifu gave me both the lessons, and the family sword." That said, she slides the scabbarded weapon out of her sash. She grips the scabbard and draws the weapon's first six inches of blade, but no more. The stylized script there that is pretty much not readable without experience with the dialect and formal script of the Jade Court. The script is white and -almost- glowing. "Apparently, the ancestors named this blade. It is called B?ih?... otherwise known as White Tiger." And there is -almost- a subsonic growl of a large cat that may or may not -actually- be audible. That said, she reaches for the mead tankard and takes a gulp, eyes lifting, "Sweeter than I expected." she adds.

After a quick look around, the Wizard is suspicious of spying ears, "No more than you, I think. But, I'm happy enough with what we've brought back. It's been the experience I've needed and I wouldn't have gone on those expeditions without you. Now, going north seems more likely." Aelmeh's eyes widen in question at her comment about the fourth lesson. She leans forward expectantly when Huian draws her scabbard from her sash. The ideograms, now more familiar to her after several months of translating by Huian, dance with light. Other magic users nearby might feel the power contained in the deep sound that emanates from the blade. Aquamarine eyes flitting between the glowing blade and her friend's face, Aelmeh nods deeply in appreciation. "Was that a surprise? You will frighten any one silly enough to attack you."

"It is not about combat. I mean, skill with the sword is important. But Sifu tried to tell me, and I never quite understood it until I realized what was happening with the blade..." begins Huian. She looks a little abashed as she continues, "Look inward, develop one's self, and all else will come in time. I was not patient before. I was even still impatient when I arrived here, but the fact that the blade seems to have chosen to awaken in my hand.." "We have a legend in the family. There are many versions of it, but it is said that the Tiger who is pure of heart carries the honor of the whole family with them. So, now it is not merely -my- honor that I must be mindful of, but all of the family's honor. So, I will not seek out battle for the sake of battle."

She sips at the mead once more and nods, "I will not turn away if it seeks me out, but conflict, combat, a test of arms should mean something more than just being that. It is more important -why- one fights than how well they fight. Who is the more courageous? A warrior filled with skill and confidence, facing off against someone they believe they can defeat? Or a farmer standing up to defend their family, knowing that they do not stand a chance of winning the fight, but to them, victory could mean giving their life to draw the enemy away from their family." Yeah, she's rambling, but she is excited, and she has had a personal epiphany.

The gobbo returns, interrupting their conversation with a tray laden with hot food. Aromatic steam rises from the heaping platter of mutton pilaf. As the server places each plate on the table more piquant spices waft toward the hungry pair. "Oh, I've missed this," Aelmeh exclaims. "Sorry, I want to hear more about what you're saying. Your father believed in you, you know, to let you leave with the family heirloom." Gesturing to the noisy room, "Tell me more on our way back home."